Charlie McCarthyism
"This is an administration that seems bound and determined to violate
every single one of our bill of rights. I don’t know that they have yet
violated the Third Amendment, but I expect them to start quartering
soldiers in peoples’ homes soon."
Texas Senator Ted Cruz (with a straight face)

My luck. How did it get so good? "Fortuitous" doesn't even come close to defining it. Ted Cruz's candidacy is the best news I've had since the moment I learned that the Bay City Rollers had disbanded. This, of course, is no surprise - in fact I predicted on this site two years ago that Ted would make a run for the Big House in 2016. It was obvious to me that this idiot had such a high opinion of himself, that he really believed he was fit for the job. And I do not believe this to be a cynical attempt to "up his brand" so to speak; he is in it for the long haul. That is what makes the very existence of Ted Cruz such a knee-slapping delight: He takes himself so seriously! And don't think the American people won't be naive enough to elevate a half-witted yahoo from the Lone Star State to the presidency. Just in case it slipped your mind, it has happened before. I don't really need to rehash the ugly details here, do I?
Ted Cruz is a satirist's delight. He requires little (if any) effort. All one has to do is quote the demented little freak verbatim and - HEY PRESTO - instant satire! Here, I'll show you what I mean:
"If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next step of where it gets enforced. It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage, that has been defined elsewhere as hate speech, as inconsistent with the enlightened view of government."


And can you imagine the howl these idiotic right-wingers would have made had Barack Obama's dad been one of the insurgents who overthrew the Batista regime in Cuba in 1959 and placed Fidel Castro into power? Well that's the history of Ted's father, Raul! He was one of the Rough Riders who went charging up the figurative San Juan Hill with Castro in the lead! He claims that he had no idea of Castro's communist leanings at the time - and I take him at his word. Back in the Fabulous Fifties, even the State Department wasn't sure where Fidel's politics were at.
Now, I realize that only an idiot would would even bother to bring these trivial things up in a campaign - that's why you can bet the farm that Ted's opponents will be sure to raise these issues during next year's GOP primaries. In case you haven't noticed, the collective IQ of that disgusting party has gone downhill just a wee bit since the days of Eisenhower. How's that for understatement?
”The willingness to say all those crazy things is a rare, rare characteristic in this town, and you know what? It’s every bit as true now as it was then. We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.”
-Ted Cruz
It's a only half step up from uber racist and dingbat Jesse Helms to red-baiting blowhard Joseph McCarthy.
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McCarthy |
By the way, just to give you an idea where this twit is coming from, of all the places across the country from which could have inaugurated his campaign, he did it from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, the college that was founded by another famous racist, the late Jerry Fallwell. That's not unlike Ronald Reagan, who announced his candidacy in 1980 from Philadelphia, Mississippi, a completely unremarkable little stain on the map whose only claim to fame was the murders there of three civil rights workers in the summer of 1964. Nice.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is a link to the first (but hardly the last) piece I ever wrote about Ted Cruz in May of 2013. He has only gained in comedic value in the ensuing two years. The man is a hoot:
The Seven Dumbest Things Ted Cruz Ever Said:
The Seven Dumbest Things Ted Cruz Ever Said:
From our friends over at AlterNet. Here's to you, Ted!
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:
From our friends over at AlterNet. Here's to you, Ted!
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:
Jon's take on the candidacy of Ted Cruz. As we've come to expect from this guy, it's as funny as it's insightful.
UPDATE 3/31/15, 1:30 PM:
This is pretty funny. Some joker out there just put me on Ted Cruz's mailing list:
My fellow conservative, I need your immediate help.
A gent from Tennessee by the name of Rob Waggoner just left this comment on my Facebook page:
"Going forward please only refer to him as Raphael Eduardo Cruz, since so many are hellbent on referring to our President as Barack HUSSEIN Obama."
Interesting idea, Rob. What goes around, ay?
UPDATE 3/31/15, 1:30 PM:
This is pretty funny. Some joker out there just put me on Ted Cruz's mailing list:
My fellow conservative, I need your immediate help.
We're less than 18 HOURS away from our first financial Quarterly
Fundraising Deadline -- and it's the most important moment of our
I've launched an aggressive fundraising drive to meet our goal, and we must perform well. Can I count on you?
Sure, Ted.
I've launched an aggressive fundraising drive to meet our goal, and we must perform well. Can I count on you?
Sure, Ted.
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Rob Waggoner |
A gent from Tennessee by the name of Rob Waggoner just left this comment on my Facebook page:
"Going forward please only refer to him as Raphael Eduardo Cruz, since so many are hellbent on referring to our President as Barack HUSSEIN Obama."
Interesting idea, Rob. What goes around, ay?
Ted Cruz is actually quite bright; insane, but bright. That's what makes him dangerous. He is smart enough to bait the stupidiot right. Although he will split the Republican party, drag it to the far edge of the right and doom their 2016 prospects, he will inspire enough zealots to capture the media spotlight for the foreseeable future. And that's the harm. With so many important issues to be debated, the American discourse will be clouded with his peculiar brand of crackpot ideology.
Don't worry, there is no significant level of American discourse to be clouded. "American discourse" really doesn't exist on a large scale anymore, that I can see.
Meaningful discourse requires people of goodwill, with commonly-held fundamental values, and not so easily swayed by propaganda. We have no national core vision any longer. We have factions. The only commonly held understanding is that we have enormous fiscal and foreign policy disasters brewing. But, we don't work together. The factions spend 100% of their energy trying to lay blame on the other.
Someone quoted on this blog fairly recently from David Stockman's book "The Deformation of America". Although the quote was used to make a partisan point, that book is a good example of a bi-partisan and fair analysis of our current fiscal mess. 99% of folks probably would be angered by it because he takes shots at BOTH sides of the aisle and has blame to go around. BOTH unsound socialist polices AND unsound laissez-faire/crony capitalist policies are discussed and share in the blame. Imagine that. There are unbiased and fact-based voices out there in search of reality, but you have to search them out in the midst of the cabal of propaganda and message-marketing.
I've been observing the last couple of threads and staying out of it, but it blows my mind that anyone thinks anything is being accomplished this way. Many of the more polite voices who would occasion this blog have been silent for months if not over a year. Should tell you something, Tom. Those who expect a certain level of decorum and class move on. But, possibly this is what you were going for, not sure.
Sometimes my language is bombastic, I admit. But I think my points are well made.
Not so much your voice as the melee that follows...
Harley, the only way there can be a honest conversation about politics is for people to throw away their self appointed labels of Liberal or Conservative.
But of course that will never happen and the people will always be sharply divided.
The worst possible nightmare for the politicians of this country would be a united populace. The result would be 95 percent would not be reelected.
This site reflects the larger political situation of the country and it just going to get worse as time goes by.
Ted Cruz's announcement reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite comedians:
“Be normal, and the crowd will accept you. Be deranged, and they will make you their leader.” –Christopher Titus
Correction... "The Great Deformation", not "The Deformation of America".
Going off memory is a dangerous thing for me.
Good book, by the way...
Great point about labels.
Unilaterally defining, and demonizing, of these labels is a major industry at FOX and talk radio.
Look at how much they succeeded in demonizing and blaming liberals.
Despite the whines about "liberal media" and "political correctness" there is no equivalence on the left.
The Power of wealth is firmly on the Right. And they are winning. They own the military industrial complex, banks, the "liberal media", the congress, the Supreme Court, and much of the White House.
The secret corporate-written Trans-Pacific Partnership is about to become the law of the land.
TPP Leak Reveals Extraordinary New Powers for Thousands of Foreign Firms to Challenge U.S. Policies and Demand Taxpayer Compensation
The left and right are not equally to blame for the breakdown of intelligent discourse in America. The right is driven by a psychopathic devotion to ideology. The center and left are driven mainly by policies designed to achieve given goals. For example, social security was not borne out of socialism; it was a social pact designed to lift our seniors out of poverty. On the other hand, witness Ted Cruz. Here is a man who lies about the effects of "Obamacare" with every breath. Yet there he is, signing up for it while claiming that he will "follow the letter of the law." This loosely reads: "I'm on the public tit and I'll take mine when I can. However, no one else should get any, and those who do are communists." If he believed half his words, he would pay for his insurance as I do. Convenient isn't it? Another example is Paul Ryan who is tired of supporting "them," and seeks to starve the poor and remove every avenue of bettering themselves. Yet, he went to school on social security, and his family has been the beneficiaries of huge Agricultural support monies.
Polite and meaningful political discourse will return to America when the right drops its slavish devotion to ideology. Then, and only then, will bi-partisanship return, and only then will we be able to practically solve our many problems.
That's possible.
But it is also possible that "the conversation" is merely a smoke screen in the first place at this point. Truth be told, the ideologies seem to take a back seat to the pragmatic goals of retaining power and influence at the hands of "big money". They play "good cop, bad cop" with us - all the while selling policy to the highest bidder.
My fear is that few of them hold to any particular ideology other than the ideology of power, influence and money.
There is possibility that all the acrimony in the U.S. will turn into a
peaceful silence soon.
No more political bickering will take place because of House Res 162 It passed 348-48
It is official, we are going for regime change in Russia!
There are already at least 1000 US troops on the Russian border and mile long trains full of armaments are coming in everyday.
We are going to treat Putin just like Saddam Husein, what could possible go wrong?
How dare Russia intervene in a neighboring coup? Why can't they be more like the peace loving USA?
Republicans and Democrats love to find agreement on war, don't they?
They both work for the military industrial complex.
Well, when Obama gets called "weak" and is accused of sucking up to a terrorist nation just because he's looking for a PEACEFUL solution, what do you expect?
I'd be shocked if we actually did anything but show our teeth to Putin though. Russia has nukes. We never invade a country with nukes. Why do you think Iran wants one so bad?
Mozart, we are doing more than showing teeth, we orchestrated the coup in the Ukraine and the civil war also.
