POST #942: Random Observations
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7/14/20 |
What we have today are merely a series of unrelated thoughts that I had posted out in the Facebooksphere or in my notebook. Welcome to a merry romp through the lovely vineyards of Idiot Nation. Any resemblances to any persons, living or dead, is purely intentional.
1. The Good Doctor versus The Great Dictator
I don't like the way der Donald has been treating the only human being connected to this disgusting administration with any credibility. It seems that Dr. Tony Fauci has been moved to the peripherals of the Trump White House. This is just another example of the petulance and immaturity of this idiotic president. The people of the United States need to hear from Dr. Fauci, and they need to hear from him as often as humanly possible. Lives may depend on it. When he speaks, people tend to pay attention; according to more-than - one source, Trump is jealous of the good doctor's popularity with the public. Poll after embarrassing poll show conclusively that more people trust Fauci's word than the president at whose pleasure he serves. In order to besmirch his character, The press secretary has been issuing statements saying that Fauci has been wrong in the past and that some of his statements just were not true. Right. In the beginning of this mess he did get a few things wrong; it was a confusing and uncertain time - but compare that to Trump - who's gotten everything wrong!
This is going to end badly - but I repeat myself.
2. School Daze:
Not to the surprise of anyone who has bothered to pay attention during the past two-and-a-half years, Trump is insisting that schools across the nation open their doors in September during the worst pandemic in a century. He even seems to think that he has the power to order governors across the land to open them up. I'm sure that there are a number of governors in the deep south who will do just that, but in progressive places like here in New York and Massachusetts, the ones who run those states are taking a wait-and-see approach. It is shocking to think that this imbecile sociopath in the oval office would not even care for the welfare of our children during a time as catastrophic and traumatic as this. Why would he be so reckless? I have my own theory....
3. He is Trying to Cancel the National Election
I've said this before on this site but I need to say it again. You have to ask yourselves, if Trump really wants to be reelected on November 3, why would he want to risk the health of millions of Americans? What could possibly be the method to this madness? He is holding these rallies (indoors and outdoors) he is insisting that our children attend classes in September - simply because the obscene old bastard wants the COVID-19 virus to spread as quickly and as fatally as possible. His plan is to have the pandemic so out of control, that by November he will use the national chaos as an excuse to shut down Election Day. Does that sound like a crazy theory to you? Perhaps it is. Stay tuned.
Part of me is not too distressed over the fact that Roger Stone will not be spending any time in prison for lying to congress. Congress lies to the American people all of the time. But the very fact that he produced those lies in service of a criminal thug like Donald Trump sends me into a blind rage. In the months between Election Day and Inauguration Day, expect more-than-a-few more pardons. I strongly suspect that this madman will even pardon himself - and his family. Don't put it past the old pervert.
5. Chuck Woolery - Scientist Extraordinaire:
Donald Trump has retweeted the rantings of Chuck Woolery. Chuck is a washed-up game show host. He believes that the Centers For Disease Control and the World Health Organization have been lying to us throughout this pandemic. Trump has chosen to believe him over people with decades of experience in the field of infectious diseases.
If this country is stupid enough to send this unhinged, psychopathic piece-of-shit back to the White House in January, we will deserve everything that happens to us....Everything.
Have a lovely day, kiddies!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A number of years ago, a musician named Alexander Kariotis wrote a song about meeting and jamming in Heaven with John Lennon. This is so beautiful it defies description. Seriously.
I wanna play in Heaven with John Lennon!
Not to the surprise of anyone who has bothered to pay attention during the past two-and-a-half years, Trump is insisting that schools across the nation open their doors in September during the worst pandemic in a century. He even seems to think that he has the power to order governors across the land to open them up. I'm sure that there are a number of governors in the deep south who will do just that, but in progressive places like here in New York and Massachusetts, the ones who run those states are taking a wait-and-see approach. It is shocking to think that this imbecile sociopath in the oval office would not even care for the welfare of our children during a time as catastrophic and traumatic as this. Why would he be so reckless? I have my own theory....
3. He is Trying to Cancel the National Election

Part of me is not too distressed over the fact that Roger Stone will not be spending any time in prison for lying to congress. Congress lies to the American people all of the time. But the very fact that he produced those lies in service of a criminal thug like Donald Trump sends me into a blind rage. In the months between Election Day and Inauguration Day, expect more-than-a-few more pardons. I strongly suspect that this madman will even pardon himself - and his family. Don't put it past the old pervert.
5. Chuck Woolery - Scientist Extraordinaire:
Donald Trump has retweeted the rantings of Chuck Woolery. Chuck is a washed-up game show host. He believes that the Centers For Disease Control and the World Health Organization have been lying to us throughout this pandemic. Trump has chosen to believe him over people with decades of experience in the field of infectious diseases.
If this country is stupid enough to send this unhinged, psychopathic piece-of-shit back to the White House in January, we will deserve everything that happens to us....Everything.
Have a lovely day, kiddies!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A number of years ago, a musician named Alexander Kariotis wrote a song about meeting and jamming in Heaven with John Lennon. This is so beautiful it defies description. Seriously.
I wanna play in Heaven with John Lennon!
Der Donald is a horses' ass.
The Orange Paranoid has suborned his minions, unleashed his attack dogs to libel and slander those whom he fears or won't swear fealty, and drawn the mantle of Emperor Palpatine unto himself, "Power! Unlimited Power!". He does intend to remain president anyway he can by manipulating his base, distorting the rule of law with Barr's assistance, and using McConnell to cram as many incompetent thugs into judgeships as possible.
The bloated burnt orange beast will continue to stoke racism, rile up his white power ammosexual incel followers to attack and harm the "libs" while chipping away at any oversight or legal barrier that he perceives to thwart his ambitions.
It's not going to work. We are going to toss his ass out onto Pennsylvania Ave November 3 along with the rest of his ilk.
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