POST #577: Random Observations
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Smoking more and enjoying it less 2/20/15 ` |
What you have here are nothing more than a series of aimless comments that I had posted on other websites or out in the Facebooksphere. Writing this blog is often more difficult than it should be; I mean - Heavens to freakin' Betsey! - there's just so much to write about. The problem is that there are times when one doesn't know where to begin. I'm having one of those weeks. Happy reading!
The accepted definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again, expecting to yield a different result every time. Forgive me
for what may seem to some as my obsession with Jeb Bush, but if the people of this doomed
country are ever again insane enough to send another member of this
disgusting family to the White House, they'll deserve everything that
happens to them.
Fifteen years ago I was damned near everywhere - on local radio, in the newspapers, and four times on national television (C-SPAN - anyone can get on C-Span) warning everyone who would listen what a disaster a second Bush White House would be for this country. I was pretty much ignored then. Don't ignore me now, okay? They're trying to portray Jeb as "the moderate alternative". They're lying. How do I know? As governor of Florida, he ruled that state from the far right. Since his half-witted older brother mercifully vacated the Executive Mansion six years ago, he's been desperately trying to reposition himself as a "compassionate conservative". Remember that line? We won't get fooled again, right?....RIGHT???
Fifteen years ago I was damned near everywhere - on local radio, in the newspapers, and four times on national television (C-SPAN - anyone can get on C-Span) warning everyone who would listen what a disaster a second Bush White House would be for this country. I was pretty much ignored then. Don't ignore me now, okay? They're trying to portray Jeb as "the moderate alternative". They're lying. How do I know? As governor of Florida, he ruled that state from the far right. Since his half-witted older brother mercifully vacated the Executive Mansion six years ago, he's been desperately trying to reposition himself as a "compassionate conservative". Remember that line? We won't get fooled again, right?....RIGHT???
I can't emphasize this enough, kiddies.
2. Is You Is or Is You Ain't My ISIS?
It gets stupider by the day. The FOX Noise pundits, along with the usual suspects on right wing talk radio, are implying (some even stating outright) that by referring to ISIS as "extremists" and not "Islamist extremists", the president of the United States is somehow sympathetic with the goals of these freaks. Obama has said that the United States is at war with all forms of extremism. Last week, when he merely pointed out the undeniable truth that bad things have been done in the name of Jesus Christ down through the centuries, including in the good ol' U S of A, conservatives had (and are still having) a mass nervous breakdown. I have no comment other than to say that this has been quite an amusing spectacle to behold. We'll leave it at that for now.
3. Thinking About Malcolm
Tomorrow is the fiftieth anniversary of assassination of Malcolm X. He was one of the great visionaries of the twentieth century in my opinion. I was living and working in Naples, Florida when I first read his memoirs in 1986. This is quite ironic when one takes into consideration that Naples (at the time anyway) had the lowest per capita population of black people living in it than almost every other city in the country. Read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It completely and utterly changed my life. I'm almost certain it will change yours, too. That is, of course, unless you're afraid of change. If that's the case then don't bother.
"To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship of the day."
Theodore Roosevelt
"....the first task of statesmanship of the day"....Of that day. There are few statesmen left - and even fewer stateswomen....NEXT!
5. Rudy Can Fail
I think that Rudy Giuliani ought to fold up the tents and go home for a permanent rest. He's always seemed to me to be a tad off his rocker. I met him once, and while he seemed like a nice enough fellow, even in that informal setting I got the impression that there was something about the poor bastard that wasn't quite right. As mayor of New York City, he certainly wasn't one tenth as extreme as his Republican brethren nationwide; he never would have gotten elected had that been the case. And yet, since leaving Gracie Mansion over a decade ago he's taken a decided turn to the extreme right. That was not totally unexpected - he was eying the White House in 2008 and one can't get nominated by that party these days unless one is willing to sound like a complete psychotic. Totally understandable.
But for this blubbering twit to say, as he did this week, that the president of the United States hates Americans in general - and America in particular - was too ridiculous to be taken seriously. Why is he still saying these horrifically moronic things? Can it be that he has on eye on the campaign of 2016? My goodness, I hope so. That should make things really interesting.
I've just been informed by the nice folks at W-CBS News Radio that today has been the coldest day in New York State since they started keeping records over a century ago. If you live in the region of the country where I am writing from you're probably not the least bit surprised to learn this. Earlier, I attempted to fill up my jeep and got as far as ten dollars. The hell with this, I thought to myself, it's just too damned cold.
Be warm, everybody.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
(with Alex Haley)
I don't smoke cigars. But every time a new Ernie Kovacs product is released onto DVD I always go out and purchase one Dutch Master. They were the company that sponsored the Ernie Kovacs program back in the late fifties and early sixties. That's my little way of thanking them for taking a chance on Ernie when no one else would.
RUDY UPDATE, 2/21/15, 11:50 AM:
According to the front page of this morning's New York Daily News, the former mayor is now accusing the president of the United States of being a communist. Ain't that a scream? Someone really ought to check this pathetic son-of-a-bitch's calender. Seriously.

Tomorrow is the fiftieth anniversary of assassination of Malcolm X. He was one of the great visionaries of the twentieth century in my opinion. I was living and working in Naples, Florida when I first read his memoirs in 1986. This is quite ironic when one takes into consideration that Naples (at the time anyway) had the lowest per capita population of black people living in it than almost every other city in the country. Read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It completely and utterly changed my life. I'm almost certain it will change yours, too. That is, of course, unless you're afraid of change. If that's the case then don't bother.
"To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship of the day."
Theodore Roosevelt
"....the first task of statesmanship of the day"....Of that day. There are few statesmen left - and even fewer stateswomen....NEXT!
5. Rudy Can Fail

But for this blubbering twit to say, as he did this week, that the president of the United States hates Americans in general - and America in particular - was too ridiculous to be taken seriously. Why is he still saying these horrifically moronic things? Can it be that he has on eye on the campaign of 2016? My goodness, I hope so. That should make things really interesting.
I've just been informed by the nice folks at W-CBS News Radio that today has been the coldest day in New York State since they started keeping records over a century ago. If you live in the region of the country where I am writing from you're probably not the least bit surprised to learn this. Earlier, I attempted to fill up my jeep and got as far as ten dollars. The hell with this, I thought to myself, it's just too damned cold.
Be warm, everybody.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
(with Alex Haley)
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I don't smoke cigars. But every time a new Ernie Kovacs product is released onto DVD I always go out and purchase one Dutch Master. They were the company that sponsored the Ernie Kovacs program back in the late fifties and early sixties. That's my little way of thanking them for taking a chance on Ernie when no one else would.
RUDY UPDATE, 2/21/15, 11:50 AM:
According to the front page of this morning's New York Daily News, the former mayor is now accusing the president of the United States of being a communist. Ain't that a scream? Someone really ought to check this pathetic son-of-a-bitch's calender. Seriously.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
As we know, "Compassionate Conservatism" means tax cuts for the rich and cuts in safety nets for Americans suffering under corporate written trade agreements and the continuing effects of the Great Bush Recession.
More ominously Jeb is a charter member of the neocon PNAC, along with Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Kristol, and all the other wrong-headed war mongers.
I can promise, another Bush will mean another war, probably with Iran.
We are one more Bush away from annihilating our country.
"Fool us once shame on you...Won't get fooled again." - GWB, Neocon puppet.
I adored Ernie (and Edie).
You're okay too.
P.S. Stay away from cigars!
We want to keep you around for a long time.
I lost Guliani when he couldn't say 5 words without mentioning how he single handedly took care of all the survivors of 9-11 and cleaned up the entire mess himself.
My nuts are freezing!
All over the country cold weather records are being broken!
I am coming out of the closet and finally admitting that Global Warming is a hoax for Progressives to gain more NAZI like control of AmeriKa.
And yes, Mozart is not the sharpest pencil in the box.
No doubt about it SL has emotional problems and even worse he seems to have a man crush on me.
SL you can come out of the closet and we will not pass judgment on you. Just don't come out of the closet naked!
Dave, I think Clinton would get us into a war just as fast as Bush. I do not see much day light between Clinton and the Republicans.
Either one of them will bring us down to a third world status. I think this country is screwed.
James Hansen (as voiced by the boy troll) Needs to learn the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE.
I think his obsession with pencils comes from all the lead paint he ate as a younger child.
Clinton would get us into a war just as fast as Bush.
It's depressing, and not unreasonable, to think so, after she eagerly embraced the neocons' desire to invade Iraq.
Still, Bush was one of the 25 original signatories of the Project for the New American Century, the neo-conservative think tank (1997 to 2006) that had strong ties to the American Enterprise Institute.
The "Bomb Iran Club" also urged for US military domination and regime change for the Middle East.
William Rivers Pitt explained:
"The Project for the New American Century seeks to establish what they call 'Pax Americana' across the globe. Essentially, their goal is to transform America, the sole remaining superpower, into a planetary empire by force of arms. A report released by PNAC in September of 2000 entitled 'Rebuilding America's Defenses'
codifies this plan, which requires a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to establish American dominance."
Mozart1220: "James Hansen (as voiced by the boy troll) Needs to learn the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE."
I was just going to reply to "James Hansen" the same way. Thank you, Mozart, for saving me the trouble.
Dave Dubya, you'd me able to answer this for me: Is this "James Hansen" the same right-wing clown who used to troll both your blog and mine?...the truck-driver (probably) who lives in Connecticut? (He leaves the same trail.)
So weird that America's mayor Rudy criticizes Obama's upbringing....
Let's see... Obama's grandfather fought in WWII. His grandmother spent WWII working in a munitions factory, building B-29s. Obama's great-uncle helped liberate a concentration camp.
Now Rudy... his father wasn't eligible for the draft in WWII because he was a convicted felon. (Armed robbery of a milkman in 1934). A few decades later he worked as "hired muscle" for a loan-sharking outfit.
Rudy cares deeply about the influence of family.. He married his second cousin.
While he was married he used taxpayer money for a limo to take him to visit his mistress.
Not my mayor.
Dave, this article expands on what WRP was talking about.
"Seven Countries in Five Years" A Conservative plan of massive aggression, killing millions and stealing resources on a planet wide scale.
Things did not work out as they hoped but it is still moving forward and now Obama is including Russia in the plan.
This is a long dense political over view of our foreign policy and it is not a pretty picture.
This site is the best on the Internet in my opinion.
Yes, most of the trolling behavior is his. The pattern, language, use of others' names, and MO are all his.
In other words, his deceiving and distracting actions match the Republican troll's past behavior.
As we all know, Republicans would never win if not for their dishonest propaganda. Sore Asshole is a dedicated fanatic with no moral grounding and no regard for honest discourse.
In other words, a "Good Republican".
The Republican Party has become a subsidiary of Koch Industries. Here is his masters' agenda that he refuses to acknowledge, defend, or deny; the platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
They are radicals out to destroy government of by and for the people.
All in the name of their god mammon.
Is an Ice Age weather or climate?
The problem with the boy troll is that he simply does not have the education to debate at this level. He's learned a couple tactics from Limbaugh, Fox news, and uber conservative websites, but he lacks the FACTS and ability to reason that comes with age and experience.
He'll obviously grow older, but if he continues to depend on his current sources, he'll never have the facts.
Sore Asshole abhors facts and dodges good faith discussion.
He is here to agitate, distract, distort, deceive, and spew dogma.
Note his refusal to engage in discussion of his true agenda.
And then note the distraction:
Is an Ice Age weather or climate?
He is a microcosm of the entire Republican Party.
I detest the Democratic Party, but the Republicans are actively suppressing democracy in order to establish a one party dictatorship run by billionaires.
Greed is their god. War is their sacrament.
Sore Loser isn't a boy, he's a retired guy. He collects social security, which comes out of my paycheck, which makes him a socialist, if you follow his logic.
Anonymous James Hansen said...
"My nuts are freezing!
All over the country cold weather records are being broken!"
Well ya see sparky, when words like 'record setting", "historic" and "unprecedented" are used in english, they're used to describe change.
And any single WEATHER event has no bearing on the overall trend of the CLIMATE. See? Two different words to describe two different concepts.
In the clip, Neil Degrasse Tyson explains the difference on a 3rd grade level. MAYBE even "James Hansen" can grasp it.
I know, that's being unreasonably optimistic.
Comrade Sore Loser! I used the link you shared with us, the one that tracks people's locations, and it revealed you are writing from Russia.
So, comrade.... all this conservative stuff you've been saying, is it all a clever communist trick to fool us?
Your aim obviously is to make good, USA-loving conservatives look foolish by posting idiotic comments. Your comments have been nothing more than a shameless parody of god-fearing climate-change deniers and capitalists! Why do you mock us so?
