President Cruz?
“Every parent was horrified by what happened [in Newtown, Connecticut]. It takes your breath away. But within minutes, we saw politicians
run out and try to exploit this tragedy, try to push their political
agenda of gun control. I do not support their gun control agenda.”
Senator Ted Cruz on Fox Noise
Ted Cruz is against any legislation that would prevent the next massacre of innocent children? That's fine. I wouldn't expect a reactionary putz like Ted to do the right thing in the wake of such unspeakable carnage. What could you possibly hope for from someone who recently stated that he wants all of America to be more like his beloved Texas - a state that (with the merciful exception of Mississippi) every survey shows to be the worst place in this dying nation in which to live. Gosh, these surely are weird and wonderful times to be alive, aren't they?
Ted Cruz is against any legislation that would prevent the next massacre of innocent children? That's fine. I wouldn't expect a reactionary putz like Ted to do the right thing in the wake of such unspeakable carnage. What could you possibly hope for from someone who recently stated that he wants all of America to be more like his beloved Texas - a state that (with the merciful exception of Mississippi) every survey shows to be the worst place in this dying nation in which to live. Gosh, these surely are weird and wonderful times to be alive, aren't they?
Imagine this: Let's say - just for the sake of a really stupid argument - that Barack Obama hadn't really been born in the United States. Not only that, let's say that his father had fought in Fidel Castro's army back in the Fabulous Fifties and that he could take credit for helping the bearded one overthrow the Batista regime, handing the island-nation of Cuba over to the Commies in the process. Can you even imagine the field day that the Tea party loonies and the Birthers would have had with that bit of Obama Family history? Well here's something for you to ponder: That is the undeniable truth concerning the background of their latest savior, Texas senator, Ted Cruz!
Rafael Cruz, Ted's dad, says that he didn't realize that Castro was a Communist when he fought by his side all those years ago - a perfectly acceptable explanation. Even the Eisenhower administration didn't know what to make of Fidel when he visited the United States in 1959. Ted's many fans among the extreme right wing need not fear any serious backlash. No one in their right mind is going to make an issue out of Papa Cruz's past (KEY WORDS: "No one in their right mind" - it'll be a different story during the 2016 GOP primaries) Besides, we who lean left have no reason to exploit that fact. Ted is so burdened with liabilities of his own, the thought of his dad charging up San Juan Hill with Fidel Castro's Rough Riders is pocket change by comparison. The very presence of Ted Cruz on the American political stage is a Progressive's Dream Come True. He's the gift that keeps giving.
The thing about Cruz that tickles me more than anything is his obvious (and quite pathetic) idolization of the late Joe McCarthy. Although Tail Gunner Joe had been in the grave for almost fourteen years when Ted was born in December of 1970, the legacy of McCarthyism is alive and well in the man's persona. It is quite apparent that the senator from Texas has been channeling the long-dead senator from Wisconsin. He has so many McCarthy-like mannerisms that it's just a tad unsettling - such as the way he hunches over the microphone and tilts his head to the side. It really is something to behold. The weirdest thing about the times we live in is that in 1953 there was only one Joe McCarthy. Sixty years later it's a different story. Today the halls of Congress are polluted with scores of Joe-wannabes. As I said before, these sure are interesting times.
In the four short months since arriving in Washington, this freshman senator has earned himself the reputation as the most obnoxious, bloviating jackass in town. He's even disliked by members of his own party - which is impressive when you think about it. As you might be aware the Republicans have set the bar pretty low when it comes to what is or isn't considered "statesmanlike" behavior. Show me a politician whose antics are too weird for the GOP and I'll show you a politician who really should be be watched - if for no other reason than our own amusement.
It astonishes me that Cruz is considered by the talking heads to be an intelligent man for no other reason than the fact that he graduated (with honors) from Harvard Law School. Pardon me for pointing this out but some of the most ruthless dingbats in our recent history attended that insanely overrated college. Unless they're Theodore or Franklin Roosevelt or Jack Kennedy, Harvard Men don't impress me too much. George W. Bush was a student there. He was turned down by the University of Texas Law School but was accepted by Harvard. What does that tell you about the joint? I'm much more likely to respect the opinion of a person who graduated from CCNY. In my experience they tend to have a lot more substance.
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President...."
-From Section One, Article Two of the United States Constitution
I'm gonna need your help here. I know you'll come through.
It is also apparent that Ted Cruz was inspired by a newly elected senator from Illinois named Barack Obama who, after only two years in office, sought - and won - the presidency. The fact that Obama was an African American must have made old Ted drool with longing. He must be saying out loud, "Well, hell! If some damn KNEE-GROW can do it, I can do it, too!" And sure enough, Ted is already on the move. He plans on throwing his hat in the ring in the 2016 presidential primaries. His Tea Party base are beside themselves with ecstasy. You can almost hear the exclamations of joy:
"Finally we're gonna do it right! Next time 'round we're gonna have a real-live, honest-to-goodness, Kool-Aid drinkin', Bible-thumpin' right-winger as our nominee! Cruz is our man! EVER'BODY, LET OUT THE OL' REBEL YELL!!!"
Unfortunately for them their glee is somewhat presumptuous. You see, Ted is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president of the United States. He wasn't born here. He was born in Canada - at least that's similar to the rationale that was made by the knuckleheads who challenged the president's eligibility to serve.
