'They'll disarm you, empty the prisons, lock you in your home, and invite MS-13 to live next door".
Nazi wannabe Matt Gaetz
The quote above is merely a single example of the hundreds of crazy statements and accusations that were made by grown men and women at last week's Republican National Convention. It's gotten this weird.
During his inaugural address three years ago, Donald Trump told the American people that the era of "American carnage" was over. This monumentally stupid man was wrong, of course. The carnage was just beginning. In sixty-four days the polls open up in America for what will be the 58th national election since the first one in 1788. Were I to tell you that 2020 is the most important campaign in our history I would be exaggerating - but only slightly. The only two elections that rank close to November 3 are 1864 - when Lincoln was reelected; and 1932 - when Franklin Roosevelt was chosen by the electorate over the conservative Republican Herbert Hoover. Like 1932 and 1864. The results of the 2020 presidential campaign will depend upon whether or not the United States of America has a future. It's as serious as that.
Forgive me. Donald Trump's inaugural address was three and-a-half years ago. It only seems like thirty years.
A few months ago I said that comparing the American right wing of 2020 to the Nazis of 1938, the year of Kristallnacht and the opening of the first concentration camps, was patently absurd. But to compare them to the Nazis of 1929, the year they were just getting off the ground politically, was not only fair - it was unavoidable.
We are now at 1933 comparatively.
Back off Boogaloo |
The fact that we have a renown white supremacist named Stephen Miller standing behind the president of the United States, helping to make national policy - and in some cases writing it - should outrage everyone with an IQ above a half-eaten box on Milk Duds. American extremist, far-right groups such as Q-anon and Boogaloo, which have gained a foothold here in the states, are starting gain serious support throughout Europe. The Boogaloo Boys are a well-armed militia group whose stated policy is to start a second American civil war. This is twice as freaked out as anyone would have dared imagine America would ever find itself a mere four years ago. This is beyond insane. My biggest worry is Trump inviting these murderous assholes to patrol the streets of Washington if he loses the election. I know that sounds like an unbelievable scenario - and perhaps it is - but our current chief executive is so wicked and extreme that it seems nothing anymore is beyond the realm of possibility. Incredible days these are.
Not only does this miserable despot need to be removed from the White House on January 20, 2021 (forcibly if necessary) his entire presidency needs to be nullified and voided. We need Joe Biden to be inaugurated - not as the 46th - but as the 45th president four months, two weeks, and six days from today.
It's going to seem like a long, long time. Hang in there, folks.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
On the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, this brief report appeared on MSNBC. It's worth a look:
It must be remembered that the Suffragette movement was a "whites only" affair. That's what is not being talked about. In fact, the real centennial of the day all women gaining the right to vote is not for another forty-five years. Remember this.
Something, Something, Something "Democrat Run Cities" Something, Something, Something "Canned, tacitly agreed upon excuse dismissing obvious counter argument to ridiculously stupid campaign tactic" Something, Something, "We're just going to ignore the President is the President of all of the United States, not just non-Democrat-Run Cities" Something, Something, MAGA.
Here is recorded proof of how wrong this latest attempt to stop the swing in the polls for Trump is.
I doubt any of you will watch but it's out there for you to see. This recording says nothing about who controls the burning cities or the States in which they are located. It is instead a video of words spoken by liberals BEFORE the big switch from saying nothing about rioting, arson and looting to blaming Trump for them. If the actions encouraged by the people in this video were correct when they said them, why the change now?
So let the hating begin, as Tom has advised me I can only have one post per thread, I stand defenseless. Just the way Antifa likes it.
Clearly all the hate is from JTF. And from such a whiny little victim to boot.
Just The Facts is deflecting from who really is responsible for law, order and justice in cities. It is the police, not Democrats. But since too many cops are racist thugs and Trump-lovers we have the reactions unfolding. The cops FAILED. The cops KILLED. The cops MAIMED. No wonder he wants to blame democrats.
Not once has JTf expressed an iota of compassion for the unarmed Blacks and others murdered by racist cops and his Trump Cult.
