Worst President Ever???
"You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened
in this nation since slavery. And it is in a way, it is slavery in a
way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and
it was never about health care. It was about control."
Dr. Ben Carson
Trained GOP House Negro
Here's a novel approach for your reading pleasure and amusement. I'm going to do something I don't do too often - or at least, not as much as I used to. I'm going to come to the defense of the president of the United States. For a hopeless lefty such as I, Barack Obama has been a huge disappointment. But I refuse today to dwell on the negatives. Today I want to take a good look at the positives and reiterate as best I can why I have never for a minute regretted casting my ballot for him.
Dr. Ben Carson
Trained GOP House Negro
Here's a novel approach for your reading pleasure and amusement. I'm going to do something I don't do too often - or at least, not as much as I used to. I'm going to come to the defense of the president of the United States. For a hopeless lefty such as I, Barack Obama has been a huge disappointment. But I refuse today to dwell on the negatives. Today I want to take a good look at the positives and reiterate as best I can why I have never for a minute regretted casting my ballot for him.

What's Obama gonna be doing for the next eight years?" I asked aloud, "The same thing black people have been doing in this country for the last four centuries: Cleaning up the mess left behind by lazy and ignorant white people - WHAT'S THE BIG FREAKIN' DEAL???"
I am certain, in spite of the obstacles and obstruction that have been placed in his path by the disloyal opposition in the House and Senate, that Barack Obama will be remembered as a decent chief executive. Most of the failures of his two terms will be saddled on the legacies of the men and women who vindictively sought to trip him for no other reason than petty, partisan politics.
To the habitual Obama haters out there I would only ask that you all take a deep breath and try to look at things as objectively as is possible. Is your memory so pathetically short that you are unable to recall things as they were when he first took the oath of office? At that moment in time the United States economy was losing three-quarters of a million jobs per month! That's a lot of jobs, baby - any way you look at it. The prez was able to put a stop to that trend and reverse it. By the looks of things, December will be the fifty-fifth month of consecutive job growth. And while it's true that many of those jobs pay relatively low wages, that's not entirely his fault. He's been desperately trying to get the minimum wage raised to a level that would make those wages a tad more palatable to working men and women - but the Republicans in congress (and too many Blue Dog Democrats to count) refuse to give them a cent more.
Obama's stimulus plan worked. The only fault in it was the fact that, as Paul Krugman noted at the time, it wasn't nearly as large as it should have been. As I've been suggesting since the beginning of this administration, the president ought to make Mr. Paul his chief economic adviser.
The worst president in American history?
Say geniuses, do the names Tyler or Fillmore or Pierce or Buchanan or Andrew Johnson or Grant or Benjamin Harrison or Taft or Harding or Hoover ring a bell perchance? And while we're on the subject, how 'bout George W. Bush? Remember how sweetly that worked out? Or is it possible that you've elected to erase his eight year reign of error and corruption from your memory? The kindest thing historians will say about Bush's legacy will be that he'll be tied with James Buchanan at the very bottom rung of the ladder.
Obama is the worst president ever? It's not even close. The lack of even a remedial knowledge of the history of this country exhibited by so many Americans never ceases to amuse and delight.
FUN FACT: Dubya is distantly related to Franklin Pierce on his mother's side. You see? Incompetence runs in that family! Ain't that a scream?
Here's something else to meditate on: There are ten million people today with health insurance who could not afford it a year ago. Who do you think is responsible for that - John McCain? Mitt Romney? For every month that Affordable Care is the law of the land, it will make it that much more politically tenuous for the GOP to repeal it. That is the reason they're trying to make it impossible for the traditional progressive constituency to vote. It's days like this that I wish I were a writer of fiction.
One wonders what the national situation would be at this moment had the president had a loyal opposition during the last six years who were capable of compromise. Wishful thinking I know. Their only goal - long or short term - was to sabotage the president at every turn. Remember what Mitch McConnell said way the hell back in 2009? He said that the top priority of the Republicans in in congress for the next four years would be to see to it that Obama be a one-term president. The welfare of the American people? That didn't even register as half-a-blip on their radar screen. And to think it was those same people who put McConnell's party back in power. They deserve everything that going to happen to them.
And think how things might have worked out for the better if the Democrats had embraced their progressive political heritage instead of hiding from it like frightened little mice. I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I used to be registered with that worthless party...."Used to be"....I came to my senses eighteen years ago.
Yeah, for true progressives Obama has been a drag, and many of us aren't necessarily jumping for joy over the fact that, at this writing anyway, Hillary Clinton will probably be the Democratic nominee in 2016. That in itself is enough to make me want to pack it all in and start a blog about classic film comedy. The news is bleak all along the American landscape. Obama has made some dandy missteps but at least his heart has been in the right place....I think. I'm not too sure about Hillary
A year ago I was under the illusion that the left in this doomed country was awakening from a long slumber. Lord knows what I was thinking. They (we) appear to have gone back to Dreamland. Fine. Dream away.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I am certain, in spite of the obstacles and obstruction that have been placed in his path by the disloyal opposition in the House and Senate, that Barack Obama will be remembered as a decent chief executive. Most of the failures of his two terms will be saddled on the legacies of the men and women who vindictively sought to trip him for no other reason than petty, partisan politics.
To the habitual Obama haters out there I would only ask that you all take a deep breath and try to look at things as objectively as is possible. Is your memory so pathetically short that you are unable to recall things as they were when he first took the oath of office? At that moment in time the United States economy was losing three-quarters of a million jobs per month! That's a lot of jobs, baby - any way you look at it. The prez was able to put a stop to that trend and reverse it. By the looks of things, December will be the fifty-fifth month of consecutive job growth. And while it's true that many of those jobs pay relatively low wages, that's not entirely his fault. He's been desperately trying to get the minimum wage raised to a level that would make those wages a tad more palatable to working men and women - but the Republicans in congress (and too many Blue Dog Democrats to count) refuse to give them a cent more.
Obama's stimulus plan worked. The only fault in it was the fact that, as Paul Krugman noted at the time, it wasn't nearly as large as it should have been. As I've been suggesting since the beginning of this administration, the president ought to make Mr. Paul his chief economic adviser.
The worst president in American history?
![]() |
Franklin Pierce |
Obama is the worst president ever? It's not even close. The lack of even a remedial knowledge of the history of this country exhibited by so many Americans never ceases to amuse and delight.
FUN FACT: Dubya is distantly related to Franklin Pierce on his mother's side. You see? Incompetence runs in that family! Ain't that a scream?
Here's something else to meditate on: There are ten million people today with health insurance who could not afford it a year ago. Who do you think is responsible for that - John McCain? Mitt Romney? For every month that Affordable Care is the law of the land, it will make it that much more politically tenuous for the GOP to repeal it. That is the reason they're trying to make it impossible for the traditional progressive constituency to vote. It's days like this that I wish I were a writer of fiction.
One wonders what the national situation would be at this moment had the president had a loyal opposition during the last six years who were capable of compromise. Wishful thinking I know. Their only goal - long or short term - was to sabotage the president at every turn. Remember what Mitch McConnell said way the hell back in 2009? He said that the top priority of the Republicans in in congress for the next four years would be to see to it that Obama be a one-term president. The welfare of the American people? That didn't even register as half-a-blip on their radar screen. And to think it was those same people who put McConnell's party back in power. They deserve everything that going to happen to them.
