Bill Barr's Department of Injustice
"In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls."
Lenny Bruce

In the meantime, Trump's buddies, Paul Manifort and Roger Stone, both of whom are also guilty of serious offenses, are walking as free as a pair of demented birdies. They remained loyal to Trump, covered up his crimes and didn't sing. That is what justice looks like in the era of Donald Trump and Bill Barr.

We are just two days shy of six months left on the clock until this corrupt and disgusting administration is thrown onto History's shit pile. We have no other choice but to ride it out and hope that the unhinged, orange sociopath in the oval office doesn't blow us all into a bazillion itty bitty pieces. And not one of us should be complacent enough to think that Joe Biden has got this thing wrapped up like a Christmas present. He doesn't. We need to do everything as humanly possible to ensure that Donald Trump is not reelected on the third of November. If he is able to retain another four years - whether de does it legally or illegally - this country is doomed. Do you really think I'm exaggerating? Stay tuned.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
BREAKING NEWS, 7/23/20, 2:35 PM:
Michael Cohen will be freed from the Otisville slammer tomorrow. A federal judge called the move "retaliatory". Cohen will be free to publish his memoirs before Election Day.
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