Dig this! White Christian males (such as I) are an oppressed minority. This I never knew!
McGovern '72 |
I suspect that - subtly at least - the "white victimization" fantasy will - once again - be a key part of the right wing's attempt to appeal to the clueless American people. It's always worked so well in senate and congressional races; not so much in the presidential contests - for the simple reason that it was never really necessary. 2016 is going to be different, though. The GOP is these days facing some unsettling realities. And the nastiest fact of all it that they've rendered themselves unelectable as far as the presidential contest is concerned. How do you think that an African American politician from Chicago was able to get elected? Sure, the guy was loaded with substance (no argument there). But so were Al Gore and George McGovern. Everything has changed.
Where is this white-Christian-male suppression coming from? Who is instigating this mass persecution?. Why am I not able to perceive it? Am I really that dense? Some of the folks who tune into this site might agree with that last assessment (I can almost hear the wise cracks now) but I think I'm a fairly perceptive guy. If I have ever once, during my fifty-six-and-a-half years on this sad planet, been discriminated against because I am a male and a Christian, I'm not aware of it. In fact, the only person in my life who ever put me down due to the fact that I'm Irish Catholic is me! You know how we Irish are with our self-deprecating wit!
Here's what's happening:
Because conservative policies are doing such serious damage to the
people of this country (particularly in the South and the Midwest) the
right wing SCREAM machine has these assholes convinced that they're
suffering because they're being persecuted by those nasty LIB'RALS who
would like nothing better than to elevate the KNEE-GROW at their
expense. Call it "the vast, left-wing conspiracy". Hence their nutty persecution complex. Ain't that a riot?
Okay, okay; I'll come right out and confess: It's all true. If we progressives have our wicked way (and we will have our wicked way) within five years, after you white Christians are humiliatingly defeated in the race war that is now in the final stages of preparation, your young daughters will be forced into cohabitation with black men. Be afraid.
This is where I do my sinister-evil laugh. But seriously, folks....
A few years ago I predicted that the most crucial thing to watch in the next thirty years or so will be how white people in this country react to the unstoppable sociological fact that they will one day (and not too far into the future) no longer be in the majority. By all accounts they're (we're) not reacting as maturely as we should be. C'mon, fellow honkies! Let's act like grownups, okay? There's no way we can stop what is happening short of genocide. And although a few of us may very well be contemplating such an atrocity (white supremacy is not quite dead) it's not in the cards so put it out of your minds. Just sit back and roll with the changes. That's what I've been doing and I'm perfectly content with it thank you very much. It's not the end of the world. Take a minority to lunch and chill out.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Ship Without a Sail: The Life of Lorenz Hart
by Gary Mamorstein
Larry Hart (1895-1943) was the most gifted lyricist in the history of the American theater. He was also a sad and deeply troubled man. Together with Richard Rodgers (pre-Hammerstein) he composed some of the most beautiful music ever heard by the human ear; and in the process single-handedly redefined how lyrics are written. This excellent biography attempts to unlock the tragic riddle of Lorenz Hart's life - and his eventual disintegration into alcoholism and an early death.
So don't change a hair for me, not if you care for me
Stay, little Valentine, stay
Each day is Valentines Day....
If we had the income distribution in the United States that we did in 1979, the top 1% would have $1 trillion less today, and the bottom 80% would have $1 trillion more. That works out to about $700,000 a family for the top 1%, and about $11,000 a year for a family in the bottom 80%.
You mean the bottom 80% paid less in taxes in 1979 than they do now?
Don't forget the other poor "victims" like the poor Kochs and the pharmaceutical, telecom, insurance, oil, and the military industrial complex companies.
The Corporate Debt to Society: $10,000 Per Household, Per Year
That estimate is based on facts, not the conservative-style emotion that might deny the responsibility for any debt to the American people.
Examples include public funded research, public funded technology, pollution and disaster relief costs, unpaid taxes and corporate welfare, and the $7 trillion public bailout for Wall Street.
So I still dont get how the lower 80% today would have more $, would they have a lower tax rate, hence be able to keep more of their own $?
Or do you mean by income distribution the govt was giving the lower 80% more than the 1%? Giving them what and from who was the govt getting?
Are George Soros and Tom Steyer paying as much in taxes as the Kochs? Should they be paying more?
Do you think there should be SAT and ACT scores distribution? Is Asian privilege a problem?
Per the LA Times that might already be happening.
"In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.
Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.
Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.
“Let's talk about Asians,” she says.
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.
African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.
Asian Americans would lose out under affirmative action
Asian Americans would lose out under affirmative action
She points to the second column.
“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”
The last column draws gasps.
Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,” Lee says.
“Zenme keyi,” one mother hisses in Chinese. How can this be possible?"
Realizing how much more I got done when I stopped coming here (I bought a beautiful skirt and blouse to match my red pumps) and realizing that I didn't need to be here to effect the debate (I'm at the local military base giving head) and seeing how FEW people really read this blog and my posts, (except for me and my multiple names) I have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. And when I visit those places, as soon as someone makes a liberal or progressive comment, I'll steal their name and say rude things, just like I did here.
Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much. Don't need to, I'm in the heads of the Radical Progressives who have no life because they haunt this blog. Unlike me, who thinks I can intimidate people by implying I can track their location or call them communist or discourage them from posting because I steal their names.
I have plenty of free time on my hands. Sadly, my sailor friend isn't interested in a second date. But I'm not worried, I've got a new hobby. I write poetry now.
Here's a work in progress:
You can trust Dumbya, he's a govt employee, he's a radical progressive, he is a prison guard
Tom is a high school drop, and hasn't worked in how long?
Mozart hasn't had an original thought since birth and just figured out how to use spell check.
If this is the best that this blog can provide, I'll go elsewhere for intelligent adult debate.
It's just a first draft, but I think it shows promise. My doctor said that a good hobby like this, along with the pills she prescribed, can help me with my OCD.
As expected the liberal loon in MA has plenty of time on her hands with all the global warming she is going through. Stuck in snow will do that to you. Time enough to do what James Hansen called the "stealing of an other persons name".
But I seem to recall he used a lot of bad words when JH became outraged with it happening to him. And Dumbya and Mozart believe that every non liberal post made here is made by the REAL Sore Loser, which is interesting.
Mozart owns his own concrete company in Iowa, and blames me for only using what he has told us about himself. Just as Dumbya did years ago when he told us the was a prison guard who liked to do cavity searches.
So the Faux Sore Loser has a problem with homosexuality, must be homophobic for all the mocking she makes of the gay life style.
I hope she figures out how the govt should end Asian privilege for college entrance exams. Oddly enough whites were not given a bonus like Blacks and Hispanics, nor were whites penalized like Asians on college entrance exams.
But that's not what is import to Faux Sore Loser, what's important to her is to silence all voices who disagree with the agenda of the Radical Progressive DNC and their allied the CPUSA
Don't think so? Just watch what she posts next.
Concrete company? Wow..that's news. Do you know which one I own? I think I should be getting SOME money from that....
And I don't think EVERY conservative post is from the Boy troll, but you sure can tell the ones that are.
Dumbya and Mozart believe that every non liberal post made here is made by the REAL Sore Loser,
But, but, we don't even know who the REAL Sore Loser is.
Is Sore Loser really Sore Loser?
Or is REAL Sore Loser really REAL Sore Loser??
Oh, dear. I'm hopelessly confused!
I think the best thing I can do is just trust whatever Sore Loser says.
Trust any of them. All of them.
Even trust "But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote", who is probably an entirely different person than Sore Loser...or the REAL Sore Loser.
Never an incorrect, or unkind, word from any of them.
I used to get angry when someone used my name but now I do not care anymore. I tried to have a real conversation with SL but he would have none of it.
He twisted my honest attempt into a total attack on him. So I see it is more productive to rearrange my Tupper wear than to try and have a real debate here.
I'll share with you what advise Mozart gave me,
stop your whining.
And I'll give you the same suggestion you give me, go else where to debated.
You are right, it is useless to attempt to have a real debate here.
Just read back on our attempts to debate and how dumbya had to interject something about me after each post.
That's the face of radical liberal progressiveness today, no descent will be allowed.
Good luck with your Tupperwear.
You are right, it is useless to attempt to have a real debate here.
Does he remember this claim?
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Care to compare?
Crickets. What burden of proof? Liars never need proof.
Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
LOL!! He is a Republican Troll. He will continue until he is frustrated by others using the same tactics he started.
had to agree, liberals are the worse people on earth
Yes, worse than the Taliban and ISIS!
you will catch them lying if they answer questions directly so they run off at the mouth and start throwing accusations at you
What was that about “worse people in the world”?
RE: Oppressed...So the so called "oppressed whites" just became as oppressed as the supposed "oppressed blacks." Thanks Tom for clearing up that matter--finally it gets revealed in comparison. Shhh...dubyah dumbasses & Obozo zombies! Don't tell anyone but the federal government equalized all the slaves a long time ago--the results are still being MINOR-LY worked out. Truth be known is that ANYTIME you're forced to pay for something you granted no consent-to, you're a SLAVE and hence oppressed. The amount you are forced to pay merely determines the degree of your enslavement. At the moment that runs collectively about 45%.
CORPORATIONS: A lot is made of corporations as people seeking REMEDY for corporations from government. Here's a BIG TIP WAKE UP CALL...All government describes ITSELF as corporate. And its a monopoly. Now go back and examine closely who you're
"hopping into bed with"
Truth be known is that ANYTIME you're forced to pay for something you granted no consent-to, you're a SLAVE and hence oppressed.
Wow. Some people are so stupid as to claim every tax-paying citizen, of every country, is now an "oppressed slave". Imagine what these crybabies would do if they were shackled in real chains.
Maybe they need that experience to gain perspective.
Who can possibly be oppressed more than old Republican white guys?
American Family Association Thinks Atheists Having The Same Rights As Christians Is “Anti-Christian Bigotry”
Warren city officials agreed to allow an atheist to display his “Reason Station” near the city hall “Prayer Station”; but only after Christian Mayor Jom Fouts wasted $100,000 of taxpayer money denying an atheist the same First Amendment rights granted to Christians.
For being such though guys, AFA Christian Republicans are real crybabies…and bigots.
I have a dream that Mozart, Dave Dubya, and Sore Loser could all get along on this blog and try to promote peace and harmony.
We have more important global problems like Global Cooling!
Which "Sore Loser" is "Confused Progressive" talking about?
Or is "Confused Progressive" really Sore Loser? Or is he the REAL Sore Loser?
I'm so confused...
I just wish we had more Sore Losers to help us decide what to think and believe.
"Or is "Confused Progressive" really Sore Loser? Or is he the REAL Sore Loser?"
Good point Dave. We don't really know how many names he posts under. I just wish he would stick to one name like Sore Arsehole.
Only Tom knows since he could look at the IP address of each post.
What's hilarious is he thinks he's fooling somebody.
His hate and propaganda always leave the same "fingerprints".
He tried this at my blog. I've traced his several names to the same ISP in Connecticut.
He must be very lonely as the sole Conservative Connecticut Confederate Propagandist. (CCCP for short.)
I still let him post a comment at my blog, but won't allow his hate to fester.
He is free to make a point, but he prefers to distract and make personal attacks in lieu of polite discussion of issues.
Dave, this is getting really wacky, now we have a impostor using my name posting as a Liberal. I do not disagree with the post but I am still using JH
I feel that Tom should not let this blog go feral and exert his authority. One name per poster seems fair and reasonable to me. Other wise the honest people are being short changed by a "voter fraud" issue.