Not once has he expressed outrage, and condemned the racist mass killers in Charleston and El Paso.
Not once has JTF condemned police brutality.
Not once has JTF admitted his racist MAGAt friends on the Right have committed arson and vandalism. Many have been arrested for fueling the chaos in Minneapolis.
Not. Once.
So who does condemn the violence? Not Trump. He does the opposite. He ordered cops to gas, club, and assault peaceful protesters so he could make a photo op with a Bible. He cheers his armed racist thugs as "patriots", instigating more violence such as the racist Trump-loving MAGAt kid.
It's time to end the racism, hate, lies, and authoritarian despotism from the white nationalists in the White House, Congress, and police agencies.
It's time for decent Americans to take charge.
Biden: The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable. Shooting in the streets of a great American city is unacceptable. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same.
Harris: I join Joe Biden in condemning this violence. This cannot—and must not—be who we are. Americans deserve a president who will heal our country and bring people together—not fan the flames of hate and division.
Deja Poo
(adj.) The feeling of having heard this crap before.
Example: See any post by Dave Dubya.
Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll — and more troops say they’ll vote for Biden.
“Among active-duty service members surveyed in the poll, 43 percent said they would vote for Biden, the Democratic nominee, if the election was held today. Only 37 percent said they plan to vote to re-elect Trump.”
Military and Veterans | Pew Research Center
www.pewresearch.org › topics › military-and-veterans
A new Pew Research Center survey of veterans finds that a majority (57%) approve of the way Trump is handling his duties as commander in chief.
The question is does Dave Dubya approve of polls from the Pew Research Center?
Sgt Rock.
Thanks, as ever, for your excellent posts Tom. It's really scary watching what is happening in the US from Europe. I think, like so many others, that you are right and this election will decide the future of the US.
If it was not for the gerrymandering, purging of voters from the electoral roll, closing polling stations in Democratic areas, electronic voting machine fraud, the sabotaging the USPS and mail-in ballots, and come November, voter intimidation at polling stations the Republicans would not have a hope of winning. They have to cheat, and they know it, especially with the change in demographics.
If Trump does manage to steal this election, the future looks horrendously bleak. Not just for the US. 2020 is a pivotal year in so many years for all of us.
I do want to say thank you to Dave Dubya for your excellent posts, and especially the one calling out TJF's constant deflection, whataboutism and complete lack of compassion. The thing is, anyone who supports Trump at this stage is simply devoid of decency, humanity or empathy. It's pointless engaging with them.
Isn't it hilarious that Just The Facts thinks he's fooling people with his "Sgt Rock" comments?
Not once has "Sgt Rock" expressed an iota of compassion for the unarmed Blacks and others murdered by racist cops and his Trump Cult.
Not once has "Sgt Rock" expressed outrage, and condemned the racist mass killers in Charleston and El Paso.
Not once has "Sgt Rock" condemned police brutality.
Not once has "Sgt Rock" admitted his racist MAGAt friends on the Right have committed arson and vandalism. Many have been arrested for fueling the chaos in Minneapolis.
Not. Once.
TRUMP: "A person was on a plane, said there were about 6 people like that person, more or less, and what happened is the entire plane filled up with the looters, the anarchists, rioters, people looking for trouble. The person felt very uncomfortable on the plane."
This should be investigated immediately. Sounds like a job for Sgt. Rock.
It shouldn't be hard to find looters who can afford air travel.
In the meantime, be afraid. Be very afraid of the "Flying Looters".
Les Holmes,
Have you noticed how Dave Dubya's last two posts were full of "deflection, whataboutism and showed a complete lack of compassion"?
BTW Les,
"If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." https://t.co/t8LXowKIbw
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) June 1, 2020
So who is it that's supporting the riots?
Sgt Rock.