And think how things might have worked out for the better if the Democrats had embraced their progressive political heritage instead of hiding from it like frightened little mice. I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I used to be registered with that worthless party...."Used to be"....I came to my senses eighteen years ago.
Yeah, for true progressives Obama has been a drag, and many of us aren't necessarily jumping for joy over the fact that, at this writing anyway, Hillary Clinton will probably be the Democratic nominee in 2016. That in itself is enough to make me want to pack it all in and start a blog about classic film comedy. The news is bleak all along the American landscape. Obama has made some dandy missteps but at least his heart has been in the right place....I think. I'm not too sure about Hillary
A year ago I was under the illusion that the left in this doomed country was awakening from a long slumber. Lord knows what I was thinking. They (we) appear to have gone back to Dreamland. Fine. Dream away.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A little bit off topic I'll admit. This video is haunting. It's a tribute to the
actress, Gail Russell. The song is called "Stella by Starlight". It was written
for her for a film she made in 1944 called "The Uninvited". Her character was
named Stella. I always thought that she was one of the most beautiful women ever
to grace the screen. Tragically, she passed away in August of 1961, age 36, of
acute alcoholism.
![]() |
Gail Russell |
That's Stella by starlight, and not a
So ObamaCare is a disaster and everyone hates it? Well I have to disagree.
My daughter, now age 56, is disabled and had been unable to work for many years. She lives with me and my wife (married 58 years) in our modest two-bedroom, 1,100 sq ft condo in Florida.) For many years I have paid all her health insurance premiums and all her other health care costs. She was locked in to one insurance company because of her many “pre-conditions” including breast cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation eight years ago. In 2012, her health insurance premiums (excluding co-pays and deductibles) were a whisker short of $21,000. No, that is not a typo – twenty-one thousand dollars. To put that in perspective, I am age 80 and our largest monthly income is Social Security for me and my wife. I supplement that with income from a small CPA practice.
The Florida Governor and the Legislature refused ObamaCare’s offer of $51 BILLION dollars to enhance Medicaid (excuse the Capital letters because the “B” in Billion might be confused with the letter “M”). That $51 Billion dollars was for an enhanced Medicaid subsidy to cover the working poor who earned less than $11,470 annually. That $51 Billion would pay 100% of the enhanced Medicaid costs for three years and 90% thereafter. Because of that refusal of enhanced Medicaid approximately 1,000,000 Floridians (yes, that is ONE MILLION Floridians) are without health insurance. But who is counting? Earn less than $11,470 annually? Go to an Emergency Room for health care. Welcome to Florida.
Fortunately my daughter “found” a job. She now “works” for me in my CPA practice and earns (drum roll, please) $11,500 annually. What a happy coincidence - she became eligible for ObamaCare because her annual income would be more than $11,470. That “job” cost me about $1,500 in payroll taxes, which I am happy to pay. And my daughter is happy to use her net income from her “job” to help pay for our monthly living costs.
Under ObamaCare in 2013 the full cost of my daughter’s health insurance premiums would have been $657 a month, plus deductibles of $1,900(which she reached by the end of July 2013) and a maximum annual out-of-pocket amount of about $6,500 (including deductibles paid). There was one big wrinkle in that plan. My daughter would have to have 2013 income of more than $11,470 of annual income to be eligible for ObamaCare and thus have a subsidy of $457 a month bringing the premium cost down to $200 a month. And our Governor now has one more low-paying job to count for his grand achievement of increasing jobs in Florida, the vast majority being low-paying jobs.
Tell me again how ObamaCare is such a disaster..
It is beyond any logic or reason, why Americans are so self-centered that they refuse to care for their follow Americans.
I am an American vet now living in Canada with my wonderful Canadian wife and even through our socialized health care is not perfect, it is a Godsend.
America is the most powerful and richest country in God’s green earth, yet we refuse to have compassion for our own. Callous does not begin to describe the way we allow insurance companies to decides who dies and who lives.
A system of “for profit only health care” is total nonsense and only benefits the psychopthic CEOs of these insurance companies.
How stupid can people get!!!
I just can't understand how the black guy in the white house, along with Jonathon Gruber, could be such blatant liars.
Have we really had such a serial liar in the white house like this guy in the history of the United States? Answer: NO!
Bill Clinton was right, this guy is an amateur.
And calling Ben Carson a house nigger is really low class of you Tom Degan. You should get a job instead of sponging off the state with Social Security Disability.
If you ever wonder so many Germans denied knowledge of Hitler's actions in WW2, now you know how Obama's defenders like Tom Degan and Dave Dubya deny Gruber's role in Obamacare and what the real purpose of Obamacare.
Beneath every liberal there is a national socialist trying to escape.
"the mess left behind by lazy and ignorant white people"
Talking about yourself there Tommy Boy.
Nice to see Mr. Ballwing admitting that he is scamming the system the Obama had to clean up.
Mr. Lynch,
Tell me what I get in return for the help and care that I pay with my taxes for my fellow citizens like Tom, who sucks off the tit of the federal government?
"How stupid can people get!!!"
Why don't you ask Jonathan Gruber that question.
A big thanks for working so I don't have to?
I don't think so!
Obviously you're not paying attention, "Bob".
How can ANYONE credit Obama with the low gas prices is only an example of Joe "one heart beat away" Biden thinking.
Ask yourself this, oh worshipers of the Daily Kos, what has Obama done that to make lower gas prices?
Has he supported "drill baby, drill"?
Has he supported fracking?
Has he supported increased domestic oil production?
Gas prices have gone despite Obama's opposition to these very things that now are forcing the Saudis to lower their price of crude in an attempt to make the price so low, it's not worth the cost to "drill baby drill"! Just like conservatives claimed it would all along!!!!
It's the free market place reacting to the simple laws of supply and demand, not some centralized gov. control of economics.
You want to see gas prices go lower and unemployment drop with jobs in the private sector? Allow the Keystone pipe line to be built.
Think of all the millions, if not billions of our FRIGGING tax dollars Obama and the democrat controlled congress in his first two years in office spent on "green energy"? Explain how much of this alternative energy is now on line and providing us with "renewable energy". What's the cost per kilowatt hour? Compare that to energy produced by conventional methods.
You can't because it was all scam!
Just like the ACA is a scam a fraud and a lie. Hell, the govt site for the ACA claims 7.1 million people who had NO insurance now have it due to the ACA. BUT the White House claims 13 million! Fabrication Nation, the land of Obama. The scary thing is liberals don't feel Obama is liberal enough! That's why I hope Liz Warren or Bernie Sanders (I hope he's not related to Col Sanders or there goes the vegan vote) win the democrat nomination of 2016.
No Tom, we are paying attention, unlike you. What the hell do you think the midterm elections were about? Obama himself said they were about him and his policys, or was he just lying, again?
Taft was actually a fair progressive, who was instrumental in laying the final groundwork for women's suffrage. I'm surprised the traitorous Tyler wasn't on your list.
BARBARA BUSH is a fourth cousin, four times removed of President Pierce. Dubya was only related to pierce in that they were both alcoholics.
