Suckers and Losers
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My Uncle Ed Degan Attending an Antifa Rally in France Photograph by Brother Jeff Degan |
"My brother was captured in Laos in September of 1974 and executed by the North Vietnamese on December 14, 1974.
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean

The dude was such a loser.
The entire nation is reeling over the article by Jeffrey Goldman that appeared the other day in The Atlantic. According to Goldman's reporting, the president of the United States has the habit of referring to Americans who have volunteered for the military as "suckers". Those who have given their lives he refers to as "losers". At one point, he toured Arlington Cemetery with his then chief-of-staff, John Kelly. Over the grave of Kelly's son, Robert Michael, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, age twenty-nine, Trump asked him perplexed, "What was in it for him"? He could not even grasp the concept of one making the ultimate sacrifice for their country. When asked to reply to the story, John Kelly politely declined. Goldman is definitely onto something.
Let's take another look at some of Donald Trump's other "losers", shall we?
To the left is Clement Fluck. He was part of Patton's Second Armored Division. Originally trained for the Cavalry, Clement lost his life on August 2, 1944 less than one month after his twenty-second birthday. According to his niece, Mary Fluck, shortly before he was killed, his father, Raymond, died suddenly of a massive heart attack while getting off his night shift job as a taxi driver. When she lost Clement shortly thereafter, his mother Myrtle's world fell apart. He died fighting Adolf Hitler's nazi Germany, the most ideologically sick and racist regime in the history of the troubled human race. No wonder Trump has so much contempt for men like Clement Fluck. Look at that photo to the left. Some loser.
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Joshua Corral 1991-2011 |
"Just after graduating from San Ramon Valley High School, Joshua D. Corral joined the Marine Corps, leaving behind his close-knit Bay Area hometown of Danville [California]. A little more than a year later, he was brought back home to a hero's welcome, with more than 3,000 of his neighbors somberly saluting as a motorcade bearing his casket proceeded down the flag-draped streets."
He died in southern Afghanistan near the Pakistan border. Loser indeed.
And while we're on the subject of losers, let's take a merry old stroll through the vineyards of history:
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. was the son of one of the richest men in America. He enlisted into the military in 1942 and became a fighter pilot. If Joe had bone spurs, he kept it from the recruiter. On August 12, 1944 he volunteered for an extremely hazardous mission. He was to guide a plane that was filled with explosives to an enemy target and parachute out of it. The plane would be operated remotely from there on. He never made it. Early into the flight it exploded with such force, that Joe's body was never recovered. He was twenty-nine. At war's end, he was set on a career in politics. That torch would be passed to his younger brother, Jack. We all know the rest of the story. Joe Kennedy was an imperfect man, but he was no loser.
The youngest son of Theodore Roosevelt, Quentin enlisted at the start of America's involvement in the First World War. A fighter pilot, he was shot down over German territory on July 14, 1918. He was twenty. What a loser!
Those were just a few examples of Donald Trump's "losers". How a man of such diseased character and intellect could possibly be calling the White House "home" will be one of the puzzles that will haunt the American imagination for generations.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is a link to the Article by Jeffrey Goldman of the Atlantic that has so outraged all people with the IQ higher than a rancid bag of moldy doorknobs:
Happy reading, campers!

And while we're on the subject of losers, let's take a merry old stroll through the vineyards of history:
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Joe Kennedy 1915-1944 |
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Quentin Roosevelt 1897-1918 |
Those were just a few examples of Donald Trump's "losers". How a man of such diseased character and intellect could possibly be calling the White House "home" will be one of the puzzles that will haunt the American imagination for generations.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is a link to the Article by Jeffrey Goldman of the Atlantic that has so outraged all people with the IQ higher than a rancid bag of moldy doorknobs:
Happy reading, campers!

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said in comments published Friday that he never heard President Trump refer to slain American soldiers buried at a French cemetery as “losers” and “suckers,” after the allegations were made in a bombshell report published Thursday.
“I didn’t hear that,” Bolton told The New York Times. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion.”
Bolton’s remarks came after Trump himself denied any allegations of disrespectful comments toward American soldiers killed in action, which were first reported by The Atlantic’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg.
A tree fell in the woods, but I didn't hear it. Therefore, it didn't happen.
A stunningly robust defense. Also, Trump didn't defame John McCain either, because Bolton hasn't seen the video of Trump doing exactly that.
Trump is a pusillanimous twerp and an unfettered festering sore on the buttocks of the world.
