A Very Bad Day in Boston
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Photograph from the New York Times |
Breaking News from ABCNEWS.com: 2 Explosions Reported Near the Finish Line of the Boston Marathon [3:11 p.m. ET]
The reports began trickling into my e-mail at mid-afternoon: Two explosions near the finish-line of the Boston Marathon. "Bad craziness", as Hunter Thompson might have said. We can thank God that - as of this writing anyway - the death count is relatively low. It might have been a lot worse. And to think that it happened on Boylston Street. I used to work there.
I'm counting the minutes. It is now 4:33 in the morning. Here's something you can take to the bank: By noon, the right wing scream machine will have found a way to blame this tragedy on the president of the United States - count on it. They're so predictable that way, you know?
We don't know who committed this hideous act, or whether this particular brand of terrorism was foreign or domestic. To be sure, the time and location are a bit suspicious - Liberal Boston, Tax Day, Sight of the original Tea Party....blah-blah-blah - but that's just the paranoid delusions of a hungover, semi-comatose lefty who only fell out of bed a few minutes ago. Pay it no mind, please. We'll find out soon enough who is responsible for the carnage yesterday afternoon in Boston, Massachusetts.
A political statement was made yesterday by some anonymous coward. This is it:
Well, yeah, I'm pretty angry, too. A lot of us are - and I imagine we're all a bit angrier on this otherwise dandy Spring morning. Thankfully most of us are rational enough to channel our collective anger through more thoughtful and creative outlets. Why spill the blood of innocents? Of the three people killed in yesterday's explosion, one was an eight-year-old child. A lot of little kids have been losing their lives lately - have you noticed that? These sure are interesting times in which to be alive.
Will this type of event become the "new norm" in America? That's hard to say. This is the kind of thing that usually happens OVER THERE. "It Can't Happen Here", or so we've always lulled ourselves into believing. But in fact it can happen here. It happened here only yesterday.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? THE SHADOW KNOWS! Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"
I guess we'll have to look to The Shadow for a little guidance. To be blunt with you, I can't even begin to figure this one out - which is a good thing, I suppose. We shouldn't attempt to mine sense from such a senseless act. When the person or persons responsible for the bombing yesterday are finally apprehended, it won't do us a bit of good trying to analyze what (if anything) their motivations were. Just remember it for what it obviously is: a cruel and stupid act of cold-blooded murder; an act of horrific treason committed on - of all days - Patriot's Day....
Oh, beautiful for patriot's dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears
I don't really have much more to offer you on this gloomy Tuesday. Somehow we'll get through this.
Chin up, Boston!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
America the Beautiful
by Ray Charles
Breaking News from ABCNEWS.com: 2 Explosions Reported Near the Finish Line of the Boston Marathon [3:11 p.m. ET]
The reports began trickling into my e-mail at mid-afternoon: Two explosions near the finish-line of the Boston Marathon. "Bad craziness", as Hunter Thompson might have said. We can thank God that - as of this writing anyway - the death count is relatively low. It might have been a lot worse. And to think that it happened on Boylston Street. I used to work there.
I'm counting the minutes. It is now 4:33 in the morning. Here's something you can take to the bank: By noon, the right wing scream machine will have found a way to blame this tragedy on the president of the United States - count on it. They're so predictable that way, you know?
We don't know who committed this hideous act, or whether this particular brand of terrorism was foreign or domestic. To be sure, the time and location are a bit suspicious - Liberal Boston, Tax Day, Sight of the original Tea Party....blah-blah-blah - but that's just the paranoid delusions of a hungover, semi-comatose lefty who only fell out of bed a few minutes ago. Pay it no mind, please. We'll find out soon enough who is responsible for the carnage yesterday afternoon in Boston, Massachusetts.
