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Mother of Jesus, pray for us.... |
Here is my ultimate constitutional crisis/nightmare:

Don't we live in interesting times?
As deliciously weird as the times in which we are living are, they're still quite capable of getting even weirder. Fasten your seatbelts, campers! What a long, strange trip this is gonna be.
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Woodward and Birdbrain |
It has been revealed to us through the magic of recorded sound that Donald Trump has been lying to us throughout this pandemic. He knew from the beginning the severity of the COVID-19 virus and still insisted on downplaying its danger. In the meantime he has held numerous rallies and has continued to expose his clueless cult members to infection. Two weeks after the rally he held in Tulsa, Oklahoma there was an huge outbreak in that city. One of the members of that crowd was former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain - who subsequently died. One can only guess the number of that gathering who are now dead for no other reason than that they were dumb enough to risk their lives to praise Donald Trump. People sure are strange, aren't they?
And the hideous twit held another rally yesterday, this time in Michigan. Again, most of the nitwits in attendance were unmasked. Again, some will die. Expect the number of infections in that state to go through the roof in about two weeks. Why would the president of the United States behave so recklessly during the worst pandemic in over a century? He wants the country to be riddled with as much chaos and fear as possible come November the third. That's his motive - count on it.
It's a weird and wonderful thing to behold these right wing politicians trying to dodge commenting on this scandal. When asked about it, John Kennedy of Louisiana said that he didn't believe in "Got'cha books". When told that it was all on tape he repeated that he didn't believe in "Got'cha books". Everyone else has been telling reporters that they haven't read the reports. It's the biggest scandal in U.S. presidential history and none of these assholes have had the time to read about it. Geniuses.
This isn't the last of it. When the dust is finally settled and we're able to have an unobstructed view of the crimes that have been committed against this doomed nation by this president and his enablers, the damage will be nearly insurmountable.
This is as big and as bad as it's ever gotten before. Trump is actively trying to steal the November election by any and all means possible. The next four months are going to be more violent than at any point since the war between the states over century and a half ago. Donald Trump will be the instigator of that violence. Remember that since George W. Bush stupidly lifted Bill Clinton's ban on assault weapons nearly twenty years ago, a whole lot of not-too-bright Americans have been arming themselves with these dangerous guns. If Trump is defeated on November 3, expect many of these blithering nincompoops to take to the streets.
Oh, yeah, this is going to end badly.
And the hideous twit held another rally yesterday, this time in Michigan. Again, most of the nitwits in attendance were unmasked. Again, some will die. Expect the number of infections in that state to go through the roof in about two weeks. Why would the president of the United States behave so recklessly during the worst pandemic in over a century? He wants the country to be riddled with as much chaos and fear as possible come November the third. That's his motive - count on it.

This isn't the last of it. When the dust is finally settled and we're able to have an unobstructed view of the crimes that have been committed against this doomed nation by this president and his enablers, the damage will be nearly insurmountable.
This is as big and as bad as it's ever gotten before. Trump is actively trying to steal the November election by any and all means possible. The next four months are going to be more violent than at any point since the war between the states over century and a half ago. Donald Trump will be the instigator of that violence. Remember that since George W. Bush stupidly lifted Bill Clinton's ban on assault weapons nearly twenty years ago, a whole lot of not-too-bright Americans have been arming themselves with these dangerous guns. If Trump is defeated on November 3, expect many of these blithering nincompoops to take to the streets.
Oh, yeah, this is going to end badly.
Goshen, NY

Revolution of the Heart,
The Dorothy Day Story
Dorothy Day is the most important - albeit unheralded - American of the twentieth century. She personifies what the Catholic Church should be, but, sadly, is not.
Dorothy Day was the real deal.
Here Is a link to a piece on this site that I wrote fourteen years ago about this remarkable and good woman.
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker:
I love her more than words can say.
JTF's tribe:
From Trump’s rally in Michigan last night:
Jim Acosta: "Why are you not wearing your mask?"
Trump supporter: "Because there's no COVID. It's a fake pandemic created to destroy the United States of America."
