Fear and Loathing in Houston
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Image of Fascist Barbie scarfed from CNN website ` |
"The annual festival of conspiracy theorizing,
belligerent fist-shaking and anxious masculinity known as the National Rifle
Association convention came to Houston over the weekend, and it was everything
the organizers hoped it would be."
-Paul Waldman, CNN
"How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?"
-Wayne LaPierre, Executive vice-president of the NRA
How many Bostonians wish they could knock Wayne LaPierre's teeth out? I wonder....
The faithful descended upon Houston, thousands of "real 'mericans", to gleefully partake in the annual NRA/GOP festival of love - and fear. Wayne LaPierre stood at the podium doing what Wayne LaPierre does better than anyone; cranking-up the masses with some deadly imagery that left them thirsty for blood:
The faithful descended upon Houston, thousands of "real 'mericans", to gleefully partake in the annual NRA/GOP festival of love - and fear. Wayne LaPierre stood at the podium doing what Wayne LaPierre does better than anyone; cranking-up the masses with some deadly imagery that left them thirsty for blood:
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Wayne La P.U. |
The multitudes gathered at the National Rifle Association convention this past weekend absorbed every paranoid word like diseased sponges. These were the true believers. These were the people whose mission in life was to save this grand and glorious land of ours from the leftist hoards of bloodthirsty bleeding-hearts and their dark-skinned, Marxist leader. It was truly a great hour to be a citizen of the good ol' U.S. of A. EVERYBODY SING! Oh, I wish I was in Dixie - Away! Away!
Indeed. The answer to all of our problems - at least according to the clowns speaking at this hootenanny - is not that firearms be "well regulated" as stated in the Second Amendment (which they habitually quote out of context). The answer to all of our woes is simply more guns - lots 'n' lots of 'em! You see, that is the only way we'll be able to take on the federal government - blow the bastards straight to the pit of hell - on the day (which is surely coming) when the tanks come rolling down thousands of Main Streets to kill us all. QUICK! FETCH MAH AMMO BOX, ESTHER!
Shoot to kill first. Leave the questions to Saint Peter.
One gun in particular was quite evident at this year's NRA scream-a-thon - on exhibit and for sale - the AR-15. This was is the rapid-fire, people-killing machine that was used by the homicidal little dingbat (who shall forevermore remain nameless on this site) to murder twenty little boys and girls and the six women whose job it was to protect and educate them on December 14, 2012. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though - NUDGE! NUDGE! WINK! WINK! SAY NO MORE! KNOW WHAT I MEAN? KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
By the way, here's one for the joke books: the new president of the National Rifle Association is some beer-bellied twit named Jim Porter. This asshole still refers to the Civil War as "the War of Northern Aggression". Just a wee-bit out of touch with the times, don'cha think?
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Olivia Engel, age 6 |
She criticized President Obama for using the grieving families of the Newtown victims as "backdrops" in order to appeal to our emotions. I guess it never occurred to this brain-damaged bitch that these poor people are willing participants in these media events, that they might want to prevent the unspeakable tragedy that imploded their lives in December from being visited upon other mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Fuck her. And speaking of irrelevance:
"The freedom of all mankind - make no mistake - is at stake. And because of this I truly believe that our souls are at stake as well."
-Glenn Beck
"Freedom"? Really??? How "free" do you feel? Free as a bird? That's perfectly understandable if you've never had someone you loved dearly killed by gunfire. I have. I wonder how many of the parents of the kids murdered in Newtown didn't give a rat's ass about the "gun issue" prior to December 14, 2012. I don't know the answer to that question. What I know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that they care now. They care very much. You will, too, if and when it happens to you. And as we continue down this idiotic road, the chances are getting better by the day that it will indeed happen to someone you love - or to you - or to me (YIKES!).
You might want to issue a little "travel advisory" to your clientele who plan on vacationing in the "land of the free". There are certain states in this warped nation that are just too dangerous to visit. Here's a list of the top ten places to avoid:
1. Alaska
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Arizona
5. Nevada
6. Mississippi
7. New Mexico
8. Arkansas
9. Alabama
10. Tennessee
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Have a nice day |
You might want to issue a little "travel advisory" to your clientele who plan on vacationing in the "land of the free". There are certain states in this warped nation that are just too dangerous to visit. Here's a list of the top ten places to avoid:
1. Alaska
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Arizona
5. Nevada
6. Mississippi
7. New Mexico
8. Arkansas
9. Alabama
10. Tennessee
Just thought I'd give you that little heads-up.