A political statement was made yesterday by some anonymous coward. This is it:
Well, yeah, I'm pretty angry, too. A lot of us are - and I imagine we're all a bit angrier on this otherwise dandy Spring morning. Thankfully most of us are rational enough to channel our collective anger through more thoughtful and creative outlets. Why spill the blood of innocents? Of the three people killed in yesterday's explosion, one was an eight-year-old child. A lot of little kids have been losing their lives lately - have you noticed that? These sure are interesting times in which to be alive.
Will this type of event become the "new norm" in America? That's hard to say. This is the kind of thing that usually happens OVER THERE. "It Can't Happen Here", or so we've always lulled ourselves into believing. But in fact it can happen here. It happened here only yesterday.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? THE SHADOW KNOWS! Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"
I guess we'll have to look to The Shadow for a little guidance. To be blunt with you, I can't even begin to figure this one out - which is a good thing, I suppose. We shouldn't attempt to mine sense from such a senseless act. When the person or persons responsible for the bombing yesterday are finally apprehended, it won't do us a bit of good trying to analyze what (if anything) their motivations were. Just remember it for what it obviously is: a cruel and stupid act of cold-blooded murder; an act of horrific treason committed on - of all days - Patriot's Day....
Oh, beautiful for patriot's dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears
I don't really have much more to offer you on this gloomy Tuesday. Somehow we'll get through this.
Chin up, Boston!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
America the Beautiful
by Ray Charles
Ray is on the mountaintop this morning. What say we join him, ay?
One-hundred and twenty-four years ago today Charlie Chaplin was born in London, England.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by....
One-hundred and twenty-four years ago today Charlie Chaplin was born in London, England.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by....
Don't be so sure that the right-wing will try to blame Obama. I mean even if they do, most people won't listen to them. Those that do are stupid and marginal human beings to begin with (I use the term "human beings" loosely). Everything with you seems to be political. You seem to have nothing good to ever say about Republicans (I don't have too many good things either but one of them is that we're all Americans).
Everything seems to be political with me? Well, yeah. This is a political blog. I don't write about fashion trends, gossip or Justin Beiber. I write about current events and politics.
And as to never having anything good to say about Republicans....
'Nuff said?
Tom Degan
Were this mad when 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi?
Or difference does it matter now?
I'll assume that English is not your first language. If that is the case then you're excused for such atrocious grammar. My French is pretty lousy, too.
Your point?
Your answer?
Or, what difference does it matter?
"Or, what difference does it matter."
Obama Benghazi statement: "And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."
Obama Boston statement: "But make no mistake -- we will get to the bottom of this. And we will find out who did this; we'll find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice."
Just like 9-11, this was an inside job. What difference does it make?
This is the price we pay for empire. I do not condone violence of any kind, but I find it stunning that Americans can find the atrocity that happened in Boston to be shocked when they live in a country that increasingly uses violence as a means to every end. Tom I wish you could explain to me your unwavering loyalty to the democratic party which has as much blood on it's hands as their fellow republicans. In the immortal words of Mark Twain: "It is easier to fool a man, than to convince him he has been fooled."
Anon at 5:54, the right wing has already begun to blame Obama as is evident from some of the postings following yours. Sadly, this is a tragedy that has affected all of us, but some of the haters simply can not put aside political differences and are ready to make wild claims before we can begin to learn the facts.
I didn't mean Republicans who've been dead for forty years (or 94 in TR's case). I mean the Republicans today. McConnell. Rubio. Palin. I don't think you've written one good thing about them. And this is the problem with a pure political blog; at times like this, rabid partisans (take it as a compliment if you wish) right and left start pointing fingers. Do you think the bombs gave a shit if they killed people with "D", "R" or "I" next to their name? No. We're all human beings and we all have the right to life (this isn't an anti-abortion remark, I mean the actual right to LIVE, not a foetus who might never be born but actual living, breathing human beings). Do with it what you want. Republicans turn everything into politics. They're in power on 9/11 and suddenly DEMS are soft on terror? Ha! Doesn't mean the left have to play the same game and act as despicable as they are. We act BETTER, MORE civilized, not less. Because we're right and they aren't. Except on days like this. Then we're all just human beings, trying to get through it as best we can.
