"A Sacred Place"
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Overcoming since 1965 ` |

President Barack Obama, 7 March 2015
at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma, Alabama
In an interview Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press, Congressman John Lewis told Chuck Todd that he considers the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama to be "a sacred place". And so it is. I drove over it once thirty years ago. Take it from me: the vibes are pretty intense. The bridge is named after an officer in the confederacy and a US senator who was also a Grand Dragon in the Alabama Ku Klux Klan. Given what his name has come to symbolize in the struggle for African American equality, I'm sure the hideous old bastard is doing somersaults in his grave at this very moment. I hope so.
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Lewis: Walking into history |
All in all it was a beautiful thing to behold: a mass gathering of the survivors of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, and the children of that movement, those born decades after people like Medgar Evers and Jimmy Lee Jackson and Viola Liuzzo and Reverend James Reeb and Martin Luther King paid the ultimate dues by laying down their lives to advance the freedom of us all. That's what some people don't seem to understand: They freed all of us - white and black. We - I - owe those folks, BIG TIME.
"If someone had told me when we were crossing that bridge that one day I'd be back here introducing the first African-American president, I'd say you're crazy, you're out of your mind, you don't know what you're talking about!"
Rep. John Lewis
Selma, March 7, 2015
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The martyred Viola Liuzzo ` |
I hate to rain on this rancid little parade of theirs (Honest I do!) but it seems perfectly clear to me that what went down a half a century ago in Selma, Alabama was merely a sweet little overture for what is coming. Not only has Jim Crow been raised from the dead, he's on a nationwide comeback tour. This is a show that won't be closing any time soon.
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Paging Dr. King |
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Parting the Waters
by Taylor Branch
This comprehensive history of the Civil Rights movement in America is, to the best of my knowledge, the finest book ever written on the subject. It's still in print, too. Here's a link to order it off of Amazon.com:
Parting the Waters: 1954-1963
Part two is called "Pillar of Fire 1963-1965"; followed by part three which is called, "At Canaan's Edge 1965-1968". All three volumes are excellent and hugely recommended. Taylor Branch is a first rate historian.
The speech that President Obama gave at the Edmund Pettus Bridge this past weekend was the greatest of his career. Here's a link to watch it on YouTube:
The guy was good.
Oh, boy. I can't wait for our "not racist" Oklahoma frat boy fan to comment.
I hope this sacred place has a name change soon.
The Edmund Pettus Bridge built in 1940, is named after Edmund Winston Pettus, a former Confederate brigadier general, Democratic Party U.S. Senator from Alabama and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Kla.
I see what you did there, Sore Loser! Very subtle, for you. Pettus was a democrat, you see? So democrats are the real racists!
I am your biggest fan. I can tell you're just getting warmed up on this thread. Will you be posting as "Al Sharptoon" ? Can't wait to hear your wisdom.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on Nixon's and Pat Buchanan's "Southern Strategy" - Getting all the dixiecrats to switch to the Rethuglican (whoops, I mean rePUBlican party) after the civil rights act.
Have you seen this video from that great republican conservative Martin Luther King?
I'd like to hear your thoughts... because I agree, he sounds like a conservative republican to me, just like you said.
Racist Clown David Duke Backs Dems: GOP Senators Who Sent Iran Letter Are Not Americans, “Sold Their Souls” To Jews…
Will the DNC disavow his support as fast as they did the support from the CPUSA?
Of course they won't, Sore Loser! We both know the liberal democrats are in bed with republican anti-semite David Duke!
You're busier than a two-peckered goat, Sore Loser! I admire your work ethic! Some people think you're mentally ill because you troll this progressive site 2am, 3am, 4am... but I just see it as evidence of your selfless dedication.
Keep up the good work!
Before we rush to judgment, when you say ‘communism,’ do you mean classic Marxism or the blend of authoritarianism and market economics pioneered by Deng Xiaoping?
I'm looking forward to your reading list! Jerry Corsi, Kurt Schlicter... two very exciting authors! I get the same excitement reading Schlicter that I did reading Mein Kampf in the original German! Please give me a list of some more writers I should familiarize myself with.
Anyway, Sore Loser, I'm your biggest fan. Keep fighting the good fight!
And don't get discouraged when the radical progressive commies here put you down. It just shows all your one-handed hard work is paying off.
Thank You Sore Loser For Opening My Eyes
I love it that I've gotten into your head so much that even when I post a very none controversial post, you blow a head gasket.
The bridge's name should be changed because of who it is named after and for who that person was and what they did. You can't change history to be PC.
Ok we can do it your way, don't change the name on the bridge to this very sacred place.
The GOP sent Dubya to represent them at Selma. He re enacted his historic actions while the country was under attack on 9-11 by sitting quietly doing NOTHING.
Then Conservatives got their panties in a wad because "Bus was cut out of the picture of the march"
He was 50 yards away from the center of the photo.
How dare you, Dave! Of course Sore Loser is not racist! When he posts as "al sharptoon" and "pat buchanan" on the Selma anniversary, he does it out of a deep and profound love of people of color!
I don't blame him when you point out the authors he cites for sources are liars and cranks. It doesn't change the truthfulness of their theories, does it?
For example, I copy and paste my conservative facts from a man named "Joe" ... he lives on my street, and carries a dead sparrow in his pocket. He talks to himself all the time, and I repeat his wisdom here, like Nancy Pelosi being buddies with Saul Alinsky. Just because Joe also says Martians control his brain doesn't make his opinions any less valid!
So I love reading Sore Loser's cut-and-paste stuff. His sources are impeccable! IOTW report, WeaselZippers, Breitbart.... these are first-rate sources, just like Joe Corsi.
We can all learn from Sore Loser.
Sore Loser, I'm anxious to see what you have to say about this brief clip of a Martin Luther King speech.
I'd like to hear your thoughts... because I agree, he sounds like a conservative republican to me, just like you said.
Have you watched the clip? As I said, it's very brief, so it won't waste much of your time.
Sorry, I didn't mean to "blow a head gasket" as you said, I was just really impressed when you told us Pettus was a GASP! democrat.
You're a subtle man with an admirable work ethic.
Like I said earlier, don't change the name of the bridge, but if it's so sacred, why allow it to be named after a a former Confederate brigadier general, Democratic Party U.S. Senator from Alabama and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan?
"He was 50 yards away from the center of the photo."
As opposed to Tax Cheat, race hustler Rev Al. who hogging the camera right behind Obama. You know, the Rev that Mozart said no one plays an attention to.
"Will "not racist" Sore Loser disavow the GOP for that flagrant insult as well as their voter suppression laws?"
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Have you watched the Martin Luther King link I gave you? I really want to know your thoughts on his comments.
Like I said earlier, don't change the name of the bridge, but if it's so sacred, why allow it to be named after a a former Confederate brigadier general?
That's a very good point, Sore Loser! But let's face it... you and I both know if anyone tried to change the name, good conservative southerners would be insulted. Why insult those good people? Don't you agree?
By the way, I love how after Tom wrote a heartfelt essay called "A Sacred Place" you logged on to say "it it's so sacred?" I just love how you shit all over this blog... You're a good man!
I welcome your comments regarding the MLK video I linked to. I guess it'll take a while because I know you're a thoughtful man.
"He was 50 yards away from the center of the photo."
As opposed to Tax Cheat, race hustler Rev Al.
Yeah, being a Tax Cheat is honorable and patriotic, but only if you're a Republican, like the judge in Ferguson MO.
"Will "not racist" Sore Loser disavow the GOP for that flagrant insult as well as their voter suppression laws?"
It's not a lie if you believe it.
It's a question.
It's not an answer if you ignore the question.
Better a "tax cheat"(like 90% of rich conservatives eh?)than being TREASONOUS like Boehner and the rest of the conservatives in congress.
Why is the Boy Troll not answering to THAT?
Calvinball – A game, invented by Bill Watterson for his comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, which is never played the same way twice and where any player may change or add a rule at any time.
Used politically to describe a situation where one side attempts to control the debate by continually changing the parameters of the argument (aka ‘moving the goalposts’).
Thus, when President G.W. Bush’s approval rating went from 30% to 32%, Republicans applauded his improving popularity; when President Obama’s approval ratings dropped from 57% to 55%, Republicans announced that his presidency had failed.
During the Bush Administration, a bill approved by 51 members of the Republican-dominated Senate was considered “a mandate”; during the Health Care Reform battle, however, “conventional wisdom” has shifted the standards, first demanding a 60-vote filibuster-proof majority, and later “requiring” another 15 or 20 minority-Republican votes so that it will be “truly bi-partisan”.
Sore Loser, you're a Calvinball champion! I love the way you dance around the field, running circles around these liberals "Mozart" and "Dave" and "Baby Jesus" with their "truth" and their "facts".
Have you formed any opinions on the MLK clip I provided? You must be giving it a lot of thought, because you're being so quiet! I look forward to your opinion, as always sir!
Keep up the good work!
Trey Gowdy has a private internet domain (treygowdy.com) with a private e-mail address (@treygowdy.com). His office has yet to respond to requests concerning: 1. The location of his server, 2. How it is secured, or 3. How he separates official/constituent e-mails from personal ones.
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), new chair of the House Oversight Committee, lists an @gmail.com address on his official Congressional business card.
But Hillary's use of private email is "unprecedented" according to the liberal ABC news Jonathan Karl (who was also a college republican).
In other RELEVANT news, Oklahoma is passing a law stating that only "clergy" can perform weddings.
House Bill 1125, sponsored by Republican State Representative Todd Russ, is a radical measure that would end secular marriage licenses in the state. In addition, the bill would bar all judges and other secular officials from performing marriages in Oklahoma.
Of course the State will decide who "clergy" are
So much for freedom and "small government eh?
"Better a "tax cheat"(like 90% of rich conservatives eh?)than being TREASONOUS like Boehner and the rest of the conservatives in congress.".. Mozart
It's not a lie Mozart, if you believe it.
I hope this sacred place has a name change soon.
The Edmund Pettus Bridge built in 1940, is named after Edmund Winston Pettus, a former Confederate brigadier general, Democratic Party U.S. Senator from Alabama and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Kla."
I guess I'm the only person who thinks this would be the proper thing to do.
Sore Loser!
Have you formed any opinions on the MLK clip I provided? You must be giving it a lot of thought, because you're being so quiet!
What would you like the bridge name changed to? Would you like it named after MLK? I remember lots of republicans objected to MLK day being an official holiday:
Senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East (both North Carolina Republicans) led opposition to the bill and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honor. Helms criticized King's opposition to the Vietnam War and accused him of espousing "action-oriented Marxism". Helms led a filibuster against the bill and on October 3, 1983, submitted a 300-page document to the Senate alleging that King had associations with communists.
I admire you so much for being offended about the name of the bridge. Any thoughts on the man who led the march. You can reply under your "Pat Buchanan" alias, if you feel more comfortable.
Also, I look forward to reading your comments about these remarks by MLK:
I also look forward to seeing the reading list you provide. So far I've got Kurt Schlicter, Jerome Corsi, the good folks at Weasel Zipper and Breitbart. Please give me more names, I'm eager to learn from you!
