Donald Trump Wants You Dead
I'll be as brief and as subtle as is possible under these unprecedented and trying circumstances....
Donald Trump wants you dead.

When asked by a local Nevada reporter if he was worried about spreading the coronavirus by holding a rally in such closed quarters, he replied that he was not worried at all due to the fact that he was a safe distance from the audience. In other words, FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE, I'LL BE FINE. This is the man that the American electorate foolishly chose as commander-in-chief four years ago. We are now the laughingstock of the planet earth. It will take at least a generation before we have anything near the respect we had even under the administration of George W. Bush. This is completely embarrassing.

What he is trying to do is spread the COVID-19 virus as far and as wide as he possibly can. When the proverbial substance hits the fan in November, he'll use the death and chaos as an excuse to shut the United States down - and cancel the national election. He won't be successful in his efforts but he is going to give it the old college try. Trump has always believed that he is above the law.

Trump will probably refuse to remove himself from the Executive Mansion on Inauguration Day. At 12:01, if he has not vacated the residence, inform him that he has exactly twenty-nine minutes to get the hell out of the place. If, by that time, he is still there, send the army in. That's just a friendly suggestion. Pay it no mind.
Before June, it was my belief that Donald Trump was - at best - guilty of mass-criminally-negligent-homicide. I have since revised my opinion. He's guilty of mass murder. The irony is that the overwhelming majority of the nearly two-hundred-thousand dead were his supporters. Ain't that something?
In September of 2016, Michael Moore - the most prescient of men - predicted that Trump would be elected. He also predicted that many innocent Americans would die as a result of his election. We need to pay more attention to this guy. Seriously.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I originally posted this piece yesterday, the fifteenth of September. I was twelve-and-a-half sheets to the wind when I wrote it. It needed to be re-edited ever so slightly. The original comments - pro and con - were restored intact. Shit happens.
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At 2:13 PM, Blogger TB3 said...
"Why - ON EARTH - would he continue to hold these mass rallies?" - Tom
Overwhelming vanity? Incessant need to fill the emotion void and sense of self worth that a loveless childhood created inside of him? Cognitive Dissonence? Nihlism?
"What the fuck has become of the American people?" - Tom
30-40 years of Them vs Us and Gaslighting. 30-40 years of wedge issues being made out of non-issues to inflame an ever shrinking minority of mobile voters. 30-40 years of Othering and scapegoating a significant portion of the population because after Nixon, Republicans and "conservatives" couldn't win on ideas, visions and the American Dream. They've been convinced that the changing racial diversity of our Great Nation is something to fear and they all rage impotently against it. They've been made to care more for 'In God We Trust' than E Pluribus Unum or The New Colossus. God will continue to have a place in our wonderful nation, but fear mongers on the "right" keep stoking that ever reliable "christian" persecution complex to great affect. Hell, "conservatives" outraged themselves about liberal propaganda when NPR freaking tweated out the Declaration of Independence.
We've glorified ignorance and coasted on our past achievements and greatness. We are the Al Bundy of nations because a barely significant portion of our population doesn't want to even try and deal with what's ahead of us but rather wallow in the romanticized version of what's behind us.
Just look at the resident troll. In response to Tom's article, he'll likely make some reference to BLM or Antifa forcing churches to pay taxes and have abortions, or something.
At 2:37 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...
For the Greeks, “idiot” carried a precise and special meaning. The person who was only interested in private life, private gain, private advantage. Who had no conception of a public good, commonwealth, shared interest. To the Greeks, the pioneers of democracy, the creators of the demos, such a person was the most contemptible of all. Because even the Greeks seemed to understand: you can’t make a functioning democracy out of…idiots.
Now, I’m going to generalize. But I don’t mean that all Americans are idiots. I mean that, for example, more or less everyone who wants to carry a gun to Starbucks, deny their neighbors healthcare, make people beg for medicine online, and not let anyone in society ever retire…all of those people in the world, by and large, are Americans. Nobody else — nobody in the whole world at this point in history — thinks such things are remotely desirable. Hence, the American idiot. It means: the world’s largest and most hardened subset of idiots at this point, in the Classical Greek meaning of the word, is largely American.
Umair Haque
At 3:17 PM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
"Umair Haque essentially hates the US… his fundamental premise is that the US is awful in just about every way imaginable, and the world would be better off if the US was really just a continuation of Western Europe, and Americans are too stupid to see how stupid we are. He has some good points (yes, the US lifestyle is super wasteful, yes, the average US citizen is less happy than Europeans, etc. etc. etc.) but the total package is so wrapped up in his disdain for the US that I cannot take him seriously."
Justin James
And to no ones surprise Dave quotes him.
At 3:53 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...
JTF thinks that the USA is the "greatest nation in the world" in spite of the FACT that the only 3 things we lead in are arms sales, people who believe in angels and percentage of our population behind bars.
We USED to be great, but now the GOP won;t let us spend money on Americans because thats "Socialism".
Once we build interstate highways, cured polio and put men on the Moon but that was back when Rich people actually paid taxes.
Now we have to fight just to get those rich people to pay 1/10 of the taxes they owe.
Anyone who even suggests we have problems to solve "hates America" but Trump is called a "Patriot" after selling us out to Russia.
Come on back JTF and tell me how I'm wrong. This should be good.
At 5:08 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...
Who the hell is Justin James?
Umair Haque has lived it. He hates authoritarians, like you-know-who.
“So what is life like in an authoritarian state like? We survivors keep warning you “real” Americans, who have been lucky enough to have never experienced such a thing. But because “real” Americans have never experienced life under authoritarianism, under fascism, those very warnings seem hard to grasp, difficult to process, strange and alien. I feel we survivors haven’t made our warnings concrete enough. So here is what life is like in an authoritarian-fascist state.”