And I publish as "Anonymous" not because I wish to be so, I don't have a Google account, an "OpenID" or a website b/c I don't have the time to keep one up and Google sucks. My name is Seth
How are any of the postings listed so far blaming Obama?
Just quoting him, and his former Secy of State.
Our country had this coming for all the evil we do in this world, unless of course this was an inside job like 9-11 was.
Seth, what were you saying about "We act BETTER, MORE civilized"?
"Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), speaking with MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts on Tuesday, made the case that the government needs to raise tax rates and generate more federal revenue in order to ensure Massachusetts does not have to pay for the post-Boston Marathon Bombing rebuilding effort. MSNBC host Roberts expressed his concern that Frank was politicizing the deadly attack less than 24-hours after the fact."
See, we deserve this because of what these people are saying.
Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered over 12 people at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.
A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.
The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan – the Muslim Salafi group says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.
“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts “carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda.”
Barney Frank...made the case that the government needs to raise tax rates and generate more federal revenue in order to ensure Massachusetts does not have to pay for the post-Boston Marathon Bombing rebuilding effort.
No. This is a copy and paste framing from right wing propaganda.
Frank said, “I hope that we will be able to find some revenue so that Boston doesn’t have to pay for this absolutely necessary expenditure by cutting back on other important services down the line.”
Frank concluded that he hoped that some people would be “less enthusiastic” about “reducing our ability to respond to a crisis like this.”
Cutting taxes and sequestering reduce that ability. Common sense.
Seth, you said: " I mean the Republicans today. McConnell. Rubio. Palin. I don't think you've written one good thing about them."
With all due respect, what good things can be written about this trio? They are the epitome of Republican obstruction and hate.
TJ - If you read this site with any degree of regularity (not that it's mandatory) you would know that I am not "unwavering" in my loyalty to the Democratic party. In fact there is no loyalty. I have not been a registered Democrat in fifteen years.
Seth what is there positive to write about McConnell, Rubio and Palin? Some examples please.
Oh, I get it Frank did not make the case for increasing taxes and Roberts did not express his concern that Frank was politicizing the deadly attack less than 24-hours after the fact.
Roberts and MSNBC just intercommunicated.
see for your self what Franks said.
Frank was politicizing the deadly attack
How dare he mention the government needing funds for investigation and reconstruction! How dare he criticize the nabobs who want to cut funding for this?
Oh, I get it Frank did not make the case for increasing taxes
He made a case against cutting resources, not for raising taxes. Pull the wool over your own eyes, it won’t work on us.
He said we need a “Well funded functioning government” for this kind of situation. He pointed out, “No tax cut will help us recover”, and this is “Why we need the resources for the common good”.
No mention of “raising taxes”. No mention of “more government spending”
Now go blame Obama for the deaths in Benghazi.
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Why can't Frank be like the Right, and just blame Obama? That would not be politicizing, right?
Democrats will politicize anything
Here's another source in case you do not believe that this current batch of democrats will use any disaster for advancement of their political positions. Just as the current Mayor of Chicago said.
current batch of democrats will use any disaster for advancement of their political positions
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Another example of democrat exploitation:
What a disgusting display, people were killed and maimed less than 24 hours ago and Democrats are coming out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their liberal agenda.
Rep. Xavier Becerra of California, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said that the first responders working Monday aren’t sheltered from cuts.
“We have to send you less money to help your first responders,” Becerra said.
Hey democrats, it was Obama's sequester plan that is being followed.
What a disgusting display,
People were killed and maimed in Benghazi and Republicans come out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their Right Wing agenda.
Benghazi! Blame Obama! Benghazi! Blame Obama! Benghazi! Blame Obama!
Hey democrats, it was Obama's sequester plan that is being followed.
And it was Obama’s Plan to Avert the Sequester the Republicans obstructed:
A Balanced Plan to Avert the Sequester and Reduce the Deficit
And just what sequester are we talking about?