Without dishonesty, fraud, and corruption, there would be no Republican Party.
The Republican troll sets a fine example, doesn't he?
It's obvious that Sore Loser, the original IOTW Report guy is responsible for all the wingnut nonsense. When he threw his tantrum and refused to post for ... an ENTIRE DAY! ... suddenly there were no other wingnut posts from his aliases.
He's not looking for honest debate. He's a disruptor, motivated by his own obsessive compulsive disorder. He simply can't keep away.
If I were to visit a republican blog, or a tea party blog (same thing) and constantly cut and paste articles from salon and media matters, and tried to track who was on and off the site, and where they lived and what they did for a living... and if I did it EVERY DAY... it would be a symptom of an emotional disorder.
I have seen people try to engage him in honest debate. That's not what he's looking for. He is similar to an obscene phone caller, or a flasher. He gets off on the angry, outraged responses of "the liberals."
His aim is to disrupt Tom's blog. If you go back in the archives to around 2008 or so, the comments were full of intelligent folks sharing opinions and information and enjoying each other. Lots of ladies. Where are they now? Why did they stop commenting? I know one woman who told me she stopped when visited one day and saw her name used by someone else (Sore Loser) making disgusting comments.
He doesn't want to go to a tea party blog and comment, because he wouldn't become sexually aroused by angry responses. He likes being a troll.
And here's something really interesting. If you look at the archives, when does the trolling start? Right after Obama is elected. There's something about Obama being president that has sent people like him over the edge, so they are compelled to disrupt progressive blogs like this. They call it Obama derangement syndrome.
He wants angry responses. He wants people to leave. The thing that kills him is if you simply take each name he invents, expand on his sick opinions, and throw them back in his face. Add some gay stereotypes, because he hates the thought of LGBT rights. This is in addition to his racial obsessions.
Again, don't get mad at him. Mock him. Steal the names of the name stealer and make fun of him. Humor is not only a shield, it is a sword.
When decent people give up and stop posting, this comments section just becomes the OCD sputtering of a damaged individual, Sore Loser.
"Without dishonesty, fraud, and corruption, there would be no Republican Party."
LOL You just summarized the political platform of the whole Republican party on a bumper sticker!
Is it just a coincidence that two of the most strident AGW attack dogs, Raul Grijalva and Bernie Sanders, have communist/socialist connections?
Is it just a coincidence that when "commie" red baiting is used, Sore Asshole is the asshole behind it?
Here's his sad trick. He says to himself "if they're going to steal my names, I'l just use the names of the liberals! I'll post right-wing bullshit under the name James Hansen and Dave Dubya and JH. That'll fix them!"
Sore loser, you should find a nice part-time job. There's dignity in work. Much more than collecting gubment checks.
Tom writes a great blog. Some thoughtful and entertaining stuff. His blog won't be disrupted by a retired guy with a walmart computer, a grudge against Obama, and an unhealthy obsessive disorder.
Sore Loser, go get some booster shots. Measles, etc.
"Sore Loser Has A Screw Loose" nailed Sore Asshole to a tee.
RRBC ODS in it's hateful, wrong-headed and dishonest glory.
He and his ilk are out to destroy democracy and the American way.
Here is his agenda; the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
The most disturbing part of the Climate Change Fundamentalist Religion is their inference that oil and gas firms represent an evil entity, on par with a satanic movement.
In actuality the companies, along with the men and woman who work in our conventional energy sector, should be celebrated. This slice of our economy is almost entirely responsible for preventing an economic collapse following the 2008 financial blowup. Innovation and new technologies have resulted in tremendous job creation (at high wages over double the average paid to Americans ) while easing energy price pressure on strapped American consumers.
Yet the left paints the industry as despicable.
I am sick and tired of these marxist imbeciles dictating economic policy based upon their control the weather fantasy.
By some weird coincidence, when Sore Loser threw a tantrum and removed himself from this blog for almost a full five minutes, I was unable to comment. I WANTED to, but I was stuck in some cloudy, ethereal limbo. It's almost like I'm an alias, rather than a real human being.
Here's something that really made me angry. It's an article from that commie rag the Science Times:
A new study by Reuters/IPSOS has found that a majority of Americans see it as a "moral obligation" to reduce carbon emissions and stop climate change, to ensure the continued health of the planet.The poll, conducted in February, polled over 2,800 Americans to determine how much moral language is used in regards to the debate over climate change. The research itself was unknowingly prompted by Pope Francis, who has grown ever more forceful in his talks about the moral implications of ignoring climate change that would affect the world's poor much more than the rest of the world's richer populations.
What the heck does this Pope guy think he is? Infallible? I'm not too familiar with him... does he work for Soros?
I can understand a socialist rag like the Science Times pushing their global warming fundamentalist religion, but who the heck is this Pope guy? Never heard of him!
The most disturbing part of the Climate Change Denier Fundamentalist Religion is their inference that oil and gas firms represent a benevolent entity, on par with a local church charity.
In truth they pollute. They despoil our common land, and air and water.
Like their rabid liar shills, corporate entities have no conscience. If unregulated that is the foundation of inhuman institutional evil.
Harry The Climate Change Expert -
I know, right? "Pope" Francis? What kind of first name is that? Maybe Pope is an alias. Is he related to Connie Francis?
Whoever this guy Pope is, he has no business inserting himself into the debate.
By the way, I agree with everything you say here.
In truth they pollute. They despoil our common land, and air and water.
Not true! The REAL polluters are those nasty wind turbines. I read somewhere on the IOTW Report that one of them killed a bird once!
Won't someone please think of the birds???!
And solar? Another big polluter. I'll have to get back on you with the details, but I'm sure I can find something about it on the weasel zippers blog.
Wow, people!
The comments on Mr. Degan's blog are beginning to sound like Craigslist Rants and Raves. You all remind me of a bunch of rabid dogs, all tearing apart the same carcass.
In your zeal to outdo each other in knowledge, wit and sarcasm, you have merely managed to make yourselves look petty and foolish.
Play nice.
Thank you, Tom Degan, for your wonderfully satirical political editorials.
Jude, I think it's damn funny when a persistent, abusive right wing troll is laughed out of a progressive blog.
We tried engaging in honest debate. He's not here to play nice. Harley at least attempted a pretense of civility. Sore Loser (and all his pen names) is the equivalent of a turd in a punch bowl.
"He tried this at my blog. I've traced his several names to the same ISP in Connecticut."
You really are a moron Dumbya. If you had paid attention to when I told Mozart who my Congressmen were you would know that I the real Sore Loser doesn't live within 800 mile of Connecticut.
And if you had paid any attention to the map blogger.com provides showing a general locations f where a poster is located you would know that the FAUX Sore Loser lives in MA. In fact he/she or it said as much. Oh I forgot, you said that map proves nothing because a poster could go to other ISP and post, like you do when at work and then when you get home.
Fail on your part Dumbya.
And a radical progressive moron fail as well, but hey, you've never let the truth get in the way of one of your false narratives before, so why should do so now?
Commie red baiting? Look ass breath, if you dont want to be called a commie, don't agree with their goals and publicly reject their offer of help to defeat the GOP.
Now there will be crickets.
I can't understand why I keep posting here. I actually came here and announced that I wouldn't anymore, and yet here I am again and again.
It's like I can't control myself. The pills aren't working.
I for one would rather have a Communist Gov than a Republican Gov.
Share the wealth is better than steal the wealth
Is any thing sadder than a Conservative addicted to a Liberal site? He hates us all but needs our attention on a daily basis.
I bet he does not have a friend in the world.
What we are hearing is the last gasp of white superiority trying to hang on. It will get worse.
Your writing is interesting.
Your comment section has defined your blog as nothing more than an insult blog.
Sore Loser! thanks, I won my bet. Two dollars.
Yesterday I left a little "easter egg" for you. I said I was in the state of MA. I told my friends "watch... he'll say he knows that from his "blogger map tracking" And sure enough, here you are! It took you a whole day, though. You're slowing down. Actually, I live in Arizona.
So now I'm making money off you! Post your address, and I'll mail you half of my winnings. It's only fair.
Do you think there should be SAT and ACT scores distribution? Is Asian privilege a problem?
Per the LA Times that might already be happening.
"In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.
Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.
Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.
“Let's talk about Asians,” she says.
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.
African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.
Asian Americans would lose out under affirmative action
Asian Americans would lose out under affirmative action
She points to the second column.
“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”
The last column draws gasps.
Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,” Lee says.
“Zenme keyi,” one mother hisses in Chinese. How can this be possible?"
Well, it's on topic and it's not insulting anyone, but strangely enough there hasn't been any posts in response, but there has been a boat load of insults tossed my way for posting it.
My genuine hope for you is that one day you can get enough money to move where you can live under a Communist Gov.
Would Venezuela do?
You also told me I live in St. Louis.
Like most wingnuts, you're incompetent.
But I like the thinly veiled threat behind your obsession with people's locations: "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!"
Again, an Obsessive Stalker. Is that why all the ladies disappeared. Were you creeping them out?
Dear Faux,
You still are a liar
You are a Peeping Tom if you know when my ladies leave.
I have never said where I lived, cause I've never been asked.
I see Dumbya is back on up near Ann Arbor, that wouldn't be your idea of AZ would it?
I just looked at some of this sites stats, I had no idea that 60 to 80 thousand people see this site in a day!
Why are we stuck with SL when there must be hundreds of intelligent Conservatives that could take his place.
I was talking about the ladies who used to comment on this blog, before you showed up.
As to why the ladies in your life left, I can only guess. I have to assume they sprung leaks, and all the air went out of them.
You can always patch them up, and blow them up again. Hours of fun for Sore Loser/Harry etc.
Ah, the sole Conservative Connecticut Confederate Propagandist, (CCCP for short) is desperately trying to tell us he lives elsewhere.
He must be so embarrassed.
We can trust a liar, can't we?
To Sore Asshole, EVERY non-Republican is a commie. His fellow Klan members share his hate for minorities and liberals.
I introduced SA's agenda for debate and discussion.
And still he would rather focus his hate on me.
And with the way he stalks us, I wonder if he has some forbidden sexual inclinations that he can't follow in his cult.
It's a fine line between the passions of revulsion and lust. Given his obsession with prison rectal inspections, and his calling me ass breath, I have to suspect our hero is confused about more than global warming.
And there's his obsession over the fact I had excused myself one evening to go on a date. Poor wretch. He can probably only find dates at highway rest stops.
Any time he wants to have an adult discussion of issues, I am ready.
Why not start with his agenda?
He's not a coward, is he?
Looks like you might just be the FAUX Sore Loser, guess you finished with your Tupperware.
If you want to be blog dictator Dumbya, go back to your poorly read blog.
"And there's his obsession over the fact I had excused myself one evening to go on a date."
I noted it twice, after which you said my only date was my right hand,
classy Dumbay, real classy.
If you dont want to be called a commie, then reject the goals. tactics and a help of the CPUSA.
Can't do it can you comrade?
I said I'd never post here again. And yet here I am.
I cut and paste an article about asian privilege, but nobody took my bait! My point, see, is that teh blacks (or teh blahs as Rick Santorum calls them) are getting all kinds of special treatment. And I say it's unfair!
We've been so good to them over the years. And how do they repay us? Expecting "affirmative action" and "special treatment" - it just makes me sick. I'm a white guy, and I never got any special privilege. Everything I've got, I earned from the sweat of my brow... and some generous social security checks.
I went a little crazy when Oboma was elected. Can you blame me? I really wanted Palin in the white house.. WHITE house. Ooooh, can you image? Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods, a heartbeat away from the nuclear codes!
