Divorced From Reality

It was a something none of us, I'm sure, will ever forget: There stood Meghan McCain, passionately eulogizing her late dad. At the same moment Trump, trying to deflect attention from the final tribute to the Arizona senator, unleashed a Twitter-storm that - it would be too generous to call it juvenile - it was completely infantile, not to mention idiotic. But there was something else that would have been clear to even the most casual observers: the president of the United States has lost whatever precious reason he came into this job with.
This would be poignantly amusing if the stakes weren't so high. This is a situation that is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Sure we've had chiefs executive who were a tad unhinged every now and again. Lincoln suffered from what was then termed "melancholia"; his successor, Andrew Johnson was definitely unstable (if you want to know what I'm talking about look up the transcript of his remarks at old Abe's second inaugural); during the final stages of the Watergate scandal that consumed his presidency, Dick Nixon was prone to staying up late at night, drinking heavily and talking to portraits of his dead predecessors. But Donald Trump is something else indeed. Never before have we been forced to deal with a president who was as crazy as a freaking bed bug. With the midterms elections fast approaching and the Mueller investigation closing in, it's an easy guess that Trump is on the verge of doing something drastic. We're at the edge of the worst constitutional crisis we've ever experienced. This is going to get quite interesting.
If you were silly enough to support this unhinged twit during the campaign two years ago, you will forgive those of us who warned you from gloating, I'm sure. We saw this catastrophe coming from ten thousand miles down the road. Perhaps America has finally learned the lesson it should have learned over a century ago. Perhaps not. I won't be holding my breath.
One thing I have to admit about Donald Trump: he sure as hell isn't boring.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I can remember when the New York Daily News was one of the best papers in the country, with hard-hitting columnists like Jimmy Breslin, Bob Herbert and Mike Royko, powerful editorials and a standard of reporting that was almost without peer. Those days are long gone. This morning's edition was the worst I've ever seen. A full third of today's edition was devoted to sports, and for the third day in a row, there was not a word devoted to the political catastrophe that is compounding daily inside the Executive Mansion. They have fallen about as hard as a newspaper can fall.
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Andy Johnson |
If you were silly enough to support this unhinged twit during the campaign two years ago, you will forgive those of us who warned you from gloating, I'm sure. We saw this catastrophe coming from ten thousand miles down the road. Perhaps America has finally learned the lesson it should have learned over a century ago. Perhaps not. I won't be holding my breath.
One thing I have to admit about Donald Trump: he sure as hell isn't boring.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Royko |
I can remember when the New York Daily News was one of the best papers in the country, with hard-hitting columnists like Jimmy Breslin, Bob Herbert and Mike Royko, powerful editorials and a standard of reporting that was almost without peer. Those days are long gone. This morning's edition was the worst I've ever seen. A full third of today's edition was devoted to sports, and for the third day in a row, there was not a word devoted to the political catastrophe that is compounding daily inside the Executive Mansion. They have fallen about as hard as a newspaper can fall.
Nice one Tom. This is why I follow your writing. And despite the desperate situation we find ourselves in, this piece has a hopeful feeling about it, as if the end of this nightmare is within sight.
After watching the actions of those opposing the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh at his Senate hearing, I believe I'm watching the "political catastrophe" of the left and it's political arm, the Democrat Party. Their actions, since show the election of 2016 they are 'divorced from reality", from their belief that 9-11 was an inside job to believing results of the election would cause the economy to crash within months, to believing Trump ONLY won because he colluded with the Russians.
It is scary that the Party of Truman, Kennedy, Humphrey and Carter has devolved into the mouth piece of the dangerous radical tyrannical left. It should be just as scary to all liberal and moderate Democrats.
If the past is any indication, this post will be responded to with "whataboutism" and personal attacks. But by not addressing the points made they are simple proving by their actions what I said at the first of this post. Leftist are "divorced from reality".
So Clucky has no problem with Chuck (Ethanol) Grassley telling us we have to wait a year until the next election to even vote on Obama's SCOTUS pick "so the people can have a voice" and then fast tracking Trump's "get out of jail free" pick 90 days before the election, AND blocking important documents, DENYING the people's voice?
I don't know where he gets the idea that "Democrats think 9-11 was in inside job" since hardly anyone says that. Plus the economy ALWAYS suffers under conservative control That's just historical fact. Trump's tarriffs and resulting trade war is already costing jobs, "whataboutism" is a conservative ploy (See Benghazi, e-mails, Uranium, etc)
Clucky, your entire post is a conservative mirror of the FACTS we have been saying about you. The party of Lincoln is now the party of the KKK (FACT)and Trump, with his attacks on the free press(FACT), demands that private bu8sinesses like the NFL fire people he doesn't like (FACT),and OBVIOUS connections to Fascism and Vlad Putin (FACT) is the clear tyrant.
No one buys your BS Clucky. You embarrass yourself with every post. Even Trump's own people are trying to block him now. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump's toadie, Kavanaugh rejected by the Senate, as his support with the public is less than 30% now, and many GOP senators are facing tough races in November.
“President Trump’s unemployment rate is so low, even Colin Kaepernick found a job!”
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Reality and truth have a liberal bias for fake news skews toward the right everything the Orange menace does is divorced from reality if the Russian investigation has no legs why worry about it an innocent man he is not and his defenders are now flirting in dangerous territory propping up a pseudo despot with his incredible stable fifth grade genius Tom this nightmare will never be over the problem is not.trump but his supporters and they are everywhere. Sixty.million trumpets all glassy eyed and agog with their.Orange Jesus his followers are a fucking cult absolutely sickening watching his rallies when he abused the press and police cheer him on these fucks are not patriots and if any are ex military they are traitors who have abrogated their oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic go fuck yourself major and all you Republican minions I refuse to be civil any longer in the midst of this catastrophe the cowards on the right are grasping straws they are losing their grip even with their tails been reading your blog since well I have read every entry and I thank you for helping me down this bumpy road just like you I knew it would be a shitshow before the election I wrote the following
I've stumbled, bumbled, and staggered
My eyes red, blurry, and haggard
I've voted High
I've voted Drunk
But, I would never vote Donald Trump!
Remember Vote Democratic the Ass you save might be your own!
The Half Canadian Hater.
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