The Coming Constitutional Crisis
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Nunes and Gowdy |
Today just might turn out to be the day that the constitutional shit hits the old fan. In an unprecedented move that has legal scholars baffled (if not horrified) the Department of Justice caved in this week to the demands of the Republicans - with backing from the White House, of course - to allow Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy, two unabashed supporters of the common pervert currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, access to the evidence that the Mueller team has, thus far, been able to accumulate on Trump and his cohorts. Naturally and not unreasonably, the Democrats have called "FOUL!". Although it is unheard of that a prosecutor would allow a prospective defendant's team to investigate evidence before an indictment is even issued, the Dems' argument is that it should be the bi-partisan "Gang of Eight" that should be the ones to review what Mueller has. White House spokes-stooge, Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters yesterday (with what I must assume was a straight face) that the reason the loyal opposition won't be allowed into the process is because they haven't requested to be there.
Are you alarmed yet?
These are the kinds of things I never dreamed I would be witnessing during the Bush II administration. As reprehensible as the man appeared to many of us at the time, an least he wasn't a total fuck-up - and if you give me a week or two I might be able to come up with one accomplishment of his. But what we are witnessing at present is an assault upon the rule of law much worse than anything that occurred during Bush's reign of error. This is something else indeed.
A bit of news was made last night on the Rachel Maddow program. One of her guests was Congressman Adam Schiff of California. He was the chief Democrat on the House Committee that was investigating the Russian collusion - that is until it was shut down by the GOP when they proclaimed the Trump campaign innocent of all nefarious doings. He told Rachel that he had been informed by someone at the DOJ that the Gang of Eight would be allowed to review the evidence and that they had every intention of showing up to review the goodies that Team Mueller has been able to compile in the last year of the investigation. The Department of Justice was not formed to be politicized. That's not quite what the Founders of this country had in mind when they formed it. Either both sides should be involved or it should be cancelled altogether - which would be the better decision. The very fact that this is occurring at all is a lighted match at the top left-hand corner of the constitution. We'll all know by late this afternoon if the flame makes contact with the parchment.
Isn't this exciting?
The fact that Devin Nunes is taking part in this is unsettling to say the least. He was caught red-handed last year consulting with the White House on what his committee was coming up with. That, in itself, was a clear case of obstruction of justice. Do you really believe that he and Gowdy won't immediately contact the Trump Mob with an itemized list of the evidence that has been acquired? The Donald knows damned well that to shut this thing down would be a political catastrophe; he and his legal team are doing everything humanly possible to strike a fatal blow. In the long run he'll have no other choice than to end it entirely. Even the "base" - a lot of them anyway - won't like that a bit. That's when the shit will hit the fan. Hold onto your hats.
In the meantime, the president of the United States, in order to deflect public attention from the Mueller investigation, is attempting to criminalize the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That's not only beneath contempt, that is criminal in and of itself.
Ask yourself this question: What possible good has it done America to have its State Department decimated as it has been under this disgusting administration? The answer is, simply, that it hasn't done it a damned bit of good. If that is the case (as it obviously is) why have they weakened it so? I think I know the answer to that question. They did it at the behest of a hostile foreign power to whom they are in the service of. Take a wild guess which one I'm referring to.
Cheers, Vladimir!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
These are the kinds of things I never dreamed I would be witnessing during the Bush II administration. As reprehensible as the man appeared to many of us at the time, an least he wasn't a total fuck-up - and if you give me a week or two I might be able to come up with one accomplishment of his. But what we are witnessing at present is an assault upon the rule of law much worse than anything that occurred during Bush's reign of error. This is something else indeed.

Isn't this exciting?
The fact that Devin Nunes is taking part in this is unsettling to say the least. He was caught red-handed last year consulting with the White House on what his committee was coming up with. That, in itself, was a clear case of obstruction of justice. Do you really believe that he and Gowdy won't immediately contact the Trump Mob with an itemized list of the evidence that has been acquired? The Donald knows damned well that to shut this thing down would be a political catastrophe; he and his legal team are doing everything humanly possible to strike a fatal blow. In the long run he'll have no other choice than to end it entirely. Even the "base" - a lot of them anyway - won't like that a bit. That's when the shit will hit the fan. Hold onto your hats.
In the meantime, the president of the United States, in order to deflect public attention from the Mueller investigation, is attempting to criminalize the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That's not only beneath contempt, that is criminal in and of itself.
Ask yourself this question: What possible good has it done America to have its State Department decimated as it has been under this disgusting administration? The answer is, simply, that it hasn't done it a damned bit of good. If that is the case (as it obviously is) why have they weakened it so? I think I know the answer to that question. They did it at the behest of a hostile foreign power to whom they are in the service of. Take a wild guess which one I'm referring to.
Cheers, Vladimir!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A few years ago, someone asked me why I couldn't find one good thing to say about G.W.Bush. After some thought, I came up with one accomplishment.
He's a whiz at reciting baseball statistics.
So there's no need for you to waste two weeks of your time.