Interestingly (though hardly coincidentally) all of the states listed above are so-called "red states". The ten safest places to live are in blue states. Here's another fun fact to chew on: The state of the union with the lowest rate of murders via firearms (by far) is Hawaii. You don't need to be a genius to figure out the reason behind this. First of all, the Aloha state has very sane and reasonable gun laws. Secondly, it is impossible do drive across state lines to plant an illegal gun in Hawaii. Isn't that wonderful?
Four months ago on the day after the massacre of innocents in Newtown, Connecticut, I predicted on this site that, in spite of the carnage, nothing would change. Nothing has. Nothing will. Get used to living in a nation in ruins.
"A WELL REGULATED MILITIA being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hello? Anybody home???
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Sam Cooke 1931-1964 |
by Sam Cooke
One of the sweetest little pop melodies ever consigned to wax by one of the more celebrated victims of gun violence in America.
AFTERTHOUGHT, 5/8/13, 5:43 AM:
"An Iraq war veteran and Internet talk show host is trying to gather thousands of protesters to march into the District [of Columbia] on Independence Day with loaded rifles on their backs."
I kid you not. Read all about it:
Anyone want to make a wager that these jackasses bring their small children along for the ride? Any takers?
Not much talk about guns at this thing. It was mostly just a rehash of the 2012 political campaign agaenda. And agenda which failed miserably I might add. But hey, as long as they are wheeling out Palin, Nugent, Santorum, etc. it will ensure victoies for the Democrats, and I'm fine with that.
From "The Nation"
Bill Clinton's Legacy of Denial
"Does Bill Clinton still not grasp that the current economic crisis is in large measure his legacy? Obviously that’s the case, or he wouldn’t have had the temerity to write a fourteen-point memo for Newsweek on how to fix the economy that never once refers to the home mortgage collapse and other manifestations of Wall Street greed that he enabled as president.
Endorsing the Republican agenda of financial industry deregulation, reversing New Deal safeguards, President Clinton pursued policies that in the long run created more damage to the American economy than any other president since Herbert Hoover, whose tenure is linked to the Great Depression. Now, in his Newsweek piece, Clinton has the effrontery to once again revive his 1992 campaign mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid,” as the article’s title without any sense of irony, let alone accountability. But that has always been the man’s special gift—to rise above, and indeed benefit from, the messes he created."
Tommy, when are you going to rant about how Slick Willie Clinton and Robert Rubin helped ram through the banking deregulation?
When Tommy, When?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yeah, Tom Degan! When are you going to focus on Clinton, who happily signed the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, named after its sponsors (three Democrat party stalwarts) passed 362-57 in the House and 90-8 in the Senate (every single one of those being Democrats), even though everybody knows that it wasn't mortgage companies (except Countrywide and Fannie/Freed) or Wall Street that made the bubble at all (instead, it was sneaky minorities and Barney Frank and also Jimmy Carter, somehow)?
And when are you, Tom Degan, going to also focus on the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, which passed the House 292-60 and the Senate by unanimous voice vote (both, again, all Democrats)? When are you going to focus on the the heroic efforts of Republican Phill Gramm, who fought to stop the passing of liberal Marxist Democrat Clinton's Futures Modernization Act of 2000? Sure, you can say he did that because it didn't deregulate enough, but just because that's so doesn't mean something something!
And when are you, Tom Degan, going to focus on the almost everybody who was for both of those Acts, except for a smattering of Communists and Dirty Hippies, who were still wrong (as they were in 2003 on Iraq) because shut up, that's why?
We know the truth, Tom Degan. It's because you love Bill Clinton and everything he did, just like you do Obama and everything he does, no matter how many of the former's ideas were "triangulated" between Old Democrat and, at the time, present Republican policies, or how many of the latter's ideas used to be Republicans ideas back when they used them against Clinton's ideas, making most of this sentence, frankly, a ridiculous loop of reality that may in fact tear apart the very fabric of reality itself!
"You love Bill Clinton and everything he did"
Especially getting those intern blow jobs!!
Hey, Clinton isn't the president anymore. If we can't ask Bush to take responsibility for the Economy he CLEARLY crashed , how can you BLAME Clinton? If what Clinton did was so bad, WHY DIDN'T BUSH PUT THE REGULATIONS BACK?
Hey Mod, I would say turn down the snark and sarcasm a couple of notches because it is easy to misinterpret the meaning of your posts.
Bill Clinton is one of the main reasons I left the Democratic party fifteen years ago - partly for the reasons you mention - and I've written of this fact so many times that I am by now completely bored with the topic.