TYLER! How could I have left out Tyler??? Thank you for bringing this to my attention, friend. I shall re-edit at once!
TYLER!!! Yikes!
Low fuel prices are often (not always) a very bad sign for the economy. Time will tell over the next 6 - 12 months.
But a worn-out, political commentator wanna-be like Letterman shouldn't be expected to know that.
ACA is Obamasurance - not Obamacare. It has little to do with changing the face of healthcare. Oh, it has a little social redistribution that's helpful to some like Ron. But, as for healthcare, it is still entrenched in the control of the insurance industry. More so now. Those campaign contributions do pay off...
Anonymous, what is your point? If Barbara Bush is realted to Franklin Pierce, then so is Dubya. You know, seeing as how Barbara Bush is his mother.
I've been such a fool, Dave.
Man will always be a man.
There is no new man.
We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour.
But there's always something to envy.
A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate.
In this world, even a Soviet like one with today's Progressives, there will always be rich and poor.
Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love.
Funny how the Obama administration is all for giving poor people vouchers to subsidize a health insurance plan of their choice.
But Wisconsin dares to give poor people a voucher to subsidize the education of their choice? Oh, the horror.
It's worth noting that the "stupid people" Gruber was laughing at were DEMOCRATIC VOTERS-- "we'll tell them we're taxing evil insurance companies!"-- does that sound like an argument tailored to appeal to conservatives?
Despite what progressives like to tell themselves about "smart" people and "stupid" people, EVERYBODY on the right saw through the lies from the start. Obama, Pelosi and other progressives are suddenly, laughably denying they know Gruber like Judas denied Jesus now, because he's confirmed in no uncertain terms that the "stupid, crazy" people were the ones who believed you could get the feds involved in healthcare without making a mess of everything and that you could give "free" health insurance to millions of people and not leave the middle class stuck with the bill.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
The foundation of Tea Party Right wing ideology:
Genesis 4
9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
President Barack Obama’s unilateral amnesty will quickly add as many foreign workers to the nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his economy since 2009.
The plans, expected to be announced late Nov. 20, will distribute five million work permits to illegal immigrants, and also create a new inflow of foreign college graduates for prestigious salaried jobs, according to press reports.
Obama has already provided or promised almost one million extra work permits to foreigners, while his economy has only added six million jobs since 2009.
Under the president’s new amnesty plan, “up to four million undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for at least five years can apply. … An additional one million people will get protection from deportation through other parts of the president’s plan,” according to a Nov. 19 report in The New York Times.
The five million total was attributed to “people briefed on his plans,” the Times reports.
The five million work permits will add to Obama’s prior giveaways, which have provided work permits to almost one million foreigners.
Hey liberals, what's your solution to this mess you support?
Blame GWB or the Kochs?
If you don't like your King, too bad!
Liberals and Democrats are so very very sick.
Megyn Kelly's Startling Immigration Admission Subverts Months Of Fox Fearmongering, Including Her Own
Kelly Called Executive Action "Amnesty" In July, Now Admits It's A Loaded Term Exploited By Conservatives
Fox News host Megyn Kelly undermined months of claims from her network peers when she admitted to guest Jennice Fuentes that President Obama's upcoming executive action does not constitute "amnesty." Kelly, who has herself used the "amnesty" label to discuss the president's coming order, acknowledged that the term is a dog whistle conservative media have exploited to stoke opposition to immigration reform.
Obama is set to announce a new set of executive actions that will allow as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants to apply for protection from deportation based on the time they have been in the U.S. and their family ties.
On the November 19 edition of The Kelly File, Kelly acknowledged that the president is not actually pursuing "amnesty," because "amnesty is citizenship and that's not what [Obama] is talking about." Kelly also explained how conservatives purposely misuse the word "amnesty" for political gain: "That's a hot-button term that the right uses to sort of get people upset."
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama made some notable omissions Thursday night in his remarks about the unilateral actions he's taking on immigration.
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A look at his statements and how they compare with the facts:
OBAMA: "It does not grant citizenship, or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive - only Congress can do that. All we're saying is we're not going to deport you."
THE FACTS: He's saying, and doing, more than that. The changes also will make those covered eligible for work permits, allowing them to be employed in the country legally and COMPETE with citizens and legal residents for better-paying jobs. (citizens with low end work skills, like those pushing a mop or working fast food)
OBAMA: "Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years."
THE FACTS: The numbers certainly surged this year, but it was MORE than a "BRIEF SPIKE." The number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border has been on the rise since the 2011 budget year. That year about 16,000 children were found crossing the border alone. In 2012, the Border Patrol reported more than 24,000 children, followed by more than 38,800 in 2013. In the last budget year, more than 68,361 children were apprehended. (IOW'S another lie from the liar in chief, who believes Americans are stupid)
OBAMA: "Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts."
THE FACTS: Indeed, in the 2014 budget year the Border Patrol made 486,651 arrests of border crossers, among the fewest since the early 1970s. But border arrests have been on the rise since 2011.
The DECLINE in crossings is not purely, or perhaps even primarily, DUE TO the OBAMA administration. The deep economic recession early in his presidency and the shaky aftermath made the U.S. a less attractive place to come for work. The increase in arrests since 2011 also can be traced in part to the economy — as the recovery improved, more people came in search of opportunity. (Interesting way of avoiding the FACT and the TRUTH, that this administration has done NOTHING to enforce the LAWS on the books. In fact, has taken action against the States who have OBEYED the law)
OBAMA: "When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders."
THE FACTS: He overlooked the fact that he promised as a candidate for president in 2008 to have an immigration bill during his first year in office and move forward on it quickly. He never kept that promise to the Latino community. (Hey, just another lie, if you're stupid enough to believe what Obama says, that's your problem, right Dubya? Just don't expect the rest of us to do the same, not everyone is as stupid as you are.)
You cannot talk logic to the radical right or use facts. It never works because all they can parrot is what Limbaugh and his followers tell them is true. It has handicapped our country's ability to do anything about a myriad of problems-- except going to war. They do agree on going to war-- but not on paying for it, of course.
The Senate passed an immigration bill which the House would have also except-- had to pass it with Democrat and Republican votes. Can't have that, now can we! It's crazy and the very ones who complain about the failure of government keep voting in ways that undermine all they claim to believe-- i.e. the states which voted for things like a minimum wage increase also voted for legislators who would end all minimum wage if they could... Logic???
"The Department of Homeland Security has just released new "Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants." Designed to fill in the details after President Obama's announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation's immigration and border security officers as they administer the president's directive.
The new priorities are striking. On the tough side, the president wants U.S. immigration authorities to go after terrorists, felons, and new illegal border crossers. On the not-so-tough side, the administration views convicted drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, and gun offenders as second-level enforcement priorities. An illegal immigrant could spend up to a year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top removal priority for the Obama administration."
No True Miss Rain, what you say is Limbaugh, are reports from the AP and from Obama's administration it's self.
As for going to war, how's that stopping ISIS War of Obama going?