But don't worry... my nightmare will soon be over... Jeb Bush in 2016!
So "noted twice" for what reason?
Sorry about the right hand joke, you could be left handed.
"Sorry about the right hand joke, you could be left handed."
Wrong again, Comrade Dave! I AM right-handed. You're calling me a leftie?
If you dont want to be called a commie, then reject the goals. tactics and a help of the CPUSA.
Can't do it can you comrade?
We see who really wants to be a dictator.
Who here besides SA is obsessed with the CPUSA? They are about as popular as SA's Klan meetings in Connecticut.
Being called a commie by a fascist means nothing. If anything it is a compliment being hated by a fascist.
"I welcome their hatred". FDR
Actually "Dave" the climate change expert was right about the blow-up dolls.
I almost hurt myself last night... I bit my favorite one on the ass, causing a deep puncture, and we both flew around the room backwards.
But I'm okay now, and writing more poetry.
You can't fool me faux Sore Loser.
I had it right the first time.
I hope SA has a pet name for his right hand.
Is it "Sarah"? Or is it "Ann Coulter"?
More likely it's "Rush" giving him a tingle up and down his leg.
So who wants to discuss the radical Right agenda I posted?
I hope SA will tell us again how all taxpayers are really slaves.
His "wisdom" is beyond the wildest hallucinations of a psychotic.
Too bad he flees from all discussion.
Oh no! The damn liberal media caught Bill O'Really in another lie!
The year was 1977. O'Reilly, a young television reporter in Dallas, was chasing a story about a figure in the investigation of the JFK assassination who had killed himself in Florida.
He was calling Fonzi, a congressional investigator, to confirm the suicide.
"You hear anything about it?" O'Reilly asked, according to phone recordings provided to CNN by Gaeton's widow, Marie Fonzi.
The phone recordings indicate that O'Reilly learned of the suicide second-hand and was in a different location at the time.
Years later O'Reilly would repeatedly claim to have been at the scene.
I'm sure good honest con-servatives will demand O'Really be fired, amirite?
This comment has been removed by the author.
This comment has been removed by the author
Well, well. Looks like Sore Asshole Chuckie wasn't quite awake when he posted this:
2:36 AM (5 hours ago)
Chuck Morre has left a new comment on the post "Crazies on Parade":
Being called a fascist by commie means nothing.
If anything it's an indication that the accusations are true.
If you don't want to be called a commie Dumbya, disavow the CPUSA's goals and reject their offer to help defeat the GOP.
Didn't think you would or could. It's the same as a leopard changing it's spots.
BTW Faux Sore Loser, if you click on my name you will note the change I've made that will end the confusion you have tried to create by pretending to be me.
Sucks to be you!
"Being called a fascist by commie means nothing.If anything it's an indication that the accusations are true."
No wonder he removed this. He admitted he was a fascist by someone he accused of being a commie.
And "Chuck Morre" also admitted he's Sore Lose.
Refreshing honesty for a change.
No wonder he had to delete that comment.
Sucks to be liar, impersonator and asshole fascist.
Everyone knows George Soros is the right's excuse to defend the Koch Bros, but I had to look up Tom Steyer.
From Wikipedia:
"In 2010, Steyer and his wife signed the Giving Pledge to donate half their fortune to charity. Steyer is on the board of Next Generation, a non-profit that intends to tackle children's issues and the environment. He serves on the Board of Trustees at Stanford University and is active in political campaign fundraising.
Wow. A man that definitely needs to be watched.
Children's issues and the environment eh? MUST be a "Commie".
And I guess that political fundraising is a crime for anyone but a conservative partisan.
Now who's stalking who Dumbya?
Billionaire HEDGE FUND operator and “green” energy magnate Tom Steyer has pledged $100 million in the 2014 election cycle to help Democratic candidates who oppose the Keystone pipeline and who favor “green” energy over fossil fuels. Steyer claims to be a man of principle who has no financial interest in the causes he supports, but acts only for the public good. That is a ridiculous claim: Steyer is the ultimate rent-seeker who depends on government connections to produce subsidies and mandates that make his “green” energy investments profitable. He also is, or was until recently, a major investor in Kinder Morgan, which is building a competitor to the Keystone pipeline.
Go here http://calwatchdog.com/2012/01/05/ca-best-state-crony-billionaires-can-buy/
here, http://greencorruption.blogspot.com/2012/09/obamas-green-cronies-made-dnc-cameo.html#.VPS5YMZYWKr
here, http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/maritanoon/2014/03/10/wealthy-environmentalists-push-democrat-harry-reid-to-leanin-to-green-energy-n1806360/page/full
here, http://freebeacon.com/columns/gas-attack/
here, http://freebeacon.com/blog/the-steyer-party/
for more information about how Steyer uses his political donations and consequent connections to enhance his already vast fortune.
But Steyer’s hypocrisy goes still deeper. Today, he is a bitter opponent of fossil fuels, especially coal. That fits with his current economic interests: banning coal-fired power plants will boost the value of his solar projects. But it was not always thus. In fact, Steyer owes his fortune in large part to the fact that he has been one of the world’s largest financers of coal projects. Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it.
The coal mines that Mr. Steyer has funded through Farallon produce an amount of CO2 each year that which is equivalent to about 28% of the amount of CO2 produced in the US each year by coal burned for electricity generation.
I didn't sleep well last night. I was up at 2:36 a.m. tapping away at the old computer, under alias #27 Chuck Morre. You've probably seen his comments on this blog many times. He's had many good conversations with Sore Loser. We agree with each other about the intellectual dishonesty of liberals.
Jeb Bush in 2016!
Well said, Sore Loser. I agree with you about the great climate change hoax.
It looks like the liberals are out-numbered on this blog. There's more of us than there are of them!
And we're up all night!
Now who's stalking who Dumbya?
Beats me.
Is it Sore Loser? Chuck Moore? How about "But you don't need a photo ID to vote?
I think we need "Just the Facts", "Mike Stivic" and "Tyrone Witherspoon(s)", along with Sore Loser and Chuck Moore to help us sort this out.
It's a good thing "Sore Loser", "Chuck Moore", "But you don't need a photo ID to vote", "Just the Facts", "Tyrone Witherspoon(s)", "Michael Stivic", and "James Hanson" all live very close to each other in Connecticut.
I bet if they put their heads together they'll have ALL the answers for us.
Let's put it this way. ANYONE opposing coal and promoting solar is OK in my book.
He USED to own stock in coal, NOW he supports solar.
Looks like the Boy Troll is jealous of people that can study and learn.
And ONE person with several names is not a majority, it's schizophrenia.
Take your meds boy.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is “very interested” in the idea of raising taxes through unitlateral executive action.
“The president certainly has not indicated any reticence in using his executive authority to try and advance an agenda that benefits middle class Americans,” Earnest said in response to a question about Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) calling on Obama to raise more than $100 billion in taxes through IRS executive action.
“Now I don’t want to leave you with the impression that there is some imminent announcement, there is not, at least that I know of,” Earnest continued. “But the president has asked his team to examine the array of executive authorities that are available to him to try to make progress on his goals. So I am not in a position to talk in any detail at this point, but the president is very interested in this avenue generally,” Earnest finished.
Taxes are how we PAY FOR STUFF.
Costs go up. If taxes don't go up even a little how are we supposed to PAY FOR STUFF?
You know, like the federal Highway fund, which will be BANKRUPT soon.
But we don't need that, it only allows us to repair and maintain useless crap like Interstates, Bridges, Dams, Tunnels, etc.
Yet there ALWAYS seems to be plenty of money for new military planes that won't fly and the Pentagon does not want.
Seven out of ten of the world's richest people are American
1. Bill Gates Net worth: $79.2 billion
2. Carlos Slim Helu Net worth: $77.1 billion Nationality: Mexican
3. Warren Buffett Net worth: $72.7 billion
4. Amancio Ortega Net worth: $64.5 billion Nationality: Spanish
5. Larry Ellison Net worth: $54.3 billion
6. Charles Koch, David Koch (tie) Net worth: $42.9 billion each
8. Christy Walton Net worth: $41.7 billion
9. Jim Walton Net worth: $40.6 billion
10. Liliane Bettencourt Net worth: $40.1 billion Nationality: French
The foreigners can’t be that rich. They are a socialist hoax.
All the American billionaires are slaves!
They are forced to pay taxes!
Like all Good Americans they shouldn't have to pay any taxes at all.
Dumbya, Mozart, Degan and the rest of the liberal commies want them to be slaves!
Only the Koch agenda will set them free.
US 173rd Airborne Brigade Commander Michael Foster said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC said the US would deploy personnel by the end of this week to train the Ukrainian national guard.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States will deploy personnel by the end of this week to train the Ukrainian national guard, US 173rd Airborne Brigade Commander Colonel Michael Foster said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC on Monday.
“Before this week is up, we’ll be deploying a battalion minus… to the Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces for the fight that’s taking place,” Foster stated. “What we’ve got laid out is six United States companies that will be training six Ukrainian companies throughout the summer.”
The training will take place at the level of US and Ukrainian national guard companies, Foster explained, adding that “we have nothing above battalion staff level” engaged in the military training.
The current plan is for US forces to stay six months, he said, and noted there have been discussions about how to increase the duration and the scope of the training mission.
The current channels for military training set up between Ukraine and the United States would not be used for transferring defensive lethal aid if the United States decided to provide arms to Ukraine.
It's all right wingers fault.
Show me where in the Constitution says the President can raise taxes by executive order?
Just remember, one day there will be a GOP President and the standards set by Obama will be used then.
I predict liberals will then become strict constitutionalists.
BTW, there is a lot of talk about the extreme right, for the sake of clarity, is there such a thing as extreme left?
Ukraine. It's all right wingers fault.
I appreciate that unintended "truth leak" from Sore Loser.
Here's a what most American corporate media, and the neocon/right wing elements of our government, would rather not tell you.
From: How the far-right took top posts in Ukraine's power vacuum
The man facing down Putin's aggression as secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council is Andriy Parubiy. Parubiy was the founder of the Social National Party of Ukraine, a fascist party styled on Hitler's Nazis, with membership restricted to ethnic Ukrainians.
The Social National Party would go on to become Svoboda, the far-right nationalist party whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok was one of the three most high profile leaders of the Euromaidan protests - negotiating directly with the Yanukovych regime.
The new Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Sych is a member of the far-right Svoboda party, which the World Jewish Congress called on the EU to consider banning last year along with Greece's Golden Dawn.
Boy Troll, show me in the constitution it says that the speaker of the house can go behind the President and state departments back to make deals with a foreign government?
Maybe you shouldn't be asking those kind of questions until you figure out the SIMPLE things. Like for instance, that the Senate is part of congress.
If Boehner is going to abuse HIS power by blocking EVERYTHING the President wants to do, EVEN THE THINGS THE GOP WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE like the ACA,Cap and trade and Homeland security, what choice does Obama have?
Clearly the GOP is fine with TREASON. Things need to be done and they need to be PAID FOR. Taxation is how the government PAYS FOR STUFF you moron!
I guess you think it's better that we just borrow from China and run up the debt eh?
You are such an ignorant hypocrite. The perfect conservative.
And by the GOP being OK with TREASON, I mean THEIR actions (going back to Reagan selling arms to Iran)
Obama has not committed treason, or anything else illegal. If he had, you don't think they would have him in front of congress by now?
from the New York Times:
Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.
Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.
