Meet the Next Greatest Generation
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Democracy is Coming to the USA |
Since this moment began, people have asked me, "Do you think any change is going to come from this?" Look around.
We are the change
We are the change
Cameron Kasky
Survivor of the Parkland, Florida massacre
Time keeps flowing like a river
Into the sea.
Alan Parsons
The Greatest Generation is slowly fading away. Just as the last veteran of the First World War passed into eternity three years ago, in less than twenty years time, there will be no one left standing with a living memory of having fought in World War Two. Meet the next Greatest Generation.
This week I am more optimistic for the future of this country than I've been since I can remember - perhaps more than I've ever been. Think about it: In November, kids who were born in the year 2000 will be voting for the first time. They are determined to be part of the process and they're pissed - you'd better believe it, Buster. Theirs is the generation that is going to save this nation, and they began to make their presence known during the March For Our Lives on Saturday, March 24, 2018 - a day that will be remembered in history. They will continue to be heard on Election Day in November. Theirs is the generation that is going to tear this country down and turn it around.
TIMELY ADVICE: Get the hell out of the way.

Did I say that?
Now I'm not so sure. Now I think (I hope) I'll be forced to eat those words. Something is happening in this country and it's the children (not their parents) who are making it happen.
And a child shall lead them....
Although the NRA was noticably silent yesterday, one of their spokespersons was engaged in an interesting bit of semantic speculation on the "NRA TV" network (Yes, it really exists, I kid you not). One of the goals of these kids is to get the age requirement to purchase all firearms raised to twenty-one. This dizzy twit wondered aloud how it could be that they're too young to buy a gun but old enough to shape policy. At a "Friends of the NRA" luncheon yesterday, about four miles away from me in Middletown, NY, one attendee stated that the kids in Parkland and across the nation "are being manipulated by the liberals". Across town hundreds gathered on the campus of SUNY Orange (my old alma mater) and marched toward a local church. As far as I can tell, there was no liberal manipulation going on, just a mass of good, concerned citizens motivated by fear and outrage. I was feeling quite ill yesterday and missed the event - which I'll forever regret, I'm sure.
FOR THE RECORD: The president of the United States had no comment on this latest march on Washington. He was in Florida golfing at the course he owns. Did you expect better of him? Dream. Dream away.
Although ours was never a perfect union, our parents handed to our generation the most functional nation in the history of humankind. And what are we handing over to the kids born in the last decade of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty-first? A babbling, ideological cesspool. They are the ones who are left the task of cleaning up the unspeakable mess we have stupidly bequeathed them. By the time their work is through, most of us will be long gone - which is probably just as well. We have no right to reap the benefits of their labor. We have no right to stand in condescending judgment of the mass outrage they expressed yesterday in towns and cities across the country. Their day has come. We have utterly failed them and there's no useful purpose in debating the matter. We really need to step aside.
The NRA should take notice: This is a revolution. If they know anything about the history of the human spirit, surely they must realize that, although revolutions can be temporarily curtailed, they cannot be stopped. They shouldn't bother attempting to stop this one. They might as well try to keep the sun from setting in the western horizon this afternoon. It's about as futile as that.
This new generation is smarter than the last one. They're more honest, more articulate and about ten times as hostile to the racism and sexism of their elders' generation. There's no stopping them now. The fuse has been lit and yesterday we were all eye-witnesses to the explosion. These children refuse to be the citizens of Idiot Nation. Their calling is a lot higher than that. We should all be proud of them. I know that I am! And I am grateful to have been around to witness their emergence.
Tonight I'll be raising the glass and drinking a toast these incredible young people. Here's to you, kids!
The NRA should take notice: This is a revolution. If they know anything about the history of the human spirit, surely they must realize that, although revolutions can be temporarily curtailed, they cannot be stopped. They shouldn't bother attempting to stop this one. They might as well try to keep the sun from setting in the western horizon this afternoon. It's about as futile as that.
This new generation is smarter than the last one. They're more honest, more articulate and about ten times as hostile to the racism and sexism of their elders' generation. There's no stopping them now. The fuse has been lit and yesterday we were all eye-witnesses to the explosion. These children refuse to be the citizens of Idiot Nation. Their calling is a lot higher than that. We should all be proud of them. I know that I am! And I am grateful to have been around to witness their emergence.
