Post #538: Random Observations
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Hyde Park, 11 February 2012 ` |
The following collection of commie drivel are a series of unrelated observations on the state of America in the Spring of 2014. The photograph at the top of this piece was taken two years ago in front of Franklin Roosevelt's birthplace and lifelong home at Hyde Park, New York. I have since shed over thirty pounds. Major lifestyle adjustments will do that to you. Happy reading!

Barring any unforeseen scandal or catastrophe (you never know with those Clintons) Hillary will more-than-likely be the next president of the United States. I say this not with a sense of joy nor with any foreboding, but rather with a sense of resignation. Maybe she will turn out to be the second incarnation of FDR that I've been dreaming of - much in the way I thought Obama would be. He turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. She will probably end up being a let-down as well. This much is certain: In 2017, for the fist time since 1857, one Democratic administration will succeed another one on Inauguration Day.
2. "Net me tell you about Negroes"
CLIVEN BUNDY UPDAYTE: The Nevada rancher who was slick enough to get an army of armed dingbats to "protect" him from the EVIL American government two weeks ago (he owes over a million dollars in grazing fees) stated recently that "Negroes" were better off as slaves. Watching his former champions in the right wing media (Sean Hannity in particular) fall over themselves in an attempt to create as much distance as possible between him and them has been a scream to watch. This week, Cliven's "soldiers" have been harassing his neighbors asking to see their ID's. As I said two weeks ago, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. We really do live in interesting times, don't we?
3. Quote of the Month:
"I hope Jeb runs. I think he would be a great president."
-George W. Bush
Oh, the things we have to look forward to. But seriously, folks....
4. Rush to Oblivion

4. Just Say "BENGHAZI"!
The right wing in Congress, in anticipation of a Hillary Clinton candidacy in two years, is doing everything they can to keep alive the "Democrat scandal" of the attacks on the American embassy that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. As the president said a couple of days ago they'll have one hell of a time trying to accuse her of being born in Kenya. They can't run on issues that mean anything to the average voter so they need to resort to this sort of thing. Of this you may be absolutely certain: 2016 is going to be an interesting political year. Here's something else you can be sure of: There will never again be Republican elected to the presidency. They may survive for a few years in the statehouses and Congress, but as far as the White House is concerned, the grand old party is over.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The right wing in Congress, in anticipation of a Hillary Clinton candidacy in two years, is doing everything they can to keep alive the "Democrat scandal" of the attacks on the American embassy that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. As the president said a couple of days ago they'll have one hell of a time trying to accuse her of being born in Kenya. They can't run on issues that mean anything to the average voter so they need to resort to this sort of thing. Of this you may be absolutely certain: 2016 is going to be an interesting political year. Here's something else you can be sure of: There will never again be Republican elected to the presidency. They may survive for a few years in the statehouses and Congress, but as far as the White House is concerned, the grand old party is over.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Laughter's Gentle Soul: The Life of Robert Benchley 1889-1945
by Billy Altman
There's just something about Benchley - be it the writer, the actor or the man - that, to me, has always been irresistible. He is the personification of American wit! The short films he produced for Paramount and MGM between 1928 and 1945 are treasures in the history of American Humor. All of them should be released on DVD. As of this writing, only a handful of Paramounts are now commercially available.
Altman's fine biography is a sympathetic look at the man and what shaped him into being who he was. Particularly of interest is the death of his older brother in the Spanish American War in 1899 and the effect it had on Benchley as a child.
This book could have been better, no question about it. But until a better one comes along (don't hold your breath), it is as fine a reference as any ever written. Nearly seventy years after his death, no one has replaced him. He was a real S.O.B. Sweet Old Bob! God rest his merry soul.
I'm sorry I haven't been that prolific lately, folks.
Laughter's Gentle Soul: The Life of Robert Benchley 1889-1945
by Billy Altman
There's just something about Benchley - be it the writer, the actor or the man - that, to me, has always been irresistible. He is the personification of American wit! The short films he produced for Paramount and MGM between 1928 and 1945 are treasures in the history of American Humor. All of them should be released on DVD. As of this writing, only a handful of Paramounts are now commercially available.
Altman's fine biography is a sympathetic look at the man and what shaped him into being who he was. Particularly of interest is the death of his older brother in the Spanish American War in 1899 and the effect it had on Benchley as a child.
This book could have been better, no question about it. But until a better one comes along (don't hold your breath), it is as fine a reference as any ever written. Nearly seventy years after his death, no one has replaced him. He was a real S.O.B. Sweet Old Bob! God rest his merry soul.
I'm sorry I haven't been that prolific lately, folks.
