Bill Cosby: Finished
His new television special - which few of us, if any, will ever see - was to have been called "Far From Finished". Anyone paying attention for the last few days would beg to differ. Bill Cosby's remarkable, fifty-plus year career came to a spectacular, irrevocable halt this week. It's all over. The first paragraph of his obituary will not take note of the "beloved funnyman" who had ranked, in my estimation, right up there with Mark Twain, Robert Benchley and Will Rogers as one of the great humorists of the twentieth century.
Instead we will be told the sordid tale of "history's most successful serial rapist" as he was referred to a couple of days ago by one of his alleged victims. I cannot recall in my lifetime a career crashing as completely and unexpectedly as this. As a longtime fan and admirer, this is indeed a sad and disturbing thing to behold.
Not all of the women who have come forward thus far with accusations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. One of them, who claims that her confrontation with Cosby took place in the year 1969, says she would jokingly call him, "Mr Jell-O". Cosby would not become the pitchman for that brand until 1974. As of this moment I seem to be the only one to have noticed this little discrepancy. What does that tell you about our media?
But where there's smoke....
Most of his accusers have the bitter ring of credibility. One woman, who appeared with Cosby in a series of educational videos, was a mere fifteen-years-old when she says she was drugged and raped by "America's dad". A few of the women seem to have nothing to gain by coming forward with their stories - and they're coming forward in droves. As of this morning, the number is at sixteen and counting. It's a safe bet that we'll hit seventeen by day's end. Fortunately for Bill, all of the accusations are beyond the statutes of limitation. That could change.
Bill Cosby may very well end up as the Joe Paterno of comedy. A brilliant, scandal free career and reputation that has endured for over half a century is in the process of immolation.
One of the first books I ever purchased to read - with my own money, for my own enjoyment - was called "Cool Cos". It was a biography of Bill written especially for kids. I sent away for it to a school book club. I was around ten at the time.
In a lifetime that has been devoted to comedy in general and comedians in particular, Bill Cosby was my first comedic hero. When I was a kid I thought that he was the smartest, coolest, funniest human being who ever walked this earth. As I write these words his second LP, "I Started out as a Child", is lying atop a small stack of records directly behind my right shoulder.
Like Chaplin, Bill appealed to both adults and children. When I was a very small child I couldn't understand the humor of Bob Newhart. I understood and appreciated Bill Cosby perfectly well. Anyone who grew up in the sixties and seventies has their own, personal Cosby memories:
In June of 1968 my father came up with the brilliant idea that it would be a wonderful thing to send my brother, Pete, and I to a summer camp in Lenox, Massachusetts, on the campus of Cranwell School. The place was inhabited by hundreds of spoiled-rotten, rich Catholic kids, and run by humorless Jesuit priests. Sound like fun? My only cherished memory of that utterly wasted summer was that every Monday night before we went to sleep, a seminarian named Jim Leroux would gather us in his room and play a Bill Cosby record. I can still hear the guy's voice forty-six years later:
That threat was enough to get us moving, believe me. Bill Cosby was, for me, one of the very few bright spots in a perfectly miserable childhood. That is what makes this spectacle all-the-more heartbreaking for me to have to witness.
The only time in my life I ever saw a comedian in concert was in the mid-eighties when I took a date to see Bill Cosby at Radio City Music Hall. I could not resist the opportunity to see my childhood hero in the flesh. One of my nagging regrets is that I'm too young to have ever seen Lenny Bruce in person, but at least I could say that I saw Bill.
All of the sudden that's not too big a deal any longer, you know? A few nights ago I was driving home with the radio on when it was announced on W-CBS that the TV Land network would no longer be airing reruns of the classic Cosby Show. In an era of hideously mediocre comedy, that particular program was one of television's depressingly few high marks. I won't even bother trying to explain to you how sad it made me to hear this.
I loved Bill Cosby.
His meteoric career is over. We shall not hear from him again except as a figure of shame, ridicule or dark satire. There will be no second act in this American life. As tragic as Lenny's end was, death and posterity would ultimately vindicate him. There will be no such vindication for Bill Cosby. The show is over; the curtain has closed. 2014 has been a horribly unfunny year for comedy, have you noticed that?
Don't be heartbroken when your heroes let you down. They always will, you know. They always will. They're just too damned human.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here's a YouTube link to watch a twenty-five-year-old Bill Cosby way back in 1963, at the very beginning of his career as a standup comedian, performing his classic skit, Noah:
We'll never look at him the same way again.
UPDATE, 11/27/14, 10:10 AM:
The number of Bill Cosby's accusers has risen to nineteen. What a pathetic end to a brilliant career. Ashes. This is too sad for words.
I hope you're all having a grand Thanksgiving.
Instead we will be told the sordid tale of "history's most successful serial rapist" as he was referred to a couple of days ago by one of his alleged victims. I cannot recall in my lifetime a career crashing as completely and unexpectedly as this. As a longtime fan and admirer, this is indeed a sad and disturbing thing to behold.
Not all of the women who have come forward thus far with accusations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. One of them, who claims that her confrontation with Cosby took place in the year 1969, says she would jokingly call him, "Mr Jell-O". Cosby would not become the pitchman for that brand until 1974. As of this moment I seem to be the only one to have noticed this little discrepancy. What does that tell you about our media?
But where there's smoke....
Most of his accusers have the bitter ring of credibility. One woman, who appeared with Cosby in a series of educational videos, was a mere fifteen-years-old when she says she was drugged and raped by "America's dad". A few of the women seem to have nothing to gain by coming forward with their stories - and they're coming forward in droves. As of this morning, the number is at sixteen and counting. It's a safe bet that we'll hit seventeen by day's end. Fortunately for Bill, all of the accusations are beyond the statutes of limitation. That could change.
Bill Cosby may very well end up as the Joe Paterno of comedy. A brilliant, scandal free career and reputation that has endured for over half a century is in the process of immolation.
One of the first books I ever purchased to read - with my own money, for my own enjoyment - was called "Cool Cos". It was a biography of Bill written especially for kids. I sent away for it to a school book club. I was around ten at the time.
In a lifetime that has been devoted to comedy in general and comedians in particular, Bill Cosby was my first comedic hero. When I was a kid I thought that he was the smartest, coolest, funniest human being who ever walked this earth. As I write these words his second LP, "I Started out as a Child", is lying atop a small stack of records directly behind my right shoulder.
Like Chaplin, Bill appealed to both adults and children. When I was a very small child I couldn't understand the humor of Bob Newhart. I understood and appreciated Bill Cosby perfectly well. Anyone who grew up in the sixties and seventies has their own, personal Cosby memories:

That threat was enough to get us moving, believe me. Bill Cosby was, for me, one of the very few bright spots in a perfectly miserable childhood. That is what makes this spectacle all-the-more heartbreaking for me to have to witness.
All of the sudden that's not too big a deal any longer, you know? A few nights ago I was driving home with the radio on when it was announced on W-CBS that the TV Land network would no longer be airing reruns of the classic Cosby Show. In an era of hideously mediocre comedy, that particular program was one of television's depressingly few high marks. I won't even bother trying to explain to you how sad it made me to hear this.
I loved Bill Cosby.
His meteoric career is over. We shall not hear from him again except as a figure of shame, ridicule or dark satire. There will be no second act in this American life. As tragic as Lenny's end was, death and posterity would ultimately vindicate him. There will be no such vindication for Bill Cosby. The show is over; the curtain has closed. 2014 has been a horribly unfunny year for comedy, have you noticed that?
Don't be heartbroken when your heroes let you down. They always will, you know. They always will. They're just too damned human.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Here's a YouTube link to watch a twenty-five-year-old Bill Cosby way back in 1963, at the very beginning of his career as a standup comedian, performing his classic skit, Noah:
We'll never look at him the same way again.