Tonight I'll be raising the glass and drinking a toast these incredible young people. Here's to you, kids!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Democracy is Coming to the USA
by Leonard Cohen
You'd better believe it, baby! Get out of the way!
Goshen, NY
Democracy is Coming to the USA
by Leonard Cohen
You'd better believe it, baby! Get out of the way!
The silence alone in Emma Gonzales' historic 6 minute, 20 second speech spoke more truth than the Republican/NRA/Trump Axis of Slaughter ever could.
Was there a march in Chicago?
Ok Tom, I'm awake, now what's your beef about being asked a question?
Oh, btw what kills more people a day, a car, opiates, alcohol, a gun, or an abortion?
Gonna to post this question Tom or does it wake you up to the reality of what really kills more humans every day in America. And you don't like the answer.
1,788 (reported) abortions per day in the US (CDC 2014)
16 suicides for children ages 10-24 per day in the US (CDC 2015) Method not reported.
12 Children killed by alcohol per day, every day, in the US (Mothers Against Drunk Driving and National Traffic Safety Administration 2011/2012)
2 Children aged 15-19 die per day, every day, in the US from drug overdoses (CDC 2015)
Children are 12 times more likely to die in an automobile accident than from gun-related homicides or legal interventions (being shot by a police officer, for example) if they are age 0-14. For the group 0-24 years old (which bends the definition of “child” quite a bit), the rate is still 8.6 times higher for cars.
The death of any human by any means or cause is tragic. Would you agree?
Tom would you call those children who are opposed to legal abortion "The Next Greatest Generation"? Or would you just ignore them or worse?
It was interesting to me yesterday as I scrolled through major and minor news sites that they all had the marches as their lead story except one: Fox News had no coverage of the marches at all!
Tom, I attended yesterday's March For Our Lives demo in D.C. I was struck by the young people who spoke; how they articulated their thoughts, their feelings, and how that drew their own line in the sand. Like you, they have given me a glimmer of hope. Like you, I believe this yet unnamed generation will be remembered as the one which tipped the scales back to justice for all.
While somewhere close to 800,000 of us supported and applauded their efforts, as you correctly noted the demagogue-in-chief left town to hide and play golf in Mar-a-Lago. No surprise.
I hope this weekend's outpouring of support, at somewhere around 800 locations around the globe, proves to be the watershed mark we'll look back upon some day and remark was the day things started turning around for the better.
Tom, I offered a comment on Mr. Paine's blog yesterday morning, simply to ask whether he attended the concurrent March For Our Lives festivities held in Salt Lake City on Saturday. At this time he still hasn't published my entry.
I guess I wasn't "gentlemanly" enough. ;-)
"Ok Tom, I'm awake, now what's your beef about being asked a question?
No, you're comatose; brain-dead, actually. You're also not being very "gentlemanly". LOL
"...what kills more people a day, a car, opiates, alcohol, a gun, or an abortion?"
If it weren't for Ralph Nader and other consumer advocates, cars wouldn't be as safe as they are now. Besides, not many people jump into a car to intentionally kill others. Well, unless they're cowardly racists like those in Charlottesville last August.
Same with alcohol and opiates -- although with the latter, the greedy phamaceutical CEOs should be prosecuted on at least manslaughter charges.
We all know abortion has to remain legal, despite your religious views and interpretations of when life begins. Otherwise, we're going to have to charge all women who miscarriage with manslaughter also. Is that where you're willing to take this? Funeral parlors will be a huge beneficiary, that's for sure!
"The death of any human by any means or cause is tragic. Would you agree?"
There's nothing to disagree with, Chuck, but let me repeat that nobody intentionally goes out to kill others while drinking, or driving their car (except as previously noted), simply because alcohol and cars are not bought with those intentions in mind. Automatic weapons, high capacity magazines, etc., etc., etc. are bought exactly for killing -- and killing large populations quickly. They're strictly weapons of war and nothing else. It's why you can't own a tank, or a nuclear bomb.
Now, go back to your comatose state. It suits you well.