Don't call idiots Covidiots. It will hurt their feelings.
Why Sgt Schultz, didn't you tell us you knew nothing?
JTF's White Nationalist terrorists will certainly kill more innocent Americans than Jihadists next year, just as they have done every year since 9-11.
They are truly a Nationalist American Zealots for Inequality cult.
Dave, you should ignore JTF. You only encourage him.
Tom, you tell us again when the GOP is ending.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oh look!! The BLM protestors aren't wearing masks, but ignore this cause it exposes more liberal privilege.
BLM Activists Show Up Screaming At McConnell’s Home After Democrats Block Coronavirus Funds
Protesters outside of Mitch McConnell’s house
— special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) September 11, 2020
Why aren’t they showing up at Nancy Pelosi’s house?
More liberal privilege.
In other words Sgt Schultz, Tom is telling you that you are not able to compete in the free market place of ideas, hence your being shut down on twitter and Tom on FaceBook.
OK, Tom. No more playing with the Nationalist American Zealot for Inequality.
FACT: Basement Uncle Creepy Sleepy Joe was AGAINST going after Osama bin Laden,....oh yeah, I want this ROTC flunky as Commander-in-Chief!!!
Joe Biden says, "I’m not going to be talking about anything other than 9/11. It’s a solemn day, and that’s how we’re gonna keep it." Notes his campaign pulled down all advertising today. He and Jill will visit the 9/11 Memorial in NYC and Shanksville, PA. (Video shot by pool)
— Sarah Mucha (@sarahmucha) September 11, 2020
Except they did.
.@JoeBiden is lying again using the 911 victims in the process, and no one in the media bothers verify his claims.
The following Biden ads aired today:
CBS Affiliate WFRV
Green Bay, WI
Jacksonville, FL
ABC Affiliate WISN
Milwaukee, WI
PA Telemundo WWSI
Philadelphia, PA
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) September 11, 2020
The GOP has gone the way of the DNC as they are both trump like in their claim to stand for various values on behalf of the American people. If any of you are eating the bullshit trump or either of those parties are dishing out, you have pretty strange taste. The current political reality is all about implementing the policy of the corporate elites. The rest is a facade.
At least those people do it for money. Don't know about jtf, maybe vicarious pleasure?
Good luck to us all, it seems a hard rain is beginning to fall.
Why would you, as a Trump supporter (I still struggle to understand how such a thing exists; even his own mother detested him) bother to post on this blog? And not just the occasional post, but dozens and dozens? Who are they trying to influence or convince with their FOX News talking points of utter hate, deflection and drivel?
Imagine being this person. So miserable and embittered with life and racism that the only pleasure they get is hating others?
I almost feel sorry for them.
It is a false equivalence to say there is no difference between the major parties. It’s true the Democratic Party has a large element of corporatists and military-industrial complex shills, but not as lock-step as Republicans.
The Right embraces corporatism, as well as a far more radical ideology.
Only one party is really “Trump-like”. Only one party calls the press “enemies of the people”. Only one party condones pardoning war criminals and racists. Trump’s long time friend and advisor was photographed flashing the white power hand sig with Proud Boys. Only one party embrace the QAnon cult. Did you see Flynn swearing an oath to QAnon?
Only one party denied a fair impeachment trial and acquitted Trump.
Republicans have been at war with democracy since Heritage Foundation founder and Reagan adviser Paul Weyrich said, “We don’t want everybody to vote. When everybody votes we lose.”
They are the party of vote suppression, especially for minorities.
Trump's cult hates the same kind of people Hitler hated. Minorities, liberals, democratic socialists, unions, scientists who show reality that differs from far Right ideology, journalists who report facts and words the Right wants to conceal, and educators who don’t conform to the ideology of the Right are their enemies.
YOU CAN’T MAKE IT UP: Wokes are cancelling the Nobel PEACE Prize because Trump was nominated.
People joked on Twitter after Trump was nominated (twice) for a Nobel Peace Prize that the award would now have to be cancelled. But they were only half-joking then, and now it’s an actual reality.