I do not understand your double standard. One the hand you continue to demand violation of the 2nd Amendment and blast anyone who does not agree with you, while ignoring real convected domestic terrorists now teaching at our University's.
Kathy Boudin at Columbia University. Boudin spent 22 years in prison for her involvement in a 1981 armored-car robbery that left two cops and a Brinks guard dead in Rockland County, N.Y. She was hired by Columbia University’s School of Social Work in 2008, five years after she was paroled for her murderous crime.
Her statement that:
“I have nothing but regret for the suffering I caused and I’ve attempted to lead a life that would express that remorse and regret,” doesn't jive with her recorded comments made at NYU in which she wishes that her co-defendants were out of jail and with her again. Further Boudin has not reached out to any of the victims family's to express her regrets.
The question I have for you Tom is, are your willing to attack the left wing domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, Boudin and others with the same vigor as you do those who support the 2nd Amendment?
Where do you stand on your tax dollars being used to provide the income for convicted domestic terrorists while at the same time a Black Christian Conservative (in the eyes of the left, that is his crime) is prevented from speaking at a University?
I posted on your last thread a question about how now the same convicted domestic terrorists that are supported today by the grow government bigger crowd, were opposed to bigger government before they were captured. Explain how that happened?
Honestly Tom, the only thing you and I agree on is music, and for that point of agreement I am grateful! I find you constant in your standards, thank you. When I believe you are drifting from your standards, I want to address them with you. Not in the hope of changing your mind, but to get you to rethink your positions critically.
Peace and love.
The poll taken by Pew and published in the LA Times is an eye opener.
The question I have for you Tom is, are your willing to attack the left wing domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, Boudin and others with the same vigor as you do those who support the 2nd Amendment?
Chuck, let's get a grip here. The crimes committed by the people you mention were committed nearly half a century ago. They have since paid their debts to society. Were they to take up violence again tomorrow - you bet'cha - I would be the first to condemn them.
I abhor violence - regardless of the political motivation.
Take a deep breath, Chuck.
Having answered some of my questions, will you tell me what crime has Sarah Palin committed?
I honestly may have missed this, but how did Bill Ayers and his wife pay their debt to society?
Deep breath taken as suggested.
Here's a question for YOU Chuck, what debt does Ayers (not to mention his wife) owe for putting a m-80 under a statue which did minimum damage and hurt no one? That was the extent of his "terrorist activities". Heck, ny buddies and I used to blow up farmers mailboxes when we were teenagers, Does THAT make us "terrorists"? The only "Crime" palin has comitted is taking people's money and spending it on a noce camper and taking a vacation across the country so she could get on TV. I was going to say she ran out on her job as Govornor of Alaska but that probably did Alaskan citizens a favor. Oh, and for the record, I never voted for Clinton, but I became a democrat because of him. Who cares about his sex life, he was a great president.
Chuck Morre, how could Bill Ayers (and a bunch of other Weathermen) be sent to jail when COINTELPRO's tactics lead to most of the evidence against him getting tossed out and poisoning any potential trial with the remainder? This was back when there was a 4th Amendment, you understand. Heady days those were, I tell you. Sunlight was warmer, ice cream tasted better, and back then, they made pants that would stay up.
Mozart, you need to turn your self in,
"Destroying a mailbox, with or without mail in it, is a federal crime. Additionally, a perpetrator may also be charged under both state and federal laws concerning the illegal possession and use of explosive devices." http://wiki.answers.com
As a member of the Weatherman, Ayers had a hand in several attacks, including"
1970: Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters
1971: Bombing of U.S. Capitol Building
1972: Bombing of Pentagon
Why wasn't he convicted?
Because the FBI was using illegal tactics not only to surveill the Weather Underground and groups like it, but was also violating the 4th amendment.
In April 1971, The "Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI" broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania. The group stole files with several hundred pages, 98% of the files targeted left wing individuals and groups. Which rightfully so brought an end to the FBI investigation of the Underground Weathermen and Bill Ayers.
So we have the terrorists breaking laws and law enforcement breaking laws which was ended when another group broke a law to expose the illegal action of the FBI.
Since the FBI didn't investigate you Mozart for blowing up mail boxes with M-80s, I have to wonder why they investigated Mr. Ayers for a blowing up statue with a M-80?
How many statues or mailboxes for that matter, did Ms. Palin blow up? But based on much the left hates her, you would think there would have been some law she broke.
Chuck, in those days it was called "vandalism" and kids that got caught were turned over to their parents. Only YOU would make it a "federal crime" and wxpect the FBI to intervene. . Kind of like Benghazi, which was no different than the four or five like it that happened under Bush. Put an embassy in a war torn country that hates the US anyway, and someone is gonna try and blow it up.