UPDATE, 11/27/14, 10:10 AM:
The number of Bill Cosby's accusers has risen to nineteen. What a pathetic end to a brilliant career. Ashes. This is too sad for words.
I hope you're all having a grand Thanksgiving.
I can't agree more. It's hard to see Cosby as innocent as this in light that he hasn't really defended himself from the charges. When you're Bill Cosby, you don't get to stay silent about a string of date rape allegations.
You just don't.
Rumor, gossip, and innuendo plague our times, but this is rape and the accusations come from more than one source.
I do have to wonder why this topic hasn't come up before. It seems this topic came up because one comedian, whom I've never heard of, said Cosby was a "serial rapist." Prior to this, we never heard anything from these women.
It's a slippery slope I'm traveling and I'm sure I'll take some heat for it--but how "raped" were these women? It seems Mr. Huxtuble has had a plentiful sex life--who knew? Yet, I'm always bothered by rape allegations were the victims go on to have contact with their rapist.
There certainly is a psychology involved with all of that. Still 16 women remained silent all of these years and I really don't believe some unknown comic's accusation help to spur them coming forward.
My no means am I defending Cosby. His sexual conquests seem to be of the sleaziest sort. Yet some of these women are rather high-profile in their own right, having left the shadow of the "Cos" behind.
Were their pay offs? Show biz favors? Why now?
I held Cosby in high regard as well, but I now feel..."cheated." Heroes do fail us because they're human, but in Cosby's case, it seems he was more monstrous than human.
KOI enjoyed this post Tom. I have been a big Bill Cosby fan for decades and also went to Radio City Music Hall to watch him perform in '85 or '86. It's all very sad now. You make an excellent point about celebrities being flawed humans (sometimes tremendously so.)
Wow Tom, I agree with you.
All our gods have clay feet. Every one of them. How sad. How disappointing. How human.
This isn't the first time these allegations have been made--Andrea Constand tried to bring charges against Cosby in 2004 and ended up bringing a civil suit when the DA decided against pursuing the case. At the time, she had 12 Jane Does willing to testify alongside her. Cosby settled out of court for an undisclosed amount in 2006 and everything was hushed up until February of this year, when Gawker ran a piece titled, "Who Wants to Remember Bill Cosby's Multiple Sex-Assault Accusations?" Cosby's lawyers have kept all the allegations out of the press--around the time of the Constand case, the National Enquirer was planning to run an investigative piece. They ended up running an exclusive puff-piece interview with Cosby instead, because his lawyers threatened to sue. Just this past week, there has been confirmation of Cosby's suppression of bad press relating to the allegations. The AP published video of Cosby asking for questions about the abuse to be "scuttled" if the reporter wishes "to be serious."
I mean...I can understand your dismay. But I don't think this is the end. If he's still in the midst of a comedy tour as we speak that has of 30 shows booked into 2015. We do live in a "new media" culture today that is highly unpredictable & one where we most recently saw a very wealthy & powerful man forced to forfeit one of his assets as a result of a tabloid fueled story. & that's if one thinks selling a team purchased for $600k & for 2 billion dollars as a forfeiture. This case is diff on many levels from that. I would also argue that it's quite different from the Joe Paterno saga. I grew up in PA & went to Penn State for camps during H.S. I also went to a small tight knot boarding school & lived in a community much like Happy Valley. I looked up to Joe-Pa. & while the scenario involving Sandusky & those boys & Joe Pa & the University broke my heart. I do know that He is still Beloved deeply by many many many people. & Much like the catholic church w/ it's priests & the fall out over sexual misconduct w/ children in recent years has not halted their movement. Nor PSU's ability & reputation moving forward...I don't see that ill-fate that you speak of for Cosby. He has made it to iconic status. & our microwave culture vilifies in the moment & moves on. Woody Allen's career did not end &the relationship to many many many of the flawed men in our history...kennedy, Carson, Barker...& numbers of former presidents & statesmen & magnates w/ their names on buildings & halls etc. ...I understand your misgivings & grievances & pain. But I suspect, This too shall pass.
My pal, Kevin Swanwick, left this posting on my Facebook page:
"Kind of weird. I saw him a few weeks ago at 6:30AM in the Atlanta airport, down on the lower level, sort of staggering along, leaning on his friend and goofing around with a big smile on his face. I actually had to step out of the way, so I didn't walk into him. He seemed to be quite happy at that moment. Sea change."
Geebus!...White people LIKED Cosby. He was the kind of black person they could tolerate. The black guy they could be "friends" with. He said things about other black people that they agreed with. Cosby probably has MORE in common with many of those people now.
"Kind of weird. I saw him a few weeks ago at 6:30AM in the Atlanta airport, down on the lower level, sort of staggering along, leaning on his friend and goofing around with a big smile on his face. I actually had to step out of the way, so I didn't walk into him. He seemed to be quite happy at that moment. Sea change."
Maybe it wasn't Bill Cosby.
Just like the video where a 300 pound black person was caught on video stealing cigars and then threatening to beat up the the little asian man who stood up to the uncivilized immoral thief. Clearly the thief was not a "gentle giant."
Maybe it wasn't Michael Brown.
It's rather amusing to watch the Democrats - even the leadership - sprint away from Obama as fast as possible. Of course, it's all for show, as the Democrats will still largely follow the progressive agenda in lockstep. It's just another example of Democrats "Grubering" the public - they think the voters are stupid enough to believe them when they mouth the words to distance themselves from Obama while they continue to vote for his policies.
Democrats will still largely follow the progressive agenda in Mary (Keystone) Landrieu
Here comes Chuckie's disconnect from reality again.
"like Mary (Keystone) Landrieu"
Mary is desperate.
Mary is throwing a hail mary pass.
Mary voted for ObamaCare.
Mary is history.
Watch Mary slowly sink in the quick sand over her head.
Bye Bye Mary.
+9 Pickup in the Senate.
“After passing the stimulus, Democrats should have continued to propose middle class-oriented programs and build on the partial success of the stimulus, but unfortunately Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them. We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem – health care reform.”
“The plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships caused by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed,” he added. “But it wasn’t the change we were hired to make. Americans were crying out for an end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs — not for changes in their health care.”
“I’m glad that Sen. Schumer agrees with the overwhelming majority of the American people that the President’s health care law was a bad idea right from the start — hopefully, he’ll now join our efforts to repeal it, and put in place real, patient-centered reforms that actually lower costs.”
This is a surprise that Schumer has criticized Obama in public. He's been an Obama dick sucker from the start. No surprise that he is another two faced member of the Democratic party. He's helped make this bed and he should have to lie in the sh^%.
I'm enjoying watching "The Progressive Revolution" eat its young.
Joe The Plumber knew Obama was a Bull Shitter from the get go.
Lots more DemocRats should be copying Schumer in abandoning the sinking "Good Ship Obama!"
Mary "Oil" Landrieu may be desperate but she and many other dems have always been oily. News to the low information voters like Sore Chuckie.
Max "Insurance company" Baucus and Barack "Wall street" Obama also typify the junior corporatist party.
There is no progressive agenda in either major party. This is why we have the Great Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession still decimating the middle class.
Vote GOP and let them finish the corporate take-over of the government. We have voted for "We the corporate persons", so there shall forever be government "of, by, and for corporations".
Watch for more corporate-written trade agreements to be pushed by Obama and his fellow Republicans, er, corporatists.
Sounds like dave is blaming the black guy
Sounds like dave is blaming the black guy
For the low information, and low IQ, voter, I'm blaming Republicans and their junior corporatist partners of the Democratic Party.
