Facebook's Problem With Me
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Lenny Bruce and friends, San Francisco City Hall, 1960 |

For the record, everything I've ever written is decidedly anti-nazi - whether I mention them by name or not. The nice folks over at Spell-Check are informing me that "nazi" should be capitalized. I never capitalize that word. They're also always nagging me that "klan" should be capitalized. I never capitalize that word either. I just thought I'd put that out there.
What I posted early this morning was a Lenny Bruce album cover from 1960. The photo is of Lenny snuggled between two attractive women - one Asian and one Black. Behind them are five Black gentlemen dressed in kkk robes.
The whole purpose of the picture is to mock the klan in general and racism in particular. Lenny (who was a Jew, by the way) obviously would never have treated them with anything but disrespect.
The record is called "Togetherness". It is also known as "I'm Not A Nut - Elect Me". Take a look at the image at the top of this piece and tell me if you're offended.
In 2020, fifty-four years after his unacceptably brief life on this planet came to an end, Lenny Bruce is still controversial. Can you beat that?
Another example they gave of the "hate speech" that I have been spouting was a post I made yesterday where I referred to the president of the United States of America as, "a fucking idiot".
Guilty as charged.
In the five years and three months since the hideous old freak announced his candidacy for the presidency, I have referred to Donald Trump as a "fucking idiot" hundreds of times on Facebook and on this site. This cannot be an exaggeration. The man so positively reeks of fucking idiocy that the description is rather impossible to avoid. Some seriously strange things are going on in America today. Strange days indeed.
Why - all of the sudden - is it a crime to refer to The Donald as a "fucking idiot" on Facebook? What the heck is going on here? Calling Trump "a fucking idiot" is part of my job description.
Facebook's founder and CEO is a guy named Mark Zuckerberg. Why on earth is he so willing to shill for Trump and Putin? Is it my imagination? Perhaps. But I need to know - we all need to know - just what is behind this latest crackdown on people like me who lean (ever-so-slightly, I assure you, dear reader) to the left. Social media is a fine way of keeping up with old friends - that is the only reason I ever got involved with it; it's also a dandy way to get one's message out there (if, indeed, one has a message that needs getting out). But I believe the time is long overdue that we take a serious look at My Space as a way of touching base. Just a thought.
So it's off to the Facebook slammer for me. Somebody bake me a cake with a file in it!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT 2:52 AM, 9/2/20
Black Lives Matter in Goshen, NY
from The Rant
I wrote this one back in June. It deserves a reprise, I think. As my late uncle Jerry Degan would say, "Not too shabby!"
Another example they gave of the "hate speech" that I have been spouting was a post I made yesterday where I referred to the president of the United States of America as, "a fucking idiot".
Guilty as charged.
In the five years and three months since the hideous old freak announced his candidacy for the presidency, I have referred to Donald Trump as a "fucking idiot" hundreds of times on Facebook and on this site. This cannot be an exaggeration. The man so positively reeks of fucking idiocy that the description is rather impossible to avoid. Some seriously strange things are going on in America today. Strange days indeed.
Why - all of the sudden - is it a crime to refer to The Donald as a "fucking idiot" on Facebook? What the heck is going on here? Calling Trump "a fucking idiot" is part of my job description.
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Zuckerberg |
So it's off to the Facebook slammer for me. Somebody bake me a cake with a file in it!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT 2:52 AM, 9/2/20
Black Lives Matter in Goshen, NY
from The Rant
I wrote this one back in June. It deserves a reprise, I think. As my late uncle Jerry Degan would say, "Not too shabby!"
Same here, with me. They've put me in "time out" a few times. They never tell you what the post was. My issues from them weren't as obvious as yours. Someone didn't like it, apparently, reported it and they yanked me.
Now I can't post in groups. Groups to which I belong. Innocuous things like kindness groups, etc., or of here locally. It's insane.
But hey, Facebookers report a post 455 TIMES, pointing out how someone or some people were going to take guns to Kenosha last week.
Did they do anything?
Why, no! Mr. Phuckerberg said they had some "operational error."
Meaning it was Right Wing. So it was okay.
You, we Lefties, we got the problems.
It's no way your---or my--imagination. No.
I'm so sorry FB has decided to enforce their rules on even you, a very fine liberal. Really sucks when the rules are applied to all. Reminds me of what was discovered today with a Leaked Video Showing Pelosi Getting Her Hair Done In San Francisco When Salons Were Closed Due To Quarantine… How dare she, rules are for thee, not me! HERE'S THE LINK TO THE VIDEO, that the Salon owner turned in. Do you think MSNBC or CNN will report on this?
By for now,
Trump is creating the conditions for a nuclear war with Russia and China and you are upset that Pelosi is getting her hair done?
Did you know Trump has spent almost a year playing golf in four years on the job? How about going four Trillion in debt per year? Trump is also the laziest president in history, he does not even work part time, no meeting or briefings, no State of the Union speeches, all he does is Twitter.
“This business offered for the speaker [Pelosi] to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business.
“The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”
Who are you quoting?
Here you go Chuck, read about how our foreign policy is dangerous as hell.
Should Nancy Pelosi have to quarantine for 14 days? If Nancy Pelosi can break the law by getting her hair "blow out" and not wear a mask does this mean it's safe for us to vote in person? Hmmmm.