As for the Weather Underground, IT WAS 50 FREAKING YEARS AGO!!! If we can't hold Bush accountable for crashing the economy, leave these people alone.
Sarah Pailin didn't blow up any mailboxes, probably because she's too stupid to understand how to light a match, and even if she could figure it out, she'd quit halfway through the process and blow her hands off.
No Mozart, in those days it was the law as it is now, regardless what it was called by you or anyone else.
I didn't make the law up, I just made you aware of it. How does it feel to be a felon on the run from the "G Men"? Or maybe even Postal Inspectors?
"she's(Palin)too stupid to understand how to light a match."
Is that some of the vaunted liberal kindness and compassion that I read so much about?
Chuck, you sound like Barney Fife. Minor vandalsm is wrong, but we were kids, and even the farmers didn't get upset. The one time we got caught we just had to apologize and pay for a new mailbox. I'm not on the run from anyone and I'd tell an agent to his face what I did 40 years ago.
He'd probably laugh and say he did the same kind if stuff. As for my comments abut Palin ARE being kind and compassionate. She brings it on herself. She's had her 15 minutes and now she needs to just shut up and go away. She and people like you are why the GOP can't win an election without cheating.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You are fugitive from the law, man, a Federal Law violator!! Better never give your real name away here or on your own blog or you gonna have Postal Inspectors closing in on you.
If I were you, I would illegally immigrate into Mexico. Some minor downsides to that move, like none of the free crap the USA Federal Govt is handing out. But you wont have to worry about the NRA and Sarah Palin promoting gun rights and hundreds of children getting slaughter every year by guns, not in Mexico. I looked up it and it appears that abortion is legal in areas where the voters have approved it. Since you are a big fan of the right for a woman to abort the life in her womb, I'd move to one of the pro choice states. I'm not sure if you could collect your Social Security being a federal felon on the run, but I'm pretty sure you can get your pension checks mailed to you.
Just better hope that none of the kids in the neighborhood don't find it a laugh a minute to blow your mailbox up with M-80s. Nah, that wouldn't upset you, it didn't bother the farmers you did it two.
Just thought of another crime you might be guilty of, over due library books. Please tell us you always returned them and paid the fines. If you think the Postal Inspectors are tough, I hope you never fall into the hands of the Library Police!
If I were you Mozart, I would stop posting on blogs! Under Obama you never know who might be reading this blog, looking for self admitted felons like yourself. Then would come the drones. Shudder... It's not going to be nice for you Mozart, better get out of town while the getting is good.
Be sure to wear a tin foil hat, I know that will stop them from reading your mind. Since I left mine off tonight, how else could you know that I was planning the next big election cheating thingy. You read my mind, damn it! Cheating worked so well in the 2012 Presidential election, I was planning on cheating in 2016. But not now, you mind reader you.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You are fugitive from the law, man, a Federal Law violator!!
Since 2009 the Energy Dept has created 2209 permanent "green"jobs at a cost of $11,450.000 per job.
And liberals have their shorts in a bundle because a former Governor of Alaska spoke to the NRA?
Talk about misplaced concerns.
Anonymous, weird how a study from a group funded by coal and gas companies(*1) (companies that themselves accept billions in subsidies, tax credits and the same kind of loan guarantees(*2) fed and state also provides to solar and wind) comes to the conclusion that loan guarantees for their just-waking, but growing(*3), competition is bad, hmm?
*1. IER
*2. Federal tax credits, loans and loan guarantees to coal
*3. Wind doubles in four years
In a survey launched by Young America's Foundation and conducted by the polling company, Kellyanne Conway, Inc., more than 60 percent of college-age students feel that government should not take an active role in their day-to-day-lives, and half of respondents believe that the federal government is mostly hurting economic recovery.
About 45 percent of 18 to 34-year olds are unemployed according to a recent poll by Demos, a public policy firm. However, a recent poll on young people's views of limited government, free markets, and economic liberty suggests some may be waking up to the conclusion that government, over-regulation, and more spending will not turn our futures around.
Off Topic
A little something for your shopping list!
Regards Den
The man had good taste - no doubt about it.
Nice to see an old Ferrari not painted red.
The wheels look like Borrani's.
Interesting story behind their relationship with Ferrari is here.
Top 10 signs your employer( for those of us with jobs) has switched to Obama Care.
10. Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.
9. Directions to your doctor’s office include “Take a left when you enter the trailer park.”
8. The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.
7. The only proctologist in the plan is “Gus” from Roto-Rooter.
6. The only item listed under Preventative Care Coverage is “an apple a day.”
5. Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.
