Look What We Have Become

Laura Bush
I never had a problem with Laura Bush. She always seemed to be to be a good-intentioned, warm-hearted woman. I could never hold it against her that she chose as her life partner a corrupt and contemptible jackass like Dubya, any more than I could hold any animosity toward Melania Trump for her choices. With regard to Ms. Bush, I always had the feeling that, deep down, there was a kind and compassionate woman lurking beneath the façade. She proved it yesterday with an op ed she authored in the Washington Post where she came to the defense of the children being separated from their parents at detention centers at the Texas/Mexico border. Good for her.
Two-thousand children being detained in tents in one-hundred degree heat in a tornado zone? What could possibly go wrong?
Meanwhile the president is trying to make to make us swallow the nonsense that what is happening now is simply the implementation of laws that were put into play by the previous administration. This same nonsense was regurgitated this morning by the stooges on Fox and Friends. Other members of Team Trump have come out and admitted that what is happening is not an Obama-era law, but the policy of Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and uber-Nazi wannabe, Stephen Miller. As this tragedy plays itself out - with the whole world watching aghast, Trump is using these poor kids - and their parents - as gambling chips: give him his wall and maybe they might be able to work something out. Other than Dick Nixon's Christmas 1972 bombing of North Vietnam, it's the most inhumane and disgusting behavior I have witnessed in my lifetime.
Donald Trump is what we have become, folks. He is everything, wrapped up into one repulsive human being that the rest of this tired planet has come to view in the American character with a sense of revulsion and alarm. We should have seen this self-inflicted catastrophe coming from ten-thousand miles down the road. We didn't. Idiot Nation.
Around five years ago I wrote on this site that in a generation or so, we who call ourselves "white" would no longer be in the majority, and that the big story of the first half of the twenty-first century would be how we reacted to this new reality. This week we were all given a nasty preview of how ugly this new change is going to be.
Around five years ago I wrote on this site that in a generation or so, we who call ourselves "white" would no longer be in the majority, and that the big story of the first half of the twenty-first century would be how we reacted to this new reality. This week we were all given a nasty preview of how ugly this new change is going to be.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"Zero Tolerance" is Intolerance,
"Zero Tolerance" is Intolerance,
Yes,my fears of the past have come to fruition.I am frightened most of all for my now adult children. When they were quite young,Id cringe when their paternal grandparents were exposing them to A.M.radio with Rush Limbaugh.There had been a culture shock to myself in the presence of judgmental, stereotyping persons. These 80's and 90's kids are the cybernetics ones, as much as the 50's and 60's was that of the TV generation.They are accustomed to diversity and a more mobile society.In them there's hope for slow reversal of the damage done by this administration. My own were given very much freedom,yet I'd guide them and do recall advising them to run like hell from anyone or anything that tried to make them feel small. Now,it can be expanded upon slightly...to make sure they and friends run like hell to the polls."Yeah, mom, I know. Don't worry..."
The law does mandate that if you arrest an illegal immigrant with children, the children not be held in custody for longer than 20 days. The other choice is to release entire families. Furthermore, those who approach points of entry for asylum are not treated as illegal immigrants; they’re treated as asylum applicants.
Just as an American citizen is separated from their family when incarcerated because of breaking the law, those who break the law by illegally entering the USA are separated from their family. Separation is part of the punishment for breaking the law for citizens AND non-citizens. If it is that non citizens have the same protections under the law as citizens, then should they not also also be subject to the same penalty's for breaking the law as citizens?
The solution is not to ignore the law, the solution is for those who are attempting to enter the USA illegally to stop breaking the law, or for Congress to change the law. To not enforce the law is a violation of the law.
I once told my Mom that if she was going to have Limbaugh and Beck on constantly, I would no longer allow my kids to visit. I would not visit. After which my Mom, who never lied before, assured me that she was done with them anyway. But then, when she had to go into hospital, she was OUTRAGED that Fox Entertainment was not available in her room and insisted in changing hospitals. THAT is the psychosis.
This just serves to prove what I have always said. ONE CANNOT BE CONSERVATIVE AND CHRISTIAN AT THE SAME TIME. The ideals and values are diametrically opposed.
(That means they are opposites Clucky)
The Los Angeles Times reports that Rio Grande Valley border agents prosecuted 568 adults and separated 1,174 children since the administration announced its "zero tolerance" policy in early April. However, it only took a matter of hours to reunite more than a third of these children with their parents.
That hardly constitutes an inhumane policy of "ripping" children away from their parents.
What's your beef now Tom?
Members of the media and Democrats are unsatisfied with President Trump’s executive order temporarily ending family separations at the border and are now urging him to end his zero tolerance policy on prosecuting people who cross the border illegally.
President Trump announced Wednesday that he would allow families to be detained together while they wait to be prosecuted for illegal border crossings. Immigration law currently requires children to be sheltered separately as their parents await trial.
However, despite spending weeks complaining about the separation of families and even comparing the detention centers to concentration camps, the media and the Democrats are still railing against the president.
Because the Trump administration prosecutes illegal border crossers at a 100 percent rate, leftists are now complaining that families will be detained at all — even if they’re detained together. The implicit assertion is that people who cross the border illegally shouldn’t be detained, even though those people often fail to show up for their court hearings.
I guess you have read the true story behind this photo of the little girl?
CLucky posting under multiple personalities again. Still doesn't excuse children torn from their parent's arms and used as political hostages. Trumps says there is nothing he can do since it's a "Democrat Law" (there was no law). Suddenly he solves the entire thing with the wave of a pen.
So now he's a hero for APPEARING to solve the problem he created?
Say Brian, name the President who issued an EO ending the practice started by prior presidents separating family's caught entering the USA. Or should I ask your other personality Mozart1220?
He 45 is a new definition to Jack in the box.
Trump right on track to being at the top of the worst presidents.
45 Evading public appearances, favors twitter to mainstream media, the few appearances he has had he has had his meltdowns, can't hide his true self under pressure. lashes out at his own "hand picked cabinet" Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Christopher A. Wray still there, John Kelly rumored to be on way out soon. 45 opposes many of Genera James Mattis views , Trump "I know more than the GENERALS". He does warn his buddy Vladimir on impending strikes against Syria.
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