Let's make sure it gets lanced on Nov 3rd.
The same year your uncle perished defending his country my father was shot, but survived being wounded on Saipan. Many of his buddies were not as fortunate and that's all he ever would say about it.
He passed at the age of 92 and was entured with full honors at the Oregon Willamette National Cemetery. His Purple Heart is a reminder of all sacrifices made by our men and women in service to their country. I take it out from time to time just to reflect on how brave and stalwert our military members are and the heavy burdens they carry to protect us.
Your family is a member too of that proud and honorable tradition of service that has given the last full measure to a grateful nation.
Thank you for sharing his story and keep up your good trouble work. We need to stay focused on what's real and most important.
Just musing, that was the best comment I've read in ages. Thank you!
My brother is living with PTSD and Agent Orange residue so the Orange Racist coward could dodge VD.
How to spot an American racist:
Anyone more outraged at property destruction and objects thrown at armored police than they are at the killing of unarmed Black Americans by police.
Dave Dubya,
As a Vietnam veteran, my heart, best wishes, and salute go out to your brother. These are not trivial issues to live with. He deserves and I hope he is getting the support and care needed. As a nation, we promised to never leave any fallen service member behind and that includes those injured. That trust has not always been honored as well as it should have and we've got to do better.
So far, Biden is holding strong, but we cannot become complacent or the changes we desperately need won't happen.
So, regarding DraftDodgerDonny, you are correct in that he is the racist in chief inciting with every tweet, press conference, and manipulated digital ad, the worst hate we've seen so overly demonstrated and acted upon to win an election.
The following site (although not fully up to date)
shows in a glance just how the overt Trump racism has been expanding since 2015.
This cannot and will not stand.
Just Musing,
Thank you for your compassion, and service. I was a young authoritarian, military-minded youth until the Vietnam War brought the madness home.
I also had a cousin who was a terribly messed up Marine when he came back after two tours.
Republican Chickenhawks like Bush and Cheney infuriate me almost as much as the Traitor-in-Chief.
Typical liberal privilege.
For the "little guy" my ass. LOL
Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.
“It’s shocking, it’s infuriating,” Daniele Rabkin, of Crossfit Golden Gate, told a local NBC station. “Even though they’re getting exposed, there are no repercussions, no ramifications? It’s shocking.”
The gyms that have been open for government employees include those for police officers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and paralegals, according to the report. One such gym, the Hall of Justice gym, has been open since July 1.
“It just demonstrates that there seems to be some kind of a double standard between what city employees are allowed to do and what the residents of San Francisco are allowed to do,” Dave Karraker, owner of MX3 Fitness in the Castro, said.
On CNN no less. I'm sure it was the Russians.
Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LOL......, some idiots will believe anything that fits your narrow narrative.
In your rush to be stupid, you missed the obvious fact that it was on CNN, your favorite news source..Must have been the Russians.
Peace breaks out in the Middle East due to actions of President Trump.
President Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Price by a Norwegian official for helping to negotiate peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
The nomination was submitted by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, Fox News reports.
Mr Tybring-Gjedde praised the president of the United States for his efforts towards resolving international conflicts.
He cited President Trump’s “key role” in negotiations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and the conflict between South Korea and North Korea.
President Trump is to also announce further reduction in US troops in Iraq.
Question for woodenman: should President Trump do this?
Laugh of the day: "there is no such thing as "liberal privilege".
Lately I have been making these observations:
Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to racists.
A cult isn't a cult to a cult.
I can safely add, "Lies are not lies to conservatives".
JTF proves it every day.
The Bible Photo Op was staged by violating protesters' First Amendment right to free speech and assembly. When one person tossed something at cops, numerous others called him to stop. Thugs is uniform gassed and clubbed legal and peaceful protesters. A shield was used as an offensive weapon and smashed into a journalist with a camera.
It's all there to see.
How to spot an authoritarian American racist: Anyone more outraged at property destruction and objects thrown at armored police, than they are at the killing of unarmed Black Americans and assaults on non-violent protesters by police.
LOL, and when was the bill taking away the 1st Amendment approved by the States?
You know what Dave, your hate is blinding you to reality.
Must be Russia's fault, LOL!
Someone's not even trying to hide his ignorance and racism.
Here are 10 more people and another source that the liberals will tell us to ignore. Amazing how full of hate and how ignorant they have become. Imagine thinking the President can Amend the Constitution by himself. Stupid Stupid Stupid.
