Beyond Amusing
Remember the good old days when Donald Trump was merely a goldmine-source of unintentional comedy? That's not to say that the guy is no longer ripe for satire and dark humor; he is. The problem is that what has happened to America is no longer particularly funny. I've been saying for nearly eighteen months, "This is going to end badly". The word "bad" can be read in many different ways. I fell down a flight of stairs in my house a couple of months back, and while this not a good thing it certainly wasn't "tragic". The administration of Donald J. Trump is going to end tragically - and not just for him, his associates and his family. This administration is going to end tragically for all of us. The writing is on the wall, folks - minus the errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
We saw the tragedy unfolding before our eyes last week at the Mexican/American border. Children were snatched from the arms of their loving parents without - amazingly - being provided with any documentation as to where those kids could be located. As if that wasn't bad enough for the tastes of thinking people everywhere, the government (that would be our government) apparently did not record the names of the parents or the children. Remember, some of these kids are infants.
Trump is quite a new experience for the American experiment. We've never really had a genuinely bat-shit-crazy president before.
The round-the-clock pressure that the Watergate affair brought upon Dick Nixon began to cause the hideous old bastard to become unglued. He began to drink heavily and there are credible reports of him having conversations with the painted portraits of some of his dead predecessors (I can just imagine him snarling obscenities at JFK!) But for most of the five-and-a-half years that The Trickster called the White House home, his judgments were, for the most part, sane - horrifically misguided, true, but quite sane all the same.
Theodore Roosevelt was a man who underwent periods of debilitating of depression for his entire life. In fact, a few historians have made the argument that old Teddy was, perhaps, bi-polar. There is some evidence that this might be the case. Roosevelt was a man of almost manic enthusiasms that could leave the people around him bewildered. On the day that he was inaugurated as vice-president, President McKinley's chief political advisor, Mark Hanna, told him: "Do you realize there is but a single heartbeat between the presidency and that mad man?"
Certainly it cannot be argued that going into the Brazilian jungle at the age of fifty-five (an episode from which he almost didn't return) in hindsight had to be a bit nuts. His younger brother, Elliot, succumbed in his early thirties to the ravishes of drug and alcohol abuse; and although it is impossible to clinically diagnose both men a century after their passing, there is some evidence that a strain of mental illness existed in that extraordinary family.
But for all of TR's craziness - real or imagined - the only people who had a real (and justified) fear of his presidency were the richest one percent, or, as he referred to them, "the malefactors of great wealth". He was sincere when he said that he wanted a "Square Deal" for all of the people. Unlike Trump, Roosevelt was noted for his sound and reasonable judgment.
Abraham Lincoln was another president for whom an argument can be made that he suffered from some form of mental illness. Like Roosevelt, Lincoln was plagued throughout his lifetime by episodes of severe depression (back then it was referred to as "melancholia"). There were times when his sense of inner despair was so profound, that he would retreat within himself for hours, barely acknowledging anyone. Indeed, a poem he wrote in 1844, when he was thirty-five, reveals a dark, inner world that must have been bleak:
I range the fields with pensive tread,
And pace the hollow rooms,
And feel (companion of the dead)
I'm living in the tombs.
And pace the hollow rooms,
And feel (companion of the dead)
I'm living in the tombs.
Lincoln's personal turmoil does not take away from us his rightful image of one of the greatest presidents in history; in fact, it only enhances it.
Past chiefs-executive were made up from a vast landscape of emotional and psychological variables. They were forty-three differing men of differing intellectual capacities. Some were blessed with great strengths, while others were cursed with monumental weaknesses. A few offered to the American people farsighted ideas that made for a more perfect union, while still others were incapable of visualizing this country's potential. Donald Trump is something else altogether. This is going to end tragically....
....but I repeat myself.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
by Ron Chernow
I had an understanding about the general and the president, but the private man has been a joy to get to know. The best bio I've read in a long time.
Past chiefs-executive were made up from a vast landscape of emotional and psychological variables. They were forty-three differing men of differing intellectual capacities. Some were blessed with great strengths, while others were cursed with monumental weaknesses. A few offered to the American people farsighted ideas that made for a more perfect union, while still others were incapable of visualizing this country's potential. Donald Trump is something else altogether. This is going to end tragically....
....but I repeat myself.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

by Ron Chernow
I had an understanding about the general and the president, but the private man has been a joy to get to know. The best bio I've read in a long time.
"Trump is quite a new experience for the American experiment."
Yup, he isn't a politician and he keeps his promise.
He 45 is a new definition to Jack in the box.
Trump right on track to being at the top of the worst presidents.
Just can't wait till his meeting with Vlad and see what beautifully and great reciprocal deal Vladimir squeezes out of the great deal maker.