I wonder how these idiotic "birthers" would react if Cruz did indeed get the nomination? Would they scream bloody murder, demanding to see his birth certificate in the same way they howled for Obama's? The only thing that made John McCain eligible to be elected to the presidency was that - or so their reasoning went - although he was born in Panama, he came into this world in a hospital that was located on a US military base. This was the argument they used to defend their hypocrisy. I've got a funny feeling that what applied to the president of the United States shall not apply to the senator from Texas. Call it "an educated guess".
It has always been my opinion that Section one, Article Two was a really bad idea. It was probably inserted in there because someone did not want the habitually-controversial Alexander Hamilton (who was born in the British West Indies) to ever serve as chief-executive. I hope that someday it is repealed. We are, after all, a nation of immigrants, aren't we? I'll even go out on a limb here: I hope it's repealed in time to make Ted Cruz's idiotic quest for the White House nice 'n' constitutional - without a molecule of room for misinterpretation. I want him to be nominated as the GOP standard-bearer three years from now so badly that I can almost taste it. What a gift that would be, huh?
Of course it's not going to be repealed by then. There are enough Republican legislators astute enough to understand that having someone as extreme as Ted as their nominee would mean their party's certain doom. But as I said before, the Constitution doesn't mean a damned thing to Ted Cruz. He's hellbent on running regardless of whatever that document mandates. You can bet the farm that his opponents in the primaries will make an issue out of his "foreignness". I never dreamed that a political year could ever get weirder than 2012. I was wrong about that. 2016 is going to be a laugh riot. Just you wait.
Ted Cruz as the Republican party's nominee in 2016? Oh, please, fate! Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fracking Pennsylvania
by Walter M. Brasch
"A valuable contribution [that] methodically lays out...the dangers of fracking. If you are not alarmed and fearful while reading Brasch's book, you are not sufficiently engaging its content."
-Reverend Leah Schade, EcoWatch
Here is a link to order if off of
Fracking Pennsylvania: Flirting With Disaster
Not merely for residents of the Keystone State. I'm just sayin'.
The Progressive Union:
A very cool internet radio program by my new Facebook pal, Doreen DiLeonardo, and her husband, Tony:
Have a listen when you can. Highly recommended!
For more recent postings on this site, please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Watch America go gently into that very dark night.
Rafael Cruz, Ted's dad, says that he didn't realize that Castro was a Communist when he fought by his side all those years ago - a perfectly acceptable explanation. Even the Eisenhower administration didn't know what to make of Fidel when he visited the United States in 1959. Ted's many fans among the extreme right wing need not fear any serious backlash. No one in their right mind is going to make an issue out of Papa Cruz's past (KEY WORDS: "No one in their right mind" - it'll be a different story during the 2016 GOP primaries) Besides, we who lean left have no reason to exploit that fact. Ted is so burdened with liabilities of his own, the thought of his dad charging up San Juan Hill with Fidel Castro's Rough Riders is pocket change by comparison. The very presence of Ted Cruz on the American political stage is a Progressive's Dream Come True. He's the gift that keeps giving.
![]() |
Joe McCarthy |
In the four short months since arriving in Washington, this freshman senator has earned himself the reputation as the most obnoxious, bloviating jackass in town. He's even disliked by members of his own party - which is impressive when you think about it. As you might be aware the Republicans have set the bar pretty low when it comes to what is or isn't considered "statesmanlike" behavior. Show me a politician whose antics are too weird for the GOP and I'll show you a politician who really should be be watched - if for no other reason than our own amusement.
It astonishes me that Cruz is considered by the talking heads to be an intelligent man for no other reason than the fact that he graduated (with honors) from Harvard Law School. Pardon me for pointing this out but some of the most ruthless dingbats in our recent history attended that insanely overrated college. Unless they're Theodore or Franklin Roosevelt or Jack Kennedy, Harvard Men don't impress me too much. George W. Bush was a student there. He was turned down by the University of Texas Law School but was accepted by Harvard. What does that tell you about the joint? I'm much more likely to respect the opinion of a person who graduated from CCNY. In my experience they tend to have a lot more substance.
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President...."
-From Section One, Article Two of the United States Constitution
I'm gonna need your help here. I know you'll come through.

"Finally we're gonna do it right! Next time 'round we're gonna have a real-live, honest-to-goodness, Kool-Aid drinkin', Bible-thumpin' right-winger as our nominee! Cruz is our man! EVER'BODY, LET OUT THE OL' REBEL YELL!!!"
Unfortunately for them their glee is somewhat presumptuous. You see, Ted is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president of the United States. He wasn't born here. He was born in Canada - at least that's similar to the rationale that was made by the knuckleheads who challenged the president's eligibility to serve.
I wonder how these idiotic "birthers" would react if Cruz did indeed get the nomination? Would they scream bloody murder, demanding to see his birth certificate in the same way they howled for Obama's? The only thing that made John McCain eligible to be elected to the presidency was that - or so their reasoning went - although he was born in Panama, he came into this world in a hospital that was located on a US military base. This was the argument they used to defend their hypocrisy. I've got a funny feeling that what applied to the president of the United States shall not apply to the senator from Texas. Call it "an educated guess".