Information clearing house per Media Bias Fact Check (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/information-clearing-house/)
"Overall, we rate Information Clearing House a Left Biased, Conspiracy, and Pseudoscience source. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting as a lot of content is factual in between the Conspiracy stories."
Sorry, no go.
Ted Galen Carpenter, author of the article woodenman sited is a libertarian who is Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute. Cato Institute was founded as the Charles KOCH Foundation in 1974 by Ed Crane, Murray Rothbard, and Charles KOCH. It is a libertarian think tank.
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Here is article written by Ted in a right wing publication!
Politics was always way too cerebral for you Chuck, you never had a political conversation in good faith in your life. Being too partisan turns you into an idiot.
2:28 PM
"Politics was always way too cerebral for you Chuck, you never had a political conversation in good faith in your life. Being too partisan turns you into an idiot."
That's because he doesn't have political conversations. He's not conversing. It's a game of sportsball, where he's got to have the final say and overwhelm blogs' comments sections with cut and paste non-sense and the regurgitated spin from a dozen "conservative" fan sites.
JTF is on a mission for his cult leader and party. Truth, decency, and dialogue are irrelevant to authoritarian party operatives.
Let's see what happens if we ask him to engage in fair discourse.
Is General Mattis making a valid point?
"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us." —General James Mattis
Any bets he would discuss this remark?
Not likely. He needs to ignore statements from real patriots if they point to the ugly truth about his authoritarian cult leader.
JTF will always be a Nationalist American Zealot for Inequality.
This former Trump Administration official gets it:
A former Homeland Security official has claimed some people in the Trump administration have white nationalist views. She has endorsed Joe Biden for president.
Elizabeth Neumann served as Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at Trump’s DHS and even voted for him in 2016 but her opinion has since changed.
Speaking to MSNBC, Neumann said she was “deeply disappointed” with what she’d seen during her time in the administration, before offering a stark assessment.
“I do think that there are people that hold a white nationalist viewpoint and that is actually impacting these policies,” Neumann said.
Neumann had already come out in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden, claiming President Trump had made the country less safe and would continue to do so.
“We are less safe today because of his leadership. We will continue to be less safe as long as he is in control,” Neumann said.
“I’ll be voting for Joe Biden.”
“I’ll be voting for Joe Biden.” You have, to if you're black, the question is how many
I'm amazed at your reaction to my simply posting the facts about the author of your article. Since when is quoting a libertarian a bad thing to do? You are acting like it is. However your quoting from a source that is described as Left Biased, Conspiracy, and Pseudoscience source, well that's even more of a shock. I thought you were better than that. "pseudoscience"?
Pelosi Violated Lockdown Rules to Get a Hairdo. Now She's Demanding an Apology — from the Salon?! Typical liberal, rules only apply to the common folks, not the leaders of the left.
Chuck, the salon was empty. Both she and the person doing her hair were wearing masks. Nice try.
"Erica Kious, the owner, responded to Pelosi’s claim that she thought the salon could take one client at a time, saying “as a hairstylist I see clients one on one and that would mean I would be open, right?” Tucker laughed at the obviousness of her comment and said that’s true and asked if she was open. Kious said “no.”
In fact she says she hasn’t been open for 6 months and that she’s basically done, having lost 60 percent of her clients and the majority of her staff. Her business is destroyed.
Kious said what was really hurtful to her was that Pelosi wasn’t wearing a mask, noting that when she saw her without a mask she just thought about “her staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families.” She added that if Pelosi is in there feeling comfortable enough to not wear a mask and feeling safe, “then why are we shut down? Why am I not able to have clients come in?”
You can’t help but feel bad for Kious. Not only has her business been destroyed, but here comes Nancy Pelosi adding insult to injury by lying about her and defaming her in front of the whole nation. It’s despicable, which is why we call her despicable Nancy Pelosi."
Video shows Nancy w/o mask, owner says same ,thing, but as we ALL know, laws and rules don't apply to liberals, they are just for the common folk.
Nice try.
"...we ALL know, laws and rules don't apply to liberals"
How about that "Law and order" president?
Like the campaign finance law prohibiting cash to silence people, like a porn star?
And the US Constitution?
Article 1, Section 9
And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.
How about these laws?
15 USC §2087 & 6 USC §625—Whistleblower Protections 5 USC §2302(b)—1989 Whistleblower Protection Act
U.S. Code § 1512.Tampering with a witness(b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation..
52 U.S. Code § 30121.
It shall be unlawful— to solicit- from a foreign national--money or other thing of value-- in connection with a Federal election.
OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS (18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1512)
"Law and Order" for thee, not for me.
That's how NAZIs did it, and they still do.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. trade deficit surged in July to $63.6 billion, the highest level in 12 years, as imports jumped by a record amount
Oh, my...
The long list of FAILURE and Broken Promises grows.
Breaking News
Jobs Report
A good report with strong trends
Temp workers -3.1 million to 6.2 (peak 18.1)
Labor Force +968,000
Unemployed -2.8 million to 13.6
Unemployment Rate 8.4 significantly better than consensus
America, we are going to win. pic.twitter.com/QAvEtc6UED
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) September 4, 2020
Does this count as elder abuse yet?
Joe Biden reads "end of quote" after making debunked claim about Social Security.
Biden defeated again by the teleprompter. pic.twitter.com/zztZ9fcemS
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 4, 2020
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