As to logic, what you don't seem to understand is the one size fits all central economic planing the left seem to favor is the problem, not the amount of the min wage. Example, the prevailing wage in S.D is higher than the Federal min wage, because of the demand for labor. If the States were allowed to set their own min wage based on their economic situation, as a Conservative, I would not object. But the one size fits all heavy handed central planning that liberals favor is wrong, and doesn't produce the results that is claimed.
What do you think the decree from the Throne just issued by King Obama is going to do to our current unemployment problem? Raising the min wage will not produce more income tax dollars. But raising the min wage along with the immigration decree of our King will.
Final thought, where in the Constitution does it state there is a power of the President that after so many days if Congress doesn't do what he wants, he can go around them by Executive Order? Can you imagine how it's going to feel for liberals when the GOP controls the WH and Congress refuses to pass tax cuts?
Why, according to King Obama, if the President doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, he'll just issue an Executive Order to the IRS to not enforce collecting as much.
It is amazing how instead of debating the actions of our King, instead you focus on the GOP. I know you're from the NW, but have you read the news about the midterm election results?
What do you think the decree from the Throne just issued by King Obama is going to do to our current unemployment problem? Raising the min wage will not produce more income tax dollars. But raising the min wage along with the immigration decree of our King will.
Should read
What do you think the decree from the Throne just issued by King Obama is going to do to our current unemployment problem? Raising the min wage will not produce more income tax dollars. But raising the min wage along with the immigration decree of our King will increase the number of unemployed.
Hey look, it's not from Rush Limbaugh. Shocking as it may seem, unlike liberals who are stuck in the plantation of their own making, others think for themselves. And they all aren't quoting Limbaugh!
Obama's Incoherent Immigration Speech
2501 Nov 21, 2014 10:04 AM EST
By Ramesh Ponnuru
I count three ways President Barack Obama's speech on immigration last night contradicted itself.
First, there was the absolutist language he used to justify his policy -- coupled with restrictions that aren't compatible with such language. The argument Obama made for his policy of offering legal status to millions of illegal immigrants was highly moralistic: We're not supposed to rip apart families, we can't deny people "a chance to make amends" and so forth. But you don't qualify for the new forbearance if you've only been here a short time, or are coming here tomorrow. No chance to make amends for tomorrow's illegal immigrant.
Second, the president insisted that all he was doing was exercising routine prosecutorial discretion. Yet he also explained that he was engaging in a quasi-legislative act. When speaking in one vein, he made it sound as though the policy he was announcing was old news: "We're going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security." But if that's all he was doing, he wouldn't have needed to make a speech.
He was more candid at other times, when he made clear that his policy was a partial substitute for the legislation he wants, which would offer illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. But his political challenge to Congress -- I'm acting in your place because you haven't, and to make you act -- makes no sense if he's just exercising prosecutorial discretion. It makes sense if he's legislating from the White House.
Third, Obama invoked public opinion to legitimize his action -- even though the public doesn't appear to be on his side. "Most Americans support the types of reforms I've talked about tonight," he said. That's an arguable point. But most Americans don't support Obama's imposing those policies unilaterally. Polls shouldn't trump our constitutional tradition: You know, all that stuff about Congress writing the laws. But the polls aren't on Obama's side anyway.
It was a speech, then, that was internally incoherent from top to bottom. Its tone clashed with the policies Obama actually intends to pursue. And it offered no plausible defense of those policies based on the Constitution, on a consistent moral argument or even on public opinion. It's hard to imagine that it convinced many people about the propriety of the president's actions.
If the States were allowed to set their own min wage based on their economic situation, as a Conservative, I would not object.
States are allowed to set the minimum wage. How is that it's OK for states, but "heavy handed" if by the feds? If not for the federal standards, you can bet some states will let people work for next to nothing. The "free market" loves slave wages on the corporate plantation.
Raising the min wage will not produce more income tax dollars.
It WILL produce more consumer spending needed to grow the economy, AND increase revenues through sales tax.
That money will not be hoarded and banked offshore. It will be pumped into the economy.
Instead of bitching and whining about "Emperor Obama", the House Republicans need to learn to govern, and pass the Senate immigration reform bill that they have ignored.
The GOP has the power to do so, but they hate Obama so much they will prefer to shut down the government again.
By doing so, they will assure another Democrat wins the White House in 2017.
"How is that it's OK for states, but "heavy handed" if by the feds?"
You really don't know the answer to that question?
Sad, so very liberal big govt, central planning sad.
Try this,
How many Federal governments are there?
How many State government are there? (No, the answer is not 57)
It's called U-Haul. You have the freedom to MOVE to another State if you don't like, for ANY reason the one you live in. Try that with the Federal GOVT.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. "Free" government services cost money. Similarly, raising the minimum wage gives money to employees only by taking away jobs and raising prices for consumers.
"The GOP has the power to do so, but they hate Obama so much they will prefer to shut down the government again."
Another LIE!!!!!
1. The new GOP Congress is not in power, therefore the DEMS have control.
2. Govt Shut down will happen ONLY if the President refuses to sign the bills the NEW Congress sends to his office. Therefore it will be the President who shuts down the all powerful, much needed, we cant' live with out federal govt.
"the House Republicans need to learn to govern, and pass the Senate immigration reform bill that they have ignored."
How very liberal totalitarian of you. Why doesn't Reid allow the Bills the House has passed to be voted on by the Senate? Come on, tell me why?
"Raising the min wage will not produce more income tax dollars."
It WILL produce more consumer spending needed to grow the economy, AND increase revenues through sales tax."
NO IT WILL NOT, it never has and it never will. If that is reality, then why not raise the min wage to $30 a hour? Or $50 an hour? Sounds like based on your false economic belief that if raising the min wage to $10 per hour is good, why not $50 per hr?
And that brings me back to my first point, one size does not fit all! In a State with a booming economy (like the ones who are "drill, baby drill") there is a shortage of labor, so much so that the fast food jobs are paying MORE than the currently mandate Federal Min Wage to attract employees. What does the Federal Min Wage Mandate have to do with average wage being made in those States?
Answer: NOTHING!
It's good ole supply and demand. It effects the price of labor, services, and commodities. Just as businesses have to set prices according to consumer demands, they establish wages based on the supply and demand for labor.
The STATE of NY is trying to attract new evil corporations and business to set up shop in their State, by LOWERING their TAXES . If higher taxes are the way to prosperity, what is NY doing? So you think that those evil corporations and BIG business that are keeping their profits off shore to avoid paying the highest corp tax rates in the world, are proving what NY State is doing to be the truth?
"Sales taxes pumped into the economy".
Another LIE. Where does the sales taxes collected go? To the Govt!
Government only reshuffles wealth, jobs and income; it cannot create anything on its own, as it has to take money from some in order to spend it on others. Any money collected or jobs "created" by government merely replace the private sector investment and job creation that would have occurred had people been allowed to spend their own funds.
The Government is NOT the Economy.
What do you think of King Obama's decree on immigration will do to our unemployment rate?
I didn't call Bush a king and people lose respect from anybody but a far rightie when they insult Obama. He's not a king. He did what he had the right to do under executive orders as in deciding on who gets deported first!
In my state, we voted for liberals and proudly. We also legalized marijuana for recreational use (which i voted for but have never actually used myself) but the state voted against allowing illegals to get a driving permit. I voted for that one too as I would like to see everybody on the highway having passed a test. Wow, Christmas tree truck drivers on our narrow two lane country roads-- ack!