We also have plans to have another 5 to 7 former Soviet states to go against Russia with coups and chaos all around.
The plan is weaken and impoverish Russia so we can be number one. A lot of people will have to die so we come out on top. Isn't America great!
Is there something wrong with America being number 1?
"Is there something wrong with America being number 1?"
Depends on what the number 1 is.
Besides military power, what are we number one at anymore?
Incarceration? Close, the Seychelles beat us there. But, we're a hell of a number two.
The only other thing I can say offhand where the US is number one is climate change denial.
Way to go, FOX(R), Kochs, and the GOP!
MOST Americans don't drink their koolade, but America is home to the cult.
The problem with America being #1, is WHAT we are #1 AT!
The ONLY things America leads the world in these days are arms sales and percentage of our population behind bars. Oh, that and uber rich people, which is not to say America AS A WHOLE is rich, we just have more greedy bastards.
But if you want to feel all warm and fuzzy over another needless war, feel free.
But in POSITIVE rankings we fail miserably, and I blame conservative policies, and their current obstruction of any attempt to gain ground.
Education - 14th
Healthcare efficiency - 44th
PEACE - 101st
Gender equality - 23rd
Freedom of the Press - 46th
Child well being - 26th
Literacy - 14th
Leisure and personal care - 27th
Retirement security - 9th
Oh, I forgot, we are #1 in Death by violence. You conservatives should be so proud.
We are also the number one nation in the last ten years in killing foreign citizens, about 1 1/4 million and that is the low end estimate.
That does not make me feel good.
Hey, getting back to the original subject, wasn't Limbaugh supposed to leave the country right about now?
How will the Boy Troll spin this?
See Tom,
just one simple post from me, and bang, you have six new posts in response. Didn't have to swear or accuse anyone, just a simply question. Talk about results!
Tell you you Tom, I need to renegotiate my fees for posting here. Either an increase in wages or a corner office.
I was reading how the supposedly " intelligent Republican" candidate Raphael Eduardo Cruz was dismissing GW recently.
All he came up with was the very lame issue that in the 70s scientist said we were going into a period of global cooling.
It was just a few articles in Time magazine for a short while, nothing like the issue today.
They did not even have computers back then.
People were still carrying their luggage for 8 blocks in the airport because they did not figure out that putting wheels on luggage was possible. LOL
Then he goes on say there has been no warming for the last 17 years, how do Conservative believe this bullshit?
Is this what Conservatives think is a well thought out argument that destroys the whole GW scenario?
Conservatives have turned their trust in their politicians into a religious faith, Can you say GULLIBLE!
As I recall, the majority of scientists debunked the "Global cooling" myth immediately. It was never considered a real thing like warming is.
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington) asked her constituents to share their horror stories of Obamacare-caused "lost coverage, lost doctors, increased premiums, and a broken website" on Facebook. But to McMorris Rodgers' horror, most people shared non-horror stories about their Obamacare experiences.
Typical comments:
Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful.
The Republican solution to the Afordable Care Act? Let people drown in debt, clutter our emergency rooms, and die from lack of coverage due to pre-existing conditions. No thanks, "Congresswoman". Some of us care more about our fellow Americans than trying to bash the President. Keep trying to scare your followers with phony horror stories, though.
I love people like you Cathy who HAVE Gov't Health Care who want to cancel it for others! it's the Christian thing to do!
I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks
Why don't you ask for people to tell their stories instead of just asking for the negatives? If you honestly want to help Americans you need All the stories and weigh what's best based on the facts not based on what you want to hear.
McMorris Rodgers lists one of her achievements as being "the only Member of Congress in history to give birth three times while in office."
There is a case coming up at the Supreme Court that has the potential to wreak Obama Care by stating many of the states health care exchanges are illegal.
Eight million people would immediately lose their coverage when all the subsidies are canceled.
Plus the Repubs say the will kill the federal funding for the ACA when they get in power.
I wonder how some poor white Conservatives will feel when their health care is taken away. Many of them and their families fully covered for the first time in their lives.
Maybe the Republican politicians will be hiding under their beds for a very long time!
I wonder how some poor white Conservatives will feel when their health care is taken away.
They will be angry and told by Republicans to blame Obama and liberals, of course.
And they will believe...
dont you ever get tired of painting all republicans as evil villains and all democrats as gods gift to the pretty sure both parties share equal responsibility in the continued and accelerated destruction of our civil liberties and the perpetual war we are embroiled in. i dont hear to many politicians (on either side of the aisle) paying this much real attention other than some very light lip service. my suggestions is GROW UP and get a clue. your polarizing blog is nothing but a self-aggrandizing cirlce jerk...anyone who is so bought into the two party system has lost all credibility with me. im no repub. or demo. ... i just have the common sense to know when im getting you??
Both parties suck but they do equally share the blame for the country going downhill. I would put it at 70/30 or 60/40 with the Repubs taking more of the blame.
I myself am not very partisan and criticize Obama and the Dems now and then.
But the Conservative(s) here would rather slit their wrists and castrate themselves than admit the Repubs ever did anything wrong or treasonous
Then again guys like you make one comment and is never heard from again so who gives aJH shit about your opinion anyway.
I would say in the last 40 years it's 90-10 with the GOP doing most of the damage. The 10% I give to the Dems is for not being strong enough to stand up and say NO! That and being too freaking lazy to get off your asses and VOTE!
It should not have to be mandatory, but maybe that's what it will take.
Maybe have it your choice but if you can't prove you DID vote you have to pay an extra 10% in income taxes. Something.
I just want to let the Global Warming Zealots here know that it is snowing again in Wallingford CT!
March will go down as 5 degrees cooler than normal.
Are we heading into another ice age?
I wonder what Al Gore's "leaning forward" weather computer models are predicting. Al may have invented the internet, but he needs to take some computer science courses before making any more predictions.
Anybody believe Bergdahl should get an honorable discharge after deserting and being the cause of 6 fellow soldiers being killed searching for him? It seems like yesterday that Barack Hussein had his arm around his mom during the White House Rose Garden speech and talked about what a hero Bergdahl was. LOL on how that story blew up in BaCrock's lying face. BaCrock Hussein lies better than that little Marxist pig Hugo Chavez whose central planning economic policies destroyed that socialist utopia Venezuela.
Wallingford CT United States
Harry, I am sorry you are retarded.
Harry/Sore Loser gets his science news from Fangoria.
An isolated, lonely man who constructs a phony community of like-minded friends by using multiple aliases. Something for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
The same President who made a deal to let loose five Taliban Jihadists for one deserter and possible Taliban convert is now telling us to trust him in negotiating a deal with Iran.
Harry/Sore Loser:
We don’t leave our people behind. That’s an Army value. The people ranting about this whole thing either don’t understand or don’t care about that simple concept.
Harry/Sore Loser
No comment on the list of Fox News science experts and their credentials?
Poor Harry really doesn't know what he's talking about.
He thinks Obama alone is negotiating with Iran. Classic low information voter.
He certainly trusted Bush and Cheney on Iraq though, didn't he?
How's that workin' out?
Obama promised to close Gitmo, and while congress has to approve it (they won't) the first step is to get the prisoners OUT of it.
So what do you DO with them? Well, ideally we'd charge them, try them in either a civilian or military court but there's a problem. THEY WERE TORTURED, so any "evidence" against them would be tainted.
Like has been said, we don't leave OUR soldiers behind, even if they are only to be court martialled when we get em back. THAT'S OUR CALL, NOT THE ENEMIES, GET IT?
Besides, Bush released a LOT MORE prisoners than Obama did.
And no matter how many times it's explained to him, the boy troll STILL doesn't understand the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE.
Like I said before, you just can't put a $100 education in a ten cent head.
Some of the things Harry Reid's successor has supported, tried to put into law or has wanted to ban.
U.S. is urged to investigate cereal prices
Chuck Schumer rips e-cigarette makers
Sen. Schumer calls for ban on ubiquitous yoga mat chemical
Chuck Schumer races to extend ban on "undetectable" 3D-printed guns
Senator Charles Schumer Condemns Delicious-Looking Detergent
Schumer wants to ban high-powered green laser pointers
Sen. Charles Schumer Calls for a Ban on Powdered Alcohol
Schumer calls on FDA to ban powdered caffeine
Schumer Calls for Ban on Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Schumer Pushes to Shut Down Online Drug Marketplace
Senator Schumer Says Bitcoin Is Money Laundering
Charles Schumer wants federal probe into airline fare prices
Chuck Schumer Takes On The FAA Over Drone Rules
High-Frequency Trading Faces Challenge from Schumer
Fast-Food Bread a Concern, Schumer Calls for a Ban
Chuck Schumer: No Four Loko for You, New York
Senator Calls for 25 to Life [Video Game] Ban
Schumer wants to ban home-made bombs
Sen. Schumer wants to ban internationally produced Olympics uniforms
Senators Call For An End To Payday Lending By Banks
Chuck Schumer Engineers USDA Greek Yogurt Subsidy
Sen. Chuck Schumer to introduce bill 10 banning flame retardants from kids' products
Sen. Schumer: Ban Cadmium in Kids' Jewelry
Liberty anyone?
SL really put his foot in his mouth with that post.
If these are Conservative talking points meant to ridicule Chuck Schumer they are getting dumber by the minute.
By the way that was a great rebuttal SHLA.
Thank you, JH.
It's a shame he stole your name so many times you had to switch to just initials. Nothing wrong with expressing opposing viewpoints, but when a troll steals the names of other posters, it's time for the ban hammer.
But he's our pet troll. We love watching him dance.
Sore Loser has got Roger Ailes's hand so far up his ass, Roger can brush Sore Loser's teeth.
Hey, check out the LAST blog! Sore Loser thinks solar panels don't work when it's cloudy!
Hey Sore Loser! Check #2
I will not hold my breath waiting for you to admit you were WRONG!!!