Somebody needs to go back to Breitbart for his "thoughts". I'm sure he'll be educated on the Commie Net Neutrality Conspiracy.
“Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America- Don’t let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist bullsh*t “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta a**holes you hang with & look up to. It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely.”
If I believed in Hell... It just froze over.
If this can bring the trolliest of trolls to put politics aside for even one post, it makes Cosby's end even more messed up. The fact the his comedy brought Chuckie & Tom together in agreement... And his downfall giving us all pause and making us all feel, we'll disgusted and sad at the same time.
Wow indeed.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ted "Potty Pants Rapist" Nugent. I thought he said he'd be dead or in jail after Obama was re-elected.
His words mean so much.
Do you still say it wasn't Michael Brown in that video where a 300 pound black male robbed the store and then threatened to beat up the little asian man?
If you still don't believe the fact that it was Michael Brown, then why should I be surprised that you believe in the phoney fact of man made global warming?
"Hands Up, Don't Shoot" says the race hustler Rev Al Sharptoon.
Chuck "The Schmuk" Schmer:
“It wasn’t the change we were hired to make, Americans were crying out for an end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs, not for changes in their health care.”
First Gruber now Chuck. The Dems finally admit what a screw-up Obamacare was and will be for the American people. The Leftist Progressives will probably claim they never heard of Chuck Schumer and deny his comments. Typical lying continues on the Left.
Belief that the next vast government program will not be a complete failure, or at least rife with waste, corruption, abuse and incompetence is a persistent feature of progressive thinking. Even in the face of extraordinary evidence to the contrary, progressives preserve an unabated faith in government’s ability to positively transform society. With history as a guide, the track record is as unambiguous as it is damning when it comes to the effectiveness of government run enterprise.
Make no mistake that Democrats are eager to see the government do more and are ready to build on their three signature achievements of the past six years: ACA (Obama Care), ARRA (The Stimulus Package) and Dodd-Frank. The basic promises of these bills, respectively, were as follows: Make medical care more affordable, keep unemployment below 8% and prevent another financial crisis. Precisely zero of these objectives have been met. These bills are a trifecta of government incompetence at a galactic scale and their multi-trillion dollar costs are only beginning to be felt.
the track record is as unambiguous as it is damning when it comes to the effectiveness of government run enterprise.
Yeah, damn that social security keeping people out of poverty. Damn that Medicare for providing health care.
Just the lies is still just the lies.
"...not for changes in their health care.”
New York Times:
March 1, 2007
A majority of Americans say the federal government should guarantee health insurance to every American, especially children, and are willing to pay higher taxes to do it, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.
Chuckie only believes Dems when they are WRONG.
Gruber was right about stupid voters like Chuckie. NO memory.
"Gruber was right about stupid voters like Chuckie. NO memory."
LOL, LOL, my low skilled blue collar prison guard friend!
You are quite a Socratic Waffler Dave Dubya. Marxists, I meant Progressives, like you are great poker faced liars.
When the Latinos get amnesty they will be willing to work at your low skilled job at 25% of your salary!
In Chuckie's eagerness to demean the messenger, he ignored the message.
How typically Right, far Right.
Just the lies is still just the lies.
What was it again that the Democrat and Chuckie get wrong?
"...not for changes in their health care.”
New York Times:
March 1, 2007
A majority of Americans say the federal government should guarantee health insurance to every American, especially children, and are willing to pay higher taxes to do it, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.
Chuckie only believes Dems when they are WRONG.
Perfect example of Right Wing Cult beliefs.
Chuckie's reptilian brain is over-active again. It’s a con-servative thing. Chuckie forgets one of my skills is seeing through sociopaths and liars.
Now if only Chuckie could develop reading retention skills...
Obamacare was not only a strategic error it was a policy error. A majority of Americans would have supported and the GOP would have gone along with expanding Medicaid for the working poor. We could have done this without upending the entire US health care system to do so and replacing it with a huge, dysfunctional bureaucracy forcing Americans to buy an overly expensive one size fits all insurance plan.
"I'm blaming Republicans and their junior corporatist partners of the Democratic Party."
Junior? Come on Dyuba, you can do better than that. I guess that means you aren't blaming the black guy in the White House who sets the politics of his party. Of course not. Leave that to Chuck Schumer. Ha Ha Ha!
Pretty funny Tom, how my only post until now has been about Bill Cosby (who I agree is finished, or if not he should be), but radical lefty Dubya, defender of democracy, and the Constitution, spins the thread into a political rant against those who are to the right of him. Which is just about 95% of Americans.
No moderation in hard core radical left wing dubya will be allowed.
Let's see has he used the old one about the GOP being the KKK yet? Has he addressed the fact that Schumer has criticized Obama in public?
Hey Dumbya, can't you find any more recent NY Time's polls than the one you quoted that was from frigging 2007? One of your self professed skills is " seeing through sociopaths and liars." How the hell did Gruber pull one over you then, oh psychic master? Or were you out of touch with your aurora for a while and you mood ring was being cleaned?
Pray tell us oh psychic master , how does this skill come in handy when it's time to do a cavity search? Do your skills tell where to look?
Napoleon Dumbya Dynamite daily testing his "skills" in the work place.
The Democrats are never really looking out for the little guy. It's always been about selling their snake oil to the gruberites on the Liberal Plantation so they can keep themselves in power.
Only days before a grand jury released its decision on whether there would be a trial for the August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, the FBI arrested two men who were allegedly looking to buy supplies to make a pipe bomb.
Sources say the men planned to kill St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch, and Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, and also planned to bomb the famed Gateway Arch in downtown St. Louis. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the men bought what they believed to be a pipe bomb from undercover police but could not afford more bombs "until one suspect’s girlfriend’s Electronic Benefit Transfer card was replenished."
The two men were arrested on November 21 and accused of attempting to purchase explosives that they planned to use during the Ferguson protests. They were also brought up on gun charges.
But this week, we are learning a bit more about what these men were allegedly planning to do with the explosives.
Sources close to the ongoing investigation have revealed that the men, Brandon Orlando "Muhammad" Baldwin, age unreported, and Olajuwon Ali Davis, 22, were nabbed in an undercover gun sting.
The pair were initially arrested after misrepresenting who the firearms were being purchased for, authorities say.
Sources also say that the pair intended to kill the St. Louis prosecutor as well as Ferguson's police chief and also wanted to place their pipe bombs on the upper deck of the St. Louis Gateway Arch.
Both pleaded not guilty at their Tuesday hearing. The two also waived their rights to a bail hearing and are being held pending further proceedings.
Olajuwon Ali Davis was a recent speaker at a meeting of the New Black Panther Party held at the Greater St. Mark Family Church in Ferguson in October and has been identified as the Panthers' "minister of law."
Authorities would make no further on-the-record statements about the case.
The Democrats are never really looking out for the little guy.
And the GOP represents only the rich.
No wonder they're raking it in, and the rest of us get...
Say, where's all that freedom Chuckie said the Republicans will bring? LOL!
“It wasn’t the change we were hired to make, Americans were crying out for an end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs, not for changes in their health care.”
Poll 2007, "Hired" in 2008.
Pretty complicated for low information, low IQ cult members.
"And the GOP represents only the rich."
What we have is a lesion (I spelt it incorrectly on purpose in order to make a point) in Socialistic Class Envy presented by our very own trained, skilled psychic master from the FAR RADICAL LEFT,
D. Dumbya.
Several things to ponder, dear psychic master Dumbya.
If what you say is true, then wouldn't it make sense for the GOP to want the largest number people possible to become rich in order to grow the GOP? The more rich, then the more voters for the GOP.
And if the Dems represent only the non rich, wouldn't it make sense for the Dems to want to keep the largest number of people possible NOT rich in order to grow their Party? The more poor on the liberal plantation, then the more voters for the Dems.