I guess you know Congress would have passed an immigration bill, which would have not had Obama doing this, except for the House only being willing to bring it to the floor if it could pass with all Republican votes. That’s why Boehner has had a do nothing House.
The reason I say that about Limbaugh is because I listened to him some this week and right after, I'd read righties parroting his words, his nterpretation. He has reworked what Reagan did and right wingers are out declaring it to be true. You all can say you don't get it from him but somebody does.
Surprising as you might find this, i have some right wing friends. They though lean right as I lean left. We agree on some things but there are others where we can't see it the same way but we don't have to disrespect each other when we disagree.
Right now I am in Tucson where we have a second home, getting it ready for the vacation renters who will be coming in while we are back in Oregon lambing. I have been down on the border country ever since I was a young woman and am familiar with the problems there.
One answer to those coming here, since it's for jobs, is punish those who hire anybody who is not here with work permits. That is not happening as many of the groceries righties eat are the price they are because of low wages which don't have to even match minimum wage since it's off the table.
In Oregon, the minimum wage is up to $9.25 an hour but on our ranch, we pay more than that for workers because the jobs can be dangerous and need skills. Some get $20 an hour, some $10 all depending on their skills. BUT we hire no illegals. It's not hard to tell who they are. How many city folk are that careful who they hire for construction jobs or landscaping work when they want a cheaper price.
If I ever see a genuine conservative run for President on a Republican ticket, they might even get my vote but all I have seen so far are those who claim they think one way and then get in and show us what they really believe. They don't support personhood, even though they did and will again right after they win. No true conservative could get nominated with the base as they are—and I can tell you that by reading what gets posted here in comments.
Incidentally that was not true for Dems. A lot of us knew Obama wasn’t far left. We voted for him as the best of the options. And he was. He has governed closer to the middle than most lefties like.
One other thing while I am here-- Benghazi... That was the big Republican cry of conspiracy, etc. Read the report this week? Funny after two years of wasting time and money with these investigations, guess what! Bet that story isn’t getting much time on Fox
What does Obama and Dave Letterman think about "Labor Participation Rate Drops To 36 Year Low; Record 92.6 Million Americans Not In Labor Force"?
36 years ago we had Jimmy Carter with the record misery index (inflation plus unemployment). Now we his twin Obama.
If they didn't see it after 8 years of Bush - the worst attack on our soil in our history, a war based on lies, and a complete collapse of the economy - then they will never see it. – Happy Puppy
Of course, you realized that included the elderly, retired, kids not yet in the work force, women who were stay at home moms. That still leaves 6 million who want jobs and cannot find them. Hard to say why they cannot. It is a changing work force and some are not trained for the jobs now needed. The vast majority don’t want a job, and for good reason.
So you have 36 million Americans of retirement age — 65 and older — 17 million of whom were 75 and older. It also includes 11 million teenagers — age 16 to 19 — many of whom aren’t looking for jobs. It includes 6.8 million 20- to 24-year-olds, some of whom are in college. It might even include the self-employed like my husband who is a technical consultant and works by contracts. Our aging population will doubtless make this continue to look worse. What do right wingers want to do about that?
I've been drinking and I believe I am now thinking like and have become a Progressive.
Why don't we raise the minimum wage to $1000 an hour? This would be even more than the $500 an hour rate Jonathon Gruber makes. Jonathon has reportedly made 6 million dollars from State and Federal consulting on health care. He is now a 1 percenter.
Should all us Progressives be mad at Jonathon and his 6 million dollars? Where is the social justice that Jonathon Gruber has 6 million dollars and I have 6 dollars?
If we all make $1000 an hour, we would only have to work a year to be millionaires and be a 1 percenter. Then we could retire and buy all the low cost stuff made by the Chinese in their sweat shops.
This sounds like a good plan, fellow progressives let me know.
Ah, the crazy talk from drinking the Red Koolade.
No need for facts, logic or understanding.
Roasted Possum and sweet potatoes was so popular in the South, even Presidents Taft and FDR craved "Possum 'N' Taters"!
Tom, regarding Bill Cosby; I too read that book as a kid and the character assassination being carried out before the court of modern media is a travesty. I wonder if his conservative views have anything to do with his persecution? Food for thought. Oh, and by the by, they found the missing emails at the IRS; all 30,000+ of them. Oh well, on to the next crisis to distract the public's attention. Peace.
Nancy Pelosi In 2009: Americans Should Read Jonathan Gruber’s ObamaCare Analysis
2014 Nancy Pelosi claims she does not who Jonathan Gruber is
In the first video Nancy Pelosi loves Jonathon Gruber. In the second she does not know who he is.
This old bitch, 74 years old?, is clearly fuked up in the head. She belongs in a convalescent home, not in Congress.
Maybe the bill was so fuked up, nobody could read and understand it anyway. Lets just pass it like a fuking retard. The Liberal Plantation is so stupid, they will believe what ever lies the Progressives tell them.
" He did what he had the right to do under executive orders as in deciding on who gets deported first!"
Great, when the GOP takes the White House I'm sure you will be ok with the executive orders to not enforce the income tax collection.
Again you over look the House bills that the Democrat controlled Senate refused to allow to come to the floor for debate much less a vote.
Until you deal with that, the argument that the King's actions are the GOP's fault laughable. In fact I believe that's Liberal Excuse number 12, Blame the GOP for our failures.
"Right now I am in Tucson where we have a second home"
Oh boy, a liberal 1%! How can you damage mother earth by going from your FIRST home to your Second home? Aren't you worried about your carbon foot print? How can you own two homes while there are still homeless in America? Don't you care enough about your fellow humans to stop thinking of yourself all the time?
Elitist liberals always feel they have the right to criticize others for their life styles, but don't want to have their own put under the same microscope. Example, the Man Whale Michael Moore, from Dubya's home state
Hey Dubya, what should the NATIONAL MIN WAGE be? If you really cared why would you limit it to just $10.10 an hour?
"What do right wingers want to do about that?" How about allowing everyone keep more of the money they make before they retire? How about taxing income AFTER the S.S. deduction? Or about about this, tax S.S. just once, instead of twice. It's subject to tax when you earn it and when you start getting it.
Rain, I guess your post is trying to prove there are plenty of jobs and our 5 million low skilled new citizens by the King's decree, won't hurt the unemployment rates. You realize who is going to benefit the most from this new pool of cheap labor? BIG BUSINESS! Why else would the National Chamber of Commerce support it?
Ms. Clinton? I should say POOR Ms. Clinton. Please, get your facts lined up Rain and stop believing everything your read on the Daily Kos, and see on MSNBC.
Red State Fred, I think the min wage should be a whole lot more than what it is now, because.........because..........because, I'll feel better.
I already had to put up with a president who did what I didn't want and incidentally issued more executive orders than Obama-- so far anyway. During Bush’s years, I also had to put up with a Republican controlled Congress who cut taxes, ran up the deficit, and fought two wars (one with no possible reason) without paying for it. Conservative values-- give me a break. But I accepted it because it’s how it works when we vote and our side didn’t win. Unlike the righties who had to find a conspiracy in losing, I accepted Americans just wanted what I did not in terms of action-- which meant work harder the next time to see someone win who had closer to my values.
