POST #800: Random Observations
Here are a collection of thoughts that have no relation with one another. They should be taken seriously or with a grain of salt - as one deems fit.

John McCain is in the last stages of a fatal disease, the same one that killed my father, that is going to end his life. Please remember that he (along with Susan Collins) is the last Republican politician who can be declared a "moderate". This will, indeed, be the end of an era.
2. Promises Promises
During the campaign of 2016, Donald J. Trump promised us that he would do for America what he did for the Trump "brand". It was the only promise he kept.
3. Fascistbook
My "friends" on Facebook come in many different flavors - not all of them delicious. Occasionally I'll see a posting that begins: "I am not a racist, but...."
Please be on notice from now on that when I read those words, what one is really saying to me is this: "I am a racist because...." So there!
4. Enquiring "Minds"
We now know that the National Enquirer has been operating an extortion ring for decades. Their "Catch And Kill" program, which kept scandalous stories off of their pages for many years, is beyond any doubt the most corrupt kind of journalism anyone's ever encountered probably. They should not be allowed to be continue this assault upon American journalism. The Enquirer is just one of many reasons why Weeda Peepole have become so dumbed down. The entire institution should be taken out of business - permanently. Of course, these idiotic Americans will continue to read the publication, in droves.
5. Mikey and Pauley
With the conviction of Paul Manafort and the guilty plea of Michael Cohen the other day, it's a good bet that the administration of Donald J. Trump is about to go the way of the Dodo bird. This is the beginning of the end, kids. You should have seen this catastrophe coming from one-hundred miles down the road, as those of us who were paying attention, saw it coming from ten-thousand miles down the road. This was a complete, and utter no-brainer. I'm sorry. I'm venting. Pay it no mind.
6. The Problem
Donald Trump's biggest problem (aside from his personality) is the fact that he never had any advisors. For his entire career he has only surrounded himself with sycophantic "yes men" who told him only what he wanted to hear - not what he desperately needed to know. That is why he is in so much deep trouble today. It's a cinch that he will end up in federal custody one day in the not-too distant future, escorted out of the Executive Mansion in hand cuffs.
7. I Don't Know What Else to say
2018 has been one of those kind of years. I'm rendered speechless.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

We now know that the National Enquirer has been operating an extortion ring for decades. Their "Catch And Kill" program, which kept scandalous stories off of their pages for many years, is beyond any doubt the most corrupt kind of journalism anyone's ever encountered probably. They should not be allowed to be continue this assault upon American journalism. The Enquirer is just one of many reasons why Weeda Peepole have become so dumbed down. The entire institution should be taken out of business - permanently. Of course, these idiotic Americans will continue to read the publication, in droves.
5. Mikey and Pauley
With the conviction of Paul Manafort and the guilty plea of Michael Cohen the other day, it's a good bet that the administration of Donald J. Trump is about to go the way of the Dodo bird. This is the beginning of the end, kids. You should have seen this catastrophe coming from one-hundred miles down the road, as those of us who were paying attention, saw it coming from ten-thousand miles down the road. This was a complete, and utter no-brainer. I'm sorry. I'm venting. Pay it no mind.
6. The Problem
Donald Trump's biggest problem (aside from his personality) is the fact that he never had any advisors. For his entire career he has only surrounded himself with sycophantic "yes men" who told him only what he wanted to hear - not what he desperately needed to know. That is why he is in so much deep trouble today. It's a cinch that he will end up in federal custody one day in the not-too distant future, escorted out of the Executive Mansion in hand cuffs.
7. I Don't Know What Else to say
2018 has been one of those kind of years. I'm rendered speechless.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This is going to end badly....but I repeat myself.
"It's a cinch that he will end up in federal custody one day in the not-too distant future, escorted out of the Executive Mansion in hand cuffs. "
Come on Tom you've been making similar predictions for over two years, could you put a dead line on when this is going to happen and then but money on it happening within your dead line?
I agree President Trump has not surrounded himself with people experienced in the ways of the swamp.
Go figure Clucky supports the Liar in chief. Trump hired the freaking EVERGLADES.
THough he's too much of a COWARD to answer the questions I put to him, we all know he'd be OUTRAGED if Obama had said and done what Trump has been doing.
Mueller is closing in, and it's obvious from his paranoid reactions that Trump knows it.
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