Sorry. I had a few. Yes, they marched on Chicago.
No, you're comatose; brain-dead, actually. You're also not being very "gentlemanly". LOL
"...what kills more people a day, a car, opiates, alcohol, a gun, or an abortion?"
1. So, what does kills more humans each day?
2. 800,000 in DC? Source.
3. Automatic weapons were not used in the FL H.S. shooting. Get your facts straight.
Pure drivel jG.
Tom, I accept your apology.
Do you think the March against gun violence in Chicago will stop the gun violence in Obama's home town?
Virginia-based Digital Design & Imaging Service Inc., which uses aerial photos to calculate crowd sizes, reported the event’s peak crowd size was at 202,796 people around 1 p.m., CBS News reported.
The mid-term elections are not until November. The students need to make a difference in this election to keep momentum going and focus their efforts on an action.
It may be a bill they sponsor, or a politician they target to remove from office, or an anti-gun politician they support.
The students need to show their leadership is affecting voters beyond their age range and establish a voting block committed to electing politicians who will deny the NRA political power in Congress.
Thanks to celebrity donations (Clooney, Winfrey, Spielberg, Katzenberg, and others) they already have a multi million dollar war chest. They must plan to become a political movement, raise money, target politicians, and support bills.
Ruboi is not up for election til 2020 but he is already campaigning hard. He knows he is up against their opposition. It would be a great win if their movement could oust Rubio.
If they are going to change society and government they must become a permanent force in government and society. It's righteous, hard work. You will be saving lives. Keep repeating the bloody, outrageous statistics. Shock the people. Embarrass the people. Shame the people.
The help of a national political figure like Obama to help start their grass roots organization would help.
I'll send a donation and I will vote for ant-gun politicians.
"Out of the mouths of babes" this case..truer words were never spoken. Thank you, Children of America. You are saying what WE have said..but are never listened to!! Together lets get RID of this corrupt SWAMP and bring back the USA to be proud of!!!
Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but this "next greatest generation" doesn't strike me as deserving such praise as a group at this point yet.
I bet most of them couldn't tell you who the vice president is, let alone their own congressman. Hell, a few weeks ago we were worried about this generation's penchant for eating Tide Pods, and now the militant left has put their hope into this group for changing the world to the leftist Utopian dreams. Hmmm....
I have met a few articulate, smart, hard working millennials. Some of these folks are even liberals, but not many.
I think such rallies are simply a well-organized leftist attempt to politicize this next generation into being political allies.
No sane person, left or right, wants anybody using guns for nefarious and criminal means. Somehow, passing more gun laws that are similarly unenforced by the local police all the way up to the FBI does not seem like the right way to solve the problem.
I think these young folks would find a lot more success in curbing violence by simply reaching out to the disenfranchised, the "nerds", the "loners", the "losers", instead of simply bullying them. I think that would go a lot further towards helping solve our "gun violence" issue when it is really a people issue.
You know... that whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing.
I have always wondered about the amerikan love for using up the planet (the earth was a FINITE gift, right?) and lying about what true Christianity is. Since I was a little boy growing up in the nation's capital - I'm really quite old at this point - there has always been this strain of machoism and ignorance that has run through this country. And believe me: it's NOT about cutting off someone's head in the desert or fighting for "my god can beat your up". It will be about energy. We take what comes out of wall and powers our cellphones, and ATMs and gasoline pumps and waterfountains and hospitals and churches for granted. The Evil Ones (kapitalists probably) are the ones who will screw us all out of it. If you own land - and lots of money - you are decent. Otherwise you are overlooked as nothing.
There will indeed be a revolution and I certainly won't be around to see it. It's for the young to do and for the old white men to get out of the way. Enough of Kings and Queens and "Presidents".
Hope you have recovered from the shock to find there 202,000 people with you at the march not the close to 880,000 you believed.
Here's another bit of news for you to digest...
DC: A sociologist on MSNBC threw cold water on all the media’s claims that the March For Our Lives protests were spontaneous (?) and led by the nation’s children during a “Morning Joe” segment on Monday.
University of Maryland sociologist Dana Fisher conducted a study of the demographics of Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C., and discovered that only less than 10 percent of those in the crowd were under the age of 18.