It has always been my opinion that Section one, Article Two was a really bad idea. It was probably inserted in there because someone did not want the habitually-controversial Alexander Hamilton (who was born in the British West Indies) to ever serve as chief-executive. I hope that someday it is repealed. We are, after all, a nation of immigrants, aren't we? I'll even go out on a limb here: I hope it's repealed in time to make Ted Cruz's idiotic quest for the White House nice 'n' constitutional - without a molecule of room for misinterpretation. I want him to be nominated as the GOP standard-bearer three years from now so badly that I can almost taste it. What a gift that would be, huh?
Of course it's not going to be repealed by then. There are enough Republican legislators astute enough to understand that having someone as extreme as Ted as their nominee would mean their party's certain doom. But as I said before, the Constitution doesn't mean a damned thing to Ted Cruz. He's hellbent on running regardless of whatever that document mandates. You can bet the farm that his opponents in the primaries will make an issue out of his "foreignness". I never dreamed that a political year could ever get weirder than 2012. I was wrong about that. 2016 is going to be a laugh riot. Just you wait.
Ted Cruz as the Republican party's nominee in 2016? Oh, please, fate! Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fracking Pennsylvania
by Walter M. Brasch
"A valuable contribution [that] methodically lays out...the dangers of fracking. If you are not alarmed and fearful while reading Brasch's book, you are not sufficiently engaging its content."
-Reverend Leah Schade, EcoWatch
Here is a link to order if off of
Fracking Pennsylvania: Flirting With Disaster
Not merely for residents of the Keystone State. I'm just sayin'.
![]() |
Tony and Doreen DiLeonardo |
The Progressive Union:
A very cool internet radio program by my new Facebook pal, Doreen DiLeonardo, and her husband, Tony:
Have a listen when you can. Highly recommended!
For more recent postings on this site, please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Watch America go gently into that very dark night.
and throw in a little Ben Carson.
I''ll take Cruz/Carson or Carson/Cruz for prez. I go both ways.
I love this post because it is very very interesting.Thanks you very much for shearing this article
Please provide a list of legislations that would prevent events like those at Newtown.
Remember your word and it is key to your position is
"prevent". Not reduce, not lessen, but prevent.
If Texas is such a hell hole, why are there so many illegals living there? How many years have you lived in Texas Tom? Are you sharing with us your personal experience or just hearsay?
Re: Chuck Moore’s comments at 1:12 PM, he makes reading Tom’s blogs really interesting. For a while if Tom were to post about the sun rising in the east we could count on Chuck to respond. “End Abortions by Making Them Illegal.” Lately Chuck has added another twist by shouting “No Gun Controls.”
Yeah, Ron, the trolls make the comments section a lot of fun to read. One reader asked me a while ago why I never delete them. MY answer:
"DELETE THEM??? They're priceless! Why on earth would you want me to do that?"
I was just thinking that I should go to the comments sections on every piece I've written and come up with a "Best of the Trolls" column. That would be a riot of mirth!
All the best,
I too like Chuck Morre"s comments and I have to admit I do egg him on a bit just to see where he goes.
I look forward to every article you post. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Wolfgang! We should welcome the trolls for no other reason than the fact that they do stir the pot - and that they provide us with gales of unintentional laughter.
Chuck Morre responded to two thoughts that were CLEARLY present in Tom's post (at the very beginning no less) and gets labeled a "troll" and ridiculed for being off-topic.
As I asked Mozart, are you folks paying any attention or do you just like picking on him?
Fascinating stuff to observe. It's really the main reason I continue to read. It provides a window into the liberal mind.
Oh, and by the way, Cruz is in no way constitutionally hindered from running for President. I had a difficult time discerning whether you really believed there was an issue or if you were attempting clever irony or what...
Harley, Cruz is CANADIAN. Born to a CUBAN father. That pretty much CONSTITUTIONALY hinders him.
Obama was born in HAWAII , which, last time I checkd, was a STATE in 1961 when Obama was born.
I'm sure that is the case, Harley. But if Cruz has no constitutional barriers from serving as POTUS, why, then did Obama? That's what the so-called "birthers" are still claiming.
Waiting Ron, Tom, and Mozart,
for the list of laws that would have prevented Newton murders. After all, it was your claim that Senator Cruz is against them, and I would like to see the list of laws you are talking about. I'd like to email the Senator and ask him.
It's not my fault you make claims about someone you cant or are not willing to back up or support. If you don't like being called on on them, I suggest you stop making the.
And since you Ron, brought up abortion, (not me)if you are going to ridicule me, at least quote me correctly . What I've said is if liberals were really concerned about the deaths of innocent children, they would 1st address the largest cause of dead children in America, legal abortion. The fact that you can not or will not is very telling about what you really believe about the the children of our nation and our society of violence. When the reporting of a violent death of a child is on the 6:00 news, you are against it's death, if it is in the death room of an abortion clinic, you don't want to hear about it. It didn't happen.
Rather hypocritical of you, isn't it.
Just as it is to call a place you have never lived in or visited as a hell hole. Again, if it is a hell hole, why are illegals risking their lives daily to get in to Texas? What in your personal experience, makes you an expert on living conditions in Texas? Tom, have you been able to find a job in NY? How long has it been now?
What's the unemployment rate in NY vs TX? As of 4/19/132012 it was 6.4% for TX and 8.2% for NY.
Some hell hole.