While we are on the subject of "skills", just what the hell do you think the unemployment rate is going to become since King Obama opened or doors to a flood of cheap labor?
Hope you "skills" include making gold out of lead, or magic brooms that fly. Mind reading might not be enough in our new King Obama economy.
"Max "Insurance company" Baucus and Barack "Wall street" Obama also typify the junior corporatist party.
There is no progressive agenda in either major party. This is why we have the Great Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession still decimating the middle class."
It was a progressive agenda, subsidizing home ownership, that was the main cause of the financial collapse. The leaning forward progressive government experiment of giving mortgages to people with low credit scores by forcing lower underwriting standards by the banks was the start of the problem. The "affordable housing" government requirements, mandated in 1992, then required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to start meeting quotas of buying "sub prime" mortgages for the first time in addition to "prime" mortgages. Of course the percent of "sub prime" to meet the quota kept increasing (Barney Fwank said "Lets roll the dice a little more."). If you are in government, why not experiment? If your experiment fails, you can gruberize (i.e. lie) and deflect blame to the greedy bankers and other straw men. But now thanks to Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Gruber, the PEOPLE have become aware of what F*CKING liars they are about the benefits and costs of implementing all their "leaning forward" progessive policies.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont on ObamaCare"
"I just see a huge train wreck coming down."
At least Max had a conscience and left the Senate as he could no longer lie in lockstep with the progressive dictators.
Barney Fwank August 2010:
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie ... it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
Thanks a lot Barney for your failed experiment!
"Progressive dictators". Right, and how many Americans died in Iraq for their lies and war for political gain and crony profit?
Well, Fred, we know ONE thing for certain. You are no history teacher.
"This Administration will constantly strive to promote an ownership society in America. We want more people owning their own home. It is in our national interest that more people own their own home. After all, if you own your own home, you have a vital stake in the future of our country."
- President George W. Bush, December 16, 2003
"We can put light where there's darkness, and hope where there's despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home."
George W. Bush , Oct. 15, 2002
Eight years after arriving in Washington vowing to spread the dream of home ownership, Bush is leaving office, as he himself said recently, "faced with the prospect of a global meltdown" with roots in the housing sector he so ardently championed.
There are plenty of culprits, like lenders who peddled easy credit, consumers who took on mortgages they could not afford and Wall Street chieftains who loaded up on mortgage-backed securities without regard to the risk.
But the story of how the United States got here is partly one of Bush's own making, according to a review of his tenure that included interviews with dozens of current and former administration officials.
And that other famous "progressive":
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally"---Ronald Reagan, 1984 Debate with Walter Mondale
Now go back to the GOP/FOX(R) history revision class you love to parrot.
Too bad the truth is not welcome there.
BOTH parties are to blame, but as long as one party has a cult of true believers, that is enough to doom our democratic republic. The poison is working.
“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” - Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Hey Dumbya,
WTF does your bringing up GWB have to do with Red State Fred's comment about subsidizing home ownership?
You really are a moron you know that? With your Skills, oh mystic liberal, I thought you would have figured that out by now.
Red State,
Want to bet Dumbya responds to this with a bit about the GOP being the KKK?
Click on my name to see who Dumbya parrots.
Jeez, what an idiot.
First a STUPID question, then NO rebuttal to my facts, then Sore Chuckie needs to be an asshole again.
What. A. LOSER!
Today's GOP is all about the richest one percent exploiting the dumbest fifty percent.
Facts about Bill Cosby Dumbya?
You know the subject of this thread?
Or just the same vomit of your radical leftist liberalism that is believed by 2% of America that you spew over and over again?
Have you ever once addressed the FACTS about Obamacare that J Gruber disclosed? Hell no, let's talk about GOP=KKK or GWB?
Your stupid grade school position is you cant be critical of Obama unless your critical of GWB. Play it with your fellow Tuesday night liberals get together s at the Common Cub Coffeehouse as you listen to AIR AMERICA. Oh shit, I'm sorry, AIR AMERICA went off the air, so very sorry. Couldn't compete in the free market place of ideas. That should tell you all you need to know about what America believes about your liberal tripe.
Have you ever addressed how the dem/libs broke their promise to Reagan in exchange for his ONE TIME AMNESTY?
Why dont you stop playing your self righteous liberal indignant behavior and start dealing with what the past six years of Obama has done to the next 30 years of America.
Grow up.
Why dont you stop playing your self righteous con-servative indignant behavior and start dealing with what the past 14 years of Bush and Obama have done to the next 30 years of America.
Grow up.
Dave Dubya,
GWB was a RINO. He spent like a progressive. He was not a good President. But compared to the current amateur (Bill Clinton's words) he was good.
It is a beautiful idea to have everybody own a home. They are less likely to trash their dwelling if they own it versus redistributed tax payer subsidized Section 8 housing. But ownership requires responsibility, and a steady f%cking job, which too many sub prime people lacked.
All Presidents would like to see more people own their own homes.
The Progressive Experiment in subsidized home ownership started with the CRA in 70s and led to creating too many sub-prime loans.
The Chickens came home to roost with the collapse of the Progressive Experiment in subsidized home ownership under GWB.
Dave Dubya, you should spend more time trying to understand economics which you clearly lack.
It is not a surprise that your hatred of Capitalism and Corporations matches that of Karl Marx.
U.S. oil production has nearly doubled in recent years to 9 million barrels a day, and the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) expects U.S. supply to rise by more than 1 million barrels a day next year. And it is this supply increase that is driving down prices. Saudi Arabia and OPEC have essentially thrown in the towel, surrendering to the inevitability of lower prices from exploding U.S. energy production.
This is not only a triumph of U.S. energy independence, it is a victory for the workings of the free market. This victory makes marxists, like Dave Dubya and his comrades at Tom Degan's Rant, foam at the mouth. Greater supply, not government cartels, is driving down prices.
Senator Chuck Schumer -- who is still licking his wounds from the huge Democratic midterm losses in the Senate -- is out there attacking Obamacare as the wrong policy to halt the decline of middle-class incomes. What he’d like to see is new big-government policies (wait, wasn’t Obamacare a big-government policy?), including tax favors for targeted segments of the economy, presumably to bolster the middle class.
But guess what? We just had a free-market tax cut that will boost middle-class incomes and just about everything else.
You don't know who, what, why, or even IF I hate.
I hate the seizure and destruction of our democratic republic by global corporate power. Dark money is now "free speech". Who do you think writes the trade agreements that become law of the land?
How about THAT for economics??
IF GWB was a RINO, why isn't Obama a DINO?
Bush was a frickin Republican and Obama is a frickin Democrat. Both are corporatists, as well as the Clintons.
Get real.
The Progressive Experiment in subsidized home ownership started with the CRA in 70s and led to creating too many sub-prime loans.
This standard Right claim focuses on a minor indirect sliver of the issue and ignores the bi-partisan deregulation and negligent oversight by cronies of Wall Street.
"Wall Street? Wall Street, who? What predatory lending? What fraud?
Better blame liberals!
Or Grow up.
How about instead of growing up, wake up?
You are still running away like Ohio ran over Michigan today from this response to your stupid claim that "the GOP represents only the rich."
"Several things to ponder, dear psychic master Dumbya.
If what you say is true, then wouldn't it make sense for the GOP to want the largest number people possible to become rich in order to grow the GOP? The more rich, then the more voters for the GOP.
And if the Dems represent only the non rich, wouldn't it make sense for the Dems to want to keep the largest number of people possible NOT rich in order to grow their Party? The more poor on the liberal plantation, then the more voters for the Dems.
brooms that fly."