"Where have all the flowers gone . . ."
Anyone remember Glenn Beck? Has he vanished - or been banished?
I miss his chalk talk and whimpering displays. Talk about hysterical . . .
>>Maybe she will turn out to be the second incarnation of FDR that I've been dreaming of - much in the way I thought Obama would be. He turned out to be a bit of a disappointment.
...a bit of a disappointment? I seem to recall our friend Tom was no less than euphoric on election day 2008.
Another FDR - now there is an interesting idea... I think the world could use someone with the courage and clout to take on the agricultural chemical and fossil fuel industries - that is beyond FDR. No matter what, it will be a death match. It appears that these industries that own Washington are bent on serving up irreversible climate change. Civilization as we know it might be one of the casualties.
Does this sound implausible? Not really when you consider that at the moment, we are witnessing the death of the Bill of Rights - and the reality of living in a George Orwell novel. So keep dreaming Tom, you never know what tomorrow brings...
More random thoughts.
Local business owners might be hoping the Affordable Care Act’s insurance mandates cover sticker shock.
The law’s employer coverage mandate doesn’t take effect until 2015, but early plan renewals are starting to roll in. And for some businesses, the premium jumps are positively painful.
Local insurance brokers are reporting spikes ranging from 35 percent to 120 percent on policies that renew from July to December. The increases are especially acute among employers with workforces made up of younger, healthier men. That’s because Obamacare prohibits offering lower rates to healthier groups. It also narrows the allowed premium gap between older and younger enrollees.
“It’s like if there were no more safe-driver discounts with State Farm,” said local insurance broker Frank Nolimal of Assurance Ltd. “Everybody has the same rate, whether you have three DUIs, or you’re a (nondrinking) churchgoing Mormon.”
The changes put as many as 90,000 policies across Nevada at risk of cancellation or nonrenewal this fall, said Las Vegas insurance broker William Wright, president of Chamber Insurance and Benefits. That’s more than three times the 25,000 enrollees affected in October, when Obamacare-compliant plans first hit the market.
Troubling signs for Democrats:
Obama's approval rating sits at 44%, compared with 50% who disapprove.
Although last Friday's jobs report showed the unemployment rate dropping to its lowest level since 2008, most people (65%) say jobs are still difficult to find. And while 25% of voters think the economy will get better next year, about an equal number think it'll get worse.
The percentage of voters who disapprove of the Affordable Care Act (55%) is still tied for the highest in the law's history.
The Republican Party is at its strongest point in two decades heading into midterm elections, according to a new Pew Research-USA Today poll, the latest daunting sign for Democrats ahead of campaign season.
The GOP is at an even stronger point than in previous "wave" elections in 1994 and 2010 and looks poised to make major gains — and possibly take control of the U.S. Senate.
According to the poll, out Monday, Republicans have a 47-43 lead on the generic congressional ballot. That's a 10-point swing from October, when Democrats, boosted by GOP blame for the federal government shutdown, held a 6-point lead in the Pew poll.
A new video by media analyst Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in San Diego expressing their view that it’s racist to not like Mexican food.
Obama Supporters: Not Liking Mexican Food is Racist
A new video by media analyst Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in San Diego expressing their view that it’s racist to not like Mexican food.
Dice invented the narrative that Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had remarked that he didn’t like Mexican food and that Barack Obama had asked him to resign.
The video again illustrates how many on the left are prepared to play the race card under any circumstances whatsoever, thereby denigrating the seriousness of actual racism, because huge numbers of unthinking Americans will blithely accept such rhetoric.
A recent example is MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, who last week argued that a bill to raise the minimum wage was being blocked due to racism. “I think not raising the minimum wage is a racist policy,” stated Schultz.
Americans now are being blasted as “racist” for the simple act of waving an American flag.
It happened Monday in California to a small group of protesters who waved U.S. flags in front of a school where officials had banned the practice to avoid violence threatened by Hispanic students celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
The controversy developed in 2010, when school officials ordered students not to wear U.S. flag-themed shirts on the Mexican holiday. The ban has been upheld by a federal appeals court.
Anonymous spamming again? Don't you EVER stop WHINING about Obama? He won,(as did America) you lost, get past it already!
Personally, I'd like to see Elizebeth Warren or Corey Booker in the White House in 2016.
Tom said "Maybe she will turn out to be the second incarnation of FDR that I've been dreaming of - much in the way I thought Obama would be. He turned out to be a bit of a disappointment.
Should Tom stop whining?
One problem I have with Hillary which I also did first time around-- and that doesn't include Bill (who to me is a drawback and not over the sex issues). She's vague on what she would do on big issues like immigration, taxation, wars. She's kind of-- trust me I know what should be done-- but what would that be? It reminds me of Bush as a compassionate conservative. They get in and then you find out.
