It's Lonely in the Gutter
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Dubya and the Architect ` |
From "The Rant"
August 14, 2007
That paragraph was written seven years ago. At the time I was predicting that Karl Rove was within days of being indicted for his part in outing the identity of CIA agent, Valerie Plame, and that the most overtly corrupt administration in American history wouldn't last the year. Naive on my part, I know. And to think that today the Republicans are talking openly of impeaching Obama for....What? I can't even remember.
It must not be an easy thing to be Karl Rove these days. As much contempt that I have for him, there's a part of me that feels a certain degree of pity for the poor bastard. Let's face some necessary and unpleasant facts, shall we? The man has fallen hard since that glorious day thirteen years ago when, through machinations that defy definition and comprehension, he was somehow able to take an uninspired and uninspiring halfwit named George W. Bush and make him president of the United States of America. Say what you want about the guy, that feat of political walking on water is too impressive for words. That he is - beyond any doubt - a political genius could be denied by only the most partisan of cynics. Let's give the man credit where credit is due. They didn't call him "Bush's Brain" for nothing.
That being said, this must not be an easy time to be Karl Rove.

Since that night, Rove has been in a blind panic. Bad enough his party got creamed in the presidential contest, now he is forced to deal with the Frankenstein's Monster that he himself is partially responsible for creating.
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It's "offical" |
And at the moment, Karl's utter panic is in the stratosphere. In an act of desperation that, as far as I can tell, is without precedence, he and the right wing SCREAM machine are trying to put the idea out there that (GET THIS!) Hillary Clinton is brain damaged. She is the presumed Democratic nominee for 2016 and virtually every poll has her as unbeatable when compared to anything the Republicans have to puke up at this point.They are totally unable to campaign based upon the merits of their ideas so they need to resort to this kind of stuff. This is going to get a lot more interesting before it starts to get boring. I'm just sayin'.
2012 won't have anything on 2016. As laugh-riotous as that campaign was, the next one is gonna be a scream. These are really good times to be alive, aren't they?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Easy To Love
by Billie Holiday
I dreamed I was dancing with Billie. It should have been in Harlem, circa 1935 - but to tell you the truth, it might have been anywhere, any decade. All I remember distinctly is that it was at night, and Billie seemed serene, maybe even at peace. That's all you ever want for Lady Day. You just want to make her tragedy go away. It's impossible not to care for her even now, fifty-five years in the grave she entered too soon. She's so easy to love, you know what I'm talkin' about?
“I think that it is unfortunate that Sen. Buono has decided to go down the same path as Gov. Corzine did in making comments derisively about my physical appearance,” Christie said at a news conference in Newark."
Published: October 7, 2009
It is about as subtle as a playground taunt: a television ad for Gov. Jon S. Corzine shows his challenger, Christopher J. Christie, stepping out of an S.U.V. in extreme slow motion, his extra girth moving, just as slowly, in several different directions at once.
And to think that Dave Dubya gets upset when he's called a "commie"
"Democratic Florida Rep. Joe Garcia — fresh off being caught eating his own earwax on camera — was caught red-handed (or is it yellow-fingered?) in another gaffe this week, claiming that low crime rates in border cities with lots of federal immigration workers is proof that “Communism works.”
We’ve proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good, government job, there’s no crime.”
No mention of where govt was going to get the money needed to pay everybody.
Rove is scum. Period.
Well, well, if it isn't Chuckie and his favorite obsession, making it about me and distracting completely from the topic.
I guess his feelings are only natural. Just try to keep it in your pants, sport. I'm not your type. LOL!
McCain’s Age Seen as More of a Problem Than Obama’s Race
Majority, however, see neither as an obstacle to effective governing
The vast majority of registered voters (72%) say they do not think John McCain is too old to be president. But about a quarter (26%) say they think he is too old, and this proportion rises to nearly a third (32%) when voters are informed that McCain is currently 71 years old.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s seizures this past weekend, which left him hospitalized in Massachusetts and diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, may also have sparked renewed attention to Sen. John McCain’s age as an issue in this year’s presidential election.
Even Republicans like Newt Gingrich were outraged when Karl Rove raised questions about Hillary Clinton's health earlier this week -- but the Republican Party's top political operative is doubling down on the criticisms, and throwing in Clinton's age to boot.
Asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday about Karl Rove's recent incendiary comments in which he suggested Clinton had a brain injury, Republican National Committee Director Reince Priebus said that if Clinton decides to run in 2016, "I think that health and age is fair game."
Priebus pointed to past efforts by Democrats to question Ronald Reagan and John McCain's ages when they ran for president. Clinton will be 69 in 2016.
I agree with anonymous that Hillary's eyes look a little cross eyed ever since she fell and hit her head right after the Benghazi attack caused by that youtube video.
And LOL that the only VA hospital with problems is Phoenix Rain and Cadillac Bill! Just like only the Cleveland office of the IRS was targeting Tea Party People.
Hillary was a terrible First Lady of Arkansas, she was a terrible First Lady of the Whitehouse, she was a terrible wife, terrible mother, terrible Sec of State and a terrible person who lies, cheats and steals. I don't trust her at all.
All subjects related to her are not off-limits -- age, health, looks, hair, clothes, sex life, children, ankles, shoes, ... just as they did to Sarah Palin.
If Hillary blamed the GOP for a "right wing conspiracy" in order to protect her husband and cover up his creepy sexual predatory behavior, don't expect her to be honest about anything now. This is what you get with the Clintons. They are serial liars.
Tell that to Jefferson's Guardian.
It's not as lonely as you might think. Alan Grayson and Harry Reid have been in the gutter for years.
Wow, the conservatives started whining and crying about nothing right from the get go on this one.
Thye main concern with McCain being that olkd was that the job of POTUS ages people at an acellerated rate. look ate Dubya and Obama before and after pics. McCain already looks like the Cryptkeeper. He probably would not have survived his first term, and with Palin in the wings, NO ONE wanted her getting the launch codes.
But it's ok to have a President with possible brain damage with the launch codes?
BTW McCain is still alive, so what's your excuse now?
SEATTLE (AP) — Donald Douglass had a small spot on his forehead when he went to the Seattle Veterans Affairs hospital in 2011.
A biopsy confirmed it was cancerous. But it was four months before the hospital scheduled an appointment for him to have it removed — and by then, it had spread, wrapping around a facial nerve and eventually getting into his blood.