Buddy, I need a raise! This getting paid to post on liberal sites to increase their traffic is turning out to be a windfall for the site owner. I think Obama should issue an executive order wind fall profit tax on on you and the other liberal blogs that I post on.
I post at 2:31 p.m. and by 4:27 there are 8 (eight) new posts, all in response to mine.
Talk about a hit generator, I'm it Tom!
How well do solar panels work in cloudy conditions?
A cloudy day provides sufficient diffuse light by which the panel will produce electricity. Optimum electrical production occurs with bright and sunny weather conditions. Under a light overcast, the modules might produce about half as much as under full sun, ranging down to as little as five (5) to ten (10) percent under a dark overcast day. In remote, off-grid applications, a PV system is connected to a battery storage system as a backup power source. In grid-connected applications, the PV system works in parallel with the utility power grid. So, if electrical needs exceed the solar power output, the local utility makes up for the shortfall. Conversely, when the PV system generates more energy than the building requires, the excess power is exported to the utility grid, reversing the electrical meter!
How well do solar panels work in the winter?
Solar panels work on light not heat. With shorter daylight hours in winter, solar panels produce proportionately less power. If the modules become covered with snow, they stop producing power, but snow generally melts quickly when the sun strikes the modules; if you brush the snow off, they resume operation immediately.
If snow does not melt quickly like Boston maybe, well you're SOOL.
Got some great info for you next thread.
The US gets one "migrant" (democrat voter) every 33 seconds.
Obama really enjoyed watching Bergdahl's dad recite some muslim mumbo jumbo in the Rose Garden, grinning ear to ear he was.
The facts are that Obama and Rice are lying pigs!
To try to turn a deserter who should be in prison into a war hero is straight out of 1984's Ministry of Truth Department!
Six soldiers killed, an unknown number may be killed because of the release of the terrorists and these idiots refuse to admit it was a mistake.
Anyone who works in the Obama administration should be ashamed (but of course they aren't), not one of them has resigned which shows the lack of any moral backbone.
Thank God at least Fox is calling them out for their lies.
if you brush the snow off, they resume operation immediately.
Thanks Sore Loser for that information. Problem solved!
Actually Stretch7, the only lying pig is you.
Sore Loser, I notice you did not provide a source like I did.
Maybe because you made that stuff up?
Our neighbor has solar panels on his roof. He powers his entire home, including things like a large home theater system and ALL his hot water.
He actually generates more electricity than he needs, even in the winter when it's cloudy here a lot and the sun is at a sharp angle when it's sunny.
You love up to your name once again.
Spinning of mistakes like the Bergdahl episode is what liberals do.
They claim their programs are successes when they are failures, and if that doesn't work, come up with excuses, blame others, or cover up the failures.
Many liberals don't want to see the facts conflict with their rosy visions of the outcomes of their policies. Especially if it threatens their power.
Just give the LIFs more free stuff in exchange for their vote is their main modus operandi.
Brush the snow off, so you have to climb on your roof and risk breaking your neck to do that with other power sources. Like in Boston, how's that working, like on cloudy days you can expect a 90% reduction in your electric power. And if it's a cloudy, heavy snow day, I guess you can always use kerosene (a evil oil product) lanterns to see, heat your home by burning wood if you are are in a area that allows that due to the GREEN anti-wood smoke pollution laws, cook on a wood cooking stove if you have one, keep you food from thawing out by sticking it into a snow bank outside.
Almost a return to the pre-industrialist age, which is the wet dream of believers in man caused climate change. Makes global warming sound like a damned good idea. How are your solar electric cells working for you Mozart? What, you dont have any?
Solar power works in the desert during the day time. Wind farms work when it's windy.
Water energy works if there is water
But if you want electric power when you need it, no matter how many billions of tax dollars are wasted on green energy, it's hard to beat how electricity is being made now.
"You love up to your name once again."
Ah,Mozart,I didn't know you cared.
Sore Loser, you think it's an outrage that Schumer wants to ban homemade bombs?
As far as solar panels, you're right. If the sun goes behind a cloud, you're shit out of luck. Better stick with coal and oil.
This is for all of you radical progressives to view.
"you think it's an outrage that Schumer wants to ban homemade bombs?"
No Anonymous, I think its an out rage that Shumer doesn't know there are ALREADY laws on the books banning home made bombs.
I think it is an example of liberals not having a clue about our laws, but being all in for more laws when they aren't needed, doing so just for the
"we really care, you conservatives dont" factor press release that will be covered by the media.
All cow shit and no cow.
all in for more laws when they aren't needed
Sore Loser is a hypocrite, as he blindly supports GOP restrictions on voter registration, access to polls, and photo IDs.
NONE of which are needed, except as an attempt to obstruct democracy in their favor.
AND he totally supports Obama on the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement, written in secrecy by corporate interests.
Why do we need this to be law of the land?
GOP restrictions on voter registration, access to polls, and photo IDs.
So you think there should be no restrictions on people who claim they have the right to vote but cant prove it?
So where are some of the access
to polls your claiming the GOP does?
Photo id's
Are you against, drivers license, student id., bus passes, check cashing cards, medical insurance cards, employee's badges, proof of age cards,library cards, passports, military id's, taxi driver id's, bus driver ids, airline pilot id's, prison employee id's, armored car driver's id, all of which are all photo ids having photo's on them?
Why then, do you require posters to your failing, under read and outdated blog sign in so that they may post? Why that's a restriction of freedom of speech, you "old fashion American".
Why is that Dumbya?
So, let's talk about "Obamacare".
Surely this was not the ideal of most on the left? I'm not on "the left" (I don't think) but I would MUCH rather have seen us diminish the role of the insurance industry in healthcare. I myself use a concierge service with a local doctor for basic services and "normal" tests, drugs, and even some basic procedures for $75/mo. I do pay a small sum for the drugs and tests (I think I paid an extra $7 for a lab test for example). I call him and he says "yeah, come on in tomorrow". I don't wait when I arrive, and all the BS insurance paperwork is done away with. VERY affordable, effective, and efficient. And, I do have insurance in place for catastrophic issues. Like for my home, I of course have it insured, but I don't insure it for getting the furnace maintained every year. That would be insane - yet we have ended up with that insanity in our healthcare system.
Obamacare does give more people access, but I think it further reinforces the wrong (inefficient) system rather than solves anything.
Fee-for-service for all the relatively low cost preventative and "normal" stuff (cold, flu, checkups, broken bones, cuts, etc.) would be FAR more cost effective. We could foot 100% of the bill for those in low income brackets and come out way ahead of where we are with Obamacare.
The reason why it will never happen is both the Dems and Reps are in the pockets of the insurance industry. We are getting massively fleeced in healthcare at the hands of the banks (er, insurance companies). Obamacare did not help. But, neither has any Republican put forth a good solution. They won't because the serve their masters as do the Dems - and it isn't "we the people".
We won't solve anything until the non-statesmen that inhabit DC are run out of town. Can it happen? I'm pessimistic.
Obamacare - because I was trying to stay relatively on topic. Since Cruz has caused such a stir with his signing up under it...
Sore loser, do you know how solar power works? You are STILL hooked up to the grid. You produce more power than you need, your meter actually runs BACKWARD, and the power company gives you CREDIT. On those RARE days when you get NO or LESS power you can actually use regular power and not have to pay because of the aforementioned credit. It snows pretty good here in Iowa as well. NOT ONCE has our neighbor had to dip into his ow substantial credit with the power company. And even if he does, he STILL uses LESS "dirty coal" power (or in our case nuclear) than he normally would, and thus helps the environment. I have Direct TV and it's a simple job to spray "Pam" on the dish so no snow sticks. Our neighbor has a heating element in his panels that melt any snow. In a decade he's only turned them on once.
BTW, believe it or not (I'm guessing not) Global warming actually causes it to snow MORE, because the warmer sea temps cause more evaporation, and thus more moisture in the air.
Your claim that it was the coldest March on record is anecdotal at best, but you CAN look up actual NOAA weather data that tells that overall this was the warmest winter since the 1880's when records began being kept.
It's the difference between WEATHER, and CLIMATE again.
Not that you will look up ACTUAL DATA. You have Fox news to tell you how to think.
Also, it's obvious that you have no facts, because you spend all your time counting posts about yourself. Have you considered therapy for your narcissism?
You are STILL hooked up to the grid
So its NOT total green energy, it's just make me feel good for using it energy. Why aren't you using solar energy if its so great?
You know Mozart, if solar energy was in such demand, if it was so good, why does the govt have to pour billions of dollars into in? In the free market the product that works is the product used.
But you wouldn't understand that.
Sore Loser: "...if solar energy was in such demand, if it was so good, why does the govt have to pour billions of dollars into in? In the free market the product that works is the product used.
But you wouldn't understand that."
A 2009 study by the Environmental Law Institute assessed the size and structure of U.S. energy subsidies in 2002–08. This study estimated that subsidies to fossil fuel-based sources totaled about $72 billion over this period and subsidies to renewable fuel sources totaled $29 billion. The study did not assess subsidies supporting nuclear energy.
The three largest fossil fuel subsidies were:
(1)Foreign tax credit ($15.3 billion);
(2) Credit for production of non-conventional fuels ($14.1 billion); and
(3) Oil and Gas exploration and development expensing ($7.1 billion)
The three largest renewable fuel subsidies were:
(1)Alcohol Credit for Fuel Excise Tax ($11.6 billion);
(2) Renewable Electricity Production Credit ($5.2 billion); and
(3)Corn-Based Ethanol ($5.0 billion)
In the United States, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003. During this same time-frame, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.
So, my question to you: Who is it that's truly not understanding?
(By the way, all I see is you sharing your ignorance on this blog. Don't you have any sense of shame? If not...why not?)