It was only two months ago, in response to a new State Department effort to comply with federal record-keeping practices, that Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department. All told, 55,000 pages of emails were given to the department.Mrs. Clinton stepped down from the secretary’s post in early 2013.Her expansive use of the private account was alarming to current and former National Archives and Records Administration officials and government watchdogs, who called it a serious breach.
“It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level-head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business,” said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle and Reath who is a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.
A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, defended her use of the personal email account and said she has been complying with the “letter and spirit of the rules.”
Under federal law, however, letters and emails written and received by federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional committees, historians and members of the news media can find them. There are exceptions to the law for certain classified and sensitive materials.
This may not sound like a big deal but it is when you pair it with the fact that the Clinton Foundation is facing a scandal about it receiving foreign money, this makes it much more likely that shady stuff was happening because Hillary would have been able to cover it up much more easily with a private email account!
To add insult to injury, the State Department is now saying they didn’t approve of all gifts to the Foundation, but just the ones submitted!
This is a load of crap and it’s up to you to let Americans know about it because you can bet that the mainstream media sure as hell won’t.
The reliable liberal Lawrence O’Donnell is admitting that the revelation that Hillary Clinton disobeyed federal reporting requirements doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. For once, he’s being honest.
Trying to equate asking a leader to speak to the house to violating the Constitution. Figures.. Other than using ad hominem your only other debate tactic is moral equivalence, because you sure as hell don't deal with truth or reality.
You do know don't you, that raising taxes on us is what King George did? No taxation without representation, ring a bell for you? King Obama, that's what you voted for.
Just like JH said he would rather have a live under a commie gov that a GOP govt, you guys are really starting to show your true colors. Begs the question is there such as thing a radical liberal in the minds of Mozart, Dumbya, Faux Sore Loser, Tom, JH?
Until they disavow the alliance between the DNC and the CPUSA I'll call them commies.
Laugh of the day
"Obama has not committed treason, or anything else illegal"
Maybe in your empty skull he hasn't but wait until we have a GOP President and she does the same shit that Obama has done.
It will be a WHINE fest from the "staunch" supporters of the Constitution, the radical progressive democraps. The worm will turn on you. I cant wait.
Well boys, if Reagen committed treason why didn't your wonderful democraps impeach him?
Goes up there with Prague being the capital of what country Mozart?
Or 57 states Obama.
You are liar.
Get your mop out and clean up the piss and crap your wards of the state left for you. That is the only thing you have the skill and brains to do. But hey, it's a govt job and it's important and you were lucky as hell to get it.
I really got excited this morning when I heard Morning Joe talking about that huge scandal that will take down Hillary: EmailGate.
But then I realized it’s not uncommon for the Sec. Of State. Powell did the same thing.
Oh well.
By the way, thanks for that trip down memory lane Dave. Tyrone Witherspoon (and sometimes Witherspoons). My God, what a flashback! He was one of my favorite aliases. I used him to air all my racial obsessions and resentments. I'd begin each comment with "As an African American man, I..." and then I'd launch into the same hateful bullshit I always spout.
It's so weird how I go on and on about radical progressive LIARS. When I'm the biggest lying troll online.
1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am I'm tapping away at my keyboard. I mean, what else is there to do?
I don't know why I try to reason with the Boy Troll. Like I said before, you can't put a $100 education in a ten cent head.
I follow a very strict schedule... trolling progressive blogs, posting comments under various aliases (including ones I've stolen from progressive commenters) until about 3:00am, then sleep to noon, then a light breakfast of bacon, porkchops and baked ham, then some more trolling. It's a full and satisfying life.
And I believe I've discovered a solution to the energy crisis! A way to create electricity that will replace all your communist wind turbines, solar panels and alternative fuels:
Simple wrist attachment. I can power my entire city!
I love how the Boy Troll completely ignores the FACTS and goes off on another irrelevant rant.
the "57 states" thing was explained to him a long time ago, but like a good conservative, nothing gets through the bubble.
How do we explain complicated things like taxation and economics to someone doesn't even know that the Senate is part of congress?
You are liar.
Did I get a new pet name?
Or is our Con-servative Connecticut Confederate Propagandist (CCCP) getting the jitters from lack of sleep and fuming hate?
I think maybe diet coke is too strong for his aging withering brain.
It was so kind of him to call me liar, without even mention the alleged lie.
That must be what they call a "compassionate conservative" thing.
Maybe Chuck Moore, or Michael Stivic, or one of his other fantasy "adult debaters" will finish his accusation...
Until he disavows the alliance between the servants of mammon and the Republican Party, I'll call him evil.
I wonder what our serial liar would say about this:
From Wiki:
The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government.
Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
It's OK if you're Republican, amirite?
Facebook suspends black middle schooler’s account after slamming Obama.
CJ Pearson’s viral video last weekend in which he criticized President Obama provoked a real reaction from viewers – all 1.4 million of them.
But the 12-year-old middle schooler apparently provoked a reaction from Facebook, too. They suspended his account.
He went to check the page after school on Friday and that’s when he learned his account and page had been locked for “suspicious activity.”
Net Neutrality under King Obama.
It's interesting what a private corporation does with a babbling hateful, lying, 12 year old arouses more outrage than Republican cops assassinating another 12 year old kid with a toy.
So how about those Bush emails?
Live feed of a leader who REALLY loves his country.
This is what a leader does for the people who elected them.
Jeff Halper, co-founder and Director of Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions, says neither the professional soldiers nor the people of Israel believe that Iran is an immediate security threat:
Nice try faux loser
Isn't time for your Unicorns to be fed?
Oh, forgot to ask, how's the weather in AZ?
Realizing how much more I got done when I stopped coming here and realizing that I didn't need to be here to effect the debate and seeing how FEW people really read this blog and my posts, I have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I got up early this morning and I saw an email from my boss about EmailGate. He said This is a load of crap and it’s up to you to let Americans know about it because you can bet that the mainstream media sure as hell won’t.
So I replied "Yes boss, I'm on it! I'm going on "The Rant" to cut and paste what you sent me. I'm really winning hearts and minds over there!"
I'm a little sleepy. I was up at 2am writing posts and then deleting them. I get my aliases mixed up. Maybe I'll resurrect my Tyrone Witherspoon Witherspoons alias (cool name, right?) ... then I can use the word "coon" without being called a racist!
My therapist said I should stay off the liberal blogs. She says I should get a hobby, or a part-time job. But this place is my life! I just CAN'T give it up! And work is for suckers!
Oh, poor Faux Sore Loser is having a bad day? Too much snow in AZ will cause that.
So what do you think Faux, how's it feel to watch a REAL leader who LOVES his country plead for help in defending itself?
Remember Haile Selassie's speech to the League of Nations?
Learn from history Faux.
I totally agree with Sore Loser.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser and Chuck Morre.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chuck Morre, and Michael Stivic.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chucke Morre, Michael Stivic, and Tyrone Witherspoon(s).
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
Face it Liberals! You're outnumbered! For every Dave, Mozart or Faux Sore Loser we have
Tyrone Witherspoon Witherspoons
Harry The Climate Change Expert
Just The Facts
MIchael Stivic
Archie Bunker
We are legion!
Actually, the reason I spend so much time here is because I've been banned from every other blog. Tom is the only one who hasn't block my IP address. Even after I called him a "high school drop who hasn't worked in how long?"
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chucke Morre, Michael Stivic, and Tyrone Witherspoon(s), and Just the Facts.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chucke Morre, Michael Stivic, and Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts and anonymous.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chuck Morre, Michael Stivic, and Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts, anonymous, and Harry The Climate Change Expert.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chuck Morre, Michael Stivic, Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts, anonymous, Harry The Climate Change Expert and "James Hanson".
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
I totally agree with Sore Loser, Chuck Morre, Michael Stivic, Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts, anonymous, Harry The Climate Change Expert, "James Hanson" and "But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote".
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
This is what we call the "right wing echo chamber"
I like the fact that Israeli TV is showing Bibi's speech on a five-minute delay to cut out anything that smacks of election campaigning, because “election propaganda” is banned in the last two weeks before a vote. Israel also has public financing of elections and strict caps on private contributions. (It’s streamable live, of course, but laws are laws.)
A good reminder that Israel is, in fact, not the US.
Health care in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli citizens are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. Based on legislation passed in the 1990s, citizens join one of four health care funds for basic treatment but can increase medical coverage by purchasing supplementary health care. In a survey of 48 countries in 2013, Israel's health system was ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency.
Yes, Israelis are God's Chosen Socialists. Deal with it.
And I totally agree with Chuck Morre, Michael Stivic, Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts, anonymous, Harry The Climate Change Expert, "James Hanson", "But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote", and
“Dave Dumbya”.
I also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
Charlie Pierce: "the great American middle-class was born at a time in which the top tax rate was in the neighborhood of 90 percent, and in which financial institutions were carefully regulated, and when there was a general political consensus that public investment and a thriving middle class were good for everyone. Damn, I liked Ike."
Also, did you know that health care in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory? All Israeli citizens are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. Based on legislation passed in the 1990s, citizens join one of four health care funds for basic treatment but can increase medical coverage by purchasing supplementary health care. In a survey of 48 countries in 2013, Israel's health system was ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency.
Hillary Clinton tried to accomplish something similar here in the 1990s, but conservatives called it HillaryCare and killed it because it was un-american socialism.
HAHAHA Faux Loser,
That's the best you can do? Must still be snowed in out in Boston, (AZ?) This man caused weather is a bitch.
It was great today to watch a real leader and lover of his country doing all he can to defend his people against those, who in their very Constitution, swear to eliminate his nation.
No drawing a red line in the sand for that MAN, unlike our King Obama in mom's jeans.
Say Faux Loser, maybe in out break of honestly you will give the names of some liberal radicals?
How nice it is that "a real leader and lover of his country" has socialized health care.
Gee what if Obama created the same system here?
Why, he be a dirty commie, of course.
HA HA HA Sore Asshole.
I use a special website that allows me to track the locations of everyone who posts on here. According to my calculations, my evil twin lives in St. Louis. But then he said he lives in MA, so now tracking website told me he lives in MA. He won a bet that I would make that claim. But now he says he lives in Arizona. LIAR! LIAR!
I love everything about Israel except their universal healthcare. Oboma must have built a time machine and traveled back to the 90s to force it on them. A good man like my friend Bibi would never allow such a thing.
I'm a conservative. That means I have a work ethic, unlike the liberals and the blacks. But at the same time I mock a man who works as a corrections officer. My tracking website tells me peoples occupations. Did you know Mozart is a cement mixer?
I'm up until the wee hours of the morning, writing posts and then deleting them. Chuck Morre is one of my fake names.
Nothing says "honest man with a work ethic" more than a guy who collects welfare and mocks people who work for a living.
Do I contradict myself? Certainly! I am large, I contain multitudes.
And I look absolutely stunning in taffeta and silk.
Jeb! for President 2016
Oh, my mistake! I went back and checked... You told me I live in Kansas City, not St. Louis.
And you kept insisting that your blogger-stalker link told you that, until I left my little easter egg and said MA.
Please tell me your mailing address, so I can mail you half of the bet I won ($1)... you can use it for some lipstick.
I actually feel sorry for you, Sore Loser. Because I know you're really hurting inside. The insomnia, the indigestion, the OCD... It must really suck to be you, (as Chuck Morre once said in the middle of the night).
Bibi: We are no longer scattered among the nations, powerless to defend ourselves. We restored our sovereignty in our ancient home. And the soldiers who defend our home have boundless courage. For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish people, can defend ourselves.
Bibi is correct. They can defend themselves with equipment and armament that we supplied to them.
Bibi is prepared to defend Israel down to the last American soldier.