There you, reality strikes again...
It’s refreshing to have Mr. Paine present the NRA’s side of the issue. You know, the organization that helped elect Trump, through generous contributions from Mr. Paine and his fellow members. So, let’s thank him for that, first off.
Mr. Paine wants us to know most of the young ones are politically ignorant. His fear of course, is that their awareness is expanding. Mr. Paine no doubt feels to be in a superior position to lecture survivors of a mass shooting. He is not. Compared to Mr. Paine, Ted Nugent, Wayne LaPierre, and Trump, the survivors are combat veterans, to their chicken hawks.
They have the experience and the moral authority to be heard. For that they are viciously attacked by the NRA. Their families have even been threatened.
This is why Mr. Paine and the NRA seek to marginalize and dismiss them by spreading their manure thickly as possible.
”the militant left has put their hope into this group for changing the world to the leftist Utopian dreams. Hmmm....” “Utopian dreams”...Hmmm. Like Canada? Australia? Briton? Etc.?
Note the projection: “militant”. Armed gun nuts showed up to intimidate the unarmed protesters. Yeah, we know who the radical militants are. The /NRA/ Republican/Trump Axis of Slaughter.
Mr. Paine moves on to make the Big Pitch for his beloved far Right hate group the NRA: “I think such rallies are simply a well-organized leftist attempt to politicize this next generation into being political allies.” I bet he was itching to call them “crisis actors” too. This is from the paranoid cult that insisted Obama was coming for their guns.
Then comes the tired NRA cliché about “unenforced gun laws”. Since the assault weapons ban was lifted by his people, an ever increasing number of lives have been lost to those weapons designed solely to kill human beings. More will die. It doesn’t matter to the NRA how many more become human sacrifice to their almighty gun god.
Mr. Paine and the NRA will never admit to the fact that the more weapons there are in a society, the MORE humans will DIE from them. Yet they insist more weapons is the only answer. How convenient to the industry.
We had a Second Amendment before the flooding of our country with assault weapons. We will have one after they are banned. The sooner we shut down the pump, the more lives will be saved.
Mr. Paine offers his considered opinion that the victims are partly to blame for the actions of the killers, and everything would be better if they just “reached out”. It seems Mr. Paine has his own Utopian dreams...Hmm?
How about we take a look at the effect of hate on these killers. They are not all mentally ill. Some are taught to hate. The MAGA hat on the Parkland killer’s head is not an emblem of nerds and loners, but a TRUMP rally!
Dylan Roof learned to hate Blacks from the same culture of hate, racism and bigotry that the NRA’s candidate campaigned on. We will NEVER hear Mr. Paine and the NRA acknowledge these facts.
Gun violence is a people with guns issue. The more guns, the more people die. Period.
Actually, Chuck, I was surprised when I heard later, after I got home, of the what seemed to be an over-inflated estimate of crowd size. I commented to my family that although huge, it wasn't close to the size of the Women's March I attended last year.
I saw that same estimate of crowd size by DD&IS, and have to question the legitimacy of their numbers also. I'd like to see other estimates if they exist.
Regardless, it's all relative. The crowd size was tremendous - whether being 800K or 250K. When trying to wade through the mass of humanity, like I did, it didn't make any difference. We owned Pennsylvania Avenue on Saturday, while the GOP Congress and the demagogue-in-chief ran away and hid. As I said previously, no surprise.
Once again, I was in attendance and I have to question the demographics study from the University of Maryland. The less than legal age were well-represented. Families, with children and adults alike, were much more apparent than in any demos I've attended or helped organize. This was very much, as Sly Stone would say, a "Family Affair".
Nevertheless, Trump's inauguration crowd was dwarfed by both Saturday's March and last year's Women's March,
That's the reality you and the demagogue in the White House are unwilling to accept.
So you were at President Trump's inauguration and can compare crowd size from personal experience?
Estimated attendance
Trump, 2017 250,000 to 600,000
Obama, 2013 1 million
Obama, 2009 1.8 million
You can tell the right is TERRIFIED of this new youth movement, just because of the way they attack and insult it.
But you KNOW if the same kids were doing the same thing in the name of PRAYER in schools, the alt right would hail them as heroes.