4. “The patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges,” is not a typographical error.
3. The only expense covered 100% is…. “Embalming.”
2. Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M’s on them.
1. You ask for Viagra, and they give you a Popsicle stick and duct tape!
It's clear from the responses here that there are a lot of people who'd like to avoid talking about the NRA rally in Texas. Not that I blame them given the speakers and the subject matter (Most of which had nothing to do with guns)When you assemble this much batshit in one place, it's only logical that only a big stink could result. Sarah Palin, seriously?
West,Texas should be a shining example of the damage that can be done when you pack too much manure in one place.
IRS admits they illegally targeted conservative groups for audits in 2012.
How criminal of the political enforcement branch.
"What difference does it make?"
If conservative groups are doing their bestNOT to pay taxes and say so publicly, why WOULDN'T they be audited to see if they are cheating? Romney diverted attention away from his tax returns for the years he CLAIMED not to be working for Bain. Here's betting he's the "conservative group" you are talking about. Jeez man, THINK before you post something so blatently misleading and quite frankly, STUPID.
Anonymous "IRS admits they illegally targeted conservative groups for audits in 2012. How criminal of the political enforcement branch."
Yes. Some low-level employees in Cincinnati should get in trouble for this. Unless it goes all the way to the top, in which case former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulma and Obama should also get in trouble. That is, if Obama somehow appointed Shulma back in 2006.
Time, how does it work?
Obama supporters new slogan
Hope and change the subject
I guess the IRS apologized for nothing, huh?
Anonymous. Did you read my comment? I used words and everything.
"It's clear from the responses here that there are a lot of people who'd like to avoid talking about the NRA rally in Texas."
Perhaps it's because many of us really don't care about it? Not sure what you're looking for. I also am not interested in talking about the hockey playoffs nor a thousand other topics that don't impact me and about which I simply don't care.
Trying to create scandal or contraversy here is squeezing blood out of a carrot.
IRS illegally audits conservatives,
White House and fellow liberals blame Bush.
Amazing, is there anything that is not Bush's fault?
Harley A, I feel the same way about Benghazi. But in Texas it wasn't Muslim extremists talking about killing government officials, it was "law abiding conservative christian Americans" talking abut arming themselves with military weapons to "fight tyranny". You tell me what's the big deal
As for the IRS thing, I fail to see what it has to do with the conversatin at hand, other than provide a deflection.
Doesn't the lack of a great number of posts about this subject tell you enough?
Tom is focused on
Sarah Palin
Why? Why isn't he talking about how great our economy has become under Obama?
Why aborton has finally become rare and safe?
Why America is no longer hated as it was under Bush?
Why isn't he singing the praises of having the most transparent govt in our history?
Why isn't he talking about how wonder full Obamacare is and how it saving millions of lives and dollars?
The reason is he can't, so Tom continues to focus on the people who formally were in power or the those he feels have power now and paints then as the cause of all our problems.
All to distract from the failures and broken promises of Liberalism.
Why? Why isn't he talking about how great our economy has become under Obama?
The economy is doing better today than it was when Bush was in the White House
Why abortion has finally become rare and safe?
There are fewer abortions being performed now
Why America is no longer hated as it was under Bush?
We're not as hated as we were under Bush
Why isn't he singing the praises of having the most transparent govt in our history?
True, Obama's government could improve itself there - no doubt about it - but you can't use the words "Bush" and transparency" in the same sentence.
The reason is he can't.
I just did.
Then Tom, what's your beef, everything is just perfect, and it's all due liberalism?
"Bill Clinton is one of the main reasons I left the Democratic party fifteen years ago - partly for the reasons you mention - and I've written of this fact so many times that I am by now completely bored with the topic."
Sure Tommy:
Bill had to praise Barry at the Democratic Convention to save his sorry ass. Bill once said Barry should be serving him coffee. Of course you didn't rant about Bill saying that. But if Strom Thurmond had said it, you would have a nice rant about Strom.
You left wing loon balls are such hypocrites.
From The Nation:
"Endorsing the Republican agenda of financial industry deregulation, reversing New Deal safeguards, President Clinton pursued policies that in the long run created more damage to the American economy than any other president since Herbert Hoover, whose tenure is linked to the Great Depression. Now, in his Newsweek piece, Clinton has the effrontery to once again revive his 1992 campaign mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid,” as the article’s title without any sense of irony, let alone accountability. But that has always been the man’s special gift—to rise above, and indeed benefit from, the messes he created."