We give Israel all kinds of aid and, therefore, they can have socialized, government-paid medical care.
We “can’t afford” to give our citizens even minimal medical care but Israel, sure as hell, can. Their ultra orthodox can have huge families and get government money, but we “can’t afford” to even help small families here.
End aid to Israel. Bibi said they can take care of themselves… it’s time we let them.
Sounds like another "vast right wing conspiracy" instigated by the NY Times.
WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.
Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.
It was only two months ago, in response to a new State Department effort to comply with federal record-keeping practices, that Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department. All told, 55,000 pages of emails were given to the department. Mrs. Clinton stepped down from the secretary’s post in early 2013.
Continue reading the main story
Hey, what do you say Dumbya, when are you and your commie buddy James Hansen, AKA JH, AKA Faux Sore Loser going to disavow the agenda you share with the CFPUSA? Cant do it can you, because you agree with their goals, isn't that right comrade?
Same reason why you can't name a radical liberal, cause in your radical progressive minds there isn't such thing.
Did you see our King Obama in Mom's Jeans whining on TV after a real leader spoke to Congress? He looked so upset I thought he was going hold his breath until he turned blue. Stomp his feet and like a good King, might declare taxes have increased and all intern communication will be now subject to His Majesty's censorship bureau.
Your position has become the joke source for SNL and has been rejected by the American voters in the last two midterms, in case you have forgotten.
Why won’t any of you liberal commies have an adult debate with me??? Waahh!
Liberal Commies won’t answer my demands to respond to my copy and paste posts! Waahhh!
Why aren’t they mad at Hillary for doing what Bush did with emails?? Waahh!
Why do liberal commies say Bibi, the Republican Senator and “great leader” from Israel has socialized health care?? Waahh!!
Why don’t they get mad at Obama for being a liberal commie and evil leader for wanting more health care coverage like Bibi?? Waahhh!
Liberal commies don’t want adult debate. Why can’t they be as mature and honest as I am???
More 'Vast Right Wing" conspiracy's, this time from the Atlantic Journal.
n January 13, 2009, Hillary Clinton attended her first confirmation hearing as a Secretary of State nominee. The same day, with Bush officials still under fire for using private email accounts to circumvent public records laws, someone registered Clintonemail.com, a domain that now appears to be at the center of a scandal. "Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department," The New York Times reported in a story published late Monday. "Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act."
This was willful, flagrant disregard for public records rules.
What made her confident that she would get away with it?
Many of those emails "would not have been located in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, subpoenas or other document searches," Politico reported.
These revelations reflect poorly on Clinton and her excessively loyal aides. And they suggest that many in the Obama Administration, where her behavior was widely known to be verboten, did nothing upon getting official business emailed to them from Clinton's personal account. She was allowed to break the rules for years, much as Karl Rove was permitted to do so by his bosses in the Bush Administration.
What made her confident that she would get away with it? Perhaps she figured that if Sandy Berger could pilfer the National Archives and escape with probation, she could surely hide a few years worth of emails without any repercussions.
For those who've forgotten that jaw-dropping story:
According to reports from the Inspector General of the National Archives and the staff of the House of Representatives' Government Operations Committee, Mr. Berger, while acting as former President Clinton's designated representative to the commission investigating the attacks of September 11, 2001, illegally took confidential documents from the Archives on more than one occasion. He folded documents in his clothes, snuck them out of the Archives building, and stashed them under a construction trailer nearby until he could return, retrieve them, and later cut them up. After he was caught, he lied to the investigators and tried to shift blame to Archive employees.
Contrary to his initial denials and later excuses, Berger clearly intended from the outset to remove sensitive material from the Archives. He used the pretext of making and receiving private phone calls to get time alone with confidential material, although rules governing access dictated that someone from the Archives staff must be present. He took bathroom breaks every half-hour to provide further opportunity to remove and conceal documents... What could have been important enough for Berger to take the risks he did?
Or perhaps she was thinking farther back to the time when paperwork subpoenaed during the Whitewater investigation mysteriously disappeared for two years:
Whoops, re: Hilary's EmailGate:
I guess I’ve been had. I did some actual research and discovered that the rule Hilary Clinton violated was implemented over a year after she left the state department. Not only that, but she turned her e-mails over to the state department as required.
Researchers Link Syrian Conflict to a Drought Made Worse by Climate Change
Drawing one of the strongest links yet between global warming and human conflict, researchers said Monday that an extreme drought in Syria between 2006 and 2009 was most likely due to climate change, and that the drought was a factor in the violent uprising that began there in 2011.
The drought was the worst in the country in modern times, and in a study published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists laid the blame for it on a century-long trend toward warmer and drier conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean, rather than on natural climate variability.
The researchers said this trend matched computer simulations of how the region responds to increases in greenhouse-gas emissions, and appeared to be due to two factors: a weakening of winds that bring moisture-laden air from the Mediterranean and hotter temperatures that cause more evaporation.
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, nonprofit organization of the country’s leading researchers. Established in 1863 by Al Gore, no doubt. LOL!
So anybody angry with Israeli atrocities is anti-American...
"I told him I was calling Prime Minister Begin immediately. And I did -- I was angry -- I told him it had to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered. I used the word holocaust deliberately & said the symbol of war was becoming a picture of a 7-month-old baby with its arms blown off." - 1982
What does a "Real Leader” Of Israel do habitually?
He lies like a Republican.
1992:, Then-parliamentarian Netanyahu advised the Israeli Knesset that Iran was “three to five years” away from reaching nuclear weapons capability, and that this threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.”
1996: Netanyahu darkly warned, “If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences, not only for my country, and not only for the Middle East, but for all mankind,” adding that, “the deadline for attaining this goal is getting extremely close.”
In his 1995 book, “Fighting Terrorism,” Netanyahu once again asserted that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in “three to five years,” apparently forgetting about the expiration of his old deadline.
Testifying again in front of Congress in 2002, Netanyahu claimed that Iraq’s nonexistent nuclear program was in fact so advanced that the country was now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines.”
A 2009 Iran was “probably one or two years away” from developing weapons capability. Another cable later the same year showed Netanyahu, now back in office as prime minister, telling a separate delegation of American politicians in Jerusalem that “Iran has the capability now to make one bomb,” adding that alternatively, “they could wait and make several bombs in a year or two.”
In 2012 Netanyahu said in closed talks reported by Israeli media that Iran is just “a few months away” from attaining nuclear capabilities. Later that same year, he gave a widely-mocked address at the United Nations in which he alleged that Iran would have the ability to construct a weapon within roughly one year, while using a printout of a cartoon bomb to illustrate his point.
At roughly the same time in 2012 that Netanyahu was brandishing his cartoon bomb and telling the United Nations that Iran was close to obtaining a nuclear weapon, Israeli intelligence had actually determined the country was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons.”
The conclusion from this history is inescapable. Over the course of more than 20 years, Benjamin Netanyahu has made false claims about nuclear weapons programs in both Iran and Iraq, inventing imaginary timelines for their development, and making public statements that contradicted the analysis of his own intelligence advisers.
Despite this, he continues to be treated by lawmakers and media figures as a credible voice on this issue.
Bibi: We are no longer scattered among the nations, powerless to defend ourselves. We restored our sovereignty in our ancient home.
it really sounds like he thinks some ragtag fugitive army stormed the beaches at Haifa and [re]created Greater Judea out of whole cloth, and that centuries of colonialism and decades of foreign aid propping up a new and precarious state weren’t a factor.
Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a personal email account to conduct work while she served as secretary of state is “highly unusual,” especially considering how many times cabinet leaders are told to preserve government correspondence, said former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on TODAY Tuesday.
“I think it’s something they’re going to have to explain in good measure today and probably figure out how to get a lot of those emails, or as many as they can back into the archive,” said Gibbs, who served as President Obama’s first press secretary.
The New York Times reported Monday evening that Hillary Clinton used a personal email account exclusively to conduct work during her time as secretary of state. The move raises questions about whether it violated federal law and hampers the government's ability to archive correspondence by Clinton, who is expected to make another White House run.
Gibbs said White House officials attend numerous briefings informing them about the need to preserve their email, “making sure it’s part of your official account.” He admitted the discovery opens the opportunity for Clinton critics to go on attack.
“I think it’s much easier for critics to explain why they don’t exist than it might be for her to explain why she used her private email,” he said.
And in unrelated news, David Duke has voted for Republicans
And in related news, Democrats can not name one radical liberal. Nor will they distance themselves from the ofter of an alliance from the CPUSA.
Why is that, comrades?
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, nonprofit organization of the country’s leading researchers. Established in 1863 by Al Gore, no doubt. LOL!
LOL indeed.
Guess this means the lack of jobs and GWB are no longer the reason for the rise of ISIS.
Speaking of ISIS, why didn't "Real Leader" Bibi even mention Israel's non-engagement with ISIS?
He would rather the US go to war with Iran, the Shia enemies of ISIS.
Why does Bibi side with the terrorists?
Hey Dave, did you ever hear about the USS Liberty, An amazing story:
Speaking of ISIS, why didn't "Real Leader" Bibi even mention Israel's non-engagement with ISIS'
Yeah, and David Duke voted for a Republican once.
Democrats can not name one radical liberal. Nor will they distance themselves from the ofter of an alliance from the CPUSA.
Why is that, comrades?
Would a radical progressive vote for someone who wasn't pro choice?
A supporter of theocracy?
A believer in the death penalty?
Anti-single source health care?
Anti the educating of women?
Of allowing women to drive a car?
Who was not a socialist?
Of course not. Yet liberals support those who are all of the above over Israel who is none of the above.
I support Israel because they have not sworn to murder Americans, they have free election's, are not trying to spread their social and economic liberalism beyond their borders, and they do not kill gays, do not treat women as property, they are not a theocracy, they believe in the freedom of the individual, and even when I disagree with the choices they offer, it's their choices. None of that can be said for Iran.
It's sad that the majority of American Jews support the Party who is opposed to Israel. It is sad that liberals who march in the streets of American for gay rights reject a nation that agrees with them, and seemingly looks the other way at the country's that dont, in tact supporting them.
It is amazing that liberals support another nation making atomic bomb, at the same time supporting the down sizing of our defenses and while demanding more reductions.
It is stunning that Democrats can not name one radical liberal. Nor will they distance themselves from the ofter of an alliance from the CPUSA.
Why is that, comrades?
Even the Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English believes that when it comes to Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is right and President Obama is wrong. Faisal J. Abbas, whose leftist credentials are impeccable (he blogs for the Huffington Post) said that a recent ceremony to thank IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Netanyahu correctly estimated the threat. Abbas wrote on Al Arabiya, “The Israeli PM managed to hit the nail right on the head when he said that Middle Eastern countries are collapsing and that “terror organizations, mostly backed by Iran, are filling in the vacuum.”
Abbas continued, “In just a few words, Mr. Netanyahu managed to accurately summarize a clear and present danger, not just to Israel (which obviously is his concern), but to other U.S. allies in the region.”
Then, after praising Netanyahu, Abbas got down to business, pointing out Obama’s dangerous Iran policy:
What is absurd, however, is that despite this being perhaps the only thing that brings together Arabs and Israelis (as it threatens them all), the only stakeholder that seems not to realize the danger of the situation is President Obama, who is now infamous for being the latest pen-pal of the Supreme Leader of the World’s biggest terrorist regime: Ayottallah Ali Khamenei. (Although, the latter never seems to write back!)
In other breaking news, David Duke once ran as a Republican!!!
What the matter JH, forgot to be Faux Sore Loser? Must be the HEAT ( but it's a dry heat) in AZ
I hate typing so I would not bother posting that much.