At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dave and Mozart,
Strike Three!
At 6:01 PM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
Can you please name actual policies of Biden past or present that you support? Can you do so without mentioning President Trump? Since this is the 2nd time I've asked this of you, (with no answer from you) out of compassion for your oblivious mental short comings, I'll list some of them for you.
1994 crime bill, 3rd trimester abortions, open borders, green new deal, higher taxes, defund the police, against busing, against desegregation, swore Saddam had WMD's, for NAFTA, for TPP, and now he can’t decide about being energy independent. Then there is Biden's lack of mental acuity...Plus there is his running mate's statements that she believed Biden was a racist. If I've missed any feel free to share them with us.
You pick Mozart, which of these Biden policies do you support?
At 6:58 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...
JTF could not tell me where I'm wrong.
Biden will defend Social Security, put people in the EPA and FDA, not to mention the cabinet that are actually qualified to do their jobs, as opposed to being bent on destroying the departments they lead, he won't suck up to Putin...
"defunding the police" does not mean refuse to pay for police protection, it means using the money for TRAINING as opposed to militarization and brutality against minorities (which Trump has encouraged).
No one is for "open borders" we just understand that trump's boondoggle wall will not do anything about "illegal" immigration. We want what the border patrol asked for. More agents, more immigration judges, and electronic surveillance.
He promised mexico would pay for it and now he's stealing from the bloated pentagon budget.
Don't you think it's funny how everything trump claims WILL happen under Biden is ALREADY happening on his watch?
NAFTA actually cut down "illegal" immigration because it helped Mexico's economy, which helped us in the long run.
Taxes are how we pay for needed services as opposed to exploding the debt by BORROWING FROM CHINA,
Biden's "mental acuity" is fine, and no one even mentioned it until it was shown that trump can't even read from a teleprompter without sniffing, snorting and slurring words, and no one accused him of being a pedophile until trump was accused of raping a 13 year old and hanging out with Jeffry Epstein ON VIDEO.
Can you tell us what Trump has ACTUALLY done as opposed to him just taking credit for other people's work? (See Obama's economy)
You have no problem with trump repeatedly trashing the military?
You have no problem with trump trying to eliminate the USPS? You have no problem with Trump openly (and now admittedly) lying about the dangers of Covid 19?
I noticed that you never mentioned the list of things I posted concerning WHat you would trash any Democrat for while praising trump. Go figure.
But way to "go trump" with your infantile attempts at insult. How typical.
Now come back and dance for me my little puppet. Show us more of your hypocrisy.
You can answer under either name, "JTF" or "Anonymous".
At 8:20 PM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
Couldn't help yourself could you, had to mention our President. Biden admitted President Trump's plan is better than NAFTA..
Like I thought, you can't name one of Biden policies do you support...He is however very good at you like that.
Anyone who thinks, as you do that Biden's "mental acuity" is fine, is as weak in the head as he is. Which in your case Mozart explains a lot.
Bye Mozart, you are just a dumb as you were 3 years ago when you crawled back under your rock in Iowa..sad to see time has not improved you. I ignore the dumb.
At 8:29 PM, Blogger TB3 said...
Bringing up LBJ. Answering questions with questions unrelated to the previous questions or statements. All to distract from the ridiculously probable fact that the President of the United States is, at best, if the citizens he's supposed to represent and govern die.
JTF doesn't back up his claims, show his work, or provide relevant context to his Jackson Pollock-style of distraction. It's right there in the Alt-Right Handbook. He's not going to cede a point, he'll just change the position or shape of the goal. This is why he has to go back to the irrelevant-to-2020 1960's rather than talking about how Donald Trump's ineptitude and sociopath.
At 10:22 PM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
Huh, what?
Joe Biden: "Cause if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care runnin' a, you know, a department store uh, thing, you know, where, in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean?"
Got your vote for sure right TB3. LOL
At 10:25 PM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
"JTF doesn't back up his claims, show his work, or provide relevant context "
Another f#cking lie from TB3, why just yesterday he was whining about my giving sources, now he whining about not proving him anything, what a cry baby.
Can't what for his deflection to this.
At 11:15 PM, Blogger woodenman said...
The truth of the matter is neither Biden or Trump is fit to be president and no matter who wins we will lose.
At 12:00 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...
Biden is still much more qualified than the least qualified ever. The greater evil is obvious.
And there's no question that Harris is better qualified than a theocrat like Pence. If Ol' Joe falters, she would be a considerable improvement.
Racists like you-know-who will go bonkers for sure.
At 8:09 AM, Blogger TB3 said...
I don't think Biden is ideal for the Presidency, but 'Not Fit' is a stretch. He will bring stability and at least act like an adult person.
At 9:38 AM, Blogger woodenman said...
Biden has all ways been a Neo-Liberal which means his presidency will be a disaster vs Trumps which will be a calamity. Biden and Harris are also extreme supporters of Israel which means war with Iran at some point. The biggest threat to the U.S. comes from the MIC which is pushing Russia and China to the breaking point. Russia has to ward off nuclear bombers up to nine times a week and Biden will do nothing to slow that down.
Biden will follow in Obama's footsteps and Obama was a disaster. His actions in Ukraine and his Pivot to Asia were the first steps leading to the cold war which Trump has brought up to new and dangerous levels.
I saw Biden speaking several times where he became completely incoherent and his wife had to take over the interview as all he was doing was making noises, he is on his last legs mentally which makes him unfit for the presidency.
At 9:51 AM, Blogger TB3 said...
