What Used to Be

Michael Cohen once told a reporter that he would take a bullet for Donald Trump.
You do see where I'm going with this, don't you?
I'm not implying that der Donald would shoot his former "fixer" out in the middle of New York City for all the world to behold, but Cohen must sleep a little uneasy these days knowing about the character of the man he worked for at one time. Given the fact that Vladimir Putin has made quite an investment in the very existence of a Trump administration, and taking into consideration that THE VLAD is not unknown for sending hired assassins out on little "errands" - in other countries even - poor old Michael must be just a bit nervous these mornings when he puts the keys in his ignition.
It's funny to see Rudy Giuliani making the rounds of the talking heads on the tube. Where just two weeks ago he couldn't say enough sparkling things about Trump's one-time lawyer, yesterday he was telling the stooges on Fox Noise that Cohen has been lying all of his life. Naturally none of the geniuses over at Fox called him on the carpet for his many inconsistencies on this point. It really is all kind of funny when you think about it. I feel bad for Rudy. He obviously doesn't understand that his historical reputation as "America's mayor" has been forever tarnished. It's clear to me that the poor man is standing at the threshold of dementia. For this reason alone we should cut the dude some slack. That no one on Team Trump would have the wit to figure this out should come as a surprise to no one. Ultimately Rudy's story will end up more pathetic than villainous.
And if Michael Cohen's day's are stressful at this moment in his life, Donald Trump's life has become unhinged and tumultuous. As bad as Dick Nixon's life had become a-year-and-a-half into his second administration, it never got as weird as things have gotten for this POTUS. Remember, Nixon all Nixon was concerned with was the burglary of his political "enemies" and the break-in of the office od Daniel Ellsberg's shrink out on the West Coast. Trump's situation is far-more potentially fatal. The president - and even some of his kids - could end up doing some serious prison time. Say what you want about Dick Nixon, Julie and Trisha were as good as gold.
Now we learn this week that, according to Cohen, Trump not only knew about the infamous June 2016 meeting inside Trump Tower between Donald Junior and operatives of the Putin government, he approved it in advance. This has been a news week to end all news weeks. We'll leave it at that.
Bob Mueller is going to be doing the asking and Michael Cohen is going to be doing the answering. It was oodles of fun a few weeks ago watching Cohen sending those sneaky little, not-too-subtle signals to his ex-boss via the news media that Trump had better pardon him before this mess exploded. Trump, probably for political reasons, was unable to do that. What Cohen was unable to grasp was the stark fact that the mess had already exploded. It exploded over a year ago when the prez - in front of an audience of millions told Lester Holt of NBC News that he had fired former FBI director Jim Colmey because of the Russian investigation. That Trump could be so heart-achingly stupid is another example of either his complete arrogance or his insanity - or quite possibly both. The jury is still out on that one.
I used to get the distinct impression that Donald Trump was having a lot of fun being Donald Trump. I don't think that that's the case anymore. In fact, it must be a real drag to be Donald Trump these days.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Serious Dementia |
And if Michael Cohen's day's are stressful at this moment in his life, Donald Trump's life has become unhinged and tumultuous. As bad as Dick Nixon's life had become a-year-and-a-half into his second administration, it never got as weird as things have gotten for this POTUS. Remember, Nixon all Nixon was concerned with was the burglary of his political "enemies" and the break-in of the office od Daniel Ellsberg's shrink out on the West Coast. Trump's situation is far-more potentially fatal. The president - and even some of his kids - could end up doing some serious prison time. Say what you want about Dick Nixon, Julie and Trisha were as good as gold.
Now we learn this week that, according to Cohen, Trump not only knew about the infamous June 2016 meeting inside Trump Tower between Donald Junior and operatives of the Putin government, he approved it in advance. This has been a news week to end all news weeks. We'll leave it at that.

I used to get the distinct impression that Donald Trump was having a lot of fun being Donald Trump. I don't think that that's the case anymore. In fact, it must be a real drag to be Donald Trump these days.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"In fact, it must be a real drag to be Donald Trump these days." ~~ Tom Degan
I have to totally agree, Tom. The noose is tightening and he feels it.
I predict that the next round of indictments, or possibly the next after, will contain the names of Donnie Jr. and Kushner.
Trump will go ballistic and start tearing paintings off the walls in the White House at that point. Ahh, but "the best is yet to be."
Mr. Mueller, and his crackerjack team of prosecutors, will save the very best for last.
Awaiting the nonsense from the Dumpsters on this particular post.
Hope it's not "crickets".
The United States of America's sovereignty has been compromised and infiltrated. Its borders were crossed and an adversary's military was responsible. This is factual -- not conjecture.
Yet, amazingly and inconceivably, the Trump administration not only condones this attack, it may very well have conspired to allow it to occur.
These revelations will become apparent in the weeks and months ahead.
Can you spell T.R.E.A.S.O.N.?
I can.
CNN reports and NBC confirms reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just referred Tony Podesta along with a collection of other cases to New York federal prosecutors for potential prosecution for failing to register properly as a foreign agent.
The cases referred include Podesta and his work for the Podesta Group, as well as former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and his work for Mercury Public Affairs, according to the report.
The report also said that the source named former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig, a former partner at law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom is also part of the inquiry.
"None of the entities involved have been charged with wrongdoing, and there is no indication the SDNY inquiry will result in criminal charges."
Again, the ENTIRE story is very different. Funny how you always manage to post JUST enough to deflect from the real issue.
Mueller is passing off all things UNRELATED to his investigation of Trumps collusion with Russia.
I usuallly read this for a good laugh and because I agree with many of the things said here. But I have to say after reading this one filled up with typos, etc. that you had better dream on. Nothing will happen to any of these creeps just as nothing has happened to "put her in jail" HRC. All the richsters walk. They have good lawyer and lots of money and, after all, this is amerika.
"Trump's situation is far-more potentially fatal. The president - and even some of his kids - could end up doing some serious prison time." ~~ Tom Degan
It's a family affair - no different than any other notorious criminal syndicate.
I suspect the money-laundering revelations in conjunction with this crime family's treasonous acts will throw this nation into a lockdown, and into such disarray, that a new constitutional convention will need to be convened in order to clean up the mess in the aftermath.
It's a fourth turning, after all. There will not be the luxury of returning to normal as we did after Watergate. It will be more akin to returning to "some state of normalcy", as after our first civil war.
"failing to register properly as a foreign agent."
That is deflection from the REAL investigation?
Sir, you are delusional, IE: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
"hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"
based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
"their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers"
Get help.
"None of the entities involved have been charged with wrongdoing, and there is no indication the SDNY inquiry will result in criminal charges."
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