The delay proved fatal, his lawyer said — and it mirrors concerns being raised about the VA system nationally.
“There was no reason for this procedure to be delayed,” said the attorney, Jessica Holman of Tacoma. “Had he had his surgery timely, he’d be alive today.”
Single payer, non for profit, government run, death panel controlled health care at it's best. This is what dems and liberals want us to have.
Hey, I've got an idea! Let's talk about Karl Rove to take our minds off the abject failure of govt. run single payer health care. That way we can ignore this:
May 22, 2014 9:05 am
A California veteran is having trouble finding a doctor because of a faulty Obamacare plan.
Kyle, affected by chronic Lyme disease he contracted while on active duty, is frustrated with the lack of doctor availability on his Anthem BlueCross insurance plan. “I was on the phone with Anthem for two hours while they were trying to find me a doctor within 20 miles. Finally a supervisor came on the phone and said ‘Sir, we have to go, we have other people to help’ and advised me [that] I need to cancel my plan,” he told KPIX.
State law stipulates that insurers must have enough doctors to enable patients to get an appointment within 15 days within 15 miles of their home. Kyle was not able to find a doctor under these requirements and neither was Anthem. Inaccurately listed doctors are considered a violation of the law. The list of doctors given to CoveredCalifornia was incorrect.
“If we determine that a health plan has violated the law, we will take action,” Marta Green of Department of Managed Health Care said in response.
Internal emails reveal one individual’s warning about listing doctors that are not actually on insurance plans “I suspect that we are going to have a network adequacy issue very soon.”
Kyle advised CoveredCalifornia not to negotiate with Anthem. “I would tell them to get rid of Anthem BlueCross.”
So lawyers are medical experts to the RRBC?
Poor Donald Douglass, if only he had back up insurance...
Why didn't he? Too expensive, or due to a corporate death panel denial, perhaps?
If not, then the VA was his only hope. Too bad Bush overloaded the system.
In order for this story to move from tripe to copy, some clearly basic information is needed.
1. What percentage was this veteran 's disability. This is critical because the disability rating is the first step in determining the level of care. For those of you that have never wore a uniform, the va was never intended to treat and care all veterans all the time. To do so would bankrupt the entire country, almost immediately.
2. Top priority is given to those that were wounded in combat. Any injury sustained in the military is compensated and the severity of the wounds determine the rating.
3. Unless a veteran is rated at 100%, the timing of treatment and care falls into eight categories.
4. How it works is, the VA is to augment a veterans medical coverage depending on the disability rating. A veterans primary care is always as a backup.
Now, one can see how worthless this story is.
But not to con-servatives. Lawyers are their source for medical opinions.
Benghazi political pandering at its worst:
Fox's Allen West Attacks Decorated Vet Rep. Tammy Duckworth: I "Don't Know Where Her Loyalties Lie"
So much for honoring our wounded veterans. But it's OK. Republican veterans are the only ones who sacrificed, right?
Hi Tom,
If one were to look for the Democratic Party to Karl Roves equal one would need look no further than Ralm Emanuel. Personally I don't care for either of them as they have both done damage to their respective parties. Just trying to keep all thing equal.
Hope all is well,
Tom V.
For one thing AnonymousHE WAS NEVER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. had you actually read what I wrote you'd know what I was talking about. Then again, maybe not. You are so deep inside"the bubble" nothing rational gets through. And Hillary does not have "brain damage". And I'd be willing to bet you are not telling the whole story of your "California veteran". So far all the horror stories concerning the ACA have been proven to be false.
“Not Racist” GOP House Budget Coddles the rich and cuts food for urban poor. Whodathunk?
House Republicans proposed a $20.9 billion budget for agriculture and food safety programs Monday, an 82-page bill that challenges the White House on nutrition rules and denies major new funding sought by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to better regulate the rich derivatives market.
And in a surprising twist, the bill language specifies that only rural areas are to benefit in the future from funding requested by the administration this year to continue a modest summer demonstration program to help children from low-income households — both urban and rural — during those months when school meals are not available.
Since 2010, the program has operated from an initial appropriation of $85 million, and the goal has been to test alternative approaches to distribute aid when schools are not in session. The White House asked for an additional $30 million to continue the effort, but the House bill provides $27 million for what’s described as an entirely new pilot program focused on rural areas only.
Democrats were surprised to see urban children were excluded. And the GOP had some trouble explaining the history itself. But a spokeswoman confirmed that the intent of the bill is a pilot project in “rural areas” only.
Con-servatives without conscience don’t care, of course, but the fact is food stamps really do help kids…of all colors.
The Safety Net: An Investment In Kids
Meanwhile the GOP continues wage war on American workers to fatten the wallets of their elite masters:
The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards, 2011–2012
Gee, you’d think the RRBC thinks only the rich deserve freedom and prosperity. Vote GOP for a corporatist American neo-feudalist state.
There is no way in hell that I would admire, or praise a pile of horse manure like Karl Rove.
Praise for horse manure is something of which many are guilty.
Not In my vocabulary. The words that I have to describe Republicans I can not write here!
Sigh, I really thought Dave Dubya could get through one of Tom's threads with out playing the race card.
So much for post racial America after we elected our first Black President.
I did vote for the GOP and I got a corporatist Black American President. Oops, I guess I'm a racist now for saying the same things Dave has been saying for months about Obama.
The Progressive Cynic
Modern American politics is filled with partisanship, legalized corruption and extremism. On this site you will find articles on a variety of subjects and points of view that are not normally portrayed in the corporate media–don’t expect any sugar-coating, pandering or interest money propaganda here.
Neo-Feudalism Captures the United States
Posted on May 13, 2014
© Josh Sager – May 2014
Americans love to believe that we live in a democratic government that represents the pinnacle of a free society. Rhetoric by both sides of the political spectrum props up the conception of the United States as a country where anybody can make it if they just work hard enough, where everybody is granted equal rights, and where everybody has a voice in the government. The terms “American exceptionalism” and “American Dream” have been coined to describe this perceived status by the United States.
Unfortunately, the United States has often failed to live up to our perception of exceptionalism: Racial apartheid existed for the vast majority of our nation, democracy excluded large groups of Americans until just recently (ex. blacks, women, poor people) and the exploitation of low-skill workers has been an ever-present problem.
Isn't this right DD?
Make room in the gutter, here comes Rev Al Sharpton.
Al Sharpton’s history of hate is so voluminous and well documented, where does one even begin?