And thanks for pointing out that Pettus was a democrat in 1870... that means that the democrap party is a party of racists, not the party of Jesse Helms!
Look forward to hearing from you!
Government Still Running $386 Billion Deficit Despite Record $1,185,613,000,000 In Fed Taxes Through Feb…
Dead Broke Bill Clinton Received $16 Million In Taxpayer Funded Benefits Since Leaving WH…
Poll Taken After DOJ’s Ferguson Report Finds 70% of Americans Think Inner-City Crime Is A Bigger Problem Than Racist Police…
(CNSNews.com) – “When people tell you Social Security is going broke, you look them in the eye and tell them they’re not telling you the truth,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at an event on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday to petition Congress not to cut Social Security or Medicare.
“Today, the Social Security Trust Fund has a $2.8 trillion surplus,” Sanders said. “So when people tell you Social Security is going broke, you look them in the eye and tell them they’re not telling you the truth.”
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare along with Sens. Sanders and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) held an event to deliver a letter and petition with two million signatures that have been collected from those who reject attempts to target Social Security and Medicare for cuts.
As CNSNews.com previously reported, however, the Social Security program ran a $47.8 billion deficit in fiscal 2012 as the program brought in $725.429 billion in cash and paid $773.247 for benefits and overhead expenses, according to official datapublished by Social Security Administration.
CNS...Say isn't that the faux news outlet of, Pat Robertson, the guy who "rebuked" a Hurricane and sent it off course?
Good source. Makes me want to be a Republican and send my social security check to Pat.
Poll Taken After DOJ’s Ferguson Report Finds 70% of Americans Think Inner-City Crime Is A Bigger Problem Than Racist Police…
Sore Loser! What a beautiful thing to post on Tom Degan's heartfelt essay on Selma. "Violent blacks! Ferguson police not a problem! " I KNEW you wouldn't disappoint me!
But I'm still waiting to hear your comments on the remarks made by MLK in the youtube clip I provided. I know you're a deeply reflective man, so you probably need more time to gather your thoughts. I'll wait!
You're doing a great job here on Tom's blog! I was fascinated with this quote about our man Jesse Helms's opposition to MLK Day:
Senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East (both North Carolina Republicans) led opposition to the bill and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honor. Helms criticized King's opposition to the Vietnam War and accused him of espousing "action-oriented Marxism". Helms led a filibuster against the bill and on October 3, 1983, submitted a 300-page document to the Senate alleging that King had associations with communists.
Helms sounds like he could be commenting on this blog under your name! I'd watch him if I were you! Oh, is he dead? Sorry!
I'm worried, though. If Social Security is going broke, what will you do for money? Will you have to get a job? I hope not! Because if you're too busy working to share your wisdom on this blog, it'll be a HUGE loss.
Let me know what you think of the MLK link!
Out of curiosity, I ran this headline through google:
"Poll Taken After DOJ’s Ferguson Report Finds 70% of Americans Think Inner-City Crime Is A Bigger Problem Than Racist Police"
And do you know what came up at the TOP OF THE LIST?
Well played, sir!
I didn't see this poll on any of the fake media outlets (like the NYTIMES or WASHINGTON POST or WALL STREET JOURNAL). Absolutely none! It came up on weasel zippers, then spread to some white supremacist blogs.
The information you provide here is so valuable! You do the real research to get at the real truth.
Any thoughts on the remarks of that fine man you called a conservative republican - MLK? Look forward to your wisdom!
You know what Dumbya, all you have to do is check the sources offered to see if the post is correct.
But that's not how you work.
All that you got is ad hominem's When you use them your so stupid that you dont know that using them is a sign of your lacking an legitimate argument. You know what was posted is the truth so instead of dealing with that you attempt to discredit the source of the factual information.
What does it matter what the source is also long as the information is correct? You are so screwed up in the head that the source of information has to be liberal approved. Is the data from the Social Security Administration not liberal approved?
Thank You Sore Loser For Opening My Eyes!
Try pulling your head out of your ass and read my first post on thread,
"I hope this sacred place has a name change soon.
The Edmund Pettus Bridge built in 1940, is named after Edmund Winston Pettus, a former Confederate brigadier general, Democratic Party U.S. Senator from Alabama and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Kla."
Then read what is posted in response, tell me, who's respecting who, dick breath?
So flail away radical progressive comrades, you have no hand. History rejects you.
You know what I like about living in radical progressives heads? There is so much empty room.
You're a good man! And you're right - history rejects the radical progressives. History is on the side of Sore Loser, and Jesse Helms (who was called a rising star in the conservative movement) while he was fighting against MLK day.
History isn't on the side of the Selma marchers. Or folks fighting for workers' rights, or the voting rights act, or desegregation. History will judge them harshly.
History is on YOUR side! An honest man who posts a bogus poll about dangerous blacks and decent Ferguson cops, on a heartfelt post by Tom Degan about the Selma march. You're a fine man!
You don't have anything to say about the MLK clip I posted? Why no opinion? He sounds like a conservative to me, just like you said he was.
I'm confused by your reference to "dick breath" ? You're usually so calm and mature... why the profanity? You seem irritable! Not getting enough sleep? Did you try the benadryl like I told you to?
And here we thought ad hominem means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character.
Turns out it's OK if you're Republican.
All that you got is ad hominem's When you use them your so stupid
You are so screwed up in the head
who's respecting who, dick breath
Thank you, Sore Loser for demonstrating three ad hominem attacks while accusing us of doing what you do more than anyone.
This is the wisdom we seek from the con-servatve ideology.
Thank you. May I have another, please? I don’t think the lesson has quite sunk in.
Oh, dear. I think Sore Loser may be more than just a victim suffering from Oppressed White Male Syndrome and Obama Derangement Syndrome.
We know his constant consumption of diet coke at the Colony Diner in Wallingford, Connecticut has kept him awake to do God’s work, but at what price?
Supporting Evidence Evidence for Aspartame-Alzheimer’s Link Emerges
This could explain a lot of his reality-impaired ranting.
Poor guy.
EVERYTHING'S okay if you're a republican, Dave. You should know that by now.
You and Mozart and Baby Jesus, you're too mean to Sore Loser. Stop with your "facts" and "truth" and please stop quoting his words back to him. That's simply not fair!
He made an innocent comment about the bridge being named after a democrap member of the "Ku Klux Kla" (Klan? I think he meant?) and nobody respects him.
I agree with him! Lets name the bridge after MLK. The only thing that worries me is what the rising conservative star said about Marxism and Communists.
What if we call it the Sore Loser Bridge! That's a petition I'd sign!
I worried about you, Sore Loser. You're my hero, and you seem fussy and peevish lately. Have you checked your blood pressure? Colonoscopy?
Sometimes being the only honest conservative on a liberal blog can damage a man's health. Get yourself checked!
Sore Loser, does your doctor accept Medicare?
Insist on a complete physical - head to toe.
I think I know why you've been so upset lately... it's because you're worried about Social Security going bankrupt.
I'd be glad to give you a reference, if you need to go back to work. Is the Colony Diner hiring? Maybe there's a correctional facility in your town looking for extra janitorial help! I'm sure Baby Jesus, Dave and Mozart will write references for you as well:
"Sore Loser is a hardworking, industrious and intelligent man. He would be an asset to any business that hires him."
The Sore Loser Bridge is the perfect thing!
Instead of a damn democrap Confederate Klansman, we can proudly support the Con-servative Connecticut Confederate Propagandist as a "not racist" Republican Confederate.
I'm sure God would appreciate the recognition of his faithful servant.
I can envision the words across the bridge: The "CCCP Sore Loser Bridge".
After all, who knows more about "the blacks" than Sore Loser, amirite?
Dave, NOW you're seeing things our way. Sore Loser! We made another convert! Dave is on our side!
All we need to do is convince Mozart and Baby Jesus of the superiority of our opinions, and then Tom Degan will have no choice but to change sides!
Sore Loser, do you have anything to say yet about this MLK clip?
Let me know if you need that reference!
Wooooweeee! The comments on Tom's blog are a hundred times more entertaining than anything on the boob tube tonight!
I will leave you with one comment..."blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied". Rock on, Tom.
Thank You Sore Loser For Opening My Eyes
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Hey Everybody,
Its Saturday morning and as usual I'm on my iPad at the Colony Diner in Wallingford.
The following simply sums things up for our "Leaning Forward Leaders":
Phony negotiations + phony scandals - missing emails = Obama + Clinton.
Or in simple terms progressive democrats.
Wallingford, Connecticut, United States
Hey Everybody,
I'm going to have to agree with Sore Loser about changing the name of the Selma Bridge. It should not be named after a Democratic Senator who was in the KKK. And we are not talking about Senator Robert Byrd.
If King Obama can change the ObamaCare Law over 40 times after it being passed without anyone reading it first, then surely he has the power to change the name of the bridge.
I would like to see Obama change its name to the "The Hope and Change Bridge."
Wallingford, Connecticut, United States
"Harry" Here's a quote that reminded me of you:
“This is one of the great dangers with overpopulation… the absolute proliferation of morons.”—William S. Burroughs
Tell us more about the great climate change hoax. And don't forget to provide sources! I think I can actually earn college credits reading your comments!
Keep up the good work!
"Tell us more about the great climate change hoax. And don't forget to provide sources! I think I can actually earn college credits reading your comments!"
That sounds good. Maybe with those credits you can get a job and stop expecting others to support your tax payer subsidized lifestyle in Goshen and your Leftist Pus blog.
Hey, last I checked the Northern Polar Ice Caps and the Polar Bears are doing just great!
I'm in Goshen now? I thought I was in MA? Or is it Kansas City? I'm confused now.
Harry Pus Sore Loser, you're the smartest person on this blog! Thank you for everything you contribute. I feel so much better about the polar bears and the ice caps since you commented. I was worried after reading all that pus-filled leftist propaganda from NASA. Have you contacted them? I'm sure they'll be grateful to hear your corrections.
Good news: I think Jeb! is surging forward in the polls. He will definitely be our next president. What a relief to have another fine member of the Bush family back in charge!
Anyway, nice hearing from you! Keep up the good work, and soon we'll flip this leftist blog over to a nice conservative place where smart people like yourself can have a home!
Let me know if you need a reference! The link you provided says Social Security will go bankrupt any day now. Let me know if I can help in any way.
I have been reading the autobiography of Charlie Chaplin. In it he speaks of The Great Depression.
However, FDR did get into office, and the country was not imperiled...."
Sound familiar?
AS the French say, Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
I forgot to add the note that the emphasis in the preceding post was mine.
Mozart, I think you're being unfair.
"Trickle Down" is not "voodoo economics (as George H.W. Bush called it), it's a valid theory.
It just needs more time to work.
Hoover was right... percolating doesn't happen overnight! These things take time! I'm sure Sore Loser Pus Harry would agree that if we give Trickle Down a few more centuries, it'll work just fine.
Have some faith, Mozart.
Here's a quote from David Stockman, the guy who helped Ronnie Reagan build his "Reagan Budget":
"The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility. They're on an anti-tax jihad -- one that benefits the prosperous classes." - David Stockman
Whoops! Wrong quote. Sorry!