Yeah, better talk about GWB or Reagan, cause you don't have any spiffy responses and the Rachel Maddow Fan Club isn't growing in eastern Mi.
wouldn't it make sense for the GOP to want the largest number people possible to become rich
This is the delusion that holds the cult together. Reality point one: The vast majority cannot be rich. Reality point number two: The GOP is against any raise in minimum wage.
Their actions dis-prove your dogma.
This is what makes you a true believer.
I am free from the illusions that both parties employ.
Multi-national corporations and Wall Street have greater representation than 99.9% of Americans. Why don't you ponder that one, sport? You revere wealth and the rich so much you are their tool. A useful idiot. Watch more wealth trickle up.
Yeah, everybody who works hard enough is gonna get rich. Keep your delusions.
You will never get that. The Bubble forbids such notions.
Who says "The vast majority cannot be rich" Karl Marx or Al Sharpton?
"The GOP is against any raise in minimum wage."
Why do you think they are against an increase in the min wage?
What follows is the root of you faulty socialist belief.
"Yeah, everybody who works hard enough is gonna get rich. Keep your delusions."
NO, that is not what conservatives republicans are saying. What they are saying is EVERYONE should have the same right and be expected to work hard and either succeed or fail. With the results based on their own abilities. If they fail they should have the right and be expected to try again. It is not the job of govt to ensure everyone has the same amount of $ nor is it the job of govt to take from those who succeed and give to those who haven't tried to succeed.
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time.
Liberals do not agree with the concept of reliance on self for ones needs. You seem to believe that the duty of govt is to ensure wealth does not increase but instead is redistributed by govt. That will never do what liberals want it to, IE income equality, much less create an economy in which all have enough. Due to the nature of human desires it will end up creating class warfare and will guarantee a growing all controlling centralized govt to the determent of all it claims to serve.
Look at our blog host for a minute.
By his own admission , he doesn't work, he hasn't worked in years, yet is able to eat and have a roof over his head. That is not the America envisioned when it revolted against the English Monarch. Do you find that acceptable?
what if 47% of American's did as Tom has done? What if 52% do as Tom is doing? How long would the centralized govt be able to continue to provide in that manner? If you have kids, is it your dream that they grow up to live their life as Tom is?
"Multi-national corporations and Wall Street have greater representation than 99.9% of Americans" Really? How many votes do they have in Congress? How can you prove that statement to be true? What events in you life has caused you to believe that?
Here is a statement from the CUPUSA web page
"Socialism will meet the needs of the great majority of our people and lay the basis for solving our social, economic and environmental problems."
Do you agree or disagree with that Dumbya? If by agreeing with that position doesn't make you a commie, what does it make you?
If the GOP only supports the rich and they want to stay in power by growing in members, why doesn't it make sense for the GOP to want more people to be rich?
If the Dems only represent the poor,and they want to stay in power by growing in memebers, doesn't it make sense for the DEMs to want more people to be poor?
Sore Asshole, (This is YOU, as long as you call me Dumbya.)
Why do you think they (GOP) are against an increase in the min wage?
We’ve heard their highly questionable justifications. So what is the bottom line? Less pay for workers means more “trickle up” wealth. It’s ALWAYS been that way. I thought you claimed to understand economics.
Who says "The vast majority cannot be rich" Karl Marx or Al Sharpton?
Reality. Try it some time.
It is not the job of govt to ensure everyone has the same amount of $
Nobody but Right wing propagandists make such a stupid claim.
Liberals do not agree with the concept of reliance on self for ones needs. You seem to believe that the duty of govt is to ensure wealth does not increase but instead is redistributed by govt.
Again. Nobody but Right wing propagandists make such a stupid claim. These are clear examples of indoctrination.
"Multi-national corporations and Wall Street have greater representation than 99.9% of Americans" Really? How many votes do they have in Congress? How can you prove that statement to be true? What events in you life has caused you to believe that?
Again, reality. Try it some time.
You never heard of “free speech money”? The same greedy swindlers who crashed our economy were rewarded by bailouts and zero accountability for the fraud and the damages they caused. Useful idiots who want to blame liberals for everything can be proud of that.
“The banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis --- that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” - Senator Dick Durban
"Socialism will meet the needs of the great majority of our people and lay the basis for solving our social, economic and environmental problems."
Do you agree or disagree?
That is a broad and imprecise statement. In the case of health care in every Western Democracy but ours, the clear answer is yes. Reality. Try it some time.
Socialism itself is open to many interpretations and varied applications. Only brainwashed useful idiots think it is the same as communism. Yes, is also the answer for the unemployed and disabled. YOU have agreed with this socialistic value. Better change your position or your buddies will call YOU a commie.
What the far Right cannot comprehend though their fog of propaganda is the fact liberals want more jobs, not more unemployed. Read that again so it sinks in. (I know, I know. You can’t think outside the Bubble Cult dogma.)
If the GOP…They don’t care. All they want is power, and they know misinformed dupes are their voting base, no matter how poor they are and how much they hate the “Government hands on their Medicare”.
Name one Republican policy that helps elevate the poor into the middle class. You can’t. Name one Republican policy that helps the poor at all. You can’t. Name one Republican policy that helps the rich… Yeah, I bet that would be easy even for the Bubble Cult.
If the Dems…is a false premise. BOTH parties are corporatist. Did you understand what trade agreements are? Get real, sport. Can’t you see I’m helping you out here?
Understanding and knowledge have never been valued as much as beliefs to the far Right.
You do realize you prove this statement all the time?
We’ve heard their highly questionable justifications. So what is the bottom line? Less pay for workers means more “trickle up” wealth. It’s ALWAYS been that way. I thought you claimed to understand economics.
So it shouldn't be a problem for you to give examples, right?
Who says "The vast majority cannot be rich". Still waiting for your answer.
Like earned income tax credits, income equality, affirmative action, govt entitlements, low income home loans are not examples of the govt trying to ensuring everyone has the same amount of $? If they are not, then what are they for?
"If the GOP…They don’t care. All they want is power" Really, and the DNC DOESN'T want the same? Power is gained by getting the most votes, if you allow more people to prosper, you get more votes. What's keeping all Americans from becoming rich, the politics of GOP or the democrats?
"Socialism itself is open to many interpretations and varied applications."
Great, what is your interpretation and do you agree with the CPUSA quote about socialism?
"Name one Republican policy that helps elevate the poor into the middle class. You can’t. Name one Republican policy that helps the poor at all."
Got a better one for you Dumbya, name one GOP policy that stops the poor from moving into the middle class, name on policy that hurts the poor. You cant.
Name one liberal policy that doesn't take from one person and give to another, one policy that doesn't inhibit the growth of personal wealth? (Include in that the over 1000 NEW regulations imposed on us just this past week) Those liberal policy's hurt one person, how much do they really help the other person?
With liberal redistribution of wealth, are the poor able to move into the middle class from what is given them by govt that was taken from others? Give examples of that happening, because if it worked, then why are there still poor? Is the percentage of poor growing or declining? Has the govt definition of what is "poor" (AKA poverty) gone up or down in income threshold? Why has the income amount gone up?
"BOTH parties are corporatist." So what!!! America still is a some what capitalist society. Corporations hire people to produce their products and services that are sold and bought by other people who are earning their income by working. There are anti monopoly laws on the books that prevent unfair competition, the EPA is trying to make our air as clean as it was after the ice age, (while at the same time, saving some obscure snail or butterfly that has ZERO impact on your life, but reduces employment opportunities) So what is your lay awake at night fear of corporations based on? Or for that matter, business.
People and retirement funds invest in Wall Street in order to grow individual wealth, all based on the profits of corporations, NOT the actions of the Govt. You want to reduce the profits of corporations to reduce the ability of poor and middle class people from growing their personal wealth? WHY?