I appreciate your perspective. Since we're offered a binary choice between Trump and Biden, we're left with choosing Biden's inadequacies to Trump's. I disagree on your opinion, or at least your word choice, concerning the Obama administration, I understand the thoughts and feelings behind it. Biden doesn't represent the drastic change many want to see in governance. It's more of the same, from your perspective. I get it. It's just not an option this Presidential election cycle. There's work to do to affect more forward progress for 2022 and 2024. At least with a Biden administration, there'd be a group of people involved in governance that are at least open to more progressive ideas.
At 10:21 AM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...
Someone please list the accomplishments of Harris that makes her qualified to be President, much less V.P.? Wasn't she one of the first if not THE first to drop out of the race for her party's nomination? What did the democrat voters know then about her then that caused them to not vote for her? Should those reasons still apply today?
For the most part I agree with woodenman's 9:38 AM post. "I saw Biden speaking several times where he became completely incoherent and his wife had to take over the interview as all he was doing was making noises, he is on his last legs mentally which makes him unfit for the presidency.".. Others here are telling woodenman to ignore his eyes and trust what they are telling him. "Biden's "mental acuity" is fine." Your eyes work just fine woodenman, trust them.
I agree with part of TB3's comment. "I don't think Biden is ideal for the Presidency".
"At least with a Biden administration, there'd be a group of people involved in governance that are at least open to more progressive ideas."
And there it is folks, Biden is just the nose of the camel getting under the tent, followed by "more progressive ideas", IE socialism.
I've always wondered why progressives/socialists are afraid to be honest with voters and tell them what/who they really are instead of hiding. If socialism is so great, why not run as one? As much as I disagreed with Sanders I've always respected his honesty in sharing his true political position.
Let me see if I understand you. You claim President Trump wants us dead because he "continue(s) to hold these mass rallies? Why would he continue to gather as many people as he can into these closed quarters?"
Now Tom, I understand you are upset but explain to me why President Trump would want to kill the people who attended his rally since they are most likely going to vote for him?
I never said anything about President Putin. I mentioned trump, and you don;t get to tell me what to post. It's like the Scopes Monkey trial where the judge said that evolution must be defended using only the Bible. You don;t get to rig the discussion.
But thank you for illustrating once again the maturity level of the typical trump supporter. Not that we didn;t know already, but seldom is it displayed with such zeal.
You can always tell when a conservative knows they are outmatched in the debate, you resort to infantile name calling and insults like your Toddler in Chief.
I mentioned Bidens policies. Defend Social security, Obamacare and the Postal service. Put experts instead of lackys in the Cabinet and other important positions like the EPA, FDA and AG. Work toward 21st century sources of energy like wind and solar.
Renew our ties with important allies, get us back in the Paris accord, and most importantly stop allowing Vlad Putin to dictate our foreign policy.
It's going to take 50 years to get the USA back to where we were before trump destroyed our international reputation
Oh and I'm sure the criminal investigations into trump and his cabal will continue.
As for your "Libertarian" Koch family, they simply want every man for himself which is completely fair given their multi billion dollar advantage, and control over key industries and Religious groups.
We know what you stand for. You aren't fooling anyone.
Oh and did you not notice that the ONLY person at Trump's ego fest practicing Social distancing was...Trump?
Don't expect JTF to understand disease spreads in crowds. He's too busy practicing his "herd mentality".
A cult isn't a cult to a cult.
"you don;t get to tell me what to post" Nor do you.
"I mentioned Bidens policies. Defend Social security, Obamacare and the Postal service. Put experts instead of lackys in the Cabinet and other important positions like the EPA, FDA and AG. Work toward 21st century sources of energy like wind and solar." (ah yes, good ole wind and solar so good for California that they have to resort to rolling blackouts for days..that's the America I want, LOL.)
Can you explain why he hasn't done so far in his 40 years in office? Why if Biden polices are so wonderful you haven't moved t where they are most in effect, like inner city Chicago, or NYC or Portland or Oakland? Come big guy, put up or shut up, move to those liberal paradises that you so much want to live in. Here's the number for U-haul 1 (800) 468-4285
Now you are a Libertarian?
And a fan of the Kochs?
Better turn in your Dave Dubya fan club card.
"trump destroyed our international reputation" You mean our reputation where President Trump just got 2 Middle East peace agreement signed in one week? Ask yourself, why didn't Obama get that done in his 8 years. You mean the reputation were our troops are coming home? You mean our reputation where Mexico is now stopping illegals from crossing our border? You mean the reputation where N Korea has stopped it's nuke tests and ICBM tests? GOSH, I hope Biden an do better.
"The ONLY person at Trump's ego fest (Biden's jealous) practicing Social distancing was President Trump",,hey numb skull, it's call the Secrete Service, keeping all you left wing killers like Oswald, James Hodgkinson, Rene Boucher, Lynette Fromme, (virus or no virus) away from the President. Just like they did for Obama.
I know what you stand for higher taxes, reduced personal freedoms, abortion after delivery and lot's of free stuff, as log as someone else pays for it.
P.S. Do you EVER check you ever cross check the facts in your posts for veracity and if so what source are you using?
Now Tom, I understand you are upset but explain to me why President Trump would want to kill the people who attended his rally since they are most likely going to vote for him?
"Sputter, sputter....Blather, blather....But"
Sgt Schultz (I know nothing) Dave Dubya
Poor JTF. He can't comprehend the man he worships doesn't give a damn about him.
If you believe the Big MAGAt and refuse to believe journlaists, epidemiologists and scientists, you have a Herd Mentality
Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to racists.