Comrade Sore Loser! Are you in the employ of Putin? The communist Chinese?
Tom, will you get paid more if we click on your ads? If so that is the least we can do for you>
Is an Ice Age weather or climate?
"As we all know" the cause of and the ending of the Ice Age (MAJOR MAJOR climate change) was not caused by the actions of humans.
It is insightful that according to science we are currently in a warm interglacial period that began about 11,000 years ago, something the folks in Boston would say is a lie, but hey, that's what U-Haul is for.
What causes an ice age and glacial-interglacial cycles? Many factors contribute to CLIMATE VARIATIONS, including changes in ocean and atmosphere circulation patterns, varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and even volcanic eruptions. The following discusses key factors in initiating ice ages and the timing of glacial-interglacial cycles.
One significant trigger in initiating ice ages is the changing positions of Earth’s ever-moving continents, which affect ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns. When plate-tectonic movement causes continents to be arranged such that warm water flow from the equator to the poles is blocked or reduced, ice sheets may arise and set another ice age in motion.
Do ice ages come and go slowly or rapidly? Records (scientific records I might add) show that ice ages typically develop slowly, whereas they END more ABRUPTLY. Glacials and interglacials within an ice age display this same trend. Again, humans have not caused these changes.
On a shorter time scale, global temperatures fluctuate often and rapidly. Various records reveal numerous large, widespread, abrupt climate changes over the past 100,000 years. (can't blame the Kochs, the GOP or GWB, or CAPITALISM for those changes, can we?) One of the more recent intriguing findings is the remarkable speed of these changes. Within the incredibly short time span (by geologic standards) of only a few decades or even a FEW YEARS, global temperatures have fluctuated by as much as 15°F (8°C) or more.
For example, as Earth was emerging out of the last glacial cycle, the warming trend was interrupted 12,800 years ago when temperatures dropped dramatically in only several decades. A mere 1,300 years later, temperatures locally SPIKED as much as 20°F (11°C) WITHIN JUST SEVERAL YEARS. Sudden changes like this occurred at least 24 times during the past 100,000 years. In a relative sense, we are in a time of unusually stable temperatures today—how long will it last?"
No where in this scientific study does it blame any of these changes on the actions of humans. The above came from a link provided by Mr. James Hansen, a link that two days after I started to reference it, has "strangely" be taken down. How odd, how very odd. Just saying.
But do not be dismayed, simply Google the question, "what caused the ice age", and have fun trying to figure out how such a large change in climate IE the ICE FRIGGING AGE was caused by humans!
Now let's examine the statement made by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change. To "change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” IE Capitalism. I believe it's not so much a desire to stop climate change by mankind (as much as it can not proven to) as much as it is to end capitalism. Is that the REAL driving force behind climate change theory?
You tell me, Radical Progressives?
Is that the REAL driving force behind climate change theory?
Yeah, that's why the Pentagon trusts science more than authoritarians like Sore Asshole.
"Sore Loser isn't a boy, he's a retired guy. He collects social security, which comes out of my paycheck, which makes him a socialist, if you follow his logic."
No shithead. He was FORCED to have money taken out of every paycheck his entire life. So now if he is retired, he should not be able to collect?
Social Security is a Government run Ponzi scheme.
"Well ya see sparky, when words like 'record setting", "historic" and "unprecedented" are used in english, they're used to describe change.
And any single WEATHER event has no bearing on the overall trend of the CLIMATE. See? Two different words to describe two different concepts.
In the clip, Neil Degrasse Tyson explains the difference on a 3rd grade level. MAYBE even "James Hansen" can grasp it. "
LOL DeBilly.
It wasn't long ago you Ecofascists,, were jumping up and down with man made "Global Cooling."
Of course at that time it was "Settled Science" amongst you EcoFascists and those who questioned it were "Global Cooling Deniers".
Then the "Settled Science" changed and came to be known as "Global Warming", but the master of your Fanatical Religion, Al Gore, really showed what a buffoon he was when he said the Artic Ice Gap would probably be gone in 2014. Thanks for the laughs Al. You are a clown.
Now amongst the EcoFascists the phrase is "Climate Change".
Thanks for the third grade lesson DeBilly.
Sore Loser really lets his freak flag fly when he posts under his sockpuppet names. Calling people shit head, etc. Feels real guilty taking money from the government while attacking welfare. Calls social security a ponzi scheme, but fills his bank account with it. You're an accessory to a crime.
Like clark kent and superman, he's never in the room when his aliases appear. They make the same arguments, post the same links.
Tough guy. You'd piss your pants if you ever came face to face with me, pussy.
SL, you certainly do not have the makings of a scientist what so ever. I posted the link because you asked what caused the different ice ages to occur.
So you then extrapolate that because Man did not cause the ice age to start, we have nothing to do with the present climate change. Deductive reasoning is not your strong suite.
CO2 has went from 260 to 400 ppm in the last 120 years and there is a reaction to it called Climate Change.
The warming oceans have already started melting the Methane Hydrates deposits which will make temperatures skyrocket.
Soon enough there will not be billions of little bastards running around any more.
“I can provide some eyewitness information on this matter because I was one of the correspondents in Buenos Aires with O’Reilly and the rest of the rather large staff of CBS News people who were there “covering” the war. To begin with “covering” is an overstatement of what we were doing. Corn is correct in pointing out that the Falkland Islands, where the combat between Great Britain and Argentina took place, was a thousand miles away from Buenos Aires. We were in Buenos Aires because that’s the only place the Argentine military junta would let journalists go. Our knowledge of the war was restricted to what we could glean from comically deceitful daily briefings given by the Argentine military and watching government-controlled television to try to pick up a useful clue from propaganda broadcasts. We — meaning the American networks — were all in the same, modern hotel and we never saw any troops, casualties or weapons. It was not a war zone or even close. It was an “expense account zone.””
“O’Reilly, in defending himself yesterday against Corn’s “Mother Jones” piece, said “We were in a combat situation in Buenos Aires.” He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a “war correspondent,” which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war.”
For years, politicians wanting to block legislation on climate change have bolstered their arguments by pointing to the work of a handful of scientists who claim that greenhouse gases pose little risk to humanity.
One of the names they invoke most often is Wei-Hock Soon, known as Willie, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who claims that variations in the sun’s energy can largely explain recent global warming. He has often appeared on conservative news programs, testified before Congress and in state capitals, and starred at conferences of people who deny the risks of global warming.
But newly released documents show the extent to which Dr. Soon’s work has been tied to funding he received from corporate interests.
He has accepted more than $1.2 million in money from the fossil-fuel industry over the last decade while failing to disclose that conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers. At least 11 papers he has published since 2008 omitted such a disclosure, and in at least eight of those cases, he appears to have violated ethical guidelines of the journals that published his work.
Dr. Soon also received at least $230,000 from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation. (Mr. Koch’s fortune derives partly from oil refining.) However, other companies and industry groups that once supported Dr. Soon, including Exxon Mobil and the American Petroleum Institute, appear to have eliminated their grants to him in recent years.
As the oil-industry contributions fell, Dr. Soon started receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars through DonorsTrust, an organization based in Alexandria, Va., that accepts money from donors who wish to remain anonymous, then funnels it to various conservative causes.
Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, in Cambridge, Mass., is a joint venture between Harvard and the Smithsonian Institution, housing some 300 scientists from both institutions. Because the Smithsonian is a government agency, Greenpeace was able to request that Dr. Soon’s correspondence and grant agreements be released under the Freedom of Information Act.
Continue reading the main story
Paul '52 4 minutes ago
About 100 years ago, watch makers were paying young women to paint radium on watch dials. They were specifically trained to lick the brushes...
Alexander Reyes 8 minutes ago
Are there ANY scientists not connected to fossil fuel companies who do not believe manmade climate change exists?
Amy East 9 minutes ago
The article does not raise a perhaps larger question -- how did Dr. Soon's "spurious" findings get past the usually rigorous peer-review...
Though often described on conservative news programs as a “Harvard astrophysicist,” Dr. Soon is not an astrophysicist and has never been employed by Harvard. He is a part-time employee of the Smithsonian Institution with a doctoral degree in aerospace engineering. He has received little federal research money over the past decade and is thus responsible for bringing in his own funds, including his salary.
Though he has little formal training in climatology, Dr. Soon has for years published papers trying to show that variations in the sun’s energy can explain most recent global warming. His thesis is that human activity has played a relatively small role in causing climate change.
"Thanks for the third grade lesson DeBilly."
Yeah, that's what I thought. Sigh, maybe next year, the short bus will take him to a better school.
Conservatives are strange people, you can have one bought and paid for impostor saying what they like to hear and they will defend him to the death.
Then you can have 10,000 real climate scientist say what they do not want to hear and they reject it out of hand.
Liberals-------Climate scientist.
Conservatives-------Oil company spokesmen.
It's fairly simple to demonstrate Obama doesn't love this country.
If a man said, "I love my wife a lot," and also said, "I want to change everything about my wife," do you think he loves his wife?
Then tell me, how does "fundamentally transform" meaningfully differ from "change everything about"?
OK Chuck, now apply that logic to Dave's list and tell me how much Republicans love America.
This is like shooting fish in a barrel!
Dave, maybe you should post your list again because Chuck has not got the gist of it yet.
You don't by chance do cavity searches of men in prison like Saul Alinsky's Favorite Radical Son and AmeriKa's smartest underachiever Dave Dubya?
Mr. James Hansen,
"CO2 has went from 260 to 400 ppm in the last 120 years and there is a reaction to it called Climate Change."
Has this caused the start or the end of the current ICE AGE?
"What causes an ice age and glacial-interglacial cycles? Many factors contribute to CLIMATE VARIATIONS, including changes in ocean and atmosphere circulation patterns, varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and even volcanic eruptions.
So man caused the current climate change, IE the Ice Age (climate change) that started 12,800 years ago, because the CO2 went from 260 to 400 PPM in 120 years? Sorry, no science there. Nor is there any evidence that climate change is caused by mankind. We are still in the last Ice Age, so maybe, just maybe a little global warming would be nice.
Here, let me try this.
Do you believe that an Ice Age is climate change?
Do you believe that Ice Ages are caused by:
ocean and atmosphere circulation patterns
varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide
volcanic eruptions
Earth’s ever-moving continents, which affect ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns.
Do you believe the earth is currently still in an ICE AGE?
Do you believe man played a part starting this ice age?
I'm very sorry Mr. James Hansen, that you are unable or unwilling to recognize what the information provided from the link you gave means in relationship to the belief that humans cause climate change. Unless you believe that ice ages are nothing more than weather. You don't do you?
I'm very sorry you continue to believe that I'm stealing your name or posting under any other name than Sore Loser. I can't prove that anymore than Gary can prove he isn't Mozart from Waucoma, IA. So I consider the source of the false accusations and claims.
I find it laughable that a scientist's work when funded by private funds hold less value than one funded by public funds. I'll quote from President Eisenhower farewell speech when he warned of a day when, “because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity,” and “public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
Take from it what you will, but surely you, as one of, if not the smartest liberal posters on this blog, can see the ramifications of only accepting the results from govt funded scientist at the expense of ignoring the privately funded scientist.
I do not claim to be a scientist, so what, do you?
Have you ever asked yourself as I have asked myself if my political agenda/beliefs have influenced my view on climate Change?
And to Gary (A.K.A.MOZART?), who posted "Like clark kent and superman, he's(Sore Loser) never in the room when his aliases appear". Has it ever occurred to you the reason this happens is.
Nah, didn't think so.
But in any case this question still remains,
is the Ice Age climate change or weather?
"OK Chuck, now apply that logic to Dave's list and tell me how much Republicans love America."
There is no logic to apply James Hansen. I am not a Republican.
Are you the James Hansen who believes like the tin foil hat wearing Jefferson's Guardian that 9/11 was an inside job? Or are you the climate change science expert?
It's fairly simple to demonstrate Obama doesn't love this country…. I am not a Republican.
Sore Asshole Chuck is a liar. Any fool but a far Right fool can see it.
Sore Asshole is still a coward, running from his own agenda. All he can do is distract. Sore Asshole is too chicken to acknowledge, deny, or defend his agenda.
He is an idiot who thinks he knows more than the scientific consensus and the Pentagon combined.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
It is often said that non-scientists, like AmeriKas biggest parrot Dave Dubya, must rely on “expert opinion” to determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global warming” are true.
Putting aside the fact that there is no global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a scientist, or even proficient in science, to be able to review past predictions, and then form an informed opinion regarding the accuracy of those predictions.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Global Cooling?
Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.
“If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000,” claimed ecology professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of California in 1970. “This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” Of course, 2000 came and went, and the world did not get 11 degrees colder. No ice age arrived, either.
In 1971, another global-cooling alarmist, Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, who is perhaps best known for his 1968 book The Population Bomb, made similarly wild forecasts for the end of the millennium in a speech at the British Institute for Biology. “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people,” he claimed. “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 and give ten to one that the life of the average Briton would be of distinctly lower quality than it is today.” Of course, England still exists, and its population was doing much better in 2000 than when Ehrlich made his kooky claims. But long before 2000, Ehrlich had abandoned global-cooling alarmism in favor of warning that the Earth faced catastrophic global warming. Now he is warning that humans may soon be forced to resort to cannibalism.
To combat the alleged man-made cooling, “experts” suggested all sorts of grandiose schemes, including some that in retrospect appear almost too comical to be real. “Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climate change, or even to allay its effects,” reported Newsweek in its 1975 article “The Cooling World,” which claimed that Earth’s temperature had been plunging for decades due to humanity’s activities. Some of the “more spectacular solutions” proposed by the cooling theorists at the time included “melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers,” Newsweek reported.
Of course, the big alleged threat hyped in recent decades has been global warming, not global cooling. But the accuracy of the climate-change predictions since the cooling fears melted away has hardly improved.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
United Nations “Climate Refugees”
In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned that imminent sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population disruptions. In a handy map, the organization highlighted areas that were supposed to be particularly vulnerable in terms of producing “climate refugees.” Especially at risk were regions such as the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands, along with coastal areas.
The 2005 UNEP predictions claimed that, by 2010, some 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions of the globe. However, not only did the areas in question fail to produce a single “climate refugee,” by 2010, population levels for those regions were actually still soaring. In many cases, the areas that were supposed to be producing waves of “climate refugees” and becoming uninhabitable turned out to be some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.
In the Bahamas, for example, according to the 2010 census, there was a major increase in population, going from around 300,000 in 2000 to more than 350,000 by 2010. The population of St. Lucia, meanwhile, grew by five percent during the same period. The Seychelles grew by about 10 percent. The Solomon Islands also witnessed a major population boom during that time frame, gaining another 100,000 people, or an increase of about 25 percent.
In China, meanwhile, the top six fastest growing cities were all within the areas highlighted by the UN as likely sources of “climate refugees.” Many of the fastest-growing U.S. cities were also within or close to “climate refugee” danger zones touted by the UN
Rather than apologizing for its undisputable mistake after being first exposed by reporter Gavin Atkins at Asian Correspondent, the global body responded in typical alarmist fashion: with an Orwellian coverup seeking to erase all evidence of its ridiculous predictions. First, the UNEP took its “climate refugees” map down from the Web. That failed, of course, because the content was archived online prior to its disappearance down the UN “memory hole.
Then the UNEP tried and failed to distance itself from the outlandish claims, despite the fact that the map was created by a UNEP cartographer, released by UNEP, and repeatedly hyped by the outfit in its scaremongering campaigns. Eventually, as more and more media around the world began picking up the story, a spokesperson for the UN agency claimed the map was removed because it was “causing confusion.”
It was hardly the first time UN bureaucrats had made such dire predictions, only to be proven wrong. On June 30, 1989, the Associated Press ran an article headlined: “UN Official Predicts Disaster, Says Greenhouse Effect Could Wipe Some Nations Off Map.” In the piece, the director of the UNEP’s New York office was quoted as claiming that “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.” He also predicted “coastal flooding and crop failures” that “would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”
Other UN predictions were so ridiculous that they were retracted before they could even be proven wrong. Consider, as just one example, the scandal that came to be known as “Glaciergate.” In its final 2007 report, widely considered the “gospel” of “settled” climate “science,” the UN IPCC suggested that Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035 or sooner. It turns out the wild assertion was lifted from World Wildlife Fund propaganda literature. The IPCC recanted the claim after initially defending it.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Pentagon Climate Forecasts
Like the UN, the Pentagon commissioned a report on “climate change” that also offered some highly alarming visions of the future under “global warming.” The 2003 document, entitled “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security,” was widely cited by global-warming theorists, bureaucrats, and the establishment press as evidence that humanity was facing certain doom. It also served as the foundation for the claim that alleged man-made “climate change” was actually a “national security concern.” However, fortunately for the taxpayers forced to pay for the study, the Pentagon report turned out to be just as ridiculous as the UN “climate refugees” forecasts.
By now, according to the “not implausible” scaremongering outlined in the report for a 10-year time period, the world should be a post-apocalyptic disaster zone. Among other outlandish scenarios envisioned in the report over the preceding decade: California flooded with inland seas, parts of the Netherlands “unlivable,” polar ice all but gone in the summers, and surging temperatures. Mass increases in hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters were supposed to be wreaking havoc across the globe, too. All of that would supposedly spark resource wars and all sorts of other horrors. But none of it actually happened.
The Pentagon report even claimed there was “general agreement in the scientific community” that the extreme scenarios it envisioned could come to pass, and reporters treated it as if it were a prophecy delivered to climate sinners by God Himself. However, when interviewed by the Washington Times for a June 1, 2014 article, consultant and report co-author Doug Randall expressed surprise at how often the now-debunked forecasts were parroted. Yet he still defended the hysterical fear peddling. “When you are looking at worst-case 10 years out, you are not trying to predict precisely what’s going to happen but instead trying to get people to understand what could happen to motivate strategic decision-making and wake people up,” Randall said. “But whether the actual specifics came true, of course not. That never was the main intent.”
The first article about the climate report appeared in early 2004, when the report was leaked to the U.K. Observer, under the sensationalistic title: “Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us.” In a bullet-point summary at the top of the Observer article, journalists Mark Townsend and Paul Harris added: “Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war” and “Britain will be ‘Siberian’ in less than 20 years.” The rest of the article was just as outlandish, going even beyond what the now-discredited Pentagon report claimed. Other reporters took their cue from the Observer article, which in retrospect would have been a hilarious piece of writing if it had not been taken so seriously at the time.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
No More Snow?
For well over a decade now, climate alarmists have been claiming that snow would soon become a thing of the past. In March 2000, for example, “senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, FABRICATORS OF THE HOCKEY STICK, told the U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
The very next year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50 percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 — or possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office admitted to The Guardian newspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K. winter since records began a century ago blanketed the islands with snow.
In early 2004, the CRU’s Viner and other self-styled “experts” warned that skiing in Scotland would soon become just a memory, thanks to alleged global warming. “Unfortunately, it’s just getting too hot for the Scottish ski industry,” Viner told The Guardian. Another “expert,” Adam Watson with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, told the paper that the skiing industry in Scotland had less than two decades left to go. Yet in 2013, too much snow kept many Scottish resorts closed. “Nevis Range, The Lecht, Cairngorm, Glenshee and Glencoe all remain closed today due to the heavy snow,” reported on January 4, 2013. Ironically, by 2014, the BBC, citing experts, reported that the Scottish hills had more snow than at any point in seven decades. It also reported that the Nevis Range ski resort could not operate some of its lifts because they were “still buried under unprecedented amounts of snow.”
The IPCC has also been relentlessly hyping the snowless winter scare, along with gullible or agenda-driven politicians. In its 2001 Third Assessment Report, for example, the IPCC claimed “milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.” Again, though, the climate refused to cooperate. The year 2013, the last year for which complete data is available, featured the fourth-highest levels on record, according to data from Rutgers University’s Global Snow Lab. Spring snow cover was the highest in a decade, while data for the fall indicate that it was the fifth highest ever recorded. Last December, meanwhile, brought with it a new high record in Northern Hemisphere snow cover, Global Snow Lab data show.
Please disregard Chuck's posts about climate predictions.
The article can not be ascertained to be factual since it was not peer reviewed by Climate Change Experts within The Obama Ministry of Truth.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Arctic Ice
Perhaps nowhere have the alarmists’ predictions been proven as wrong as at the Earth’s poles. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore, the high priest for a movement described by critics as the “climate cult,” publicly warned that the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013 because of alleged “man-made global warming.”
Speaking to an audience in Germany five years ago, Gore — sometimes ridiculed as “The Goracle” — alleged that “the entire North Polarized [sic] cap will disappear in five years.” “Five years,” Gore said again, in case anybody missed it the first time, is “the period of time during which it is now expected to disappear.”
The following year, Gore made similar claims at a UN “climate” summit in Copenhagen. “Some of the models … suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Gore claimed in 2009. “We will find out.”
Yes, we have found out. Contrary to the predictions by Gore and fellow alarmists, satellite data showed that Arctic ice volume as of summer of 2013 had actually expanded more than 50 percent over 2012 levels. In fact, during October 2013, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979. Many experts now predict the ongoing expansion of Arctic ice to continue in the years to come, leaving global-warming alarmists scrambling for explanations to save face — and to revive the rapidly melting climate hysteria.
Gore, though, was hardly alone in making the ridiculous and now thoroughly discredited predictions about Arctic ice. Citing climate experts, the British government-funded BBC, for example, also hyped the mass hysteria, running a now-embarrassing article on December 12, 2007, under the headline: “Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’.” In that piece, which was still online as of July 2014, the BBC highlighted alleged “modeling studies” that supposedly “indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.” Incredibly, some of the supposed “experts” even claimed it could happen before then, citing calculations performed by “super computers” that the BBC noted have “become a standard part of climate science in recent years.”
“Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007,” claimed Professor Wieslaw Maslowski, described as a researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School who was working with co-workers at NASA to come up with the now-thoroughly discredited forecasts about polar ice. “So given that fact, you can argue that may be [sic] our projection of 2013 is already too conservative.” (Emphasis added.) Other “experts” quoted in the BBC article agreed with the hysteria.
In the real world, however, the scientific evidence demolishing the global-warming theories advanced by Gore, the UN, and government-funded “climate scientists” continues to grow, along with the ice cover in both hemispheres. In the Arctic, for example, data collected by Europe’s Cryosat spacecraft pointed to about 9,000 cubic kilometers of ice volume at the end of the 2013 melt season. In 2012, which was admittedly a low year, the total volume was about 6,000 cubic kilometers.
Despite parroting the wild claims five years ago, the establishment press has, unsurprisingly, refused to report that Gore and his fellow alarmists were proven embarrassingly wrong. No apologies from Gore have been forthcoming, either, and none of the “scientists” who made the ridiculous predictions quoted by the BBC has apologized or lost his taxpayer-funded job. In fact, almost unbelievably, the establishment press is now parroting new claims from the same discredited “experts” suggesting that the Arctic will be “ice-free” by 2016.
Damn Chuck,
Those Climate Change Predictions sure turned out to be embarrassing.
How can these people call themselves scientists? Maybe they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express like Al Gore does LOL.
What is even more amazing is how Dave Dubya parrots the bull shit especially the Pentagon Climate Reports.
I think bringing up climate predictions from 40 and 50 years ago is dishonest.
Scientific forensic accuracy has has been expanding geometrically ever since the advent of computers.
Back in 1960 they did not even have seat belts or wheels on their luggage!
You can point out failed predictions but that does not invalidate the the whole Global Warming theory.
Martians did not increase all the green house gases in our atmosphere, we did.
Here is an up to date report on the "Pause" that Conservatives placed so much emphasis on.
Are you the James Hansen who believes like the tin foil hat wearing Jefferson's Guardian that 9/11 was an inside job? Or are you the climate change science expert?
I am both!
SL. you left out the part you will love, the forced enemas to cleanse your colon of all those nasty fast foods you eat.
What happened to SL post?
Poor Sore Asshole. He's now cutting and pasting an entire article written by an "AntiVaxer" nut, Alex Newman, who also writes for the trash rag World Net Daily:
Over the last decade in the United States, the deaths of over 100 children — at the very least — have been linked to receiving a measles vaccine, compared with zero children dying from the disease itself,
Gee, maybe vaccinations are the reason nobody is dying from measles??
This tabloid garbage is what the nuts call "sound science"?
Maybe they should quote Victoria Jackson as a climate expert too.
Meanwhile the FACTS are thawing tundra, shrinking glaciers, and bleaching coral reefs from ocean temperature increase.
Pay no attention to fact, Republican zombies.
So when was the last time Sore Asshole went to Greenland to explain the significant loss of glaciers and icecap?
But who needs facts when you're a zombie.
Sore Asshole's article is from the New American. They list the far Right fringe John Birch Society as their "friend".
OMG!!! Don't drink the water!! You'll turn into a....a.... a commie!
Right Wing nut "science".
It's cold this winter and it snowed!!