"I have been reading the autobiography of Charlie Chaplin. In it he speaks of The Great Depression."
Once again you show why you are not the sharpest pencil in the box.
You get your "facts" from comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Jon Stewart. You are a real funny guy!
Kurt Sore Loser Stop The Leftist Harry Pus, I agree completely!
Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and scored some of the finest comedies of the 20th century! Why should we care what he thinks? Like you, I'd rather get my facts from Kurt Schlicter. Now THERE'S a man who made a real contribution.
I'm not surprised you have nothing to say about the Martin Luther King clip I linked to. You can't be expected to respond to EVERY little thing on this blog.
Any plans for today? Are you meeting your girlfriend? Keep us posted on your activities, we're rooting for you!
And thanks for all the hard work you do on this blog. When normal people are asleep, you're busy tapping away, cutting and pasting, cutting and pasting. We admire you!
I want to thank "Stop the Leftist Pus" for his open willingness to engage in "adult debate" and avoidance of ad hominem attacks.
"Leftist pus" and "you are not the sharpest pencil in the box" are legitimate points of con-servative "adult debate", doncha know?
Where would we be without his indoctrination, er, education, to enlighten us?
The defections are starting. The GOP is chewing it's own feet off.
"leftist pus"
You used the term "sharpest pencil in the box" just like Sore Loser does! Do you know each other?
If not, it's quite a coincidence!
The Chaplin quote was to illustrate (from an objective point of view) that"Trickle Down economics" had already failed once when Reagan resurrected it. Reagan KNEW it would eventually lead to economic collapse, but he enacted it anyway, because his rich benefactors wanted the money. They didn't care about the COUNTRY.
Sore asshole didn't coin "sharpest pencil in the box" it was used first here by someone else,unless that was also the Boy Troll under on of his many other handles.
He never was much for thinking for himself anyway.
Thank you Mozart for politely explaining to our new commenter Mr. "Stop The Leftist Pus" what you meant by quoting the Chaplin autobiography.
He's a new commenter; I haven't seen his name before, so thank you for being so patient and polite with him. He uses the same phrases as Mr. Sore Loser, so I guess it's true: Great Minds Really DO Think Alike!
We're so blessed to have him join our discussion. Maybe Sore Loser will add some words of encouragement to him!
Mozart, you said:
"Sore asshole didn't coin "sharpest pencil in the box" it was used first here by someone else,unless that was also the Boy Troll under on of his many other handles."
Wait... you mean to say Sore Loser has used different names to comment on this blog?? I don't understand. Why would he do that?
I thought all the other conservative commenters were ALL DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Are you sure Sore Loser is using different identities?
Sore Loser, can you please explain? Why do you switch names?
Thank YOU for the link to "The Great Dictator". I'm not that far in the book yet, but I am at the point where Chaplin realizes that silent films were dead, and he went into great fits of depression because he knew he could not allow the "Little Tramp" to talk. He thought his career was over. This movie proved it wasn't. It took the corrupt J.Edgar Hoover to drive this wonderful man out of our country.
Harry from the Colony Diner in Wallingford, CT said..
Harry, what a great idea for the bridge's new name:
The Hope and Change bridge!
How was breakfast at the Colony Dinner? Scramble egg's, bacon and toast with black coffee?
What model of the i Pad do you own? I looking into buying g one but can't determine which model is best.
Isn't it great living in the empty skill of radical progressives? So much room!
Did I hear correctly that the N.E is expecting more snow today? WOW, climate change really sucks doesn't it? Put here expect to be int eh 70's by Monday.
Anyway the Hope and Change Bridge Selma, AL is a great idea. Beats my name, The Bridge to No Where.
Sore Loser
St. Louis, Missouri USA
The Hope and Change bridge!!!
Voted number one choice at our Klan meeting!
And we totally believe Sore Loser does not live in Connecticut.
Chuck Morre from Wallingford CT
Michael Stivic from Wallingford CT
Tyrone Witherspoon(s) from Wallingford CT
Just the Facts from Wallingford CT
Anonymous from Wallingford CT
Harry The Climate Change Expert, from Wallingford CT
"James Hanson" from Wallingford CT
"But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote" from Wallingford CT
Harry from Wallingford CT
Booker T. Washington from Wallingford CT
Smokey Legumski from Wallingford CT.
And now….
Stop the leftist pus from Wallingford CT
We also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, we might visit once in a while, but post, we doubt it very much.
Sore Loser!
I'm worried about you. You're normally so precise and smart in your writing, but your latest comments are full of typos:
"Scramble egg's"
"I looking into buying g one but can't determine which model is best."
"Isn't it great living in the empty skill of radical progressives?"
"Put here expect to be int eh 70's by Monday."
You've mocked Mozart for not using spell check. Is everything okay with you? I think you need a proofreader!
I don't your spelling and grammar mistakes are anything but a symptom of sleep deprivation. Take your ambien, like I told you to. Don't worry about the side effects.
Did you watch the MLK clip? I'm sure you have some smart things to say about it.
And what was Mozart talking about when he said you use different names to post comments?? I don't understand. I thought you and I had a whole bunch of conservative allies here to fight the radical progressives?
Chuck Morre
Michael Stivic
Tyrone Witherspoon(s)
Just the Facts
Rev. Al Sharptoon
Harry The Climate Change Expert
"James Hanson"
"But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote"
Booker T. Washington
Smokey Legumski
Stop the leftist pus
You mean to tell me all these guys were you all the time??? Please say it ain't so.
Please don't tell me you're the world's worst ventriloquist:
Hope and Change is a Klan favorite?
Who wold have guessed the Klan was a fan of Obama?
Hope and Change is a Klan favorite?
Who wold have guessed the Klan was a fan of Obama?
These days the phrase "Hope and change" is used only as a term of scornful derision by the rabid right.
Thus, as presented, Sore Loser and his hateful ilk love it.
As Sore Loser proclaimed, "What a great idea for the bridge's new name: The Hope and Change bridge!"
And as we know, the Klan is overwhelmingly Republican, like fellow "oppressed old white guy", Sore Loser.
It's not complicated, sport.
Hope and Change is a Klan favorite?
Who wold have guessed the Klan was a fan of Obama?
These days the phrase "Hope and change" is used only as a term of scornful derision by the rabid right.
Thus, as presented, Sore Loser and his hateful ilk love it.
As Sore Loser proclaimed, "What a great idea for the bridge's new name: The Hope and Change bridge!"
And as we know, the Klan is overwhelmingly Republican, like fellow "oppressed old white guy", Sore Loser.
It's not complicated, sport.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Hillary Clinton assured us the other day that most of her emails were already archived because she was corresponding with State Dept. employees who have .gov email addresses.
“The vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.”
Turns out that’s not true at all:
POLITICO – Hillary Clinton’s explanation for her use of a personal email account while she served as secretary of state suffered another blow Friday as the State Department disclosed that the email accounts of senior department officials were not automatically archived until last month.
Clinton said at a news conference Tuesday that she believed the vast majority of work-related emails she sent or received from her private account were “preserved” because she was in correspondence with other officials using “.gov” accounts.
However, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters archiving of the work email boxes of senior State Department officials besides the secretary did not begin until “February of this year.” She previously said Secretary of State John Kerry uses an official account and his emails have been archived since he succeeded Clinton.
“Our goal is to apply this [automatic archiving] to all employee mailboxes by the end of 2016,” Psaki said.
A Clinton spokesman had no comment on the department’s disclosure.
Of course they weren’t. But hey, what difference does it make? Hillary said we should trust her, that she didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t you believe her?
As a side note, notice how Politico writes that Clinton ‘believed‘ her emails were preserved. They are still trying to cover for her even now. But if you look at the actual quote above from the press conference, Clinton made an emphatic statement, not a suggestion or a belief.
It's not breaking the law if you are a Clinton
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Doh! Why couldn't the rest of us simple fools think of this?
Once again we are educated on the kind of “adult debate” beyond our wisdom and intelligence.
Let me try it out.
Liberals are commies.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Obama is a Marxist Muslim who sides with the terrorists and hates America.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Tax cuts for the rich will provide trickle down benefits for everybody else.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Obamacare creates death panels to kill grandma.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Only Blacks, liberals, and Democrats are racists.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Bush: “We’ve learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases.”
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Cheney: “[Saddam] also had an established relationship with al Qaeda, providing training to al Qaeda members in the areas of poisons, gases, making conventional bombs.”
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Cheney: “[Saddam] also had an established relationship with al Qaeda — providing training to al Qaeda members in areas of poisons, gases and conventional bombs.”
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Sore Loser is here to enlighten us and engage in "adult debate".
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Hey, I think I got it! This is the religion of the far Right.
It's all about belief.
Of course I submit my work to the keen insight of Sore Loser for evaluation.
This is because only Sore Loser knows the truth.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
It's not breaking the law if you are a Clinton
I, too, am outraged!
We know the attack at Benghazi was ordered by Hillary.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Besides, only Republicans can use non-government email to secretly send messages about public policy.
Now I’m terrified of Hillary. I hate Hillary, (And every non-Republican.)
I’m so terrified I will obsess over her email and ignore what the Republicans did to hide their conspiracy of lies to invade Iraq.
Issa Blamed IBM Software For Loss Of 22 Million Bush Emails
As you'll recall, millions of Bush White House emails conveniently went missing between 2003 and 2005, including those in the critical days during which the administration formulated its response to Ambassador Joe Wilson and his covert CIA operative wife, Valerie Plame. In July 2007, Darrell Issa accused Plame of perjury. Then, in February 2008, Issa turned IT expert and brushed off the email imbroglio as merely a software problem.
Complicating matters, some 50 Bush White House staffers had used email accounts provided by the Republican National Committee to sidestep federal laws regarding the preservation of digital records.
Bush lied so hundreds of thousands died, and are still dying. It's all good because it was for crony profit and political gain.
How is that a bad thing???
But it's OK if you're Republican.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
But it's OK if you're Republican.
( A lie. But Dumbya believes it to be the truth)
It's not a lie if you believe it.
"WE All know"
What's up Dumbya, got a mouse in your pocket? If not who is ALL?
False narrative
NASA: We're 80% sure about being 20% sure about being 17% sure about being 38% sure about 2014 being the hottest year on record.
For sure!
Thank you Sore Loser for that excellent comment, taking those communists at NASA down a few pegs!
You're right, they are very fuzzy on their measurements and facts. Landing men on the moon, and landing a probe on a meteor, that's easy stuff; and who knows what kinds of misinformation they spread with their weather satellites?
I'm glad to see you got some sleep last night. No comments at 3am or 4am. Did you take the ambien? Good!
This means you'll be rested and refreshed, so we can do battle with Tom, Dave and Mozart the liberals!
Have you formed any thoughts yet on the MLK clip I posted? I look forward to your analysis of his republican conservative comments!
Also, I like that you linked to The People's Cube! One of the best places for satire. Did you know this about website's founder?
Oleg Atbashian: Before moving to the U.S. in 1994, Atbashian lived in Ukraine where he sometimes worked as a propaganda artist for the old Soviet Union, creating agitprop posters for the local Party Committee in a small town.
Well, I guess nobody's perfect, right?