10 Witnesses Go On The Record Stating Atlantic Report On Trump Denigrating Troops Is A Lie
By Ryan Saavedra Sep 5, 2020
Four more witnesses have gone on the record to say that The Atlantic’s anonymously-sourced report claiming President Donald Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers” is false, bringing the total to 10.
Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House Chief of Staff, shot down The Atlantic’s report, saying, “As you all can probably imagine, I have seen more than my share of outrageous (and false) attacks on the President over the last few years. But this whole injured soldiers thing really, really pushes the envelope.”
“So, just to be clear: These claims are simply outrageous. I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid.”
Johnny DeStefano, former counselor to the president, also disputed the report, saying: “I was on this trip. The Atlantic bit is not true. Period.”
Derek Lyons, staff secretary and counselor to the president, and Dan Walsh, former White House deputy chief of staff, have also both denied the report.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Friday that Lyons said in a statement:
I was with the president the morning after the scheduled visit. He was extremely disappointed that arrangements could not be made to get him to the site and that the trip had been cancelled. I have worked with the president for his entire administration. One of my responsibilities is working with him on the many letters he signs to the families of our nation’s fallen heroes. In all my time at the White House. I have never heard him utter a disparaging remark of any kind about our troops. In my view, he holds the brave men and women of our armed forces in the highest regard.
McEnany then read Walsh’s statement: “I can attest it to the fact that there was a bad weather called in France and that the helicopters were unable to safely make the flight. Overall, the president’s support and respect for our American troops past and present is unquestionable.”
All of this comes after former national security adviser John Bolton—who is a fierce Trump opponent—went on the record and disputed The Atlantic’s report.
“I didn’t hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them. I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery,” Bolton told Fox News. “He decided not to do it because of John Kelly’s recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do. I never heard he made that kind of comment about another country’s forces either, no.”
Fox News correspondent John Roberts further added: “.
@AmbJohnBolton told me today that if @realDonaldTrump had said he didn’t want to visit Aisne-Marne because the interred heroes were “losers” and “suckers”, he would have written an entire chapter about it in his book #TheRoomWhereItHappened.”
The Daily Caller News Foundation also reported late this week that the owner of The Atlantic is a Biden megadonor who is in frequent contact with the person who authored the report.
Sgt Schultz exonerates Trump. "I know nothing. I see nothing."
Love it, a self confession from Dave Duyba,,a.k.a. Sgt Schultz.
More liberal privilege.
Michigan Gov Expands Armed Security Around Mansion, Installs Huge Fence Around It…
You know, to keep out the common folk?
Gretchen Whitmer is spending $1.1 million to expand security around the Michigan Governors mansion INCLUDING AN 8 FT TALL FENCE.
Just a reminder that Democrats hate guns, walls – and in her case, seeds, American flags, church, and the ability to work – unless it's for themselves
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 9, 2020
The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg Admits Anonymous Sources ‘Not Good Enough’
But they ran with it anyway. Just like Tom Degan ran with it. Now everyone who was on site has gone on record, with their names, saying it was false.
.@TheAtlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, who published report citing anonymous sources that President Trump disparaged America’s fallen troops, says anonymous sources are "not good enough"
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 9, 2020
Today is the anniversary of the day that lead to to our present predicament. Endless wars and endless debt. Maybe Tom will write something about this.
And President Trump continues to secure Middle East peace treaty's, and ran on ending endless wars, remember?
Breaking: Trump Achieves Another Peace Deal, This Time Between Israel And Bahrain
If he were a Democrat, he’d have the Nobel locked up.
ANOTHER TRUMP PEACE DEAL: Bahrain will normalize ties with Israel, Bahrain Crown Prince will be in DC Monday. @realDonaldTrump is expected to make an offical announcement later Friday from the White House – Times Of Israel
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 11, 2020
Trump won't get the Peace Prize. His taunting of Kim caused Gen. Mattis to pray in fear of a nuclear war. Then Trump provoked Iran by forfeiting the international nuclear deal and assassinating an Iranian general, needlessly drawing missiles upon US troops.
NY POST – President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for a second time this week — this time for brokering a historic peace deal between Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo.
In a Friday morning tweet, Magnus Jacobsson, a member of the Swedish Parliament, announced he was nominating the Trump administration and the two European nations for their “joint work for peace and economic development, through the cooperation agreement signed in the White House.”
“Trade and communications are important building blocks for peace,” Jacobsson wrote, sharing his letter to the Nobel Committee.