Amazing how righties like to tear into someone either for being poor or for being able to afford a small ranch and a small house in Tucson, the former of which provides families healthy beef and lamb, the latter of which is a vacation rental half the year. I know how righties see liberals like me—the takers. Well, I have never accepted any government aid, have always paid taxes, without whining, and even more amazingly want to pay them for what I want to see done as a country. I don’t believe in vodoo economics or buy into fighting wars without it having an economic cost.
Righties of today are not conservatives. They have long since forgotten what that even means. They want something for nothing and someone else to blame. You might find this amazing but I know a lot of lefties who have always worked, don't get any freebies from the government, and believe in paying for what they believe should be done. Among them are my two grown kids, who married, have traditional value marriages, have two kids each, pay a lot of taxes as they got educations, work hard with long hours to make good incomes.
As for the Clintons, I don’t want her as president. But you will probably nominate Cruz or Rubio and guarantee her winning. My post didn’t say there were plenty of jobs. I said that making the people who have come here to work, not have to fear deportation, those who have been here 5 years and have family, who are citizens already, won’t change where they are working. It might make them more able to get better wages for their work.
Taxing SS benefits is based on pretax income deductions. You only pay taxes on the company contribution, not your part. And you only pay more if you have an income in addition to it that puts you above a certain level. I don’t know where you get your bitterness but a lot of why SS is even at risk for future generations is righties refusal to extend the upper limit on high earners (which would incidentally have my kids paying more but make it more likely they’d get SS when they reach that age).
Oh yeah and whoever said that about Cosby-- he is getting hit with this now not because he’s such a great conservative icon for saying families should be responsible. He isn’t a rightie, from all I have read, (And Daily Kos isn’t on my list) but righties do defend any sexual attacker unless they are a democrat—so he might become a right winger now. This is coming out now because one of the many, who apparently knew he had a dark side behind that family guy mask, put it into his comedy routine. It led to women speaking up, 15 of them so far. Some of whom tried to bring charges when he drugged and sexually abused or raped them. I know righties believe a lot in faith, but it takes a lot of that to think they all lied and were willing to do it for no gain and a lot of humiliation.
I don’t know why I come here to comment because it seems fruitless. Extreme righties do not really look at what is happening or why. They wallow in anger and hate. Well, if you don’t nominate someone with a more moderate stance, someone who doesn’t hide their money on foreign islands to avoid taxes, someone who has a real set of values, someone who isn’t eager to start the next war on the cuff, you probably will see another President Clinton. That won’t thrill me; so make this next election one you can be proud of for who you nominate. I won’t hold my breath.
Not the Truth said:
"This old bitch, 74 years old?, is clearly fuked up in the head."
That's pure anger and hate.
Reagan "forgot" things like Iran/Contra didn't he?.
Yes, he did. But he's still a saint for some reason, or lack thereof.
We have here examples of the truly evil and hateful nature of the extreme Right.
I'm proud of your kindness, honesty and restraint. The haters don't deserve it.
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
I've been such a fool, Dave Dubya.
Man will always be a man.
There is no new man.
We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour.
But there's always something to envy.
The low skilled blue collar prison guard is envious of the white collar executive.
In this world, even a Soviet one like the one dreamed by the Progressives, there will always be rich and poor.
Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love.
Rainatrueax, I was merely asking Tom his opinion, not making a statement about Bill Cosby, the left, the right, sexual assault, sex offenders of any political persuasion, or morality in general. Heel, girl.
"Heel girl",
Why how sexist of you to call an adult female a "girl". Especially a rich liberal one.
Hey liberals, did you hear the one about His Royal Majesty, King Obama promising us if we liked our Dr or insurance we could keep them?
Or how His Royal Majesty, King Obama was in on the lie from the get go needed to pass the ACA?
Or how our King denied knowing Jonathan Gruber?
Or how with the ACA you could save $2500 a year?
Or how there would not be US boots on the ground in His Majesty's war against ISIS?
Or the one about Dave Dubya claiming he just is an old fashion American who strongly oppose the ongoing destruction of what is left of American democracy and shall give voice to our common cause of freedom and is trying to save democracy but still can't come to grips with the failures of his liberalism and the lies needed to get those policy's past the American nose?
While our King craps all over the Constitution and our democracy, he talks about GWB and the extreme right! From his radical far left position anything short of Marxism looks far right to him!
Damned funny stuff.
Liberal excuses by the bushel basket coming up soon, I betcha ya.
"but righties do defend any sexual attacker unless they are a democrat."
REALLY, how about some evidence to back up that hate filled, crazy left wing radical liberal belief?
Waiting! But not holding my breath.
Theirs is the hate which drives their stupid liberalism.
Wow, Analnonymous has a lot of free time on his hands. A million different screen names to give the illusion that anything is going on other than him talking to himself. Sad.
The most damning thing is that I've paid attention to net neutrality before Obama was a primary canidate. The moment... The moment the president comes out on the side of net neutrality, they knee jerk in the opposite direction and lose their minds. I thought they couldn't look more insane or corrupt, but here we are... Lying about something I've followed for a good part of a decade. So often I needed to educate myself about a subject to understand how wrong they are, but this is different.
Fuck them and anyone who wants to let the telecom companies decide what content should be high speed and what shouldn't.
Oh you mean Analnonymous' 50th screen name?
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress."--- Anonymous
"Fuck them and anyone who wants to let the telecom companies decide what content should be high speed and what shouldn't."
Yea, let the Government decide, they can be trusted!! No hate there, govt must control all access to speech and ideas, cause they know so much better that we do. What could possibly go wrong? Fahrenheit 451.
Or should I call you Shaky Dubya?
News Flash, just because you have followed something for a good part of a decade doesn't means you have reached the correct conclusion. After all, you have been so wrong so many times before.
If you like your lie, you can keep your lie, right Mozart? Can I have back some of the $2500 you saved from the substitutes you get from Obamacare? After all, it's my money to begin with.
Gruber must have been thinking about you Mozart when he said Americans were stupid.
Yea, let the Government decide, they can be trusted!!
How frightening!! Better trust the greedy telecoms to control information access. Poor Comcast is starving.
So just what has the evil liberal government decided? How has it clamped down on the internet? How will corporate control of information flow help anyone but corporations and those who pay for their "special access"?
Chuckie has no answers. He is hysterical with fear of a "government internet" that doesn't exist.
We can add this phobia to his fear of the "Great Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists".
"Please, kind and merciful and wise corporations...please protect us for these evil conspiracies that exist only in our minds."
Right, Chuckie?
I think the only reason they are upset over net neutrality is "Obama is for it, therefore it is evil."
Ignorance and racism go together so well.
400 people own everything.
Things are so great.
"I think the only reason they are upset over net neutrality is "Obama is for it, therefore it is evil."
Ignorance and racism go together so well."
Several insights about the above comment from Shaky Dybua
That you think something does not make it the truth.
Liberal Excuse Number 6
It's Racism.
In this case Shaky is saying if you disagree with Obama it's because you are a racist. How very typical of liberals. Government IS the religion of liberals.