As for my calling you Dumbya, you call me Chucky, someone who I'VE told you I'm not, But I'll be happy to consider your request, Dumbya.
"Sore Asshole" really doesn't bother me, as it only highlights what I've come to find is the real you. An expert on the rectum.
Sore Asshole,
You're right, I'm familiar with a lot of your kind.
Who says "The vast majority cannot be rich". Still waiting for your answer.
This avoidance of reality proves the futility of discussion with a cult member.
"BOTH parties are corporatist." So what!!!
It means neither party is democratic, or republican. Get a clue.
As repeatedly proven, Ignorance is strength.
Thank you for your numerous examples.
When you choose one identity, I will gladly use it. You won't.
You know Dumbya, you calling people who you disagree with names is nothing new. This blog is full of examples of you doing so.
It's what you do when your arguments fail to compete in the free market place of ideas.
Name calling is the last tactic of liberalism when liberalism is found to be lacking, as it always will be in the end.
I consider my being called names by you a victory.
Person who suffers from brain malfunctions resulting in long useage of alcohol and drugs. Has problems speaking intelligently and has low IQ. Also suffers delusions of greatness and high self importance. Can not accept critisim and lies (a lot!).
Urban Dictionary
First off, I think these allegations against Cosby are a few women trying for a big payday, nothing more. But look how easy it is for our tabloid society to believe he's guilty. Bad news sells. Add sex and it's a sure fire trip to the bank.
I also think it's funny how quick Anonymous can turn ANY subject into a "I hate Obama" whinefest.
The ACA is a HUGE success for those 30 million or so of us that are participating.(It may have actually saved my life) I'm sure those that opposed it from the start are still trying to find ways to spin that success into a failure.
As for "redistribution of wealth", when you buy a candy bar for a dollar you are "redistributing wealth" which proves what a stupid catchphrase it is, but I also notice that you consevatives never seem to mind when wealth is "redistributed" from the middle class to the uber rich. Why is that?
Oh and Tom, Cosby's carreer is "meteoric" now.
Meteors fall.
"It may have actually saved my life"
Didn't you tell us you had health insurance before the ACA and only changed because it was cheaper (because I helped pay for it)? How is it Obamacare may have saved your life? Shouldn't you be saying that I may have saved your life?
"30 million or so of us that are participating" in ACA. Great, that means there is no one with out health insurance right? Except maybe our new democrat voting citizens given to us by King Obama, they dont have Obamacare, do they?
"But look how easy it is for our tabloid society to believe he's guilty"
Yup, almost as easy as some who believed Michael Brown was a "gentile" giant shot down in cold blood by a white racist cop.
As for "redistribution of wealth", when you buy a candy bar for a dollar you are "redistributing wealth" which proves what a stupid catchphrase it is, but I also notice that you consevatives never seem to mind when wealth is "redistributed" from the middle class to the uber rich. Why is that?"
WTH are you saying? You realize that when you buy a candy bar you do so because you want to, not because the govt forces you to or takes the money that you earned from you to buy the candy bar for someone else? You do understand that, right?
Please give examples of when "wealth is "redistributed" from the middle class to the uber rich".
Or take back your claim as unfounded, without merit and due to having a turkey sandwich hangover. You pick the reason.
Please give examples of when "wealth is "redistributed" from the middle class to the uber rich"
Naive or stupid? Or more likely, just ASSHOLE. How about the trickle up wealth to the thug leader of the Blackwater gang for one example? How about Halliburton Dick and his crony war profiteers? How about the Wall Street bailout?
How about corporations paying zero income tax while using public funded infrastructure?
Reality. Try it some time.
So in review, Sore Asshole failed to refute any of my points of fact and reality. All evidence presented has held. Sore Asshole flees from every dis-proven and losing position.
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings.
I hereby claim VICTORY! Sore Asshole is also a sore loser. Imagine that. LOL!!
Dave, that's why I stopped trying to explain reality to Anonymous and his several handles.
As usual I stand by ALL my statements.
Does Anonymous stand by HIS?
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress."
I wonder why Sore Asshole stopped bringing up Benghazi TM?
Does he know the Republican committee has come up with NOTHING to back the Right's crazed hysteria over a non-scandal?
Nor should we look at him the same way again. This guy has had a very good career, he's very rich, and if we had known what he was doing he should have spent most of his life in jail. I also enjoyed his comedy. Mainly his records. But if we give him a break, then we promote the idea that the rich can break the law with no consequences. He's old, he's rich, and he won't be going to jail. His earning career should come to an end. When so many people come forward with these accusations, I find it hard not to believe them. Cosby has the big ego to make him think he could get away with it and he had passive help to get away with it. I can still laugh at his jokes, but he is no laughing matter and should disappear from public consciousnesses.
How nice. Anonymous already has Cosby guilty; I guess we don't need due process.
Anonymous usually defends the rich at all cost.
Is his hatred for Cosby because he's Black, Liberal, or both?
"failed to refute any of my points of fact and reality"
Lot of jokes in that sentence Dumbya, who are your writers? Laughing at your stupidity. Are you really the best the left has to offer?
Blue medal winner in the Ann Arbor's Slauson Middle School debate club?
Truth is Dumbya, you are a failure in every thing you have tried to do. So how would you know the difference between success and failure?
Mozart, are you disagreeing with our host, the freeloader Tom Degan? What a minute, didn't you tell him you wouldn't be commenting any longer on his site?
In closing,
Voter ID is so racist!
I never said I would not comment here.
Do you have anymore childish retorts or can we just assume you have no facts to offer as usual?
Voter ID is not racist, as EVERYONE has to show some form to REGISTER. However, asking the poor, and/or elderly, many of whom ARE minorities and have not the means to jump through the insane hoops conservatives have set up is racist in some cases, but mostly it's just a means to disenfranchise as many opposing voters as possible.
Conservatives know they can't win elections on the issues, so they find ways to cheat.
So how would you know the difference between success and failure?
Sore Asshole still has no honest point, rebuttal, or answers. THAT is called failure. He loses.
And look what he resorts to.
We might wonder why he needed to research Ann Arbor schools. Maybe he has a thing for middle school students? I hope not.
Most likely he's trying the famous Right Wing Authoritarian bully tactic of intimidation. Maybe he has criminal intent and is stalking me.
That would be the biggest mistake of his foolish hateful life.
Would he really be stupid enough to stalk a well armed liberal? If this helps, I have a half-kidding sign outside that reads, "If you can read this, you are either a friend or a target."
No wonder he needs to hide his identity. Either way, he is clearly a sociopath. I know his ilk well,(and he knows I do).
His is the hate and evil that fuels fascism.
He has been fairly warned. I have nothing left to say to the hateful thug asshole.
He's all yours Tom.
Let's leave the discussion/debate on this positive note.
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings.
I hereby claim decisive VICTORY!
Socialism has won in the "marketplace of ideas".
In the spirit of solidarity, let's welcome Sore Asshole to socialism and the values of the New Deal.
Maybe he wants to move to Ann Arbor now. I can't imagine any other legitimate reason to look up a middle school. (At least he knows I'm the better debater.)
Lot of maybe's you got there Dumbya, but again with the putting of your words into the mouths of others.
If you cant win the debate on merit, dirty up the waters so no one wins. Old socialist tactic.
The fact is I've held back posting the excuses liberals give for their failures.
Liberal excuse Number 1.
It was the Koch money and big corporations that defeated the DEMs in 11/2014.
Liberal excuse Number 2
There isn't much difference between the two party s so getting our ass handed to us doesn't mean anything.
Liberal excuse number 3.
GOP cheated.
Liberal excuse number 4.
Voter suppression because put base didn't show up to vote.