Actually, that clause was inserted just so Alexander Hamilton could be president . Just saying
I have no idea on the "birther" thing. I was always of the opinion it didn't matter where he was born since his mom was a citizen. Mozart, you need to check your facts, my friend. The truth is out there - all you have to do is a modicum of research. HINT: quit focusing on where his father was born.
Thankfully, Obama is indeed constitutionally ineligible in 2016! No arguments :)
Chuck Moore seems quite smug demanding “the list of laws that would have prevented Newton (sic) murders.” That reminds me of the French who developed the Maginot Line after WW1 to protect themselves against another WW1.
After Oklahoma City we upped the scrutiny of purchases of ammonium nitrate and rentals of trucks. Then they took over fully loaded passenger airplanes and crashed them in to buildings. That gave us the TSA. After the shoe bomber, everyone has to take off their shoes before boarding an airplane. That seems to have worked well (giggle). Then came the underwear bomber. Ah Ha! Only naked passengers on airplanes! Well, maybe not.
Learning better how to fight the last war is a lesson in futility.
We have to concentrate on what may happen in the future. That is why background checks may be a good place to start. And more emphasis on recognizing and treating mental problems.
Unfortunately the Supremes ignored that “well-regulated militia” thingy in the Second Amendment and signaled that there can be no controls in the possession of firearms. As a consequence we will have scattered and unregulated “militias” running amuck.
And I had better not call that SCOTUS decision an “abortion” or Chuck Moore will take that as an opening for his favorite subject. My apologies to Chuck, but I could not resist that.
Ron Baldwin
Interesting, the only thing you have added to this debate is the correction of my typing error. Please explain how you have able miss correcting Mozart's errors but were able to find mine?
Rather hypocritical of you, isn't it.
Still no list of laws that if passed would have prevented NEWTOWN murders, still no evidence to support the claim that Texas is a "hell hole".
Interesting tact to bring up OKC bombings, note how effective the laws passed after that attack effectively stopped the Boston bombing. Back ground checks on owners of pressure cookers?
Please provide a list of the "scattered and unregulated “militias” running amuck". If there are so many, shouldn't be a problem for you to produce.
Ron, I am not from Texas, I am not a Roman Catholic, I do not live in the Bible Belt, I am not Jewish, I am a Presbyterian(PCA), gentile, Christian. I understand your attempt at humor with your abortion comment. Believe it or not, I love a great joke, even those at my own expense, if for no other reason than to keep me aware of my own weakness and blind spots.
However, in light of the fact that over 50 million humans have been legally slaughtered since Roe v Wade, I think the use of abortion as a tag line to a joke is rather insensitive. Try making a joke using the Jewish Holocaust and see how that works.
Wouldn't this all be so much simpler if someone could answer the questions I asked instead of attacking me and my positions? I thought liberalism was all about the exchange of different views, is that no more?
Ron Baldwin
Interesting, the only thing you have added to this debate is the correction of my typing error. Please explain how you have able miss correcting Mozart's errors but were able to find mine?
Rather hypocritical of you, isn't it.
Still no list of laws that if passed would have prevented NEWTOWN murders, still no evidence to support the claim that Texas is a "hell hole".
Interesting tact to bring up OKC bombings, note how effective the laws passed after that attack effectively stopped the Boston bombing. Back ground checks on owners of pressure cookers?
Please provide a list of the "scattered and unregulated “militias” running amuck". If there are so many, shouldn't be a problem for you to produce.
Ron, I am not from Texas, I am not a Roman Catholic, I do not live in the Bible Belt, I am not Jewish, I am a Presbyterian(PCA), gentile, Christian. I understand your attempt at humor with your abortion comment. Believe it or not, I love a great joke, even those at my own expense, if for no other reason than to keep me aware of my own weakness and blind spots.
However, in light of the fact that over 50 million humans have been legally slaughtered since Roe v Wade, I think the use of abortion as a tag line to a joke is rather insensitive. Try making a joke using the Jewish Holocaust and see how that works.
Wouldn't this all be so much simpler if someone could answer the questions I asked instead of attacking me and my positions? I thought liberalism was all about the exchange of different views, is that no more?
President Barack Milhouse Obama
If it were not for the papers he would never have know about;
Fast and Furious scandal
IRS scandal
AP scandal
Must be tough being the smartest person in the room all the time.
Lets talk about Bush and Cheney and Palin and the Koch brothers and the NRA and Glen Beck and Limbaugh. The fact that they do not trust a growing federal govt is with out any merit at all. I want a Federal Govt who has a complete database on me, isn't this what all "real" liberals want?
The President has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. ”That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”
Ron Baldwin said “We have to concentrate on what may happen in the future.”
Ron, that’s a good statement to discuss. I think, to a reasonable degree, that’s right and logical. Of course we must try – but the problem is we never know what it holds.
And, I also think to some degree that’s what gets us in trouble – and what leads to unnecessary and even counter-productive social and political ideas. We cannot debate the underlying assumptions of modern humanistic progressivism in this forum, but I think ultimately therein lies one of its flaws. I believe the worldview often oversimplifies issues and is overly reactionary in its quest to pull humanity up by its proverbial bootstraps. The philosophical underpinning of inherent goodness in mankind who only needs the proper “environment” has led and continues to lead to all sorts of problems. And, it’s not a purely liberal idea. I firmly believe Randian “capitalism” is just as bad and has led to a whole other batch of problems. Rand is (in my mind) the other side of the humanistic coin from Marx. Both with very similar fundamental underpinnings, but very different approaches to the problems.