The time he disparaged Jews as “diamond merchants” during the unrest of the infamous Crown Heights riots?
Or when Sharpton tried goading NYC’s Jewish community into an all-out fistfight, saying “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”?
How about referring to the Jewish owner of Freddy’s Fashion Mart, Fred Harari, as a “white interloper” for seeking to expand his business in Harlem? (You may have heard of Freddy’s. It was also known as the Harlem Massacre. One of Sharpton’s followers also disapproved of the “white interloper” and burned the store to the ground, murdering eight people including himself.)
But those tirades were just Sharpton’s anti-semitic ones. He’s also sermonized on “Greek homos” and “crackas” as well as bombarded former NYC Mayor David Dinkins with a barrage of N-bombs.
So if you’re Sharpton and you’re confronted about some of your “greatest hits,” what do you do?
Scoff at the questioning and argue that one of your notorious racial slurs wasn’t, in fact, a slur because it was meant for just one Jewish individual.
No, seriously, that was Sharpton’s defense.
Let's apply the "Sharpton Defense " to Karl Rove.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery and then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
I enjoyed watching Ron Johnson destroy Jay Rockefeller and expose him in front of the world.
"We can do that.... but we're not going to..."
- Jay Rockefeller, when challenged to "play back the tape".
Love it. Handled it beautifully. Call the thought police out for what they are. And to call out one of the wealthiest men in DC who hails from a family that has done as much to destroy freedom and prosperity among the working class as any. The irony is palpable too. If any "working man" thinks that Democrat has their back, they are severely deluded.
Wake up, people.
If any "working man" thinks that Democrat has their back, they are severely deluded. Wake up, people.
Amen. Not sure why you didn’t include the Republicans though.
As ample evidence shows, the GOP are leading the corporatist economic class war on American workers. Dems are merely their spineless junior partners.
‘You don’t have rights, you have owners.” – George Carlin
As for Chuckie’s pathetic scattered desperate distractions:
So much for “post racial” America
Yes, Chuckie, I’m sure Bundy and Sterling agree with you,
Why doesn’t Chuckie explain why urban poor kids are now excluded by the “not racist” GOP’s budget?
Crickets. Instead Chuckie chooses to vent more hate at Black people. Hmm.
I can help him clarity this: ”I did vote for the GOP and I got a corporatist Black American President. Oops…I inadvertently told the truth.” – Chuckie
I'm sure there is room in the gutter for this proud liberals.
On Wednesday, the House of Representative overwhelming approved the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act, a bill that would relax the standard bureaucratic red tape that makes it exceedingly difficult to fire government employees, even those implicated in an embarrassing scandal.
The vote was not unanimous, however, as 33 Democrats for some reason voted against the legislation. The opposition was comprised of union-backed liberals, as well as lawmakers such as Jim Moran (Va.), Steny Hoyer (Md.), and Chris Van Hollen (Md.), who represent the D.C. suburbs where many senior VA employees reside. The full list of no votes
Brown (FL)
Miller, George
Van Hollen
"As ample evidence shows, the GOP are leading the corporatist economic class war on American workers. Dems are merely their spineless junior partners." DD
What Party is the solution, DD?
I don't agree that the GOP is leading the corporatist push any more than the Democrats. It is a reality that exists and it is cross-party.
I agree with Tocqueville...
"There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle."
Though, I might have to tweek it by replacing "many" with "a few".
I watched the video as Ron Johnson destroy Jay Rockefeller and expose him in front of the world. The next time I'm asked where is the GOP replacement for Obamacare, I'm going to give the link to that video. The answer was clearly given, for those who want to know the truth. It was a HOOT!
As far as DD's claim that "urban poor kids are now excluded by the “not racist” GOP’s budget", I would simply ask where is the evidence to support his race baiting claim? Where is the evidence that liberal dem's plans have IMPROVED the life of poor urban kids, what evidence is there to show the liberal Dem plans have ended poverty and reduced the need for increased spending in the budget?
I would argue that if the liberal dem plans for helping poor urban youth had been successful, there would naturally be a reduced need for govt spending for "poor urban youth".
The fact that liberal dems demand no reductions, will not stand for cuts in spending is an admission on their part that their plans, their spending is a failure.
Since that reality can not be allowed to be found out by the public, the liberal dem can only resort to the playing of the only card left in their deck, IE: the race card.
It goes like this:
If you dont want Obamacare, increased welfare spending, increase unemployment income, higher mim wages, if you want an investigation of Bengazi, the IRS, or the VA mishandling, failures and death panels, you are a racist.
Just in, B. Sanders wants to read the VA bill before voting on it, the same Sanders who voted for the ACA bill without reading it. Interesting.
Harley and Chuckie,
History shows the GOP is leading the assault on working Americans.
If you care, you can see answers in the evidence I presented:
Con-servatives without conscience don’t care, of course, but the fact is food stamps really do help kids…of all colors.
The Safety Net: An Investment In Kids
Meanwhile the GOP continues wage war on American workers to fatten the wallets of their elite masters:
The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards, 2011–2012
So Chuckie still believes in the scary "Death panels"! LOL!
Obama's "keep your insurance and doctor" rated "lie of the year" but that was partially true.
"Death panels" was previously rated "lie of the year". And so far, no death panels exist except in the indoctrinated minds of the RRBC.
As they say, "You can't learn what you don't want to know".
I’d love to see a Republican saying this:
“Wall Street is running our economic policies. The big oil companies have been running our energy and environmental policies. The military-industrial complex runs our foreign policy. It doesn't have to be that way. People simply have to wake up and take back control." - Rep. Alan Grayson
But we both know the chances of that.
Would appear to me Grayson rather likes Wall St. - at least when it benefits HIM... Though he was victimized, this AP article would appear to validate he had no issue with enriching himself via the very same Wall St. he decries...
McLEAN, Va. (AP) — U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida lost $18 million in a scheme that cheated him and about 120 other investors out of more than $35 million, according to court papers.
The Virginia man who ran the scheme, William Dean Chapman, was sentenced Friday in federal court to 12 years in prison. Prosecutors say Chapman used the money to fund a lavish lifestyle including a Lamborghini, a Ferrari and a $3 million home.
In most of the court papers, Grayson's identity is protected — prosecutors say only that an elected official with the initials A.G. was the primary victim — but documents twice mention Grayson by name. The Democratic congressman on Monday confirmed he is the A.G. mentioned in the documents.
