The Freak Show Commences

Last night was something unprecedented. By taking these assholes seriously, one could be forgiven for believing that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected on November 3, the collapse of western civilization is all-but-imminent. Church will be outlawed - as will education for children, heterosexual marriage, the flag, Mom, Pop and apple pie. One nitwit even proclaimed that Joe and Kamala wanted to create a "socialist utopia". Apparently not one person of the scores of people who vetted that speech had the brains to understand that "utopia" is defined as a perfect, harmonious society. These people are oodles of fun to watch; and to think that last night was only the first of three!
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The speeches were a scream. The show business heavyweights for this convention are pretty sparse and pathetic. Last night it was Jon Voight - who was looking for all the world like a dementia victim. Coming up is Scott Baio, who is only known these days as being America's most visible has-been. The only one on schedule to speak who presently has a viable career is James Woods. The high point of the evening was the unhinged speech given by Junior's latest squeeze, Kimberly Guilfoyle. Speaking as if she was in front of an audience of thousands, the poor woman became so unhinged that I thought she was going to have a stroke.
Also participating in the fun were the two most completely despicable people in the House of Reprehensibles. I refer to, of course, Jim Jordon of Ohio and Matt Gaetz of Florida. Jordon has been accused of recklessly indifferent behavior back in the nineties when he was assistant coach of an Ohio college wrestling team. The team's doctor was sexually abusing a number of the wrestlers. He denies that he knew of the doctor's perversion but every former member of that team has said that Jordon is lying. He knew everything. Moral values indeed.
Gaetz, on the other hand, is just an impudent twit. Lenny Bruce once remarked about the state of Florida, "Geographically it's a groove, but politically it's a cancer". He made that statement in 1960 and, sad to say, Florida has evolved barely a molecule since. Any people who would elect Matt Gaetz to anything should not be allowed to play with sharp objects. In fact the entire state needs supervision by professionals. Seriously.
So there you have it, campers! The GOP Freak Show promises to be the festival of unintentional humor that has become synonymous with something that was once called "the party of Abraham Lincoln". We are living through some very strange times, aren't we? Just think of the complete laughingstock America will be to the rest of the planet if this knucklehead is reelected.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before a House committee yesterday. It didn't go well for him and we'll just leave it at that. Here's a link to watch it in its entirety. The hearings don't start until about twenty minutes into the feed. It's something else.
Strange days indeed.

So there you have it, campers! The GOP Freak Show promises to be the festival of unintentional humor that has become synonymous with something that was once called "the party of Abraham Lincoln". We are living through some very strange times, aren't we? Just think of the complete laughingstock America will be to the rest of the planet if this knucklehead is reelected.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before a House committee yesterday. It didn't go well for him and we'll just leave it at that. Here's a link to watch it in its entirety. The hearings don't start until about twenty minutes into the feed. It's something else.
Strange days indeed.
It was certainly something to behold. If you look passed the ludicrousness of what was being said by all of them, I think Nikki Hailey and Tim Scott were the most effective of the lot, and it was both savvy and unfortunate for the Republicans (Trump) to put them at the end. They at least sounded like adults while some of the bilge spewed out between their breaths. Nikki "I had to go by my middle name to have a viable Republican career" Haley spoke about being a brown person in a Black and White world. It's effective. As for Tim Scott, whom I don't have any Colbert-esque nickname for, was equally effective. They both have a very American backgrounds and stories, which if they had 'D's next to their name would likely be dismissed and mocked by the party they represent.
Also, try re-watching Kimberly Guilfoyle's speech with O Fortuna playing in the background. It'd be almost comical if it weren't real.
I liked the speech given by Kimberly Klacik. She pointed out how wonderful inner cities run and controlled by Democrats like Baltimore have become. I'm surprised no one has commented on her. Baltimore candidate Kim Klacik puts Dems on notice over Black support: ‘Ignored us for too long’ Watch and give us your review.
Did you see this guy's speech? Do you agree with him?
Maximo Alvarez, President of Sunshine Gasoline and a Cuban immigrant, warns against Joe Biden. "I've seen ideas like this before, and I am here to tell you, you cannot let them take over our country."
C-Span LiveStream: RNC Drew 6x The Viewers As DNC Did…
C-SPAN’s livestream of the first night of the Republican National Convention has attracted nearly 440,000 views, marking a substantial increase over the start of the Democratic National Convention, which drew 76,000 views.
Anonymous is desperately deflecting from the ratings: About 17 million tuned in on the Republican convention’s first night, compared with 19.7 million for the Democrats.