Yes Sore Loser, we will still be hooked up to "the grid", but even here in Iowa where it rains and snows, our neighbor, who has had various versions of solar power (he upgrades as the tech improves) has only had to "buy back" the power he "sold" to the power company a total of three weeks over 11 years, and those weeks were not consecutive. He DID lose power for ONE DAY during the flood of 2008 while the guys were working on the lines, and they didn't want to be electricuted by a few peoples solar cells pumping power down the lines.
Oh, and this is NOT a "free market" when the fossil fuel industry gets billions in subsidies every year and uses that taxpayer funded money to buy politicians who then keep"green" energy from becoming viable.
If Green energy companies had been getting the subsidies the fossil fuel industry gets since the 60's when solar cells started becoming viable, we'd all be off fossil fuels by now.
If Sore Loser were alive in the early 1900's , he'd be whining about how cars will never be a viable substitute for a horse.
gets billions in subsidies
you do know that subsides are not the same thing as getting check for billions from the tax payer
"We don’t leave our people behind. That’s an Army value. The people ranting about this whole thing either don’t understand or don’t care about that simple concept."
Here are some simple questions.
Was Ambassador Chris Stevens left behind?
Who are you going to trust with that 3:00AM phone call? The bitch with zero accomplishments who erased her hard drive of her private email server?
Sore Loser,
I watched
The black man in the video hit the nail on the head around 2:30 into the video:
"You think the Democrats have changed and that the Republicans are not the party of Lincoln any more. Democrats haven't changed. They still want you to be dependent on the Master and they are still dependent on you. Its just that now instead of using blacks to farm cotton they now use you to farm votes. And you have been suckered into believing that this off balance circle of dependency is Democrats doing something for black folks."
Tom, Dave, Mozart,
Is the black man in the video a racist?
Is he possibly in the KKK like Democrat Senator Byrd was?
Is he in your mind a House Negro?
Will your only response be that I am also Sore Loser (like there is only 1 non marxist in the world posting here)?
"A 2009 study by the Environmental Law Institute assessed the size and structure of U.S. energy subsidies in 2002–08. This study estimated that subsidies to fossil fuel-based sources totaled about $72 billion over this period and subsidies to renewable fuel sources totaled $29 billion."
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.[1][2] On average, as of January 2015, state and local taxes add 30.1 cents to gasoline and 30.1 cents to diesel, for a total US average fuel tax of 48.5 cents per gallon for gas and 54.5 cents per gallon for diesel.
As of 2011, aviation gasoline (most often used to fuel small General Aviation aircraft) is taxed at 19.4¢/gal.
As of 2007, jet fuel (called "kerosene for aviation" by the IRS) is taxed at 21.9¢/gal unless it is used for commercial aviation (airlines such as American Airlines and United Airlines and small chartered commercial jets). Because such commercial operations are subject to the federal transportation tax, they are subject to a reduced fuel tax of 4.4¢/gal.
Federal tax revenues
The federal gasoline tax raised $25 billion on gasoline in 2006.
For 2002-2008, the Federal government raised about $125 billion in gasoline taxes from the evil fossil fuel industry.
State governments raised more that $125 billion from the evil fossil fuel industry.
Jet fuel in the aviation industry generates billions in tax revenue.
In the end, the greedy central planners get their tax revenue.
I'd like to see how the subsidies were calculated. Was there a ridiculous tax rate to begin with that was lowered and the difference is now a subsidy?
What tax revenue has been generated by renewable fuel sources?
Anonymous is now going to explain to us WHY the fossil fuel industry needs free money when they already rake in tens of billions in profits every year.
And CT, (Sore Loser) get back on your meds. Your glue is melting.
Were you the guy who posted that when your solar panels have snow on them, that all you have to do is clear the snow?
If so, you sure are not the sharpest pencil in the box.
Most people put their solar panels on the roof. Climbing unto your roof with snow and ice on it is very hazardous and will probably result in revenue for the evil insurance industry. Sad to say, but you are probably smarter than most of the Federal employees who work at OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).
JJ, just admit you are Sore Loser. It's obvious from your tired "pencil" cliche and the stupidity of your statements.
If you want I can start posting your
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress"
nonsense again.
I mentioned that my neighbor has a heating element (actually heat tape) around his panels, but the panels hardly ever NEED it. They are at an angle and are, you know BLACK so the snow almost never sticks to them anyway.
I spray Pam on my satellite dish about once every other year. No snow on it since the first year we got it (2006)
But you keep asking your retarded questions and then call me stupid some more. THAT"s making you look good.
"( – Three U.S. oil companies paid a total of $289.7 billion in corporate income taxes between 2007 and 2012, the biggest portion of corporate taxes in absolute terms, according to analysis by Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ.
The data show, as reported in the New York Times on May 25, 2013, that when it came to corporate income taxes -- federal, state, local, and foreign – between 2007 to 2012 the three major oil companies paid the following: ExxonMobil, $146 billion; Chevron, $85.5 billion; and ConocoPhillips, $58.2 billion.
That totals $289.7 billion.
In addition, a 2013 report (p. 7) by the oil and natural gas trade group American Petroleum Institute (API), using S&P Research Insight and S&P 1500 by GICS Industry Code data, shows that the oil and gas industry had the highest effective tax rate during that time period (averaged over 2007-2012) of any U.S. business: 44.6%.
That compares, according to S&P Capital IQ, to Apple -- the largest market capital company at $400 billion – which had an effective tax rate of 14% over the same timeframe. Oil and gas firms are paying more than three times the tax rate of Apple."
I'm really confused Mozart and Jefferson's Accordian. CBS News says that the oil and gas industry had the highest effective tax rate during that time period (averaged over 2007-2012) of any U.S. business: 44.6%.
I don't see anybody foaming at the mouth ranting why Apple only has an effective tax rate of 14%.
If sore loser was a smart person, he wouldn't use the same phrases "sharpest pencil" etc. when he's speaking under various aliases.
Sort of makes you look like the idiot you are, JJ/Sore Loser/Harry.
It's fun having a pet troll. So fun watching him dance. And then every time somebody disproves his bullshit with some facts, he just dances back with a different name and new topic, but with the same phrases.
Let's have some more weaselly links from Sore Loser. They provide a window into the shriveled raisin you call a soul.
And feel free to steal my name.
Since the maximum corporate tax rate is 35% I doubt any company in the US is paying anything close to the maximum.
Many multi billion dollar companies in the Fortune 500 pay in the single digits.
Maybe Confused Loser wouldn't be so confused if he didn't rely on the American Petroleum Institute and Pat Robertson's "news", not CBS News as he claimed, for his numbers.
Just another lie in the endless stream of lies.
But Exxon Mobil’s tax rate is “lower than the average American’s,” Daniel Weiss, an energy expert at CAP, countered in an analysis that put the company’s U.S. federal income tax rate in 2010 at just 17.2 percent.
Exxon Mobil counts everything — not just federal income taxes, but also local property taxes, state taxes, gasoline taxes and payroll taxes. The Center for American Progress (CAP) and other analysts count only the company’s federal corporate income taxes.
Confused Progressive, here's a link to that liberal rag US NEWS & WORLD REPORT:
We set out to document the federal tax rate of oil and gas industry leaders because we knew the claim made by the American Petroleum Institute – that the industry pays an income tax rate of 44.3 percent – is misleading. The claim is misleading because the institute uses it in the context of reforming the federal tax code, but the figure includes all foreign, state and local taxes, as well as federal. When we looked at the financial statements of 20 of the largest oil and gas companies, we found this group paid an average federal tax rate of 24 percent on its U.S. income.
Say, has anyone else noticed everything the Right says is demonstrated by documented evidence to be wrong?
Liberals are commies. Tax cuts for the rich will trickle down benefits for everyone. The global conspiracy of evil climate scientists. The honesty and trustworthiness of "overtaxed" oil companies.
Amazing cult.
Moreover, oil and gas companies don’t need government subsidies. Just the 20 companies in our study reported in excess of $175 billion in total deferred tax liabilities at the end of 2013. They do not pay any interest to the government on this amount, even if it takes 20 years to pay it. The oil and gas industry is one of the most profitable in the world – the five largest oil and gas companies reported more than $104 billion in profits last year – so it does not need special treatment in the tax code.
A common refrain is that U.S. corporate taxes are the highest in the world, which is bad for our economy. One of the biggest roadblocks to reducing our corporate tax rate is resistance from powerful industries, like the oil gas industry, which get a special deal better than other corporate taxpayers because of a list of tax benefits, many unique to their industry. The oil and gas industry maintained their special deal even through the 1986 reform of the tax code, the last time it was overhauled. Let’s hope when Congress gets to comprehensive reform this time these outdated, special breaks for the profitable oil and gas industry are left on the chopping block.
Of course it's misleading, it doesn't fit the liberal belief system
Sore Loser's response:
"Okay! Time for a new topic... how about Al Sharptoon being a tax cheat! Yeah... that's the ticket! What alias should I comment under?"
Conservatives are kinda like the Borg, they have a hive mind because their news sources are very narrow in scope and depth.
It seems every Conservative's political outlook is identical to all of them.
That is not the case with Liberals for instance Mozart strongly supports Obama while I do not and Dave is in the middle.
A recurring theme here is a Liberal brings up a topic or event and the Conservatives are clueless about it. Then they demand proof, if they were informed they would already know something about the subject.
Politically they got left back three grades.
Great observations.
It seems every Conservative's political outlook is identical to all of them.
This is the kind of belief that makes up a cult.
That is not the case with Liberals for instance Mozart strongly supports Obama while I do not and Dave is in the middle.
And of course, to the cult, we are all "commies" for not being true believers in their indoctrination.
quiz on the link
Am I the only one who see the irony of "Anonymous" claiming posters using different names?
Didn't think so.
SL, I recently read about a study that said 78% of all men that bought blow up dolls were Conservative.
I was wondering what is your thoughts on those statistics?
I'm claiming ONE poster steals other posters' names.