I think most important in our day is discernment and intellectual honesty to say that MUCH has failed us in the way of man-made philosophy and political ideology – just look at the body of results in the 19th and 20th centuries alone. The record should be telling to the astute observer…
Harley, it's not where his Father was born, it's where HE was born. CANADA. He's not eligable to be president. Get it? The issue with his Fahter is his support of Fidel Castro. Can you IMAGINE a Democrat with such ties? Prescott Bush supported HITLER. Can you imagine a Dem with such ties? Obama was born in HAWAII and he STILL has conservatives panties in a wad about his citizenship.
Can you say "double standard"? I knew that you could.
BTW I have apologised more than once about my bad typing. When you do, people may stop harrassing you about it.
And Chuck, when you start attacking fertility clinics who disgard more embryoes in a month than the number of abortins in 5 years, we'll start taking you seriously. Also, stop calling blobs of flesh "Children". Babies cannot be frozen for years and thawed out, embryoes can, and therein lies the difference.
Mozart - it's natual citizenship "jus sanguinis". His mother was American. Yes sir, I "get it" - do you now?
First of all, a search of the Internet regarding the numbers of embryos thrown away in a month by fertility clinics is not given. What is given is in 2008 there were 500,000 frozen embryos. Of their parents polled, 20% want to keep them forever, never destroying their child.
36% were ok with throwing the human embryos away.
34% wanted to give away to other infertile coupes.
70% of the parents pay for the storage of their human embryos for five years or more.
I don't know how or where you came up with your claim of the number of human embryos that are thrown away in a month, vs the number of abortions in five years. I would really like to review your sources.
With that in mind, to directly answer your question about blobs of flesh not being human baby's, I'll use a quote of Abe Lincoln for my reply.
"No one has the right to choose the wrong thing."
Btw I've answered one of your questions, again. How about you doing the same for one of mine?
No? Then shut up and move on to something more credible. Like Obama's birth certificate.
"People polled" is how many of the total people? You don't say do you? Could be 50.
I still don't hear you crying for the embyoes disgarded bty fertiltiy clinics whi conservatives use when "GODS WILL" doesn't work for them.
Do you know what Mozart is doing right now?
He's decomposing.
You know what "Anonymous" is doing right now? he's using the old conservative tactic of resorting to insults and personal attacks when he has no logical argument.
Cruz is constitutionally inelligable to be POTUS. That's the bottom line. Of course he's also so far to the right no one in their right mind would want him in the job in the first place.
From Eclectablog (a patently progressive source)…
“Ted Cruz’s mother was a U.S. citizen when he was born in Calgary. This makes him a “natural born citizen” and eligible to become president of the United States. For this same reason, Barack Obama would be eligible to be president even if he were born abroad — he wasn’t.
‘The weight of scholarly legal and historical opinion appears to support the notion that ‘natural born Citizen’ means one who is entitled under the Constitution or laws of the United States to U.S. citizenship ‘at birth’ or ‘by birth,’ including any child born ‘in’ the United States, the children of United States citizens born abroad, and those born abroad of one citizen parents who has met U.S. residency requirements,' according to the Congressional Research Service’s Jack Maskell.”
I’m unfolding this slowly for you, Mozart, to see just how long you will continue to make yourself look silly. Frankly, I think it would be awesome if you would continue to stick to your guns.
Barrack A-Hole Obama is a lot scarier than Joe McCarthy ever was.
Only someone who gets his information from Fox Noise, the New York Post and the Mallard Fillmore comic strip would say such an idiotic thing.
Congratulation. In seven years and 27,000 comments, that is the dopiest thing anyone has ever written on this site.
Stand up and take a bow.
The Dumbocrats planned Newtown for Gun Control --- Okay, that's a nut theory, but the Dumbocrats have shown they can't be trusted about squat, they can only be trusted to lie!
What's the problem Degan? Are you against free speech? You want to shut down Faux News? Is that what you progressives say? That's funny, cause that's what the president thinks and that's why the IRSS storm troopers are in trouble. Tolerance!
Chris Matthews bailed on Obama, maybe he knows the AP story, bugging the house of representatives, the IRS story and Benghazi sinks this presidency.
If I was against free speech I would delete your comments, twit.
My answer Mozart was given, it was "do the right thing", it was the quote of A. Lincoln,
"No one has the right to choose the wrong thing." It is wrong to murder humans in any form.
Now if you could or would please, answer my questions, which by the way, had nothing to do with abortion, but ironically, were on the subject of Tom's post.
Chuck is so much fun to play with. Like all conservatives, SO predictable. Chuck, I asked CAN YOU FREEZE A BABY? And the answer is, NO you can.t, but you CAN freeze an ambryo, therefore by simple logic, an embryo is not a baby and therefore the vast majority of "infaticides" you cry abouot never happened. As for the original subject, Once again, Tom got it spot on. It's not his fault conservatives are desparate to excuse Nixon and Bush by making up scandals about Obama
Obama has done much worse than Nixon, no one died at watergate, President Clinton warned of the dangers of Saddam Hussein. Obama himself has voted against allowing infants born alive to act, Democrats are partners with Planned Parenthood, the nation's biggest abortionist. Obama voted for infanticide, anyone voting for Obama are partners in infanticide since Planned Parenthood has in fact, stood up for infanticide.