That comes to about 2,700,000 MORE viewers for Democrats. Let give them the stream count.
That comes to about 2,364,000 MORE viewers for the Democrats.
C-SPAN’s livestream states RNC Drew 6x The Viewers As DNC Did. Dave Duyba is desperately trying to put lipstick on the DNC pig.
Well, no, not at all, JTF. You're talking about CSpan's feed as if it were the end-all, be-all for the viewership. More people watched the Day 1 RNC on Cspan than they did watching Day 1 of the DNC. That's how it's been reported. Dave is saying the overall viewership including C-Span, Cable News, etc had more people watching Day 1 DNC.
Now, to me, it really doesn't matter. I'd like there to be more viewers of both conventions across the board. That means more people are trying to stay connected and engaged to the political process. Honestly, I'd expect more people to watch the DNC over the RNC, since the RNC is currently in power. People see and hear the President every day and his points of view and policy ideas. The DNC is the opportunity for our fellow citizens to learn what the opposition has to say and their plans for the future.
Unfortunately, It's kind of disappointing that rather than discuss the substance and rhetoric, we've got a segment of the population more interested to see who "won" at "the ratings", as if that mattered to anything other than how much CNN, NBC and Fox can charge for ad space. "Winning" at ratings. Another example of Politics and Governance being treated like we're all engaged in a match of Sportsball.
"discuss the substance and rhetoric"....I asked you TB3 your thoughts about the speech given by Kimberly Klacik, and Maximo Alvarez, but you haven't said a word about either. So I question how serious you are about discussing substance.
Oh, I'm sorry JTF. It's difficult for me to know when you are actually sincerely asking a question and "asking a question to deflect from real conversation". So, you actually are interested?
I thought Mr. Alvarez's speech was quite sincere. I am not sure how effective it was at swaying the undecided or the otherside, because Donald Trump isn't running against a communist or a socialist, so tapping into the Castro/Red Scare tactic doesn't seem like an optimal choice. Still. He came off sincere with his emotional appeal.
Kim Klacik is someone I've been following for a couple of years now. She's less sincere. She's running for the Maryland 7th and trying to point out the blight in West Baltimore when, 1) The people who will vote for her already know about it, 2) Pointing out the blight works for a national audience, so doesn't seem like the tactic to take when trying to get the locals to vote for you. 3) She doesn't and hasn't actually lived in that part of the city. Thanks to Gerrymandering, the 7th reaches into an area of Maryland that's starkly different than west Baltimore and that's where she lives. Her inclusion in the Convention was a big question mark for me and her sincerity to help the people of the 7th doesn't seem, to me, to come from a genuine place. She seems to be seeking national attention.
"So, you actually are interested?"
It was the first two questions posted. How much more interested would I have to be? But thanks for your answer. I believe your standard of where Kim Klacik lives could be said about Maxine Waters resident in her district. If everyone who lives in the 7th knows about the blight, why do they keep electing people who do nothing about it? That's what baffles me. That's what I heard her saying.
How much more interested would you have to be? You routinely ask questions and do not engage in good faith when you get answers. It's the Boy Who Cried Wolf, JTF. When you are sincere, how the hell would I know? After a while of you shotgunning questions and not engaging with the answers you are given, a person gets a little cynical. However, I appreciate and welcome your engagement.
To answer your follow up question, you and Kim could ask the people of West Baltimore. I, like you and Kim Klacik, don't live in West Baltimore so I lack a complete understanding of the why's, how's and what's that has created the West Baltimore that we see today. Furthermore, I posit that Kim would do a lot better for West Baltimore, if she's sincere about dealing with the situation, by moving there, engaging with the community, and running for office within the local government. If she were to defeat Mfume, she'd have to split her time in the other jurisdictions the gerrymandered district encompasses and would probably run into the problem previous holders of that office ran into when advocating for their district. At least as a member of the City Council or, heck even Mayor, she'd have a lot more direct access to solving the problems she highlighted in her speech and in her recent campaign ad.
As for Maxine Waters, yes, I imagine gerrymandering across the country leads to similar issues that I mentioned, however, you asked about Mr. Alvarez and Kim Klacik. Maxine Waters isn't relevant to the topic unless you're not really interested in my opinions on Kim Klacik and Mr. Alvarez and what they had to say.