Sore Loser, our pet troll. Not the brightest crayon in the box.
Sore Loser, does anyone else see the irony of you attacking "Anonymous" when you used that name for months if not years?
In fact that was the name you were using when you you tried to correct me by saying,
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress."
Come on, don't you get tired of making a fool of yourself?
People with no shame don't care about making fools of themselves.
Like Ted Cruz.
People with no shame don't care about making fools of themselves.
Like Ted Cruz.
Yeah, 9-11 changed EVERYTHING.
Example: Cruz was asked what kind of music he listened to. He said he didn't like classic rock's reaction to 9-11 and switched to country.
I seem to recall at least three benefit concerts by classic rock bands to raise money for 9-11
United We Stand: What More Can I Give
(Oct. 21, 2001 at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC
A Concert for New York City
(Oct. 20, 2001 at Madison Square Garden in New York City)
America: A Tribute to Heroes
(Televised on Sept. 21, 2001) featuring the Dixie Chicks even.
What an ignorant doofus.
So to post as anonymous is ok if what they post agrees with the radical progressive agenda?
Isn't that nice.
"We don’t leave our people behind. That’s an Army value. The people ranting about this whole thing either don’t understand or don’t care about that simple concept."
Was Ambassador Chris Stevens left behind?
Answer - crickets.
I still don't think Sore Harry has educated us on what the "radical progressive agenda" is.
Here is his masters' radical Right agenda.
Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
Sore Harry is chicken to discuss, defend, or deny this agenda.
Just like a cult.
More "adult debate", we see.
It's been a while since the troll used my name.
Such an immature jerk, and he doesn't even know it; no insight or conscience.
Many laws are needed because we have such sociopaths.
So how about that agenda?
Obamacare is still failing five years later
Monday was the fifth anniversary of Obamacare. Seven Democratic senators marked it by asking to delay yet another provision of the law.
Putting companies with 51 to 100 employees in the costlier “small group” market could be “harmful and disruptive,” they said in a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Silvia Burwell.
Please give the uninsured another chance to avoid the fine for not having health insurance, three House Democrats asked in a letter to President Barack Obama in February.
“If Obamacare is so great, why do Democrats repeatedly try to hide its more unpleasant features?” Investors Business Daily asked them.
Aww, isn't that precious! Jack Kelly is posting from Wallingford Connecticut too.
Hey "Harry"
Benghazi. Benghazi! Benghazi!! BENGHAZI!!!
There were 13 attacks on embassies during the Bush administration. Were you as outraged then as you pretend to be now?
You probably weren't even aware. You only get outraged when you're told to be outraged.
What oh what will you do when social security goes bankrupt? You'll have to get a job?
Go ahead ... steal my name. ANONYMOUS
Breaking news:
Obama signs new law forbidding lonely shut-ins from Wallingford from sticking their dicks into light sockets.
In other news, a man was rushed to the hospital today after electrocuting himself in what investigators called a "freak auto-erotic accident"
When asked why he did it, he looked down at his smoldering crotch and murmured "Freedom" before fainting.
I don't want another Clinton.
I don't want another Bush.
I don't want another Obama.
I would prefer to have someone from outside the Beltway, someone not entrenched in the party machine. I am tired of both parties, but I am especially tired of the Democrats agenda which seems intent on bring everyone down to the same level.
I don't know anyone working who isn't being stuck paying more in taxes.
I don't know any middle aged, middle class couples who are not seriously impacted by unemployment for one or both.
I don't know of young couples who can rationally afford to buy a house.
I don't know of anyone who thinks Obamacare is a success.
We need LEADERS and STATESMEN instead of people voting for the status quo in order to maintain their own cushy lifestyles. Look at the earmarks put into bills that benefited long time members of Congress personally or through lobbyists and groups. What we don't need is a legacy of the same old, same old.
Cruz in this regard is refreshing. So is Fiorina. So is Walker. They are the young guns, the new blood.
Frankly the old idea that Government is the solution to all of our problems isn't working and God knows Reid has tabled everything that doesn't fit into the narrow and vindictive Obama agenda.
How about we vote for real change this time around?
Thanks, Ellen.
I am tired of both parties, but Cruz in this regard is refreshing. So is Fiorina. So is Walker. They are the young guns, the new blood.
Frankly the old idea that Government is the solution to all of our problems isn't working
In other words, “Hey look at me, I’m a right wing Republican”.
Ellen, if someone new "Like Clinton and Obama" comes in they say they have "no experience"
If someone with LOADS of practical experience steps up, they say they are a "corrupt beltway insider".
There is no satisfying people
I'm hoping Corey Booker or Liz Warren steps forward myself, but if they don't I have no problem with Hillary Clinton. She's smart, she's tough. she's got experience in domestic and foreign policy, and she'll have the greatest adviser available.
Oh, and Ellen Cruz is batshit NUTS and Walker is so crooked he has to screw his pants on in the morning.
Walker has just about run Wisconsin into the ground. You want him to put the economy back where Obama found it, or WORSE?
OH, Ellen one more thing. If you want success stories concerning Obamacare, talk to people actually PARTICIPATING IN IT.
Like your "refreshing" Rafael Cruz. He just signed his family up.
God bless Ellen.
The current HBO special on Scientology reminds me of her and her fellow Republicans.
They all really, really, really, hate the IRS.
Cults, ya know. They really are all alike.
Sorry Ellen, anybody that could do a great job for all the people, not just the corporations and the elite, will never get anywhere.
There is literally billions of dollars st stake in politics and the powers that be will not let anybody rock the boat.
If you think Republican politicians will make a Garden of Eden here you are sorely mistaken.
I would like to see a law passed that says you should not put your penis into a light bulb socket.
I'd like to see a law that would keep Dumbya's, mother from working the streets at night.
Name Hillary's greatest success as Secy of State?
Hey everybody! Sore Loser is back to posting anonymously!
And he's insulting mothers!
For those of you who’ve been out of the loop, there was a death in our family a few days ago and the air fare and a car malfunction really put a crimp in our finances. Details are here, if you wish to help or at least pass the word. Thank you so much in advance.
"In that immense crowd which throngs the avenues to power in the United States, I found very few men who displayed that manly candor and masculine independence of opinion which frequently distinguished the Americans in former times, and which constitutes the leading feature in distinguished characters wherever they may be found. It seems at first sight as if all the minds of the Americans were formed upon one model, so accurately do they follow the same route. A stranger does, indeed, sometimes meet with Americans who dissent from the rigor of these formulas, with men who deplore the defects of the laws, the mutability and the ignorance of democracy, who even go so far as to observe the evil tendencies that impair the national character, and to point out such remedies as it might be possible to apply; but no one is there to hear them except yourself, and you, to whom these secret reflections are confided, are a stranger and a bird of passage. They are very ready to communicate truths which are useless to you, but they hold a different language in public."
- A. Tocqueville
He might as well have written that last year...
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground."
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.”
Thomas Jefferson
"That government is best which governs least."
Henry David Thoreau's
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson
The US is running amok, the comportment of the country is looking more like a rabid animal than a civilized nation.
I defy anybody to defend much less understand our foreign policy as outlined in this article.
I notice Sore Loser never mentions that Jefferson wanted a "Revolution every year to tear down the old government and build a new one"
Jefferson also spent money he didn't have and when the British came to attack his farm, he ran away leaving his SLAVES to defend his property, which they did.
He also edited all the hocus pocus and other nonsense out of the Bible and called it the "Jefferson Bible.
It must have been more like a pamphlet.
"Excessive taxation... will carry reason and reflection to every
man's door, and particularly in the hour of election." --Thomas
Jefferson to John Taylor, 1798.
Nothing, then, but excessive taxation can get us along: and this will carry reason and reflection to every man's door, and particularly in the hour of election.
- Thomas Jefferson
Correction, Jefferson wanted revolution every 20 years.
sorry bout that.
WHAT, Mozart is NOT standing by his words!!!
Oh shit, the world is coming to an end!!
Sore Loser, I stand by my words, that's why I corrected myself. It's called being an ADULT.
And you are fooling no one going back to "Anonymous".
Have you realized that the Senate is part of congress yet?
Looks like Indiana made sleight mistake when they thought they could past discriminatory legislation and nobody would pay attention.
They will face an economic blockade from businesses and other states. But I hope they do not wimp out and back down even if it means going bankrupt.
They should show everybody that they do not fold under pressure, maybe they should bring out those old signs, Negro and White Only again.
That would teach those Liberals how to run a state!
As long as we're on Thomas Jefferson quotes:
"There is a debt of service due from every man to his country,
proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have
measured to him." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Rutledge, 1796.
"Taxes should be proportioned to what may be annually spared by
the individual." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1784.
"Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is
to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the
higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they
rise." --Thomas Jefferson
Unless your country is England and they decide to tax THEIR colonies where you reside to pay for the cost of protecting them from aggressors...
Then, of course, you revolt.
He left that bit out.
This is how boytroll® would post the quotes:
"Taxes should be ...spared" --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1784.
"Another means of silently lessening the inequality... is to exempt all from taxation..." --Thomas Jefferson
The Boy troll has been quiet as of late. Is Rush Limbaugh on vacation?
He's been quiet. Oddly enough, all the other right wingers (who he insists are NOT HIM) are quiet at the same time.
He'll be back and he'll be bursting with pride that we mentioned him.
Along with Sore Loser, we decided to take a break from commenting, and have a nice get together at the Colony Diner.
And we totally believe Sore Loser does not live in Connecticut.
Chuck Morre from Wallingford CT
Michael Stivic from Wallingford CT
Tyrone Witherspoon(s) from Wallingford CT
Just the Facts from Wallingford CT
Anonymous from Wallingford CT
Harry The Climate Change Expert, from Wallingford CT
"James Hanson" from Wallingford CT
Harry from Wallingford CT
Booker T. Washington from Wallingford CT
Smokey Legumski from Wallingford CT.