You left wing loon balls also have such selective memories.
So Tommy, when are you going to rant about how Slick Willie Clinton and Robert Rubin helped ram through the banking deregulation?
When Tommy, When?
I bet you and Slick Willie both conviently forget about Slick Willie enforcing the CRA to force banks to loan to people with a shitty credit rating.
Mozart -
That is perhaps one of the more twisted and off-base comments I've heard in a while out here.
First of all, I didn't mention Benghazi - but since you bring it up... The Benghazi issue isn't about the Islamic terrorists. It's about a lying administration. I find the spin job that is going on now fascinating. What I find even more fascinating is people like you who aren't concerned about it. You are senseless if you don't. Stay tuned...
The folks in Texas were not threatening the government. They were voicing their opinions and peaceably assembling to do so. You can disagree with their opinion - you are free to do so. Certainly not a gathering worthy of a "rant" and not something a serious person is interested in discussing given that we have an administration that lies, an economy that is about to collapse, and chaos in the middle east.
"Left wing loonballs" Ever notice that conservatives can't have a conversation without insults and namecalling?
The Obama administration didn't lie about anything. You neocons are so desparate to dig up a scandal it's pathetic. You can't win an election on a level field so you attempt to disenfranchise Dem voters, gerrymanser voting districs, and drum up phony scandals.
And yes, they DID "Threaten the government" at the NRA rally in Houston. They called upon people to arm themselves for the inevitable violent revolt. So much for patriotism.
Tom, Mozart,
If you both really believe what you have stated in your last two posts, you are worse than left wing loonballs. I hope you both seek help from a Dr. who specalizes in treating patients who are delusional. Soon.
Just a moderate passing through.
Just a moderate passing through.
LOL!! You tell ‘em!
Yeah, and you loon ball hypocrites will believe any lie, when the truth is in front of your face.
Wake up, and believe in the Black Marxist Muslim Death Panel President Obama.
Wake up and believe in Saddam's Prague connections to al-Qaeda, WMD stockpiles, biological labs, unmanned drones and nuclear aluminum tubes.
What kind of hypocrites believe four people died and Obama didn’t lie, saying the following day it was an act of terror, or Bush lied and thousands died. Balderdash!
This is how a “war president’ does it.
“One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade…, if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency.” – G.W.B. 1999
It’s all so simple, if you just believe.
“I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” - George W. Bush
Yes, loon balls, war is peace, ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery.
Our brave war heroes have spoken and we must believe. If you don’t, then you obviously hate America.
“Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way..." – G. W. B. 4-20-04
”Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production.” - GWB, 2003 State of the Union
"And what we've seen recently that has raised our level of concern to the current state of unrest ... is that he now is trying, through his illicit procurement network, to acquire the equipment he needs to be able to enrich uranium -- specifically, aluminum tubes," Cheney said, referring to one of the elements for making nuclear weapons.
Cheney August 2002:
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.”
“It’s been pretty well confirmed that he [Atta] did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April,” Cheney said on Meet the Press on Dec. 9, 2001.
There is “no doubt” that all this is “pretty well confirmed”. Only America-hating loon balls don’t believe in these “factual” reasons for starting a war. Why, those loon balls don’t even blame Obama for the financial crash and skyrocketing unemployment in September 2008. How crazy is that??
When will the loon balls wake up and see Black Marxist Muslim Death Panel Obama hates America and is out to destroy capitalism? Never mind he called Benghazi an act of terror the day after it happened. Impeach the Black Marxist Muslim Death Panel Obama anyway.
No wonder liberals hate America. They refuse to see the truth and would rather see American destroyed by Obama the anti-Christ.
Mozart -
Have you read Tom's "rants"? And you are concerned about namecalling from conservatives? Notice that I don't namecall, though Degan OFTEN does. He insults entire regions of the country and makes all sorts of inflammatory statements on a regular basis. Are you paying attention at all?
And again (pay attention). No one in Houston threatened anyone - they were assembling to state political opinion. Feel free to disagree with it. Your claims are intellectually dishonest. They smack of "I can't present a coherent argument, therefore I seek to silence".
I'm done on this non-topic.
I Heard one say "We must arm ourselves for the inevitable war against a trynnical government" so what else did they mean?
AS for Tom, I think he's spot on with his critisisms. He's never called anyone HERE any names, or PERSONALLY attacked anyone that I'm aware of except those that are SO far gone (Like Palin or Perry)that there is nothing nice to say about them.
Former Democratic Congressman and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich slammed the unethical targeting of conservative Tea Party groups by the IRS on Fox News Sunday’s panel, unequivocally suggesting that this was political targeting at its worst.