Yeah Obama promised a lot he couldn't or didn't do. Americans very quickly reversed themselves by turning the House over to the Republicans and some think they'll do the same with the Senate for Obama's last two years. boy will that lead to some interesting turnarounds like if Ca votes to divide into three-- would a Republican Senate okay that to get more Senators on their side?
As for Obama and his promises. Sometimes people read into campaign words interpretations to suit their own agenda.
I'd just like more specifics from her this go round. She probably will be the Democratic candidate if she wants it; but what does that mean for a lot of things progressives value?
Yeah, I'd say a full-bore continuation of the Wolfowitz Doctrine in creating civil war in Ukraine is a "bit of a disappointment". Obama realizes like all US Presidents that personal beliefs must be set aside in DC and you must follow the plan...
Obama realizes like all US Presidents that personal beliefs must be set aside in DC and you must follow the plan...
This is why the US is now the CSA, Corporate States of America, dedicated to permanent war and police state.
Who do you think, if elected President in 2016, could end our being the Corporate States of America, dedicated to permanent war and police state?
Nobody. The too big to fail corporate powers have gamed and corrupted the system. We would need to remove the tentacles of corruption from all three branches of government. This will never happen as long as corporate cash is considered a human right of "free speech".
As long as Americans equate wealth with virtue, we'er doomed.
Rain, you said "Yeah Obama promised a lot he couldn't or didn't do"
Obstruction, GOP obstruction. Simple as that..
Let me try that again, Whom do you think can bring about, if elected, all the things you listed that need to happen?
Looks like the blame the party not controlling 2/3's of govt. is being rolled out again, this time by Sally May.
You see Rain, if there were no GOP, no opposition party, no difference of opinions, we would be living in nirvana.
As long at the opinion was Sally May's.
The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing the Benghazi terrorist attacks.
The investigation follows emails sent to news outlets warning that Gowdy would be “assassinated.”
The Capitol Police would not comment on the scope of the investigation but Officer Shennell Antrobus confirmed that there is “an active, open investigation.”
Gowdy was tapped on Monday to lead a new select committee on Benghazi. His office referred all questions to the Capitol Police.
More peace loving, gentle liberalism on display.
Program Format Weekly Listeners in Millions
The Rush Limbaugh Show Conservative talk 14+
The Sean Hannity Show Conservative talk 13.25+
Morning Edition Public news 12.3
All Things Considered Public news/talk 11.8
Delilah Adult contemporary 8.8
Marketplace Public news 8.7
The Dave Ramsey Show Financial talk 7.
Glenn Beck Program Conservative talk 7.5+
The Mark Levin Show Conservative talk 7.5+
The Savage Nation Conservative talk 5+
Fresh Air Public news/talk 4.5
A Prairie Home Companion Public old-time 4.5
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal talk 3.25+
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Public panel 3.2
The Lia Show Country music 2+
The Kim Komando Show Specialty 1.75+
More bubble poping time!
ANaonymous is still eqyating ALLEGED ratings to quality and integrity. Remember that Gilligan's Island and "Survivor" both have or had high ratings. Funny thing is though, you can't find two people (especially conservatives) that will admit to watching Fox news or listening to Limbaugh. It's also easy to get high ratings when your party owns ALL the AM radio stations. Maybe Anonymous should stop whining about Obama, stop acting like a 5 year old, and get some FACTS.
Nah, he's conservative. He don't need no stinkin facts.
Anonymous, are you aware that in a lot of the country, all you can get are right wing extremists. Drive across those states and you can push in one button after another and all you will hear is righties. Now maybe that is because the people there only want to hear them but how would you know? They don't really have a choice!
I went looking to see Limbaugh's numbers and came across this-- -- Here's the thing, even I turn into him for awhile sometimes to see what he's saying. I can stand about five minutes which happened this morning as he tried to deny climate change. I will be interested what his take will be when his Florida mansion ends up with ocean at its front door... The problem with the right is they don't value science, don't trust it and the end result will be nothing happens until it's hitting them directly when it's too late.
One more thing. Democrats will win in 2016 due to crazy republican primaries but don't bet on Hillary. She was the favorite this time four years ago.
Tom I am surprised you do not support Benghazi investigation . It tells me you are just a partisan hack If Susan Rice lied to the American people we should know. Why coverup and why withhold information. As Americans we should know how IRS delaying tea party applications occurred. I am not a tea partier by any means but we should no the facts for any administration democrat or republican. You need to watch both msnbc and fox so you understand both sides of issues.