Pollution has no effect on our atmosphere after all!!!
Oil companies are telling the truth!
Mr. James Hansen,
I do not know where my post went. Here is a link to the report I noted.
It is not from the "New American". Look closely, it is from the US govt.
I do know who removed it. I do not have the ability to have removed it.
I do not know why the link you gave me about the cause of climate changing Ice Ages was removed.
I suspect that in both cases a totalitarian removed it, someone who did not want a view counter to the one they and the UN supported as I shared in an earlier post.
I will say that in the past 4 weeks the Communist Party USA had an article, a post a memo on their website instructing it's members of a policy change to work with the DNC through 2016.
Pick your friends, supporters and allies wisely, as they reflect on you.
When I was in 6th grade I thought forced enemas were funny. But as an adult, not so much.
What ever you do Mr. James Hansen, follow Dumbya's orders, do not read any post that he has not approved of its content or its source.
Types of Ad hominem attack:
Tu quoque
Guilt by association
Ad feminam
Ad hominem attacks are ultimately self-defeating. They are equivalent to admitting that you have lost the argument.
Are Ice Ages climate change or weather?
I leave you with this
"We Have More To Fear From Excessive Faith In Government Than From Too Little Faith"
George Will
I thought a little juvenile humor was called for in your paranoid response to food and exercise guidelines.
I call you SL, you can call me JH.
I thought it was an Ad homine" attack.
I see the boy troll is now WHINING about censorship.
And he seems to spend a lot of time on "Communist" websites.
Never been to one myself, but then, I'm an educated American.
Ok, and thanks for attempted humor. My link goes right to govt website where I got that which I posted. I didn't make it up.
I sure hope they were joking, cause I don't see more govt control of my life as funny.
Maybe you and Gary Panos should start reading more than your six newspapers a day and look into what the Communist Party USA says about the DNC. All they want to do is help you.
After you get Dumbya's approval of course.
Censorship, talk to JH about that, as he is the one who discovered a post he wanted to respond to had been removed from this site, a site that used to pride it's self in allowing freedom of speech.
Try to expand your horizons out of n.e. Iowa.
I see now that after Mayor Rudy's bigoted asinine comments about Obama, the GOP is NOW blaming the "mean 'ol media" for picking on him by REPORTING HIS EXACT WORDS.
How can these reporters sleep at night?
SL, some Conservative website took that government nutrition report and tried to scare you into thinking there would be enforced regulation which is nonsense.
That report was about 7000 pages long and there was not singe sentence about enforcing their guidelines. You believed the political propaganda because you did not read it.
Two things about the report bothered me, there was no mention of GMO foods or the high pesticide loads they carry. A glaring omission.
The second item was there was only the mildest warning about artificial sugars, the most dangerous thing you can put into your body.
The same way the media slept at night when they published statements, ran videos, reviewed movies, and published cartoons from YOUR side calling for the hanging of GWB, depicting him as ape, a moron, a criminal, etc.
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB, his father and Reagan. Because to do so would bring out the title of racist on their head.
The better question is how do radical progressives sleep at night.
The Boy Troll just keeps digging himself in deeper doesn't he?
Yes let's see him dig out out of this.
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Care to compare?
What’s the worst thing a Republican can call someone? Gee, nobody ever called Obama a Marxist commie, right?
Was Bush ever told “You lie!” at a State of the Union Speech? NO!
What is the craziest and most hateful thing Republicans called Obama?
How about this?
"a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture...This guy is, I believe, a racist." Glenn Beck on Obama
Michael Savage: Obama Committing 'Medical Genocide' Through Measles Outbreak
John Hagee: Obama's Treatment Of Benjamin Netanyahu Will Cause God To Destroy America
Glenn Beck: The Measles Outbreak Is A 'Hoax' Meant To Convince People To 'Obey The Government'
Barton Claims That Obama Has Repeatedly Released Secret Israeli Intelligence To Benefit The Muslim Brotherhood
Fox News Pundit: Islamists Might Be “Embedded In The White House”
Gohmert: Apathetic Americans Letting Obama Turn US Into 'Totalitarian, Dictatorial Type Country'
Rick Wiles: Obama Will Seize Conservatives' Homes, Give Them To Immigrants
William Gheen: Obama Will Give Immigrants 'Badges And Guns' To Go After 'Christian, Heterosexual Male' Population
Victoria Jackson: “The thing that is frustrating to me is every night I hear the news commentators say: Why is Obama doing this? Why is he helping the enemy? Why is he telling them where we’re going to hit them? Why is he aiding and abetting ISIS? And I’m like, because he’s one of them. It’s so obvious. It’s like the emperor’s new clothes, you know? It’s like nobody will say the truth. He’s an Islamic jihadist.”
Rudy Giuliani on President Obama, according to a report in Politico:“I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”
Rush Limbaugh's favorite website has a theory: Barack Obama pointing upward was a "Muslim Gang Sign."
“Nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said”, indeed.
Bush was called a liar and war-monger….because he lied us into war.
You know, reality based stuff.
How does that compare to the racist, hateful, demonizing lies listed above?
Maybe someone should flee this topic like he flees from his masters' agenda.
Debbie Wasserman Shultz Planned To Target President Obama As “Sexist Anti-Semite” If She Was Removed From DNC Head
According to people who spoke with her, when she sensed Obama was considering replacing her as chair in 2013, she began to line up supporters to suggest the move was both anti-woman and anti-Semitic.
As usual, that ONLY places that say anything about the boy troll's claim is an ultra right wing (read batshit nuts) site.
No real evidence whatsoever that what he said was true.
Go figure.
Electric car technology just took a huge leap, this will be the future of the car industry. This is amazing!
PS. I have a new shorter name.
JH, that's pure bull crap on your part assuming you know my thoughts and over looking the impact the 1st Lady's lunch menu program has had as a "suggestion".
I believe it was written for a reason, and that in the report it clearly stated that a way of monitoring the hours a person watches TV or is on the computer is called for. A tax on sugar was called for in the report, since they claim the cost of overweight citizens on the health care system made it needed to increase funding and restrict consumption of Skittles.
JH, GMO does not concern me, but I agree with pesticide usage to the extreme. But I am not going to get swept up in the Meryl Streep "Alar Panic of 1989". Though I have to wonder if washing food before you eat them and what is the effect of cooking that would address that concern ?
Artificial sugars was not a concern of mine until my DR told me to stop using it. His first hand experience was with diabetic patients who GAINED weight when they used artificial sugars. That was enough for me to stop using it, but I hate to admit this, except in Diet Coke. Don't' smoke, and I don't drink, sooo you figure out the rest.
So if there is no mention of how to enforce the new guidelines, then why were they released? Why was the tax payers money spent in something that has no way to impact anyone? I think you know why and it's not because of any great concern for our health. If that were the case, tobacco would be outlawed like pot is (oops, make that used to be. But that does bring up the question of does smoking pot introduce carcinogens into the body?).
Tell me, according to you, what ISN"T a ultra right wing (read batshit nuts) site?
And is the truth any less the truth when it comes from a source that you disagree with?
Follow up to an earlier post,
The guidelines are used as the basis for government food assistance programs, nutrition education efforts, and for making “decisions about national health objectives.”
Got to go, it's kind a warm outside and "Cut off my right arm" by Johnny Copeland is playing. Next up is Bobby Blue Bland!
I suggest that is how these new guidelines will be enforced
Obama not only hates Americans....
Obama hates white people, the Constitution and free market capitalism. He destroyed our economy with measures like the ACA and immigration amnesty. The “Affordable” Care Act has been nothing short of a disaster. My health insurance bill is up to $450/month. (Compare this to my $25/month car insurance from Insurance Panda or my $10/month renters insurance from Gotham… both private enterprise!)
His non-stop push to flood America with brown people is motived by his desire to see America become non-white majority, and therefore guarantee the left a permanent majority. His refusal to call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists is evidence that he supports them (How many times have representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood been to the White House?). His total defiance of the Constitution is proof that he wants to tear it up and write another Constitution, based on the "values' of black and brown people. And his hatred of capitalism is due to his Marxist upbringing, belief that such a system is "unfair".
He should be in jail.
The latest from Borowitz is apparently dedicated to Sore Loser:
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In his weekly radio address, President Barack Obama reaffirmed his love of country, telling the nation, “I love America—even its idiots.”
Expanding on this theme, the President said, “America is made up of all kinds of people: young and old, weak and strong, smart and dumb. And when the really dumb ones get up and act like total clowns, I still love them, because they are part of America. In fact, a really big part.”
In a call for unity, the President concluded, “Let’s all work together for the United States of America. And if that means putting aside our differences—including our sometimes vast differences in intelligence—so be it.”
My favorite comment on this thread was when Harry called Social Security a ponzi scheme. But think about it... if it were a true ponzi scheme, then sore loser wouldn't be getting a monthly check... which gives him enough financial security to sit for hours posting his right wing bullshit.
If it were a real ponzi scheme, the government would have taken his money, and he wouldn't have gotten anything in return.
Sore Loser = socialist, collectivist. He's COLLECTING social security.
Poor Vima is batshit crazy and full of hate and ignorance. But that's what gives these fanatics a tingle up their leg.
In other words, a "good Republican".
Jeez, the Boy Troll just keeps embarrassing himself.
As if Boehner voting 58 TIMES for the repeal of the ACA (which is not hurting the economy at all) isn't "the tax payers money spent in something that has no way to impact anyone".
Watch as he never even mentions the FACTS I posted.
SL, you are the king of bullshit artist, nowhere in the report did they mention the First Lady,s dietary guidelines or monitoring the hours a person watches TV or is on the computer.
You said in your deleted post you did not want more govt control over your life.
Nothing in the report will affect your freedom at all.
Some bullshit site misled you and are not man enough to say so.
Just because you are ignorant about the effects of GMO food and artificial sweeteners does not mean they are safe.
But enough about your short comings, what did you think of that Car?
Ok Mozart, I'm watching.
Facts like the names of the six newspapers yo claim to read a day?
I've been reading up on Climate Change and Weather and feel I am now an expert on the subject.
I am predicting that the Antarctica Ice Shelf could disappear by 2016.
I never said the report said anything about the 1st Lady's menu thingy, what I was trying to convey to you that even thought she didn't get any laws passed, her menu was put into place in quite few school districts. Called influence.
The point being there is no need to enforce by legislation, or executive order, just the publication in it's self, like the 1st Lady's menu "suggestion" has an impact.
Also I said the report expressed a desire and or a need to monitor the time spent watching tv or on the computer. Not that they were going to do it.
Ok work with me a bit.
When a tax increases the cost of something so I do not have the finical freedom to purchase it have I lost the freedom or right to buy it that I had before the tax?
If the amount of time I watch t.v. or am on the computer is collected and used to figure out my health insurance cost and increases that cost, it thereby reduces the money I have for others things I might want to buy, then my freedom to purchase what I has been reduced. Not to mention losing the freedom to watch as much t.v. as I want to.
Maybe its just unintended consequences, but the impact is the same. Choice, IE freedom, is taken away.
Do you see what I mean?
Let me go further. This report will impact what foods and and contents of foods that are acceptable for distribution to those who who depend on govt aid. Not knocking the aid, but pointing out that there will be restrictions for those getting aid on what they can eat that they didn't have before and that is a loss of freedom.
Can you imagine if the food aid given was not deemed "healthy? So it follows that this new set of standards will be followed.
Key word there is NEW. I'm sure there will be other standards changing this one down the road a bit.
You know your calling me ignorant is really beneath your normal standards. I explained and agreed with you on diet sugars. I shared with you my weakness for diet Coke, but used my freedom of choice to drink it anyway. Being a warm hearted liberal, why dont you explain why you are concerned about GMO, and allow me the freedom to make up my own mind on the subject?
"what did you think of that Car?" I do not know what your talking about, fill me in.
Your response could of been, OK I was misled. But you are unable to be humble or honest here. You are a contortionist when it comes any debate, scratching and grabbing at straws, bringing issues in that have nothing to do what we are talking about.
Not even the NSA cares about your sitting or TV habits.
The car post was at 1:38pm
Here is a link to the best nutrition site on the net. This should help you get off Diet sodas.
Choice, IE freedom, is taken away.
That's what SHE said!
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Care to compare?
He flees from discussion and facts, just as he flees from his masters' radical agenda.
Notice how the Boy Troll ignored what I said about Boehner wasting taxpayer money? How much money did the House of reps WASTE trying to repeal a law that the majority of Americans approve of, all the while KNOWING that for the first 6 years it would never pass the Senate, and now that it can pass the Senate Obama is going to VETO? (run on sentence alert!)