We also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, we might visit once in a while, but post, we doubt it very much.
Wait a minute... you forgot the "Rev. Al Sharptoon"
He can sit next to "Tyrone Witherspoon(s)"
And here's some trivia: "Chuck Morre" was taken from a real commenter here named Chuck Moore. Boytroll® took his name but misspelled it.
Maybe we'll see this on Jeopardy someday: "I'll take pasty internet trolls for 400, Alex"
One more, not used a lot,
Dave Dubya @6:26PM
You really get a hard on for David Koch, don't you.
Now add another! JH
Woe is me, Charlotte McKinney got kicked off DWTS.
Now if we can get war mongering Boehner kicked out of congress, along with his TREASONOUS buddies.
He's over buffing Bibi's helmet right now.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress.
You arrogant, low IQ, Radical Progressive little nitwit!
Sore Loser,
Chuck Morre from Wallingford CT
Michael Stivic from Wallingford CT
Tyrone Witherspoon(s) from Wallingford CT
Just the Facts from Wallingford CT
Anonymous from Wallingford CT
Harry The Climate Change Expert, from Wallingford CT
"James Hanson" from Wallingford CT
Harry from Wallingford CT
Booker T. Washington from Wallingford CT
Smokey Legumski from Wallingford CT.
This is the scariest article I have ever read in 18 years of reading about politics.
The government has no deemed you do not have sanctity over your own body anymore.
This will directly effect everyone reading this and everyone in the country.
Big Pharma has too far in their quest of big profits, there will be anarchy in the streets!
Anybody know how the Iran negotating is going?
Maybe BaCrock Hussein will flex his muscles and draw a red line in the sand with those Mad Mullahs just like Syria!
welcome back sore loser! Were you at the social security office?
This is really embarrassing.
Remember all that stuff we were told about 97% of scientists agreeing that climate change was real? And all those sad polar bears hanging off of icebergs? And all the dire warnings about catastrophic sea-level rise?
We just learned that none of it is true. It was all a huge prank pulled off by the world’s scientists. Senator Inhofe was right. Watch this video and learn the unvarnished truth about the climate change hoax.
When will we just let go of our minds and trust the Koch brothers and their Republican Party?
Where is everybody?
All four of them are either worn out from hitting this website 357 times on Tuesday or are waiting to get their liberal juices flowing by beating on me for posting here. Which I haven't done in several days
(regardless what Mozart Dumbya and you JH, say to the contrary)
You see Tom, you need me.
Sore Loser, strangely enough, a whole bunch of other people who you claim AREN'T YOU also decided not to post.
You'd feel better about yourself if you stopped denying your multiple aliases. Harry and everyone else.
Also, there's medicine you can take for the OCD. Help is available. But you have to WANT to get better.
☑ Landmark peace agreement with Iran
☑ Regulated CO2 – cut emissions by 30%
☑ Ended Bush’s war on Iraq
☑ Withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan
☑ Kept the US out of war in Syria, Iran, and Ukraine
☑ Repealed DADT
☑ Overturned DOMA
☑ Enacted Federal ENDA
☑ Endorsed Gay Marriage
☑ Set strong Net Neutrality regulations
☑ Raised car mileage to 55 mpg
☑ Rescued the Auto Industry
☑ Prevented a 2nd Great Depression
☑ Ended Bush’s tax cuts for the rich
☑ Brought health insurance to 32,500,000 million people
☑ Normalized relations with Cuba after 54 years
☑ Stopped Keystone Pipeline
☑ Enacted Dodd-Frank financial reform
☑ Deferred to Colorado’s and Washington’s pot laws instead of using federal preemption
☑ Overturned the ban on stem cell research
☑ Saved millions of Latinos from deportation
☑ Enacted free contraceptives for women
☑ Enacted 6 weeks maternity leave for federal workers
☑ Extended Social Security benefits to gay couples.
☑ Eliminated color coded terror alerts
☑ Rebuilt FEMA
☑ Appointed first 11 openly gay judges on Federal bench
☑ Appointed first Latina to Supreme Court
☑ Appointed first female Solicitor General
☑ Appointed first female Federal Reserve Chairwoman
☑ Appointed 41% of female judges to Federal Bench
☑ Ended rescission, pre-existing conditions, lifetime caps
☑ Enacted Fair Sentencing Act
☑ Ended federal criminal asset forfeiture
☑ Ended gender discrimination in the Military
☑ Enacted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
☑ Enacted Lilly Ledbetter Act
☑ Enacted Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act
☑ Enacted Credit Card Reform Act
☑ Enacted Food Safety Act
☑ Eliminated banks from federal student loans
☑ Found bin Laden
☢ Reduced Nuclear arms with Russia by 66%
☑ Provided crucial finacing for Telsa’s electric car
☑ Negotiated Co2 reduction accord with China
☑ Expanded SCHIP and Pell Grants
☑ Syria surrendered their WMDs
☑ Enacted world program to secure loose fissionable material
☑ Secured release of POW Bergdahl
Obama has accomplished all this in only six years, in the face unpresented obstruction by the wingnuts and the corporate media.
Also, Fuck You Sore Loser
How did everything go at the Social Security office, Sore Loser? Did you get your cost of living increase? You're welcome.
Any day now, Social Security is going belly up. What, oh what will you do? Polish up the old resume?
Since you have so much contempt for people who work for a living, maybe you can get a job at your local correctional facility. Mop and bucket stuff, nothing too intellectually demanding.
Now that Harry Reid can't see out of 1 of his eyes, rumor has it he has decided to leave the Senate to take a part in Season 3 of Black Sails.
Harry will be wearing a pirate's patch over his right eye and will commandeer a gay pirate ship.
SL, maybe Tom did not see the F word insult yet, he did delete my post when I did it.
Do Conservatives hate Liberals SL?
Here's a problem for you Obama supporters,
Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.
Now, do we believe the Obama administration or the Iranian govt?
If we believe the Obama administration, can the Iranians now that they have caught in a lie, be trusted to follow the treaty?
If we believe the Iranians to be telling the truth, can we believe and trust the Obama administration to be telling us the truth?
Or do we blame Bush?
The Boy troll has been reading the "Blaze" again.
Obama is worse than Neville Chamberlain.
He would have allowed Hitler to invade England and takeover Europe.
He lacks the courage of FDR or Reagan.
He is willing to weaken America and allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
What in reality He is doing, is to create a nuclear arm race in the Middle East with serious consequences.
This is not a good prospect for peace.
Obama will be remembered as the worst Nobel peace prize recipient in the history of the award and even worse than Jimmy Carter.
He is betraying our friends and allowing our enemies to grow and expand to undermine our security.
No, Sore Loser, I french kiss YOUR mother.
So you're the Necrophilia asshole who's been digging up my mothers grave?
I told the cops it something only an east coast liberal would do.
One might wonder about the value of an agreement with a habitual liar such as Iran. Iran has entered into several agreements to limit its nuclear activities and to confine its nuclear ambitions to medical use; each time, Iran has broken the agreement. The current attempt to reach an agreement with the Iranian leaders is an exercise in delusion by Mr. Obama. Its not surprising as Mr. Obama campaigned with delusion that he would heal the planet and stop the oceans from rising.
But can an agreement really be reached when both parties are habitual liars?
No one wants to inflict gratuitous suffering on the Iranian people except, perhaps, the Iranian leaders. But since Iran will not give up its nuclear ambitions until the economy is a shambles, the sanctions need to be increased, not abolished.
Mr. Obama should work with our allies in the Mideast to pressure Iran, but he is more comfortable working with the Iranian leaders than with Israeli leaders. To say this is counterintuitive is an understatement.
Right on cue:
Obama is worse than Neville Chamberlain.
He would have allowed Hitler to invade England and takeover Europe.
So does that make Obama worse, or as bad as Hitler" LOL
Many of us roll our eyes and poke fun at endless Hitler analogies, but in this case their use is extremely revealing. If you believe that the negotiations with Iran are the equivalent of those in Munich in 1938, what you're basically saying is that war with Iran is inevitable, so we might as well get started on it right away. After all, it isn't as though, had Chamberlain left Munich without an agreement, Hitler would have retired and gone back to painting. The whole point of the "appeasement" argument is that the enemy cannot be appeased from his expansionist aims, and the only choice is to wage war.
That's what Iran hawks are arguing: We shouldn't pussyfoot around trying to find a diplomatic solution to this problem when there's going to be a war no matter what. - Paul Waldman
Never mind the negotiations are multi-national, not just Obama and Iran. Unreasonable Con-servatives simply hate Obama and want more war.
Gee, who else hated black guys, minorities, liberals, educators and lusted for war?
70% of Iran's population is below the age of 30. No doubt they are tired of being under the yoke of the Islamic Fascists ruling their country.
The Iranian regime is on the brink of economic collapse due to sanctions and the huge drop in oil prices.
Why were they at the negotiating table to begin with?
No agreement will suffice since they will cheat, hide and develop.
Most serious people recognize the North Korean model when they see it.
Most serious people understand the history of treaties with the types of governments Iran represents.
The only question is, will they have a press conference and Obama presents the Mad Mullahs with a Hillary Clintoon style US/Iranian reset button?
No deal is better than a bad deal.
Ah, Vanessa from the Colony Diner in Wallingford Connecticut has something to say.
Well said!
Do you think Obama should include Israel as an ally to work with in the Middle East?
Good to see someone posting here who takes the problems facing us as serious vs those who typical play the race card in response to anything posted that even questions the President.
What is your take on the actions of France in this?
The Blaze said that? You must tell me more of what the Blaze is saying as I don't read it.
Suzanne and Vanessa be ready for the onslaught of the War on Women from the Radical Progressives who haunt this blog. Do not be surprised if they claim that you are me (Sore Loser) or Harry etc. Those of the far left have a difficult time grasping the fact that there could be more than one person posting views counter to theirs. Their record shows that is how they deflect from the difficult issues by putting the focus on those they oppose/hate so deeply.
