Trump's Nightmare
Don McGahn is not a guy I've paid much attention to in the last nineteen months. Compared to the collection of complete maniacs and morons that comprise the administration of Donald Trump, the guy doesn't really stand out. In dong a bit of research on him I was pleased to discover that, like my father and too many uncles to count, he's a graduate of Notre Dame. That is a nice thing to learn. In my experience graduates of old ND tend to be fairly decent and honest. It is obvious that McGahn knows a lot of really bad secrets regarding the president. The reason for that was the Twitter freak-out exhibited by Trump when it was revealed this week that McGahn, a White House Lawyer, sat down for thirty hours of testimony with the Mueller investigation. According to everyone who knows him, Don McGahn is telling the truth, the whole truth, and then some.
This is not good.
Okay, I'll fess up: this is the best news I've heard since this disgusting administration began on January 20, 2017. I knew from the moment I learned that this unhinged jackass had been elected to the presidency that his administration would end prematurely and disastrously. It was a foregone conclusion. Donald Trump was an openly and publically corrupt businessman who had been flaunting his incompetence on the public stage for nearly forty years. It was predicted by everyone who others to pay attention. What we are in the midst of is nothing less than an ongoing constitutional crisis that will continue to play out as long as he is president.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you
It's gonna knock you on the head".
John Lennon
You'd better get yourself together, Donald.
Whatever the case, it can't be a lot of fun being president these days. Donald Trump used to give the distinct impression that he was having a really good time being Donald Trump. That isn't even close to being the case anymore. The fact is, the man seems to be on the verge of losing touch completely - if he hasn't already. It's a safe bet that he regrets deeply winning the campaign of 2016. He thought the job would be so easy. Isn't that a riot? Now look at him.
Instant karma indeed.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Forgive me for taking three days for writing this. I've been a bit out of it. Perhaps turning sixty last week has slowed me down! When I was in my twenties I never thought I would live to be thirty. Now I'm twice that age. Go figure.
Paul Manafort is headin' up the river, but not before crossing the Potomac to be tried in D.C. for criminal charges that will most definitely involve the Trump campaign.
And of course, Michael Cohen's guilty plea to the charges against him, and his most probable cooperation with the government -- made yesterday, August 21st -- makes this a very very bad day for Donald Trump.
What a shame. ;-)
And there are about to be multiple STATE charges against Trump and his businesses. He can't pardon his way out of those.
Trump ACTUALLY thinks that WHEN he's impeached we will all be poorer? That might be true actually, since the party expenses will be YOOOOOGE! heh...heh...
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Clucky Clueless,
The irony of your statement breaks even YOUR record for delusion.
More unpardonable STATE charges coming for the Trump crime family. LOL
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