Plus, believing a lie about WMDs & 9-11 links is different from creating the lie.
"But you are unable to be humble or honest here."
JH, You have a right to your opinion, no matter how wrong it is.
Tell me, do you think Mozart, or Dumbya are humble or honest here?
Why do I have to be humble about the views I hold, are you humble about yours?
And really, who are you or for that matter anyone else, to tell me who you don't know, if I'm humble or not?
To me your statement is the height of arrogance and elitism.
Maybe the NSA doesn't care but the people who wrote report in question do. They said so. And that's who I was talking about.
About the car, Man I'd love to test drive one! Best of both world, speed and no gas!
Thanks for the info on Diet Coke, I know I really need to rethink my position.
"I really need to rethink my position."
The only truthful intelligent thing the Boy Troll has said since I have been reading this forum.
Now if he could just answer to the things we've proven him wrong on, instead of changing the subject and bringing up more irrelivant nonsense.
And really, who are you or for that matter anyone else, to tell me who you don't know, if I'm humble or not?
Since when do humble people intentionally and repeatedly lie, provoke, agitate, insult, ignore, and falsely accuse as much as a Republican troll?
Being honest and humble go hand in hand, sooner or later you will do or say the wrong thing. Or be incorrect on an issue. That is when the humble part comes in.
If you want to be honest you will have to acknowledge and admit you were wrong.
When a easy going guy like Tom, who has only removed about four posts in as many years, removed mine I was embarrassed. I had to immediately apologize to him for stepping over the line. That is being humble.
Your posts was removed at the same time as mine.
As far as knowing you or not I have been reading what you have to say every day for years, going back to when you called yourself Chuck Morre and Just the Facts.
In all that time you have never altered your opinion due to new information being presented. Never acknowledged that any Republican politician or policy was in error. Always blamed Liberals for 100 percent of problems we face.
Trying to bring Dave and Mozart in this conversation is a cop out, it is between me and you.
JH, I just stopped arguing with the Boy troll. ( you forgot to mention he was also "Anonymous".
He won't answer a question, and when he's proven wrong he changes the subject and brings up some other irrelvent thing to WHINE about.
What a minute JH, I HAVE TO ADMIT I"M WRONG?
Do you demand that from those who you agree with?
Make that HELL NO!
That's a double standard JH, one I refuse to be held to.
You want an example of a liberal/radical progressive double standard?
Republicans are being asked to condom the statements of Rudy Giuliani, right?
Yet when in 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (for the record, Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same amount of debt in less than three years.)
Did anyone demand that Obama retract his statement, or hold fellow Democrats accountable for his comment?
Make that HELL NO!
You want an example of someone never changing their mind, look no further than your buddy Mozart, who PROUDLY claims he stands by every thing he has posted. Is that humble?
No this is NOT between you and me. Here's why, you hold me to standards that you don't hold your fellow liberals to. Examples? You have praised Mozart on comments he make about me, was that between you and me? You have congratulated Dumbya on his questions to me, is that between you and me?
If you have been reading me for years, you know that I did admit to making a mistake in a conversation with Harley. You should know what happen. Dumbya make that admission the focal point of all his post about me for two weeks. If you have been reading me for years, what other names have you posted under other than James Hansen? just "James"?
I don't know why Tom removed my post, the only thing I can figure is he didn't like me lumping him in with you, Dumbya, JJ and Mozart, because there was no profanity, no racist statement.
JH, you have not responded to my answer to the question about loss of freedom, instead you have moved on to something else.
Isn't that the same thing you accuse me of doing?
That's the double standard you want to hold me to and I refuse to allow that to happen.
And for the record, if Mozart and Dumbya haven't figured this out by now, I will not respond to a damned thing they post. Not until they admit they have been wrong and are humble about it.
I blame every solution Liberals offer to every problem we face.
Their solutions are an attempt to expand liberalism, not to fix the problem.
Not until they admit they have been wrong and are humble about it.
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Care to compare?
He fled from his lie. Very humble in his flight from truth.
Their solutions are an attempt to expand liberalism, not to fix the problem.
How humble and inaccurate.
Liberal policies put food on the table for those whose jobs were off-shored by con-servative corporate written trade agreements. A problem created by corporate cons.
Liberal policies seek equal rights and support voter rights.
Con-servative policies favor only the rich.
If only we cut taxes for the Kochs, all Americans will benefit, amirite?
"Trickle down" didn't happen. Trickle up is what cons want...and got.
In fairness, I humbly offer SL his chance to quote my erroneous statement and present a documented source that contradicts me with verifiable fact....
He SAYS I lie, but has yet to disprove anything I've said.
But if he were humble, we can be sure he would admit he was waaaay off on this:
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Evidence please.
4:16 PM Dumbya
Failure to read evidence that he is demanding that was given in post to JH
Double Standard
Opinion based comment not fact based
Refusal to admit to earlier lie
"I blame every solution Liberals offer to every problem we face."
If that isn't a direct quote from Limbaugh we should send it to him.
Mozart 5:51 PM
"If that isn't a direct quote from Limbaugh we should send it to him."
Does not prove or disprove the quote only detracts and avoids the quotes point.
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski: It’s Unpatriotic To Question Obama’s Patriotism…
IN 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same amount of debt in less than three years. Bush inherited 5.7 Trillion from Clinton.
While Obama was trying to play the part of the “bigger man” when attacking Romney last night, he told Letterman that he’s never called anyone unpatriotic for disagreeing with him.
Sl, what is up with all the histrionics. I tried to give You some honest feedback and you get hysterical about it.
What is not true about this paragraph?
In all that time you have never altered your opinion due to new information being presented. Never acknowledged that any Republican politician or policy was in error. Always blamed Liberals for 100 percent of problems we face.
Remember when liberals were blasting Bill O'Rilley for getting caught in a lie like Brian Williams?
Remember that?
He needs to apologize, he needs to lose his job like Williams has his.
Remember that?
You want to talk about "histrionics, and becoming "hysterical"?
Read this and then ask yourself, why haven't you responded to the lose of freedom explanation I offered to you before you veered off course in an effort to get me to "apologize", and to claim this is just between us.
It's not and I've given the reasons why, but you ignore them.
"Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot"
Two former CBS reporters have strongly disputed Bill O’Reilly‘s accounts of what happened one night when they covered a riot in Buenos Aires, but on The Factor tonight, O’Reilly brought on a former NBC News bureau chief who backed up his story.
Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.
Both O’Reilly and Browne recalled a “very intense situation where people got hurt” and how “this was an extremely violent and volatile situation” where reporters were in danger.
O’Reilly also spoke with Mediaite’s own Joe Concha, who wrote a column this week questioning the motivations of O’Reilly’s attackers. Concha told O’Reilly that Mother Jones is in the business of throwing red meat to progressives, and beyond that, the story isn’t making much headway anyway."
Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was.
"As Bill O’Reilly continues to face accusations, now from multiple former CBS News colleagues, that he has exaggerated the situation in Buenos Aires at the end of the Falkland Islands war, Mother Jones, which first reported on the “inconsistencies,” has posted the full 1982 CBS report on the end of the war on its YouTube account.
In the video, anchor Dan Rather describes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.
“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”
Do you think liberal radical progressives are going to alter their
opinion due to new information being presented? When has that happened?
No, they like Mozart will state, "I stand by every word I've said".
So where do you get off trying to hold me to a standard that you don't hold your fellow liberal brethren?
Sorry JH, that ploy no longer works.
‘This is CRAP!’ – David Corn withers under Hugh Hewitt’s excellent interview questions
You can be linked to interview of MR. Corn by clicking my name.
As one Conservative said after listening to the interview,
"This is why you cannot have a conversation with progressive communist democraps. They will not answer a question they do not like. I know who I am and what my beliefs are and I can answer any question without becoming defensive. The left know they are dishonest from the core and they know you will catch them lying if they answer questions directly so they run off at the mouth and start throwing accusations at you and all that stuff. Been there seen it over and over again."
Amen to that, been there, seen it, had it done to me.
SL, why do you bother coming to a Liberal site, we are obviously the worst people ever born on earth. We have no redeeming qualities what so ever so why are not at a nice place like Redstate? I heard all the people are quite lovely there.
Why do you bless us with your presence when we do not deserve it?
Bull O'Really?
His "combat situation" was a frickin' protest demonstration.
Oh, no! Somebody got knocked down!!
Better give Bill a Medal of Honor.
Yeah, Sore Asshole is soooo conscientious about answering our questions and acknowledging his falsehoods.
He's an asshole and a crybaby.
Having survived a combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands War, I know that life-and-death decisions are made in a flash.
With the cold weather breaking all kinds of historical records, I'm predicting Tom Degan won't be smoking any of that good hydroponic pot he grows in his basement outside for the next few days.
What? Time to change the subject away from Right Wing War Hero Bull O'Really?
Better talk about the cold weather.
Yes, that means Harry the Climate Change Expert will have to look for his "playmates" indoors now, instead of at the school playground.
Harry shows us just how "they know you will catch them lying if they answer questions directly so they run off at the mouth and start throwing accusations at you and all that stuff."
So he accuses Tom of committing a felony. How Right of him, how far, far Right.
It's called projection, folks.
Let’s be honest: no one was all that shocked to find out that a researcher whose work defies the 97 percent scientific consensus on man-made climate change was being funded by fossil fuel interests, even if the full extent of the contributions that Wei-Hock Soon accepted – $1.2 million — was a lot greater than what was already known. The real scandal is that Soon failed to disclose the source of the vast majority of these funds. And the question now is how he managed to get away with it — and we can prevent it from happening again.
News Flash! O'Really was busted for another lie in his Kennedy book.
Did you hear about O'Really telling a whopper about him personally hearing the gunshot that killed a friend of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s by the name of George de Mohrenschildt?
As demonstrated by our Republican troll, his cult will believe anything from their pompous liar and blowhard.
To that end, Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, sent letters to seven universities, requesting information on professors who have testified before Congress on global warming and, in those testimonies, questioned the extent to which human activities are contributing to climate change. “Understanding climate change and its impacts on federal property is an important part of the Committee’s oversight plan,” Grijalva wrote, adding that if the allegations against Soon are true, they “may not be isolated incidents.” Specifically, he asked that they reveal the professors’ sources of external funding, and provide him with all drafts of their testimony and related communications.
“I am hopeful that disclosure of a few key pieces of information will establish the impartiality of climate research and policy recommendations published in your institution’s name and greatly assist me and my colleagues in making better law,” he wrote.
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), meanwhile, is appealing to the funders: soon after the Times’ report, he said he plans to appeal to oil and gas companies, along with other fossil fuel interests, to reveal the extent of their funding on climate research. “The American public deserve an honest debate that isn’t polluted by the best junk science fossil fuel interests can buy,” he told the Boston Globe. “That’s why I will be launching this investigation to see how widespread this denial-for-hire scheme stretches within the anti-climate action cabal.”
In February 2015, it was reported that Wei-Hock Soon had failed to disclose conflicts of interest, including accepting more than $1.2 million from companies from the fossil-fuel industry, in at least 11 papers since 2008. In at least 8 of those cases, this failure to disclose violated the explicit ethical guidelines of the journal publishing his work. Charles R. Alcock, director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics where Soon is a part-time employee, described the disclosure violations as "inappropriate behavior" that they would "have to handle with Dr. Soon internally".
I'm predicting that Cuba could be under 6 feet of water by 2018 unless we act now!
Harry. you spelled your name wrong. It is supposed to be
" Harry The Diaper Change Expert"
now don't forget it next time,
These people are shameless. Even when their "experts" are revealed to be frauds, they still come here with their sarcastic comments.
Climate "scientist" who takes millions from the fossil fuel industry, keeps their contributions secret in violation of every ethics law.
Bill O'Reilly is looking for allies wherever he can find them. Since there aren't any among his former co-workers at CBS, he went to the competition and scored a guest appearance with former Miami bureau chief Don Browne, who was not actually in Argentina when O'Reilly was, but could offer recollections of what his crew was feeding the station.
First, Browne confirms that it was a riot and not a war zone. But he does help bolster O'Reilly by saying it was a "very intense situation where people got hurt."
Riots tend to be intense situations, but as they go, the one on June 15, 1982 was fairly mild. According to the June 16th ABC News report, there were some burned vehicles but no deaths reported. That's confirmed by the New York Times.
This stands in contrast to the December 2001 riots where 25 people were killed. But O'Reilly wasn't there in 2001, he was there in 1982 and in 1982 there were no people killed.
So much for Don Browne's help fixing the mess O'Reilly's in. He then turned to Mediaite's Joe Concha, who was not in Argentina in June, 1982 either, but has a sympathetic ear to Fox News.