In the free market, the product that people want will be the product that they buy or in this case, listen to.
Remember Air America? It failed in all of the markets it aired in. If there was a demand for Air America's liberal message, it would be still be broadcasting in the market place regardless of population density. It's like your books, if the market likes them, they will purchase them.
The free market place, and it not govt, chooses the winners and losers. (I know that for some who post here, that seems totally unfair, but that argument is best for another day.) The only excuse for liberal, radical left extremist talk radio to not be on the air is the majority of Americans do not agree with it's message. Apparently, like it or not, that is however, not the case with right wing talk radio.
Mozart, the ratings I listed were from Nielsen, for March 2014.
Need your help with this, is it man caused global cooling, or man caused global warming or man caused global climate change? If man is causing the earth to cool, warm or change, then what are the scientist and the UN doing to bring China into compliance with the regulations we in the USA have already put ourselves under? What are the scientist doing to stop the largest polluter of our plant, China? You see, with China passing the USA as the worlds largest economy later this year, why is the USA still the focus of evil when it comes this decades version of man caused whatever? While I do not agree with the concept that man can cause our weather to change to the same degree as the sun sun spots or volcanoes, I would ask the true believers of man caused anything, to put their money where their mouth is and fix, using their science, the largest problem, China.
And no, I didn't listen to talk radio today or watch any Fox cable news. Today I was prepping for my second canoe fishing trip of the year, instead of my normal fourth trip, as it's been unusually to cold to fish until now.
Unacceptable to refer to bush family as assholes and disgusting. Ok to disagree with policies or decisions they made but they thought those decisions were the right decisions for our country. Especially HW was a good man who devoted life to service for our country.
W. Made lots of mistakes and maybe not the brightest guy but he was a good guy. Jebb define toy a better candidate and that scares you
Your right rush will be gone in 5 years or so.
Well, let's see Chucky. No obstruction? So Mitch McConnell's only goal is to make Obama a one term president and he is so twisted ad pissed off that he filibustered his own bill..Then there is the GOP House, 52 votes to repeal Obamacare, no votes on immigration, no jobs bill, no extension of unemployment benefits; nothing that benefits the American people, and you question obstruction?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A unit run by President Barack Obama’s political staff inside the Environmental Protection Agency operates illegally as a “rogue law enforcement agency” that has blocked independent investigations by the EPA’s inspector general for years, a top investigator told Congress.
The assistant EPA inspector general for investigations, Patrick Sullivan, was expected to testify later Wednesday before a House oversight committee about the activities of the EPA’s little-known Office of Homeland Security.
The office of about 10 employees is overseen by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s office, and the inspector general’s office is accusing it of impeding its independent investigations into employee misconduct, computer security and external threats, including compelling employees involved in cases to sign non-disclosure agreements.
Here's the question and the reason for posting the above.
Does the EPA believe in climate change?
Why should we trust it's science if they are uncomfortable in answering the citizens questions about their activity's?
Anonymous 10:53 you left out the left calling them war criminals. For the dumbest President in our history, GWB sure was sharp enough to plan 9-11 years in advance of his first year in office and the put his people into place to bring about Benghazi 4 years out of office. That's one James Hansen has said in his posts.
You know what would really benefit AMERICANS Sally May?
Like I said Sally, blame the party that control 1/3 of govt, because Obama's radical plans for America are too much for his own party to pass.
Michigan Democratic senatorial candidate Gary Peters attended a fundraiser held by anti-Keystone billionaire Tom Steyer despite his proclaimed opposition to the influence of out-of-state billionaires on Michigan politics.
Steyer, a hedge fund billionaire, has pledged to spend $100 million in 2014 to elect environmentalist Democrats in February. Peters accompanied Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) to Steyer’s San Francisco mansion less than a week after the announcement. The pair dined on salmon and grass-fed beef from Steyer’s personal ranch and before walking away with $400,000 for Reid’s Senate Super PAC.
Peters’ pilgrimage to San Francisco contrasts his commitment to getting so-called dark money out of politics, as well as his public statements criticizing the libertarian Koch brothers. His campaign site’s blog attempted to connect Republican candidate Terri Lynn Land to the liberal boogeymen.
“The Koch Brothers: out of state oil billionaires trying to buy the election for Terri Lynn Land,” the post said. “They share an agenda. … If Terri Lynn Land and the Koch Brothers win—Michigan loses.”
Anonymous is breaking out the "GOP greatest hits" again. Jeez, he even mentioned "Global cooling" whch is hilarious because that wasn't even aceppted by mainstream science in the 70's. Any port in a storm for the DESPARATE WHINER Anonymous.