"lack a complete understanding of the why's, how's and what's that has created the West Baltimore that we see today." One thing for sure, the situation in West Baltimore has NOT been caused by electing Republicans to represent the district. The late Elijah Cummings lived in the Madison Park area of the 7th district. Not sure if where Kim lives in the 7th has anything do to with the price of beans since as you pointed out the 7th has been gerrymandered. The people of the 7th will get to decided if they feel it is time for a change come November or if they want to continue with the same ole same ole.
"Not sure if where Kim lives in the 7th has anything do to with the price of beans since as you pointed out the 7th has been gerrymandered."
She lives out in the comfortable suburbs. Maybe it's an unfair opinion, but she doesn't give much to change the opinion. What I am saying, and what I feel, is that she's running for the wrong office if her concern is what she sees in West Baltimore. She's running for Federal office and complaining about local issues. The late Elijah Cummings was very popular in the 7th. Apparently his constituency thought he represented them well enough at the Federal level. My initial point with Ms. Klacik is that I would find her local concerns for West Baltimore more sincere, if she were running for local office. As Representative of the 7th District of Maryland, Mr. Cummings could bring money to the area in the form of earmarks or have legislation that could help areas like West Baltimore. However, a more targeted approach to helping that area would be to run at the local level. A targeted approach that could focus on the local issues that remained a hurdle even for someone as invested in the 7th as Cummings was. As it is, her campaign videos seems tailor-made for national, mass consumption for the Fox News/OANN audiences not to the constituency of the Maryland 7th, who I imagine, are well aware of how West Baltimore looks/is. Furthermore, her entire campaign seems to consist of general "conservative" talking points and pointing out the state of West Baltimore and that Baltimore is "Democrat run", which, again, should be meaningless to someone running for Federal-level office.
Her videos nor her published, let's call it, policy platform, seem to substantively address the issues she expresses care for. I do find her efforts through her not-for-profit organization admirable and worthwhile though. As much as the President, and those riding along on his coat tails, since the party no longer has its own platform to stand on, you can't boil down the issues to 'Democrat Run Cities'. There's nuance, outside pressures and history at work in many of these blighted places.
But you're right. If the folks in the 7th want to elect Ms. Klacik, which they didn't want to just a couple of months ago in the Special Election, than I welcome that exercise in democracy.
"Maybe it's an unfair opinion." It is, since where she lives could be the result of gerrymandering. And honestly, why does where a person lives in a district have anything to do with voting or not voting for them? Do you think blacks should only vote for the person who lives in the poorest part of their district? What does that say about your view of blacks? Has doing so improved their district in then past 30 years? What changes for the 7th if they continue to elect the same party to represent them?
Nothing so far, things have gotten worse.
Why should it be meaningless for someone running for Federal-level office to point out the failure to improve the 7the district by the liberal Federal office holders? Isn't making things better if you vote for me a political common tactic? What do the liberal talking points have to offer the voter of the 7th in the way of improving their district? And how are they different from the previous promises? Have they produced the promised results?
Why are liberals so afraid of improvement in their strong hold, the inner city?
Looks like the "Freak Show" is doing quite well.
In our latest Zogby Poll, the president has recorded his best job approval rating on record-52% at least somewhat approved/47% at least somewhat disapproved. When it came to intensity of surveyed voters, a third (32%) strongly approved while 35% strongly disapproved. There were specific demographics in the president's job approval numbers that helped move his overall rating upward: he improved drastically with younger voters aged 18-29 (50% at least somewhat approved/49% at least somewhat disapproved) and voters aged 30-64 (54% at least somewhat approved/45% at least somewhat disapproved. In contrast, the oldest voters aged 65+ (44% at least somewhat approved/56% at least somewhat disapproved) were less enthusiastic about the president's job performance to date.
The president continued to solidify his base by performing very well with men and Republicans. Thus, 63% of men at least somewhat approved of the president compared to 42% of women (36% of men at least somewhat disapproved vs. 58% of women). To no one's surprise, the president's job approval numbers were also strong with Republicans (88% at least somewhat approved/11% at least somewhat disapproved).
However, the president also improved his numbers with Independents (44% at least somewhat approved/53% at least somewhat disapproved).
In order to get a grip on where Trump's job approval rating stands in the minority communities, we surveyed 351 African Americans, 382 Hispanics, and 350 Asian Americans. What we found were some instances of stronger job approval numbers, than previously thought, but also many numbers consistent with previous findings. Overall, among African Americans, the president's numbers (36% at least somewhat approved/61% at least somewhat disapproved) were much better than we saw in previous polling including his previous record of 27% approval. In addition to this surprising revelation, the president's job approval numbers were also very high among young African American voters aged 18-29 (54% at least somewhat approved/46% at least somewhat disapproved) and African Americans aged 18-24 (49% at least somewhat approved/49% at least somewhat disapproved). Our polls have registered this phenomenon before, but not at the current levels.