A cult isn't a cult to a cult
Poor Sgt Schultz, he knows nothing except how to play the race card
CBS stole a Photo from Latinos for Trump rally in Phoenix and tagged it as a Biden event
Just how desperate is CBS? Didn't bitch about no one wearing a mask when they tried to pass it as a Biden rally.
So freaking funny.
Kaitlin Collins Stops Worrying About Masks The Moment The Cameras Turn Off…
CNN’s Kaitlin Collins obsesses over masks when the cameras are on, but when she thinks they’re off, off comes her mask!
Is she trying to kill all of us??
Sounds like a very violent threat to me. Vote for Joe or we will burn your house down.
Jill Biden: If You Want Life To Return To Normal, Vote For Joe Otherwise It Won’t…
This is insane.
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) September 16, 2020
NOT KIDDING: Minneapolis City Council alarmed by crime surge after defunding police
Typical Biden voters.
Have no fear, Trump will save us.
FACEPALM: Juan Williams Says Trump's Israel Peace Deals 'Accelerate' the 'Chance of War' in Middle East
Proof she want us dead!
MINNEAPOLIS — A bail fund promoted by Sen. Kamala Harris helped a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl get out of jail in July, according to court documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) also helped post bail in August for a man accused of assaulting a 71-year-old woman as he burglarized her home, court documents show. One week after his release the man was found to be in violation of his bail. The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office told the DCNF on Wednesday there is still an active felony warrant out for that man’s arrest.
Court documents reviewed by the DCNF reveal that the bail fund also provided support in June to a man who allegedly stomped on and robbed a victim on the streets of Minneapolis on May 25, the same day George Floyd died while in police custody.
Harris urged her followers to contribute to the MFF in a June 1 tweet, which linked to a fundraising page that contains her picture. Harris’s fundraising page continues to actively accept donations for the fund.
Yeah JTF, Trump got a peace deal between two countries that have never been at war with each other. Great job. LOL
And Biden hasn't done most of those things over 40 years in office because A: They didn;t NEED to be done before trump, and B He was not the president over the last 40 years.
But Trump had the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT under GOP control the first 2 years.
Where is the Wall Mexico was paying for?
WHere is the "Cheaper, better, healthcare plan he promised "day one"?
How are farmers doing under his great "trade deal" with China? (Ivankas clothing line is doing OK though, right?)
Come on man, no one is buying your nonsense but you and your alter ego "anonymous".
But way to deflect to Kamala Harris
And do you have sources for your claims about Kamala harris? All I could find were ultra right wing propaganda sites.
There are many reasons why Trump is outperforming among Hispanic and Black likely voters compared with the typical Republican presidential candidate.
First, it's hard to beat, prepandemic shutdown, historically low Hispanic and Black unemployment numbers. Trump supports school choice, enabling urban parents in communities of color to decide whether to send their kid to an often-underperforming government school versus taking the public dollars allocated for their kids to a better school option.
Second, a lot of Hispanics do not like illegal immigration any more than do non-Hispanics.
Third, the daily and nightly street protests and the protesters' anti-cop rhetoric help make Trump's "law and order" pitch look pretty appealing. As for the demand to "defund the police," a Gallup poll performed June 23 to July 6, 2020, found that the percentage of whites who want police staffing to remain where it is or even increased is very close to the percentage of Blacks who want the staffing to remain where it is or to have it increased, at 88% and 81%, respectively.
Larry Elder (a black man)
Three-out-of-four voters who’ve had violent anti-police protests in their community rate those protests important to their vote in the presidential election. Among these voters, a sizable majority like the job President Trump is doing.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters have had anti-police protests in their community this summer.
Media Mocked Melania Trump For Wearing Timberland Boots, Praises Kamala Harris For Them…
Partisanship over shoes. This is America.
I’ve never see such media bias in my life…
Over #timberland boots!
Freaking shoes people. Shoes!#Timbs
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) September 17, 2020
There will be war if Biden elected, cause he wants us dead.
A clip of John Kerry resurfaced yesterday where he adamantly said in 2016 that there was no way any peace deal could ever be achieved between Israel and any Arab countries:
John Kerry with a 2016 Middle East take that aged like milk in a sauna.
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) September 16, 2020
As you recall, Kerry was Obama’s Secretary of State and here he is saying that there will be no separate peace between Israel and Arab countries unless the palestinian peace problem is solved. He said that’s a ‘hard reality’.
Well obviously it wasn’t a hard reality and he was completely wrong, because Trump just brokered peace between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. And there are reportedly more Arab countries that will soon come onboard.
The bigger point is that this kind of bad advice from people like John Kerry will be exactly what we get if Joe Biden wins in November. This mentality is based in a very anti-Israel perspective which was pervasive throughout the Obama/Biden administration. Heck, Obama and Biden not only interfered in Israeli elections to try and defeat Netanyahu, but they tried to pay Iran off and make them the center of the Middle East and failed miserably to bring any kind of peace.
0bama didn’t want peace in the Middle East and neither does Biden.
JTF got into the pixie sticks again, yikes.
Typical TB3 response, attack the commentator but not the comment.
Cause he can't.
Oh, that's not an attack on the person, JTF. Unless you take issue with the general awareness of your pixie stick habit and feel attacked by that. And I do not need to attack your comments, they do an adequate job demonstrating what Tom and other commenters have pointed out about our President's most sychofantic followers.
So quick to get all defensive. So unlike a "conservative". Very much like our President though.
Really, tell us where you disagree with the post. Your comment "our President's most sychofantic (sp) followers."says it all, it's about the followers not the issues.
Thank you.
Oh, we're talking issues now. You actually start talking about some issues, especially related to the cult-like behavior some of our President's ardent fans exhibit that Tom posted about, then maybe then it can be commented on.
