The 2020 GOP Clown Car Show
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Gentlemen, start your rhetoric. |
Tonight commences the forty-second Republican National Convention since John C. Fremont of California And William L. Dayton of New Jersey were nominated at Philadelphia's Music Fund Hall on June 17-19, 1856. The Fremont ticket was beaten quite handily that year by Democrat James Buchanan who - until Donald Trump was inaugurated three years, seven months and four very long days ago - was remembered by most historians as the very worst president in the history of Idiot Nation. The party would fare far luckier four years later when they nominated lawyer and former congressman Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. Lincoln would win the election in 1860 and - well, you know the rest.
Barack Obama has one thing in common with Lincoln: both of their predecessors and their successors are commonly viewed as some of the most incompetent men who ever held the job. When honest Abe was assassinated one month in to his second term, the job went to his V.P., Andrew Johnson, a former Democratic congressman and governor of Tennessee who had stuck with the union at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. In addition to being a cruel and mean-spirited racist and schmuck, he might very well have been mentally ill.
George W. Bush could easily have beaten Johnson and Buchanan for the title of Worst Ever. Fortunately for him, he was saved from that dubious distinction by the arrival, on January 20, 2017, of Donald John Trump. In the year 2070, the president of the United States - who in all likelihood hasn't even been born yet - will still, on a daily basis, be dealing with the damage that Trump did to this nation so many decades before. The aftershock of the electoral madness of 2016 will be with us for a very long time. The reverberations will outlive most of you reading this; perhaps all of you - perhaps even your young children. Get used to living in a nation in ruins.
Did you ever dream you would live to see the day that you'd be nostalgic for Dubya? No, neither did I.
I'm really looking forward to watching this convention. I really am praying that Trump gets the high ratings that he brags he is going to get. Everyone in this doomed nation needs to see for his or herself what that disgusting party has morphed into since 1980, when they nominated a feeble-minded, failed "B" movie actor as their standard bearer. They have been going steadily downhill ever since.
The Biden/Harris convention was directed at We The People. The Chump/Dense affair is for white people only. Sure, there'll be a couple of token, Uncle Tom Negroes strategically sprinkled about the event to give the festivities an illusion of inclusion, but The Donald has every intention of sending a not-too-subtle message to his "base"; that he has no intention of letting these ill-mannered darkies run roughshod over this grand and glorious land of ours. Tonight begins the closest thing this country has ever come to a remote and virtual Nuremburg Rally. This is going to get extremely interesting.
So, hang onto your hats, folks! Here comes the spectacle of a party that once proudly chose Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower as their nominees. Those proud days are long gone. John McCain was, not so very long ago, a moderate and clear-eyed Republican. He's gone, too, and he's not coming back. What's left is a cabal of crooks, fools and crazy people who are about to be tossed onto history's shit pile. Good riddance.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
With Malice Toward None
by Stephen B. Oates
By far, the best one-volume biography ever written of our sixteenth president. It is still in print, and well worth your time.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey are being charged with felony menacing for pointing loaded weapons at a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration back in June (which seems like a century ago, doesn't it? 2020 has been that kind of year). Tonight they addressed the Republican National Convention in the most blatant appeal to racism I have ever seen publicly displayed in my sixty-two years on this troubled planet. Are you still blind to what kind of a message this disgusting party is sending to the American people - not to mention the children? If the electorate is stupid enough to reelect this unhinged sociopath and common pervert to the presidency, we'll deserve everything that happens to us. Everything.
Please, these two must be seen to be believed. Here is a link to view their tirade on YouTube:

Did you ever dream you would live to see the day that you'd be nostalgic for Dubya? No, neither did I.
I'm really looking forward to watching this convention. I really am praying that Trump gets the high ratings that he brags he is going to get. Everyone in this doomed nation needs to see for his or herself what that disgusting party has morphed into since 1980, when they nominated a feeble-minded, failed "B" movie actor as their standard bearer. They have been going steadily downhill ever since.

So, hang onto your hats, folks! Here comes the spectacle of a party that once proudly chose Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower as their nominees. Those proud days are long gone. John McCain was, not so very long ago, a moderate and clear-eyed Republican. He's gone, too, and he's not coming back. What's left is a cabal of crooks, fools and crazy people who are about to be tossed onto history's shit pile. Good riddance.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

With Malice Toward None
by Stephen B. Oates
By far, the best one-volume biography ever written of our sixteenth president. It is still in print, and well worth your time.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey are being charged with felony menacing for pointing loaded weapons at a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration back in June (which seems like a century ago, doesn't it? 2020 has been that kind of year). Tonight they addressed the Republican National Convention in the most blatant appeal to racism I have ever seen publicly displayed in my sixty-two years on this troubled planet. Are you still blind to what kind of a message this disgusting party is sending to the American people - not to mention the children? If the electorate is stupid enough to reelect this unhinged sociopath and common pervert to the presidency, we'll deserve everything that happens to us. Everything.
Please, these two must be seen to be believed. Here is a link to view their tirade on YouTube:
Trump is certainly a racist, boorish lout that hasn't worked a day in his life and pissed his daddy's money away. In spite of the fact that he has alienated our allies, made the pandemic worse by inaction, is wrecking the economy and the environment, George W. Bush still is the worst president in U.S. history.
Bush's preemptive war in Iraq killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and destabilized the region. Saddam was a bulwark against Iran and Al-Qaeda (which apparently Bush 41 understood). Not to mention that Bush 43 let bin Laden slip across the border into Pakistan.
So Trump is the second worst president of all time. Bush has too much unwarranted blood of innocents on his hands.
Gotta agree on every point.
I have to agree, Ed, that you make some dandy points.
I agree too with Ed too.
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