Nothing in the court papers suggests Grayson was anything but a victim of the scheme. Grayson, a former trial attorney, said he has had a long record for picking winning stocks, which formed the basis for his personal fortune.
The scheme worked like this: clients would turn over their stocks to Chapman as collateral for a loan, and Chapman would let customers borrow about 90 percent of the stocks' value.
If the stocks did badly, borrowers could walk away and keep the money they were loaned. But if the borrowers' stocks did well, they would repay the loan with interest, and Chapman was supposed to return the stocks to the investor at their increased value.
But, according to court papers, Chapman sold the stocks and had no way to fulfill his obligations if a client's stock portfolio did well.
"That's why (Chapman) is going to prison for a long, long time," Grayson said. "At least in the end, some kind of justice was served."
In Grayson's case, his stocks performed astronomically well while they were entrusted to Chapman and his company, Alexander Capital Markets.
Lawyers for Chapman said it was the strength of Grayson's stocks that caused Chapman's scheme to crumble. Chapman and Grayson negotiated a payment plan, according to court records, but it was not enough to keep Chapman's positions from collapsing.
"Because the return on A.G.'s commodities investments were so astronomical, ACM could not meet its obligations under the loan agreements," defense lawyer Whitney Minter wrote.
In 2007, Grayson had $9.35 million in a stock portfolio that Chapman was supposed to be holding as collateral. In that year alone, the portfolio's value increased by 147 percent, to $23 million, according to a chart in the court documents.
(the article continues but I couldn't post whole thing-Google it for rest)
Kind of like Rockefeller telling Johnson "God help him". I about fell out of my chair laughing...
LOL on that hypocrite Alan Grayson that Dave Dubya would kiss his ass in a heartbeat if given the chance.
Yeah that SOB is just as greedy as all of us.
We all know how the Clintoons were trying to put some money in their bank account with Whitewater. How many people went to jail with that? They say the Staples store in Little Rock ran out of paper shredders thanks to Hillary's Law firm when the shit hit the fan and an investigation was started. Slick Willie and Hillary were totally innocent LOL, LOL.
Yeah Hillary was really against Capitalism when she made about $100,000 in cattle futures contracts. Yeah, no insider trading going on there LOL.
These liberals sure are parasites. Why would anyone want to vote for them. Oh yeah, I forgot all the free stuff promised to the low information people in exchange for their votes.
No doubt we will hear crickets from Tom Degan and Dave Alinsky Dubya about what a greedy capitalistic slob Alan Grayson is. Just like that fat fuk Michael Moore who would not hire union people because they were too expensive.
Waiting for your answer DD, what Party would you suggest we give our vote to since both the GOP and DNC are slaves to Wall Street, or what ever the heck you claim?
So all the liberal plans and spending have lifted poor urban kids out of poverty? Then why do we have to grow the spending each year if there are fewer "poor urban kids" because of the super successful liberal programs? It makes no sense to claim it is heartless to reduce spending money on programs to help "poor urban kids"
A. The spending and the programs are not working so it's throwing good money after bad
B. The programs and spending have been successful so less money is needed to handle the decreasing numbers of "poor urban kids".
I would lean towards A, because after 50 years of helping "poor urban kids", there isn't any improvement.
Question for anyone, is the term "poor urban kids" liberal code for anything? Also the liberal use of the term "community"?
Death panels, isn't that what is happening due to waiting lists at the VA? You know the VA health care system which has been praised by liberals as an example of single payer healthcare at it's best, you know that socialized health care by the VA. A panel of people decide who will be on and for how long they will be on the waiting list for VA health care, and when the veteran dies while waiting, most intelligent people would call that panel a death panel.
Food stamps, why after 5 years of this great Obama recovery and economy, are their more Americans on foods stamps in numbers AND as a percentage of the population? Hope and change at it's best, the govt will give you enough to keep you from freezing or starving, but not enough to make you independent from the Govt.
Oh, I know, its either
A. Bush's fault because he screwed things up soo bade'
B. The govt didn't borrow enough money from China, print enough money or spend enough money, and it's all conservative's fault.
So you really want to talk about the "attack on American Labor" with moderates and liberals pushing for the making of millions of people here illegally into citizens?
Doing so will have one of two effects.
A. Create more DNC voters, with their hands out for the freebees
B. Cause a expansion in the labor market that will drive DOWN the average wage.
So DD, which political Party should we vote for instead of the GOP or DNC? Enlighten us please with your thoughts.
Since the Clinton Library didn't want to buy it, I've decided to put my blue stained dress up for sale on ebay!
This comment has been removed by the author.
“Wall Street is running our economic policies. The big oil companies have been running our energy and environmental policies. The military-industrial complex runs our foreign policy. It doesn't have to be that way. People simply have to wake up and take back control." - Rep. Alan Grayson
The fact someone has invested money does not make this untrue, does it? This point stands unrefuted. I have a 401K, does that mean I can’t say Wall Street has too much influence on our government? How about you? No money in the bank? No money invested?
So there’s no ACA death panel. Right.
Lack of coverage is still the problem. Why didn’t these vets have the “best health care” in the world? What kept them from seeking treatment?
They couldn’t afford it. Wouldn’t the fact they had no alternative or additional coverage besides the VA be the real problem? Yes, that would be a problem. Too bad the priorities are stuffing wallets of insurance company CEOs, rather than treating Americans.
They had to rely solely on an overcrowded VA. Again thanks to Bush. They are dead thanks in no small part to your “Decider”. He sentenced countless thousands to death for false reasons, didn’t’ he? Yes, all for political gain and crony profit. Why didn’t Bush care for the VA as much as starting wars?
”Don’t blame Bush, just blame the Black guy,” right”
So Chuckie, your “logic” is “since people are still hungry, stop giving them food stamps.”
Obviously you don’t care, or don’t want to understand, how safety nets really do help people.
“Let them eat cake”, eh, Chuckie?
Yeah, that’s some real con-servative compassion.
"Again thanks to Bush"
How many American troops died under Bush in his 8 years vs. Obama in his 5 years?
Obviously, you have no clue what I want or dont want but that doesn't stop you from assuming you know.
Let's try this again, since DD brought it up, and continues to with his most recent claims of
"since people are still hungry, stop giving them food stamps.”
Obviously you don’t care, or don’t want to understand, how safety nets really do help people.
“Let them eat cake”, eh, Chuckie?
Yeah, that’s some real con-servative compassion."