I thought I posted an adult question on an important issue, glad you saw it that way as well. Nice to converse with adults.
Their record shows that is how they deflect from the difficult issues
Projection again.
How about these issues?
Here is his masters' radical Right agenda.
The platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
Sore Harry is chicken to discuss, defend, or deny these issues.
Oh, oh. Someone is defying the almighty gods of the far Right. One for the record books.
As the committee heard testimony regarding a bill that would provide tax incentives for the film industry to produce television and movies in Florida, a lobbyist for the Koch-backed Americans For Prosperity spoke out in opposition.
Unbelievably, these words were then spoken:
“I appreciate the mail-outs that you do against me on a monthly basis that say I give money to Hollywood moguls, which, of course, I don’t have any money to give, and neither does the state of Florida give money to Hollywood moguls. You’re all on the Koch brothers’ payroll. Good for you. I’m glad you’re all employed … I hope you’re getting paid a lot of money to show up to these meetings and say meaningless things. Obviously you’re for prosperity for yourself and not anyone else … You people serve absolutely no purpose.”
(Soon to be former) Florida GOP state Senator Nancy Detert
She broke the Republicans' First Commandment.
Thou shalt not defy the mighty Kochs, blessings be upon them over all others.
You can argue all you want that Obama inherited the Mideast problem and he is not responsible.
That is a cop out and an absurd talking point of the political spin meisters within Obama's 1984 Ministry of Truth Department who work night and day to keep the population from thinking for themselves.
Suzanne and Vanessa
See what I mean, there a world crisis that may go nuclear and instead of asking if what's being done can stop it, the Radical progressive is more interested in playing the race game and the blame game.
Is it any wonder then that Hillery will be the candidate for the DNC? The party that rallied behind her "What differnce – at this point, what difference does it make?" wants to focus on things that are old history, plans talked about,not actions and bury their heads in the sand, if they can find any that doesn't have a line drawn in it.
So in response to all the junk that Dumbya posted I quote Hillery
"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
Yeah Sore Loser, The BLaze is like Fox News. They CLAIM high ratings, but you can't get anyone,especially conservatives, to admit they pay any attention to it.
Maybe they just turn it on and let it run like good little dittoheads, while they are out hanging the "Strange Fruit"
I'd ask what you DO read, but I wouldn't want to be unfair with a "gotcha" question.
Guys, we need to get together
and get Sore Loser a bib so he doesn't get "stupid" all over his shirt when he opens his mouth.
This was a relief. The last time I heard a president talking about a deal he'd cut with Iran, it was about Reagan selling them missiles and using the proceeds to finance illegal wars in this hemisphere. Hey, give us some credit. Over what is now almost 30 years, we've made a little progress in this regard.
"In those conversations, I will underscore that the issues at stake here are bigger than politics," Obama said of his forthcoming talks with Congress and other global leaders. "These are matters of war and peace." Obama also stressed that the final deal is not yet done and negotiators must work out specific details between now and June 30. "Nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed," he said. The president spoke after a formal announcement by negotiators in Switzerland that the United States, allies and Iran reached a general agreement in which the allies would end some sanctions on Iran if it gives up the means to make nuclear weapons.
(Here's someone from Fox News drawing all the wrong lessons from history. Anyone who writes a story containing the words "Iran" and "Reagan," but not the words "TOW missiles" and "Manucher Ghorbanifar," deserves to be pointed at and mocked.)
Of course, the usual suspects are conducting seances all over various media platforms, trying to raise the useful ghost of Neville Chamberlain for one more lap around the old track. I expect the hysterics to reach full volume over the weekend, despite the fact that, by all the available evidence, this is a deal that has very real possibilities, if you assume that the reign of the mullahs in Iran is doomed by demographics and bluejeans, just as those same forces helped undermine the Eastern bloc. (There's your Reagan-and-the-Soviets parallel.) Hell, Iranian state TV carried the president's Rose Garden address live and uncensored.
As Garry Wills argued forcefully in his book Bomb Power, nuclear arms do not reduce paranoia in the nations that have them, they intensify it because of the metastatic secrecy that always surrounds those weapons and their production. If there is a generation of young Iranians who have grown weary of being governed by theocratic nutballs, and even Jen Rubin concedes that possibility, then they might well be encouraged by any movement away from Iran's being a garrison state.
Mr. Sick says he believes that a deal could begin a process of epochal change inside Iran. "If the sanctions are lifted, foreign companies come back in, the natural entrepreneurialism of Iranians is unleashed," he said, then Iran's political system will inevitably change, if slowly. "If you want regime change in Iran — meaning, changing the way the regime operates — this kind of agreement is the best way to achieve that goal," he said.
If nobody knows anything, then anything is possible. In any event, what we have here is a framework, one that most of our European allies seem to believe is worth going on with, which means that they must be overjoyed by the fact that one of the most prominent potential Republican presidential candidates already is committed to doing to this potential deal what he's already done to his state's economy and to its public universities. As Greg Sargent points out, the rest of the sheep in the pen will fall quickly in line. "Overturning the Iran deal" is going to replace "Repealing Obamacare" in this presidential cycle as what a Republican candidate must promise to do on Day One. Me? At least we're not selling them missiles any more. There's hope in that, too.
Thanks for the inside scoop on these horrible right wing news sources.
I never was aware that they were faking their viewer numbers. They must have a lot explaining to do to their advertisers who expect big number of viewers to watch their ads on Fox. Do you think they know yet or is this a secret only a few chosen people (like your self obviously) know?
Does this means the viewer numbers at MSNBC and CNN are also fake? Where do you get all of this inside info any way? Maybe from one of the six papers you read each day, huh?
Speaking of which, can you tell me where these news stories came from?
Record 12,202,000 Blacks Not In Labor Force...
Record 56,131,000 Women...
January, February jobs numbers revised down dramatically...
Fed Cuts Growth Forecast to ZERO...
As for Charles Pierce, one of the 20th century's foremost female impersonators, get a life, even Mozart said he isn't concerned or interested about events over 30 years ago. Nice try though.
Nice try, liberals. Who cares if Reagan sold arms to Iran? That was 30 years ago. Ancient history.
I'm more interested in what's happening today. Or more specifically, what's happening tonight. I've got a brand new skirt and blouse, and I'll be heading down to the naval base. Wish me luck! If you don't hear from me (or harry or any other of my "conservative" friends) it'll be because I got real lucky!
Here's an interesting story about the honesty of good conservatives:
The Palm Beach Post‘s Christine Stapleton reports that the “Tea Party” protesters outside of the South Florida Water Management District on Thursday were, by and large, actors hired by the Tea Party of Miami and U.S. Sugar.
The district is currently considering buying land owned by U.S. Sugar, which it would use for the treatment and storage of lake flood water. Environmentalist believe that using the land in this way will allow them to divert more water into the Everglades without harming coastal estuaries. The water would not only help replenish the Everglades, it would also provide an emergency reserve drinking supply for South Florida.
But U.S. Sugar wants to keep the land, arguing that as one of the area’s largest employers, it is in the district’s best interests not to exercise the $350 million buy-out option in its contract. Tea Party Miami:
Unable to find actual grassroots support, Tea Party Miami and U.S. Sugar joined forces, resulting in the following job opportunity — captured by Kate Bradshaw — being posted on Facebook:
Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo told Bradshaw that “Big Sugar supporters hiring actors to pretend to protest is pathetic. Someone should ask who is paying for artificial sweetener to make polluting the Everglades and our drinking water easier to swallow.”
Sarah Bascom, the spokeswoman for the Support the EAA Reservoir Project Coalition, was even more cutting in her assessment.
“This is absolutely ridiculous and, quite frankly, embarrassing for these two groups to have hired paid actors to pose as protestors who ultimately had no idea what they were there to oppose,” she said.
I wish I'd known about this! I would have shown up with all my aliases, and made enough for some more new clothes!
I told the American Fascists want war. The Party of war and hate will do their best to destroy an INTERNATIONAL negotiation process. They want to blame the black guy alone. Just like fascists.
Their record shows that is how they deflect from the difficult issues
Projection again.
How about these issues?
Here is his masters' radical Right agenda.
The platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
Sore Harry is chicken to discuss, defend, or deny these issues.
"Vanessa" "Suzanne" "Mitzi"
Thank god the ladies are showing up! This place was becoming a real sausage fest. Nice to get the feminine angle for a change.
And no fair, by the way, quoting Israel's oldest newspaper. Don't you know by now my opinions aren't based on facts or reality? I don't want to hear that shit!
Speaking of sausage fests, I'm pissed right now. I got myself all dolled up and I was ready for a big night on the town, and then I get a call from Roger [not his real name] and he cancels our date!
He says "sore loser, you dress up real fine and you can suck a golf ball out of a garden hose, but I'm just not turned on anymore by you. You're just too damn fat."
God I'm pissed! It's not my fault I'm fat. It's hormonal. I switched to diet soda and I gave up the curly fries. That's not enough for you??
Anyway, looks like I'll be home tonight. You liberals are in luck. Ask me anything!
I've been such a fool, Dave Dubya.
Man will always be a man.
There is no new man.
We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour.
But there's always something to envy. Like your foaming at the mouth rants about David Koch who you envy while you spread cheeks while doing cavity searches at the prison.
A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate.
In this world, even with our attempts at moving it towards a radical progressive one, there will always be rich and poor.
Rich in gifts, poor in gifts.
Rich in love, poor in love.
I thought you were "confused progressive"!
Can't keep your aliases straight?
And the prison obsession... that sounds like Sore Loser - Me!
I heard on Fox that social security will be bankrupt in about fifteen minutes.
So I decided to grab the bull by the tail and face the situation. i applied for some jobs.