Hey Anonymous, If a man wanted to eliminate the USA and turn it into a Nazi regime, would you accept that because he "Felt it was the right thing to do at the time"? What a stupid excuse for Bush incompetence.
Anonymous, have you paid attention to the consequences of climate change or just heard the right wing propaganda regarding it. Mini-ice age sound familiar to you? What the concern has been all along is that some areas would have drought and some freeze solid.
What man wants is to keep the oceans functioning for producing food with currents and winds. If the ice all melts and goes into the oceans it doesn't just raise the level of the sea but also changes its chemistry. This is a concern if you look at facts-- not rhetoric.
What I have heard is China is trying to rein in their pollution, but we can only control ourselves. There are things we can do. If you look at a map of rising CO2 levels, you see we are big contributors to it. Will anything we do be enough? Maybe not by now. There is a tipping point but why wouldn't we want to do what we can?
canoe fishing trip sounds good. I am not a fisherman but in the PNW we have had a very delightful spring, drier but not badly so, definitely warmer than usual, but the spring salmon run is almost non-existent that it is disturbing the fishermen I know. They come from the oceans and are an early indicator for those who pay attention.
With your prediction of Hillairy in the White House, you would want to bury us as a nation. I don't think America can survive anymore of you Democrats in the White House. You fight voter ID, because you know you can't win the presidency "fair and square". I'm a little disappointed in the "grand ole party" as well. They just aren't conservative enough. Like John McCain, they're too busy "reaching across the aisle" to get any real legislation passed.May be there will be a third party or may be the Republicans can get their act together. If not, then our country is going down the tubes, just like their little aborted babies. I guess that would be justice after all, since no has the guts to stand up for the innocent anymore. America has turned it's back on God and I believe God is about to wash His hands of us as well. How can He continue to bless a nation that hates His Word? The answer is He can't.
“The Koch Brothers: out of state oil billionaires trying to buy the election for Terri Lynn Land,” the post said. “They share an agenda. … If Terri Lynn Land and the Koch Brothers win—Michigan loses.”
This is a fact. You can’t watch TV in Michigan without seeing a Koch ad for Land or against her opponent. Even on MSNBC! And there is no question, unlike open donations from Steyer, AFP is pure Koch, and their undisclosed dark money donors.
As for Limbaugh, his “free market” support is a lie. Right wing media owners are his best friends. Advertisers are leaving him in droves, as hate radio takes donations from..who else” the Kochs and their Tea Party.
Mother Jones further reported that the organization "plans to continue its financial support for Glenn Beck's media enterprise, including sharing a TV studio with and leasing office space to the Washington bureau of TheBlaze, Beck's website and TV network."
Armey said he was told of the Beck arrangement when it first began, but that it would only cost the organization about $250,000 a year. "Once that was approved by the trustees, it then took on a life of its own, it got bigger than we understood it to be. All of a sudden it was we are paying Limbaugh as well as Beck."
Betty, Betty, Betty.'
Obama is the best "Republican president" we've had since Eisenhower. You seem to have forgotten under the Bush Administration we saw the most devastating attack on US soil and two sorry wars we are still paying for. And then there was that financial collapse of '08.
This is what a Republican dictatorship brought us.
Better blame the black guy, right?
The new liberal order for the freedom of the press is on it's way.
Government officials, reacting to the growing voice of conservative news outlets, especially on the internet, are angling to curtail the media's exemption from federal election laws governing political organizations, a potentially chilling intervention that the chairman of the Federal Election Commission is vowing to fight.
“I think that there are impulses in the government every day to second guess and look into the editorial decisions of conservative publishers,” warned Federal Election Commission Chairman Lee E. Goodman in an interview.
“The right has begun to break the left’s media monopoly, particularly through new media outlets like the internet, and I sense that some on the left are starting to rethink the breadth of the media exemption and internet communications,” he added.
Noting the success of sites like the Drudge Report, Goodman said that protecting conservative media, especially those on the internet, “matters to me because I see the future going to the democratization of media largely through the internet. They can compete with the big boys now, and I have seen storm clouds that the second you start to regulate them, there is at least the possibility or indeed proclivity for selective enforcement, so we need to keep the media free and the internet free.”
All media has long benefited from an exemption from FEC rules, thereby allowing outlets to pick favorites in elections and promote them without any limits or disclosure requirements like political action committees.
But Goodman cited several examples where the FEC has considered regulating conservative media, including Sean Hannity's radio show and Citizens United's movie division. Those efforts to lift the media exemption died in split votes at the politically evenly divided board, often with Democrats seeking regulation.