It's Blame Bush Time!
Just in time for Mother’s Day this year, President Obama has threatened a veto on a bill that would be of great benefit to working moms throughout the country.
In the May 11-12 edition of the Wall Street Journal, the editorial board took Mr. Obama to task for pledging to kill a bill that would reform the Fair Labor Standards Act “to allow employees to swap overtime pay for compensatory time off.” The bill, “[s]ponsored by Alabama Republican (and mother of two young children) Martha Roby,” passed the House last week. If signed into law, it would give private sector non-union employees the sort of flexibility that federal government employees have had since 1985.
So what’s the president’s hangup? Well, even though “[p]olls show working mothers are eager for this kind of flexibility, since it lets them adjust their busy schedules for school-age children or aging parents,” the president is more concerned with the special interest that labor unions have in the matter.
“The politics at play here is White House fealty to unions. The only way for many private workers to obtain flex-time is if a union negotiates it as part of a collective-bargaining agreement,” the Journal’s editorial board explained. Naturally, “if workers can negotiate overtime pay for flexible work hours on their own, they have on less reason to join a union and pay the dues that fund Democratic campaigns.”
You most likely haven’t heard about this development in large part because of other major news events — the Cleveland kidnappings, the Jodi Arias trial, etc. — taking up all the oxygen in the news cycle. That being said, even if there weren’t other major news developments vying for media attention, it’s hard to believe the liberal media would have devoted significant attention to this matter, precisely because it falls outside the “war on women” meme which paints the president as a knight in shining armor and the GOP as retrograde ogres.
Everytime I see "liberal media" in a comment anywher, I disregard everything else in that comment.
Every time I see Bush, the Koch brothers, Tea Party, Palin, GOP or Conservatives being blamed for anther Obama failure, "I disregard everything else in that comment."
I thought Liberals were opened minded, and all for diversity of ideas, race cultures and religion.
I thought Liberals were opened minded
Yeah, all the commie liberals ever do is disagree with us closed minded, fair and balanced "real Americans".
When will they hold Obama responsible for the financial crash, recession and skyrocketing unemployment of '08? And why hasn't he fixed it yet?
How "open minded" of those loon balls.
Famous political quotes from Democrat's in the past 25 years
"Vast right wing conspiracy"
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is".
"What difference does it make"
"There is no there there."
Even more famous Republican quotes:
“Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way..." – G. W. B. 4-20-04
”Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production.” - GWB, 2003 State of the Union
"And what we've seen recently that has raised our level of concern to the current state of unrest ... is that he now is trying, through his illicit procurement network, to acquire the equipment he needs to be able to enrich uranium -- specifically, aluminum tubes," Cheney said, referring to one of the elements for making nuclear weapons.
Cheney August 2002:
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.”
“It’s been pretty well confirmed that he [Atta] did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April,” Cheney said on Meet the Press on Dec. 9, 2001.
There is “no doubt” that all this is “pretty well confirmed”. And nobody died.
Pretty bad intelligence the Clinton Administration left GWB. Bush should never have trusted or believed it. We all would have been better off if he had "trusted and the verified".
I usually ignore comments by anonymous people because you can not distinguish one anonymous from another. There were two anonymous comments (12:27 and 12:34 AM) on the compensatory time off bill that the President may well veto. Neither Anonymous noted that the bill would result in an overtime hour (at time and one half) would be replaced by a compensatory hour (straight time). Any way that is sliced it comes out as a cut in pay.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 decreed that except for management and supervisory people time and one half should be paid for hours worked in excess of 40 hours a week. This bill would take away the 50% premium for overtime hours converted to compensatory time off.
I suspect the bill would have a better reception by the President if an overtime hour would be replaced by one and one half hours of compensatory time off.
Anonymous "Famous political quotes from Democrat's in the past 25 years…'What difference does it make'"
Hey, look! Context!
Pretty bad intelligence the Clinton Administration left GWB. Bush should never have trusted or believed it.
Yes, absolutely! We “real Americans” know the truth. 9-11 and the war in Iraq were all Clinton’s fault.
It’s not like:
Senior Clinton administration officials...repeatedly warned their Bush administration counterparts in late 2000 that Al Qaeda posed the worst security threat facing the nation -- and how the new administration was slow to act.
No, Clinton negligently left the Bush Administration Richard Clarke as anti-terrorism adviser...so Bush wisely ignored him and kicked him out of cabinet meetings
From Wiki:
In 1998 Clinton promoted Richard Clarke to be the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council. Under President George W. Bush, Clarke initially continued in the same position, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access.
