One Very Pathetic House Negro
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Standing for ol' Massah |
It's difficult to criticize Kanye West. For all the monkey-wrenches he seems hell-bent on throwing into the campaign of 2020, it's obvious to me that the poor guy is mentally ill. Even his wife will be the first to admit that Kanye is a little nuts. He is one of those people who are "famous just for being famous". His on-line biography informs me that he has gone from being a record producer - to a rapper - to a fashion designer. I'm also informed this morning that he is a billionaire. That says to me that he has been quite successful at underestimating the intelligence of the American people. It's no wonder that he and Donald Trump are soul mates.
In the run-up to the November 3 election, Kanye has been charged with a special mission from his Great White Fathers - the same guys that used to be known as "the party of Abraham Lincoln". Like the pathetic and subservient negro of old, he is allowing GOP operatives to place his name on the ballot in strategic battleground states dotting the map. Were he to miraculously win every state in which he'll be on the ticket, he won't have enough delegates to win the presidency. That isn't the point. He openly admits that he is trying to divide the black vote at the expense of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Call it a silly hunch on my part but I strongly suspect that most of the folks signing the petitions on his behalf are white people. Call me paranoid.
Malcolm X had a parable he used to tell in his day about "the House Negro and the Field Negro". The House Negro lived inside Massah's home. All-in-all the dude had a pretty good thing going for him when compared to his brothers and sisters out in the field. He would set his massah's table and answer his massah's door. He was fitted with a pretty slick looking butler's suit that he wore on the job. He even had his own little room in the attic of Massah's mansion in the servants quarters. Life was comparatively good for the House Negro. If another slave stepped out of line, he made sure that the unfortunate soul who had committed the transgression was beaten within a half-an-inch of his or her life, Yeah, the House Negro sure loved his massah!
It was a different story as far as the Field Negro was concerned. The poor guy was worked to exhaustion from before the sun came up every morning until after the sun went down every evening. If he stepped one inch out of line, he could receive twenty lashes with a whip - and then be expected to get right back to work. The Field Negro's day's were long and what little sleep he was able to get was tormented. No sweet dreams for the Field Negro. He hated Massah. He wanted him dead. He would have slit the old bastard's throat given the opportunity.
Think of it this way: When you think of the Field Negro, try to visualize Ossie Davis. When you think of the House Negro, try to picture in your mind Stepin Fetchit. That is the perfect illustration.
Kanye West is the House Negro on steroids. The Trump administration is the worst thing to happen to African Americans since Woodrow Wilson lived in the White House a century ago, and yet Kanye cannot do enough for Massah Trump. One can only imagine the cynical laughter that is exchanged between them behind closed doors over the dirty trick that they're trying to play on America's most vulnerable population. I can even imagine Kanye giving The Donald a slap on the back, giddily shouting:
"HEE! HEE! HEE! Oh, Massah Donald, me 'n' you sho' is sly! HEE! HEE! HEE!"

Kanye West should know better. Donald Trump knows nothing else.
Let's just take the West For President fiasco for what it is: another amusing example of the parade of idiocy that makes the tragedy of 2020 a little bit easier to bare. There is always some comic relief in the greatest of dramas, and Kanye, who has always been a figure of unintentional comedy, will fit the bill perfectly.
On with the parade!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This segment was broadcast on MSNBC about an hour ago. Watch as Reverend Al Sharpton makes a good case why Kamala Harris scares the living mortal shit out of Donald Trump:
Such amusing times we live in.
"If you don't vote for Joe Biden. YOU AIN'T BLACK"
Biden: "Latino community is diverse, ‘unlike the African American community’"
Thanks to Joe Biden & Tom Degan for showing us how liberals really view black Americans.
Thank you for pointing that out. I should try writing these things sober for a change.
Democrats don’t want you to see this.
They’re scared that I’m exposing what life is like in Democrat run cities.
That’s why I’m running for Congress
Because All Black Lives Matter
Baltimore Matters
And black people don’t have to vote Democrat
Help us win
"The most dangerous place for a black to live is in a democrat controlled city."
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