An Era Wasted
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Isn't he amusing? |
From the moment this horrible, incompetent and incurious man stepped his foot on the campaign trail in June of 2015, he began by defaming our gentle neighbors to the south as murderers and rapists. Nice!
Since that time it is documented that he has told over TWENTY-THOUSAND LIES to the American people.
Since February of this year - as of this writing - over ONE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE thousand of our fellow citizens are dead to the sheer imbecility of him and his administration.
He is a traitor whose campaign colluded with the agents of a hostile foreign government. That was proven this week from a bi-partisan investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee. They're no-doubt colluding at this very moment. Vladimir Putin wants Donald Trump reelected on November the third.
Many of the men who worked the hardest for him during the campaign of 2016 have either been convicted or indicted on serious crimes. To tell you the truth, I've lost count of the total number. Of this you may be completely certain: many more are on the way - including, I have no doubt, members of his own beloved family.
He has been accused by at least twenty different women of rape and sexual assault over the years, one of whom was thirteen-years-old at the time of the attack. Jeffrey Epstein was a convenient pal to have around if you were a hard core pervert. When I first saw her videotaped statement four yeas ago, I didn't know what to believe. Given all I've learned since then, I believe her today. She has since withdrawn her charges and has gone into hiding due to continuous death threats.
Since June he has installed a corrupt postmaster general who is trying to destroy the United States Postal Service by making it difficult for people to cast their precious ballots by mail - during the worst pandemic in over a century. It is also their stated dream to turn our mail service - which is guaranteed by the United States Constitution - over to private industry. Attempting to subvert anything that is enshrined in our constitution is treason. Anything.
He has repeatedly undermined the health of the public by holding rallies where his half-witted followers are not obliged to wear face masks in order to protect them from the COVID-19 virus. Ten days after he held one in Tulsa, Oklahoma, many people who attended that event began to show symptoms of the illness. Some of them even died - including longtime Republican operative and onetime presidential candidate Herman Cain. He continues to hold these events - as he did two days ago - in front of an audience that included a number of veterans of the second world war, not one of whom was under the age of ninety-three.
FUN FACT: Herman Cain was not mentioned once, even in passing, during last week's four-day Republican National Convention. Can you imagine? Sure you can.
And his kids??? His two half-witted sons, Uday an Qusay - I mean Donald Jr. and Eric - are two of the most reprehensible First Sons in the history of presidential offspring. The both of them have been getting even richer at the taxpayer's expense, and both are under investigation by the Southern District of New York. I do hope that Cyrus Vance doesn't bring any charges against the two of them until after January 20, 2021 when they are unable to benefit from a pardon from Daddy. Ivanka Trump has committed at least four serious crimes by tying up her "product" with government business. And as far as Jared Kirshner is concerned, I don't think I really need to tell you what a complete screw-up he has turned out to be. I'll be gentle and spare the poor fool today.
He suggested that people inject bleach into themselves in order to combat the coronavirus. He actually suggested that human beings poison themselves. The amazing thing is that his Evangelical base is still right behind him.
The very fact that so many "people of God" still support this psychopath and common pervert is amazing to me. We need to move beyond this, folks. Seriously. If this jackass is allowed another term, this country is finished.
This madness needs to end now. If this insanity is allowed to continue, America's only greatness will be in its past. This is the most insane and disgusting family ever to occupy the Executive Mansion. If you need anymore proof of how completely mad and unhinged they are, then you're not paying attention. Wake up.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
He has been accused by at least twenty different women of rape and sexual assault over the years, one of whom was thirteen-years-old at the time of the attack. Jeffrey Epstein was a convenient pal to have around if you were a hard core pervert. When I first saw her videotaped statement four yeas ago, I didn't know what to believe. Given all I've learned since then, I believe her today. She has since withdrawn her charges and has gone into hiding due to continuous death threats.
I, Donald J. Trump, do solemnly swear
That I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States;
And will, to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Unites States
So help me God
Donald J. Trump, January 20, 2017

He has repeatedly undermined the health of the public by holding rallies where his half-witted followers are not obliged to wear face masks in order to protect them from the COVID-19 virus. Ten days after he held one in Tulsa, Oklahoma, many people who attended that event began to show symptoms of the illness. Some of them even died - including longtime Republican operative and onetime presidential candidate Herman Cain. He continues to hold these events - as he did two days ago - in front of an audience that included a number of veterans of the second world war, not one of whom was under the age of ninety-three.
FUN FACT: Herman Cain was not mentioned once, even in passing, during last week's four-day Republican National Convention. Can you imagine? Sure you can.
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Bevus and Butthead: The Movie |
He suggested that people inject bleach into themselves in order to combat the coronavirus. He actually suggested that human beings poison themselves. The amazing thing is that his Evangelical base is still right behind him.
The problem with so many "Christians" is that they are under the illusion that Jesus Christ is as mean and as stupid as they are.
The very fact that so many "people of God" still support this psychopath and common pervert is amazing to me. We need to move beyond this, folks. Seriously. If this jackass is allowed another term, this country is finished.