I was not going to share my last post with you but since you are accusing me of doing something I an not, read the link and have your head explode!
Yes, it is historical fact Israel killed more Americans on the USS Liberty alone, than ISIS and Iran combined.
Sore Asshole is loyal to Israel over the US. Netenyahu is his "real leader".
Again facts don't matter to radical Right true believers.
Of course Sore Asshole believes every word Bibi the thug says. He also believes in a global conspiracy of evil climate scientists.
From the linked article:
Despite this heady rhetoric, Netanyahu’s estimates of an imminent Iranian nuclear bomb have consistently been at odds with analyses made by his own intelligence agency. In 2011, departing Mossad intelligence chief Meir Dagan said in his final intelligence summary that, contrary to Netanyahu’s repeated statements at the time, an Iranian nuclear weapon is in fact not imminent, and that any military action against the country could end up spurring the development of such a weapon.
The blind belief in authoritarian leaders is what all far Right authoritarian followers like Sore Asshole have.
So when do you think Sore Asshole will want an "adult debate" on his masters' agenda?
Look for increase in ISIS beheading's due to climate change, the Villarrica volcano erupts in southern Chile, thousands flee.
Breaking news David Duke voted for a Republican!!
Meanwhile, Democrats STILL can not name one radical liberal. Nor will they distance themselves from the ofter of an alliance from the CPUSA.
Why is that, comrades?
In other news, I tell Mozart to go to hell quickly and painfully as I am not married and I am an orphan. Anything else you need to know, Mr Radical Progressive stalker?
I'm sorry Mozart, you meant that question for James Hansen AKA JH, AKA FAUX Sore Loser formerly from AZ but now living and posting from MA, didn't you?
HEY! JH, AKA James Hansen, AKA FAUX, Sore Loser, your comrade Mozart has question for you, have you stopped beating your wife yet? Be careful how you answer, as you are dealing with someone you said was not the sharpest pencil in the box.
I already surmised you did not have a wife other wise you would not be such an angry dick.
Always look for the Union Label!
President Barack Obama’s lax immigration policies are inviting another massive jihad attack similar to the 9/11 atrocity, says Kenneth Palinkas, president of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services employees’ union.
Obama’s deputies are “lessening the vetting of each and every alien who applies for permanent residency or citizenship in the U.S.,” Palinkas said in a statement Tuesday.
“By not scrutinizing each and every applicant to the fullest extent possible to ensure America’s security, we invite an even more catastrophic event than what occurred on 09/11/2001,” he said.
Obama’s rollback of security checks means that “it is more than likely that any attack from terrorists will come from within the borders of the U.S., and it is further likely that ISIS or Al Qaeda would try to launch these attacks by obtaining a visa or working with elements already here on visas,” he said.
Mean while, the First Lady released her "Spring Break" travel plans to Japan.
And Newt Gingrich had an affair!!
And JH is now an expert on my dick! Be gentle with me JH, it will be my first time from a man(checks in the mail, you know what I mean, wink wink). First it was the condition of my ass, now it's my man part.
But in other news, Mozart, Dumbya and JH or what ever name he calls himself, from what ever state he clams to be in, still can't name one radical liberal!
(cue Twilight Zone Music)
Imagine if you will, Jacques Chirac of France invited here by a Democratic house speaker ( I know it was a Repub.) right before Bush decided to invade Iraq Imagine him speaking before congress begging us NOT to invade because it would undermine the stability of the entire area (it did)
Imagine the OUTRAGE from the right because the Dems did an end run around the POTUS and the State Department in an attempt to embarrass and insult the President, and undermine his foreign policy.
Rush Limbaugh would STILL be foaming at the mouth.
Just imagine what kind of prick you are Mozart to have asked if I'd stopped beating my wife?
BIG clue, GWB is not whining it's you shit for brains radical liberals who are.
Get a life, GWB is not in office.
In other breaking news Mozart still can not name one radical liberal, isn't that right comrade?
So when do you think Sore Asshole will want an "adult debate" on his masters' agenda?
Boy Troll, you should be happy I thought you might be capable of OBTAINING a wife.
What you missed is the fact that it's a trick question, the trick being that there is no honorable way to answer it.
Just like your stupid inane questions about Communist party websites only YOU seem to know about (why IS that anyway?)
Just because someone supports Obama, does NOT mean he MUST approve of THEM.
For example, the KKK is a CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN Organization. Are YOU a member of the Klan?
In other breaking news, the Boy Troll has completely avoided commenting on Boehner's vindictive TREASONOUS act, of sidestepping protocol (not to mention the constitution)by inviting a foreign head of state to speak before congress, in an attempt to insult the President and undermine his attempt at a PEACEFUL solution with Iran.
The GOP heckles their own President during the State of the Union, but kisses the ass of a foreign leader as if he just saved the world from an invasion from space and cured cancer at the same time.
Imagine if you will, a Democrat Speaker doing the same while a Republican President is in office.
BTW, just a reminder, The Senate is part of congress.
Just imagine what is hidden in H. Clinton's emails?
Just imagine if Lois Lerner's emails had been given to Congress instead of claiming they were gone?
Just imagine if His Majesty, King Obama Mom's Jeans had allowed the Tea Party to get what was legally theirs in 2012?
Just imagine if King Obama Mom's Jeans declares there will be a tax increase on HIS Majesty's order?
Just imagine if illegals are given earned income tax credits?
Just imagine if liberal would or could name one radical liberal?
Just imagine if one democrat declined the offer from CPUSA to help defeat the GOP?
Just imagine if you liked your DR. you could keep your DR? Period.
Just imagine if liberals ran on their record. (oops they did the last two midterms)
Just imagine if our King His Majesty Obama Mom's Jeans wasn't a liar?
Just imagine what the unemployment rate would be if the private sector was allowed to operate without the suffocating heavy hand of the govt on it?
Just imagine if hate crimes included those crimes committed against whites?
Just imagine if the Rev Al Sharpton paid the IRS the millions of dollars he owes the US Govt?
Just imagine if liberal radical progressives played by the same rules that want the rest of us to play by?
Just imagine if these were not a dream but reality.
And in other shocking news, David Duke voted for a Republican!
Further news is what if Mozart, (I'll take capitals of countries for $100 Alex, where's the pencil sharpener),
Dumbya (clean up in cell block 3 Dave, part time Colorectal Surgeon, full time commie),
JH (AKA James Hansen, AKA Faux Sore Loser, Lives in MA AND MA at the same time!, part time male urologist, I'd rather live under a commie that a Republican but damned if I'm gong to move to Venezuela!),
would expand their limited view of the world and bravely post on a Conservative blog.
Nah, wont happen, they are afraid to operate unless it's 3 to 1 odds in their favor.
Just imagine Sore Asshole having to defend his masters' radical agenda.
Why won't he try to convince us commies of the "one true way"?
Is he ashamed? Is he ignorant? Or is he just too stupid?
Since he has no shame, it must be the latter two.
Say, whatever happened to the adult debate on this issue?
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
I provided a lengthy list.
No rebuttal qualifies as a concession.
Sore Loser loses again.
Debate with YOU Dumbya, come on. Who are you kidding?
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Typical commie tactic, in order to continue momentum be willing to take two steps forward and one step back.
Been there done that with you and your commie cell before. Wont do it again until you give me the name of a radical liberal and disavow the CPUSA support of the DNC in defeating the GOP.
Then and only then can their be any chance of debate. Go debate on a conservative blog.
BTW, are you ready to admit you lied about tracking MY IP to CT?
Not holding my breath for any of those to happen.
I hereby "disavow the CPUSA's goals and reject their offer to help defeat the GOP" if Sore Loser can tell us which time Netanyahu was correct about Iran being close to having a nuclear bomb.
Was it 1992?
Was it 1995?
Was it 1996?
Was it 2009?
Was it 20012?
How about 2015?
Will the truth set me free from the tentacles of the CPUSA?
Only one person can save the world.
This is his big chance.
Or will he blow it and resort to his scatological prison obsession?
BTW, are you ready to admit you lied about tracking MY IP to CT?
I could, but that would be lie.
His dot on the map is STILL in CT.
BTW, are you ready to admit you lied about tracking MY IP to CT?
I could, but that would be lie.
His dot on the map is STILL in CT.
There he is in CT.
I can see Sore Loser's place of residence. I can see through his window. He's at his computer right now.
He seems anxious.
And another alias for the Sore Loser:
Those social security payments buy him a lot of freedom.
You're welcome!
No chance in hell am I going to play your commie game of I will if you will. Been there done that before. Nope, put up or shut up.
It is clear that you are deeply afraid of the liberal Israel existing just like the old USSR was.
Why is that comrade Dumbya? Don't your see the glory of living in Israel with all its socialism and freedoms vs capitalist Iran?
Talk about schizo. You want and work for the very same systems and programs that Israel has, to become reality here, yet want nothing to do with protecting Israel. Crazy man Crazy.
In other breaking news
Did Hillary Actually Commit A Felony That Could Prohibit Her From Becoming President?
State Department Tech Team Warned Hillary Her Use Of A Private Email Server Was A Major Security Risk…
Hillary Clinton Says She Is “The Most Transparent Person In Public Life”…
Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Goes From Bad To Worse, Ran Her Own Private Server To Further Protect Her Messages…
But enough about this current event, it's time turn our focus on the past history of racism of the GOP and how David Duke voted Republican.
P.S. I dont live in CT, regardless of where the "dot" is. Try to focus comrade, the Peoples Bureau of Maps of State Enemy's is starting to doubt your usefulness in your current position. Like I said before if had been paying attention you would know that based on the names of my Congressmen I don't live in CT. BUTT if you want to thinking that it wont be the first time you have refused to accept truth.
Let me know what Conservative blog you decide to start posting on, I want to watch the crap-ole fly.
So much for "adult debate".
Look at all the slime oozing from Sore Loser as he attempts to squirm out of his lies.
SO if he doesn't want discussion or debate of issues, why is he here?
Oh, yeah. To spew his ignorance, lies and hate.
His Senator must be Bibi Netanyahu.
His president is Bibi Netanyahu for sure. ALL his loyalty is for a foreign right winger.
I don't understand why nobody believes Sore Loser. He's NEVER been dishonest, right?
Well apart from MOST of what he spews.
He must be very lonely as the sole Con-servative Connecticut Confederate Propagandist.
We understand how angry it makes him to admit he is represented by democrats in both the House and Senate.
Let's pretend along with him, he might hate us less...LOL!!!
MSNBC has actually covered the Hillary Clinton e-mail story more than Fox News
Those commies are pulling something nefarious, I tells ya!
I notice the Boy Troll is avoiding the recent TREASONOUS act by his sugar daddy Boehner.
His recent posts read like they were written by Sarah Palin on acid.
Oh, and given that it took the Boy Troll MONTHS to name his congressmen, I doubt he actually named the ones from where he lives. More likely he just picked an area at random and Googled the names.
You want adult debate? You cant handle adult debate!
Oh and have you heard the leader for democratic presidential candidate, Ms Hillary, is in deep dog droppings
because of her emails?
I can see it now. Camera pulls in for a talking head shot, to a avoid in part the viewing of MS. Hillery giving us the finger off camera.
She looks into the camera and with a steely eye (is there any other kind from her?) and in a trembling on the verge of crying voice says:
"I did not do anything illegal with those emails!"
A pause and then she continues with "Did you know that David Duke voted for a Republican?"
Now about a name or two of some radical liberals, comrades?
You want adult debate? You cant handle adult debate!