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Richard M Nixon (president 1969–74)
The Watergate scandal will forever taint Nixon’s presidency. It was not the original deed (authorising a break-in into Democratic campaign headquarters in the Watergate building during the 1972 presidential race) that did for him, but the lies and the cover-up. You know the situation is serious when you have to appear on TV and declare “I am not a crook”, and after a congressional investigation, prompted by groundbreaking investigative journalism from the Washington Post, Nixon became the first, and so far the only, president to resign from office.
But Watergate was a symptom not just the problem in itself. Nixon was an unusually hated politician long before Watergate, and the basic problem was his insecure, narcissistic, paranoid personality. Liberals saw Nixon capitalize on the traumas of the late 1960s – the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy and the deep divisions over the war in Vietnam – and saw him winning by appealing to people’s fears. Nixon’s ‘southern strategy’ aimed to win support for the Republican Party in the South, where in the wake of the black freedom struggle, white voters were fearful of newly enfranchised African-Americans and felt alienated from the Democrats who had pushed Civil Rights legislation through.
"""As the gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005, once put it, Nixon “represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise”"".
” House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday at his weekly press conference. “Let’s just make that really clear. There’s no evidence of collusion. This is about Russia and what they did and making sure they don’t do it again.”
Trump lies,attempts to cover up and evade by his team of "le cream of the crop attorneys"
3 Andrew Jackson (president 1829–37)
The last outgoing president in history to have boycotted his successor’s big day. Men like Adams – who came from a Massachusetts family that had fought for Independence and feared for the survival of the republic (particularly his father, John Adams) – saw Jackson as a profane, unprincipled demagogue; a would-be tyrant in the Napoleonic mode; a man with no respect for the checks and balances of the Constitution or the rule of law.
45 Evading public appearances, favors twitter to mainstream media, the few appearances he has had he has had his meltdowns, can't hide his true self under pressure. lashes out at his own "hand picked cabinet" Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Christopher A. Wray still there, John Kelly rumored to be on way out soon. 45 opposes many of Genera James Mattis views , Trump "I know more than the GENERALS". He does warn his buddy Vladimir on impending strikes against Syria!
The former Secretary of State chosen by Trump to please Vladimir's wants ans needs
4 Warren G Harding was a very different personality from Tricky Dicky: he was sunny, personable, determined to get along with everybody.
Donald Trump statement " I get along with every one"
Do we really know who our enemies are ac corning to to 45. I believe even the squirrels are beginning to feel threatened.
President Trump keeps on winning, darn it.
Yes Clucky, Trump IS "keeping his promises"...TO VLADIMIR PUTIN. Everything Trump has done helps Russia and hurts the USA. For some reason you take great joy in this. You also seemed to spend a LOT of time on COMMUNIST websites.
Anything you want to tell us?
Yada Yada Yada.
Trump creates a problem and then tries to look good "fixing" it. (see immigration, N Korea, trade deficits...)
As for my name it's BRIAN BUNCE and I'm prod of it. Come find me bitch. Also I have ONE screen name as opposed to your several.
To Majormajor:
Trump is like a 1000 year storm, the damages caused by him will take many years to recover from, here in the mainland, US territories and abroad.
"Yup, [Trump] isn't a politician and he keeps his promise." -- Majormajor (aka "lover of fascist Trump" Chuck)
Would that be his promises of white supremacy and national division?...along with huge tax cuts to the wealthy?
How's that all comin' along, Chuck?
Oh!...I almost forgot! Have the families been reunited yet?
A federal judge on Tuesday tossed a lawsuit claiming that the Trump campaign and former adviser Roger Stone colluded with WikiLeaks and the Russian government to publish hacked Democratic National Committee emails during the presidential election.
U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle said in a ruling that the allegations of conspiracy were insubstantial to proceed in a court, Politico reported.
So NOW we have Trump and a gang of Republicans meeting Putin with no press, no aids, nothing. a SECRET MEETING with the POTUS (accused of colluding with Russia) and several GOP congressmen.
But conservatives are FINE with that.
So NOW Trump is getting rid of brown people trying to do it right.
Let the record show that it was Mozart who published his complete, real name here.
And he is "prod" of it.
Yes Clucky the judge threw out that part.
"However, Judge Ellen Huvelle wrote that her ruling was "not based on a finding that there was no collusion between defendants and Russia during the 2016 presidential election"
It's always different when the ENTIRE story is told isn't it? Interesting that you left that part out.
U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle said in a ruling that the allegations of conspiracy were insubstantial to proceed in a court, Politico reported. IE: not enough evidence to support a day in court, or THERE'S NOTHING THERE.
What's your source Brian, VOX?
BTW, I knew your full name long before you stupidly told us what it was, but I saw no reason to publish it. Turns out you are so "prod" of it you did it for me.
Stay WOKE Brian, stay woke.
Mueller Will Not Present Any Collusion Evidence At Manafort Trial...Huge. Means once again, there’s nothing, no, media, Manafort isn’t ‘flipping’ because there’s nothing to flip on. All he has is the stuff Manafort did on his own, nothing to do with Trump campaign or collusion over the election.
Face plant time Mozart?
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