Birds of a feather.
A “trained Marxist” founder of Black Lives Matter has teamed up on a new venture with a pro-Chinese Communist Party organization.
Alicia Garza is now behind the advocacy group Black Futures Lab, which is backed by the Chinese Progressive Association, according to the website.
The group says it “gathers information about the ways that policy affects black communities” to educate and challenge lawmakers.
On a page soliciting donations, the group is described as a “fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association.”
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors once described herself and Garza as “trained Marxists.”
The Chinese Progressive Association describes itself as working to “build collective power with other oppressed communities to demand better living and working conditions and justice for all people.”
But the group has ties to the People’s Republic of China, where there’s been a history of mistreatment of black people.
Recently, there were reports of xenophobia against Africans living in Guangzhou who were subject during the pandemic to random coronavirus testing or quarantined for 14 days in their homes, despite having no symptoms or contact with known patients, CNN reported.
The US State Department issued an advisory in May noting that law enforcement in China had ordered bars and restaurants not to serve people who appear to be of African origin.
Look over there! Don't look behind the curtain! Focus on the scary socialists, blacks, and "foreign sounding" organizations instead of the President of the United States who doesn't care about you!
Try to focus, try to stay current, try to stay woke, Trump isn't the only thing going on in America. This info should bother you unless of course you are a Marxist. You aren't a Marxist are you?
A recently leaked phone call between then-Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko directly after the 2016 presidential election shows that Biden sought to sabotage the incoming Trump administration before Donald Trump even took office, and much worse.
During the course of the call, Biden badmouthed the incoming administration, saying, “The truth of the matter is that the incoming administration doesn’t know a great deal about [Ukraine]” and that they were unprepared for the transition. This in itself is inappropriate, but it was meant to set the stage for Biden’s next statement and future plans.
Biden then told Poroshenko, “I don’t plan on going away. As a private citizen, I plan on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that you have begun and we have begun.” In a matter of moments, Biden undermined the incoming administration, branded them as not knowing anything about Ukraine, and attempted to set up a foreign policy back channel for himself after he left office as a private citizen, which could violate the Logan Act.
Can you say treason? Of course you can't it was a democrat who did it.
Just the (Alternate) Facts.
I just have to ask, "Is that you KellyAnne?".
Just pick a login and stick with it. What's a Marxist?
Google it.
Okay, no. You don't google the quotes you take out of context, I'm not going to try and figure out what you mean by Marxist.
Chuck, have you considered that Trump is the coming Anti-Christ? There sure are a lot of factors pointing to him.
Proof again that you can lead a liberal to the info but you can't make them read or understand.
No I haven't, in fact I don't concern myself with the coming of the anti-Christ, do you and why?
You haven't responded to my posts about the links you provided. Am I wasting my time reading them and then talking to you about them?
Proof must be like what you think facts to be, JTF. Telling a person to 'google it' is, literally, the opposite of leading someone to info. But, hey, maybe the moniker you go by (or at least this most recent one)is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. A kind of ironic joke, yeah?
Alright, that's enough dopamine for you from me today.
Did you hear JTF bought one of the new Trump Smoke Detectors?
Yeah, it's silent, so he won't panic.
Liberals are clueless about what is happening outside their own little CULT of liberalism, even more scary is they afraid to learn, and react violently to being exposed to information that runs counter to what they have been just you did with the info on BLM.
You were unaware that the leadership of BLM were Marxists, that BLM was working with a pro-Chinese Communist Party organization. And a even larger example of how CULT blind liberals are is you don't know what a Marxist is. Nor do you care to learn.
Or did you know but played stupid so you wouldn't be exposed as a Marxist?
Some people say you are just playing stupid, I am not one of them.
Did you hear Anonymous bought one of the new Trump Smoke Detectors?
Yeah, it's silent, so he won't panic.
You know what happens when you poke the bear. Very Pavlovian.
Notice how no one said Biden had Dementia until trump was shown to slurr his words reading a teleprompter?
Notice how no one called Biden a pedophile until trump started lusting after his own daughter and was seen playing with Epstein at parties?
Notice how after it has been said over and over what a "cult" trump supporters are that the Dems are now a "cult"?
"Projection" the new official cologne of the GOP.
At least Trump's attempt to destroy the USPS has been scuttled.
Notice how the average IQ of posters here dropped 30 points when Mozart crawled out from underneath his rock and started posting again?
While trying to push the conspiracy theory that Trump was stealing mailboxes, Biden literally forgot the word for mailboxes while trying to describe them:
Joe Biden pushes the “Trump is stealing the Mailboxes” Conspiracy Theory — Forgets the word Mailbox
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 18, 2020
Joe Biden Loses Train of Thought: ‘You Know, Look’…
Joe misses his basement.
Wonder what the odds are that there still will be face to face, social distance debates?
American democrats have never, and never will accepted the results of the 2016, and are promising us not to accept the results of the 2020 election should they lose. They have signaled this for the last four years by Russiagate, the ridiculous impeachment theater, the nomination of an obvious puppet candidate (proxy for others), their push for mail-in voting, and proposals such as ending the filibuster, packing SCOTUS, creating several new states, ending the Electoral College, making illegal immigrants citizens, and open borders, every single one of them designed to fundamentally change the country in ways that would keep the left in power indefinitely.
The left is exploiting the goodwill of Americans and their desire to bend over backwards to avoid any taint of racism and to atone for the racist past. Therefore, a great deal of the Democrats’ agenda has been redefined as anti-racist. That is the key they believe will lead to permanent power, and they are betting that the citizens of the US will hand it over to them.