Projection strikes again.
I presented the issues. He flees.
See the little sniveling coward run.
His president is Bibi Netanyahu for sure. ALL his loyalty is for a foreign right winger. President of a liberal socialist "gee I wished I lived there country", right comrade Dumbya?
I just realized what makes them "right wing". The vote their leaders into power, they have a govt that does not have a King like ours who can issue executive orders to get around legally passed laws.
Amazing, put Israel in Scandinavia, and liberals would be begging we become more like them.
Pop quiz Mozart,close your books, get our a clean sheet of paper, When you are done turn you paper in at the front. And no you cant sharpen your pencil.
Who is buried in Grants tomb?
Yes Mozart it is a dead guy, but I want to know the name of the dead guy.
Dumbya, have you c0nect the dots yet?
Debate you, look back at your actions when I was trying to debate Mr. James Hansen and tell me why I would want to debate a child like bully like you. your just pissed that I wont play your game any longer.
The Boy Troll still won't answer to Boehner's TREASONOUS act.
But as usual he has no problem posting childish nonsense
It only took him a year to Google some random location and get the names of their congressmen.
Maybe if I keep asking about Boehners TREASONOUS act over and over it will eventually find it's way into the "bubble"
Yeah we all know the Republican Troll "debated" JH, by stealing his name and telling lies.
Nice try, as he keeps running like the coward and asshole he is.
Waaaahhh! Dave Dumbya is a bully for calling out my lies. Waaahhh!!
The Connecticut Coward and crybaby flees again.
Maybe he'd better run to Bibi for protection from the mean liberal bully who presents the issues, calls out his hate, and debunks his lies.
Liberals and Democrats are nothing more than hypocritical pieces of shit who hate it when they are held to the same level of responsibility as they hold conservatives and Republicans. The only thing that pisses them off more is when their own tactics are used against them.
Democrats and Liberals victimize minorities, not the Republicans and conservatives. Face it, with the "victims" they would have nothing to cry about when they spread their lies.
I'd like to change the subject for a few minutes . . . How come we haven't seen the outrage over the tin general Petraus?
The commotion and name calling over Snowden and Bergdahl were endless.
Now we have a top, executive, well respected, hero General falling in a extra-marital discretion - and giving away up to and including Top Secrets.
I suppose since he was a Repub he ought to get away with treason?
Or, is there some law that says it's OK as long as she has some great knockers any GI can't resist - give it all up!
Too bad Snowden and Bergdahl. You needed to find a love interest in order to escape the Issa microscope.
You're onto something.
Rule One:
IOKIYAR - (It's OK if you are Republican) has been the new rule since Clinton.
Reagan and Bush exploded the debt and deficits. Clinton and Obama were blamed.
Rule Two:
The rich and powerful are less accountable than the rest of us. We have the best justice, and government, money can buy.
It's always been that way, except in an occasional revolution.
Allahu Akbar Dave,
I'm concerned that your prison is not safe. Do all the prison guards post 24/7 on blogs like you?
I hope you vote for me in the primary instead of the lying Pocahantus from Harry's MA.
Who else can you trust me with that 3:00AM phone call when somebody needs help like at an embassy in the Middle East?
Hey Sore Troll,
When are you going to answer for Boehner's TREASONOUS act of bringing in a foreign leader to undermine the President of the United States?
Mozart, you are spelling his name wrong it is Sore (_!_)
Well, he has so many names, it's hard to keep track. Maybe he should issue programs to tell us which one of his personalities is in control today.
Democrats Aren’t Rushing To Defend Hillary Clinton
Not surprising. They can't name a radical liberal or disavow the offer of help from the CPUSA to defeat the GOP.
Because that's what they are, right Comrades?
Amid Clinton controversies, Democrats yearn for an alternative.
In a new twist that threatens to divide top Obama officials, a watchdog group has demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder (can you give me a "blame the black guy" cheer?) open an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.
And if that doesn’t work, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust wants the Justice Department to sue to retrieve the emails that federal law requires be kept for historical and transparency purposes.
Anyone wonder who tipped off the NY Times and the Washington Post (both part of the vast right wing conspiracy) about MS. Hillary's secrete email stash? Think it was Uncle Joe Biden, a.k.a. the Groper? Say it's not so Joe!
US Ambassador To South Korea Attacked With Razor Blade In Seoul…
It's Harry S Truman's fault!! Or maybe GWB or the Koch Brothers, or man caused climate change?
Government Funded Theater Company Puts on Porn Play After Global Warming Play Fails…
"We got to raise taxes to pay for infrastructure like highways prisons and bridges" a lose quote of Mozart's when he defended the possible unilateral constitutional breaking action to raise taxes by decree from His Majesty King Obama in Mom Jeans.
Oh the great irony that is lost on Mozart is that our King, His Majesty of Mom Jeans, veto's the Keystone Pipeline, a privately funded project, but needs more taxes to spend on govt funded infrastructure projects.
In the mean time General Petraus is this weeks liberal target brought up to deflect from the FACT that David Duke voted Republican!!! Or maybe Ms. Clinton's troubles?
Rasmussen: Walker Beats Clinton By 8 Points Among Informed Voters If The Election Were Held Today…
In closing the key word is INFORMED Voters, you know the kind that know there are 50 States in the Union not 57.
Now boys, you all need to stop this whining about who publishes a post and start dealing with facts the posts are giving you. The facts you would find if you DARED to go on a Conservative blog and debate there. You'd get your ass handed to you.
Because she doesn't NEED defending. She didn't break a single law. If she did. Colin Powell and Condi Rice are also guilty.
No, we'd rather the "investigation" continue. Watching the GOP chase false scandals is like watching one of those "funny home video" shows where the skateboard guys fall off the rails and land on their nuts.
You know it hurts and it's embarrassing, but then again they deserve it for being stupid.
Mozart, what the @#!$%@#! did you put in you herbal green tea this morning?
In other breaking news Senator One Eye Reid after blaming the Kochs for everything from the Black Plague to the making of the worst movie in history "The Night of the Lepus" has been shoveling billions of tax (make that your and mine dollars) dollars to his buddies and former staffers.
Corporate donors to a green energy nonprofit operated by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s (D., Nev.) former staffers and a current campaign operative have received billions of dollars in federal loan guarantees and grant money as a result of Reid’s advocacy.
Fulcrum Bioenergy began contributing to the Clean Energy Project (CEP) in 2013. One year later, the Nevada Democrat steered tens of millions of dollars in federal grant money to the California biofuel company.
Fulcrum is one of at least nine corporate donors to the Clean Energy Project (CEP) that have secured federal financing for themselves or a client due in part to Reid’s behind-the-scenes advocacy—activity that watchdogs warn could be construed as unethical.
Rebecca Lambe, Reid’s top political strategist who has been directed by Reid to take the lead in hiring for his 2016 reelection campaign, founded CEP in 2008 and served as its executive director. Reid’s former chief of staff Susan McCue served as CEP’s president at that time. Lambe is now an adviser to CEP, according to her official bio. McCue is a member of its board.
McCue and Lambe also run Senate Majority PAC, a powerhouse Super Pac with close ties to Reid that spent $67 million to elect Senate Democrats last year.
Far from denying a role in steering subsidies to donors to aides’ group, Reid’s office brags about it.
But there is good news for the Democraps, as there are confirmed reports that, gasp, David Duke voted for a Republican!
Sore Asshole, it's ther GOP wasting MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS on another phony scandal.
See if you can grasp TWO simple facts.
1. Clinton did the SAME THING Colin Powell and Condi Rice did.
2. There was no rule against it until AFTER Clinton left the office of Sec of State.
The rest of your crap is just more of your usual deflection. If Reid is supporting green energy, I'm behind him all the way.
David Duke IS a Republican so go figure he votes that way. All KKK members do.
(David)Duke claimed that "thousands of Tea Party movement activists had urged him to run for president in 2012"
"Republican Party chairman Jim Nicholson remarked: "There is no room in the party of Lincoln for a Klansman like David Duke".
Sorry Sore rectum, you lose again. Now, ignore this and change the subject again.
Any questions?
What? Corrupt Republicans??
More proof the Republican Party represents Big Oil over the people.
Christie’s Office Drove Exxon Settlement
For more than a decade, the New Jersey attorney general’s office conducted a hard-fought legal battle to hold Exxon Mobil Corporation responsible for decades of environmental contamination in northern New Jersey.
But when the news came that the state had reached a deal to settle its $8.9 billion claim for about $250 million, the driving force behind the settlement was not the attorney general’s office — it was Gov. Chris Christie’s chief counsel, Christopher S. Porrino, two people familiar with the negotiations said.
One of those people, Bradley M. Campbell, was the commissioner of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection in 2004 when the lawsuits against Exxon were filed. Mr. Campbell, in an Op-Ed article appearing in The New York Times on Thursday, wrote that “even more troubling” than the decision to settle the lawsuit were “the circumstances surrounding the decision.”
He goes on to say that former colleagues of his in the state government told him that Mr. Porrino “inserted himself into the case, elbowed aside the attorney general and career employees who had developed and prosecuted the litigation, and cut the deal favorable to Exxon.”
Poisoning of our planet and corruption of our government go hand-in-hand with the GOP.
Vote Republican and give the Kochs and Big Oil more tax breaks and opportunity to dump on us all.
After all, accountability is only for the “little people” in their world.
Hillary Clinton To Address Room Full Of Journalists . . . Won’t Take Questions…
Crash And Burn: Americans Stop Buying Obama’s Class Warfare Schtick, 66% Say His Policies Favor Rich Over Middle Class…
Like One Eye Senator Reid's friends.
Oh My: Hillary Clinton’s State Department Forced U.S. Ambassador To Resign For Using Private Email…
Even Morning Mika thinks Clinton email defenders are crazy.
Not to worry, this is all about clearing the deck for Liz "Pocahontas" Warren to be able to run for the demcocraps nomination.
The next 20 months are going to be interesting with His Majesty King Obama in Mom Pants ignoring the Constitution he swore to uphold, the GOP lacking he balls to stop him and ISIS already inside our borders.
But in more important news David Duke voted for a Republican.
This just, GOP declines the help of David Duke as reported by Comrade Mozart.
Still waiting for our comrades to decline the offer of help from the CPUSA and to
name JUST one radical liberal.
No laws broken. Move on.
But he ignores John Boehner's act of TREASON
Go figure.
David Duke is CURRENTLY a Member of the REPUBLICAN party, and they say he's even too batshit for THEM.
Go figure the Boy troll supports a Grand Duke of the KKK.
Why Did Hillary Launch Her Email Address When She Did? Why did Hillary Clinton initiate her new domain the day of her Senate confirmation hearings? That looks an awful lot like intent to conceal her emails, given that she did not simply continue using an old email address.
Did Hillary Delete Emails? Why did Hillary insist on using her own server rather than a public server, as so many other Obama administration officials did?
Were Hillary’s Emails Hacked?
Why Were Hillary’s Aides Using Private Email?
Why Didn’t The State Department Review Hillary’s Emails? Because Hillary used her personal email address rather than a State Department email address, the State Department had no access to her emails. So her claims to have turned over 55,000 relevant documents to the State Department ring hollow, given that according to The New York Times, “Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department.” Who were these advisers? What was their agenda? As the Times says, “How many emails were in Mrs. Clinton’s account is not clear, and neither is the process her advisers used to determine which ones related to her work at the State Department before turning them over.
