Vandalizing the Post Office
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"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
The United States Postal Service Creed
Would someone be kind enough to explain to our illustrious, half-witted, Common-Pervert-in-Chief that it is a felony to obstruct the function of the United States Postal Service?
The United States Postal Service Creed
Would someone be kind enough to explain to our illustrious, half-witted, Common-Pervert-in-Chief that it is a felony to obstruct the function of the United States Postal Service?
What is happening at the moment is a major continuation of the rolling constitutional crisis that has been wrecking havoc on our civic affairs since a significant minority of the electorate naively came to the muddled conclusion nearly four years ago that sending this haggard and senile old demagogue to the house that was once occupied by Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt would be a really neat idea.
For the record: It wasn't.
What Trump and his new postmaster general are in the process of doing is destroying an institution whose very existence is guaranteed in the Constitution.
That's right, folks! The United States Post Office isn't some evil, liberal cabal that was cooked up by the Deep State in the sub-basement of Noam Chomsky's home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with co-conspirators Ed Asner and Barbara Streisand drawing up socialist documents - aided and abetted by Jane Fonda and Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez keeping an armed guard at the door, and the added attraction of Bernie Sanders mixing Marguerites and pina coladas just behind the furnace.
No, the United States Post Office is an institution conceived in America's most precious founding documents.
One beautiful thing about the imbecile at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is that he is so transparently stupid, one doesn't have to do too much digging to mine some method to his obvious madness. He-all-but admitted on a nationally televised interview on FOX Noise that he was withholding the money the USPS desperately needs to keep afloat. The institution almost went bankrupt a few years ago when the GOP forced it by law to finance employee retirement packages decades into the future. This was all part of their scheme to make the post office insolvent - and ripe for the taking over by the captains of industry. Nice, huh?
Trump refuses to hand over a dime. He is trying to stop the mail-in/absentee ballots from being delivered on time - if at all - and he said as much. The fact that millions of senior citizens rely on the mail to receive life-saving medications every month of the year means not a thing to this disgusting, homicidal Neanderthal. All that matters to Donald Trump is WINNING - by any and every means necessary, and at every and any cost. And if that cost should include the lives of you or your loved ones? Well, that's what we call "tough shit", amigo! This despicable bastard is your president. I mean - c'mon, folks! This is a guy who admitted on a nationally televised program that he finds his own daughter sexually attractive. We knew this about him before the election of 2016! Were you expecting any better? Seriously.
What we are witnessing with our own bugged-out eyes is the worst and most immense political and financial corruption in the history of human greed and stupidity. Trump and Postmaster General Louis de Joy (a most curious name under the circumstances) have a golden opportunity here to kill two injured birds with one deadly stone:
Their current goal is to slow down the mail to such a degree that most of the ballots won't arrive at boards of election until after the deadline. That is the reason they are removing outside mailboxes all across the land this week - thousands of them. That is also the reason why De Joy has done away with overtime pay for postal workers. To make matters worse, six-hundred and seventy-one machines across America that sort through 21.4 million letters per hour are being removed from postal centers in high population areas (in other words, cities with lots 'n' lots of brown faces). A lot of those machines are being junked. Are you awake yet? I kind of thought you would be.
Their second goal is to do something that Republicans have wanted to accomplish for nearly a century: They want to turn our constitutionally guaranteed postal service over to private industry - a postal industrial complex, if you will. De Joy is a walking/talking, conflict-of-interest machine. If the post office goes private, this hideous bastard stands to get even richer than he already is.
What could possibly go wrong?
FUN FACT: They also want to privatize our public schools. The head of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, wants to hand your children's education over to private industry. Chew on that fact for a while and get back to me.
The very fact that they are interfering in the manner in which the mail is to be delivered in this doomed nation - and the snail's pace they obviously want the mail to be delivered at - is an act of treason in-and-of itself. Donald Trump took an oath on Inauguration Day 2017 to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". I think that, at this late date, we can all clearly see what a sick fucking joke that was.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Last night on the Rachel Maddow program, Rachel interviewed Kimberly Carroll, the head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union. She was the whistleblower who alerted the country to what these people are doing to our post office. Here is a link to watch it:
This is serious.
Trump's younger brother Bob is very sick in a Manhattan hospital. His condition is said to be critical. The president is keeping mum on the nature of his illness. It would be an irony of Shakespearean proportions were it to be revealed that he has the coronavirus. Send the poor guy a prayer, wish him well - and don't touch that dial, folks.