Liberal excuse number 5.
Democrats weren't liberal enough.
Voters were duped
8. Voters must have been high on pot.
Excuse number 9
We didn't get our message out
excuse Number 10.
Supreme Court is corrupt when the decide against liberalism, honest when they don't.
Liberal excuse number 11.
It's all the fault of Fox News.
Reality check, liberalism is the minority in America and the midterms support that statement with fact.
Mozart, you either have a very bad memory or hope the rest of us do.
How about explaining how Obamacare "may have saved your life"? Do you remember making that claim?
Mozart1220 said...several weeks ago
" Tom, this is why I stopped commenting for the most part. It's pretty much come down to Anonymous spamming the comments with multiple names and utter nonsense.
When proven wrong or asked to explain, he just changes the subject.
I still read your blog though, but I'm done arguing with trolls like Anonymous. Nothing gets through the "bubble" anyway."
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings.
I hereby claim and retain decisive VICTORY!
Sore Asshole is indeed a sore loser.
You live in a fantasy world of liberalism.
Isn't it time for your Rachel Maddow fan Club meeting?
You really think the idea of taking care of people is an original socialistic idea? Why dont you quote the rest of my statement about how long etc?
Why, because you live in a world of half truths, imagined victims and hoped for solutions from Big Govt, that mainly is based on taking from one to give to another. How shallow your life must be that you have to announce to the world on this site, when a woman agrees to out on a date with you! Did your use your "skills" to get her to agree to go out?
I see from the map of ISP locations that you have been on this web site for 6 hours straight, not a record for you , but closing in. How very sad a life you must live to dedicate your day to calling someone you dont know a swear word on a blog that on it's best day, under 200 people will see.
If I thought it would do you any good, I'd feel sorry for you, because you truly are very sorry. It is your hate of those who have become successful that drives your class envy which fuels your so wished for class war.
Have you ever had a full time job in the private sector?
If you had a son, would you want him to become Tom or Mozart?
If you had a son, would you be jealous if he was successful unlike you?
If you had a daughter, would you hope she would be on food stamps, tax payer funded day care and getting earned income tax credits?
If you had grandchildren would you be happy if they received add to dependent children?
If the answer to the above is yes, then you certainly have the right world view to reach that goal.
If you wanted for them better that what you have, how would you train them to achieve that goal? How to increase their eligibility for govt assistance or learn job skills that would allow them to be independent of the govt support?
To be a slave on the govt plantation or free?
Anonymous, where in the "quote" from me (that you actually were obsessed enough to look up and find)does it say "I will no longer be commenting on this site"?
And when you tell us who your congressmen are, I'll answer some of your questions.
Until then you are just a "sore loser". A child who's trying to keep up with the conversation at the adults table, and exposing yourself for the troll you are.
Your entire reasoh for living comes from the Rush Limbaugh script You have no actual facts, and you keep falling back on things we have explained or rebutted repeatedly.
As for Cosby, I'll believe the allegations have merit when someone comes up with more than 40year old stories.
If you paid any attention, you'd realize the blog author also "already has Cosby guilty". Was kind of the point. Wake up and start saying stuff that makes sense occasionally...
Mozart complains about someone being obsessed enough to look something up he said and then once again becomes obsessive by asking who are the congressmen of anonymous.
Again, again and again.
Just a One Trick Pony.
And the best part is Mozart draws a line in the sand about never again answering any questions. Typical of a liberal, wont say thanks for the money he gets to pay for his Obamacare from the rest of us, which he claims "may have saved his life", then draws a line in the sand to prove his independence.
Why, how very grateful of you Mozart!
How very liberal of you Mozart, you are a perfect example of the entitlement class.
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings.
Sore Asshole is indeed a sore loser.
Thought it best it get this out before liberals blame the GOP for shutting down their first love, the Federal Govt.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Barack Obama will block a government budget bill if the GOP denies him the funds needed to provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.
“Yes,” Earnest said when asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl if Obama would veto a government-wide budget that defunded the amnesty program.
If Obama blocks the budget to help the illegals, large sections of the federal government would shut down on Dec. 12.
If the govt shuts down it will be Obama's fault.
Still putting words into the mouths of others. It is ironic that you complained that posters changed names or posted as anonymous. It's interesting to see how you react when a poster doesn't.
None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings.
Sore Asshole is indeed a sore loser.
Con-servative excuse Number One:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Two:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Three:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Four:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Five:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Six:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Seven:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Eight:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Nine:
Blame liberals.
Con-servative excuse Number Ten:
Blame liberals.
Anonymous, until you start answering questions, and admitting where you have been wrong (that alone could take pages)why should anyone take you seriously?
And I don't remember ever saying I agree with Tom's assersment of Cosby's situation. Where does it say I have to agree with EVERYTHING someone says or does to have respect for them?
Of course, you won't answer those questions either, you'll just move on to another childish rant.
BTW, the ACA not only allows people like me to get insurance we could not afford, BUT I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT BASED ON INCOME LEVEL.
It's not "free" Skeezicks, in fact it costs the taxpayer less than before the ACA.
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress." --- Anonymous, Sore Losewr, whoever he is this week.
Arguing with Dave Dubya is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.
The difference is the next day, I go to my highly skilled white collar job and Dave Dubya goes to his low skilled blue collar job and has to check a man's crack for contraband.
If I was in Dave Dubya's shoes at the prison, I too would be envious of those who have achieved more in life and would wage class warfare.
Someone's feeling downright mean now.
For a truck driver, er, I mean, for a "highly skilled White collar" clerk or bean counter, he doesn't have much skill in reading retention, logic, reason, and debate.
Something tells me he's not new to anger management issues.
He's lost the debate and needs to make personal attacks. All because Dave busted his ignorant hateful chops.
And he just had to play one of his Radical Right Bubble Cult's typical accusations and lies, the famous "envy card".
Not one point of substance from our indoctrinated, yet "highly skilled", Sore Asshole; just personal bile towards his superior in debate. This seems to make him furious with the envy he attempts to project upon me.
This projection is very typical of the authoritarian personality. (Read John Dean's Book, Conservatives Without Conscience.)
Anger is always there in the authoritarian personality.
But he's got it all figured out though, amirite?
And just how in the world would Sore Asshole Chuckie have so much information about Dave Dubya's personal life and job?
Has Sore Asshole Chuckie been stalking again? My, my. That is the classic behavior of a loser and sociopath.
Or is he entirely full of malicious condescending, and arrogant bullshit?
In that case, he's still showing the character of a loser and sociopath.
"Sore Asshole". Nobody wears that moniker as clearly and appropriately as our Sore Asshole.
How could anyone "have so much information about Dave Dubya's personal life and job"?
How about they know you personally Dumbya, has that ever entered your reptilian liberal mind?
Yup, blame liberals works for me. Glad you've come around to reality.
"Anger is always there in the authoritarian personality." This from a liberal who supports increasing authoritarian govt control over our lives.
Have you ever had a full time job in the private sector?
If you had a son, would you want him to become Tom or Mozart?
If you had a son, would you be jealous if he was successful unlike you?
If you had a daughter, would you hope she would be on food stamps, tax payer funded day care and getting earned income tax credits?
If you had grandchildren would you be happy if they received add to dependent children?
If the answer to the above is yes, then you certainly have the right world view to reach that goal.
If you wanted for them better that what you have, how would you train them to achieve that goal? How to increase their eligibility for govt assistance or learn job skills that would allow them to be independent of the govt support?
To be a slave on the govt plantation or free?
Sore Loser (Anonymous) is good at asking questions, but is too much of a coward to answer any.
And notice the contempt that conservatives have for hard working "Blue collar" Americans?