It shouldn’t be a surprise, they cancelled Susan B. Anthony after Trump pardoned and praised her, so in a way it was probably inevitable. But in another way it’s just INCREDIBLE how deranged they have become.
Another example of the Orange Man Bad Cult
No Les Holmes, I'm trying to present to you truth in response to liberal lies. Rather dismissive of you to claim what I post is nothing more than talking points...
Example: How many of you still believe Harry Reid's claim that Romney did not pay his taxes? Or even after 10 witness statements that Trump DID NOT make the statements the article in the Atlantic claims he did or even after the editor of the Atlantic now has doubts about the article, still believe it to be true?
How many of you would not have heard of this if I hadn't posted it here? How many of you know that Oregon Voters Disapprove Of Portland Protests, Call Them ‘Mostly Violent Riots’(56%) And Want More Police Force?
How many of you would know that Biden's press secretary refused to answer if Biden had ever used teleprompters during local interviews or to answer Q&As with reporters?
Would any of you know that Team Mueller pulled a Hillary Clinton and wiped at least 15 of their phones before they were turned in for the OIG investigation?
How many of you still believe 9-11 was an inside job?
How many of you know that Biden admitted in an interview with Jake Taper (hardly a source of Fox talking points)that Trump’s USMCA is better than NAFTA.
And it's not always about Trump. How many of you knew CNN is Claiming Muslims Celebrated 9/11 Attack?
CNN: American Radical Muslims celebrated 9/11 attacks in NYC
How many of you think there is no liberal privilege? Would you like examples?
Ok I get it, you hate Trump for a lots of reasons, after all he is undoing 8 years of a very liberal presidency. But at least hate him for reasons that are factual instead of the results of some left wing hacks wet dream. You don't like the way the courts are becoming conservative, ok fair enough..I didn't like it when the courts went liberal. But I didn't make up stories about sexual assaults by judicial nominees? Hate their positions, but at least be truthful. And most importantly, when the truth comes out and you find you were wrong, ADMIT IT!
I give up on this for a couple years and when I come back, JTF is still whining, lying and making excuses for trump.
1 min 50 seconds into the 2009 video from JTF: " see Obama as the enemy he really is".
JTF sides with the radical Muslims.
Why do conservatives hate the Black president, democracy and America?
I think J not The Facts made all of Tom's points.
Welcome back Mozart! James Hansen
LOL,, stating facts is now whining if it isn't attacking Trump...that's, why I stay here. Not ONE of you responded to anything I posted, which tells me you love being wrong and ignorant..on a blog that brags about being "Your very own electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda."
PROPAGANDA..Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
You guys wear it well.
Thank you Woodenman, and thank you JTF for proving my points.
WE don;t respond because your posts are ridiculous.
OF COURSE Trump has people PAID to defend him. That's their entire job from the VP to the AG down to the guy that pulls the TP off of trump's shoes. There is no other reason for them to be there since trump wants to be "CEO" of the country with no one arguing with him.
I have no problem with REAL conservative values, but when did conservatives decide that the President can do and say anything he wants with no retribution? Certainly not during the Obama administration.
Obama weas asked during the 2008 campaign if he would be talking to N Korea and he said he'd talk to anyone that wanted to open a dialogue. Fox Entertainment went CRAZY saying he was going to "sell us out".
Of course trump DOES sell us out to Russia and conservatives like JTF say "Why wouldn;t we want Russia as an ally?" Trump says he and Kim Jun Un are "in love".
Imagine Obama or Hillary C saying that. Imagine a Democrat taking Russias side over that of US intelligence.
No Mozart what is ridiculous is how if you had read my post you would have seen I didn't defend Trump. In fact I mentioned Obama's name once and here you are 4 years later still defending him. Now tell me is that cult like or what?
I posted things I knew liberals who read this self admitted "electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda" (propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view) might not be aware of. Based on your response and those of others it appears that giving knowledge to a liberal is a waste of time.
You can lead a liberal to the facts, but you can't force them to read them.