So all we see is the morally bankrupt left making excuses.
Chuck is right on.
No one died at watergate. 4 people died in Benghazi thanks to Hillary who was fired from watergate, she's such a big liar, look it up yourself and Obama.
Obama voted against allowing live infants surviving abortion 3 times. Anyone who votes for the Democrat platform is morally bankrupt and partners in not just abortion but when some woman is killed at a Planned Parenthood as Tonya Reaves was, is responsible for that as well.
Governor Scott Walker defunded Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin, it still goes on in Illinois, that's where Tonya Reaves was killed. Those deaths are on the Democrats.
People like Scott Walker have real integrity, people like Obama and his supporters are partners in murder.
Of babies born alive and then killed by abortionists, planned parenthood and the women who get killed at planned parenthood.
Tom Degan and Mozart don't know anything, Obama voted for infanticide, he voted to allow babies who survived abortion to be let alone, not be given life support and die.
You are partners in this.
No one died at Watergate, but a crime was committed to steal an election and the President ordered it covered up, then lied about it and refused to turn over evidence to the congressinal comitte investigating. Pretty bad.
In Benghazi a terrorist attack killed some people. It happened many times under Bush and only three quiet inquiries and it was set aside. 13 people died.
Clinton warned of Osama Bin Laden and Bush ignored the warnings.
And let me get this straight...Hillary was fired from WATERGATE? PLease explain how THAT happened.
I wasn't aware live bore infants had any interest in acting, and only 1.3% of planned parentood's budget, NONE of which comes from public money, is used for abortins, which, BTW are LEGAL in the USA. More of their funding goes for education and BIRTH CONTROL which PREVENTS unwanted pregnancies and thus, abortions. The vast majority goes for womens health issues such as mammograms and other preventative medical procedures.
Do you even read what you type before you post it?
Okay, Bill Clinton killed people in Seriba, many people have been killed by Drone Strikes in Afghanistan under the Obama Administration so both of these people are war criminals as well.
President Obama, Infanticide supporter, just like Planned Parenthood does and therefore, the Democrat Party, part and parcel of all killing by this government funded organization.
Hillary Clinton, fired from Watergate committee for fraud, ethical violations, lying. She's toast and Obama will become irrelevant, so engulfed in scandal, it may be good he stays in office and it will hurt the democrats even more.
Drum roll from Ringo!!
In case you forgot in your haste to bring up abortion, here was my original post and question.
"Please provide a list of legislation's that would prevent events like those at Newtown.
Remember your word and it is key to your position is
"prevent". Not reduce, not lessen, but prevent.
If Texas is such a hell hole, why are there so many illegals living there? How many years have you lived in Texas Tom? Are you sharing with us your personal experience or just hearsay?"
Still waiting for answers.
To answer you last question, of course you can freeze a baby. If you want to kill them! Just as you can thaw a frozen embryo, if you also want to kill them.
The method of killing either doesn't determine if they are human and are the same. If that were fact, then when an abortionist wrings the neck of a child when it's head first appears from it's mothers womb/birth canal, it would be a chicken. After all, that's one way of killing a chicken.
Not surprising to me at least, is the one major item you seem to be blind to. That is, if not murdered, both the embryo and the fetus end up being human children.
Hence my use of the Abe Lincoln quote as my answer. "No one has the right to choose the wrong thing." Sorry you didn't "get it".
Thanks Harley A for pointing out the obvious in your posts, well said, well done.
Chuck, NO legislatin is going to completely solve any problem, but by YOUR logic we shouldn't have laws against rape and murder because they will still happen. OF COURSE we want to do what we can so we settle for LESSEN or REDUCE. I suppose you think reducing the number of shootings would be bad unless we can stop them completely. What a STUPID attitude. And I've been to Texas and I'd rather be almost anyplace else. If I can help it I'll never go back. Bad weather, backward people, stupid laws.
And Chuck, frozen embryoes are thawed and implanted all the time. But you can't thaw a baby and expect it to be alive. Can you tell us please, the ratio of "Neck wringing" abortins to the TOTAL number? Of course no one wants to see a viable infant killed, but I'd bet you that the VAST majority of abortins are bloobs of cells that are not even recognizeable as human. There should be strict laws as to when abortins are not allowed, but to say something like a "morning after" pill kills a "child" is again, just stupid. It would in fact certainly prevent the kind of thing you describe.
And not all embryoes end up being human children unless you are going to start calling a woman's period or a misscarraige "murder". They wuld at least be invoulantary manslaughter. Andit's ironic that you would cherry pick an Lincoln quote that had NOTHING to do with any of the subjects discussed here, since he would not be allowed anywhere NEAR a GOP convention today. He freed the slaves, so he "hated capitalism". There is also some evidence he MIGHT have also been Gay.
Ringo, the only thngs I can find to back up your story about Hillary and the watergate hearings (where she was a minor player to say the least) come from ultra right wing sites that all run the same few lines and there is no other evidence it happened at all the way you said.can we get back to the subject now, which is tha fact that ted Cruz is not constitutionally eligable to be POTUS?
"NO "legislatin" is going to completely solve any problem"....Mozart
Thank you very much. Now can you see why attacking Cruz for his voting record is nothing more than an attempt to keep your mind focused on any thing but what the empty chair in the White House is doing or not doing.