Let me know what you think of the MLK clip, and thanks again for your brilliant takedown of those incompetent fools at NASA! You're a smart man!
NASA sure did a great job with those O-rings that killed those innocent people on the Challenger!
The next thing we will hear is the O-rings were made at KOCH Industries from Saul Alinsky's favorite radical son.
Sore Loser, I mean Harry, thanks for the proof the entire NASA program is a sham!
I knew we could find a flaw. And to think, they still say those rings were perfect and want to use them again. They cling to their mistakes like Republicans cling to fact.
We now see that mistake by NASA was more tragic than the flawless case made by the Bush Administration for invading Iraq, which didn't harm anywhere near as many innocent people. Amirite?
Behold the FLAWLESS justification for war in Iraq, spawning endless civil war and ISIS.
LIE #1: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.
LIE #2: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.
LIE #3: "We believe [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." -- Vice President Cheney on March 16, 2003 on "Meet the Press.”
LIE #4: "[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.
LIE #5: "We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases ... Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #6: "We have also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We are concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] for missions targeting the United States."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #7: "We have seen intelligence over many months that they have chemical and biological weapons, and that they have dispersed them and that they're weaponized and that, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established." -- President Bush, Feb. 8, 2003, in a national radio address.
LIE #8: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets."-- Secretary of State Colin Powell, Feb. 5 2003, in remarks to the UN Security Council.
LIE #9: "We know where [Iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003, in statements to the press.
LIE #10: "Yes, we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited." -- President Bush in remarks in Poland, published internationally June 1, 2003
I apologize for the "L" word. It must have meant "Liberal Lie", right?
Still this was NOTHING compared to the ongoing disaster called NASA.
Trust Republicans, not science.
Sore Loser, I mean Harry, is smarter than NASA.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Though it may be sarcasm, I'm going to tell anyone who thinks otherwise the TRUTH.
The Thiokol engineers told their supervisors, who told Thiokol management,"DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LAUNCH THE SHUTTLE WHEN IT'S BELOW 50 DEGREES OUTSIDE".
That shuttle had been delayed several times. NASA had been told by Reagan, THIS IS A PR THING! GET THAT SHUTTLE IN THE AIR! THE ENTIRE COUNTRY IS WATCHING. NASA calls Thiokol and asks then if they think the Shuttle should launch. The engineers said NO WAY!
Thiokpl management aske "Are you 100% certain there will be a problem?" When the engineers honestly answered "No" Management told NASA to launch.
Of course, we all know what happened next. 8 dead. 7 on Challenger, one eventual suicide at Thiokol.
The responsibility for those deaths rested squarely on the shoulders of Reagan. HE shrugged that off, and got CREDIT for a beautiful speech.
As usual, the "Teflon President" managed to look good after causing so much pain and suffering.
I know Sore Asshole will use this as a slogan, but My Mom was personal secretary to three of those engineers. My folks were living in Roy, UT at the time, and I was living in Iowa, soon to move to Utah for 16 years. I know firsthand the pain Reagan caused.
We expect someone smarter than NASA, like Sore Asshole, will only see your facts as proof of the global conspiracy of evil climate scientists.
NO Republican is to blame for anything.
Especially the exalted Alzheimer case Saint Ronnie of "Trickle Down". HE taught us that lesson.
Only Alinsky's hoard of commie liberals can possibly blame a Republican.
And it's not a lie if you believe it, anyway.
WOW, I was expecting the liberal parrots to somehow blame NASA's Challenger disaster on the evil KOCH Brothers but it is now being blamed, by the guy who went to school in the short yellow bus, on Reagan.
Did Reagan also push the launch button for the Challenger?
I just think it's fucking hilarious that Sore Oozing Pus Loser scolds Mozart for quoting comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Jon Stewart while at the same time making his personal slogan "It's not a lie.." etc, something from George Costanza.
But keep debating him, by all means. You're giving him exactly what he wants by taking him seriously. You guys make his dick hard when you try to fight him. The one person I see here making fun of him shamed him out of posting in the middle of the night.
You're right on everything but the shame part. Right Wing Authoritarian personalities have no shame.
Former Nixon counsel John Dean's book Conservatives without Conscience explains them clearly.
If I was a top manager at NASA and wanted to keep it funded, but believed Al Gore to be full of shit (it is an "Inconvient Truth" that the Northern Polar Cap is still here, lol,lol,lol), why would I tell my central planning masters in Washington pushing the global warming religion that Al is a quack?
I would cook the data like Michael Mann did at East Anglia with his hockey stick and say "The end is near!, The end is near!
It is Adam Smith's Invisible Hand at work to not bite the hand that feeds you.
Thanks and blessing be upon our prophet, Sore Loser, er, I mean Harry.
Now we have proof Michael Mann is the mastermind of the Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists.
Every other researcher abandons every measurement and all data in order to submit to one man's evil vision.
The "peer review" process is all a clever sham to deceive "good Americans".
Or....He was a central figure in the trumped-up “climategate” scandal, accused with other scientists of fraud by conservative bloggers and pundits before being vindicated by eight separate independent investigations. He was later the subject of an “academic witch-hunt” by former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli until a circuit court judge ruled that Cuccinelli had provided no “objective basis” for his crusade.
HA! Liberal LIES!
OMG!! Now all eight independent investigations, and the COURTS, are now part of the Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists!!!
It takes a man smarter than NASA to prove this. Sore Loser, er, I mean Harry, has proven beyond doubt with undeniable evidence (his word) that the Great Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists are following Alinksy's scheme to destroy America.
Sore Loser, er, I mean Harry, is our savior and prophet.
For only Republicans know the truth.
Is this Tom's blog or yours? I see your blog has tanked just like Venezuela.
I do this because I find it entertaining to see what the Boy Troll come up with next to avoid answering to the FACTS about the GOP.
ANd if it makes his "dick hard" no one will see it unless they are in his Mom's basement with him and are carrying pepper and a magnifying glass.
Did Reagan also push the launch button for the Challenger?
There you have it. Reagan is entirely blameless for everything, including the deaths of the blown up Marines he sent unarmed into Lebanon.
I thought Sore Loser, er, I mean Harry the Climate Change Expert, would LOVE to tear into this liberal science claptrap with his cutting insight and fact-based adult debate:
Six Things Michael Mann Wants You to Know About the Science of Global Warming
1. Climate Scientists are the Real Skeptics
2. The Science of Climate Change is Based on Many Sources of Data and Many Different Methodologies
3. The Models Have Proven Accurate
4. If Anything, Global Warming is Probably Worse Than Scientists Say
5. A Scientific Consensus Isn’t Like a Popularity Contest
6. Climatologists are Beginning to Recognize That They Have to Speak Up
Tom Degan,
Go read Maureen Dowd's article about Hillary Clintoon at the Pravda Times (NYTimes).
She really crapped on HRC.
It is fun reading it. Also the comments are good because the Progs are really peeing in their pants now lol,lol.
"Pravda Times"?
Is this what the neo-con friendly New York Times was called after they printed Cheney and Bush's lies without question?
Yeah, Judith Miller was quite Pravda.
We can count on corporate media.
NT Times 6/10/1986
WASHINGTON, June 9— The President's shuttle commission said today that the Challenger disaster had a single physical cause, the failure of a rocket joint, but it cited a wide array of management problems in the space agency and the rocket manufacturer as fundamentally responsible for bringing about that failure.
For the first time, the commission also said that managers at the headquarters of the space agency in Washington had enough information in hand last August, five months before the Challenger's fatal flight, to require that the faulty booster r
There were no major surprises in the commission's final report; its outlines had been signaled in public hearings, statements by the panel's chairman, William P. Rogers, and unauthorized disclosures.
For instance, the commission warned that the main engines, whose components degrade more rapidly than anticipated, ''require unstinting maintenance and overhaul.''
The report also said that Morton Thiokol Inc. had designed a faulty rocket joint, had taken no appropriate action to fix it and had opposed suggestions made by NASA engineers in the late 1970's that the joint be redesigned. The panel also said that in recent years Thiokol was slow to plan and carry out a program to improve the rocket joint, despite pleas from its own engineers for speedy action.
The commission's harshest judgments were aimed at the Marshall Space Flight Center, in Huntsville, Ala., the NASA installation that was responsible for managing the design and production of the booster rockets whose failure caused the Challenger disaster.
The commission called it ''disturbing'' that Marshall had not conveyed ''the seriousness of concern'' over the O rings to the top shuttle officials at NASA headquarters who conducted the most important flight readiness review 13 days before the Challenger was launched.
This failure to communicate, it said, was contrary to testimony by Lawrence B. Mulloy, the booster rocket manager at Marshall, who asserted that he had told ''everyone'' about the concerns, all the way up to the readiness review. The commission called for ''energetic steps'' to eliminate the ''management isolation'' at Marshall.
Although the commission scrutinized Marshall closely throughout the inquiry, its final report raises, for the first time, serious questions about the performance of the top shuttle program managers at NASA headquarters and their immediate subordinates who managed the shuttle program from the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
The report asserts that a presentation last August to NASA headquarters by engineers of Marshall and Morton Thiokol Inc., manufacturer of the solid-fuel booster, regarding O ring erosion ''was sufficiently detailed to require corrective action prior to the next flight.'' Although the report does not extensively elaborate on that finding, it would seem to indicate that NASA headquarters should have halted shuttle flights last year until the weaknesses in the rocket joints were fixed.
The Report by the Presidential Commission on the Shuttle Challenger Accident is on sale for $18 a copy from the Government Printing Office, 710 North Capitol Street, Washington, D.C. 20401. The order number is 040-000-00496-3
No Mozart, I'm not going to say anything about your Mom or who she was working for.
After all "what difference at this point does it make"?
The Hell with Sore Asshole.
I KNEW some of those engineers, and if NASA had agreed NOT to launch in freezing weather as they were repeatedly warned NOT to, those 8 people would be alive today.
(one was a suicide)
The "Faulty" O-ring was approved and accepted by NASA, and would not have been a problem had they waited to launch under the guidelines provided by Thiokol.
If your car tire says "35 lbs PSI and you try to put 100 lbs PSI in it, do you think you can sue Goodyear when it blows up in your face?
Have you heard this one?
Obama makes a couple jokes at the Gridiron Dinner. (A traditional occasion for such humor.)
“Coffee really disagrees with me these days –which is why John Boehner just invited coffee to address the joint House.”
“If I did not love America, I wouldn’t have moved here from Kenya.”
“You don’t diminish your office by taking a selfie. You do it by sending a poorly written letter to Iran. Really. That wasn’t a joke.”
Now we go to Weaselzippers, our Troll’s home base, to hear from the “compassionate conservative” of the radical far Right.
No Joke: Obama Tells GOP “You Don’t Diminish Your Office With Selfies, You Do With A Poorly Written Letter To Iran”…
“Good Amerikaner” # 1:
"Poorly written" applies to all of the Obamunist's speeches, his autobiographies ("in name only" that is), and of course, his alleged birth certificate of live birth.