Such a loyal foot soldier. The amount of nonsensical spam, unrelated cut & pastes, and obvious deflects, deceptions, and HEY LOOK AT OVER THEREs sure does wonderful job of countering Tom's article.
What is obvious is you haven't checked a single one of my points. Out of fear I suspect.
FYI if you even read the string of posts you would know I was answering Les Holmes, not you, not Tom, but what the heck, can't let the truth get in your way can you? It has always been that way for you, so full of hate you're blind to what is being said. Knee jerk reaction to anything even remotely said that discredits your liberal stance.
I posted things I knew liberals who read this self admitted "electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda" (propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view) might not be aware of. Based on your response and those of others it appears that giving knowledge to a liberal is a waste of time.
You can lead a liberal to the facts, but you can't force them to read them.
As far as I know you never read any of the links I posted in the last 10 years.
Oh, it's obvious. Just because you barely read past the first sentence of some statements made here, doesn't mean you get to project your inadequacies on others. I read what you type, I just don't respond to everything because I can't. You shotgun these comment threads with anything and everything from the daily 'WHAT COULD THAT BE OVER THERE' you're reading from Weaselzippers or the Blaze or Breitbart.
And I don't check your points? Out of fear you suspect? Do you read what you type? Fear of what? We don't live in the X-Files, so I sure hope you're not thinking 'THEY FEAR THE TRUTH'. I don't fear anything you regurgitate, JTF. I do read it, and that's the most aggravating thing. I read it and I look up the things I've not come across in my own news consumption. And I just know you don't provide others the same courtesy. You never demonstrate that you read anything, either the original post or its comments or questions/statements directed at you. Hell, you say you were just answering Les, and what did you do in response to a question of why you feel the need to spam by spamming more.
Just like our President, you throw shit at the wall- any shit- to see which bit of excrement posters and commenters try to clean up or correct you on. When someone tries, you go from firing wildly into crowd to being butt hurt and acting aggrieved.
Les says they almost feel sorry for you. You're talking about outraging liberals and then in another post you're claiming that you're a fact bringer. People shouldn't feel sorry for JTF or JTF-like internet trolls. This is how they get their high. These long ass posts they don't read give them the warm and fuzzies to distract them from the awfulness they wallow in.
woodenman, if I haven't then how did I know about the background of the author of your post a few days ago. I posted his background, remember?
But what does that have to do with the list of questions I asked Les if he knew about? Did you know about any of the things I posted? BTW the only link I gave in that list was CNN. Get woke, leave the Cult.
Bless your heart, how long have you been brain dead?
Do you still believe what Harry Reid said about Romney not paying his taxes? Did you know any of the things I posted? Your lack of response tells me you didn't. BTW in my response to Les, I only gave one link, and that from CNN, but what the heck, you can't help it, your stuck in the Orange Man Bad Cult, and nothing else matters.
You have proven again, You can lead a liberal to the facts, but you can't force them to read them.
Have you read my post to Les Holmes? Where did I praise President Trump?
JTF I have not seen your picture but I'm sure your lips are stained orange from kissing trump's spraytanned ass so much.
Don;t even try and deny it.
I'll ask you the question I have asked many conservatives and to date not one has had the courage to answer honestly.
I don;t expect honesty from you either, but your verbal gymnastics will be entertaining.
Don't expect an answer. JTF is too busy dodging exploding trees.
Chuck you said ICH was phony, here is some information that might surprise you,
"HOW WOULD YOU HAVE REACTED HAD PRESIDENT OBAMA SAID AND DONE EXACTLY WHAT TRUMP HAS THE LAST 5 YEARS?" I would be dancing in the streets if Obama had stood up for America like President Trump has done, instead of waiting for you to kiss his black ass, bowing to foreign leaders and refusing to place hand over his heart when OUR nation anthem was played.
YOU still have not told me if you read and comprehended my original post to Les Holmes. You still have not told me where I praised President Trump.
Not holding my breath for your answer, but am so EXCITED to see what your deflection will be this time.
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
Dave Dubya,
Back to day drinking again I see.