Speaking of racism, do anyone see SNL last night?
if you disagree with Obama it's because you are a racist.
Nobody said this but Chuckie. So far this is Chuckie's only demonstrated understanding, or lack thereof, of net neutrality.
He forgot the "ignorance" part. At least I can explain how and why I disagree with Obama. Chuckie's hate is all he has. His response totally conforms to my statement.
Yea, let the Government decide, they can be trusted!!
How frightening!! Better trust the greedy telecoms to control information access. Poor Comcast is starving.
So just what has the evil liberal government decided? How has it clamped down on the internet? How will corporate control of information flow help anyone but corporations and those who pay for their "special access"?
Chuckie has no answers. He is hysterical with fear of a "government internet" that doesn't exist.
We can add this phobia to his fear of the "Great Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists".
"Please, kind and merciful and wise corporations...please protect us for these evil conspiracies that exist only in our minds."
Right, Chuckie?
That you think something does not make it the truth.
Chuckie offers classic far Right projection.
His "truth".
"Obama is a Marxist. Liberals hate America. Liberals envy and hate the wealthy. Benghazi was worse than Iraq. Obama is to blame for the failure of Iraqi Freedom by honoring Bush's troop withdrawal agreement. Liberals caused the Bush Financial Collapse and Bush Recession. There's an international conspiracy of evil climate scientists. Oil companies can be trusted to tell the truth about the effects of pollution. The GOP puts the American people ahead of its self serving political agenda. FOX(R) is fair and balanced"...
Oh, and Romney is "NOT a conservative"! Yeah, rich Mormons are known to be such crazed hippies. LOL!
So wrong, so often. A true believer.
It's as if he were addressing his image in the mirror.
Shaky Dubya says this
" think the only reason they are upset over net neutrality is "Obama is for it, therefore it is evil."
Ignorance and racism go together so well."
Then claims that he is not saying to disagree with Obama is racist.
How to identify a Liberal:
1. They believe that the only way a person can improve any portion of their life is with the government's involvement and oversight.
2. They have to lie to promote their agenda.
3. They are hypocrites.
4. Their agenda has to be mandated.
5. They put words that were not said into the mouths of others
6. They would rather have a lying liberal King than an elected Conservative President.
"Obama is a Marxist. Liberals hate America. Liberals envy and hate the wealthy. Benghazi was worse than Iraq. Obama is to blame for the failure of Iraqi Freedom by honoring Bush's troop withdrawal agreement. Liberals caused the Bush Financial Collapse and Bush Recession. There's an international conspiracy of evil climate scientists. Oil companies can be trusted to tell the truth about the effects of pollution. The GOP puts the American people ahead of its self serving political agenda. FOX(R) is fair and balanced"...
Who you quoting Shaky or as usual, are you making it up as you go along?
Want to know how out of step liberals are with the majority of Americans?
In a special issue of the Smithsonian Magazine, the publication has compiled a list of their 100 Most Significant Americans of All Timme.
Governor Palin was named among the top women:
Eleanor Roosevelt
Hillary Clinton
Sarah Palin
Martha Washington
Hellen Keller
Sojourner Truth
Jane Addams
Edith Wharton
Bette Davis
Oprah Winfrey
Additionally, the TOP presidents reveal some good names as well. Note, Barack Obama is not among them:
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt
Ulysses S. Grant
Ronald W. Reagan
George W. Bush
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
James Madison
Andrew Jackson
Benedict Arnold
Jesse James
John Wilkes Booth
Al Capone
Billy the Kid
William M. “Boss” Tweed
Charles Manson
Wild Bill Hickok
Lee Harvey Oswald
John Dillinger
Lucky Luciano
B.H. Obama
LOL I just put Obama's name in to avoid the Smithsonian from being called racist.
Disagree with the list?
Take it up with the Smithsonian
Don't forget, "Mitt (47%) Romney is not a conservative".
Look Shaky Dubya, you post a comment in quotes, when asked who you are quoting you, well, fail, again.
Simply another case of you putting words into the mouths of others, them claiming they are racist, and what other liberal talking points of the week. Again.
(BTW, it's not lost on me how when you are confronted to put up or shut up, you change the subject, as in Shaky's claims about ignorance and racism. I could paint with a dirty paint brush, blacks who opposed any white conservative with the same claim, but won't because it would be lending credence to a false argument.)
Talk about authoritarian mine set! You better disagree with these quotes that I made up or you believe them to be true. Again, trying to frame the argument in a manner that describes your opponent as dangerous, while running from arguing for your liberal positions. It's what has been said before and needs to be said again, and it's not original with me,
Liberalism can not compete in the free market place of ideas.
Just ask the journalists who are being spied on by Obama's NSA.
"Obama is not a liberal" Shaky, Rain and others have said on this blog.
Again, anyone who is not to the left of Shaky is a conservative.
But none of the what you have said Shaky, addresses the list of
Top Presidents from the Smithsonian, which by the way, fits neatly into the question asked by Tom ie: "Worst President Ever?" (Is the Smithsonian blaming the Black Guy? Will Shelia Jackson Lee demand it's budget be cut? Will the Rev Al Sharpton, well, you know the drill.)
My answer to Tom's question is "hands down, with out a doubt"!
Does this make me a racist?
Another Imperial Pronouncement by Emperor Obama: Future presidents CANNOT use his example of executive action
He may be our worst President ever, but he's the best Emperor American has ever had.
You better disagree with these quotes
Not if you agree, which by all evidence Sore Chuckie cannot deny.
And for some reason, Sore Chuckie couldn't bring himself refute those radical Right propaganda points.
Because he cannot. They are his beliefs.
"Romney is not a conservative", is a direct quote. The rest are paraphrased but accurate depictions of the Radical Right Bubble Cult propaganda. Just like the projection in the list of "How to identify a Liberal".
Wrong + more wrong = the radical Right
So, what ever happened to Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!?
The committee found that:
U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions and there was no evidence of a stand down order or a denial of air support.
There was no intelligence failure, unlike before the 9/11 attacks (yes, the report did say that).
Several terrorist groups, including Al Qaida, participated in the attack.
There was, as the administration has maintained, conflicting information following the attacks, which is the reason that stories changed.
Ambassador Susan Rice’s talking points contained errors and they were created from flawed intelligence at the time. There was nothing conspiratorial about the talking points.
Finally, according to the report, no one was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or kept from speaking to Congress.
There was also zero evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi or that the IC shipped arms to Syria.
I noticed that once again, Sore Loser (Anonymous) has told only the part of the story that promotes his twisted agenda. He left out this important paragragh:
" Skiena and Ward would be the first to acknowledge that their method has limitations. Their concept of significance has less to do with achievement than with an individual’s strength as an Internet meme—how vividly he or she remains in our collective memory. The English-language Wikipedia favors Americans over foreigners, men over women, white people over others and English speakers over everyone else. In their rankings of Americans only, past presidents occupy 39 of the first 100 spots, suggesting an ex-officio bias."
Gotta love conservatives. They never research what they are told, so they assume no one else will either.
Once again we have Mozart and Shaky D giving examples of not dealing with the issue, but instead talking about other stuff, like
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi
Disputing what the Smithsonian said.