I went down to the prison and filled out an application for janitor. I told them I wanted to spread cheeks, but they said I'd be more suited doing janitorial work. No problem!
I asked them if I'd need a uniform or if I could wear my standard costume: poodle skirt, frilly blouse and pink pumps. They looked at me funny, so I don't know if they'll be calling me back.
But hope springs eternal! I'll have to do SOMETHING when the government checks stop coming.
I wish the GOP Senators and our traitor Menendez would just STFU about Obama's Iranian Treaty.
We just need to pass the Treaty so that we all can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.
I see we finally have someone brave enough to defend the separation of church and cake.
Confused Progressive and Jefferson's Accordian - "great minds think alike!"
It's almost like there's a whole bunch of different conservatives commenting here, instead of one pathetic loser.
Join me in celebrating the FIRST Ten Years of
"The Peoples Cube"!
Well done comrades, well done.
You guys have never heard of the People's Cube? It's hilarious, take my word for it. They're almost as funny as the 1/2 Hour News Hour on Fox News.
It's so hilarious it makes the diet soda shoot right out of my nose!
I don't know why nobody's ever heard of them. Damn liberal media!
You'll be happy to know I weighed myself this morning, and I lost TWO WHOLE POUNDS. Soon I'll be down to my ideal weight, 350 lbs.
I was just reading that schools will close early in Kansas this spring due to funding cuts.
This is the first time I ever heard of a state not being able to have schools open for the entire year.
Kansas is a Conservative laboratory with the Repubs in full control. They have cut every program in the state to continue the huge tax cuts to the wealthy and the corps.
They will not even be able to maintain their pristine highways because of these tax cuts.
Any Conservative here want to defend gutting education to give even more money to the people that need it the least?
Any Conservative here want to defend gutting education to give even more money to the people that need it the least?
Yes, I'll step forward. It makes perfect sense to cut education funding. If kids get too much education, they won't grow up and vote for people like Scott Walker or Ted Cruz. And they'll just laugh at Sean Hannity and Glen Beck.
We can't have that.
"Yes, I'll step forward. It makes perfect sense to cut education funding. If kids get too much education, they won't grow up and vote for people like Scott Walker or Ted Cruz. And they'll just laugh at Sean Hannity and Glen Beck."
No they will just vote for the politician who gives them the most free stuff and join the liberal plantation.
More “Christian” hate:
A Central Florida baker said she is getting death threats after refusing to make a cake with a message, 'We do not support gay marriage”
The man who placed the order recorded it and then posted it online.
good point from JJ about educated people voting for liberals. They want free stuff like well-maintained roads and stuff, food inspection, infrastructure repair.
Thank the baby jesus for the uneducated people, otherwise the educated voters would have us ALL living in the liberal plantation. Keep up the good work JJ!
wait a minute. You mean jesus didn't say that?
Republican Jesus says anything Republicans want him to say.
Republican Jesus hates anyone Republicans want him to hate.
Republican Jesus changed his mind about "rendering unto Caesar".
Republican Jesus changed his mind about serving Mammon.
Republican Jesus changed his mind about the rich getting into Heaven.
Republican Jesus wants more tax cuts for the Rich to fulfill Saint Ronnie's "Prophecy of the Sacred Trickle Down".
Now Republican Jesus wants war with Iran.
Nifty cult they have there.
Republican Jesus is a white guy with blue eyes and blonde hair. Looks just like a surfer dude.
And he's cool with my bigotry.
Sore Loser, it was fun for a while watching SL get a taste of his own medicine, but now it is getting old.
I think he has learned the lesson and it time to change your name and be a Liberal again.
Hey Sore Loser,
Sounds like you are still pretty sore about what happened on Nov 4, 2014 with our first affirmative action president with no real world experience other than community organizing.
You know the one who made history by losing more Democratic seats to the GOP at all level of government under his watch.
You will just have to get over it.
Kanisha! That sounds like a black name. Are you familiar with Tyrone Witherspoon(s)? You sound just like him. How about the Rev. Al Sharptoon?
Archie Bunker said that you black folk all know each other. And that you're all afraid of the police.... Just like Sore Loser!
This could be a record, one post from me results in 13 new responses!
When I dont post, JH asks, "where is every body?"
Can you understand now why I'm what makes your blog site get the traffic?
13 to 1!!
BTW how long have you been operating your blog?
When I dont post, JH asks, "where is every body?"
Because when you take a break to visit your mom, all the other names you post under go with you, boytroll®
Have you met Kanisha?
boytroll® sore loser, how's the job hunt going? Once social security goes under, you'll need money to pay for all the soda and twinkies. Does medicare cover the OCD medication? Have you skipped again? I told you not to skip dosages. Now double up!
JH says you learned your lesson! Is this true?
Tom, you need to ban the Boy troll for a while.
What's he got, about a dozen names now?
It is almost certainly SL and he is proving himself to be an ignorant racist asshole beside all the other unsavory characteristics unique to him.
I think he proved that the first times he posted as "Al Sharptoon" and "Tyrone Witherspoons"
That, plus shitting all over Tom's blog on MLK day.
I think that was our first... uh, hint.
Sore Loser! Is JH correct? Have you "learned your lesson" as he said? Enough spankings? Or do you need more?
Will you steal my name? You've done it before.
ATLANTA -- After listening to more than six months of testimony, the jury in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating trial convicted 11 of the 12 defendants of racketeering.
Jurors deliberated for nearly eight days before reaching their collective decision.
"This has been a long, long, long journey," Judge Jerry Baxter said shortly before the verdict was read. "I know everyone here probably has emotions they can't describe. I know I do. But I want to tell you -- I've been down here 42 years ... and I've never seen a jury that was more diligent."
"Whatever your verdict is, I'll defend it until I die," Baxter added.
One defendant -- Dobbs Elementary School teacher Dessa Curb -- was acquitted of all charges against her. The remaining 11 defendants were found guilty of at least one count:
Diane Buckner-Webb (Dunbar Elementary School teacher)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of two counts of false statements
Donald Bullock (Usher Collier Heights elementary testing)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of two counts of false statements
* Guilty of one count of false swearing
* Acquitted of one count of false statements
Pamela Cleveland (Dunbar ES teacher)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of two counts of false statements
Theresia Copeland (Benteen ES testing coordinator)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of false statements
* Acquitted of theft by taking
Tamara Cotman (School Reform Team Executive Director)
* Guilty of racketeering
Dessa Curb (Dobbs ES teacher)
* Acquitted of racketeering
* Acquitted of two counts of false statements
Dana Evans (Dobbs ES Principal)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of false statements
* Acquitted of three counts of false statements
Tabeeka Jordan (Deerwood Academy, Asst. Principal)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Acquitted of theft by taking
* Acquitted of false statements
Michael Pitts (School Reform Team executive director)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of influencing witnesses
Tamara Cotman (School Reform Team Executive Director)
* Guilty of racketeering
Dessa Curb (Dobbs ES teacher)
* Acquitted of racketeering
* Acquitted of two counts of false statements
Dana Evans (Dobbs ES Principal)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of false statements
* Acquitted of three counts of false statements
Tabeeka Jordan (Deerwood Academy, Asst. Principal)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Acquitted of theft by taking
* Acquitted of false statements
Michael Pitts (School Reform Team executive director)
* Guilty of racketeering
* Guilty of influencing witnesses
I'm glad these assholes in AmeriKa's biggest monopoly, the public school system, have been convicted of their crimes.
It warms your heart, doesn't it.
How are the charter schools going down in Florida? The one Jeb! was so proud of?
So are you going to stick to your made up names and stop stealing other commenter's names? Have you LEARNED YOUR LESSON, as JH said? Or will you keep stealing?
So you hate blacks, teachers, correctional officers... jeez, the list just grows and grows. The public schools... Do you hate public libraries? Are they on your list?
Anything to say about Al Sharptoon or Tyrone or your racism? No? On to a new topic: the public schools?
You prefer the For-Profit model for schools:
Test question: "If Johnny has six cans of delicious diet coke, and his friend Amy has four cans of delicious diet coke, how many cans of delicious diet coke do they have together?" Give the answer in delicious diet coke.
I will see your 11 teachers and raise you a multitude of Republican sex offenders:
I like the boytroll® scattershot approach to commenting. He posts something patently false, others come forward proving his lie, and then he just cuts and pastes some other outrage.
What happened to all the people who used to comment here back in 2008? They all left the room when boytroll® walked in.
Just like real life! Right Sore Loser?
Have you learned your lesson? Say it. SAY IT!
I see Judge Baker was white and the guilty were all black.
Judge Baker must be a member of the KKK. amirite?
"Hands up don't shoot" has gone out of fashion since it has PROVEN TO BE just a big fu*king lie to get blacks to go out and vote. amirite?
He posts something patently false, others come forward proving his lie, and then he just cuts and pastes some other outrage.
If that isn't "adult debate" then what is?
This is outstanding!
My one post brings you 11 posts, some by posters we know, some by posters who claim to be me, and some by anonymous, 3 of them to be exact.
It's like JH said a little while ago
"time to change your name and be a Liberal again."
He's bright enough to know the difference between what I post and what others post using my name. Sadly no one else seems to be.
Then there is the cry for you to ban Sore Loser fro posting.
Dumbya claims he got Harry's IP, if that's correct, then you should be able to get mine (although I did posted it here a few weeks ago) and you can compare it to those who post under my name or anonymous. Then you can expose all of them for being the frauds that you know they are.
Of course if it's impossible for you to do this, then you can't ban an IP and Dumbya was lying about getting Harry's. Interesting.
But what simply amazed me is my post asking if we should believe Iran when they say Obama is lying to the American public or if they are lying should we sign a treaty with a country that is lying to us, gets completely ignored.
What is more important to the light weights those who post here is who I am, how I can be branded as a hater, racist, etc.
Gives good insight into how the mind of the liberal radical progressive works doesn't it.
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