Complete Craziness

It stuns the senses to consider that over a third of the American people are so heart-breakingly naïve that they are under the impression that this common pervert, blundering asshole and psychopath is doing a dandy job as commander-in-chief. That he is now demanding the release of classified material pertaining to the conspiracy with a hostile foreign power that could easily put the lives of foreign sources of intelligence at risk is the final line to be crossed as far as far as many of his subordinates are concerned. Some are saying that we're on the verge of a full-tilt constitutional crisis. They're mistaken. We've been in crisis mode since January 20, 2017. It amazes me that so many of them took this long to notice. Did you have a nice nap, kiddies?
It all comes down to this: the president of the United States is seriously - dangerously - disturbed. This situation (amusing as it is) cannot continue. It is obvious that Donald J. Trump is a paid agent on a hostile foreign government. Vladimir Putin put the bastard in office for the sole purpose of doing as much damage to America's political infrastructure as is possible to do - and Trump is cheerfully complying. As things stand now, that damage will take a generation or more to be undone. If he is allowed to complete this first term, or, Heaven forbid, be elected to a second, we will be long past the point of no return. This is an emergency. Calling all cars.
Seriously, during the weirdest years of George W. Bush's reign of error, terror and stupidity, I never dreamed that I would be writing these words. I miss the hideous little thug. His dad is starting to look like Abraham Lincoln. Ronald Reagan is starting to look like Jesus. Someone shoot me please.
Brett |
I don't know if Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be elevated to the Supreme Court. My guess is that he probably will be - despite the fact that he has been accused of sexually assaulting a fifteen-year-old girl in the nineteen eighties. She is not, today, a hopeless dimwit on skid row. She is a highly respected law professor. Here's what the GOP needs to deal with: if it is proven that The Donald conspired with Putin to subvert our national election (and I believe that he did) all of Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court must immediately be impeached. We need to wash away the legacy of this disgusting and hideous piece-of-shit from our national reputation. We'll never be able to erase him from our historical reputation, but at least we'll be able to tell our children and grandchildren that - eventually - we woke the fuck up and did the right thing. We won't ever be able to bequeath to them a Trump-free heritage, but it'll be better than nothing. We seriously need to get moving on this.
The Republicans have a chance to save themselves. They can either stand up to this menace to democracy - or they can sink into the abyss. They have no other choice. Aren't these interesting times?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"She is not, today, a hopeless dimwit on skid row. She is a highly respected law professor." Better do a background check on Dr. Ford, like the ranking her students gave her, etc.
"...if it is proven that The Donald conspired with Putin to subvert our national election (and I believe that he did) all of Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court must immediately be impeached." ~~ Tom Degan
Tom, I think you've offered a fair, and hopefully legal, remedy. And, by the way, I agree with you that he did. This will be demonstrated once Mr. Mueller completes his investigation.
"We need to wash away the legacy of this disgusting and hideous piece-of-shit from our national reputation." ~~ Tom Degan
Absolutely!...except for the name of the federal penitentiary where he'll live out his remaining days.
"We seriously need to get moving on this." ~~ Tom Degan
And it starts...yesterday. First step: resist everything Trump related or initiated. Next, vote in November and only vote for Democrats. This is critical. Last, but best said, do not go to the polls drunk. These are sobering times. Act appropriately.
"Aren't these interesting times?" ~~ Tom Degan
They're more than just interesting; they're absolutely dangerous.
But ridding ourselves of the cancer of Trumpism will not be enough. The malaise that's infecting our nation must also be overcome. Unless our citizenry moves toward a true consciousness-raising, the divide will only migrate toward another Trump-like nightmare.
Mr. Degan, I can always appreciate a difference of opinions with others, but this is breathtakingly over the top with absolutely nothing credible to support it:
"It is obvious that Donald J. Trump is a paid agent on a hostile foreign government. Vladimir Putin put the bastard in office for the sole purpose of doing as much damage to America's political infrastructure as is possible to do - and Trump is cheerfully complying." ~ Tom Degan
I think perhaps your tin foil hat may be a bit too tight, sir. ;)
As far as the confirmation for Kavanaugh goes, whay would NOT ONE democrat (with a small d) ask the judge if he thought it shameful that the repubs dumped 40,000 pages on them the night before hearings and that they were still withholding 100,000 more ?
The judge would not answer, i'm sure, but at least the public would witness the disgusting way that this lesser man was confirmed for the highest court.
Tom, this is for you.
Be sure to check out the next video on the page also. Enjoy
"It stuns the senses to consider that over a third of the American people are so heart-breakingly naïve that they are under the impression that this common pervert, blundering asshole and psychopath is doing a dandy job as commander-in-chief" ~~ Tom Degan
Tom, you're being way too kind. After almost two years of this maniac's so-called governance, it has become quite apparent his base isn't naive. I prefer to believe they're just plain stupid -- like him.
Add a dose of narcissism, and a lack of empathy and compassion, with a pinch of 5th grade analytical and reading skills, and you've described the typical rabid current supporter.
This is symptomatic of our decaying and crumbling education system, and the result of hillbillies breeding with rednecks. We've now become a nation influenced by the most lowly uneducated and despicable kind.
You had it right at the beginning of this circus. We've become Idiot Nation.
"It is obvious that Donald J. Trump is a paid agent on a hostile foreign government. Vladimir Putin put the bastard in office for the sole purpose of doing as much damage to America's political infrastructure as is possible to do - and Trump is cheerfully complying." ~ Tom Degan
Nothing credible to support it? While Mr. Paine sees a tin foil hat, I refer to the Russian mob operating from Trump Tower, Jr. and company's meeting with Russian agents, and most chilling, Trump taking a knee to Putin in Helsinki. Not credible in the far Right con-servative Bubble. But what is? "Liberals bad, Trump good?" LOL.
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