Q. What is the origin of the sequester?
A. It emerged from the refusal of House Republicans to raise the debt ceiling in 2011 without significant deficit reduction. In response, the two parties agreed to the Budget Control Act, which cut domestic spending over the next 10 years by about $1 trillion. The Budget Control Act, including the cuts, passed on a bipartisan vote that included almost all Republican leaders, and President Obama signed it.
What a disgusting display...of Right Wing dishonesty and hypocrisy.
"The only way to do away a bad guy with a bomb, is using good guy with a bomb . . . " And so the beat goes on!
Seth said at 10:53 AM:
"And I publish as "Anonymous" not because I wish to be so, I don't have a Google account, an "OpenID" or a website b/c I don't have the time to keep one up and Google sucks. My name is Seth
I do not have a Google account, an OpenID, or a website. I merely click on "Name" and a box opens up in which I type my name. When that box opens up for your name you will see that a URL is optinal.
There are so many Anonymous people commenting that it is difficult to follow a logical discussion. I just ignore any Anonymous comment.
You are 100% correct. What a disgusting display..
Barack Obama's administration has cut the budget nearly in half for preventing domestic bombings.
Under President George W. Bush, the Department of Homeland Security had $20 million allocated for preventing the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by terrorists working inside the United States. The current White House has cut that funding down to $11 million.
That assessment comes from Robert Liscouski, a former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 that killed three Americans and injured at least 173 others.
Liscouski said that the Obama-era DHS is, on the whole, about as well-positioned as it was during the Bush administration to handle the aftermath of the April 15 bombings in Boston, 'but the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention from $20 million started under Bush, to $11 million today.'
Sure looks like an inside job to me. Done by the Democrats to extend and enlarge the Patriot Act, just like Bush did. Just like 9-11.
Dave is right on again about the sequester, its the republicans fault, just like Sandy Hook and all those tours of the White House being cancelled it's the republicans fault. And here is proof from USNews
"As Pompeo and other members of the GOP have continually pointed out, it was Obama who proposed the sequester, it was Obama who signed it into law, and it was Obama who threatened to veto any changes to it. The Republicans have put alternatives on the table but the president is standing firm in his demands for higher tax revenues rather than sending a different set of cuts up to Capitol Hill. Nor has the president, in public anyway, put any pressure on Reid and the other Democrats in the Senate to do something to avert what he wants everyone to believe is an oncoming train wreck. Once again, Obama wants to have his cake and eat it, too. Only time will tell if he gets to."
(Oops, that didn't go like I planned it to.)
Anyway, just ignore the truth and believe Dave and me when we say its an inside job and the GOP caused it and along with the sinking of the Titanic. Want to bet the GOP sent ricin to Senator Roger Wicker (R)MS to cover their trail?
Yep, the far right is doing that (listened to the radio today to see) and so is the far left (read their blaming it on the war that Obama hasn't ended. The extremes of both parties have a lot in common-- common sense is missing in both. Whatever happens, they use it to make political points.
Q. What is the origin of the sequester?
A. It emerged from the refusal of House Republicans to raise the debt ceiling in 2011 without significant deficit reduction.
The unprecedented hostage taking of the nation's payment of debt is the only reason both Obama and Republicans resorted to this foolishness.
And the cuts continue.
the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention
And here it is, right on schedule. "Blame Obama" for the bombing. Look who's politicizing a tragedy again.
So Republicans demand budget cuts, get them, approve of them in a GOP congress, and then proceed to blame Obama.
DD is wrong, so very wrong, again.
What difference does it make who the Bostom bomber is, liberals will blame conservatives and or the GOP regardless.
DD is wrong
liberals will blame conservatives and or the GOP regardless.
More projection. Who needs facts to accuse liberals of something?
All you have to do to prove me wrong DD is for liberals and democrats to not blame the GOP or conservatives for the Boston bombing.