Leftists can sense that Obama’s “fundamental transformation” is well within the possibility of imminent realization, and thus by fair means or foul they will stop at nothing to pave the way for rule by a corrupt and senile fool, managed by a Lady Macbeth of color and abetted by a large group of wealthy and powerful interests within the MSM and Academia to ensure that never again will non-leftists ever be able to have any real influence on policy or opinion within this moribund republic.
Diogenes Sarcastica™
In other words, Marxism.
This comment has been removed by the author.
"In other words, Marxism."
Just don'ask him to show where Marx mentioned "...Russiagate, the ridiculous impeachment theater, the nomination of an obvious puppet candidate (proxy for others), their push for mail-in voting, and proposals such as ending the filibuster, packing SCOTUS, creating several new states, ending the Electoral College, making illegal immigrants citizens..."
Proof that the Right is completely ignorant of Marxism. But like Nazis, they desperately want to frame all dissent as "Marxism". Hitler would be a Republican today. In fact America's Hitler IS a Republican and leader of the Nationalist American Zealots for Inequality Party.
A cult is not a cult to a cult.
BLM leaders have admitted to being trained by Marxist, proof you haven't a clue as to what is going on. Or are you just acting stupid?
Which of these are you opposed to?
mail-in voting
ending the filibuster
packing SCOTUS
creating new states
ending the Electoral College
lowering voting age to 16
making illegal immigrants citizens.
Scarrrrrrrrry Marxist.
I like how we're back to using Marxism now instead of Communism. You're right. It sounds scarier. That X, man. Sinister. And if you point out someone learned something from a scary economic theory, it totally discredits an effort to end police brutality and shooting of black people. The logic is uncanny!
How would you know if we should be scared of Marxism, you have admitted you don't even know what it is?
"shooting of black people" who make up just 13% of the population commit 52% of murders in the US. In 2019 police killed 19 unarmed blacks.
If being black in America is dangerous how come white people are trying to pass as black? What do they gain by doing so?
Context, JTF. Clearly a concept you struggle with.
I loved you induced JTF into admitting by projection, that he doesn't know what Marxism is. LOL!
In 2019 police killed 19 unarmed blacks.
Never mind 2020, or all the previous years of Blacks being slaughtered by authoritarian racist white folks.
So why should we be upset over that when 4 people died in Benghazi?
Racism isn't racism to racists.
Oh, Dave, he doesn't actually know what Marxism is? Oh boy.
Oh! If only JTF would do what he demanded I do and just google that 'pro-Chinese Communist Party organization' he's slinging around in this comment thread. Boy, egg's going to be on his face when he learns what they actually are and actually what they do.
Scary, Democracy-destroying, society altering stuff.
You ever feel like you're just spinning your wheels, JTF?
Only when I'm dealing with a Marxist like you.
‘Worse Than Hillary’: Michael Moore Says Biden Ground Game Failing In Swing State Michigan.
Blame Dave Dubya
Oh, I'm a Marxist now? What have I done that's Marxist? Since it's so scary and horrible, how can I change to make you less afraid of me? Oh, boy. A Marxists. A scary Marxist. Little ol' me.
If only I knew how JTF determines what constitutes Marxism. Aside from everyone not him or whom he deems not Marxist.
You know what, though? President Trump is still, at best, indifferent to your wellbeing, JTF. All the arguing. All the deflecting. All the distraction you actively contribute to? Yeah, he doesn't care if you catch Covid and die. That was he doesn't have to shake your hand.
His words! Believe me.
California man, 33, punches elderly Trump supporter, 84, and two others at MAGA rally before being brought down by retired cop after blowing smoke in their faces and burning a sign
Alvin Gary Shaw, 33, confronted a group of Trump supporters during a rally in Aliso Viejo, California, on Wednesday night
He allegedly blew smoke in some of their faces and used his cigar to burn one person's Trump sign
Shaw is accused of striking three people, including 84-year-old Donna Snow
He pulled a small pocket knife but was soon brought to the ground by a retired police officer
Police arrested Shaw on suspicion of elder abuse, assault with a deadly weapon and assault and battery
Which of these are you opposed to?
mail-in voting
ending the filibuster
packing SCOTUS
creating new states
ending the Electoral College
lowering voting age to 16
making illegal immigrants citizens
Let's add late term abortion, you ok with that?
This comment has been removed by the author.
To a Nazi, everybody else is a Marxist.
Evil leaders and their evil followers are cheering the death of RBG.
They are no better than Nazis. They hate the same people Hitler hated.
On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.
American Nazis will follow this pattern.
To a Marxist everyone else is Nazi.
To a supporter of BLM every white person is a racist.
Here are the seven biggest whoppers Joe Biden told during his CNN town hall that, had there been a “fact-checker on the floor” he would have been called out on.
7.Who owns stock?
Biden accused President Trump of only caring about the stock market, and suggested that Trump only cares about rich people on Wall Street. “How many of you all own stock?” Biden asked rhetorically. “In my neighborhood in Scranton, not a whole lot of people own stock.”
The problem? According to Gallup, a majority of Americans, 55 percent, say they have money invested in individual stocks, a stock mutual fund, or in a self-directed 401(k) or IRA. The fact is, investment are not exclusive to the rich. Many people, who are not rich, have retirement funds invested in the stock market. A bad market could devastate a retirement account, as it did after the 2008 financial crisis. Thanks to President Trump, a higher stock market means those planning for retirement have bigger retirement account balances.
6. His phony college story
For some reason, Joe Biden decided that the old lie about being the first in his family to go to college was worth resurrecting during the town hall. “I’m not joking, like guys like me, with the first in my family to go to college,” he said.