So what does Clarke know about anything?
First, the leaders of the Bush administration were intent on invading from the beginning of their time in the White House. When the 9-11 attacks occurred, Bush cabinet members immediately discussed how that tragedy could be used to justify an invasion.
Bush himself asked me to try to pin the blame for 9-11 on Iraq. Vice President Dick Cheney propagated a myth that a hijacker had met with Iraqi intelligence officials in Prague, even though we knew at the time Cheney said it that the report was false and that the hijacker was in Virginia at the time of the alleged meeting.
Second, the Bush-Cheney team settled on the excuse for invading that Iraq was making weapons of mass destruction. They trotted out to Congress, the American people and the United Nations a series of fabricated intelligence reports.
Iraq was allegedly buying "yellow cake" uranium from Niger. The documentary proof used turns out to have been a forgery. Iraq had mobile biological-weapons labs. The eyewitness has been shown to be a liar. Iraq was allegedly training al Qaida. The only evidence of that were the ravings of a terrorist under extreme torture.
The proof that these and other fabricated intelligence reports were erroneous was available well before we invaded.
Sheesh, what an America hating loon ball!
And 9-11 was a complete surprise. It’s not like Bush had any warning about al-Qaeda.
On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.
Bush wisely told the messenger his “ass was covered” and ignored the hysterical fool.
How obvious can it be? Clinton is clearly to blame for Bush ignoring Clarke and Clinton advisors, who warned the Bush Administration about al-Qaeda. Instead we would be going to war based on the Republican quotes above.
No, wait. Obama the Marxist Muslim is also to blame for the war, financial crash and recession....and everything else that went wrong between 2000 and 2008. And it’s also Clinton and Obama the Marxist Muslim’s fault that our economy is still suffering from what Clinton and Obama did in the White House between 2000 and 2008.
Only narrow minded liberal loon balls could miss such obvious truth.
Has anyone forgot that Slick Willy was offered Bib Laden by the Sudan in April 1996.
State Department analysts warned the Clinton administration in July 1996 that Osama bin Laden's move to Afghanistan would give him an even more dangerous haven as he sought to expand radical Islam "well beyond the Middle East," but the government chose not to deter the move, newly declassified documents show.
Who was President when the first attack on the World Trade Center took place? It was 1993, so it was President Clinton.
Three years after the first bombing of the WTC, Clinton was warned about OBL in 1996.Three years after the attack on the WTC, Clinton did not take the Sudanese offer.
Let me guess what will be posted next, this will be blamed GHWB. or the NRA or Sarah Palin. When you are not a leader, you can only play the blame game.
Ideas for next article:
- Goznel
- AP phone taps
- Muslims/missle trade/Benhazi
- IRS enemies list.
Just in case your were lacking for something worth ranting about.
Has anyone forgot that Slick Willy was offered Bib Laden by the Sudan in April 1996.
You tell ‘em! Sean Hannity said it, so it must be true.
Never mind the fact there wasn't an indictment to legally hold him in 1996, even if such a doubtful event occurred. It wasn't until November 1998 that the United States indicted bin Laden on charges of masterminding the attacks on the U.S. embassies.
But we don’t need no liberal media facts.
Like this:
Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?
A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.
And this :
Critics of the Clinton administration have accused it of ignoring the threat posed by Mr. bin Laden in the mid-1990's while he was still in Sudan, and they point to claims by some Sudanese officials that they offered to turn him over to the Americans before ultimately expelling him in 1996 under international pressure. But Clinton administration diplomats have adamantly denied that they received such an offer, and the Sept. 11 commission concluded in one of its staff reports that it had "not found any reliable evidence to support the Sudanese claim."
Stupid liberal loon balls can’t remember anything that didn’t happen. Why can’t they be smart like us Real Americans, and believe Hannity and trust the words of terrorist supporters in Sudan?
Let me guess what will be posted next, this will be blamed GHWB. or the NRA or Sarah Palin. ...you can only play the blame game.,
It’s not projection, as long as we blame Clinton and the Black Marxist Muslim Obama for everything.
That's what you call "fair and balanced".
He'll, I'd just lie to see you hold him accountable for one thing!
Don't dumbocrats like tom degan care about the kenneth gosnels of the world? This blog shows how mentally unstable democrats are, Tsarnaevs, Democrats, in fact, all the shooters are democrats.
You love to comment, Ringo, but it's obvious you don't bother to read the content of this site. If you did, you wouldn't make idiotic comments such as that little gem.
I'm not a Democrat, putz.
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