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
So you admit I HAVE read the links you have provided...That's a step in the right direction. I did not say ICH was phony, what I did do was post the background of ICH and the author you quoted. Re-read my post. What I did leave out was that ICH was founded by one of the "gasp" evil libertarian KOCH brothers, but I didn't think that would matter to you.
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
I read your link and the article by Paul Craig Roberts and honestly I am not one who buys in the CIA rules the world theory. I do find it interesting that Roberts has a different collection of view points.
He is an adherent of supply side economics.
Writing in USA Today, Darrell Delamaide has described Roberts as a "conspiracy theorist", a charge echoed by Luke Brinker of Salon, and Michael C. Moynihan of The Daily Beast, who has also described him as partaking in "Putin worship".
He is opposed to "offshoring" stating "a nation that doesn't make anything doesn’t need a financial sector as there is nothing to finance".
According to Roberts, "the Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable, democratic government in the United States".
But what concerns me the most is he is a Holocaust denier stating "No German plans, or orders from Hitler, or from Himmler or anyone else have ever been found for an organized holocaust by gas and cremation of Jews."
In short, I would not tie my boat to his dock. But thanks for the link.
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
So you couldn;t answer honestly. How typical.
So had President Obama bragged about assaulting women you'd be OK?
So had President Obama taken the side of a hostile foreign dictator over that of the USA you'd be OK?
So had president Obama insulted and mocked the disabled you would be OK?
So had President Obama disrespected the military you'd be OK?
Of course not, Mozart. US Politics is Sportsball. JTF's just one of those fans that's so dedicated that they wear all the gear, paints their face, and screams. Defends every play from his team, cries foul about everything the opposing team does.
Your questions don't matter. The answer to them is obviously, of course they wouldn't be okay. They aren't done by his team.
"So you couldn;t answer honestly. How typical."
You wouldn't know honesty if it slapped you in the face, pulled down your pants and had it's way with you..Which I suspect you would enjoy.
I answered you which is 100% more than you did me. You just didn't like my answer, tough shit. Go back under your rock in Iowa, you weren't missed.
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
Have you read my original post to Les Holmes?
Didn't think so.
I guess you can't comprehend the point I was making, which is that you would never have let Obama get away with what you praise trump for. You are a hypocrite and a hack.
And we don't give a shit about your post to Les Holmes, so why are you obsessing on it?
Yes, it's 2020 and President Obama isn;t running. Why is trump still obsessed with being "better" than Obama? Now he's begging for a Nobel prize he has no business receiving JUST because Obama got one.
Now come back again so that you can have the last word. Ask me again if I read your post to Les Holmes.
Maybe you can tell us what trump has ACTUALLY done that's good for the USA, other than NOT being twins.
My job is to not make your point for you, that's your job. So far you have failed in doing your job. Biggly.
Do you realize how stupid you sound by asking the question "Why is trump still obsessed with being "better" than Obama"? What President WASN'T obsessed with being better than their predecessor? Isn't that what Americans want?
Since you are just now aware that Obama is not running, give us the reasons for voting for Biden without mentioning President Trump. Maybe you can tell us what Biden has done in his 40 years in office that was good for the USA! But I doubt it.
Some people think you are just acting stupid, you'll be happy to know I am not one of them.
"And we don't give a shit about your post to Les Holmes, so why are you obsessing on it?" - Mozart
Because that's his attack avenue. Always being on the offensive is part of the strategy of "conservative" trolls. There isn't conversation, it's just deflection, deception, misrepresentation, and whataboutism. It's never a back and forth, it's just a means to waste time and drive the conversation away from the topic and into a path of distraction.
He keeps trying to pull the conversation back to what he said to Les, because that's where all the deflection points are conveniently laid out. 'Why do you spam,' paraphrasing Les. JTF's response is to misrepresent what he's doing 'present the truth to liberal lies', then complains that it's dismissive to say he's posting talking points. Then goes back to what he always does, cuts and pastes "facts" (talking points) from sources that spoon feed him "facts" that make him feel warm and fuzzy.
I mean, look at all the question marks in his response to Les.... and all his responses to everyone. He answers questions with questions. He has no independent thoughts of his own. He just gets off on screwing with people in comment threads.