"So all the liberal plans and spending have lifted poor urban kids out of poverty? Then why do we have to grow the spending each year if there are fewer "poor urban kids" because of the super successful liberal programs? It makes no sense to claim it is heartless to reduce spending money on programs to help "poor urban kids"
A. The spending and the programs are not working so it's throwing good money after bad
B. The programs and spending have been successful so less money is needed to handle the decreasing numbers of "poor urban kids".
WHY? It's easy, other than to spend others people money, liberals have no programs that work. If they do, where is the proof, why do we still have to increase funding in each years budget?
Nor will DD answer this question out of fear of being found out for what he really is
"what Party would you suggest we give our vote to since both the GOP and DNC are slaves to Wall Street, or what ever the heck you claim?"
Prediction, the next big thing rolled out from the left to distract from their continued policy and program failures will be,
Now we can REALLY blame the White Guy with this one and we can ignore why there are more "poor urban youth" in the "community" each year, which means the liberal policy's meant to help them have not worked, so let's spend more $$. Since spending money on "poor urban youth" is an investment, when can we start to see some returns on our investment?
"What Party would you suggest we give our vote to...?"
Neither major party deserves our vote. Both are corrupted.
Some of us can't see that, though.
Hey Chuckie, read something for a change:
Here’s an interesting study that the Radical Right Bubble Cult will ignore:
Testing Theories of American Politics:
Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts… When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."
I won't play into Chuckie's false choice. Asking Chuckie if he lacks compassion or is just a brainwashed cultist would be a more fair question.
"Since people are still hungry, stop giving them food stamps. Let them eat cake,” is still his position.
Indefensible to anyone but those devoid of compassion.
Questions for Chuckie:
Since American crony capitalism and corporatism is the best system, why do we have poverty and stagnating wages for everyone but the elites?
Since American crony capitalism and corporatism is the best system, why do other countries have better health care outcomes?
Since American crony capitalism and corporatism is the best system, why did Wall Street fail spectacularly in the Great Depression and the Great Bush Recession?
And since American crony capitalism and corporatism is the best system, why do we still have so many people looking for jobs?
Why have the "job creators" taken tax breaks and numerous incentives and still fired Americans and off-shored jobs?
For someone who knows everything, Chuckie won't answer any questions, of course.
So I will.
Because they have corrupted our government and rigged the system in their favor.
As Chuckie continues to shill for his elite aristocratic masters, let's consider the words of old Tom Jefferson.
“Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe... Call them, therefore, Liberals and Serviles, Jacobins and Ultras, Whigs and Tories, Republicans and Federalists, Aristocrats and Democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still and pursue the same object. The last one of Aristocrats and Democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all.” –Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 1824
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare to challenge our government to a trial by strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -- Thomas Jefferson
Damm commie liberal hippie.
More "post racial" Right Wing America:
A Madison County Justice Court judge is accused of striking a mentally challenged young man and using a racial slur.
In an echo of Mississippi's past, a Justice Court judge here is accused of striking a mentally challenged young man and yelling, "Run, n-----, run."
The family has filed a complaint with police against Madison County Justice Court Judge Bill Weisenberger, who is white, alleging he struck their 20-year-old African-American son, Eric Rivers, on May 8 at the Canton Flea Market.
But its OK for a "not racist" Republican, right?
Taking bets he will keep his job.
DD -
Absolutely, I can agree that his actions don't mean his words are false. I just find someone like him (a man utilizing fairly complex and advanced hedging techniques via stock loans) to be a tad hypocritical. He was going beyond "investing". I cannot accuse him because I don't have any facts, but I wouldn't be shocked if he were found to have inside information in his dealings - much like the Clinton land debaucles of the 90's. These folks most ALL do this stuff. You know that. All I'm saying is their words don't mean much to me any more. Again, not trying to be unfair specifically to him - he may be fully above-board - don't know the man.
I do agree with you that no party will/can save us. Can anyone name a great civilization that has lasted forever? I know that sounds anti-patriotic (and I'm not that). I just cannot escape what I observe around me. There is usually the assumption that WE THE PEOPLE can govern better than the oligarchy we have in place. Maybe, but I more and more am beginning to challenge that notion in my mind. I'm not so sure WE THE PEOPLE aren't the main problem these days. Based on what I observe around me day-to-day, I see little hope as a society - in the short-term anyway. But, my faith is not in mankind, but the true Savior of mankind. So, while it is disturbing, it is not ultimately defeating.
Wishing an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend to all. For those who have served in the military, many thanks for an often thankless sacrifice.
You know Dave since you cant answer simple questions with out smearing me and posting lies about me, and calling the questions "loaded" or "distracting"and since you dont want us to know what Party you really would like us to support, and since you feel the answer to our problems is more govt control of business and health care and since you ignore the govt controlled health care failures and the 18 bills the House GOP has passed to fix the VA and have sent to the Senate where they sit there to this day, gathering dust, and even with that example of failure or the failure of the roll out of the ACA and the lies the President (yes, dammit I'm going to blame the Black Guy!) told us about his signature bill, you still think we would give govt more control over our lives, I'm going to call you what Lenin would have.
You are a useful idiot.
I did not call you a commie.
Lenin said that people who hold like views about govt and its role in a country's economy, as yours, were useful in bringing about that country's change to communism.
Surely you dont think Lenin was talking about capitalists or conservatives as being useful?
Since you believe that both the DNC and GOP are under the cnotrol of banks and big business, which Party's candidates do you think we should vote for to end this control?
I want to thank you once again for illustrating the far Right tactic of destroying language, when one side unilaterally defines words and terms.
Can you cite where Lenin used the term “Useful idiot”? I don’t think you can. It has been a derogatory term manufactured by the Right to insult those who disagree with the narrow agenda of the economic elites. In fact the term is far more accurate to describe those like you, if you’re not a millionaire, who shill for the narrow interest of the elites, over their own economic interests.
From Wiki:
In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.
Despite often being attributed to Lenin, in 1987, Grant Harris, senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress, declared that "We have not been able to identify this phrase among Lenin's published works."
Do you seriously believe corporate and wealthy elites’ cash in elections and corporate lobbyists have no effect on taxes, legislation and regulation? If not, do you believe such legislation is in the narrow interests of the corporations, or in the interests of the general population?
If you cared to read any of the numerous relevant references I’ve posted, you would understand. I've shon how word for word, ALEC-written text has been submitted for legislation.