They may not know who the VP is today (I'm sure they do), but they know who it WON'T be when they get into the voting booths in a year or so.
In a day and age when many of our youth are sitting in front of a game console, these kids are getting INVOLVED. I applaud them for it.
"...but this 'next greatest generation' doesn't strike me as deserving such praise as a group at this point yet." ~~ T. Paine
Neither did anybody think as such about the original "greatest generation", when they were only 17 years old.
" most of them couldn't tell you who the vice president is, let alone their own congressman." ~~ T. Paine
I wish I were able to forget mine...
" the militant left has put their hope into this group... ~~ T. Paine
"Militant left"? Come now, Mr. Paine. For what reason do you make such an extreme claim?
I think such rallies are simply a well-organized leftist attempt to politicize this next generation into being political allies. ~~ T. Paine
They already are allies. Study after study confirms that they're tired of the same old ways, and of the two major political parties. Both millennials and this yet unnamed generation have left-leanings. The current paradigm is on its way out. hallelujah!
"...these young folks would find a lot more success in curbing violence by simply reaching out to the disenfranchised, the 'nerds', the 'loners', the 'losers', instead of simply bullying them." ~~ T. Paine
Now you're starting to sound a lot like Rick Santorum. ;-)
Millennials and this younger generation are head-and-shoulders above all other generations when it comes to acceptance of others and embracing diversity and differences. That's a fact. The bullying you seem to be attaching to them is only the stereotypical negative behaviour of previous generations, most notably of conservative heritage, that's dying slowly but surely.
It's a great day, Mr. Paine!
"I think that would go a lot further towards helping solve our 'gun violence' issue when it is really a people issue." ~~ T. Paine
This generation also smells BS a mile away. Ask any of 'em, they'll tell you that.
Not sure you'll want to post this as it might offend some of your readers, but, it is an interesting piece of video... and with the pictures that you have posted showing President Trump and the Nazi salute...
1. So, what does kills more humans each day? ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
And your point is? ... What, exactly?
2. 800,000 in DC? Source. ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
Event organizers, which they'd have a pretty good idea based upon registrations of those committing to attend prior to the event.
3. Automatic weapons were not used in the FL H.S. shooting. Get your facts straight. ~~ Majormajor (aka Chuck)
Oh, excuse me, Chuck. How about "assault weapons"? Feel better?
I can assure you of this, Chuck. Those kids who survived that mass murder in Parkland, or the people surviving any of those attacks in other schools, in churches, in night clubs, at outdoor concerts, or anywhere else "assault weapons" (meet your approval?) were used, couldn't give a f#@k what you call them. They just want them banned.
Do you have any idea how your posts sound like they came from of a script written by Grigori Mikhaylovich Kozintsev?
"Tom, I offered a comment on Mr. Paine's blog yesterday morning, simply to ask whether he attended the concurrent March For Our Lives festivities held in Salt Lake City on Saturday. At this time he still hasn't published my entry. I guess I wasn't "gentlemanly" enough. ;-)" ~ JG
Tom, I guess Jefferson's Guardian has a reading comprehension problem, since he doesn't seem to know what the word "banned" means and then gets upset when I refuse to publish his comments. :)
“They have the experience and the moral authority to be heard.” ~ Dubya
Of course they have the right, particularly after such egregious events, to offer their opinions. I think it is a good and healthy thing to have this discussion. Further, any person or group that TRULY tries to bully or intimidate others into being silent are a part of the problem. This occurs from both pro and anti-gun sides however. Unfortunately, even our own Mr. Dubya is a master at marginalizing, ridiculing, and even sometimes bullying those with whom he disagrees.
“I think such rallies are simply a well-organized leftist attempt to politicize this next generation into being political allies.” ~ T. Paine
Of course Mr. Dubya immediately discounts this, despite the fact that big name Hollywood celebrities and the usual leftwing suspects such as Soro’s and even ironically Planned Parenthood were involved with funding and organizing some of these rallies. These rallies were hardly grass-roots uprisings of young folks across the nation, no matter what the narrative that the legacy media tries to sell us.