But he wasn’t the first in his family to go college, and he’s already admitted to lying about this back in 1987. In fact, he admitted so thirty-three years ago today. During a campaign speech at the Iowa State Fair in 1987 Biden lifted passages from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock, in which he presented Kinnock’s humble beginning as his own.
The New York Times reported on September 18, 1987:
In addition, Mr. Biden said that in his talks invoking that speech, by Neil Kinnock, the Labor Party leader, he had miscast some of his own forebears, painting them as having rather more humble origins than they in fact did. For example, borrowing Mr. Kinnock’s sentiments, Mr. Biden had said he was ”the first in his family ever to go to university.” In fact, Mr. Biden said today, ”there are Finnegans, my mother’s family, that went to college.”
Really Joe, why?
5. State of the Union
Joe Biden claimed evidence that President Trump failed to deal with the virus was that he hadn’t mentioned it during his State of the Union address. “And it’s been the failure of this president to deal, to deal with this virus,” Biden said. “Imagine had he at the State of Union stood up and said, when back in January … Imagine if he had said something.”
The problem with this allegation is that Trump did talk about the coronavirus during his State of the Union address on February 4. “Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China,” Trump said. “My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”
That’s the same speech that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up.
4. Biden’s alleged coronavirus warning
Joe Biden’s primary campaign strategy has been to attack Trump’s response to the coronavirus, and claim that “it didn’t have to be this way.” Biden has also dabbled with claims that he was warning the country about the virus long before Trump was. His go-to “evidence” for this is his January 27 op-ed in USA Today.
“Back in January, I wrote an article for USA Today saying we’ve got a real problem,” Biden claimed at the CNN town hall.
But, no, not really. Even Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler noted back in April that Biden’s op-ed “was more of an attack on President Trump and a recollection of Obama administration steps taken against the 2014 Ebola outbreak than a detailed plan for action against a possible pandemic.”
Not only did the op-ed not contain any specific policies for combating the coronavirus, but it also panned “reactionary travel bans.” Trump would announce the travel ban with China three days after the op-ed ran, and Biden decried it as “hysterical xenophobia” before flip-flopping months later.
3. Supporting fracking
Sleepy Joe debunked himself during the town hall by first claiming to support fracking, then later admitting he would get rid of it.
Biden was asked, “With the abundance of natural gas in northeast Pennsylvania, do you support the continuation of fracking safely and with proper guidelines of course and growing the industry to add additional jobs to our region?”
To which, Biden replied: “Yes, I do. I do.”
But, during the same event, when called out by Anderson Cooper for his trying to have it both ways on fracking, Biden admitted that he would end fracking, just not right away.
“Well, fracking has to continue because we need a transition,” Biden explained to Anderson Cooper. “There’s no rationale to eliminate, right now, fracking.”
2. Trump’s coronavirus response
“Columbia Medical School pointed out if [Trump] acted one week earlier, he would have saved 37,000 lives,” Biden said.”All the way back, and I was on one of your shows, all the way back in March, I was calling for the need for us to have masks, have the president’s staff tell us what’s going on.”
But this claim by Biden contradicts his own actions. Biden was holding in-person rallies and events through March 10, the day before the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic. There was no social distancing at the event, and no masks. Biden himself didn’t say he would wear a mask until after the White House Coronavirus Task Force recommended doing so.
Biden has repeatedly claimed he “sounded the alarm” and has been ahead of the curve when it comes to the coronavirus, but in reality, he’s lagged behind.
1. Trump condemning white supremacists
Of course, during his CNN town hall Biden repeated one of his favorite whoppers to tell, that President Trump “has yet to condemn … white supremacists.”
This is 100 percent false and has been debunked many times,
JTF, the least you could do is cite where you cut and pasted from.
But do keep up your infantile attempts at insult. LOL
Chuck, you did not read the article I linked to, you just did a little research on the author of the article. It details some of the conspiracy by the CIA and Democrats to take down Trump which would of been of interest to you. Do you think you can bullshit me?
I did read the article and as I states at the first of my response, I do not buy into the CIA controlling the world. It was of interest to me but I do not buy into conspiracy b.s. I wasn't trying to b.s. you, I only wanted you to know why I wouldn't tie my boat to the authors dock and the premise of his article.
Frankly I'm more interested in the events that took place in the Obama W.H. after the election of 2016 and the swearing in of President Trump, between Obama, Rice & Biden.
Sorry if I offended you.
RBG has died and Conservatives are celebrating like crazy.
Google it.
They celebrate RGB's death because they are evil. Not really any different from Nazis.
What is your source?
Liberals, no condolences, nothing on her legacy, right into politics and threats. Who are the Nazis?
The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court
Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 18, 2020
Schumer did not send condolences to RBG and her family or comment on her legacy. He jumped right to filling the seat, in case anyone has any doubt about how this is going to go.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 18, 2020
If McConnell jams someone through, which he will, there will be riots.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) September 18, 2020
*more, bigger riots
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) September 19, 2020
She is NOT alone in this madness.
If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down.
— Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) September 19, 2020
If the pandemic is a "democrat hoax",why are some of the trump rally attendees wearing masks and why aren't the anti maskers ripping the masks off their faces. Just asking.
Dying wishes are not in Constitution, neither is burning things down if you don't get your way, unless you're a Marxist.
Chuck, go to Zero Hedge to see what I was talking about.
Disenfranchising voters and closing down polling places when you know you can't win isn;t in the constitution either.
Refusing to even vote on a SCOTUS nominee until after the upcoming election isn;t in the constitution, but Moscow Mitch thought it was in 2016. Apparently he's changed his mind now that a conservative is making the choice.