Kamala Harris And Biden Staffers Contributed To And Promoted Bail Fund For Those Arrested During Riots
Those donating to @KamalaHarris’s appeal helped bail out peaceful protestor Lionel Timms, who was re-arrested last week, this time for an alleged assault that left the victim with a fractured skull and traumatic brain injury. https://t.co/QnR5cycs1y
It’s a brazen bait & switch. After claiming for months that the looting & violence were peaceful protests, now Dems admit they are riots, but claim that they’re @realDonaldTrump’s fault. Frauds. pic.twitter.com/8armd15lZD
— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) September 1, 2020
"After claiming for months that the looting & violence were peaceful protests..."
LOL! Jerry Rivers is a liar. Dems have never denied the bad behavior, and have defended the peaceful behavior. Nobody said the "looting & violence were peaceful protests". Nobody but the racist liars who want to make up false accusations, like Nazis did. Hard to tell the difference these days between Hitler's Nazis and Trump's N.A.Z.I.s.
Now when will our racist white nationalists condemn racist white cops who kill unarmed Black people? When will they condemn the racist thugs who want to shoot protesters? They won't because that is who they are. That is their cult.
Funny how they are outraged at property crimes, and totally indifferent to lawlessness police brutality and white nationalist mass murderers and vigilantism.
And they say they are "pro life"... Sad.
LOL. There are links, no there are tons of links showing the democrats claiming that the looting & violence were peaceful protests. But you won't look at them, you will not watch them.
In 2019 how many unarmed blacks were killed by cops of ALL races? Not that you will believe it or even fact check me, but the number was 19. Not that you will watch it, I guess out of FEAR of being proven wrong, here's a link that lists those 19, case by case.(https://therightscoop.com/watch-tucker-carlson-exposes-the-truth-about-police-brutality/) CASE BY CASE all 19 of them, including the sentence the cops who committed the murders received.
But you and I both know, that the truth is your worst enemy. Who knows, maybe, just maybe a true liberal will have the intellectual curiosity you seem to lack and see if what you have said is truth and fact check YOU. Maybe just one liberal will open the link and see the truth.
When will you stop hiding behind the excuse that since there is racism in America any actions by a black is justified? Are you outraged at the killing of black St. Louis cop by a white guy? Are you ready to join BLM in the march there protesting his death? Oops, there is no protest over the black cop's death, strange isn't it WHICH black lives matter.
Kamala Harris: Rioters 'aren't going to let up, and they should not'
'Everyone beware, they're not going to stop before election day, they're not going to stop after election day,' Kamala Harris says.
"...tons of links showing the democrats claiming that the looting & violence were peaceful protests."
But for some reason JTF FAILED to cite JUST ONE.
He can't because he is a liar. Jesus knows he's a liar, too. He's a fake Christian, or he just hates everything Jesus preached. Just like Trump.
But he is a true believer. Dear Leader tells him, "...A city like Portland where the entire city is ablaze all the time.” “Portland’s been burning for many years. For decades it’s been burning.”
So now the racist cult says "Portland is ablaze".
Portland Fire Dept. says they never needed more than one truck for any of the fires.
One truck.
You have been given several, are you blind and stupid? The answer is YES to both.
Can't wait to read your next lie.
"...the looting & violence were peaceful protests."
Still not one person making that claim. Just a liar saying so. Jesus knows he is a liar. So do we.
So you didn't watch the links did you. No comments on the 19 unarmed blacks killed by cops in 2019? That's odd. I would have thought you would called them a lie, just like your did old Jerry.
Biden Takes Tougher Tone On Rioting Despite Staffers Funding Bail For “Protesters” 4 months too late, but just follow the money.. his staff is still funding the riots.
BLM is a hoax, only some Black lives matter to them. Blacks in the womb don't. Black police officers killed by white guys don't. Blacks killed by other blacks don't. Rather discriminating of them wouldn't you say?
And Jesus knows you are a liar.
Black Lives United canceled a weekend march in Green Bay due to the overwhelming amount of events that took place since Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times by a Kenosha Police Officer on August 23.
Sgt Rock.
Jesus is a MYTH, and you cannot be conservative and christian at the same time.
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