Lets see how soon liberals and Democrats start the blaming conservatives and the GOP, claiming this wouldn't have happened if there were no sequester, and the sequester is the GOP's fault. Or this is the action of conservative govt. hating tea party members. Or if taxes were higher the govt could have prevented this and the reason for taxes not being higher lay at the feet of the GOP and conservatives.
These liberals are like an autoimmune disease. Born with naturally unpleasant dispositions and no real problems, they have to attack what is healthy.
Like some liberal bloggers, who live off the largess of prior generations, wake up at noon, shower at 5,drink and sleep. That alone would not be a problem but they feel the need for imperialism, ranting, etc. etc.
If a liberal has blow the limbs of these folks in Boston, he/she will get a short jail sentence, let go for time served, get a phd and then off to a chair position at an ivy league university.
If a non liberal did this, they will get the chair.
From my perspective the chair should be applied regardless.
Let's contact our reps to add pots, pans, and tupperware to the gun safety legislation. We can eat without pots.
prove me wrong DD
Prove you're right. The burden of proof is on the accuser...The presumption of innocence is the American standard of justice. Not that you care, or are aware of this.
But then, reality never seems to matter to the wacko-Right.
If a liberal has blow the limbs of these folks in Boston, he/she will get a short jail sentence, let go for time served, get a phd and then off to a chair position at an ivy league university.
If a non liberal did this, they will get the chair.
See? There's proof of my allegation.
No semblance of rational thought, and no reflection of reality. Just the standard Right wing resentment for the fantasy liberals confined within their narrow minds.
Now after you're done blaming Obama by insinuation by budget cuts, go get proof of your hateful accusations.
No. Won't happen. New accusations and resentments will be spewed instead. It's the "Right" thing to do.
Mr Dubya
A timely terrorist hire at Columbia University. Does this qualify as a fact?
One of your peeps, Kathy Boudin.
"New accusations and resentments will be spewed instead. It's the "Right" thing to do."
Right on schedule:
One of your peeps..."
Right. If I were convicted in driving a getaway car.
Reality... does... not... matter... to these wackos.
They are driven by hate and resentment.
"Now after you're done blaming Obama by "insinuation" by budget cuts." DD
If govt is there to protect us and take care of all our needs from cell phones to food stamps to unemployment checks, to affordable housing, to healthcare, to education, (you know the "general welfare" liberals always talk about why), why is it insinuation? When Obama, before sequester, cut the budget of the govt dept whose task was to prevent events like the Boston bombing from $20,000,000 in 2007 under Bush, down to $11,000,000 a year now?
The federal budget hasn't gotten smaller in those years, and the sequester? The sequester cuts amount to 2 frigging percent on the amount of INCREASE spending for 2013. Not the actual current 2102 spending but the requested increase in spending. How much of a cut is $20 million to $11 million? Gee, I'd don't know for sure, but I think it's greater than the sequester 2 percent! What do you say DD, greater than 2%?
Not blaming Obama for the bombing, but sure as hell blaming him for cutting the budget of the dept that is supposed to prevent us from domestic bombing. It is under his watch that the cuts took place, and under his watch that the unemployment rates are at depression levels, that our debt is overwhelming our future to a point that even at 100% rate of income tax, we could not balance our budget, much less pay off out debt in our life times.
But hey, what do I know, I'm supposed to focus on the important events of the day like gay marriage, 2nd Amendment restrictions, while the country goes up in a pressure cooker. Maybe we need stronger back ground checks on those who buy pressure cookers, I'm sure that would have prevented the Boston bombing. I'm just a right wing crack pot, right DD? I don't have a brain in my head and am no where near as smart and as insightful as you are Mr. Liberal DD. Liberalism has all the solutions to all the problems, they just simply need more of someone else money to put them in place. Someone else being the key statement. Obama federal income tax rate on over $650,000 income in 2012 was 18%. Paying his fair share, right DD?