Hypocrisy at it's most obvious.
A president putting all his business interests into a blind trust IS in the constitution, but Trump didn;t seem to mind ignoring that. He even called the constitution "phony".
Just the facts, post your sources.
Lindsey Graham justifies the obstruction of Merrick Garland: "If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump's term, and the primary process has started, we'll wait to the next election".
Anybody believe this sycophantic liar?
Look them up for yourself. Get off your butt.
woodenman, Interesting do you recall this, when Antonin Scalia died?
@John_P_Carvalho Serious question: what is bad about celebrating the death of a terrible man?
— Communist, shambles (@j_bigboote) February 13, 2016
Scalia was a monster and no one's job entitles them to respect.
— Tomás Ríos (@TheTomasRios) February 13, 2016
Obi-Wan confirms Scalia's death: "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in orgiastic joy..."
— Connor Kilpatrick (@ckilpatrick) February 13, 2016
Now Scalia will know what it's like to have the government own his body.
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) February 13, 2016
I for one, will not dance on Scalia’s grave. My mother taught me not to waste that much money on airfare.
— Ireezy III (@ira) February 13, 2016
Scalia was a retrograde bigot who, just this week, voted with his colleagues to kill climate regs and the planet. I don’t care how he rests.
— Bae Talese (@elongreen) February 13, 2016
It’s gonna be so awkward of all those corporations Scalia said were people don’t attend his funeral
— Beth Benson (@NotoriousBRB) February 13, 2016
My condolences to the Koch brothers on their loss. #Scalia
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) February 13, 2016
Wow, Scalia died. it’s not cool to speak ill of the dead, so RIP to one of the BEST racist, fascist enemies of democracy & humanity.
— dave ciaccio (@daveciaccio) February 13, 2016
President Trump on death of Justice Ginsburg: "She just died? Wow. I didn't know that…She led an amazing life. What else can you say? She was an amazing woman, whether you agree or not. She was an amazing woman who led an amazing life. I'm actually sad to hear that."
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 19, 2020
President Trump called Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a "titan of the law" in a statement late Friday night on her death.
"Renowned for her brilliant mind and her powerful dissents at the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg demonstrated that one can disagree without being disagreeable toward one's colleagues or different points of view," the statement said.
Statement from the President on the Passing of Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2020
The White House has also lowered its flag to half-staff.
I do not celebrate RBG's death, she served our country faithfully for years, for which she should be honored. Shame on those who do other wise. This is more than Chuck Schumer has said. Shame on Schumer.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the Senate would work to confirm a Supreme Court nominee this year if a vacancy arises, saying the circumstances are different from 2016, when Republicans blocked then-President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland.
Graham, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, noted that both the Senate and the White House are held by Republicans, versus in 2016, when the GOP-held Senate denied Garland a hearing.
“Well, Merrick Garland was a different situation. You had the president of one party nominating, and you had the Senate in the hands of the other party. A situation where you’ve got them both would be different. I don’t want to speculate, but I think appointing judges is a high priority for me in 2020,” Graham said in an interview on “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren” set to air Sunday.
"RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws," Doug Collins tweeted. "With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live."
Doug Collins is showing compassion for zygotes over 200,000 breathing human beings dying because of Trump's dereliction of duty.
I hate American Nazis.
Let us all give Tom thanks for letting us bicker endlessly about politics all over again.
You make the claims. You post your sources.
but you can't, can you?
I hate Marxism. It demeans humans. It puts the State ahead of the individual. It makes those living under it's control slaves to the State. It has to build walls around its borders to prevent it's citizens from FLEEING. It is slavery.
I am speechless with disgust by your post.
On a thread Tom titled "Donald Trump Wants You Dead" you are happy that 30 million humans were murdered in their mothers womb. How sick.
1. How do you know the 30 million murdered "babies" were unwanted.
2. How do you know the 30 million murdered "babies" were deformed?
3. How do you know the 30 million murdered "babies" were sick?
The simple cognitive answer is YOU DON"T.
I won't even respond to your India comment other than to say, it is clear you are ignorant of the fact that India has Public healthcare that is free and subsidized for those who are below the poverty line, and that since 1971 abortion was legal in India.
Marxist at work
An envelope addressed to President Donald Trump at the White House containing the poison Ricin was intercepted by federal investigators this week.
They promised RIOTS over RBG, now NYC follows through as VIOLENCE begins in streets –
You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.
Stop crying, tears will ruin youir keyboard.
ABC News Fact Check on Biden Town Hall Comments Finds Five False or Misleading, One Correct
Of the six Biden statements ABC News found fault with, five were judged false and one labeled “misleading”:
“Biden misstated attorney general's comment on slavery, lockdowns”
“Biden mixes up source for impact of masks”
“Biden would not be first president without Ivy League degree”
“Biden misleads when saying he wants to grow fracking industry”
“Biden incorrectly states that Trump hasn’t condemned white supremacists”
Regarding Biden’s “misleading” claim that, as president, he would support fracking to provide Americans energy, ABC notes that the Democrat candidate has said both that “I am not banning fracking” and “We would make sure it’s eliminated.”
Arguing/debating with commie trolls/sympathizers is futile and a total waste of time.
Arguing/debating with racist white nationalist trolls/sympathizers is futile and a total waste of time.
Yet, here we are. ;-)
Rusty is obviously brighter than me. He and his friends know its safe to go to large gatherings and Trump rallies without wearing masks. Herman Cain and this guy agree with him, too.
A TRUMP-supporting politician who said coronavirus was a "socialist" hoax has been killed by the disease.
Libs sure are the dumb ones, amirite?
Anonymous, just post under "JTF". We know it's you.
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