Concha lent moral support and spent some time acting as BillO's surrogate David Corn basher, but had no light to shed on things.
Finally, there was an effort to blow some smoke across what he said when he said Eric Engberg never left his hotel room. Seems he "can't say" that's true. That's never stopped him from lying before, so Engberg must have hit close to home.
You know what? We all know O'Reilly's lying and digging his hole deeper and deeper, right? So why even bother to put this story up, you might ask.
Here's why. Ailes would never suspend O'Reilly for lying through his tiny teeth, but it does put some light on the difference between what a party propaganda channel does when confronted with lies and what legitimate news organizations do. Even the New York Times picked up on that:
The controversy comes less than two weeks after NBC News suspended its anchor, Brian Williams, for six months without pay after he was found to have falsified a story about being on a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq in 2003.
The two news networks have taken different approaches in responding to the similar controversies engulfing their biggest stars. After military veterans complained about Mr. Williams’s story about the episode in Iraq, NBC News started an internal investigation into Mr. Williams before removing him from broadcasts. Fox News executives, in contrast, have defended Mr. O’Reilly, combating the Mother Jones report and other critics. “Fox News Chairman and C.E.O. Roger Ailes and all senior management are in full support of Bill O’Reilly,” a spokeswoman said in a statement.
It may be an "Inconvenient Truth" for the Global Warming religion fanatics such as yourself but my predictions are just as good as Al Whores.
Are you Jefferson's Guardian, that buffoon who believes 9/11 was an inside job?
Harry the climate change expert, you're full of shit:
Sea levels along the northeast coast of the US rose by record levels during 2009-2010, a study has found. Sea levels north of New York City rose by 128mm in two years, according to a report in the journal, Nature Communications. Coastal areas will need to prepare for short term and extreme sea level events, say US scientists.
Climate models suggest extreme sea level rises will become more common this century.
“The extreme sea level rise event during 2009-10 along the northeast coast of North America is unprecedented during the past century,” Prof Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona told BBC News.
“Statistical analysis indicates that it is a 1-in-850 year event.”
Scientists at the University of Arizona and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in New Jersey studied records of tidal levels along the east coast of the US and Canada. They divided the coastline into three areas: north of New York City, New York City to Cape Hatteras on the coast of North Carolina, and south of Cape Hatteras. They identified what they call an extreme sea-level rise during 2009-10, when the coastal sea level north of New York City jumped by 128mm.
“When coastal storms occur, extreme sea levels can lead to elevated storm surge,” said Prof Jianjun Yin. “In addition to long-term and gradual sea level rise, coastal communities will need to prepare for short and extreme sea level rise events.”
But lets not listen to Scientists at the University of Arizona and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, lets believe what a guy who calls Al Gore "Al Whore" has to say.
Harry, which diaper holds more shit, Pampers or Huggies?
He doesn't need diapers - he uses Wei-Hock Soon's research papers.
Let's analyze this comment from the social security collector:
As one Conservative said after listening to the interview,
"This is why you cannot have a conversation with progressive communist democraps. They will not answer a question they do not like. I know who I am and what my beliefs are and I can answer any question without becoming defensive. The left know they are dishonest from the core and they know you will catch them lying if they answer questions directly so they run off at the mouth and start throwing accusations at you and all that stuff. Been there seen it over and over again."
I love this comment... "This is why you can't have a conversation with progressive communist democraps... they throw accusations at you."
I just thank God Sore Loser has those Social Security checks... they are a comfort in his old age. Gives him a measure of financial security while he types his hateful bullshit.
Thank God there was no Sore Loser back when FDR was fighting for Social Security... imagine a 1930s Sore Loser writing letters to the newspapers, calling Social Security radical progressive socialism?
Sore Loser, you don't even have to waddle to your mailbox for a check, you get direct deposit!
A retired gym teacher could come out against Climate Change and he would have more credibility to Conservatives than 10,000 accredited professional scientist.
They have brought being partisan to a level never seen before.
So the Boy Troll has a new name and he thinks we won't catch on?
Not only are sea levels currently rising as predicted, but a record number of SINKHOLES have been reported in Florida over the last few years.
But don't let facts get in the way of a good WHINE eh Harry..uh, I mean "Sore Loser" ?
Sore Loser @11:40PM
I listened to Hugh Hewitt interviewing David Corn.
Hugh gave him a good spanking.
Corn used to work at Fox and was then fired. He then went to Mother Jones where no doubt he took a huge pay cut since nobody but a few looney marxists follow Mother Jones. Do ya think David Corn might have an axe to grind with Fox and Billy OReilly who has the most watched prime time show for the past 15 years?
Corn flees like a Rat at night when the light is beamed on him. It is fitting that he also looks like a beady eyed cross eyed Rat.
He is an educated polished version of the primitive prison guard who lives here 24/7 on Tom's blog. They both do their best to hide their marxist core, ignore facts they don't like, apply Saul Alinsky tactics, and attack like rabid raccoons when you expose their lies.
"Harry the climate change expert, you're full of shit:
Sea levels along the northeast coast of the US rose by record levels during 2009-2010, a study has found. Sea levels north of New York City rose by 128mm in two years, according to a report in the journal, Nature Communications. Coastal areas will need to prepare for short term and extreme sea level events, say US scientists."
The Western Interior Seaway (also called the Cretaceous Seaway, the Niobraran Sea, and the North American Inland Sea) was a large inland sea that existed during the mid- to late Cretaceous period as well as the very early Paleogene, splitting the continent of North America into two landmasses, Laramidia to the west and Appalachia to the east. The ancient sea stretched from the Gulf of Mexico and through the middle of the modern-day countries of the United States and Canada, meeting with the Arctic Ocean to the north. At its largest, it was 2,500 feet (760 m) deep, 600 miles (970 km) wide and over 2,000 miles (3,200 km) long.
This ancient sea was once 2,500 feet (760 meters) deep but no longer exists.
Did man cause this sea to appear and then disappear?
I know you leaning forward progressives are bad at math but which is larger 128 mm or 760,000 mm?
Here is some more 3rd grade education about AmeriKa's ups and downs, lol, regarding Climate Change:
The Seaway was created as the Farallon tectonic plate subducted under the North American Plate during the Cretaceous. As plate convergence proceeded, the younger and more buoyant lithosphere of the Farallon Plate subducted at a shallow angle, in what is known as a "flat slab". This shallowly subducting slab exerted traction on the base of the lithosphere, pulling it down and producing dynamic topography at the surface that caused the opening of the Western Interior Seaway.[1] This depression and the high eustatic sea levels existing during the Cretaceous allowed waters from the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Gulf of Mexico in the south to meet and flood the central lowlands, forming a sea that transgressed (grew) and regressed (receded) over the course of the Cretaceous.
Harry, stop embarrassing yourself, you do not know what those big words mean and they have nothing to do with Climate Change.
Plate movement would only affect climate if there was a lot of green house gases produced by volcanoes
You have been listening to your gym teacher too much.
Well Harry the Climate chan...I mean THE BOY TROLL has sunken to new lows of embarrassing himself.
Even a third grader would know that plate tectonics have nothing to do with climate change.
I'm sure they could figure out who you are every time you change your name as well.
But at least you admit the earth is over 6,000 years old, unlike your religious masters.
It's a start.
Sore Loser is like a transvestite, trying on different outfits to suit his mood. "Am I Chuck today? Or maybe the Harry Climate Change Expert... so many possibilities! Let's try this wig..."
good to know Social Security is subsidizing his auto erotica.
You're welcome! It was a long battle to get Social Security enacted, but it was worth it!
...hide their marxist core, ignore facts they don't like, apply Saul Alinsky tactics, and attack like rabid raccoons when you expose their lies.
Anyone who makes this absurd accusation is obviously distracting from facts he wants ignored. Gee,how about this:
Having survived a combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands War, I know that life-and-death decisions are made in a flash. - Bill (the-professional-liar) O Reilly
David Corn was telling the truth the fascists of the radical Right wish to suppress.
The fact is Bull O Really is paid to lie and spread hate.
Just like Republican trolls.
Note also how he wants us to ignore the true agenda of his servants of mammon masters.
The far Right radical platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
They are radicals out to destroy government of by and for the people.
See the cowardly chicken run and squawk his distractions.
He is hate filled liar. A "good Republican" following the footsteps of his brownshirt kindred spirits.
Everyone who disagree with these fascists is called a commie. Wonder why?
"Even a third grader would know that plate tectonics have nothing to do with climate change."
So it wouldn't matter if Denver was at 5280 feet (the mile high city) or at sea level, the climate would be the same?
Sorry Mozart, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
"I'm sure they could figure out who you are every time you change your name as well. "
Who is they?
"But at least you admit the earth is over 6,000 years old, unlike your religious masters."
No surprise with that line, it is a standard line for marxists.
No surprise with that line, it is a standard line for marxists.
Proof of my point: Everyone who disagrees with these fascists is called a commie. Wonder why?
First of all genius,in your the climate didn't change. The ALTITUDE did. the climate at that altitude was always the same. in Plate tectonics the climate isn't changing, the ground is. And THOSE changes took place over MILLIONS of years.
The change we are talking about NOW took place over the last HUNDRED.
Jeez..why do I bother? He doesn't even know that the Senate is part of congress.
What do you call someone who has very strong opinions based on nonsense?
Plot idea:
99% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires and oil companies.
Yes, the sinister "International Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists" has been outed thanks to the selfless compassion of the Kochs and their Big Oil humanitarians taking millions to agree with them.
If not for FOX(R) and right wing hate radio, the people would never hear the truth.
How could there be any other possible explanation?
If we can't trust climate experts like Bull O'Really and Rush Limbaugh, who can we trust?
In other good new, tobacco corporations have overruled the liberal commie scientists and doctors who claim smoking leads to cancer.
Let's hear it for the "free market of ideas".
Corporations with the most "free speech" money talk the loudest, Therefore they MUST be honest, amirite?
Scott, that was brilliant.
"The change we are talking about NOW took place over the last HUNDRED."
You will have erroneous warmer temperatures if you put the thermometer up your ass!
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Lol, on that one Tom and Dave.
And sometimes a cigar is not just a cigar.
I had special cigars for the female interns!
I'm feeling generous today. Here are some free recent FOX(R) LIES.
DANA PERINO: On climate change, "the temperature readings have been fabricated, and it's all blowing up in their (scientists') faces."
STEVEN EMERSON:"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
MEGYN KELLY: A new Colorado law "literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then encourages them to turn ballots over to ‘collectors.’ "
Sore Loser, all I want is a simple thank you.
I busted my ass making Social Security a reality.
I'd really appreciate a "thank you" for all my hard work.
You really hurt my feelings when you called it a "ponzi scheme." If it were cooked up by Ponzi, you never would have seen a dime. But those Social Security checks keep showing up in your bank account. I hope they help with the cost of all your diet soda!
Can I get a thank you?
You're welcome!
A Republican state lawmaker who owns a heating, ventilation and cooling business in the Eastern Panhandle is pushing a bill that would repeal all state laws that regulate HVAC technicians.
Delegate Eric Householder, R-Berkeley, sponsored the repeal bill and voted for it at a House of Delegates committee meeting last week.
Householder, a licensed contractor, said Monday he doesn’t have a conflict of interest — as some House Democrats allege — and doesn’t stand to benefit from legislation that would deregulate HVAC technicians. Householder’s Martinsburg-based company, Air-Row Sheet Metal, employs HVAC technicians.
“The bill talks about licensing HVAC technicians, and I already have my license, a contractor’s license, so there’s no direct benefit to me with the bill,” Householder said. “I’m just trying to advocate and do the right thing.”
At a House Industry and Labor Committee meeting last week, Householder sparred with Democrats over his bill, which would repeal regulations passed by the Democratic-controlled Legislature last year. The new laws — sparked by a carbon monoxide poisoning death of a guest at South Charleston hotel in 2012 — aim to protect the public from unsafe, substandard HVAC work.
The state Fire Marshal’s Office and the state Department of Military Affairs and Public safety support regulating HVAC technicians.
Delegate Shawn Fluharty, D-Ohio, said Householder has no business advocating for a bill that repeals HVAC regulation.
“Just looking at the bill, it doesn’t pass the smell test,” Fluharty said. “To have somebody to come in here and try to repeal a law about public safety, while they’re going to benefit from the repeal, I think that’s an injustice. We shouldn’t be here for personal gain and put personal profit over the people.”
Sore Loser,
The Government can subsidize many operations that lose money e.g. The Post Office, Amtrak, etc.
With today's modern technology we can create dollars out of thin air! This covers our subsidization!