“Good Amerikaner” # 2
The Presidency was permanently diminished the day you and your filthy fambly of ghetto monkeys moved in to the White House.Twerking contests in the East Room, your nasty little sprog touching priceless National treasures, the stink embedded in the walls, the torn draperies, claw marks on the walls, chicken sacrifices in the basement.
“Good Amerikaner” # 3
FTA: "You don't diminish your office by taking a selfie." This from a purple lipped, dope addict, son of a whore who has done nothing but diminish his office from day one.
“Good Amerikaner” # 4
What about the poorly written letter this treasonous Cucksocker wrote to the Mullahs in 2008 offering them the keys to the kingdom if they'd just wait till he took office?
The probability of the survival of the Constitution and the Republic shrinks exponentially with every day Obama remains in office.
“Good Amerikaner” # 5
As he plays golf and fundraises and appears like a joke on late night tv, the nation is transformed into a euorsocialistic weak shadow and our enemies empowered.
“Good Amerikaner” # 6
Deer I,uhh,tolya,
I luv u. Do u luv me? My plan is jest abuot cumplet.
I allso hate the Jooos. They are meen.
I will give u anything u want, pleese just sign my
fake treety. Also, pleese send me a new Pursion prayer rug.
Yore freind,
Grand Imam Hussein Obama
Wow, They sound just like the Klansmen, er, conservatives, at the Colony Diner.
We liberal commies have so much to learn from Sore Loser’s indoctrination site.
Especially about “adult debate”, amirite?
Please take your medication.
Sore Losers New York Times article clearly showed the failure of the NASA Administration concerning the Challenger flight.
You blew a gasket in your foaming at the mouth post blaming Reagan. Facts don't matter in the world according to Mozart.
Well, I'm just thrilled to see Harry, er, I mean Sore Loser, clarify which "Pravda" stories to believe.
It's all about beliefs.
Now if only the Times and NASA will listen to Harry, er, I mean Sore Loser.
Obviously patience is important for those doing God's work.
I have it!!
When liberals quote the New York Times it's "Pravda".
When Harry, er, I mean Sore Loser quotes the Times, it's the truth.
See, I'm learning.
Harry, Is your dental work up to date?
Because you can bite me.
Yes, Reagan "pushed the launch button" by pressuring NASA to launch when it was clearly not safe to do so. Besides, he hated civilian projects. They took time and money away from his militarization of space.
Sorry if the truth does not agree with your agenda, but as everyone knows, "the truth has a Liberal bias".
"Yes, Reagan "pushed the launch button" by pressuring NASA to launch when it was clearly not safe to do so."
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Do you find it amusing that even with our different IP address, even with a map clearly showing I'm in Missouri and you're some where on the east coast, Dumbya still believes we are the same person? Maybe it's because he can not believe there is a conservative in CT?
Isn't it amazing how the Three Stooges of radical progressiveness (Mozart, Dumbya & and an idiot to be named later) react with such vile hatred to anything we post?
What are you going to build in the vast empty space of the radical progressive's skull that you occupy? I'm thing of all the speeches of Ronald Reagan in mine.
"Dumbya still believes we are the same person? Maybe it's because he can not believe there is a conservative in CT?"
Whatever that point may be.
It doesn't have to make sense, right?
We totally believe Sore Loser does not live in Connecticut.
Chuck Morre from Wallingford CT
Michael Stivic from Wallingford CT
Tyrone Witherspoon(s) from Wallingford CT
Just the Facts from Wallingford CT
Anonymous from Wallingford CT
Harry The Climate Change Expert, from Wallingford CT
"James Hanson" from Wallingford CT
"But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote" from Wallingford CT
Harry from Wallingford CT
Booker T. Washington from Wallingford CT
Rev. Al Sharptoon from Wallingford CT
Smokey Legumski from Wallingford CT
Stop the leftist pus from Wallingford CT.
It’s not a lie if we believe it.
We also have decided there are other places where debate can be conducted by adults. Oh, we might visit once in a while, but post, we doubt it very much.
After a glimpse of the above cited hate at Weaselzippers, our Troll’s home base, I can understand hem more now. He must feel the need to ramp up his hate and lunacy just to keep up with his "Good Amerikaner" peers.
We see the birth certificate is still a hot issue in Klan Town. It really is a hate and lie contest over there in wing-nut land.
Reagan "pushed the launch button" by pressuring NASA to launch when it clearly was not safe to do so.
It's not as lie if you believe it.
It's also not a lie if it's TRUE.
Funny 'ol world isn't it?
Looks like your blog has tanked like the 9/11 Truther Jefferson's Accordian blog.
Places like your blog, Jeffersons and Venezuela tend to tank when there is no free speech.
Why do you think there is no free speech? You can say what you want no matter what name you use. Most sites
allow only one name per person.
Get the duct tape Harry,
the Radical Progressive's heads are exploding. LOL
My head is not exploding. In fact I get a kick out of watching you try and avoid all questions. The length you go to to change the subject are entertaining.
But there is still the issue of the "Treasonous 47" What about THEM?
Does anybody besides the Troll have any idea what a "radical progressive" entails?
Is it being pro-democracy? Is it believing a corporation is not a super person entitled to superior rights? Is it someone who supports compassionate public safety nets?
Is that what is seen as radical to the far Right authoritarian fringe?
Rationally speaking this is not communism, because that would call for government ownership of all production and distribution in the economy as well as no private property.
Only the indoctrinated Bubble Cult could confuse these facts.
The great secret of "modern" GOVERNments...meaning they GOVERN you...is in equalizing all the slaves. It was a revelation: If you equalize all the slaves that the system was self-policing on slaves with very little govt. effort---if one slave attempts to get really free, the other slaves will perceive it as non-equality and use the power of GOVERNment to beat him down. The result of course is a socially equalized society of stagnation on freedom and liberty. Obama revealed so in his speech. In an era where you leapfrog technology every 2 years on a cell phone upgrade, our last dose of real freedom was 1776 when in that first law it was understood "among the powers on earth" you had an "entitlement" to a "separate and equal station." That placed your power as equal in LAW and STATION to government. Your enslavers have tried for years to silence that truth via various con's such as the CONstitution. Now to their credit, Various people have discovered that 1st law 'self-evident' truth w/o the benefit of understanding that it is law [and thus binding upon government to deliver that freedom as the 1st law of the USA]. Those people such as Rosa Parks, MLK, and Mohammed Ali discovered--on their own and with no lofty education to distort their clarity of thought, that PERSONAL CONSENT was the key element required to "invoke the just powers of government." You will notice what entity held them back in their quest in each and every case only to "johnny come lately" supposedly "free them"? Government.
See what I mean Harry, head explosion time for the liberal radical progressives.
There goes my Reagan library!
You know what is even more amazing Harry? Dumbya is now asking me what I mean by radical progressives.
It's hard to believe for a guy who keeps every post a conservative makes, and credits it to either you or me, and can track down IP address, that he can't find the posts I made with in the past two months answering his question.
Even more interesting is his utter disbelief that a Conservative lives in CT! An indication of how inbred, closed minded, un-diverse, stereotypical a radical progressive is.
And STILL Sore Asshole avoids answering for the "Treasonous 47"
He invents (more likely steals) meaningless terms like "radical progressives" but won;t even acknowledge the "radical conservatives" holding our country hostage at this very moment.
I guess he subscribes to the adage,
So the Republican Troll wants it both ways. How unusual. (Sarcasm)
He alone may define, in his head, what a radical progressive is, yet refuses to define it for other people's reference.
So, I will define it for him. At least from his very radical far Right view.
A Radical Progressive is anyone to the left of Dick Cheney. Cheney allowed for states to determine same sex marriage since this was an issue relevant to his daughter. How progressive, right?
That should do for our purposes, unless the troll would care to engage in adult debate and agree to a definition of terms.
As we all know this won't happen.
Without definitions, words are meaningless rhetoric.
This meaningless rhetoric is what a troll is all about. It's harder to demonize others when terms are clearly defined.
Debate, adult or otherwise, is out of the question to trolls.
So is reason, willingness to understand others, and common decency.
He is here only to spew hate. Period. It is the way of the far Right.
Perhaps the true source of the troll's hate and confusion is the radical progressive notion of government of, by, and for the people. They seem to wish for government of, by, and for the rich. The vote suppression by the modern Republican Party would have Abe Lincoln running as a Socialist if her were here today.
The other major irritation for the radical Right is our Constitution itself. It is far too socialistic for them. This is why they hate America and most Americans as much as they do.
Their masters' goal is to dismantle every Constitutional government program that promotes the general welfare and regulation of commerce.
They are as anti-American as any commie, perhaps even more so.
And this is why THEY are the radicals, who need to project that radicalism unto liberals.
Since no troll is capable of debating these points, I claim victory, as these truths are self-evident.
This is why the radical Right is the enemy of truth, justice, and the American way.
One thing a "Radical Progressive" does NOT do is push a corporate-written Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.
It would take a genius at the level of a Republican troll (Sarcasm) to explain why a radical progressive would do what Obama is advocating.
This too, shall be ignored by the troll, in favor of more meaningless demonizing rhetoric.
"He invents (more likely steals) meaningless terms like "radical progressives" but won;t even acknowledge the "radical conservatives" holding our country hostage at this very moment."
It's not a lie if you believe it.
"explain why a radical progressive would do what Obama is advocating."
How about one step forward, two steps back?
For someone who wanted to know what a radical progressive was just a few posts ago, Dumbya now knows that what Obama is doing is not on the radical progressive agenda.
Dumbya always knew what a radical progressive is, because he is one.
what Obama is doing is not on the radical progressive agenda.
I accept his concession. Obama is not a radical progressive.
Of course, a troll would want to perform his meaningless "one-step two-step" song and dance distraction to avoid discussion and debate.
At least we've established this:
Obama is not a radical progressive.
Now the question is what makes someone a radical progressive?
Still no comment from the Boy Troll about the TREASONOUS acts of the Republican congress.
He just continues to DEFLECT to a MEANINGLESS term like "radical progressive.
Hell, 40 Years ago Obama would have been considered a REPUBLICAN. NOW with the GOP so far to the right, Sore Asshole calls him "Radical Progressive" (Whatever the hell THAT means)
The BEST one is Tom Cotton, the writer of the TREASONOUS "Iran letter" warning us that if we don't act soon, Iran will gain control of TEHRAN!
WOW! Iran is not in control of their CAPITOL CITY?
This is the obvious result of the conservative war on education.
I think the USDA should worry about getting control of Washington DC if this is the kind of people conservatives are sending there.
It's not a lie when it's true.
Wait for it...
Obama is not a radical progressive.
It's not a lie if you believe it Dumbya,
Now the question is what makes someone a radical progressive?
Still no comment from the Boy Troll about the TREASONOUS acts of the Republican congress.
" He just continues to DEFLECT to a MEANINGLESS term like "radical progressive."
Sorry Moe and Larry, er sorry, Mozart and Dumbya.
You do not and will not control me.
Deflect from the topic, like my original post was a distraction to avoid discussion and debate? No matter how much you hold your breath, stomp you feet, claim I'm the only Conservative poster here, and no matter how petulant you act, that is a LIE.
"I hope this sacred place has a name change soon.
