Bad Times in Trumpsville
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The heat just got turned up ten notches for Donald Trump. It's a fairly safe bet that, at this hour, the poor old geezer is in double freak out mode - screaming obscenities at the television in the middle of the night; gorging himself on cheeseburgers and ice cream; standing half naked in the dark on the Truman Balcony, cursing at fate, how it could have allowed him to be caught in the middle of the atrocious mess he now finds himself in. He's now at the point where he could easily be envious of Dick Nixon during the worst days of Watergate. That affair was nothing - a mere blip on the proverbial scandal screen. Treason is serious stuff. Has anyone reminded him that Tuesday will mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the day that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in the electric chair for that very crime? Has it dawned on him the irony that it was his mentor, Roy Cohen, who prosecuted the two of him and sent them to their deaths? It must not be much fun being Donald Trump these days. Call it an educated guess.
I've had a bit of writers block of late. It wasn't a case of lack of material, but simply a matter of: WHERE DO I BEGIN??? Between the Russian-collusion scandal and the extremism of too many American citizens and politicians, the Trump Charities affair - not to mention the atrocity that is being committed, at this very moment, by this very administration at our southern border (I'll get to that one in a couple of days) - it's been one of the most extraordinary news weeks of my life - and I was born when Eisenhower was living in the White House!
When Paul Manifort was caught this week, red-handed, trying to coerce witness in the Mueller investigation to lie for him, it was a foregone conclusion among every legal expert I saw interviewed that the man's bail would be revoked and that he would be sent to jail to await his trial. If found guilty of the many crimes he is being accused of He could spent the rest of his life in prison. It was an arrogant and stupid thing for him to do, but then again, there doesn't seem to be any shortage of arrogance and stupidity in Trumpsville; in fact there's such a surplus of both. they're selling them for half-a-penny per ton.
Mayor 9/11 |
Manafort is no longer able to count on the pardon that Trump and his newest fixer, former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, are publically dangling out on the airwaves - a clear case of obstruction of justice in my view. He has no other choice at this stage but cooperation. Trump said in an impromptu press conference on the White House lawn yesterday that Manifort was only peripherally involved with the 2016 campaign (in fact, he was its chairman) and that he hardly knew the guy. Having now said that, how would it be politically feasible to grant him a pardon? If he knows nothing of the man's background or the crimes he may have committed, pardoning him now - or at anytime - would be an act of political self-destruction on his part. Trump must realize this, and, more importantly, Manifort must realize this as well. He has no other choice but to tell Bob Mueller everything he wants to know. With any luck, he could get off light with a ten year sentence - or even five. Mueller and company are holding all the cards.
As if this weren't enough of a headache for the Donald, there's also the specter of the newest Cohen in his life. Michael Cohen is - or he was - Donald Trump's attorney. He was the fixer that was recently replaced by Rudy Giuliani. We don't know what Team Mueller has on him, but after the Feds raided his two homes and his office, by all accounts they walked away with oodles of incriminating evidence. Although he's not in half as much hot water as Manifort (at least I don't think he is) he has nonetheless found himself in an untenable situation. It appears he is spilling his guts.
It's an interesting time to be alive.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"It's a fairly safe bet that, at this hour, the poor old geezer is in double freak out mode - screaming obscenities at the television in the middle of the night; gorging himself on cheeseburgers and ice cream; standing half naked in the dark on the Truman Balcony, cursing at fate, how it could have allowed him to be caught in the middle of the atrocious mess he now finds himself in."
Wishful thinking Tom.
I am so sorry my youngest brother passed away. I think of him consuming newspapers back in Nixon's day, following the trail, knowing all the actors, reciting the evidence, chapter and verse. He would be in pig heaven these days. I think of him and smile as I read your column. Next week, though, I know I'll cry. Two thousand plus children...
I register voters. It's all I can do.
Bad news for Obama and HRC by association, the new standard of law breaking according to Tom.
I wonder if Trump (Or Clucky) understands that Trump cannot pardon his way out of STATE charges? Several are waiting for him in New York.
Former State Department official Victoria Nuland, who reportedly connected FBI officials to the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Trump dossier, will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee next week.
Ms. Nuland, a longtime State Department official who served in the George W. Bush administration as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO, served during the Obama administration as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs.
In that capacity, according to the book “Russian Roulette,” she played an instrumental role in the evolution of Christopher Steele’s negative campaign research on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016 by giving permission for an FBI agent in London to meet with the former U.K. intelligence officer.
But Obama knew nothing about it until he read it the papers. LOL
One of the bombshells in the newly released Department of Justice inspector general report revealed that Obama lied in 2015 when he said he didn’t know his secretary of state was illegally using a private email server to conduct government business.
What, Obama lied to us?
Tom, would you please block any post from Clucky that posts my personal info? Whatever happened to your rule of sticking to the subject?
30 years of the GOP investigating Hillary over everything and not so much as an unpaid parking ticket.
One year of investigating Russian interference in our elections (and why aren't conservatives outraged over a foreign government doing that?) and we have several indictments, arrests, and convictions. One man is already in jail for witness tampering. What do conservatives do? Call for the end of the investigation because it's "going nowhere". Whitewater lasted SEVERAL years and there was NO EVIDENCE against the Clintons to start with on that one.
Clucky will support it. He'll post drivel from some alt right blog about how Obama did the same thing and Trump has no power to stop it until Democrats agree to his wall.
Meanwhile, he's insulting and rejecting our allies, sucking up to our enemies, creating false "emergencies" so he can solve them and get a Nobel (Always has to beat Obama) and our nation turns into a fascist state.
same shit different day. like all other political pundits, just making noise about what's wrong. not how to fix it. one party attacks the other, no one cares about people. orphans, widows, homeless vets, teenagers shooting each other. Those are the problems of poverty everyday...not what politician said what to whom. Upper class folks sure have a lot of time to argue over all of this while the rest of us just survive. poverty is the enemy always has been always will be.
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