You're welcome.
BTW, I've given this some thought and have determined that The Donald has absolutely zero redeeming values.
It is disgusting what a man like Devin nunez will do to advance his political career.
He definitely needs to have his finances and political contacts reviewed, he seemed to be .45's political jock strap.
Never did think the North Korea Kim Jung Un Trump meeting would take place soon.
one question...
if this insane comedy of investigation continues, uninterupted, and the conclusion is there is and never was a collusion,which, by the way isn't even an actual crime,...will you stop with the nonsense of Russians hiding under everyone's bed?
Or, as I already suspect, will you continue on an eternal mission was rigged?
Rachel Maddow? OMG... I had more to say, but after reading that your source is her and Schiff for brains, I must excuse myself and puke.
Hey Clucky, starting up a new name won't help you.
There is already evidence of collusion, money laundering, obstruction of justice, just to name a few. There have been arrests, indictments, and guilty pleas.
But you won't hear about them on Fox Entertainment or those Russian websites you obsess on.
"and the conclusion is there is and never was a collusion"
Why can't liberals show such clear thinking? And why can't they understand Rachel Maddow is the real liar?
Perhaps indigestion is a side effect. That could explain it. Now we'll never know how much more she had to say. Sad. Like the evil system rigged against poor angry white billionaires. Oh, the humanity!
Last I heard lying to the FBI about contacts with Russian agents IS a crime. But we know the Only Rule Ever is IOKIYAR.
"One question"?
I counted three, but liberals are funny about math and science. No wonder we're always confused, looking for actual facts and numbers. Alternative facts, fake news, made up numbers, and Trump lies are so much easier to digest. Just wash 'em down with that tasty Trump Koolade and everything will be just great.
Nobody said it's easy being an authoritarian follower; delicate and sensitive things they are.
I hope Polly recovers from her Maddow Derangement and Nausea Syndrome. Apparently the truth upsets their tummies.
Someone needs to go to a Trump hate rally to feel better. Just keep repeating the MAGAt Prayer; "Lock her up!" It makes every angry white American feel better.
Spot on!!
Schiff can’t handle the truth.
During an interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber, New York radio personality Randy Credico said Assange instructed him to communicate to Schiff that he was prepared to interview with the California Democrat.
Credico said that Assange was interested in speaking to Schiff to show “there is no collusion,” a reference to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
In response to the interview, Schiff’s office said that they would be interested in talking with Assange, but only if he is in U.S. custody.
“Our committee would be willing to interview Julian Assange when he is in U.S. custody, not before,” Schiff’s office said in a statement Friday.
Wonder why Schiff isn't interesting in getting to the truth no matter what?
Clucky is back to posting under multiple names and then agreeing with himself. How pathetic.
Schiff wants an international criminal behind bars. Go figure.
I wonder why conservatives don't want the truth at all? Actually, I don't wonder. It's obvious why they don't want the truth told.
I know you won't answer, but it's fun watching you squirm.
Hey Tom, go back and read your blog of 12-31-08. You do not need to publish this, just saying it's a fun read these days.
Clucky, maybe if you actually paid attention to current events instead of obsessing on deflection (and whatever obsession you have with my internet history)you night not be so confused.
Clucky is going to find out that "bad luck" can happen to anyone.
That being said, the noose is tightening around Trump. One by one Mueller gets closer.
Now CLucky, post some more of my personal messages from 15 years ago. Keep doing that. It helps me "help you". LOL.
Trump speaks at Navy commencement, makes it about him. He speaks at Memorial day and makes it about him.
The only thing he doesn't make about him is all the damage he's doing. THAT he blames on everyone else.
Brian a.k.a.Mozart1220 is "I reject your reality and substitute my own" still your motto? Must be because every time another conservatives posts here you think it's me under a different name, how very stupid of you.
BTW, The unemployment rate for black workers hit new record lows in May, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Black unemployment fell sharply to 5.9 percent, beating out the 6.6 percent record low that was set a month earlier.
The unemployment rate for Hispanic workers hit a record low in April, at 4.8 percent, but it rose slightly to 4.9 percent in May.
The total unemployment rate for white workers dropped from 3.6 percent to 3.5 percent.
Maybe you should forget about your failed music adventure and the non-collusion Russia drama and focus on how President Trump's plans are allowing America to be great again? Maybe now is the time for you to get a better job up in Cedar Rapids?
The only thing limiting you is you.
You must be talking about Obama Brian.
What did you think of Comey exonerating Hillary before even interviewing her?
What did you think of the FBI allowing Clinton aides to destroy their laptops (evidence)?
What did you think of the FBI using a fake dossier (paid for by Clinton and the DNC) to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump people?
What did you think of the Comey FBI trying to hide the tarmac meeting between AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton when his wife was under investigation?....and then making 'talking points' to explain the meeting after they could no longer hide it took place?
We need a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate COLLUSION between the FBI hierarchy and the Democrats to effect the outcome of a DEMOCRATIC election.
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