The Edmund Pettus Bridge built in 1940, is named after Edmund Winston Pettus, a former Confederate brigadier general, Democratic Party U.S. Senator from Alabama and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Kla."
What do you say we look at your first post Dumbya
"Oh, boy. I can't wait for our "not racist" Oklahoma frat boy fan to comment."
No distraction to avoid discussion and debate there at all!!
Reread Moe's first post in this thread.
"The GOP sent Dubya to represent them at Selma. He re enacted his historic actions while the country was under attack on 9-11 by sitting quietly doing NOTHING.
Then Conservatives got their panties in a wad because "Bus was cut out of the picture of the march"
He was 50 yards away from the center of the photo."
Right on target with his insightful pinpoint analyst of Tom's subject. MSNBC can hire Moe to replace Special Ed when his show gets canceled.
BTW, Was Jimmy Carter there? Was Bill Clinton there? Both Southern Democrats, interesting.
Do you see how I brought this back to the subject of this thread?
The Scared Place?
Didn't think so, blinded by your hate, both of you.
"Oh, boy. I can't wait for our "not racist" Oklahoma frat boy fan to comment."
And we weren't disappointed.
Right away he had to link last century's Democrats to the Klan, a favorite theme he has absurdly and falsely extrapolated to today.
In his next comment he was back to red-baiting.
Soon after came "race hustler Rev Al" and even something to the point of his first comment, the "hope and change bridge", continuing his string of hate filled comments.
Such respect for black men was conveyed by the Oklahoma frat boys I alluded to in my first comment.
True to his nature, he proved he is exactly like them, just older and not wiser.
And then of course HE asked for a name of a radical progressive.
Now he is doing his best to ignore and distract from that, just as I said he would.
At least we've established this:
Obama is not a radical progressive.
Now the question is what makes someone a radical progressive?
And he offers...
Wow, THAT was a lot of whining and crying to avoid answering for the "TREASONOUS 47"
NOW Tom Cotton is worried that "Iran may take over TEHRAN!
LOL!!! Next he'll freak out if Russia gets control of MOSCOW!!
But the boy Troll is all weepy because we won't talk about "radical progressives".
Wow, THAT was a lot of whining and crying to avoid answering for the "TREASONOUS 47"
NOW Tom Cotton is worried that "Iran may take over TEHRAN!
LOL!!! Next he'll freak out if Russia gets control of MOSCOW!!
But the boy Troll is all weepy because we won't talk about "radical progressives".
Sore Loser,
Gov Dannel P Malloy is a Socialist asshole here in CT. He went to Davos last year and of course it was paid for with other people's people lol.
Dave Dubya is a lot like Hugo Chavez. He and his in the tank blog are against free speech. Like Hugo he tries to track down dissidents who don't agree with his leaning forward social utopian views that can only be created by the radical progressives with their superior intellect.
Dave is probably a short little fat guy with a big mouth just like Hugo.
I'm at the Colony Diner every Saturday morning Hugo, I mean Dave!
My IP address is
Wallingford CT
Still distracting from what a "radical progressive" is, we see.
Republican ignorance is on parade again.
The media during Chavez time was mostly privately owned and uncensored.
From Wiki on the US backed coup in 2002:
The private media was later credited as the "unofficial leaders" of the uprising, using footage to allegedly incite support for the coup, which resulted in subsequent suppression of the media. Chavez and his supporters accused the United States government of involvement since declassified documents suggest the Bush administration had foreknowledge of a potential coup
According to the BBC:
70% of Venezuela's radio and TV stations are in private hands with just under 5% are state-owned. The rest are community media organisations, most pro-government.
The main Venezuelan newspapers are private companies, and are often critical of the government.
Sore Loser, er, I mean Harry, is consistently wrong, and proud of it, it seems.
" a short little fat guy"
What do you bet this is projection?
And still no word from the Conservative(s) here about the TREASONOUS 47 and Tom Cotton freaking out about Iran controlling their own capital city.
Great post!!
I always thought of Dumbya as the class bully and Mozart as the class whiner in charge. ("It's' not fair, Billy got a better grade on the history test than I did", said of course, with a trembling bottom lip and not just a little snot, not surprisingly, running out of his left nostril).
Either way they can't control us and they cant stay on Tom's topics and they both would be less than they are now if it weren't for the govt propping them up with a "level playing field".
If I could get out to Colony Diner this Saturday I would just to
see if Dumbya would back up his radical progressive mouth and show up. Doubt that will happen, he, like all bully's is so chicken he probably cackles and faints when he drives by a KFC out of shear terror!
We got Democrat Governor Sit on his thumbs Jay Nixon out here. Useless example of leadership I've ever seen. Thank goodness we have a GOP controlled House and Senate (one of over 25 State legislative bodies controlled by the GOP, in case anyone forgot) to get the peoples work done.
Tell me something Harry, do you get a special parking permit for being the only conservative in Ct, that allows you to park anywhere you want? Being a minority you should. It's only fair.
WOW!!! SO the freedom loving, big government hating, constitution defending, "patriots" in Florida are banning the words "climate change" and Global warming"
Again. WOW!
I guess the 2nd amendment is SACRED but 1st is up for grabs, and THAT after they LITERALLY flushed the 4th by demanding that welfare recipients take drug tests without cause.
The boy troll WHINES about Hillary DARING to do what the last two REPUBLICAN Secretaries of State before her did, and WHINES about us not knowing any "radical liberals" (a meaningless phrase Limbaugh probably pulled out of his ample ass), but he's SILENT on the TREASONOUS 47, Tom Cotton's fear that Iran will "take control" of it's capital city,(huh?) and NOW Gov.Rick Scott is suspending the 1st amendment in Florida.
What whiny assed false scandals will he come up with to avoid answering for the BS his heroes have vomited out this time?
This is going to be good. I can tell. Stay tuned!
Mozart (a.k.a. MOE)
Mozart, for all the whining you're doing about the 47 what ever, and demanding I respond, (see you in hell first, ass hole)
I'm still wondering if you have figured out what part mankind had in causing the latest most relevant climate change in the past 10,000 years, the
Again you post is all about Tom's topic, isn't it?
Sore Asshole. CO2 is a GREENHOUSE GAS
WE pump Tone and tons of it into the air DAILY
98% of the worlds CLIMATOLOGISTS agree we are CONTRIBUTING to the warming of the planet. The Arctic and Antarctic Ice is SHRINKING, Glaciers are melting at increasing levels, Storms and hurricanes are growing in intensity and frequency, Florida is experiencing a rapid increase in sinkholes, California is a year away from running out of water.
But YOU think it's a hoax because it still gets cold in the Winter.
There are about 200 websites where it can be explained to you in terms even YOU can understand, and I have posted links over and over. YOU would rather believe Fox News Rush Limbaugh and GLenn Beck.
Why should I beat my head against the Brick wall of your stupidity.
As for the TREASONOUS 47, your refusal to answer for it speaks VOLUMES.
then there are the states requiring drug tests without cause for welfare recipients?
Doesn't sound like they have a problem with "big government in those RED STATES who, by the way, take in more federal welfare money than blue states.
The economies in Wisconsin,Michigan,and Kansas,run by BATSHIT conservatives are FAILING, while Minnesota, run by LIBERALS (at least until the last election) is THRIVING.
But by all means, WHINE some more about Hillary Clinton's LEGAL use of private e-mails, because THAT'S the real issue.
Mozart, I believe you just kicked SL ass backwards and forward!
He can insult you but never come close to winning a debate with you.
Good Show.
It's Not hard JH.
Having a debate over facts with Sore Loser is like dueling with an unarmed man.
I realize he'll NEVER accept the facts we present,but it is entertaining watching the little puppet dance.
IS the start of the ice age a climate change?
Are we still in an Ice Age?
What part has man played in this Climate change IE the Ice age?
Why do you believe your sources on this subject are superior to mine?
Why do you believe to know who my are sources?
The economies in Wisconsin,Michigan,and Kansas,run by BATSHIT conservatives are FAILING, while Minnesota, run by LIBERALS (at least until the last election) is THRIVING.
Really Mozart, Really?
If what you say is true, and I doubt that it is, I'm going to use the Obama excuse and say, it's taking longer to fix the mess left them by the Dem Governor. How's that work for you Moe?
Debate, "adult" or otherwise, is out of the question with extremists.
Definitions of terms are avoided or merely unilaterally dictated by the fanatics.
Facts mean nothing to them. Belief is everything.
Especially when they run counter to their indoctrinated beliefs. Their politics is their religion. The Kochs, Adelsons, and Trumps of the world are their infallible prophets.
Mammon is their god. Hate is their creed.
This is the primary and continuous lesson we see from Sore Loser's example.
Sore Asshole is very sensitive to free speech at my blog, but he has no problem with Republicans forbidding the words, Climate change and global warming.
I mean, free speech is supposed to be corporations and billionaires buying elections and politicians, amirite?
Say, we never did get to learn what a "radical progressive" is, or does.
We know what the radical Right is about, though. Thanks to 47 Republican Senators we know they would prefer a war with Iran more than engaging in diplomacy.
'Cause Iraq worked out so well, ya know.
That's almost as high a priority as letting the rich pay zero taxes and giving corporations superior rights of personhood.
So have the Republicans explained how they'll pay for war with Iran by cutting taxes again?
That always works out swell, amirite?
Sore Loser, I am tired of explaining everything to you. If you have ANY sources that you feel are superior to 98% OF THE WORLD'S CLIMATOLOGISTS I'd be interested to read what they have to say.
So, what say you about the TREASONOUS 47, and Tom Cotton's fear that IRAN WILL TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR CAPITAL CITY?
I will not hold my breath for an answer, since you are obsessed with Hillary Clinton's LEGAL use of personal e-mails.
SL will not be able to answer questions or talk intelligently about any political subjects for the rest of his life.
He knows if he admitted even a single time that any Conservative policy, action or law was wrong , improper or just bad policy, that it would be the end of Conservatism for him.
That would open the flood gates to more and more admissions and before you know it he would be a LIBERAL!
I once asked Sore Loser if he could give us ONE example of conservative legislation that benefited anyone other than the rich.
His answer...
Well, you know.
Maybe "Harry" in St. Louis can help us out...
Sore Asshole doesn't want to acknowledge, or discuss, the treacherous war-mongering letter from the 47 Republican Senators.
Maybe this has something to do with it:
One-third of Republicans oppose GOP’s Iran letter
They are what they are...
GOP Budget Slashes Tax Rates for the 1 Percent, Safety Net for Everyone Else
The Republican-controlled House unveiled on Tuesday a budget proposal that would undermine both Social Security and Medicare, repeal the Affordable Care Act, and prioritize tax cuts for the one percent—all while boosting defense spending.
The U.S. Senate, also majority Republican, is expected to introduce similar legislation on Wednesday.
Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock resigned Tuesday, less than 12 hours after POLITICO raised questions about tens of thousands of dollars in mileage reimbursements he received for his personal vehicle.
Schock billed the federal government and his campaign for logging roughly 170,000 miles on his personal car between January 2010 and July 2014. But when he sold that Chevrolet Tahoe in July 2014, it had only roughly 80,000 miles on the odometer, according to public records obtained by POLITICO under Illinois open records laws. The documents, in other words, indicate he was reimbursed for 90,000 miles more than his car was ever driven.