Like I said before Mozart, take it up with them, not me, I just quoted what they said. Mozart, didn't you tell Tom you were no longer going to post on his blog? Something about people seeing right through your stupid bull shit, or was it finding out that Obama had to lie to get the ACA past stupid Americans lie you?
Anyway, good to see you can be trusted to break you word, like our King.
BTW Shaky, how is your employer going to handle any unhappy inmates who express their displeasure if Officer Wilson is not indicted? Can the police else where use the same methods?
I do not believe Romney is a conservative, moderate, yes, conservative no. So you think I'm the only one who feels that way? Didn't Degan call him a moderate? So you disagree with me, Oh golly stop the presses, call the NY Times, we have a news flash here. Big deal, like have a nervous breakdown, or orgasm or something.
Doesn't go so well for you does it Shaky Dubya, when you get called out for putting words in others mouths..
So very liberal of you.
"If they didn't see it after 8 years of Bush - the worst attack on our soil in our history, a war based on lies, and a complete collapse of the economy - then they will never see it. – Happy Puppy"
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq.[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.
President Clinton stated in February 1998:
Iraq admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability, notably, 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. And I might say UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq has actually greatly understated its production....
Over the past few months, as [the weapons inspectors] have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions by imposing debilitating conditions on the inspectors and declaring key sites which have still not been inspected off limits....
It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons....
Now, let's imagine the future. What if he fails to comply and we fail to act, or we take some ambiguous third route, which gives him yet more opportunities to develop this program of weapons of mass destruction and continue to press for the release of the sanctions and continue to ignore the solemn commitments that he made? Well, he will conclude that the international community has lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction. And some day, some way, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal....
President Clinton ~ 1998
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
Fear for the Republic, it is time for all men of honest and good hearts to stand up to the Dictator Obama and his central planning liars!
King Barrack, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize, asks there to be peace in the streets of America.
Supporters ignore his order.
Maybe he should issue an Executive Order?
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,
Let's have a look as Chuckie Goebbel's lies:
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Has he supported "drill baby, drill"?
Has he supported fracking?
Has he supported increased domestic oil production?
Gas prices have gone despite Obama's opposition to these very things
5 million low skilled new citizens by the King's decree
In this case Shaky is saying if you disagree with Obama it's because you are a racist. How very typical of liberals. Government IS the religion of liberals.
Dictator Obama
King Barrack,
"Not conservative" Romney.
How to identify a Liberal:
1. They believe that the only way a person can improve any portion of their life is with the government's involvement and oversight.
2. They have to lie to promote their agenda.
3. They are hypocrites.
4. Their agenda has to be mandated.
5. They put words that were not said into the mouths of others
6. They would rather have a lying liberal King than an elected Conservative President.
Yeah. We can see that clearly.
And your problem with all of these is Shaky, they are all true.
Lies, like if you like your DR, etc?
And your problem with all of these is Shaky, they are all true....but only to a true believer of the Radical Right Bubble Cult.
I'm flattered that, for some reason, Sore Chuckie has given me the same nickname as Neil Young.
So where WERE those ties between Saddam and al-Qaeda his beloved Shrub lied about? How about those "nukular" aluminum tubes he lied about in his State of the Union address?
Kings, emperors, and dictators have all lied this way to get their holy wars, empire expansion, and crusades, and wars for crony profit and political gain. No, wait, the last one was just Bush.
"Mitt 47% Romney is not conservative"... LOL!!
Only in the RRBC.
"And your problem with all of these is Shaky, they are all true....but only to a true believer of the Radical Right Bubble Cult."
There is no "but" about it
Again with the putting of your words into the mouths of others.
Can you deny Shaky, that anything to your right, you view as "Radical Right"? So of course you would take such a minority view, no surprise there.
How the hell do you know what I said about GWB, you back to your old peeping Tom addiction. And what the hell does what I may have said or not said have to do with any thing today? Are you stupidly saying that in order for me to be critical our King Obama, I must be critical of President GWB?
Those are bullshit terms for an argument, that I refuse to accept, as it only deflects from the discussion. It does NOTHING to further the debate, and in fact ends it. Which is what you want when ever your liberalism shows it's failed face to the light of reality.
Is King Obama the First (God I hope that he's the last!) lying to us about HIS war on ISIS? How about the promise to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, is it true that he is now sending more boots in?
In case you missed this, the midterm elections were an overwhelming rejection of the policys and the Party who produced them by the American voter. Waiting for you to offer up one of the liberal excuses for this rejection.
Or you can talk about President GWB.
"And your problem with all of these is Shaky, they are all true....but only to a true believer of the Radical Right Bubble Cult."
There is no "but" about it
Again with the putting of your words into the mouths of others.
Can you deny Shaky, that anything to your right, you view as "Radical Right"? So of course you would take such a minority view, no surprise there.
How the hell do you know what I said about GWB, you back to your old peeping Tom addiction. And what the hell does what I may have said or not said have to do with any thing today? Are you stupidly saying that in order for me to be critical our King Obama, I must be critical of President GWB?
Those are bullshit terms for an argument, that I refuse to accept, as it only deflects from the discussion. It does NOTHING to further the debate, and in fact ends it. Which is what you want when ever your liberalism shows it's failed face to the light of reality.
Is King Obama the First (God I hope that he's the last!) lying to us about HIS war on ISIS? How about the promise to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, is it true that he is now sending more boots in?
In case you missed this, the midterm elections were an overwhelming rejection of the policys and the Party who produced them by the American voter. Waiting for you to offer up one of the liberal excuses for this rejection.
Or you can talk about President GWB.
Look! Sore Chuckie has partners in ignorance:
Five Conservatives Who Don't Understand Net Neutrality…But Are Definitely Against It!
Who is Chucky?
Obama is the worse President, ever!
Even those on the liberal plantation admit it.
Sore Chuckie,
Who's Shakey?
It's a stupid disingenuous liberal who says" well bush had more executive orders"
Hey libturd, here is a clue for you, it's not the amount, it's what the executive order is, or contains.
Grow a brain will ya?
Anyone who thinks the dirty obama regime is not lying through its teeth about a , sounds benign, little bill called " net neutrality" then your hopeless.
All it is is the attempt at nationalizing the net so they can get control of the content you get. In other words it's censorship. And guess what will be not censored ? Yep you got it, left wing government propaganda. They will be able to rewrite any history or fact they choose. Don't think for once that if the Obozo regime is more than willing to lie to you about your healthcare , they will most certainly lie about this to.
One interesting thing I have noticed, for years nobody in media ever came out and said directly that the president is lying, or that he is a liar. Well until now, every single person in the news says Obozo pathologically lies about everything. This moron lies about his lies. There is no denying it any more. They used to always dance around it. Saying things like " he misspoke , or you took it out of context" not anymore. Bozo lies every time he speaks, and that's no lie.
All it is is the attempt at nationalizing the net so they can get control of the content you get. In other words it's censorship.
"stupid disingenuous hopeless"
This from someone who likely has no problem with Bush's FISA and NSA warrentless surveillance.
Letting telecoms control the information flow would be sooooo wise.
Net neutrality is keeping it the way it is. Useful idiots want to surrender more to corporate power.
Imagine that.
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