Now do see how you are being played by keeping you focused on Bush, Cheney, Palin, Koch Brothers, Tea Party or anything that will stoke your anger and make anyone but Obama the focus of your rage?
Do you not find it odd that with the many current events occurring daily under this Administration that you are being focused on just one Senator, on just one State, one issue? The issue of new gun laws that the Democratic controlled Senate didn't pass! And you are told to focus on Cruz? Please!
Don't you wonder why a really liberal opened minded person isn't asking questions for the truth behind Benghazi, IRS and the AP scandals? Instead of directing their focus on anything but those?
Do you think that's just an accident? An oversight? Go to Can you find anything there reporting the current scandals and coverups? NO. Why not?
Am I saying Tom and Obama are communists, NO, I AM NOT. I am asking you to at least question why neither is talking about current events and issues that are head line news every where else. Liberals are now the "bitter clingers", clinging to their Savior of big government and security of abortion. And Obama is their prophet.
"There is also some evidence he MIGHT have also been Gay." Mozart
Sounds like Decomposing Mozart might be a homophobic!
Homophobic? No, just watched a very interesting biography of Lincoln where he had a close relationship with another man, but was very uncomfortable around women, even his wife.In fact I think it would be great to have an openly Gay president, just like I thnk it's great we have a Black President. It shows the country is moving forward. About time too.
But do keep the insults coming, it proves you have no valid points.
Drone strikes have killed lots of children, time for the War Criminal Barack Obama to leave office.
Found an example of "unregulated “militias” running amuck."
The IRS and FBI need to look into these nut jobs.
Ringo,"NormaL" bombings and ground attackas have killed children as well. Did you call for Bush to leave office over the tens of thousands of civillian caualties of the Iraq war? bet you didn't. Do I support this? NO. But let's keep it in perspective. besides, the drone program started long before Obama took office.
AS for Ted Cruz, he is not eligable to be PUTUS. He was born in Canada.
"...can we get back to the subject now, which is tha fact that ted Cruz is not constitutionally eligable to be POTUS?"
That subject is dead. Everyone else realizes it but you.
Mozart, I'm glad you weren't around in the late 18th century. We'd have had to wait 30-40 years before we could legally even have a president. No other solution, since the men running at the times were of course not born in the USA - rather a British colony.
So Harely You are saying that because there WAS No "USA" when the first 7 presidents were born, we can disregard the constitution NOW?
Or are you saying that Ted Cruz is actually 200 years old and the Botox is working REALLY well?
Also, apparantly the subject isn't "dead" becuase we are still discussing it.
The reason I think it's important is that so many people attacked a man born in HAWAII for not being eligable, but the same people will support THIS fruitloop frm CANADA just because he's a bible thumper representing Texas, as if Texas presidents haven't already done enough damage.
Well, first, I’m glad you don’t engage in name-calling since it is clearly one of your pet peeves. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that “fruit loops” and “bible-thumper” are terms of respect.
No, the constitutionality issue IS dead. The issue of your continuing to beat a dead horse isn’t - but it is typical, as much of what you say has no basis in fact or reality – rather it appear to me to be an emotional reaction. First, I never claimed Obama wasn’t eligible. Second, I was obviously pointing out that our first presidents could never have satisfied your narrow and arbitrary definition of “natural born citizen”. Third, to continue to bring up the “birther” issue as somehow relevant is classic “tu quoque” fallacy. I continue to strengthen the argument to a nearly impenetrable conclusion – you have not even attempted an argument (rhetoric devoid of logic isn’t an argument). You have entered the battle unarmed with facts or clear logic, yet you won’t cede the point like a gentleman. Again, if we can’t be intellectually honest, then meaningful debate isn’t possible.
Partial birth Russ Fiengold is way worse than Joe McCartney.
Harley, Not all people of faith are "fruitloops" and I was once a proud "Thumper" myself. As for the early presidents it was actually the first SIX presidents not born "in the USA" but I think given the circumstances we can allow that exemptin. I never said YOU said Obama wasn't eligable but certain "factions" in you r beloved GOP still claim it.
Your refusal to accept my FACTS as such do not make them less so.
Anonymous: "I was once a proud "Thumper" myself. Does that mean Mozart, that you are now an ashamed Thumper?"
That one was so mind-fuckingly stupid that I just had to delete it - only the fourth time in seven years that I've had to do that - grammatical errors notwithstanding.
Mozart, keep just decomposing, HarleyA has buried you.
Thank you Tom. And Chuck, no he didn't "bury" me unless you are talkiing about the load of BS he dumped upon this entire conversation, but then you eclipsed HIM in that department as you always do. But thanks for proving my points with another personal attack. One thing I will say about conservatives you never fail to entertain.
Mozart -
Please do me the courtesy of pointing out one example of "BS" I have "dumped". Please reference words or phrases I have used that aren't factual or that have been misapplied to my argument.
Also, man up and either battle my ideas or keep your editorial commentary to yourself. Your last chance before I dismiss you as not worth my time.
Looks like today's NAZIs have taken control of the various agencies of our Federal government who lust for more power and control over the people. They want more and more of the taxpayers money with lower and lower results. Their accounting is worse than ENRON's, but they exempt themselves from being prosecuted for cooking the books.
Todays Gestapo is the IRS who want to liquidate their opponents who believe Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
Will the IRS Gestapo put Tea Party members in jail like that Dictator FDR put Japanese-Americans in jail?