Its no secret that Social Security is a Government Run Ponzi Scheme, but we can just create money out of thin air just like a magician can pull a rabbit out of a hat!
So Sore Loser, don't worry if Social Security is bankrupt, we will just create some money out of thin air and wire it to your account.
The post office, public libraries... the list goes on. All the things that make a civilized society... just money-draining losers! Let's privatize everything, put everything up for sale.
Soreloser, give the money back. You get a part-time job working the cash register at dunkin' donuts to pay for your diet soda. Hell, maybe you can sneak some when your seventeen year old boss isn't looking.
But stop collecting social security. Because, if it's a ponzi scheme, then you shouldn't have anything to do with it. You're obviously being cheated. All that government money has corrupted you. Give the money back.
Thanks for sharing that software, by the way. Now we know exactly where you live.
Another poorly informed Conservative that does not know what he is talking about.
The only problems the Post Office has is treasonous Republicans trying bankrupt it.
They would kill an iconic institution as old as the nation for personal gain.
They want corporations to take over so they can get kick backs and bribes other wise know as campaign contributions.
They can not get that from the Postal Union.
The Post Office gets zero tax dollars to exist, aside from getting paid to deliver ballots and election materials.
"Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource."
The Arctic's summer ice could “completely disappear” by 2013!
Al Gore was right about that!
The poster calling himself Al Gore should needs to do more reading before posting.
And I have to slow down my typing! LOL
Liberal philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration’s “net neutrality” agenda, donating $196 million and landing proponents on the White House staff, according to a new report.
And now, as the Federal Communications Commission nears approving a type of government control over the Internet, the groups are poised to declare victory in the years-long fight, according to the report from MRC Business, an arm of the conservative media watchdog, the Media Research Center.
The Liberal Fascists now want control over the Internet. It won't be long until "Nanny State" approved politically correct content only is allowed on the Internet.
Smokey Asshole has NO CLUE what net neutrality is.
He loves being a tool for corporate control and power of censorship though.
In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory used eleven years of measurements from specialized instruments at sites in Alaska and Oklahoma to analyze the source of energy fluctuations, confirming that it’s carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels that’s causing warming — and not water vapor, changes in the sun or someone tampering with the data to make it look like global warming is worse than it is, as some have claimed.
“We see, for the first time in the field, the amplification of the greenhouse effect because there’s more CO2 in the atmosphere to absorb what the Earth emits in response to incoming solar radiation,” lead author Daniel Feldman explained in a statement.
“Numerous studies show rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but our study provides the critical link between those concentrations and the addition of energy to the system, or the greenhouse effect.”
Smokey, you need to call your internet provider and give them your support. You'll be on hold for about two hours, and they might disconnect you, but hang in there and listen to the muzak. They'll get to you eventually.
I like that you prefer a "non-neutral" internet. You're a good american! Nothing wrong with waiting a few extra minutes for a page to load. It might cut down on your comments here!
Here's what that crazy radical Obama had to say about net neutrality:
The rules I am asking for are simple, common-sense steps that reflect the Internet you and I use every day, and that some ISPs already observe. These bright-line rules include:
* No blocking. If a consumer requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal, your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way, every player — not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP — gets a fair shot at your business.
* No throttling. Nor should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content or speed up others — through a process often called “throttling” — based on the type of service or your ISP’s preferences.
* Increased transparency. The connection between consumers and ISPs — the so-called “last mile” — is not the only place some sites might get special treatment. So, I am also asking the FCC to make full use of the transparency authorities the court recently upheld, and if necessary to apply net neutrality rules to points of interconnection between the ISP and the rest of the Internet.
* No paid prioritization. Simply put: No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet’s growth. So, as I have before, I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect.
Now I'm sorry, but that's just crazy talk. I'm in FAVOR of all those things! In fact, I'm calling my ISP right now and tell them I support their efforts to end net neutrality... I'll be back in a few hours!
I just wanted to say I love you Dave Dubya!
I watched and loved "The Motorcycle Diaries!"
You are my favorite Che Guevara like Marxist Revolutionary.
"No throttling. Nor should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content or speed up others — through a process often called “throttling” — based on the type of service or your ISP’s preferences."
I wouldn't expect a thick skulled prison guard or a smooth talking Big Bullshitter in the White House with only Saul Alinsky Community Organizing experience to understand that voice and video REQUIRE different treatment than data in order to run correctly.
But what do you expect from an uneducated prison guard who believes he is not only a Climate Change expert but also an Internet/Telecommunication expert?
"No paid prioritization. Simply put: No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet’s growth. So, as I have before, I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect."
Another funny from AmeriKa's smartest prison guard.
The most essential part of the Internet's growth after being commercialized is that the government has not been involved in its growth.
...Bullshitter in the White House with only Saul Alinsky Community Organizing experience...
Only in the thick skulls of the brainwashed Radical Right Bubble Cult can 6 years of being president be summed up as "only Saul Alinsky Community Organizing experience".
Did Saul teach Obama how to order the raid that killed bin-Laden? Did Saul teach Obama to support corporate written trade agreements?
Ignorance is strength, as well as a "value", in the RRBC.
Evil never sleeps.
FOX(R) is picking a fight with Jon Stewart just before he leaves the Dailey Show. The fools.
He has their number, though. Last night he had this to say about them:
“They purport to want to fix things, but conservatives are not looking to make education more rigorous and informative, or science more empirical or verifiable, or voting more representative, or the government more efficient or effective. They just want all those things to reinforce their partisan ideological conservative viewpoint. Because in their minds, the opposite of ‘bad’ isn’t ‘good.’ The opposite of ‘bad’ is ‘conservative.’ The opposite of ‘wrong’ isn’t ‘right’ — it’s ‘right-wing.’” - Jon Stewart
He showed clips of FOX(R) Republican hosts whining and accusing him of deceptively editing videos to make them look like liars. (Projection, anyone?)
So Stewart challenged FOX (R) to a “lie-off” to settle the score.
“To start off, here are 50 of yours in a six second Vine,” Stewart said
50 Fox News lies in 6 seconds.
And of course, there are far too many lies for a 22 minute show to present.
I am not even going to explain what Net Neutrality means, keep believing all the bullshit coming from whatever fucked up sources you listen to.
Conservatives would make excellent North Koreans.
So if Obama is a Christian, I guess he doesn't believe in evolution?
Its amazing how many young people got their "News" from that liberal shithead Jon Stewart.
President Obama's vision is that of a man brainwashed through an academic vision of multiculturalism, in which American exceptionalism has no place. It's a vision that has been shaped by a longtime association with people who hate our country, people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground leader and Pentagon bomber William Ayers and Ayers' onetime fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn. A vision that sees a moral equivalency between what Christians did centuries ago and today's Islamic savagery is quite prevalent in academia. It's part of what's worshipped on most college campuses as diversity and multiculturalism.
College campus idiots -- and that includes faculty members and administrators -- call for the celebration of and respect for all cultures. In their eyes, it's racist Eurocentrism to think that Western values and culture are superior to others. But that's the height of stupidity.
Ask your campus multiculturalist who believes in cultural equivalency: Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in Sudan and Niger; is that a cultural equivalent? In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limits on women -- such as prohibitions on driving, employment, voting and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning, and thieves face the punishment of having their hand severed. Some multiculturalists are members of campus LGBT groups. Ask them to what extent the Muslim culture would tolerate their lifestyle.
Poor Gary is in fit of hate and rage because he can't handle the truth. How right of him, how far, far right.
What the hell does Walter Williams know about American Exceptionalism? Is that something like starting wars of choice based on lies for political gain and crony profit?
Or is it telling wholesale lies like his beloved FOX(R)?
Must be.
Bang! Bang!
Global Warming: Follow the Money
The overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, the government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.
Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense. “It is a despicable, reprehensible attack on a man of great personal integrity,” says Myron Ebell, the director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, who questioned why media organizations were singling out Soon over research funding.
Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.
“Soon’s integrity in the scientific community shines out,” says Ebell. “He has foregone his own career advancement to advance scientific truth. If he had only mouthed establishment platitudes, he could’ve been named to head a big university [research center] like Michael Mann.”
Mann is the controversial director of Pennsylvania State’s Earth System Science Center. He was at the center of the 2009 Climategate scandal, in which e-mails were uncovered from climatologists discussing how to skew scientific evidence and blackball experts who don’t agree with them.
Mann is typical of pro-warming scientists who have taken millions from government agencies. The federal government — which will gain unprecedented regulatory power if climate legislation is passed — has funded scientific research to the tune of $32.5 billion since 1989, according the Science and Public Policy Institute. That is an amount that dwarfs research contributions from oil companies and utilities, which have historically funded both sides of the debate. Mann, for example, has received some $6 million, mostly in government grants — according to a study by The American Spectator — including $500,000 in federal stimulus money while he was under investigation for his Climategate e-mails.
Despite claims that they are watchdogs of the establishment, media outlets such as the Times have ignored the government’s oversized role in directing research. And they have ignored millions in contributions from left-wing foundations — contributions that, like government grants, seek to tip the scales to one side of the debate.
Last summer, a minority staff report from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works gave details on a “Billionaire’s Club” — a shadowy network of charitable foundations that distribute billions to advance climate alarmism. Shadowy nonprofits such as the Energy Foundation and Tides Foundation distributed billions to far-left green groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, which in turn send staff to the EPA who then direct federal grants back to the same green groups. It is incestuous. It is opaque. Major media ignored the report.
Oh, wait... I misspoke. let's review a little background about Soon. First, he is not an astrophysicist or a climate scientist. He holds a degree in aerospace engineering.
But still! He knows which side his bread is buttered on!
And everything else I said is absolutely true!
I swear!
"Last summer, a minority staff report from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works gave details on a “Billionaire’s Club” — a shadowy network of charitable foundations that distribute billions to advance climate alarmism. Shadowy nonprofits such as the Energy Foundation and Tides Foundation distributed billions to far-left green groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, which in turn send staff to the EPA who then direct federal grants back to the same green groups. It is incestuous. It is opaque. Major media ignored the report."
Major media ignored the report and so will Saul Alinsky's Favorite Radical Son Dave Dubya!
Saul Alinsky! Even from the grave, he's driving the so-called "global warming" debate. The most dangerous jew in America! He taught Oboma everything he knows! Saul is a criminal mastermind! But what I can't figure out is.... how did he get to those 97 percent of climate scientists worldwide? Maybe Santa gave him a ride on his sleigh?
Santa... he looks like Karl Marx with that beard...
Santa... he looks like Karl Marx with that beard...
A re-distributionist if I ever saw one, AND he wears RED!!!
You can mock me all you want "Dave Dubya" or "Mozart" or whatever you call yourself, but the fact remains... three percent of scientists say there is no such thing as man-made global warming. And just because they get their funding from the fossil fuel industry means NOTHING!
Three percent! And you have the nerve to question that kind of scientific consensus??
I'm back! I just got off the phone with my Internet Provider. I was on hold for a few hours (some nice Kenny G by the way!) and when I finally navigated the endless automated replies, I got to speak to a real human!
He had a pretty thick accent, so I couldn't make out all of what he said, but he did offer to upsell me a nice phone/cable/home security package. I had to decline, because my social security ponzi scheme payments aren't due for a few weeks, but he was darn persistent.
I think he was in India, someplace. I guess american workers cost too much, what with their marxist demands for a living wage and all... And Obama wants to tax corporations who send jobs overseas??? Where's teh freedom in that?? That's socialist!
Anyway, I digress. My Indian friend on the phone agreed with me (or at least his bosses agree)
that net neutrality is a bad thing. (funny how all my opinions line up exactly with millionaires? Maybe that means I"LL be a millionaire someday myself!)
So I'm fairly confident I was able to nip this "net neutrality" thing in the bud. Now on to the great climate change hoax!
In his 2010 State of the Union Address, President Obama famously chided the Supreme Court for its recent campaign finance decision by proclaiming, “With all due deference to the separation of powers, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections."
In another speech he further lamented, “There aren’t a lot of functioning democracies around the world that work this way where you can basically have millionaires and billionaires bankrolling whoever they want, however they want, in some cases undisclosed. What it means is ordinary Americans are shut out of the process.”
These statements are remarkable for their blatant hypocrisy and obfuscation of the fact that the President and his cadre of wealthy liberal allies and donors embrace the very tactics he publically scorned. In reality, an elite group of left wing millionaires and billionaires, which this report refers to as the “Billionaire’s Club,” who directs and controls the far-left environmental movement, which in turn controls major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Even more unsettling, a dominant organization in this movement is Sea Change Foundation, a private California foundation, which relies on funding from a foreign company with undisclosed donors. In turn, Sea Change funnels tens of millions of dollars to other large but discreet foundations and prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and politics.