This madness needs to end now. If this insanity is allowed to continue, America's only greatness will be in its past. This is the most insane and disgusting family ever to occupy the Executive Mansion. If you need anymore proof of how completely mad and unhinged they are, then you're not paying attention. Wake up.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Two things I'd like to see:
1. Texas being called for Biden on election night ('cause they don't allow mail-in voting for anyone under 65)
2. Trump being arrested
Both unlikely, I know.
Woman at Biden event in Kenosha says she was given a "paper" telling her what to say.
"I'm just going to be honest, Mr Biden. I was told to go off this paper, but I can't."
This just in:
JTF goes back to resorting to posting random and unrelated content.
Though I'm going to take the troll bait. JTF, you should look up the full video that that TrumpWarRoom tweet cut 17 seconds out of a 5 minute presentation.
Honestly, you should do yourself a favor and actually watch these speeches and townhalls, rather than consuming these tiny, edited, out of context morsels. Honestly, there are so many issues out there that needs to be addressed that can't be fully appreciated simply removing all nuance by watching 17 second blocks.
"Nuance" LOL
JTF reminds me of a certain song from "South Pacific".
You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught
by Richard Rodgers
[Verse 1]
You've got to be taught to hate and fear
You've got to be taught from year to year
It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught
[Verse 2]
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade
You've got to be carefully taught
[Verse 3]
You've got to be taught before it's too late
Before you are six or seven or eight
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You've got to be carefully taught
"Nuance" LOL - JTF
A wonderful demonstration of what is wrong with political discourse today with "conservatives", thank you.
Erica Kious is now getting threats against her life and her business for exposing the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi, who accuses the salon owner of a “setup” that caught her on camera getting her hair done indoors, against lockdown rules, and without wearing a mask, to boot.
Does Pelosi really expect people to believe she was ignorant of her city’s anti-COVID rules — and also the staffers who bird-dog the schedule of the speaker of the House?
No: Pelosi knew she was cheating. She just can’t admit she believes the rules don’t apply to her but only to those whose livelihoods they’re destroying.
And she sounds ridiculous trying to play the victim. “It was a setup. I take responsibility for falling for a setup,” Pelosi sniffed. “I think that this salon owes me an apology.”
She wouldn’t even admit wrongdoing in walking around without a mask. “I just had my hair washed. I don’t wear a mask when I’m washing my hair. Do you wear a mask when you’re washing your hair?” she challenged a reporter.
Yes, Nancy, regular people must wear masks at a salon these days — if they can find one open.
What a slap in the face to Americans across the country out of work because of lockdown rules.
As Kious told Fox News, “If she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down?”
Clearly because Nancy Pelosi is too important to be bothered.
"Liberal Nuance", laws don't apply to liberals, just the common little folk.
Harsh end for a Biden voter
The sister of Portland antifa protester wanted for ‘shooting dead’ a Patriot Prayer member last week, responded when informed of her brother’s death: ‘I wouldn’t say at this point that this counts as bad news.’
April Reinoehl spoke exclusively with hours after brother Michael Reinoehl’s death at the hands of a federal fugitive task force on Thursday night.
Reinoehl was shot by US Marshals in Lacey, Washington after becoming the target of a Portland police murder investigation over the death of a right wing protester Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson in the Oregon city last Saturday.
Sure Joe Biden will take credit for this good news.
Breaking News
Jobs Report
A good report with strong trends
Temp workers -3.1 million to 6.2 (peak 18.1)
Labor Force +968,000
Unemployed -2.8 million to 13.6
Unemployment Rate 8.4 significantly better than consensus
America, we are going to win.
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) September 4, 2020
Boy howdy, that sure is an awful lot of deflection away from the President hating on MIA/KIA, Continued lagging response to the pandemic, lack of a response to Russia putting bounties on our soldiers, about to be kicked out of the Olympics 'cause Trump only knows how to bully as a "negotiating" tactic, hot water with the ICC, and continued, ongoing grifting of our coffers.
Boy howdy, the President doesn't deserve the fervor in which you work for him. Honestly. And you do this for free? Man.
And now debasing our Military service members.
As a Vietnam vet, I’m devastatingly heartbroken to hear the failing Commander in Chief continue his disparagement of and his gob smacking lack of empathy for our military. It’s the most egregious calumny that dishonours all those who put their country first when the call came.
As with any enemy, foreign or domestic, we will defeat the threat. Not with bullets this time, but with ballots. Ensure that your ballot will be counted by getting it in on time and with all requisite information and signatures. We continue to serve an honorable and grateful nation by doing so.
It will be a quiet revolution, but a raucous celebration afterward!
Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said in comments published Friday that he never heard President Trump refer to slain American soldiers buried at a French cemetery as “losers” and “suckers,” after the allegations were made in a bombshell report published Thursday.
“I didn’t hear that,” Bolton told The New York Times. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion.”
Bolton’s remarks came after Trump himself denied any allegations of disrespectful comments toward American soldiers killed in action, which were first reported by The Atlantic’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg.
"Losers and Suckers" Trump just lost the military!
Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said in comments published Friday that he never heard President Trump refer to slain American soldiers buried at a French cemetery as “losers” and “suckers,” after the allegations were made in a bombshell report published Thursday.
“I didn’t hear that,” Bolton told The New York Times. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion.”
Bolton’s remarks came after Trump himself denied any allegations of disrespectful comments toward American soldiers killed in action, which were first reported by The Atlantic’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg.
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