Anonymous said...
Please do me the courtesy of pointing out one example of "BS" I have "dumped". Please reference words or phrases I have used that aren't factual or that have been misapplied to my argument.
Also, man up and either battle my ideas or keep your editorial commentary to yourself.
So then Anonymous said...
"There is also some evidence he MIGHT have also been Gay." Mozart
Sounds like Decomposing Mozart might be a homophobic!
Lets talk about Bush and Cheney and Palin and the Koch brothers and the NRA and Glen Beck and Limbaugh. The fact that they do not trust a growing federal govt is with out any merit at all.
May we conclude this is dumped BS or is someone projecting homophobia?
May we conclude this is not "factual or have been misapplied" BS, or is someone ignorant of the fact Bush/Cheney created and expanded government agencies, launched warrantless surveillance on Americans, and grew the debt?
"May we conclude this is not "factual or have been misapplied" BS, or is someone ignorant of the fact Bush/Cheney created and expanded government agencies, launched warrantless surveillance on Americans, and grew the debt?"
You may conclude what you want. But it is apparent that you have concluded to over look who has been the President for the last 4 plus years and that Administrations latest scandals which make anything GWB has done look like Sunday School.
Of course the topic Tom choose was the liberal nightmare of Senator Cruz running for President in 2016.
Ted Cruz as the candidate in 2016 is not, as you say, a "liberal nightmare". In fact this liberal is praying that he will be the nominee. Seriously.
You may conclude what you want.
Yes, while merely responding with "the courtesy of pointing out one example of 'BS' I have dumped".
We may also conclude what is hypocrisy, dishonesty and ignorance.
And why would "Chuck Morre" find fault with "Anonymous" being clearly debunked? Hmm.
What may we conclude of that? Split personality?
And who here would conclude a war based on falsehoods, a financial collapse, adding trillions in debt, rising unemployment, and warrantless surveillance of Americans "look like Sunday School"
Obama has much to answer for, but BS is BS, and distractions are distractions.
"but BS is BS, and distractions are distractions" so true and that is why the thread is about Cruze for President in 2016.
Think for a moment, lets talk about H. Clinton or V.P Biden running for President in 2016. Either would be a liberal nightmare.
From Dave "From Each According to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Dubya's blog about George Dubya's library:
"Clinton joked about the newest facility in the presidential library system, calling it the “latest, grandest example of former presidents to rewrite history.”
From "The Nation":
"Does Bill Clinton still not grasp that the current economic crisis is in large measure his legacy? Obviously that’s the case, or he wouldn’t have had the temerity to write a fourteen-point memo for Newsweek on how to fix the economy that never once refers to the home mortgage collapse and other manifestations of Wall Street greed that he enabled as president."
Now we hear about the IRS being the Gestapo and attacking people based on their political beliefs. History is unfolding before our eyes and there are crickets about it on Tom's and Dave W's blogs!
When will hear a Rant from Tom or Dave about the today's IRS being the NAZI's Gestapo?
The short answer to your question is
I cant wait for the IRS to control my healthcare!
Why are there crickets from Tom and Dave Dubya about the IRS targetting people based on their political beliefs?
Its because they are blinded by their "Hope and Change" glasses and are walking with Goose steps behind the New NAZIs that have taken over Amerika!
Don't worry TPT, I'm sure the subject of Toms next thread will about the IRS targeting people as justified. You see big democratic liberal govt can do no wrong. And heck, after attacking Cruz, Rubio, Palin, there's the issue of conservatives being racist that he hasn't brought up in a while.
Anything to deflect away from thinking about the most untransparent administration in our history
Let's see, we have seen liberal Tom blast women, and Hispanics who were conservatives. Guess Tom will go after
Tim Scott
E.W. Jackson
Dr. Carlson
The only good race is the liberal race.
I've read that the latest polls show that Obama's approval ratings have actually improved in spite of the "scandals". It must the cell phones that he is giving to the 47%
It would be hard to top the motley crew the GOP put forth in the last election for President, but Cruz would be a good start. Luckily they don't seem to have any good contenders. The lead up to the next election will be good for quite a few good laughs if nothing else.
I'm also glad you don't delete loony comments. Some really funny stuff!
Chuck Less -
My response to Mozart (vis a vis his inability to point out any falsehood in my "BS" argument) as Anon was signed "Harley" at the bottom and was a continuation of that discussion (I'm using a friend's computer and had trouble getting signed in). As for the other Anons - not me.
Duly noted and apology rendered.
The BS and dumping is on the Anonymous/Chuck/Harry(IRS being the NAZI's Gestapo) crackpot.
Hey Tom Degan,
Where did the USA get so many burro's rear ends?
Please be careful what you wish for, "Ted Cruz as the Republican party's nominee in 2016? Oh, please, fate! Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!". Remember Obama was elected after Limbaugh and Hannity (and others I'm sure) encouraged their minions to kill Hillary's bid for the presidency by voting for Obama in the primaries. They thought it would be hilarious if Barack Hussein Obama ran against their nominee in November.
Always look forward to reading your take on today's politics.
Tom K. - Newburgh
hmmm, he won fair &'d be bitching no matter who won Iowa anyway.
sure seems to be a bit more democratic than flipping a coin!
Talk about the pinnacle of laziness...can't even count the votes?
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE AT THIS TIME? The only actually sane sounding person dropped out this morning.
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