This report examines in detail the mechanisms and methods of a far-left environmental machine that has been erected around a small group of powerful and active millionaires and billionaires who exert tremendous sway over a colossal effort. Although startling in its findings, the report covers only a small fraction of the amount of money that is being secreted and moved around. It would be virtually impossible to examine this system completely given the enormity of this carefully coordinated effort and the lack of transparency surrounding it. The failure to openly acknowledge this force and the silence of the media with whom they coordinate further emphasize the fact that until today, the Billionaire’s Club operated in relative obscurity hidden under the guise of “philanthropy.” The scheme to keep their efforts hidden and far removed from the political stage is deliberate, meticulous, and intended to mislead the public. While it is uncertain why they operate in the shadows and what they are hiding, what is clear is that these individuals and foundations go to tremendous lengths to avoid public association with the far-left environmental movement they so generously fund. The report attempts to decipher the patterns of “charitable giving.”
Often the wealthiest foundations donate large sums to intermediaries – sometimes a pass through and sometimes a fiscal sponsor. The intermediary then funnels the money to other 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations that the original foundation might also directly support.
Obama! Just the name sends chills of alarm up my back.... All that shadow money.. And he's a Saul Alinsky socialist. Thank god he's such an incompetent socialist, otherwise wall street wouldn't be seeing record profits. Is Obama jewish? Didn't Sammy Davis Jr. convert? I can't remember. But Sammy married a white woman, just like Judge Thomas. "Yes We Can" indeed. Wasn't that the name of Sammy's autobiography?
All those billionaires giving money to destroy capitalism.... and you call us conservatives crazy?
I wish McCain had won. Just the thought of sarah palin as vice president makes my crotch fat. So what if Todd wanted to secede? He's a true patriot. Not like you Saul Alinsky radical communists!
"The ultimate recipients of donations from the Billionaire’s Club work in tandem with wealthy donors to maximize the value of their tax deductible donations and leverage their combined resources to influence elections and policy outcomes. Often, they lobby on behalf of the EPA and advance policy positions important to the agency, which is statutorily prohibited from lobbying on its own behalf. But most importantly, they serve as the face of the environmental movement and present themselves as non-partisan benevolent charities to a public not aware of the secretive backroom deals and transfers."
Damn, I thought it was only the evil Koch Brothers who tried to buy influence in AmeriKa!
Will we hear crickets from Saul Alinsky's Favorite Radical Son on the Progressive Billionaire's club attempting to influence elections and policy outcome?
Oh wait! I spoke too soon...
"The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to regulate broadband Internet service as a public utility, a milestone in regulating high-speed Internet service into American homes.
The new rules, approved 3 to 2 along party lines, are intended to ensure that no content is blocked and that the Internet is not divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for Internet and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else. Those prohibitions are hallmarks of the net neutrality concept.
Mobile data service for smartphones and tablets is being placed under the new rules. The order also includes provisions to protect consumer privacy and to ensure Internet service is available for people with disabilities and in remote areas.
Continue reading the main story
But the new rules are an à la carte version of Title II, adopting some provisions and shunning others. The F.C.C. will not get involved in pricing decisions or the engineering decisions companies make in managing their networks."
Dammit! If I hadn't spent so much time telling that goddamn raghead I didn't want to upgrade my service, I could have prevented this outrage!
I'm pissed!
Crickets! Hear them? "squeak squeak squeak squeak"
Oh wait, that's my upstairs neighbors going at it again. He's got her moaning pretty good.
Thank god I drink only distilled water and refuse to share my precious bodily fluids with women.
Saul Alinsky! My grandma told me the dead walk at night... I believe her. Old Saul is everywhere.
"Sore Loser isn't a boy, he's a retired guy. He collects social security, which comes out of my paycheck, which makes him a socialist, if you follow his logic."
No shithead. He was FORCED to have money taken out of every paycheck his entire life. So now if he is retired, he should not be able to collect? You have a really thick skull. Thicker than a prison guard.
Social Security is a Government run Ponzi scheme.
I agree completely JH! It IS a giant ponzi scheme. The government takes money out of your paycheck all your life and then.. gives it back to you when you retire! Why do they have to do that?? If I'd been allowed to invest it on my own, I would have made a killing in the stock market in 2008! I'd be richer than Soros, that dirty jew!
But no fair poking fun at prison guards. My grandma was a guard at the women's detention home. She did good rehab work on the ladies, bringing them home to Jesus.
Do you hate Jesus?
Baby jesus cries every time you call prison guards dumb. They're good people.
"Sore Loser isn't a boy, he's a retired guy. He collects social security, which comes out of my paycheck, which makes him a socialist, if you follow his logic."
No shithead. He was FORCED to have money taken out of every paycheck his entire life. So now if he is retired, he should not be able to collect? You have a really thick skull. Thicker than a prison guard.
Social Security is a Government run Ponzi scheme.
I really hate prison guards. Every since the time one of them.... well, I won't go into details, but I carry my colon around in a plastic bag. He didn't have to do that to me. It wasn't necessary.
No shithead. He was FORCED to have money taken out of every paycheck his entire life. So now if he is retired, he should not be able to collect? You have a really thick skull. Thicker than a prison guard.
Social Security is a Government run Ponzi scheme.
I can't wait until they dismantle social security and medicare and all the rest of that government ponzi crap. Then I can invest my money in wall street. Those guys I trust... they have my best interests in mind. Just like my internet service provider.
Such good people.
But don't get me started on prison guards. Grrr!
It is clear that the current weather in the Northeast is proof:
a) That there is a God; and
b) He's desperately trying to tell us to stop following the false prophet, Al Gore and his significant other James Hansen.
A classic, Smokey. Thank you!
Oh, my. Senate Republicans have finally exposed the conspiracy!
Finally the truth!
Baby Jesus told me he made it snow, so you dirty liberals would stop worshipping that false messiah Al Gore..
I talk to Baby Jesus quite a bit. He tells me he caused the drought in California, to punish those liberals who try to marry each other when they both have penises, or they both have vayjays, like ellen degen degn... however you spell her name.
Baby Jesus told me he'll KEEP making it snow until James Hansen agrees with Sore Loser (god bless him!) that Willie Soon is an honest man.
Soros! Alinsky! Oboma!
Praise be to Baby Jesus! Thank you!
The thing that is frustrating to me is every night I hear the news commentators say: Why is Obama doing this? Why is he helping the enemy? Why is he telling them where we’re going to hit them? Why is he aiding and abetting ISIS? And I’m like, because he’s one of them. It’s so obvious. It’s like the emperor’s new clothes, you know? It’s like nobody will say the truth. He’s an Islamic jihadist.
Sore Loser and I both know what’s really going on, don’t we, Sore Loser?
So Dave, how many names are you going to allow the Boy Troll to post under?
Victoria Jackson, thank you so much for your comments. It's so exhausting to read this blog and see all the liberals make fun of good, honest, conservative, ponzi-check-cashing Americans.
Sore Loser, Victoria Jackson, Boltok.... these are the names that make me glad. You are the only people in this place who make any sense.... even Boltok, when all he has to say is "Bang! Bang!" makes me so happy.
Please share more of your opinions, because they really are valuable to me, and my Father told me he has a special lawn chair right next to his throne with your name on it, when the time comes for you to choke on a bone or something.
Dave Dubya,
You need to take your meds dude!
All the gibberish posts started when you got online. We know prison life is stressful. Maybe you need a vacation in a warm place like Cuba to get away from the cold which is breaking historical records.
Were you able to keep your psychiatrist under ObamaCare?
Michael Stivic??? Oh no, not another liberal on this radical progressive blog. Rob Reiner is one of the biggest liberals in Hollywood... and he's a union member - SAG-AFTRA.
I can't take any more liberals. Where are the REAL Americans?
I'm telling Dad to throw a lightning bolt and wipe out all you no good liberals. Oh wait, that was Zeus.
Rob Reiner, take your radical progressive propaganda and go back to Hollywood.
CBS (Not Faux News) Coldest Months On Record: February 2015 Could Be Among Top 5
DETROIT (WWJ) – February 2015 could be one for the record books in terms of cold weather. Accuweather’s Dean DeVore says the coldest month ever was in January 1977, with an average temperature of just under 13 degrees, and we’ve got a shot at breaking that record.
“I’m doing some calculations but I think we are on track here to have the coldest month ever in Detroit, the way things are looking,” said DeVore. “And it’s going to be brutally cold here today.”
This weather man is clearly a Global Warming denier and secretly listens to Rush Limbaugh and watches Bill OReilly!
thank you, Dave for that link. Because we all know 97 percent of the world's climate scientists are wrong. I believe the three percent. You know, the ones funded by the fossil fuel industry.
It snowed somewhere. This proves my theory that man-made global warming is a hoax, perpetrated by radical progressive communists.
I rest my case.
Sometimes I sip my diet soda and admire myself in the mirror. Lipstick, tight skirt, high heels, wig. Now that I'm retired, I have time to indulge myself. Exquisite!
I believe a local weatherman before I'd listen to some elitist "climate scientists" or NASA. I mean, what did NASA ever accomplish? A trip to the moon? That was years ago!
Dean DeVore, on the other hand, has impeccable credentials:
Dean graduated from Penn Manor high school in 1984 where he was a member of the National Honor Society. Upon graduating from high school, Dean attended Penn State University from 1984-1987. He would return to Penn State in 1996 and graduate with a B.A. in General Arts and Sciences. Dean has since earned a certificate Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University.
Dean started in radio at WMAJ in 1988 where he worked his way to Sports Director. In 1992 he joined WRSC where he worked until 1994, also making his way to Sports Director. While at WMAJ and WRSC Dean did the play-by for Penn State Women’s Basketball and Wrestling and hosted pre andpost- game football programs.
Dean joined the AccuWeather family in 1998 as a Broadcaster, and that same year he became the Department Manager for Broadcasting and Information services.
Do you like my perfume?
So the Boy troll STILL doesn't know the difference between WEATHER snd CLIMATE, and that a planet that has a WARMER OVERALL CLIMATE can create COLDER LOCALIZED WEATHER. More heat, warmer seas. Warmer seas, more evaporation. More evaporation, more moisture in the air which not only fuels bigger, more frequent storms in warm AND cold WEATHER, but also traps more HEAT, accelerating the process.
Maybe they will get to that next year if you make it to 5th grade.
Mozart, all the post above you is not from SL we now have a Liberal posing as SL, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It is kind of fun I must say.
More importantly at 10:00 Pm EST the Victoria swimsuit show starts. Time to take a break from politics and enjoy a little eye candy.
Yes JH, I could see the sarcasm in the posts. But the Boy Troll has also been doing what he always does.
Hiding from admitting how often he's been proven wrong by using multiple names.
He's a coward, and a TROLL.
Sore Asshole whines:
The burden of proof is on them, not me.
Yeah we all know this is a lie and double standard.
Does he remember this claim?
Obama has nothing thrown at him like what YOUR side said and continues to say about GWB,
Care to compare?
Crickets. What burden of proof? Liars and cowards never need proof.
Oh, I might visit once in a while, but post, I doubt it very much.
LOL!! He is a liar and Republican Troll. He will continue until he is frustrated by others using the same tactics he started. He will post under a new name.
had to agree, liberals are the worse people on earth
Yes, worse than child molesters, the Taliban and ISIS! Proof of of his extremist hate.
you will catch them lying if they answer questions directly so they run off at the mouth and start throwing accusations at you
What was that about “worse people in the world”? Projection again.
What. An. Asshole.
Not an accusation, but fact.
SA's 12:23 post included the statements I just addressed. For some reason that post isn't showing.
I have the content for referral.
Perhaps Tom has decided enough is enough from the jerk. As I told the troll once before, if you go to someone's house and become obnoxious and belligerent, you will no longer be welcome.
Removed my post Tom? Looks like you are all in on Net Neutrality. As long as it supports your radical progressive point of view.
As I pointed out in my deleted post, Dumbya and Mozart are currently on the blog at the same time.
The best part of this is Dumbya has the "content for referral"of my post. Like he won't slant it to favor his Radical Progressive view of the world.
You can trust Dumbya, he's a govt employee, he's a radical progressive, he is a prison guard
Tom is a high school drop, and hasn't worked in how long?
Mozart hasn't had an original thought since birth and just figured out how to use spell check.
If this is the best that this blog can provide, I'll go elsewhere for intelligent adult debate.
Oh Dumbya, why don't you grow a set and re post my post that was deleted by the worlds strongest supporter of free speech?
Didn't think so.
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