Just more "accusations and resentments" being spewed. Deflection, deflection, deflection. Got it down to an art form, don't you DD? Can't answer the questions or point being made, check out what Saul Alinsky tells you do. Attack the person, or group who is making the point or asking the question that is damaging the liberal position.
Well, well. Looky here. More accusations. Whodathunk?
Can't answer the questions or point being made, check out what Saul Alinsky tells you do. Attack the person, or group who is making the point or asking the question that is damaging the liberal position.
What liberal position? That I'm a homicidal getaway car driver?
You want to know what your hate and resentment sounds like?
This is what liberals DON"T say about you.
"You and your peeps like Tim McVeigh think we're at war with our government and need your guns to kill federal employees."
Liberals aren't as generally ignorant and resentful to spew that kind of hate. But that's what we'd sound like if we were like you.
Speaking of peeps, your GOP controlled House didn't have any problem with that budget cut from 20 to 11 million, did they? They control spending. Really. Look it up.
Who's Alinsky anyway? Never met him.
"Liberals aren't as generally ignorant and resentful to spew that kind of hate. But that's what we'd sound like if we were like you."
Didn't have to look far DD, first post in this thread DD
"Don't be so sure that the right-wing will try to blame Obama. I mean even if they do, most people won't listen to them. Those that do are stupid and marginal human beings to begin with (I use the term "human beings" loosely)"
DD, is every thing you disagree with wrong and "right wing propaganda"?
DD, did Saul Alinsky's works teach you to label conservatives as full of hate?
"People were killed and maimed in Benghazi and Republicans come out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their Right Wing agenda." DD Are you serious, do you think asking why the most powerful country in the world was not able to get help to it's citizens for 7 hours, when it was a less than 2 hour flight from Italy? You call that an agenda?
"writing things like you want to beat the shit out of Mitch McConnell and dump his body on K Street" written by the owner of this blog Tom Degan, Dave, hardly a far right wing nut.
"I like your McConnell fantasy, Tom. I will gladly hold him down while you beat the shit out of him, or you can hold him down while I beat the shit out of him or we can take turns." Charles Moore.. another right winger?
"Could it be Republican policies mean women die earlier?" DD...Dave, what the fXck, do you think there are no Republican women? Why would you beleive that Republican men wanted Republican women to die earlier? What world do you really live in?
"Yes, it's that crazy Conned-servative CPAC time of year again. The wild-eyed hate club of the radical Right is once again gathered for our entertainment."
Right from your own blog DD.
"Republican “Conservatives”, not conservative people, will build and support the American police state, as long as they get to keep their Second Amendment." More from your blog DD.
"The truth is clear to anyone with even a partially open mind. The pseudo-fascists of the radical Right are the domestic enemies of equality and democracy. They want to suppress the interests and will of the majority of Americans." DD again from your blog.
"I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." -- Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky.
"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Saul Alinsky
"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism." Saul Alinsky
And DD finally, your favorite tactic, Saul would be proud of you.
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage." Saul Alinsky
Should I continue to give you examples of how wrong you are with your claim that "your" would never do as conservatives do?
Only 4 percent of Americans think guns and gun control are an important problem facing the country, according to Gallup, and far more Americans are concerned about the economy, unemployment and the federal debt.
In its poll from Apr. 4-7, Gallup surveyed 1,005 adults by telephone and asked, “What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?”
Respondents answered in the following order:
Economy in general 24%
Unemployment/Jobs 18%
Dissatisfaction with Government 16%
Federal budget deficit/Federal debt 11%
Healthcare 6%
Ethical/Moral/Family decline 5%
Immigration/Illegal aliens 4%
Education 4%
Guns/Gun control 4%
Situation with North Korea 4%
Lack of Money 3%
Welfare 2%
Lack of respect for each other 2%
Poverty/Hunger/Homelessness 2%
Foreign aid/Focus overseas 2%
Taxes 2%
Despite the Obama administration’s strong push for more gun control legislation, few Americans are concerned about the issue.