What do 98% of the worlds climatologist say causes the Ice Age?
Or do they deny an Ice Age is climate change?
Anonymous JH,
Best check your memory, but I have called myself classic liberal for some time.
Better go back to playing leap frog with your pet Unicorn.
Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock, why he's worse than Charley Rangel!!
President Obama has found himself at odds with his old law school mentor over the Environmental Protection Agency.
Laurence Tribe, a liberal constitutional scholar at Harvard University, told House lawmakers that EPA carbon dioxide regulations are tearing the Constitution apart.
“EPA possesses only the authority granted to it by Congress,” Tribe told lawmakers in a hearing Tuesday. “Its gambit here raises serious questions under the separation of powers… because EPA is attempting to exercise lawmaking power that belongs to Congress and judicial power that belongs to the federal courts.”
“Burning the Constitution should not become part of our national energy policy,” Tribe added.
Tribe, along with other legal and energy experts, appeared before Congress Tuesday to give testimony on the EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” — the agency’s plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing power plants. Tribe told lawmakers the CPP is unconstitutional and outside the agency’s authority.
“EPA is attempting an unconstitutional trifecta: usurping the prerogatives of the States, Congress and the Federal Courts all at once,” Tribe told lawmakers.
This is not the first time Tribe criticized the EPA’s power plant rules. In December, Tribe wrote a scathing regulatory comment attacking the Obama administration’s CPP for violating the Fifth and 10th Amendments of the Constitution.
“The [EPA's rule] demonstrates the risk of allowing an unaccountable administrative agency to ‘make’ law and attempt to impose the burden of global climate change on an unlucky and unfortunate few,” wrote Tribe, who is on retainer for the coal company Peabody Energy. “EPA’s singling out of a mere handful of emitters and limiting (or curtailing) their property is exactly the type of overreaching the Fifth Amendment seeks to prevent.”
Coal companies have argued the EPA’s rule will result in more coal-fired power plants being shut down because they would be out of compliance. About a dozen states have also sued the EPA over its power plant rule, saying it infringed on states’ rights.
Despite Tribe’s criticism of the EPA’s regulatory plan, Democratic lawmakers said the plan was legally sound. One Democrat even attacked Tribe’s integrity as a legal scholar.
“You can get Constitutional lawyers on both sides to say anything,” said New Jersey Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone.
The EPA has also rebuffed criticisms of its rule saying the “Supreme Court made clear in 2007, and affirmed recently that EPA has an obligation to limit carbon pollution because it’s a harm to human health,” an EPA spokeswoman told The Daily Caller News Foundation in December.
The EPA’s plan aims to cut power plant emissions 30 percent by 2030. But the agency admits that its regulation will increase electricity retail prices 6.5 percent by 2020 and force 19 percent of U.S. coal-fired capacity to shutdown.
You can lead liberals to the truth but you can't make them think.
" but you can't make them think".
SL, you are the Rants version of the village idiot and what makes that so damn funny is that you think you are the superior intellect here.
I am not trying to insult you but just telling the truth.
So once again Sore Asshole, does an end run around the serious issues, and obsesses on a twisting of the facts about the EPA.
98% of the worlds climatologists say the last ice age happened naturally, as does SOME of the WARMING now occurring, but the temp curve makes a sharp UNNATURAL upward swing right about the time humans started using fossil fuels just after the turn of the 20th century. So once Agian, I will explain to you in the simplest terms possible.
Get it now?
No, I suppose it will bounce right off the "bubble" and you will STILL not comprehend.
Next he will warn us that if we don't act quickly, England will occupy London.
Who's to blame for this?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agencies set a new record for improper payments last year, shelling out $125 billion in questionable benefits after years of declines.
The payments included tax credits for families that didn’t qualify, Medicare payments for treatments that might not have been necessary, and unemployment benefits for people who were actually working.
Improper payments increased by $19 billion over the previous year, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress. In addition to fraud, the errors included overpayments and underpayments, as well as payments made without proper documentation.
While the errors were spread among 22 federal agencies, three programs stood out: Medicare, Medicaid and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Together, the three programs accounted for more than $93 billion in improper payments.
Sore Loser can lead liberals to Right Wing propaganda, but unfortunately for him, they can think for themselves.
Sore Loser seems to think only white constitutional law professors who work for polluters are to be believed. Amirite?
“Laurence Tribe a liberal constitutional scholar at Harvard University … who is on retainer for the coal company Peabody Energy.”
The lie is out of the bag already.
The “liberal” is paid by the Kochs, GE, and coal corporations to get them to be able to pollute our air and water with impunity. Just like most liberals, right?
What the hell kind of cult buys into this crap? Oh, yeah, Sore Loser’s Radical Right Bubble Cult, the RRBC.
And how has that been working out?
The Court has already decided the EPA has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions — and is required to do so — under existing law. Even when Tribe and Peabody’s arguments shifted to constitution questions, Heinzerling says, they fail to make serious arguments.
Tribe has also done work on behalf of William Koch opposing the Cape Wind project, which would be the first offshore wind farm in the United States.
“Professor Tribe has represented General Electric in a case before the Supreme Court…Well, he lost. 9-0. Justice Scalia wrote for the Court, and upheld the Clean Air Act against the constitutional challenge.”
Why does the Sore Asshole even ask, "Who's to blame for this?"
His answer is always the same. Liberal commies are to blame for everything. Amirite?
So since we now have the only answer we'll ever need about who's to blame for anything and everything, we shouldn't need any more of Sore Asshole's cult propaganda.
We got it.
He never will.
Let me get this straight. Sore Loser is a "classic liberal" but in a far Right extremist sort of way.
"Classic liberals", of course, are not of this century, or even the previous century. It is an outdated term that means nothing in today's world.
Just like most of Sore Loser's idiotic nonsense.
He is a neo-liberal in today's terminology. Neo-liberals are the corporatist and globalist elites and their stupid shills.
Neo-liberalism is today's con-servatism.
The main points of neo-liberalism include:
THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much.
CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like education and health care. REDUCING THE SAFETY-NET FOR THE POOR, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply -- again in the name of reducing government's role. Of course, they don't oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
DEREGULATION. Reduce government regulation of everything that could diminsh profits, including protecting the environmentand safety on the job.
PRIVATIZATION. Sell state-owned enterprises, goods and services to private investors. This includes banks, key industries, railroads, toll highways, electricity, schools, hospitals and even fresh water. Although usually done in the name of greater efficiency, which is often needed, privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs.
ELIMINATING THE CONCEPT OF "THE PUBLIC GOOD" or "COMMUNITY" and replacing it with "individual responsibility." Pressuring the poorest people in a society to find solutions to their lack of health care, education and social security all by themselves -- then blaming them, if they fail, as "lazy."
Neo-liberalism is antithetical to our US Constitution's regulation of commerce and promoting the general welfare.
Neo-liberalism and today's radical Right, are by definition anti-American.
Who's to blame for this?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agencies set a new record for improper payments last year, shelling out $125 billion in questionable benefits after years of declines.
The payments included tax credits for families that didn’t qualify, Medicare payments for treatments that might not have been necessary, and unemployment benefits for people who were actually working.
Improper payments increased by $19 billion over the previous year, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress. In addition to fraud, the errors included overpayments and underpayments, as well as payments made without proper documentation.
While the errors were spread among 22 federal agencies, three programs stood out: Medicare, Medicaid and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Together, the three programs accounted for more than $93 billion in improper payments.
What do 98% of the worlds CLIMATOLOGISTS say caused the Ice Ages of the past, including the one we are still ih?
Do 98% of the world CLIMATOLOGISTS believe an ice age is climate change or do they believe it's just "weather"?
Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government.
It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property rights.
The changing economic and social conditions of the 19th century led to a division between neo-classical and social (or welfare) liberals who, while agreeing on the importance of individual liberty, differed on the role of the state. Neo-classical liberals, who called themselves "true liberals", saw Locke's Second Treatise as the best guide, and emphasised "limited government", while social liberals supported government regulation and the welfare state.
Neo-classical liberals, who called themselves "true liberals", saw Locke's Second Treatise as the best guide, and emphasised "limited government", while social liberals supported government regulation and the welfare state.
Classical liberalism is concerned with the *means* of government, while modern liberalism is focused on the *ends* of government.
The Bill of Rights is in our Constitution to LIMIT the power of Govt over the individual. Radical Progressives have been working to remove, weaken and undermine OUR Bill of Rights for the past 100 years. Don't think so? Look at their attack on the 2nd Amendment for an example.
You can lead a radical progressive to the truth but you can't make them think. Mr. James Hansen is a great example of this truth.
Sore Loser, dude you've got way too much time on your hands. Sad.
As everyone knows the Ice Age is a HOAX!
The world is only six thousand years old.
Thank you Sore Loser for doing God's work!
Hey, You know what's funny? I dont even have to post and Dumbya and Mozart are talking about me! Just look at the first post of this thread if you want the truth, but of course I can't make you think about it.
There is no such thing as spending too much time in search of the truth. Therefore I must leave this gaggle of radical progressives (and you know who and what you are) to watch Americans most watched and trusted Cable News Network. You can watch Rachel Maddow and stay confined in your delusions.
I'll be back.
Isn't it amazing how the Boy troll can rationalize any BS he needs to make his case?
Of course he still hasn't answered to the TREASONOUS 47, or Tom Cotton's dire warning that if we don't act soon, Iran may TAKE CONTROL OF IT'S OWN CAPITAL CITY.
He makes up some crapola about "classic liberalism" as if it has ANY relevance to today.
He's worried about bogus payments top poor people, but NEVER mentions the 8 BILLION PER YEAR we hand to EXXON/MOBILE just because they ask for it. That doesn't even include the BILLIONS we hand to the other dozen or so fossil corporations, or the BILLIONS we hand to the big Pharma companies
ON TOP Of Bush's "landmark legislation" that eliminated ALL competition.
His hypocrisy is only overshadowed by his ignorance. That and his cowardice, since he's TOO AFRAID to admit his beloved NEOCONS are tearing down the foundations of our nation brick by brick.
Career aborted in the 1st trimester.
Thanks Anonymous for your concern, you sick perverted peeping Tom. Next time you are peeking in my bedroom, don't be too upset if you see me "entertaining" your mother.
Dumbya, when are you going to Colony Diner out in Wallingford, CT to met Harry for a little "face" time. Wonder if you will put up or shut? I'm betting that like most bullies it'll be shut up. Chicken feces. That's what your real name should be
Mozart, you seem to have an open mind and great investigative sills using the internet. Have you found out:
What 98% of the worlds CLIMATOLOGISTS say caused the Ice Ages of the past, including the one we are still in?
Do 98% of the world CLIMATOLOGISTS believe an ice age is climate change or do they believe it's just "weather"?
I'd think a man like you with such a great investigative mine that is always open to new ideas and theory's would want to know what caused climate change in the past when humans were not around. Guess not. Too busy waxing the bosses piano. Plus it might cause you to rethink your dogma.
Oh well, its great to know that little ole me out here in Missouri flyover country lives in the heads of Mozart, Dumbya, and the rest of the 4-6 radical progressives who read this blog.