“Then comes the tired NRA cliché about ‘unenforced gun laws’.” ~ Dubya
Truly? I guess it has indeed become a tired cliché. It is also exceptionally sad, because it is true. The Parkland shooting would never have occurred if any number of people, especially the police and the FBI had done their jobs. Indeed, if the police/school personnel would have reported any of the twenty plus violent incidents involving the perpetrator to the NICS system, or simply arrested him as was warranted, then he would never have been able to legally acquire any firearm to start with. That is an undeniable fact and proves that more laws which are not enforced will not make our schools safer.
Mr. Dubya can keep citing his talking points, and pooh-poohing the facts I just stated, but that doesn’t help solve the problem. I know Mr. Dubya is a good guy in many ways and he wants the same thing all of us want: to stop such shootings from ever occurring again. Sadly, turning this into a political partisan issue only serves to ensure that nothing fruitful gets done. Even if the United States were to repeal the second amendment like the seemingly senile retired justice John Paul Stevens suggested to these young people, do you really think that would stop future shootings? I know it wouldn’t, and you are fooling yourself if you think it would.
Oh, and for those good folks that are gun-illiterate, “assault weapons/automatic weapons” are already illegal for the typical U.S. citizen throughout the nation and always have been, despite the misnaming of partisan legislation to the contrary.
1) How heartless are you? What's the point? Really, you don't see the point? Maybe it's because your heart is comatose and you're brain-dead?
2) So now you disagree with your previous statement about attendance? Two steps forward, one step back?
3) An "assault weapon(s)" was not used in shooting,,,, because an assault weapon is one that has a selector switch that allows it's user to fire fully auto or semi auto.
Maybe if you looked up the meaning of the words you throw around in anger, you would know more of what you talk about. Seems facts are getting in the way of your narrative.
It is already against the law to convert a semi auto to a full auto or select fire assault weapon. I believe bump stocks should be outlawed because they convert legal semi-autos into full auto.
I believe the current back ground checks would be enough if law enforcement does it's job. The anti 2nd crowd says ownership of a gun for self defense is not needed because the police are there to protect us. Tell THAT to the survivors to the mass murder in Parkland, or the people surviving any of those attacks in other schools, in churches, in night clubs, at outdoor concerts.
The age limit for the purchase of a firearm should be the same as the limit on joining the military, if you are going to instill age limits.
"Those kids who survived that mass murder in Parkland, or the people surviving any of those attacks in other schools, in churches, in night clubs, at outdoor concerts, want them banned" False on two accounts.
1. not every survivor agrees with your claim.
2. an assault weapon was not used in any of the shootings you listed.
In fact no full auto or assault weapon has been used in any mass shooting in America since the valentine's day massacre in 1926.
Remember, the humans killed by the tools of the abortionist (if they were given a say about their future) want them banned as well, and there are lot more of them than those killed by guns. By the thousands.
I have to give Toilet Paper his due as the biggest bigot liar I have read in years. Now it's a whole generation he defines as Tide Pod eating idiots. It's funny how it's always the religious fanatics like Toilet Paper that spew the most hateful, evil, untrue insults.
It's laughable that the Republican led investigation into Benghazi found no wrong doing by Mrs. Clinton and one has to believe if they could have charged her with anything they would have. But Toilet Paper sitting in front of his lie machine (computer) knows better than the whole Republican party.
With Toilet Paper one has to always debate facts that were proven over a decade ago against Toilet Papers lies, even though president Bush himself tells Toilet Paper he is wrong. WMD's in Iraq? There was never a nuclear threat coming out of Iraq and a few cans of risen found after the invasion don't constitute a WMD threat.
It would be nice to exchange ideas with the opposition thinking, but what a waste to listen to a hate filled liar just insult people.
Tom, you already use moderation, so you choose what to post. But does Toilet Paper deserve a forum to spew his ugliness, especially when he refuses to post any opposition voices on his blog? Posting Toilet Paper's garbage is not just being fair, it's just posting garbage.
"I guess Jefferson's Guardian has a reading comprehension problem, since he doesn't seem to know what the word 'banned' means..." ~~ T.Paine
Mr. Paine, I certainly know the meaning of the word "banned", of course it's conducive upon you to use the word (or a suitable synonym). Possibly you did, but you'll have to prove it to me. Resorting to "comment moderation" doesn't carry the same weight. But, of course, you already know this.