"Why do you say these obviously false or misleading things? Especially since anyone with a pair of eyes can see that is happening." - Everyone
"Gee, I'm just spreading the truth to the stupid libs who hate Orange Man for no reason what-so-ever and I'll conveniently ignore the eight years where I literally spent every waking hour hating on the Black Man. There I gave you a disingenuous answer, NOW I DEMAND YOU WATCH THESE 20 SECOND VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE THAT PROVES BLM AND ANTIFA ARE PLOTTING TO MURDER BABIES AND BURN DOWN CITIES (that I don't actually care about) AND BRING ABOUT MARXISM SOMEHOW. OH, AND READ THESE CONTENT-FREE ARTICLES THAT JUST BLATHER THE SAME DITTOHEAD TALKING POINTS FROM WEASELZIPPERS, BREITBART, BLAZE, DAILYSTORMER. Why won't just you just accept facts for facts, liberals? SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT" - Future JTF comment, probably.
The funny thing is, he does this and it works. It's hard to not take the troll bait, sometimes. Tom's right: Should ignore JTF, it only encourages him. It just sucks, since you read a thoughtful article by Tom and see that there are half a dozen comments and you want to join the conversation. And you see the conversation involves 5 posts from JTF smearing excrement on the walls to avoid having to talk about how he's demonstrating Tom's point about the cult of personality a significant minority of our fellow citizens are gleefully wallowing in.
Les almost feels sorry for them. I feel sorry that society failed this group of people and that they'd rather tear down society, democratic norms, and neighborly decorum rather than deal with the failures like grown ass adults.
"Future JTF comment, probably."
Wrong again.
In a USA Today / Gallup Poll conducted October 16–19 2009, 61% of American adults polled responded that they thought Obama did not deserve to win the Noble Peace prize, while 34% responded that he did.
Ah, yes, JTF. I forgot to add 'Irrelevant polls with no context to anything being discussed and obviously another thing thrown at the wall to see if it sticks' to my possible future JTF quote. That invalidates the entire assertion in your eyes. How silly of me to forget that.
Still wrong.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
Jean-Paul Satre
Trump supporters don't care about truth. It doesn't matter to them. They know Trump is lying. They know he is a horrible person. They don't care how much his policies hurt them, their family, or their children. They have no belief or positions except that Trump has given them permission to be openly racist, and he will "hurt the right people".
This is why it is pointless engaging with them. You will not get a good-faith discussion. I don't read the drivel the Trump death-cultists post on this blog; I have better things to do.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Hi Les!
Have you read my original post to you? Were you aware of the items listed? Any thoughts? Do I need to list more news you are not aware of?
My question is if you haven't, like most others have admitted to, why not? Out of fear?
Can you share with us the accomplishments of Bidens 40 years in elected office that would be a reason to vote for him?
Can you make that list without once mentioning President Trump?
It is clear to me that those who oppose President Trump do so not in support of Biden but in their cult hatred for Orange Man...change my mind.
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference."
This quote appears on page 155 of Doris Kearn Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
Swing and a miss.
LBJ was cajoling Russell to support the Civil Rights Act.
“Among those whom he mentored was Lyndon Johnson. And although they diverged by 180 degrees on the 1964 Civil Rights Act, LBJ continued to seek out Russell's advice on other policy areas... He is most widely remembered today for leading the unsuccessful filibuster against the 1964 Civil Right Act, which continues to hold the record for the longest filibuster.”
Charles Bullock is the Richard B. Russell professor of political science at the University of Georgia.
JTF, That's your opinion. And it is wrong.
Show me where it is wrong.
Richard Russell (D) never jumped to the GOP, remained a loyal anti "Negro" democrat as long as he was in office. Fact.
Without the votes of the GOP the 19674 Civil Rights Act would never have passed. Fact.
Show me where that is wrong.
Sure thing Dave, that LBJ was a regular saint, right up there with the GOP Senators who voted for the CRA of 1964.
JTF... Johnson was certainly an old southern racist...