Thanks for thinking of me! Even at 2:00 in the morning.
Obama Calls Netanyahu To Congratulate Him….
Sl, go to the Swanson website and order L- Tryptophan 500 mg, Gaba500 mg and Melatonin10 mg
All are safe, no side affects or addictive. You can one or two or even three of them at one time and you will sleep like a baby. I got rid the dark color under my eyes and feel great.
Is that you out side my bedroom?
I knew it was a mistake to try and give you some good advise.
You know what Harry? Radical Progressives haven't a clue of what the effects of their policy's have on the middle class.
Example, Dumbya keeps talking about worshiping money or some such nonsense, yet he supports the Obama Executive order on illegal alien amnesty. Ignoring the fact that BIG evil corporations support this for the cheap non- American citizen worker it supplies them with. Cheap REPLACEMENT labor I should add, because that is what has and is happening.
Net effect, Dumbya supports the BIG corporations, middle class Americans suffer and he's just to Radical Progressive to know it.
Do you think Sore Asshole can explain how migrant workers in the fields are taking middle class jobs?
Or how corporate off-shoring middle class jobs have less an impact than migrant workers?
Crickets comming.
Say, is Sore Asshole/Harry trying to provoke a physical altercation?
It seems anger has taken over any sense of "adult debate".
Now he imagines taking on someone who for decades has taken down violent thugs.
Good News!
Bibi Wins!, Bibi Wins!
Netanyahu is a World leader unlike the JV American President with only Community Agitating experience.
Still nothing from the WHINY troll about the TREASONOUS 47 or "Tehran Tom" Cotton's paranoid fear that Iran will soon have control of their CAPITAL CITY.
Rest assured though that ANY gaff the little weasel brings up from a Democrat from now on is going to be followed by a reminder of what Cotton DID (the TREASONOUS letter) and what he said, "...they already control Tehran...)
BREAKING NEWS: Bibi must be stopped! Israel already controls Jerusalem! How far will he go if we don't stop him?
No Dumbya, that is a lie. You are lying AGAIN.
I am OPPOSED to the President's plan for immigration, which will take jobs from Americans and help BIG corporations, BIG business, with a supply of cheap labor.
By supporting and defending the Presidents immigration policy's you are damaging all but the 1% of Americans.
You are lying again when you say illegals will take field jobs. You are also a bigot by assuming that is all illegals can do.
An emotional Jay Palmer, a laid off technology worker, explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee the hardships of being replaced in the workforce by lower-cost foreign employees.
“I am the displaced American worker that cant speak out,” said Mr. Palmer. “The employee that my company chose not to invest in – but in order to replace me with cheaper labor. Cheaper labor that I had to train - train to do my job I learned how to do over the past 15 or 20 years.”
and this
There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country and we also admit over a million permanent legal immigrants each year, leading to enormous implications for the U.S. labor market. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that there are some 58 million working-age (16 to 65) native-born Americans not working — unemployed or out of the labor market entirely. This is roughly 16 million more than in 2000. Equally troubling, wages have stagnated or declined for most American workers. This is especially true for the least educated, who are most likely to compete with immigrants (legal and illegal).
1.5 million fewer native-born Americans are working now than in 2007,yet 2 million more immigrants are working.
Anyone who has any doubt about how bad things are can see for themselves at the bureau's website, which shows that, as of November, there were 1.5 million fewer native-born Americans working than in November 2007, while 2 million more immigrants (legal and illegal) were working. Thus, all net employment gains since November 2007 have gone to immigrants.(NYTimes)
American Harley Davidson Employee Fired, Replaced By Cheaper Foreign-Born Worker
“I’m an Edison Employee. I’m a Harley Davidson employee. I’m displaced.
E. Warren didn't say this,
"People aren’t commodities. We compare labor to commodities, but they’re not commodities. They’re human beings. They have families. They have hopes and dreams. They want stability in their life. They would like to have a good job at a company like the biggest utility in California—California Edison [where hundreds of Americans were laid off and replaced with guest workers]… We have no obligation to yield to the lust of big businesses… Mr. Zuckerberg is worth $27 billion, I guess he is 27 years old, I’m not sure. So he wants more foreign workers. I would like to think he might want to pay his employees more and maybe not have quite so many billions, if he’d like to be helpful, and maybe he could get more local workers.”
"We have no obligation to yield to the lust of big businesses." Senator Jeff Sessions (REPUBLICAN) said this.
Labor Unions have called the Presidents policy a War on American Workers.
It is you Dumbya, who hates Americans.
"We have no obligation to yield to the lust of big businesses." Senator Jeff Sessions
2009-2014 Top Ten Corporate Donors for Senator Jeff "We have no obligation to yield to the lust of big businesses” Sessions
1 Leadership PACs - $100,500
2 Oil & Gas - $89,250
3 Defense Aerospace - $85,000
4 Lawyers/Law Firms - $76,903
5 Misc Defense - $60,000
6 Real Estate - $59,300
7 Electric Utilities - $58,250
8 Health Professionals - $53,450
9 Pharmaceuticals/Health Products - $51,700
10 Insurance - $47,650
" I would like to think he might want to pay his employees more and maybe not have quite so many billions"
That sounds like Liberal talk to me, how long will he keep his job talking like that?
Sore Assshole misses the issue entirely by citing the case of Jay Palmer, replaced by a LEGAL immigrant.
Sore Loser has no problem with corporations cutting costs this way. In fact I bet he hates the very idea of minimum wage.
Do we hear him bitching about Harley-Davidson for doing this?
So, Sore Loser got his name because he lost a job picking cabbages for $1.50 an hour?
Still NOTHING from him about the TREASONOUS 47 and Tom Cotton's fear that if we don't go to war immediately, Iran may take control of their capital city.
Can you give me a "blame the black guy"?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration set a record again for censoring government files or outright denying access to them last year under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, according to a new analysis of federal data by The Associated Press.
The government took longer to turn over files when it provided any, said more regularly that it couldn’t find documents and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy.
It also acknowledged in nearly 1 in 3 cases that its initial decisions to withhold or censor records were improper under the law — but only when it was challenged.
Its backlog of unanswered requests at year’s end grew remarkably by 55 percent to more than 200,000. It also cut by 375, or about 9 percent, the number of full-time employees across government paid to look for records. That was the fewest number of employees working on the issue in five years.
The government’s new figures, published Tuesday, covered all requests to 100 federal agencies during fiscal 2014 under the Freedom of Information law, which is heralded globally as a model for transparent government. They showed that despite disappointments and failed promises by the White House to make meaningful improvements in the way it releases records, the law was more popular than ever. Citizens, journalists, businesses and others made a record 714,231 requests for information. The U.S. spent a record $434 million trying to keep up. It also spent about $28 million on lawyers’ fees to keep records secret.
Dumbya, what time are going to met Harry this Saturday for your big bully put down?
You know where you get to put u or shut op.
Bet there will be a lot people ROTFL as they watch you crawl back to you broom closet in MI.
Yep, Bigot Dumbya thinks immigrates are only able to work in the fields. Thinks even though the Republican says this Obama policy is helping big business, that he doesn't mean it because he got money from a big business. Hold that thought while I remind you of comrade Dumbyas refusal to disavow the Communist Party USA support of the DNC.
I’m confused. So which is it, legal or illegal “immigrates” Sore Loser is babbling about now? LOL!
And how does his nonsense address my statement again?
Do you think Sore Asshole can explain how migrant workers in the fields are taking middle class jobs?
Or how corporate off-shoring middle class jobs have less an impact than migrant workers?
Say, is Sore Asshole/Harry trying to provoke a physical altercation?
It seems anger has taken over any sense of "adult debate".
Now he imagines taking on someone who for decades has taken down violent thugs.
“Internet courage” from another keyboard coward strikes again.
This is how angry and hateful authoritarians act when totally humiliated and defeated by reason and facts.
Violence is always their solution.
So the boy troll is worried about CENSORSHIP now?
He must be beside himself (and all his other names)now because of THIS:
So much for the FIRST AMENDMENT eh?
Oh well,we all know the 2nd amendment is the only IMPORTANT one right?
Netanyahu is in a very small class of individuals, that includes Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan, and Pope John Paul II.
We are humbly grateful that such individuals still grace the world stage and provide moral clarity.
Netanyahu will be remembered with respect and admiration when Obama barely makes the tail end of historians’ ranking of US Presidents, if the nation survives his disastrous “fundamental transformation”. One will have to admit that he has achieved what he set out to do, to fundamentally transform America and put as many dependent slaves on the Liberal Plantation of free stuff for the LIFs in exchange for their vote.
America has rarely been so prostrate on the world stage or economically challenged since it became a leader of nations at the beginning of the last Century. Whether America can recover from Obama remains to be seen.
We know that the odds of Israel’s survival with Netanyahu at the helm are considerably greater than America’s with Obama at the helm (if one can say such a thing about Obama–he rarely touches the helm).
If I were you Mozart, I'd be worried about a "guest worker" that Obama let in taking your job.
Netanyahu is the leader of an Apartheid nation for decades.
And now with his campaign promise to never allow the Palestinians a state of their own it is official.
Israel will now face world wide criticism and possible sanctions for their oppression, land theft and wide spread killing of the Palestinians.
Of course some people do not care if all the Palestinians are displaced or killed, fortunately a large percentage of the world disagrees with Israels objective.
If I were to lose MY job to a guy with no skills,can't speak the language, knows NOTHING about how our government works, and smells like last week's brussel sprouts, I'd be wondering why they took your application is the first place.
Sore loser, who apparently dreams of having any job at all, still has nothing to say about the TREASONOUS 47, and Tom Cotton's paranoia that Iran will take over their own capital city, NOW seems to be trying to distract us from the fact that not one, but TWO GOP congressmen are resigning in shame.
Funny 'ol world innit?
WASHINGTON—Saying the Likud Party leader had set Israeli citizens’ expectations extremely high in the run up to his reelection Tuesday, top-level sources expressed their worry Wednesday about whether the United States would actually be able to live up to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign promises. “Given the ambitious list of security and spending initiatives that Netanyahu guaranteed Israeli voters on the campaign trail, I think it could be very difficult for the U.S. to come through on all of them; the pressure’s really going to be on America not to disappoint his constituents,” said U.S. State Department spokesman Eric Patel, explaining that, realistically, the U.S. would likely have trouble following through on Netanyahu’s repeated vows on the campaign trail to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon at any cost and continuing to thwart the creation of a Palestinian state. “He made a bold personal pledge to every voter that Israel’s military capabilities would be considerably bolstered under his watch, which is going to be real tough for us to accomplish. I’m afraid we might end up having to eat his words.” With Netanyahu’s extensive agenda laid out before the U.S., Patel added that America would likely just have to increase its annual $3.1 billion in aid to Israel a little further and hope for the best.
Cut off aid to Israel and let them stand on their own for a change. maybe then Bibi won't be so cocky and will be forced to find a PEACEFUL solution.
In news that MATTERS, the GOP once again resorts to BLACKMAIL .
"campaign promise to never allow the Palestinians a state of their own"
Why did he make this promise?
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