As Gallup reports, “Few Americans mention guns or immigration as the most important problems facing the nation today, despite the current attention lawmakers in Washington are giving to these issues. The economy still dominates as the top concern, followed by jobs and dissatisfaction with the general way in which Congress and the government work.”
Weather Overground said:
"If a liberal has blow the limbs of these folks in Boston, he/she will get a short jail sentence, let go for time served, get a phd and then off to a chair position at an ivy league university. If a non liberal did this, they will get the chair."
I usually ignore these idiotic statements by the trolls but this one was too tempting to pass. In seven years - and hundreds of thousands of comments - that has to be the stupidest thing that anyone has ever posted in the comments section of this site. Congratulations.
Tom Degan
If that statement by Weather Underground is so stupid, explain how Bill Ayers, an admitted bombing terrorist, "is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar" and a
"School officials at Minnesota State University Moorhead have selected left-wing radical and admitted terrorist Bill Ayers as the 2013 College of Education and Human Services “visiting scholar,” according to Campus Reform."?
Do you still disagree with Weather's position?
Here is some more crazy left wing nut job who now is teaching at an University.
Yale University is organizing a conference on “Personhood Beyond the Human” for December 6-8, 2013. It will feature, among other proponents of personhood rights for animals, notorious infanticide and bestiality-promoting ethicist Peter Singer.
The conference is co-sponsored by the animal rights group Nonhuman Rights Project and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, in collaboration with the Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics and the Yale Animal Ethics Group.
“The event will focus on personhood for nonhuman animals, including great apes, cetaceans, and elephants, and will explore the evolving notions of personhood by analyzing them through the frameworks of neuroscience, behavioral science, philosophy, ethics, and law,” reads a description of the conference on its website.
“Special consideration will be given to discussions of nonhuman animal personhood, both in terms of understanding the history, science, and philosophy behind personhood, and ways to protect animal interests through the establishment of legal precedents and by increasing public awareness.”
Peter Singer, who has been labeled Australia’s “most notorious messenger of death” by the Catholic archbishop of his hometown of Melbourne, has served as Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University since 1999.
He is infamous for saying that no newborn should be considered a person until 30 days after birth and that the attending physician should kill disabled babies on the spot. Singer agreed with South African philosopher David Benatar who postulated that humanity should sterilize itself into extinction.
Any liberal posters on this sight care to defend Prof. Singers position? Abortion (A.K.A murder) up to 30 days after leaving the womb. Sounds reasonable to me.
Mr. Degan knows completely that the left celebrates violence as long as it is for their causes, hence the fine careers for all those in the Weather Underground.
Do you think Mr. Degan will dedicate equal time to the higher quantity and even more despicable deaths perpetrated by Kermit Gosnell? Cutting the spinal cords of newly born babies with scissors. I bet Mr Gosnell killed more than those in CT but this author will not take up this cause.
He would not jeapordize his perceived left wing street cred, which given his station is meaningless to begin with.
Wow. First of all, thank you for reading my blog. Or in your case, misreading. You cherry picked comments and ignored the factual evidence supporting them.
One example of your misreading is here:
"Liberals aren't as generally ignorant and resentful to spew that kind of hate. But that's what we'd sound like if we were like you."
Want to make a $10,000 bet? (Mitt “Man-of-the-people” Romney joke)
What part of “generally” don’t you understand?
And what’s wrong with saying those who blame Obama for the bombing are “stupid and marginal” Sounds accurate to me.
You misinterpreted every quote of mine. This reflects how extremists of the Right cannot comprehend what liberals say. They have a long-demonized image of liberals in their heads that reinforces accusations like the ones comparing me to criminals.
Or that crazy WO’s “If a liberal...yadda yadda yadda.” And this: “the left celebrates violence”.