Did you know your Tea Party is Koch/corporate funded?
But somehow we don’t think you are curious or interested in any views and information other than what your RRBC chooses to propagate.
“The banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis --- that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place”. - Senator Dick Durban
Your propagandist Limbaugh loves to refer to this person as “Dick Turban”.
See the pattern here? Or do only “useful idiots” understand this?
Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.
Today, it refers to brainwashed liberals and leftists the world over (usually college students that aren't necessarily idiots, but just misinformed, naive, and ignorant of facts due to being indoctrinated with liberal/socialist propaganda through their public education) who believe that George W. Bush has committed more crimes against humanity than leftist darlings like Saddam Hussain, Yasser Arafat, and Osama Bin Laden, and still defend Communism, the cause of over 100 million deaths to this day"
"Useful Idiots" is a pejorative term that was used by the Soviets to describe Soviet
sympathizers in Western countries and in the United States in particular. It is thought that
the Soviet leader Lenin was the first to use the term and it was used by the Soviets for
many years to ridicule misguided Americans who were willing to take the Soviet/Marxist
side against their own country. Some say that today the term "useful idiots" can be used
to describe those who support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force
for good. This is an attempt on the part of liberals to deflect the label of "useful idiots"
from themselves. Thus we have hippie/Marxist liberals saying that the term "useful idiots"
was used by the Soviets to refer to American capitalists and not the hippie/Marxist liberal
supporters of communism. Well, American liberals operate under the rules provided by
the Marxist Saul Alinsky, who said that any means were justified to bring about Marxism
in the United States. So, if the hippie/Marxist liberals say that capitalists were the "useful
idiots" to which the Soviets referred, then this lie is justified, and the more often the lie is
repeated, the greater the number of weak-minded and uninformed individuals that will
believe the lie.
"The killing fields" is another term that the hippie/Marxist liberals have tried to delute
by using it to refer to anything but the real "killing fields" of Cambodia, for which the hippie/
Marxist liberals bear most of the responsibility.
Marxists have used the term "useful idiots" since the earliest days of the Soviet empire
right up to the Vietnam War and the eventual collapse of communism in Russia when they
referred to their liberal supporters.
I did not call you a commie, so stop with the lies about me such as "destroying language"
In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.
Despite often being attributed to Lenin,[1][2][3] in 1987, Grant Harris, senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress, declared that "We have not been able to identify this phrase among [Lenin's] published works."[4][5]
In Russian language, the equivalent term "useful fools" (полезные дураки, tr. polezniye duraki) was in use at least in 1941.[6]
The term has been used in a similar sense as fellow travellers and other Communism or Soviet Union sympathizers in Western countries during the Cold War. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as standing for a benign socialist ideological cause, and as valued allies of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used by the Communist Party of Soviet Union for subversive activities in their native Western countries. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good.[7]
A New York Times article from 1948, on contemporary Italian politics, documented usage of the term in an article from the social-democratic Italian paper L'Umanita.[8] The French equivalent, "idiots utiles", was used in a newspaper article title in 1946.[9]
A similar term, useful innocents, appears in Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises's "Planned Chaos" (1947). Von Mises claims the term was used by communists for liberals that von Mises describes as "confused and misguided sympathizers".[10] The term useful innocents also appears in a Readers Digest article (1946) titled "Yugoslavia's Tragic Lesson to the World", an excerpt from a, at the time, forthcoming book (no title printed) authored by Bogdan Raditsa (Bogdan Radica), a "high ranking official of the Yugoslav Government". Raditsa says: "In the Serbo-Croat language the communists have a phrase for true democrats who consent to collaborate with them for 'democracy.' It is Korisne Budale, or Useful Innocents."[11] Although Raditsa translates the phrase as "Useful Innocents", the word budala (plural: budale) actually translates as "fool" and synonyms thereof.
A 2010 BBC radio documentary titled Useful Idiots listed among "useful idiots" of Joseph Stalin several prominent British writers including H. G. Wells and Doris Lessing, the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw, the American journalist Walter Duranty, and the singer Paul Robeson.[12]"
Don't want to be called a useful idiot, then stop being one!
And DD, what do the Koch Brothers have to do with you answering my question on which party we should vote for since as you claim, the DNC and GOP are in the control of the banks, corporations etc?
And for that matter, your bringing up of Limbaugh? What's he have to do with any thing I've posted? I have quoted him, so is he your liberal scapegoat of the month?
I'd still like to know why if liberalism has the correct programs to end poverty with higher taxes, more govt control and more spending there are still poor urban youth starving with all the liberal programs in place now? Shouldn't we be seeing an improvement and reduction in the amount of programs needed since liberal programs are the only one's that work?
So you’re not calling me a commie, but a commie sympathizer? And this is not red-baiting HOW??
By the way, you’re welcome, on correcting your false belief in a Lenin quote.
But that’s cool. The more you think I’m a commie, Leninist, Stalinist or whatever putrid notion in your indoctrinated hateful mind, the more ignorant and fascistic you really are.
why if liberalism has the correct programs to end poverty with higher taxes
That’s one Big If.
Liberalism DOES NOT have programs to end poverty with higher taxes. It has some programs that mitigate the hardships of poverty; which qualifies as success in itself.
Liberalism has ideas that constitutional taxation for the general welfare not only works, it is wanted by most Americans.
Increasingly in our corporatocracy, Con-servatives have “programs” to insure trickle up wealth, while gutting food stamps and public works and services.
Liberalism knows off-shoring jobs and opposing minimum wage have never reduced the effects of poverty.
So here it is as simply as we can state it:
Liberalism says, “We’re in this together”.
Con-servativism says, “You are on your own”.
Liberalism embraces democracy as our best option.
Con-servatism deems private wealth superior to democracy, and leveraging wealth in public elections and the political process entitles the wealthy to rule.
Which perspective would need more useful idiots?
That should better clarify your premise, but you will reject it anyway.
That was an excellent synopsis of the two parties philosophies Dave.
Sometimes it's just fun and entertaining to sit back and watch conservatives make fools of themselves.
NOPE, not at all, just pointing out how your understanding of the role of govt in a country's economics is useful to take it from capitalism to communism.
The real shock here is how defensive you are about this discussion. So let's try this. Who do you believe would agree with your view, a capitalist or a communist?
Whats even stranger is for someone who throws the accusation of conservatives being fascists around, like beads at a Mardi Gras parade, you sure have thin skin.
