Peace On Earth
lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them and they were sure afraid. And the angel said
unto them: fear not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which
shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of
David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto
you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a
manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and
on earth peace, good will toward all people."
The Gospel according to St.Luke
Chapter 2, verses 9:14
from the King James Bible
"That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" (1965)
The Gospel according to St.Luke
Chapter 2, verses 9:14
from the King James Bible
"That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" (1965)
Cheers to you and yours!
This is not to imply that I'm in the "Christmas spirit" this year. I'm really not. Christmas has been permanently ruined for me and it's been that way for many a year. The last time I had a really jolly Christmas was when Jimmy Carter was in the White House - although my happiness was in spite of his presidency, not because of it. Just prior to the Christmas season of 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected president and John Lennon was murdered. It's been downhill ever since.
It seems to me that our very economic survival depends upon us making a mockery of the birthday of Jesus Christ every Christmas season. There's something seriously wrong with that picture if you ask me....but who's askin'.
When I was a little kid, the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, horrified me. It had nothing to do with the ghosts of Jacob Marley and Christmases past, present or yet to come. Instead it had a lot to do with the thought that any one human being could hold as sweet a holiday as Christmas in such utter contempt.
That was then....
With each passing year, I find myself admiring Ebeneezer Scrooge more and more. In fact, the old cuss is becoming somewhat of a folk hero in my eyes. Bah humbug indeed.
Forgive me for complaining. It's what I do best as you've probably figured out by now. I'll just leave you by saying that you shouldn't take me as an inspiration. I really do hope that all of you, regardless of your beliefs, have a bright 'n' dandy Christmas. Give the kids a hug for me.
Jingle! Jingle! Jingle!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
takes a well-deserved rap for the schmaltz he produced during his
career, but let's give credit where credit is due: The guy put out what
has to be one of the most beautiful Christmas LP's ever recorded. Hat's
off to him and Happy Christmas!
This record always brings me back to being a child.
"Keep your eyes open for the miracles all around you. And remember the simple truth that there is more music to be found in the laughter of a single child than can be found in all of the symphonies ever composed by all of the composers who ever lived."
From "The Rant"
Christmas Day, 2006
In around 1955, a Notre Dame classmate of my father's named Paul Giselle painted this for my mother. It has hung on the wall for sixty years. In fact, one of my earliest memories is peering up at it. I'm told that my grandfather Clements did not like this painting one bit. He said that the Blessed Mother looked like "a New York debutante".
Hi ho.
This record always brings me back to being a child.
"Keep your eyes open for the miracles all around you. And remember the simple truth that there is more music to be found in the laughter of a single child than can be found in all of the symphonies ever composed by all of the composers who ever lived."
From "The Rant"
Christmas Day, 2006

In around 1955, a Notre Dame classmate of my father's named Paul Giselle painted this for my mother. It has hung on the wall for sixty years. In fact, one of my earliest memories is peering up at it. I'm told that my grandfather Clements did not like this painting one bit. He said that the Blessed Mother looked like "a New York debutante".
Hi ho.
Here's a way to over come your depression this Christmas season
No matter what Tom says, Sore Loser will shit on it. I will read your columns, Tom, but skip the commentary; it's too painful. These right wingers can't live without defecating on someone's efforts. Sore Loser is a contrarian just for the sake of being negative. These sorry pieces of shit should thank the Lord that the Constitution gives them the right to toilet themselves in public. Season's Greetings, shithead.
I ignore them.
Agree with you Tom
Jesus Christ IS what it is about and we HAVE ruined it beyond recognition. But, it is so indicative of WHY He came.
As the prophet Isaiah foretold...
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone."
We are still a land of deep darkness. He is still the great light...
Grace and peace to you.
Merry Christmas to you, Anonymous
Merry Christmas everyone!
I just wanted to thank Tom for letting me voice my opposing views on nanny state government.
I got my Christmas presents on November 4 and with the release of the Jonathon Gruber videos.
Of the 60 Senators who voted for ObamaCare, there are only 30 still in the Senate. The people of America spoke on November 4th.
Thank you Jonathon Gruber for exposing to the people of America how arrogant and pompous the liberal elite central planners are (with their "superior intellect" and "leaning forward progressive" policies lol) and what fraudulent liars they were in getting ObamaCare passed.
Lets just hope the Democrats will not be the "Party of No" moving forward!
Another sweet recording from that Montovani LP mentioned at the bottom of the piece:
Hope you all had a grand day!
A belated Merry Christmas to you too, Tom, from your Conservative friend in Upstate. Don't fret, sensible folks will prevail. A common middle ground will be found. The sky is not falling. When people stop talking and debating is when we have real trouble. Peace.
I should also add, as a big fan of Dickens (hard to believe as a Con, huh?) my favorite lines from that work. The two children under the robe of the Ghost of Christmas Future are a boy, Ignorance, and a girl, Want.
"Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware the boy, for on his brow I see written which is doom, unless the writing be erased."
Happy new year, everyone.
12/31/14, 7:22 AM
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