EPILOGUE, 8/16/20, 2:05 AM:
Robert Trump has died. "It is what it is". Forgive me.
For the record: It wasn't.
What Trump and his new postmaster general are in the process of doing is destroying an institution whose very existence is guaranteed in the Constitution.
That's right, folks! The United States Post Office isn't some evil, liberal cabal that was cooked up by the Deep State in the sub-basement of Noam Chomsky's home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with co-conspirators Ed Asner and Barbara Streisand drawing up socialist documents - aided and abetted by Jane Fonda and Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez keeping an armed guard at the door, and the added attraction of Bernie Sanders mixing Marguerites and pina coladas just behind the furnace.
No, the United States Post Office is an institution conceived in America's most precious founding documents.
One beautiful thing about the imbecile at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is that he is so transparently stupid, one doesn't have to do too much digging to mine some method to his obvious madness. He-all-but admitted on a nationally televised interview on FOX Noise that he was withholding the money the USPS desperately needs to keep afloat. The institution almost went bankrupt a few years ago when the GOP forced it by law to finance employee retirement packages decades into the future. This was all part of their scheme to make the post office insolvent - and ripe for the taking over by the captains of industry. Nice, huh?
Trump refuses to hand over a dime. He is trying to stop the mail-in/absentee ballots from being delivered on time - if at all - and he said as much. The fact that millions of senior citizens rely on the mail to receive life-saving medications every month of the year means not a thing to this disgusting, homicidal Neanderthal. All that matters to Donald Trump is WINNING - by any and every means necessary, and at every and any cost. And if that cost should include the lives of you or your loved ones? Well, that's what we call "tough shit", amigo! This despicable bastard is your president. I mean - c'mon, folks! This is a guy who admitted on a nationally televised program that he finds his own daughter sexually attractive. We knew this about him before the election of 2016! Were you expecting any better? Seriously.
What we are witnessing with our own bugged-out eyes is the worst and most immense political and financial corruption in the history of human greed and stupidity. Trump and Postmaster General Louis de Joy (a most curious name under the circumstances) have a golden opportunity here to kill two injured birds with one deadly stone:
Their current goal is to slow down the mail to such a degree that most of the ballots won't arrive at boards of election until after the deadline. That is the reason they are removing outside mailboxes all across the land this week - thousands of them. That is also the reason why De Joy has done away with overtime pay for postal workers. To make matters worse, six-hundred and seventy-one machines across America that sort through 21.4 million letters per hour are being removed from postal centers in high population areas (in other words, cities with lots 'n' lots of brown faces). A lot of those machines are being junked. Are you awake yet? I kind of thought you would be.
Their second goal is to do something that Republicans have wanted to accomplish for nearly a century: They want to turn our constitutionally guaranteed postal service over to private industry - a postal industrial complex, if you will. De Joy is a walking/talking, conflict-of-interest machine. If the post office goes private, this hideous bastard stands to get even richer than he already is.
What could possibly go wrong?
FUN FACT: They also want to privatize our public schools. The head of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, wants to hand your children's education over to private industry. Chew on that fact for a while and get back to me.
The very fact that they are interfering in the manner in which the mail is to be delivered in this doomed nation - and the snail's pace they obviously want the mail to be delivered at - is an act of treason in-and-of itself. Donald Trump took an oath on Inauguration Day 2017 to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". I think that, at this late date, we can all clearly see what a sick fucking joke that was.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Rachel Maddow |
Last night on the Rachel Maddow program, Rachel interviewed Kimberly Carroll, the head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union. She was the whistleblower who alerted the country to what these people are doing to our post office. Here is a link to watch it:
This is serious.
Trump's younger brother Bob is very sick in a Manhattan hospital. His condition is said to be critical. The president is keeping mum on the nature of his illness. It would be an irony of Shakespearean proportions were it to be revealed that he has the coronavirus. Send the poor guy a prayer, wish him well - and don't touch that dial, folks.
EPILOGUE, 8/16/20, 2:05 AM:
Robert Trump has died. "It is what it is". Forgive me.
I bet the Russians are removing them, dressed up to look like Postal workers.
Wrong Trump.
The person known as "Just The Facts", formerly "Chuckie", will be allowed only one comment a piece from now on.
Liberal censorship huh Tom?
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