In 3.5 years in office President Trump has done more to win the Noble Peace Prize than Obama did in 8 years. (name the things Obama did to win the Noble Peace Prize) He won't win because he isn't a Democrat.
The Iranian general had long been designated as a terrorist by the United States and Israel, but many in Iran lauded him as a hero.
"needlessly drawing missiles upon US troops." Do you really believe US troops were not ALREADY targeted by Iran?
"Gen. Mattis to pray in fear of a nuclear war", prayers must have worked as there has not been a nuclear war, NK has stopped it's testing of nukes and has stopped launching missiles...way to pray General Mattis. BTW, I wonder if General Mattis is still praying if fear of a nuke war or if he has always done so?
"Do you really believe US troops were not ALREADY targeted by Iran?"
Way to try to absolve the President of making a decision that possibly changed the Iranian stance from 'targeting' to 'actually, literally, freaking, shooting'
Holy Hell, man. The President does not deserve the lengths you go to be his white knight.
Way to avoid the obvious in order to support your hated for Orange Man..
"NK has stopped it's testing of nukes and has stopped launching missiles..."
And I have a nice bridge to Brooklyn for sale, just for you.
Sgt Schultz "I know nothing" speaks again.
North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests, in 2006, 2009, 2013, twice in 2016, and in 2017.
Max. yield: ~140 kt (U.S. intelligence); 160 kt ...
Number of tests: 6
"All the recently tested missiles were short-range and didn’t pose a direct threat to the U.S. mainland. A test of a missile capable of reaching the U.S. homeland would end North Korea’s self-imposed moratorium on major weapons tests and likely completely derail nuclear diplomacy with the United States."`
It has been 2 years, 9 months since North Korea's last ICBM test...
Expect a surge in North Korean missile tests, and of greater range
North Korea is signaling this will be its busiest year of missile testing yet. In March, the regime conducted nine tests, the most in a single month recorded in our database.
As diplomatic talks stalled, North Korea slowly began to unwind its pledge, and in May 2019, over a year after initially pledging to halt tests, it resumed launching missiles. Finally, on Jan. 1, 2020, Kim stated he no longer felt “unilaterally bound” by North Korea’s moratorium on long-range missile and nuclear tests.
Remember, Kim’s stated reason for the testing freeze was because he felt confident enough in the systems he had already tested so as to make future tests of them superfluous.
As of writing, North Korea has conducted at least 35 missile tests, only one of which appears to have failed in flight, since resuming tests in May 2019. Even if there were a few more failed flight tests that North Korea had successfully covered up, this is a remarkable feat. It demonstrates that, while North Korea spent over a year not carrying out missile tests, it continued missile development.
There is zero reason we should assume North Korea has limited its research and development activities to its short-range systems. Given that these tests have all been of solid-fuel missiles, and that North Korea has already successfully tested and fielded longer-range, solid-fuel systems before its self-imposed testing freeze, the regime is likely working to expand its solid-fuel missile capabilities to achieve an intermediate-range capability, and potentially intercontinental range.
"EXPECT a surge in North Korean missile tests, and of greater range" a quote from a left leaning web site, dated 04/2020...still hasn't happened, but what the heck Sgt Schultz is in the bridge selling business so what does he know. By his admission he knows nothing.
It has been 2 years, 9 months since North Korea's last ICBM test..
Even in bold text an idiot can miss the point:
North Korea has already successfully tested and fielded longer-range, solid-fuel systems before its self-imposed testing freeze.
"EXPECT a surge in North Korean missile tests, and of greater range" a quote from a left leaning web site,
From, the same one cited by Just The Idiot.
"By his admission he knows nothing." By his own stupidity he doesn't know it was a parody of his idiocy.
A cult is not a cult to a cult.
"Today is the anniversary of the day that lead to to our present predicament"
Yes it is and don't forget this..Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden.
Bill Clinton, Hours Before 9/11 Attacks: 'I Could Have Killed' Osama bin Laden
Audio of Clinton's statements emerged in Australia.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998 ... LA Times
The Bin Laden Attack That Two Presidents Failed to Answer
Al Qaeda killed 17 U.S. sailors in its October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, but neither the outgoing Clinton administration nor the incoming Bush administration retaliated.
Then there was that failure to respond to the Benghazi attack by the Obama administration.
What ever you say Sgt I now nothing Schultz..BTW, weren't we told to EXPECT NYC would be under water by now due to climate change, like 20 years ago.
It has been 2 years, 9 months since North Korea's last ICBM test..
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