I disagree with your definitions of conservatism or as you like to call it, Con-servativism and with what I now feel free to call Libtardism.
Tell us Dave who do you think agrees with this the most,"We’re in this together" a communist or capitalist? And where is "being in this together" worked to advance the economic power of ALL the citizens of a country operating under that philosophy? And who has ensured this redistribution of wealth? And has it worked?
"LIBTARDISM DOES NOT have programs to end poverty with higher taxes. It has some programs that mitigate the hardships of poverty; which qualifies as success in itself." REALLY?, how are these failed programs funded, with fairy dust. Nice try Dave, but the fact is your programs have to take from one and give to another, isn't that what income disparity or inequality is all about? Now you are either going to ignore what I just posted or claim my question is loaded or I've been listening to Limbaugh.
I will say this, you are the first libtard who has been brave enough to admit the goal of libtardism is not to end poverty, but to just give enough to keep those in poverty dependent on the govt largess. Can we now finally end the War on Poverty?
"leveraging wealth in public elections and the political process entitles the wealthy to rule." Dave is it true that both Party's do this? If as you have said this to be true, who will you vote for instead of the DNC or GOP? Are you calling democrats conservative?
Clete Winslow heads for the gutter.
A Channel 2 Action News and Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation found homeless workers paid with City of Atlanta tax dollars, and records show they were PAID BELOW THE MINIMUM WAGE.
The workers say they spent time cleaning up the district of Atlanta Councilwoman Cleta Winslow while she was running for re-election last year.
“She said, ‘Once I give you this shirt you’ll be part of my campaign and you’ll be working for me,’” Samantha DeLoach told Channel 2 investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer.
DeLoach has been homeless for three years. She says she and a group of friends worked for Winslow cleaning up parts of her district and handing out campaign fliers.
Well, we have progress. I’m not a commie and you’re not a Nazi.
pointing out how your understanding of the role of govt in a country's economics is useful to take it from capitalism to communism.
This is another unfounded accusation, you know. You present no evidence whatsoever. You are operating from a dogmatic belief system.
Yes, we know you have a long lasting love for the term “libtard”. I use the term con-servative to distinguish between my conservative grandmother who disliked change and mistrusted foreigners from those con-servatives who’s agenda is the destruction of public services and support for corporate domination of our government. The latter is what Jefferson warned us about.
I doubt you’re able to see any such nuances anywhere on the political spectrum.
You really see safety nets, worker rights, and public service programs as “communism” or the path towards communism.
Powerful economic elites have been indoctrinated Americans to believe this for decades.
You are indoctrinate to believe that capitalism cannot fail. In fact, the Great Depression and the Great Bush Recession sow is has failed quite spectacularly.
The fact Americans are seeing more poverty and wage stagnation also attest to that failure.
But you would prefer to blame liberals for what Wall Street has done. It's what you do.
It has some programs that mitigate the hardships of poverty; which qualifies as success in itself." REALLY?,
Ask anyone who has received Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and unemployment compensation. Are you REALLY that out of touch with reality? Then our claims about your bubble are correct.
Are you calling democrats conservative
No. Some are, and most of them take corporate money and represent their interests. The question is do YOU see what I’m talking about? I bet you ignored the study showing how little effect the majority’s interests have on public policy.
"leveraging wealth in public elections and the political process entitles the wealthy to rule." Dave is it true that both Party's do this
I made the statement. Again the question is do YOU see what I’m talking about?
One. More. Time.
MOST Americans support constitutional safety nets like Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. MOST Americans support constitutional regulation of commerce.
That means "We the People" know we are in this together.
YOUR masters want none of this.
YOU are out on the far right neo-liberal fringe, whether you know it or not.
Neoliberalism is a form of economic liberalism whose advocates support laissez faire, free trade and open markets, privatization, deregulation, and enhancing the role of the private sector in modern society.
We see corporate influence on public policy as "enhancing the role of the private sector in modern society". It isn't pretty. Drink any water in West Virginian lately?
Neo-liberalism means more pollution and less environmental regulation. It means a de-regulated Wall Street and more likelihood of another collapse.
Collins English Dictionary:
neo-liberalism - 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a modern politico-economic theory favouring free trade, privatization, minimal government intervention in business, reduced public expenditure on social services, etc
2. (Economics) a modern politico-economic theory favouring free trade, privatization, minimal government intervention in business, reduced public expenditure on social services, etc
Does this information help?
Or should I now call you a neo-libtard?
This comment has been removed by the author.
You are making the same argument I made months ago, about today's liberal being FDR liberals vs the pre FDR liberal or classical liberal that you now call neo-liberal.
Before FDR, liberals were defined as you outlined. Here's the problem with the FDR liberal.
"Neo-liberalism means more pollution and less environmental regulation."
"It means a de-regulated Wall Street and more likelihood of another collapse."
That is crazy talk!
Do you really believe that a classical liberal such as my self wants to drink dirty water and breath unclean air? Do you really think that a classical liberal wants the destruction of private wealth through illegal investment actions?
What the FDR liberal has been taught to believe is, without the intervention of government, the natural run of events will lead to dirty air and water, failed investments and children in the inner city starving and it will done on purpose to advance the wallet size of people who must have a private water and air supply. Again that's crazy talk.
I realize the scars of the Great Depression are deep and visible yet today. But what the FDR liberal doesn't believe or know is that the team FDR built around him were at the very least, friends of the Soviet economic way. Hence my statement about useful idiots. It therefore, doesn't surprise me that the FDR liberal feels comfortable with the highest % of Americans on govt support in our history. Or there is a communistic demand for limiting the income a person can make. Because n the mind of a FDR liberal, all income is governments to start with, government is kind enough to let you keep some of it.
Hence the argument that "you didn't create that business on your own, you owe someone else for your success"
Surely after 80 years of growing FDR regulations and rules designed to lessen the natural peaks and valleys of the free market place we dont need more today. Or for that matter the yearly growth of the economic choking rules and regulations being imposed on our economy. Why do you think corporations go offshore? Because it's more profitable to do so. Do FDR liberals think profit is bad? Do they think it is the duty of govt to limit profit? What is the FDR liberal understanding of the reason for a company, corporation to be in business? To provide jobs?
I have make this argument with you and others so many times, it depresses me that you are just now finally getting my point. FDR liberalism takes freedom away from us in exchange for a false sense of security which leads to dependance on govt for one's daily bread. FDR liberalism limits choice, limits liberty, limits freedom. It can do nothing else if it is to make good on it's promises. The problem is we can see historical events that show sadly, it can not make good on it's promises.