Liberals over the years have also pushed for a change in the Federal Communications Commission's "fairness doctrine" to cut of conservative voices, and retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has delighted Democrats recently with a proposed Constitutional amendment that some say could force the media to stop endorsing candidates or promoting issues.
“The picking and choosing has started to occur,” said Goodman. “There are some in this building that think we can actually regulate” media, added Goodman, a Republican whose chairmanship lasts through December. And if that occurs, he said, “then I am concerned about disparate treatment of conservative media.”
He added, “Truth be told, I want conservative media to have the same exemption as all other media.”
Betty, I guess you have found out by now that Dave, who thinks he rules this blog, is as far a left wing wacko socialist liberal as you can find. So much so he thinks Obama is a member of the GOP because he is not liberal enough.
Stay tough Betty. Thanks for joining the fight to stop the theft of the 2014 elections being attempted by Dave and his brothers in liberal totalitarianism.
Oh boy is Mozart going to be upset when he reads this.
Promise to follow with claim that its a because of the racist Koch Brothers paid for these lies.
In a House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations subcommittee hearing this morning, a major health insurance trade association representative testified that the administration is reporting inflated enrollment numbers.
According to their testimony:
“Duplicate enrollments: Because of the challenges that surfaced with the launch of the Exchanges in October 2013, some consumers were advised to create a new account and enroll again. As a result, insurers have many duplicate enrollments in their system for which they never received any payment. In cases where an insurer has a new enrollment for a consumer who previously enrolled, they are not expecting that original policy to be effectuated – even though that data is still reported.”
In other words, due to website glitches, some individuals may have enrolled multiple times. In these cases, the government may count all of these enrollments toward the total enrollment number. The insurer, knowing that the individual enrolled multiple times, will count that individual as having paid.
your own chortling might be premature also. The key word in what he said was 'may'. It happens there are other articles out there like this one-- So maybe people would be wise to just wait and see as it shakes itself out. the issue I always come back to for those who don't want universal coverage-- what's your solution? This plan was a Republican one some years back as a way to keep insurance corps making the money. Single payer and Medicare for all might've been better but i can hear the squealing from the right now-- socialism. Socialism for schools, libraries, police, fire, roads, etc. used to be okay but little by little that's all being challenged for wanting private schools, toll roads and you pay for your individual police or fire protection, I guess...
Hey Anonymous, that was the most bullshit put into a single post I have ever seen, and damn funny too!
Keep up the good work.
I am referring to the 9:28 post as there are so many Anonymous here.
Anonymous, I'm not upset. In fact it gave me a good laugh. You are so DESPARATE to find any dirt on Obama and/or the ACA, but like those idiots looking for Bigfoot, you never REALLY find anything.
Entertaining, and sad at the same time.
Betty Jobbins, you might want to look back at the 2000 and 2004 elections along with all the GOP gerrymandering of house districts before you say Dems can't win "Fair and square". Also, since there have been virtually NO cases of ACTUAL DELIBERATE individual voter fraud in the last 60 years, why do we NEED all these new ID's that poor people can't afford? Poor people and minorities that tend to vote Democratic) AS for America "turning away from God" how come there are still churches on every corner of every town in the country? Looks like religion is doing fine, we just don't want it in our lawmaking process or our public schools. Apparantly neigher did the founders as they put a separation of church and state in the FIRST AMENDMENT of the constitution. And since you brought up abortion and "protecting the innocent" isn't it YOUR Republicans that cut food stamps and school lunch programs, extended unemployment and now you want to gut their health care? I guess once they are born you don't care about children anymore do you? You DO realize that many of those "welfare bums" are the WORKING POOR, and many of those are MILITARY families. AS for the GOP , it's WAAAAYYY to "conservative". Lincoln and even REAGAN (Your messiah) could not get arrested in a GOP convention these days. You are such a hypocrite.
It's not about "conservatives" and "liberals" who believe that a major party represents them. It's about who rigged the system and owns our politicians.
Here’s an interesting study that the Radical Right Bubble Cult will ignore:
Testing Theories of American Politics:
Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts… When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."
So much for democracy. It was a nice idea.
Bush and Obama. What a pair.
It’s not just the pandering to Wall Street, and allowing corporate interests to write trade agreements and regulations. It’s more than the shared willingness to cut social security and Medicare. It’s more than just “looking forward”, instead of seeking accountability for torture and false reasons for war. It’s the same with the Patriot Act, FISA, and the surveillance state.
The just-retired long-time NSA chief, Gen. Keith Alexander from an The Australian Financial Review interview:
AFR: What were the key differences for you as director of NSA serving under presidents Bush and Obama? Did you have a preferred commander in chief?