Why Didn’t The Obama Administration Make Hillary Use a Government Account? The most transparent administration in history didn’t see a reason to make Hillary Clinton use a government email account in accordance with law. Jason Baron, former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, points out, “I can recall no instance in my time at the National Archives when a high-ranking official at an executive branch agency solely used a personal email account for the transaction of government business.” The Obama administration has refused comment, although they must have been on the other end of those emails.
Does Hillary Have Other Email Accounts?
I'm surprised that Radical Progressives are NOT damning her for no other reason than if she steps down E. Warren can run! But then I'm surprised that liberals hate the most liberal country in the middle east, Israel
Even Morning Mika thinks Clinton email defenders (MOZART) are crazy.
If you think for a minute I'm letting HillaryEmailGate go, you're nuts! I'm telling you it's a major scandal! I don't care if every single secretary of state (including my girl Condi Rice) did the same thing!
The point is, this HAS to be a major scandal! Because otherwise, we might wind up with Hillary as president! And I just can't tolerate that, I can't tolerate it at all!
I've suffered through two terms of a black man. I've been beside myself ever since the Kenyan Usurper took office. You think I'll be okay with a WOMAN president?
So yes, "Mozart" this is a major scandal. I know she broke no laws. But will you PLEASE let me have this? For the sake of my sanity???
No laws broken. Move on.
How DARE you quote a liberal rag like the wall street journal??? How DARE you, you filthy radical progressive communist Saul Alinsky George Soros Michelle Obama???
Look, I'll level with you. I have lots of free time on my hands. I'm not married, I have no friends, my neighbors won't look me in the eye, my goldfish ran away....
ALL I'VE GOT is this WrongEmailGate scandal.
I sit here in Connecticut all day and night, I can't sleep, I can't keep all my aliases straight (can't remember if it's Tyrone Witherspoon or Tyrone Witherspoons) and now you're telling me Hillary Fucking Clinton is going to be the next president?
Is Iowa also breaking monthly records for low temperature?
Dave Dubya's Michigan, bankrupt breeding ground for poverty, is also breaking cold weather records.
I'm using Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" as emergency toilet paper. The guy can stick his Nobel Prize up his arsehole.
Hey, Faux Sore Loser, AKA JH, done feeding your Unicorn herd?
Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings Praises Hillary Clinton For Her Email Transparency… Elijah gets to join crazy Mozart, a match made in heaven.
The State Department has had a policy in place since 2005 to warn officials against routine use of personal e-mail accounts for government work, a regulation in force during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state that appears to be at odds with her reliance on a private email for agency business.
The policy, detailed in a manual for agency employees, adds clarity to an issue at the center of a growing controversy over Clinton’s reliance on a private email account.
Democrat Leader Elijah Cummings Could Face Up to Five Years in Prison for Illegal Attacks on True the Vote–
New IRS emails released by the House Oversight Committee show staff working for Democratic Ranking Member Elijah Cummings communicated with the IRS multiple times between 2012 and 2013 about voter fraud prevention group True the Vote. True the Vote was targeted by the IRS after applying for tax exempt status more than two years ago. Further, information shows the IRS and Cummings’ staff asked for nearly identical information from True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht about her organization, indicating coordination and improper sharing of confidential taxpayer information.
Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, along with five Subcommittee Chairmen are demanding Cummings provide an explanation for the staff inquiries to the IRS about True the Vote and for his denial that his staff ever contacted the IRS about the group.
“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” the letter to Cummings states. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”
Not to worry, Elijah will be in court the same day the Rev Al pays the over $4 million in back taxes he owes the citizens of America.
In breaking news none of this is important because the Kochs are rich and give money to the GOP, and BIG OIL get millions of dollars in subsidy's..In reality BIG OIL gets zero $$, they just don't pay as much tax on their income.
Kind of like what NY State is doing to attract mfg to NY, you know, lower taxes mean more jobs and more income for the state. Makes you wonder if raising taxes is the way to property, why isn't NY State raising taxes to attract new corporations?
Got me Spanky, maybe Dumbya knows.
Now maybe Dumbya can see that I'm out here in little ole St. Louis, fly over country Missouri and am not you!!
Way to go!!
Your doing God's work!
Sore Loser's prehensile tail twitches ever so slightly each time he steals someone's name.
Since he's the lone troll on this board, most likely he's responsible for the adolescent porn Tom Degan describes as the final straw.
Maybe Sore Loser knows more about prison than he lets on.
I think Harry's post is not about politics but about mental health. Sounds like he could be dangerous.
James, (Sore Loser)
Yes, it gets cold here in the winter. Maybe you should take a high school science class and learn the difference between "WEATHER" and "CLIMATE".
A warmer overall climate causes polar ice to melt, MAKING THE AIR TEMPORARILY COLDER. Like blowing on an ice cube. Warmer ocean temps cause more evaporation, meaning more moisture in the air. More moisture creates larger more violent storms.
Oh Why do I bother? It won't get through the "bubble" anyway.
Hey Mozart, Maybe you ought to learn the difference between man caused and non- man caused climate change.
Then learn which has the largest impact.
Colorado Democrats Kill Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions… Because it is the radical thing to do
Note to Dumbya,
I'm still in St Louis, Not CT. I know in your mind the two places are really close but then in your mind the most liberal country in the middle east is the most evil one.
go figure.
Hey Sore Asshole, or whatever your name is today.
There is BOTH natural (over many thousands of years) and man made (over the last 120 years) climate change. It's funny, if you look ata graph of the Earths temp, you notice it DOES rise gradually until about 1900 (Go figure, the industrial age and the internal combustion engine)
Then it climbs at a much faster rate, along with the...wait for it...THE CO2 LEVEL!!
Sorry, I know facts confuse you, and you'll obviously ignore this and change the subject to some irrelevant non-issue. But I wanted it on record that I TRIED to help you understand.
Sore Asshole is suddenly insisting we all know where he lives now.
This is indeed an interesting change from his long pattern of NOT divulging anything at all.
For the record, since Chuck Morre, Michael Stivic, Tyrone Witherspoon(s), Just the Facts, anonymous, Harry The Climate Change Expert, and "But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote", etc. are in Connecticut, Sore Asshole obviously must be in "St Louis".
We got it.
He's in St. Louis? A city that's practically a ghost town these days? Could that be because of GOP control of the State like Wisconsin and Michigan? (Minnesota, controlled by DEms is thriving)
Missouri huh? Home to Ferguson, the racist capital of the world right now.
Mexican govt offers 'matching funds'...
GUTIERREZ: Free college for illegals in Chicago...
CHARGE: Obama lawyers misled federal judge on amnesty...
This just in, the Governor of Missouri is a democrat.
I can feel the love from you two radical progressive all the way out here.
Mozart you still stand by your claim that H Clinton didn't break the law? Isn't an disobeying an order from the King breaking the law?
A good point:
"Yet these folks have been oppressed. Perhaps by abusive child-raising, or a sense of powerlessness in the marketplace, and assorted fears. These actual victimizations are “conscripted” by the right-wing noise machine, and the result is that the people are supplied with a false reason for the feelings of being oppressed that they experience, an incorrect target for the anger that their unrelieved sense of endangerment has led them to adopt.
Name-calling them “crazies” and other terms adds to their alienation and their determination to pass that feeling along to any handy “other.” Try compassionate confrontation — difficult as their behavior makes it for us to adopt that approach to them."
Joseph Maizlish
Comment on the LA Progressive
UPDATE, Sore Asshole lying again.
Obama's policy requires that "illegals" returning must pass a thorough criminal background check and PAY BACK TAXES before even becoming ELIGIBLE for citizenship.
And for the first time since Carter, fewer illegals are coming HERE than are going back.
Notice how the Boy troll keeps avoiding the issue of Boehner committing TREASON?
Clinton broke no law, but if she DID, Powell and Rice are guilty as well.
Racial Politics: Unable to pin racism charges on Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Attorney General Eric Holder is using half-baked data to manufacture a case of racism against his entire police force.
Holder's race-baiting civil rights crew combed through several years of Ferguson Police Department data on traffic stops, searches and arrests and "found a pattern of racial disparities in Ferguson's police activities."
"African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and victims of "racial bias," Holder concludes in his report.
He notes that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, "despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson's population," while whites made up 15% of stops, despite representing 29% of the population.
So there you have it, a slam-dunk case of racism, right? Hardly.
Outrageously, the nation's top prosecutor failed to control for factors that explain the racial "disparity" in traffic stops, such as speeding, DUI, expired license plates, headlight, seat-belt and child-restraint violations and other reasons for being pulled over.
Holder's own department statistics show that African Americans, on average, violate speeding and other traffic laws at much greater rates than whites.
The Justice Department's research arm, the National Institute of Justice, explains that differences in traffic stops can simply be attributed to "differences in offending."
Duh. For another example, "Seat-belt usage is chronically lower among blacks," the NIJ says in a 2013 study. "If a law enforcement agency aggressively enforces violations, police will stop more black drivers."
It adds that three out of every four black drivers say "police had a legitimate reason for stopping them."
The institute cites two major studies on police profiling, one conducted in Savannah, Ga., and another in Cincinnati. Neither "support the perception that a high level of discrimination occurs prior to a traffic stop."
Perhaps the attorney general should read his own research before making wild accusations of racism based on specious data.
Holder also complains black motorists were more likely than whites to receive multiple citations from Ferguson police, proof in his mind that cops "enforce the law more harshly against black people than others."
"African Americans experience disparate impact in nearly every aspect of Ferguson's law enforcement system," his report finds.
But federal data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that blacks violate traffic laws at higher rates than whites in every offense, including driving with an invalid license.
Yet Holder makes it sound as if Ferguson police target blacks at random for stops for no other reason than "driving while black," and then pile on the tickets.
Investor's Business Daily
We have a saying out here, it's
Show Me!
Can anyone name a radical liberal?
Isn't disobeying an order from His Majesty King Obama in Mom Jeans breaking the law?
Powell and Rice, they had an order from our King?
Don't think so.
Ahh.... Investor's Business Daily. Thank you Sore Loser for copying and pasting their editorial. Of course, they are highly regarded opinionators...
The newspaper's editorial pages have been a source of ridicule. On July 31, 2009, an editorial in Investor's Business Daily claimed that physicist Stephen Hawking "wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the [British] National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless." As Hawking has always lived in the U.K. and receives his medical care from the NHS, the editorial was widely derided. Hawking himself responded: "I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived." IBD later removed the erroneous editorial's reference to Hawking in its online version, and appended an "Editor's Note" which said, "This version corrects the original editorial which implied that physicist Stephen Hawking, a professor at the University of Cambridge, did not live in the UK."
As usual, your sources are impeccable, Sore Loser.
Thank you again, for sharing info from such a respected journal of fact and opinion.
Sore Asshole still avoiding Boehner's TREASON I see.
This is a story of an other "Koch Toadie"
Kind of explains why the GOP is allowing the country to go broke.
The fact Sore Asshole keeps insisting he's in St. Louis should be reason enough to conclude he is in Connecticut.
Never mind the real evidence I have of his ISP location.
Of course, in a scary world with a Marxist US president, where every non-Republican is a commie, and a global conspiracy of evil climate scientists, SA could be in St. Louis too.
Sore Asshole caught in another lie:
Shocking, right?
Remember him saying it was Obama's "Net neutrality" that "censored" the 12 year old black kid coached to say Obama doesn't love America?
Wrong, as usual.
Facebook itself provided the answer to why CJ Pearson’s account was suspended: at 12 years old, the boy did not meet Facebook’s terms and conditions which require all users to be 13 or older. Once Pearson drew attention to himself, it was clear his account was in violation of Facebook’s stated rules and it was suspended.
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