Don't you think I wish the FDR liberal programs and regulations worked as they were billed to, if for not other reason than for my kids and their kids? As I tried to point out to you with the example of "poor urban kids" FDR liberalism is NOT making the problems of the human condition go away.
Thanks for sharing your beliefs. Let's examine them, shall we?
Alas, there you go again. You far right types always insist on unilaterally defining words. Destruction of language is essential to your neo-liberal cause of trickle up wealth to the economic elites.
You are making the same argument I made months ago…
No. Unfounded false assertion number one.
Here's the problem with the FDR liberal.
"Neo-liberalism means more pollution and less environmental regulation."
"It means a de-regulated Wall Street and more likelihood of another collapse."
That is crazy talk!
Ah, no. My statement happens to be reality based and backed by historical fact. Unfounded false assertion number two.
Do you really believe that a classical liberal such as myself wants to drink dirty water and breath unclean air? Do you really think that a classical liberal wants the destruction of private wealth through illegal investment actions?
Unless you support regulation of the financial sector and environmental laws, you may as well want those outcomes. Classical liberal and neo-liberal both have more to do with economics than government of the people and the constitutional general welfare it allows. I provided a definition. Learn the difference.
You are babbling your indoctrination about “FDR liberals”. What you are trying to label are social liberals, who’ve existed long before FDR. Abolition and suffrage rights are a noble part of the history of social liberalism.
Maybe Wiki can help you understand:
Social liberalism is the belief that liberalism should include a social foundation. Social liberalism seeks to balance individual liberty and social justice. Like classical liberalism, it endorses a market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights and liberties, but differs in that it believes the legitimate role of the government includes addressing economic and social issues such as poverty, health care and education.
Read that a couple times so you get it, please. Note that nowhere does it mention advocating communism. There are real crazy talkers like you who believe that government addressing economic and social issues such as poverty, health care and education IS communism. It is not.
team FDR built around him were at the very least, friends of the Soviet economic way.
Unfounded false assertion number three. When will you understand that merely claiming something doesn’t make it true? RRBC all the way
It therefore, doesn't surprise me that the FDR liberal feels comfortable with the highest % of Americans on govt support in our history
Unfounded false assertion number four, and this verges on crazy talk. Liberals want jobs with a living wage for all those capable of working. I suppose you think liberals like sacrificing virgins to volcano gods too?
in the mind of a FDR liberal, all income is governments to start with, government is kind enough to let you keep some of it.
No. This is entirely your indoctrination. Unfounded false assertion number five. Liberals know they earn their money, and they know taxes are not only constitutional, but are vital to a civil and safe society. You cannot understand this of course.
Hence the argument that "you didn't create that business on your own, you owe someone else for your success"
Unfounded false assertion number six, based on previous false assertion.
Instead of creating dishonest straw man arguments, try refuting something actually presented:
“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.” - Elizabeth Warren
economic choking rules and regulations being imposed on our economy.
Your economic elite “victims” are doing better than ever. Where have you been?
Why do you think corporations go offshore?
Because they’d rather pay slave wages and write trade agreements that reward them for that.
FDR liberalism takes freedom away from us in exchange for a false sense of security
Unfounded false assertion number seven. What “freedom” has been taken from you by safety nets that have helped millions of Americans?
The problem is we can see historical events that show sadly, it cannot make good on its promises.
Unfounded false assertion number eight. Again, you obviously ignore the millions of Americans who have benefited from these safety nets.
FDR liberalism is NOT making the problems of the human condition go away.
True assertion number one. As we’ve noted, however, millions of Americans have benefited from these safety nets. This qualifies as success. Food stamps make hunger go away much better than condescending sneers and condemnation from FOX(R).
So tell us how unregulated neo-liberal capitalism is the answer and will make the problems of the human condition go away.
No, I'm not posting here for you to take the role of examiner of my beliefs. You are not worthy of defining anything about me or what I believe. Nor are you my political confessor or counselor.
So examine all you want to, I will not engage in defending my self to you.
I do not have to. History will prove you and FDR liberalism a failure.
You are not worthy of defining anything about me or what I believe
Yet that is exactly what your ill-informed, propaganda-ridden lecture was about liberals.
More falsehoods, hypocrisy and double standards from the RRBC.
We expect nothing else.
We certainly don't expect you to tell us how unregulated neo-liberal capitalism is the answer and will make the problems of the human condition go away.
You cannot.
You have no answers. Only ignorance and hate.
Thank you for displaying this so generously.
"History will prove you and FDR liberalism a failure."
Well Chuckie, it's been 70 years and still all evidence to the contrary. However,Hoover killed the economy,Reagan/Bush killed the economy,Bush II killed the economy, and in every case a liberal Democrat brought it back.
Wanna keep making a fool of yourself?
Good News everybody!
Looks like AmeriKa's Tea Party has spread to Europe. The European people pulling the wagon have had enough of the unaccountable elitist central planning liberal fascists! :
“Shock,” “Anger,” “Earthquake”—those are among the more frequent epithets employed to describe this weekend’s European elections. All across the continent, voters turned out to deliver a resounding defeat to the top-down, politically correct, big-government, Brussels-centric, rule-by-unaccountable-elites project that is the European Union.
unaccountable elitist central planning liberal fascists!
LOL! More crazy talk. Yeah, that's the problem we need some more ultra-nationalist, xenophobic, euro-racists to fix.
Like back in the 1930s.
Europe: Mainstream parties across Europe suffered a drubbing from both the right and the left during four days of elections for European Parliament. The voting, held in 28 countries, revealed simmering discontent, as far right parties that tout xenophobia and racism scored gains in Britain, France, Greece, Denmark, and Hungary, where the anti-Semitic Jobbik party won second. Greece also saw a rise of the radical left. France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the outcome was "more than a warning. It is a shock, an earthquake."
The victory of the upstart parties, while a rebuke to the mainstream, was not large enough to dominate assembly, limiting their power to affect EU-wide legislation. But it may be large enough to change the progressive direction on issues like immigration. EU leaders met on Tuesday to discuss how the bloc might be reformed in response to the election results.
The elections suffered from low turnout, averaging 43 percent across the continent. Only 36 percent of British voters turned out, and 13 percent of voters in Slovakia cast ballots.
The far Right always gains when most people fail to vote.
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