The Donald J. Trump Memorial WHAT???
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Recently while visiting the place, I was standing quietly before the two graves in the rose garden where Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt today sleep side by side. While I stood there, the thought occurred to me about the possibility of a Donald J. Trump Memorial Library and Museum. What would it look like? I imagined that the entranceway would be a tacky facsimile of the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. How would the rangers who give the guided tours explain the Donald to happless sightseers? And how would the pencil-pushers who administer the joint be able to put a smiley-face on the most incompetent, unhinged and dangerously corrupt president in American history? After a few short minutes of speculation, it hit me that such pondering was a lesson in futilely. There won't be any memorials to the memory of Donald Trump.
There will be no Donald J. Trump Schools - public or private. There will be no Donald J. Trump Memorial Highways. There will be no Donald J. Trump National Parks. There will be no Donald J. Trump Airports. There will be no Donald J. Trump Hospitals. There will be no Donald J. Trump Centers for the Arts. There will be no statues erected to the memory of Donald J. Trump. There will be no Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum.
There's never going to be a Donald J. Trump Memorial Anything. Okay, I'll compromise: perhaps they might one day dedicate a Donald J. Trump Memorial Rest Area in the center of the Long Island Expressway; a place where weary motorists might stop to relieve themselves. Yeah, that would possibly work; but other than that....
And as for the presidential papers of Donald J. Trump? I suspect that they will be eternally stored in some windowless room deep within the bowels of the National Archives, where scholars, biographers and historians might go to scratch their heads in wonder and amusement.
I imagine that when death finally comes to Donald J. Trump (as it must come to all men - and most women I'm told) he will not be interred in some ornate sarcophagus stately mounted on a marble pedestal surrounded by fountains of running water - like Martin Luther King. I don't believe that his body will lie in some serene, private mausoleum at the end of a majestic, marble-lined hallway - like President James A. Garfield. I don't even think he will be placed in a public cemetery next to the final resting place of his parents. What I suspect will happen is that the earthly remains of Donald J. Trump will be put into a secret and unmarked grave - The Tomb of the Unknown Donald. Either that or he'll be cremated with his ashes scattered into the East River off of Queens where he was raised; or maybe they'll be scattered on the grounds of the New York Military Academy in Cornwall, NY where he attended high school - and which is less than twenty miles from where I live - that is, if the faculty of that institution will allow it (which is doubtful. Those military types don't look too kindly on traitors). I only hope that the guy doesn't die in office. The last thing our national consciousness needs is to send this bloviating jackass off into eternity with a grand military funeral - ala Jack Kennedy. Spare us please.
Within a year or two, there will be a telephone poll of a broad cross-section of the American people, asking one question: For whom did you cast your precious ballot for on Election Day 2016? I'll bet the freakin' farm that close to eighty percent of the respondents will answer, "Hillary Clinton". Although Trump's poll numbers are down this week (37% according to the latest count) I don't expect them to get much lower - not in the foreseeable future anyway. It's going to take an earth-shattering event of seismic proportions for these silly Americans to lift their heads out of the sands of indifference and finally wake the hell up.
No, most Americans will not one day be stricken with a sense of collective, teary-eyed nostalgia for the reign of this unexplainable president - as they are now for the era of Barack Obama - and even George W. Bush (somebody shoot me please). There will never be an annual Donald Trump National Holiday, where the masses are bequeathed a nifty excuse for unlimited orgies of barbequed chicken and reckless inebriation during a three day weekend. The companies that manufacture those posters which portray the portraits of our presidents that are placed in school rooms across the land, will more-than-likely be forced portray Donald J. Trump as a blacked-out silhouette. When impressionable students of future generations innocently ask why this is so, the embarrassed teachers of future generations will have to awkwardly answer that question. I don't envy them one bit. No sir.
We won't ever be able to erase the Donald from our national memory bank. He's here to stay and we're going to have to deal with the embarrassment as best we can: that a so-called "civilized" people were deluded into believing that elevating so unqualified a man to the presidency was a noble idea. Perhaps the people have finally learned a lesson they should have learned over a century ago, but I really doubt it.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I'm on my way to the post office to pick up my copy of "Fear" by Bob Woodward. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into that one!
The Woodward book wasn't there. Two days too late. Damn you,!
And as for the presidential papers of Donald J. Trump? I suspect that they will be eternally stored in some windowless room deep within the bowels of the National Archives, where scholars, biographers and historians might go to scratch their heads in wonder and amusement.