Maybe the "peaceful protests" and the economic Covid 19 shut downs aren't helping Biden?
Why do con-servatives ignore the urban problems of Republican managed cities?
Absent from this criticism are the cities governed by Republicans. San Diego, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, El Paso, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Omaha, and Miami all have similar urban issues.
Could JTF possibly be employing their patented, double-standard, IOKIYAR, hypocrite's tactic? Indeed.
And now this:
Trump’s new favorite poll inflates his approval rating by about 10 points
"Zogby Analytics has a track record of remarkably inaccurate preelection polls,” Stanford University professor Jon Krosnick told the Atlantic when Trump was touting Zogby polls in October 2015, noting that the shabby performance was a result of nonrandom sampling.
Zogby’s poll in an extreme outlier. A CNN survey released on Wednesday pegged Trump’s approval rating at 40 percent, with 54 percent disapproving. FiveThirtyEight’s poll aggregator pegs it at 42 percent, with 54 percent disapproving. RealClearPolitics’ poll average has it at 43 percent, with 54 percent disapproving. Zogby, by contrast, pegs Trump’s disapproval rating at just 47 percent."
"all have similar urban issues" LIE. None are being burned down. Burned down by peaceful protests like the inner cities of democrat controlled cities. Bet Dave won't move to the inner cities being run by democrats. Wonder why?
Last time it was Rasmussen polls that Dave discredited, this time it's Zogby, from of all places that leftist source of so much disinformation VOX. LOL!!
Kamala Harris (Not Joe Biden) Will Travel To D.C. To Deliver A Counter To Trump’s Speech At RNC… Why the hell isn’t Biden going?
"All have similar urban issues". FACT.
Racists love to point to the disturbances, because it deflects from the FACTS that unarmed Black people are murdered by racist Trump-loving thugs in blue. Now there's a 17 year old Trump-loving kid who MURDERED protesters. Because he's a gun nut offspring of hateful racist Trump-loving parents.
So who are the REAL violent criminals here? Yes, the TRUMP-SUCKING neo-Nazis. They hate the same people Hitler hated. Minorities, liberals, socialists, educators, and journalists, are their targets of hate, smears, lies. The body count from racist white nationalist terrorists is second only to 9-11.
JTF and his beloved Trump cult ignore the dangerous criminals. The killers in blue. The white nationalist cops and militia thugs acting like Trump's private SS. Not a trace of Christian sympathy from JTF for the victims, only blame. Hitler's Nazis claimed to be Christians too, just like our American neo-Nazis.
Racism isn't racism to racists. Not one of them are racist. Nosiree. Just ask. They'll tell you they are good, conservative, Christian patriots.
The all LIE, just like their racist Liar-in-Chief.
Jesus knows I'm telling the facts here. So does JTF. He can lie to himself and to us, but he can't lie to Jesus.
JTF should pray for forgiveness, to be cleansed of his foul bigotry, and racist hate for fellow Americans.
He won't. He thinks if he can fool himself and seethe with hatred, he can fool Jesus and everyone else.
Hell has a special place for evil fake "Christians".
Wonder if Tom is going to limit Dave's posts for being abusive?
In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll. Not VOX or Dave approved so it must be FACT.
Hey, it looks like that Omar Wasow fellow the left demonized a few months back was on to something. (To refresh, Wasow is the Princeton political scientist who demonstrated with the usual quantitative analysis how urban rioting helped elect Nixon in 1968. Even though Wasow is on the left, the left mob went berserk over his wrongthink.)
Once again the delicate authoritarian white guy plays his victim card. But don't worry, its OK for JTF to call Dave "abusive" and a "liar".
"WAH, wah! Boo hoo! Dave is being mean! He's using facts and calling out hypocrisy! UNFAIR!"
"Never mind those brutal cops killing unarmed Black people, gassing peaceful protesters and clubbing and arresting journalists! Never mind racist white punks murdering people on the street! I'M the REAL victim here!"
There, there, Jesus know who the real victims are. And He knows who the cold-blooded racist liars are, too.
Instead of playing the race card (must be all you've got), try to stay on Tom's topic.
"try to stay on Tom's topic"
The topic is The GOP Freak Show.
That would include you, your cult, and everything I've discussed.
THE authoritarian Dave Dubya has spoken.
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