And I don't know Dave Dubya well enough to say wheteher I wuld want a child of mine to grow up like him, but at least the kid would have an education and could speak like an adult. He'd at least have a working knowledge of how the government works, as opposed to Anonymous (Sore Loser) who said:
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress."
Tom, when are you going to change the name of the blog to the "Dubya Forum" ?
And, by the way, I cannot prove that I'm not a robot. In fact, your challenge has got me quite paranoid now...
How about they know you personally Dumbya?
He does not know me personally. All he knows is from what I write and he has shown zero reading retention.
has that ever entered your reptilian liberal mind?
More projection:
From above linked article on conservative brains. "Chuckie's reptilian brain is over-active again. It’s a con-servative thing."
...conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.
A clear scientific explanation for the fearful, angry, authoritarian reptilian brain. And it explains why he's such a coward, fleeing from civil discussion and his proven falsehoods.
And then there's this:
"None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings."
Sore Asshole is indeed a sore loser.
To be a slave on the govt plantation or free?
Mental illness. We have a scientific explanation.
"Chuckie's reptilian brain is over-active again. It’s a con-servative thing."
...conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.
Yup, blame liberals works for me. - Sore Asshole Chuckie
Yup, blame Jews works for me. - Chuckie Hitler
"And notice the contempt that conservatives have for hard working "Blue collar" Americans?"
Explain, Mozart, what is the basis for that statement.
Back to his favorite form of debate, that being putting his words into the mouths of others.
"Yup, blame Jews works for me. - Chuckie Hitler"
I went back along way looking for poster named Chuckie, and never found this quote Dumbya claims Chuckie said.
Just another example of how liberalism can only be spread by the use of lies and putting their words into the mouths of those who disagree with them.
I have come to the conclusion that these words are the words they really want to say but cant because it would expose to the world their hate and racism. So they claim their opponent said them.
Used to work, but not anymore Dumbya. Your hatred, lies and deceitfulness has been exposed to all that read this blog.
Yup, blame liberals works for me. - Sore Asshole Chuckie
Yup, blame Jews works for me. - Chuckie Hitler
Someone is too dumb to understand a simple metaphor.
Scapegoating is the essence of fascism.
"Chuckie's reptilian brain is over-active again. It’s a con-servative thing."
...conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.
And then there's this:
"None of the above means a removal of help for the disabled for their lifetime or unemployed by no fault of their own for 24 months of their working life time. - Sore Asshole, oblivious to his own socialist leanings."
The Liberal Mind is the first in-depth examination of the major political madness of our time: The radical left’s efforts to regulate the people from cradle to grave. To rescue us from our troubled lives, the liberal agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and other-pity, fosters government dependency, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, denigrates marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship. Through multiple entitlements to unearned goods, services and social status, the liberal politician promises to ensure everyone’s material welfare, provide for everyone’s healthcare, protect everyone’s self-esteem, correct everyone’s social and political disadvantage, educate every citizen, and eliminate all class distinctions. Radical liberalism thus assaults the foundations of civilized freedom. Given its irrational goals, coercive methods and historical failures, and given its perverse effects on character development, there can be no question of the radical agenda's madness. Only an irrational agenda would advocate a systematic destruction of the foundations on which ordered liberty depends. Only an irrational man would want the state to run his life for him rather than create secure conditions in which he can run his own life. Only an irrational agenda would deliberately undermine the citizen’s growth to competence by having the state adopt him. Only irrational thinking would trade individual liberty for government coercion, sacrificing the pride of self-reliance for welfare dependency. Only a madman would look at a community of free people cooperating by choice and see a society of victims exploited by villains. [From The Liberal Mind; The Psychological Causes of Political Madness by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., MD]
Same study concludes that these are likely DNA encoded traits.
So, like much of the modern junk-science pouring out of progressive humanist institutions, it would actually imply that there is really no moral culpability to such conservative traits. Like everyone, cons are merely "dancing to the DNA" as Dawkins (another junk scientist/philosopher) would say.
So, why would you blame them?
Isn't that cute? Sore Asshole found a Right Wing shrink spewing the same projection his cult loves.
This is his pop-psychology, science-free argument:
"My political views are so obviously correct that anyone who doesn't accept them just has to be nuts." - Lyle "I-Don't-need-no-stinkin-science-to-support-my-prejudice" Rossiter Jr.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is just more "liberal media" to the Cult Doctor. I suppose the planet is 6 thousand years old too. RRBC "Science" at work again.
His hateful lunacy will never be taken seriously...except of course in his Radical Right Bubble Cult.
So according to Sore Asshole's mad doctor, can a liberal kill him and be found not guilty by reason of insanity? Hmm.
He's full of the RRBC bullshit, of course.
The liberal mind will never be understood by the authoritarian radical Right.
Dr. Rossiter meet Dr. Mengele.
Yes, doctors can be fascists too.
Just like Sore Chuckie.
The real science is clear:
...conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.
And they want corporations to write our laws and run our country. You know, because freedom.
HaHaHa Dumbya,
When I find and quote an MD that describes liberals in less than a flattering light, you say:
"Dr. Rossiter meet Dr. Mengele.
Yes, doctors can be fascists too."
BUT when you quote your Dr, its REAL SCIENCE.
I guess calling some you disagree with a fascist is just a
"simple metaphor"?
Got you sputtering, don't I? Maybe the poster who knows you, will give us further insight into your warped background.
Keep it up Dumbya, your real two faced, hate filled, bigoted, narrow minded liberal self is starting to show it's true colors.
Give a liberal enough rope and they will claim your trying to lynch them with their own words.
Why do I sense a playing of the race card soon?
Your prejudicial rejection of science tells me nothing I can say will register with you.
So here it is anyway.
You see, we all have these regions of the brain. Some of us prefer to understand first and react second.
You claim the study concludes that these are "likely DNA encoded traits".
I would remind you of this:
He cautions that, because the study was carried out only on adults, there is no way to tell what came first -- the brain differences or the political opinions.
Self delusion and trusting only Right wing sources as the "truth" may contribute to their brain formations.
And I can certainly blame cons for their actions and hateful words.
They don't qualify for a not guilty by reason of insanity adjudication.
Hate is a choice. Telling lies about Saddam being in cahoots with al-Qaeda was a choice. Telling lies in the State of the Union speech about "Nukular" aluminum tubes was a choice. Invading a country for political gain and crony profit under those lies was a choice.
The fear centers in Right Wing brains would respond more readily to the fear mongering. Some of us are just more fearful than others.
So is it wise to entrust the most fearful of leaders to wage war and enable corporate influence on our government?
I have suggest reading John Dean's book Authoritarians without Conscience to better understand the authoritarian personality.
It actually contains more science than the hateful Doctor's psychobabble.
Too bad frightened angry people don't like to read what they don't want to know.
BUT when you quote your Dr, its REAL SCIENCE.
There is ZERO science in Rossiter's book.
Science-denying Right Wingers love that.
How old is the planet again?
Too bad frightened angry people don't like to read what they don't want to know.
Inside Every Liberal Is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out
[1] Press Censorship – all media state controlled and opinions of which the government does not approve become punishable offenses.
[2] Complete Gun Control – only agents of the state are permitted to possess arms.
[3] One-Party Rule – this means an enforced hegemony, where if opposition parties are permitted to exist at all they are placed at such an extreme disadvantage they cannot truly challenge the ruling party.
[4] Control of the Nation’s Economy.
What is John Dean's PhD in?
Why, he is a convicted felon, and a lawyer no less. Just the kind of guy you would like to quote, a convicted snitch lawyer
There will be no due process and Cosby should be glad for that. If 20 stated under oath in a court what they have said in public he would spend the rest of his life in jail.
John Dean has Sore Asshole pegged.
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