Gen. Alexander: Obviously they come from different parties, they view things differently, but when it comes to the security of the nation and making those decisions about how to protect our nation, what we need to do to defend it, they are, ironically, very close to the same point. You would get almost the same decision from both of them on key questions about how to defend our nation from terrorists and other threats.
Yes, Obama is the best Republican president we've had since the NAFTA President, Bill “the de-regulator” Clinton.
And we can't ignore Obama for his corporate friendly, conservative health care plan hatched by the Heritage Foundation and implemented by Romney.
Welcome to the new police state and militarist empire, the Corporate States of America.
In a recently published and lengthy racist screed, North Korea calls President Obama a “clown,” a “dirty fellow” and somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being.”
“He is a crossbreed with unclear blood,” the North says.
And later: Obama “still has the figure of monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years.”
“It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the bread crumbs thrown by spectators.”
The diatribe published May 2 by the Korean Central News Agency.
Wonder if they are going to be investigated by the Obama IRS?
Oh well why worry, climate change will occur in the fall and the world will be rid of the venom of humanity. Except for the Koch Brothers.
Socialism and income equality, got got have here today!!
Venezuela’s government announced the start of electricity rationing in western Zulia state as well as water rationing in Caracas to reduce demand on the power grid, a day after Ford Motor Co. (F) halted production in Latin America’s largest oil exporter.
The second-largest U.S. automaker joins competitor Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) and Dutch truck-maker CNH Industrial NV (CNHI) in suspending assembly in the South American country because of the difficulty of obtaining dollars to import parts from the government.
Shortages of everything from water to car parts and flour to pregnancy tests come after three months of protests against the government of President Nicolas Maduro that have left at least 41 people dead. The government yesterday said it will start rationing electricity and water as drought drains hydroelectric reservoirs and water tanks.
Totalitarianism, OBama style. CBS
US Attorney To Oversee Lerner Contempt Case Appointed By Obama
The matter now goes to Ronald Machen, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. Federal law says Machen has a “duty” to bring the matter before a grand jury. But a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service said it was unclear whether the duty is mandatory or discretionary. Machen was appointed to his job by President Barack Obama.
Despite assurances to the contrary, the IRS didn’t destroy all of the donor lists scooped up in its tea party targeting — and a check of those lists reveals that the tax agency audited 10 percent of those donors, much higher than the audit rate for average Americans, House Republicans revealed Wednesday.
And there’s more news from the McVeigh/Nugent wing of the radical right:
NEPHI, Utah (AP) — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is warning its workers in Utah to be on alert after two men threatened an agency wrangler on Interstate 15 about 90 miles south of Salt Lake City. The BLM says the incident occurred on I-15 near Nephi about 11 a.m. Tuesday when two men wearing hoods pulled up alongside a marked BLM truck and held up a sign that read, "You need to die." KUTV-TV reports one of the suspects held what appeared to be a handgun…
If a liberal or Muslim did this, it would be called terrorism. To the RRBC it is “patriotism”.
I remember my grandpa asking about the KKK one day..."If they are doing what they think is right, why do they hide behind those hoods?"
There was a reason those groups were audited by the IRS and it wasn't because Obama ordered it. It was due to them claiming tax exempt status when many were primarily PACs. The rule is a group could offer tax breaks to their donors IF their primary purpose was charitable with political not more than 40% of their activity. Some of them wanted to say their charitable part relates to informing Americans they should vote Republican or that gays are bad or that abortion is evil. I would be fine with ending all charitable tax breaks but that's not happening. At least though a charity should be about charity not pushing left or right wing agendas. Because it happened most of the new ones were like Karl Rove's little beauty and right wing, they got the bulk of the audits. That makes sense to anybody but a rightie eager always to attack Obama for anything like the new Benghazi probes which will only have one reason for going over it again and again and again. The only ones supporting this new waste of Congress's time get all their news from right wing propaganda and listen to fox as the only true source of news when they aren't getting it from WND!
James Hansen
Sally May
I find it interesting that you believe anonymous and Betty holding views and posting same makes them stupid. You seem to hold to the belief that what our country needs to be great is to turn it into a conservative free zone. And that all views that differ from yours must be held up to ridicule or pity.
With that in mind and caring less that by doing this I'm risking your far left, extremist, socialist, liberal wrath I point this out to you.
Did you and or do you still believe that if you like your Dr. under the ACA you can keep them?
Did you and or do you still believe that if you like your health insurance you can keep it under the ACA?
Do you still believe that the murder of four Americans was due to a You Tube video?
Do you still believe the Obama presidency is the most transparent in our history?