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November 1963 |
Within a year or two, there will be a telephone poll of a broad cross-section of the American people, asking one question: For whom did you cast your precious ballot for on Election Day 2016? I'll bet the freakin' farm that close to eighty percent of the respondents will answer, "Hillary Clinton". Although Trump's poll numbers are down this week (37% according to the latest count) I don't expect them to get much lower - not in the foreseeable future anyway. It's going to take an earth-shattering event of seismic proportions for these silly Americans to lift their heads out of the sands of indifference and finally wake the hell up.

We won't ever be able to erase the Donald from our national memory bank. He's here to stay and we're going to have to deal with the embarrassment as best we can: that a so-called "civilized" people were deluded into believing that elevating so unqualified a man to the presidency was a noble idea. Perhaps the people have finally learned a lesson they should have learned over a century ago, but I really doubt it.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I'm on my way to the post office to pick up my copy of "Fear" by Bob Woodward. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into that one!
The Woodward book wasn't there. Two days too late. Damn you,!
There will be no Donald J. Trump Schools - public or private. There will be no Donald J. Trump Memorial Highways. There will be no Donald J. Trump National Parks. There will be no Donald J. Trump Airports. There will be no Donald J. Trump Hospitals. There will be no Donald J. Trump Centers for the Arts. There will never be a single statue erected to the memory of Donald J. Trump. There will never be a Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum"
Is this another prohecy that you won't make a wager on?
Anything named after Nixon?
Clucky, how many "Hitler High Schools" do you see? There is almost nothing named for NIXON and he looks like a jaywalker next to trump!
This guy is so bad, there may be no children named "Donald" for a couple hundred years. There are already "Trump" Hotels in other countries taking the name down.
Maybe some prison will build a "Trump wing" to hold everyone convicted of felonies in his organization and administration. LOL
He's definitely NOT going to be remembered fondly by history.
"There will be no Donald J. Trump Schools - public or private. There will be no Donald J. Trump Memorial Highways. There will be no Donald J. Trump National Parks. There will be no Donald J. Trump Airports. There will be no Donald J. Trump Hospitals. There will be no Donald J. Trump Centers for the Arts. There will never be a single statue erected to the memory of Donald J. Trump. There will never be a Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum"
I beg to differ. Nobody ever went broke over-estimating the intelligence of the American public.
Yours crankily,
The New York Crank
If you or a loved one receives a monthly check from Social Security, you have Mr. Roosevelt to thank for that." ~~ Tom Degan
Yes, Tom, but of course there is one particular alt-right commenter frequenting your blog who is the poster-boy against any socialized anything. Despite this, he receives Medicare and Medicaid benefits, a military pension, and also accepts a check for Social Security benefits every month.
One thing that Trimpies can never be accused of is being logical or rational. Their ignorance is only surpassed by their hate and narcissism. They're exactly like their chosen leader. Exactly.
"There will be no Donald J. Trump Schools - public or private. There will be no Donald J. Trump Memorial Highways. There will be no Donald J. Trump National Parks. There will be no Donald J. Trump Airports. There will be no Donald J. Trump Hospitals. There will be no Donald J. Trump Centers for the Arts. There will be no statues erected to the memory of Donald J. Trump. There will be no Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum." ~~ Tom Degan
I agree with you Tom.
The only buildings or structures that will bear his name, already do so -- and he bestowed the naming rights himself.
Perhaps we could concede something else besides a pissy underkept rest stop on the Long Island Parkway. Maybe a renaming of the federal prison he'll undoubtedly spend his last days occupying.
That would be fitting...and hopefully a warning to future generations.
Per the Social Security Administration from 1917-2017 Donald was the 15th most popular name in the US.
Anyone care to make wager on the future ranking of the name Donald say in 25 year?
BTW, what are the things named after Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter?
The tolerance and love of our fellow humanity on display here is heart warming.
There are FEWER buildings with Trump's name than just two years ago. I'll bet that number will continue to go down.
If not, you can ship me off to Venezuela on the USS Richard M. Nixon.
"Anyone care to make wager on the future ranking of the name Donald say in 25 year?" ~~ Majormajor (known as Timothy)
There may be as many men named Donald in 25 years as there are men named Adolf today.
"The tolerance and love of our fellow humanity on display here is heart warming." ~~ T. Paine
Sort of reminds one of the Republican Party of today, Mr. Paine, doesn't it? Pat yourself on the back. You helped create this.
Keep watching your creation. The worst is yet to be.
In my lifetime I've only met one man named Adolf - and he was Cuban!
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