"...and then gets upset when I refuse to publish his comments." ~~ T.Paine
Upset? Hardly. I realize you don't like your BS thrown back in your face. Conservatives rarely do. It must be really difficult defending yourself during these turbulent times. After all, what realistic defense can you provide? ;-)
I win, Mr. Paine, and you lose.
"The Parkland killer raised red flags, but was never arrested. This means he could legally buy guns."~ Dubya
That was precisely my point, Mr. Dubya. After 29 different call-outs to the police for violent behavior at home and school, why the hell wasn't he arrested and thereby placed on the NICS database so he could not legally by a gun? Look up the supremely asinine Obama-era Promise program that was instituted so that "arrests weren't made and thereby sending especially minority people from school to prison". Less arrests make it look like crime is going down in an area, when instead it simply leave violent and ever-escalating menaces like the Parkland shooter to ramp up their lethal behavior.
As for the rest of your blame-game and anger, well... I think it is easy to see which side is fomenting hate in this particular instance, Mr. Dubya.
"It is already against the law to convert a semi auto to a full auto or select fire assault weapon. I believe bump stocks should be outlawed because they convert legal semi-autos into full auto. I believe the current back ground checks would be enough if law enforcement does it's job. The anti 2nd crowd says ownership of a gun for self defense is not needed because the police are there to protect us. Tell THAT to the survivors to the mass murder in Parkland, or the people surviving any of those attacks in other schools, in churches, in night clubs, at outdoor concerts." ~ Majormajor
Well said, Majormajor!
Saul, you are so hateful, that most of the time a response to your lies and filth really isn't even warranted as you have become such a caricature of militant leftist hate. Oh, and for the record, I allow opposition opinion on my own blog and always have. They only two people that have EVER been banned by me in the years that I have had the blog are J.G. and Dubya. They weren't banned for their opinions but for their ugliness and hate in refusing to debate or state their opinions with even a modicum of civility.
Mr. Paine is uncomfortable with our presenting facts that challenge or disprove his ideological dogma. As we have learned, it is "ungentlemanly" for us to do so at his blog.
For that we are banned. For an example of "gentlemanly", please refer to the obsequious and insulting words of Majormajor at his blog.
Majormajor stated, "I believe bump stocks should be outlawed because they convert legal semi-autos into full auto."
I applaud his, um, common sense. His patented far Right cognitive dissonance appears later.
We have to thank Majormajor for demonstrating once again the far Right tactic of unilaterally defining words to suit their dishonest agenda.
MM whines: "Maybe if you looked up the meaning of the words you throw around in anger,"
Now for the famous far-Right disconnect:
MM lies: "an assault weapon was not used in any of the shootings you listed.
In fact no full auto or assault weapon has been used in any mass shooting in America since the valentine's day massacre in 1926."
Definition of assault rifle
: any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire; also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire
J.G., do you not recall me asking you to kindly not frequent my site anymore? Do you recall your snide refusal to refrain from doing so? As I remember, you even suggested that if I didn't want you commenting anymore then I should enable comment moderation. No, I didn't specifically use the word "banned" but the intent and the effect are the same, sir.
Are you really sure that smoking that stuff doesn't have any negative effects? ;)
"How heartless are you? What's the point? Really, you don't see the point?"
That's easy to answer, Chuck. I'm not quite as heartless as you, but a whole hell of a lot smarter. I'm also less dishonest and believe in less fairy tales. ;-) You know exactly what I mean, don't you Chuck?
"So now you disagree with your previous statement about attendance?"
No, I believe my actual statement was that I heard the March organizers estimated 800K, thought that may have been high considering what I experienced at the Women's March the previous year. I then saw the same article about the Virgina imaging company that you did, and thought theirs too low an estimate.
I'm capable of being honest with you, Chuck, something you're not even able to do with yourself. Of course you already know this.
"Maybe if you looked up the meaning of the words you throw around in anger, you would know more of what you talk about."