You guys can’t help yourselves. The indoctrination of hate is deep. This is not what being conservative means. This is why I distinguish between conservative people and the “conned-servative” radical Right. Almost everyone is conservative about some particular type of change or another, while almost everyone is liberal about promoting certain changes. If you’re curious, look up “neo-liberalism” and its Right Wing application.
Here’s more misinterpretation, or outright dishonesty.
“did Saul Alinsky's works teach you to label conservatives as full of hate?”
This absurd accusation was follow by your quoting me making a distinction:
Republican “Conservatives”, not conservative people,
Here’s a better question. Did Rush Limbaugh teach you to hate liberals?
For some reason there’s no attempt to understand what we say. Right Wing hate comes from misunderstanding. And much of that misunderstanding and hate is cultivated by deliberate Right Wing propaganda.
Seems I touched a nerve when I paraphrased: “What a disgusting display, people were killed and maimed less than 24 hours ago and Democrats are coming out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their liberal agenda.”
"People were killed and maimed in Benghazi and Republicans come out of the woodwork exploiting it to push their Right Wing agenda."
Someone can’t seem to remember the vicious demonization of Susan Rice for saying what she was cleared to say. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions about the Benghazi incident or the response. But what was this attack on Rice, who had nothing to do with Benghazi? Hell, yes the incident was used for a political agenda. Do you think we’re stupid for not falling for your dishonesty and propaganda?
I could go on and explain my justified perspectives, but it would be useless doing so. I’ve written my words and they stand based on facts. Those with extreme bias and bigotry against liberals, comparing them to terrorists and killers, would never even try to understand what we say. And for that closed minded hate, what better attitude is there than ridicule?
Besides, ridicule from liberals is far kinder than the years of talk radio and FOX(R) demonization from the Right.
“Liberals have no family values”. “Liberals hate America”. “Liberals are commies” “ACORN stole the election” Obama’s a Marxist Muslim” ...ad nauseam.
Liberals have been taking this kind of crap from the Right for decades. Goes back to the fascist movements of the 1930's.
But thank you for showing us how thin-skinned you are. Hypocrites dish it out but can’t take it.
Weather Overground, S.W. Payne and most of the anonymous posters wh don't have the balls to use their name are not worth responding to because almost all of their posts are full of hysteria, lies, and baseless arguments. Like shool yard kids, they have no interest in haveing an intelligent discussion, they simply want to make wild, unfounded accusations with no facts to back them up. I suppose they still see commies under their beds and are on the lookout for those black helicopters that are coming for them.
Mr. Hill,
I am afraid to give my exact name and address because I believe that a liberal will try to blow me up.
Everything I have said has been supported with facts.
You should stop projecting your discomfort with arguments that highlight the liberal hypocrisy and practice what you preach.
Weather Overground, you said: I am afraid to give my exact name and address because I believe that a liberal will try to blow me up.
Well, the only address I have seen of anyone on here is Tom's and I can hardly believe that your name is so unique that someone would be able to track you down by checking it. Do you have muuch paranoia?
I am afraid to give my exact name and address because I believe that a liberal will try to blow me up.
Everything I have said has been supported with facts.
LO Frickin' L!
Demonize much?
Says it all for you DD.
Like SAM HILL isn't a made up name.
Hang in there Sam old buddy, there is still time to blame conservatives, the NRA and GOP for the Boston Bombing. What I think is a total hoot and I'm surprised that no one has posted anything about it yet,it's the news coverage of the bombing.
The concern is "how is this going to effect President Obama, will this stop Obama's second term from reaching its goals? Instead of concern about how this will effect our country, the concern is for Obama. Gag!
So, Anonymous, if you think Sam Hill is a made up name, what are your thoughts about Church Morre, which is suspiciously like Charle Moore, yet a comletely different point of view?
Figured I'd share this tweet:
I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine? #2A
— Nate Bell (@NateBell4AR) April 19, 2013
Full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/19/nate-bell-tweet-boston-_n_3116480.html?show_comment_id=246465342#comment_246465342
Must be that 'compassionate conservatism' we keep hearing about.
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