81% of the GOP Senators voted for the CRA vs just 68% of Democrats. Without the GOP votes, the CRA would not have passed...
Then their was the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.
Thank you GOP!
Just The Falsehoods lied again about the Civil Rights Act votes. Someone is just whistling Dixie.
The facts:
The Senate version:
•Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
•Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
•Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
•Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
ZERO Southern Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act:
The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
One thing I have learned is there is the truth and then there is the Dave Dubya truth. Oddly enough they are never the same. LOL
West VA is a Northern State, wonder if Dave's got the balls to go there and them that? I don't think he does.
Note how Dave, a loyal supporter of the Party of Division, has to divide up the votes in order to put the lipstick on the pig, IE the Democrats. The truth is, the votes weren't cast by Northern or Southern Senators. Note how Dave, no matter how much he tries to twist the truth, avoids stating the fact that without the "yes" votes of the GOP the CRA would NOT have passed.
Also I find it rather telling that he avoids bringing up the facts about the longest filibusterer in Senate history that was run by the Democrats and only stopped with votes from Republicans.
Next Dave will run out his old saw about how Democrats left their party for the GOP and therefore the GOP is now racist. Ignoring the numbers of the GOP voting FOR the CRA. Ignoring the fact that even with a few Dems. turning to Republicans, the Dems still controlled the Senate. To paraphrase HRC, "what difference did it make any way?"
Go for it Dave, your 5 twitter followers are holding their breath.
How to make a neo-Confederate cult bigot's head spin.
Dave: "Facts."
JTF: "Sputter, sputter...Dave...Blather, blather...Dave...But, but...Dave..."
That's the best Dave can do when he realizes he hasn't the balls to tell the people in West Va. they are in the north.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Regarding the 1964 Civil Rights Act, "Southern" indicated former Confederate states.
West Virginia wasn't a Confederate state.
Poor JTF is suffering from herd mentality.
Poor Sgt Schulz (I know nothing Dave)
REREAD YOUR OWN POSTS, and try to reduce your Day Drinking.
Now is a good time for you to tell us about the great healthcare plan Trump has been hiding from us all these years.
Or does your herd mentality prevent you?
JTF that "old saw" happens to be factual. The "Dixicrats" did run to the GOP when that bill was signed into law by that old "southern racist".
IF president Obama gives me access to healthcare, I don;t give a hang what he calls me in private, but I'm funny like that.
But way to fall back on infantile attempts at insult. At least you are consistent.
"IF president Obama gives me access to healthcare"
"gives me" got to be free for Mozart
Obama is not our President.
How about you tell us all about the great healthcare plan Trump has been promising us all these years.
Or does your herd mentality prevent you?
Deflection noted.
You're welcome. And a deflection back to the original Cult 45 topic, no less.
Thoughtful of you to notice.
You are very welcome but still nothing about the issues, just the persons who post. And of course your playing the race card...
Affordable Care Act
Trumpcare (AHCA) vs. Obamacare (ACA)
I looked it up for you, but you will have to read it.
Do I need to explain to you that "herd mentality" isn't the race card?
The so-called Trumpcare American Health Care Act was rightly rejected by the Senate. It is dead and not a healthcare option.
Yes, the House Republicans' American Health Care Act of 2017 passed 217 to 213, with 20 Republicans voting against it, along with all the Democrats. Yes, it sucked so bad even Republicans didn't like it.
It was based on age more than income. (Screw the poor again.)
“One of the things a state can do is charge people who go uninsured for an extended period of time, and have a pre-existing condition, a higher rate for their health insurance...does not expand Medicaid significantly beyond 2010 levels.”
Screw the sick and the poor again.
Where's the plan Trump promised we'd see in "two weeks"? If you follow the heard long enough, maybe you'll find it, amirite?
Your welcome for answering your question.
JTF, I'll put my work record against yours anytime you want to unzip and measure.
"Obama is not our President"
No, he no longer is, and all you have to do is look at where the country is RIGHT NOW to see that that much is obvious. LOL
When Obama was President we didn't have 15% unemployment and were not the object of international ridicule.
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