It's purely linguistics. Perhaps if you didn't attempt to deflect from the real problem by quibbling over insignificant rightwing propaganda, you wouldn't be wasting time for both of us.
"The anti 2nd crowd says ownership of a gun for self defense is not needed because the police are there to protect us."
Take it up with your so-called "anti 2nd crowd", whatever and whoever that may be. Highly regulating weaponry and what it's designed and capable of doing certainly doesn't equate with overturning the 2nd Amendment. Please stop your incessive deflection from not only the problem, but also the solutions proposed.
"the humans killed by the tools of the abortionist (if they were given a say about their future) want them banned as well, and there are lot more of them than those killed by guns."
Chuck, unlike your maniacal religious viewpoints, abortion is a safe medical procedure in this country which Roe v. Wade made possible. If the legality changes, and it legally changes when the start of human life begins, then the High Court is going to have some unintended consequences to deal with. One, as already mentioned, would be manslaughter charges brought against any woman who miscarries. There would be tens-of-thousands of these, which of course you already know.
But, I suppose the rightwing would be supportive since it would add to the private-prison pipeline you're very fond of feeding.
Don't forget "ungentlemanly", Mr. Paine. That's a keeper!... and my personal favorite! ;-)
You forget, Mr. Paine, that it's impossible to "debate" rightwing propagandists. The only legitimate course of action is to throw it back into the trash bin where it originated.
Once you bring sincerity and honesty into your writing, instead of trying to pawn off verbous over-inflated opinion as truth, perhaps you'd receive a more civil and gentlemanly response from your kind readers.
Try it sometime, Mr. Paine. The truth is a wonderful source of reality.
We see Mr. Paine is sensitive to your brusque but honest comments. He responds so politely, one may get the impression he would never make false accusations. Note how he accuses me and JG of “ugliness, hate, and refusing to debate with even a modicum of decency”. (His loyal authoritarian sidekick MM was free to call us anything he liked. We see Mr. Paine claims to be the real victim of ugliness and hate from “Victim Specialist 1st Class Dave” and “Commie Dave”. IOKIYAR is the Golden Rule.)
Mr. Paine announced, “They only two people that have EVER been banned by me in the years that I have had the blog are J.G. and Dubya. They weren't banned for their opinions but for their ugliness and hate in refusing to debate or state their opinions with even a modicum of civility.”
One of their favorite tactics is accusing those calling out racism of “playing the race card”. They HATE it when we call out racism. TP admitted Trump “might be racist”, but cannot see the obvious. I cannot see into the heart of President Trump as well as some of my progressive friends obviously can.
Yes, who can imagine a birther and one who says “very fine people” marched with Nazis can be a racist? Liberals are the evil ones for noting these facts.
Here’s an example of my statement being taken as an attack on delicate Mr. Paine.
Punishing people and breaking up families just for being brought here as a child is a politically motivated act that white nationalists and racists cheer.
If you are convinced deporting Dreamers has no basis in racism, then you are missing the key element of Trumpism.
He immediately assumed I was calling him a racist. Perhaps he protests too much?
Disagreement with your positions does not automatically position your political adversaries in the white supremacist camp, sir. THAT is what I was annoyed about and am tired of tolerating.
His straw man was not what I said, of course. Mr. Paine is a bit too sensitive to engage in political debate, apparently. That’s fine.
My theory is Mr. Paine was horrified to have admitted to me that he feels Trump is a “stable president” after acknowledging he is “dangerous and foolish”.
Want to see how terrible JG and I were? I offer the written record at Mr. Paine’s blog.
So, a group of rude,vulgar, poorly informed children are somehow the "greatest generation"? What did they do that was great? Sought to silence anyone who dared question their agenda? Was that great? Nothing really new there. Fascists & demagogs have always done that.
Yeah, right.
Only fascists and demagogues who voted for a "rude, vulgar, poorly informed man-child" could spew so much hate for victims of a MAGA hatted killer.
"Sought to silence anyone who dared question their agenda?"
There it is. Classic far Right projection from an authoritarian personality wanting to silence students and all others who question the radical Right NRA agenda.
Thanks for showing us the cult indoctrination. Your hate is noted. Your projection is clear.
Now I dare you to pick on someone your own size, if you have the guts.
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