Do you believe that this administration will create thousands of good paying jobs by investing in green energy?
Do you believe that humans are the sole source of climate change A.K. global warming?
Do you believe the climate changing effects of sun spots and volcanoes have less impact than those caused by humans?
Do you believe that that Ted Nugent speaks for the entire population of a country as the N. Koren president does?
Do you still believe that GHW Bush flew to Paris in a SR71 to meet with the leaders of Iran?
Do you really believe that Obama is a closet conservative?
Do you believe "Odd Thomas" written with Tom in mind?
Do you believe Islam is a religion of peace?
Do you believe America is more loved and respected now than it was 6 years ago?
Just asking cause it seems strange that you want me to take a word you say seriously and yet, and I know from reading your past posts, at one time or another you held at least one of the above to be reality. I know from reading your posts you have never disavowed any of those past beliefs and therefore may still hold they are still the truth.
So go ahead and slam those who disagree with your positions, but understand this, you cannot take the high ground until you deal with the failures of that which you hold to be still the truth.
Obviously Chuckie hasn’t a clue to what we think, no matter what we put in words. You can’t tell an RRBC cultist anything, as he so abundantly demonstrates. Since he is demanding answers to asinine questions again, I’ll ask him a few, knowing damn well he NEVER returns the courtesy of answering questions.
Hint: Some are true, most are not.
Do you believe corporate interests have written legislation, trade agreements, and have insiders in government that “regulate” their industry?
Do you believe Obama is allowing corporate interests to draft the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement?
Do you believe Obama empowered Tom Wheeler, a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry as a “regulator” in the FCC?
Do you believe Obama allowed corporate insiders to help draft the ACA?
Do you believe policies that favor billionaires are good for all of us?
Do you believe prosperity will “trickle down” to the middle class and poor if only we give the rich more tax cuts?
Do you believe in a conspiracy of evil climate scientists out to deceive the world?
Do you believe liberals are commies?
Do you believe Obama is a commie?
Do you believe Ted Nugent speaks for conservatives?
Do you believe racists Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling are democrats?
Do you belief IRS audits of tax exemption requests is “tyranny”?
Do you believe #Benghazi (TM) was a greater foreign policy disaster than Reagan’s unarmed marines getting blown up in Lebanon?
Do you believe #Benghazi (TM) was a greater foreign policy disaster than invading Iraq?
Do you believe anybody is still saying #Benghazi (TM) was caused by the same video that triggered other riots at the same time?
Do you believe that the video was still a consideration at the time, since it triggered so many other riots?
Do you believe Saddam was in cahoots with al-Qaeda?
Do you believe Saddam had vast stockpiles of WMDs and “biological labs”?
Do you believe Saddam had aluminum tubes for his “nukular” weapons program?
Do you believe Saddam had a “nukular” weapons program?
Do you believe Julie Boonstra is telling the truth in the Koch ad when she called health care “unaffordable” under Obamacare, yet in fact she would save around a thousand dollars?
Do you remember when we were bombarded by Koch ads featuring Julie Boonstra ?
Dexter cancer patient who called health care 'unaffordable' will save more than $1K
“I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said.
Of course not, Radical Right Bubble Cult beliefs trump facts.
We hadn't heard from you in a while, and some of us figured you had gone to Texas to find employment.
I have been smoking some good legal weed here in Colorado for my bad back.
I just want somebody here on Tom's Rant to tell me when Hillary was campaigning against Obama what did she mean when she said who do you trust to handle the "3 AM phone call"? I am really confused about this.
Did you and or do you still believe that if you like your Dr. under the ACA you can keep them?
Did you and or do you still believe that if you like your health insurance you can keep it under the ACA?
Do you still believe that the murder of four Americans was due to a You Tube video?
Do you still believe the Obama presidency is the most transparent in our history?
Do you believe that this administration will create thousands of good paying jobs by investing in green energy?
Do you believe that humans are the sole source of climate change A.K. global warming?
Do you believe the climate changing effects of sun spots and volcanoes have less impact than those caused by humans?
Do you believe that that Ted Nugent speaks for the entire population of a country as the N. Koren president does?
Do you still believe that GHW Bush flew to Paris in a SR71 to meet with the leaders of Iran?
Do you really believe that Obama is a closet conservative?
Do you believe "Odd Thomas" written with Tom in mind?
Do you believe Islam is a religion of peace?
Do you believe America is more loved and respected now than it was 6 years ago?
In his typically dishonest behavior pattern, Chuckie has demanded, and received, answers, without showing the decency to answer ONE of ours.
This is classic RRBC double standards at play, and cult programming on display.
Say, Chuckie, do you still hate Obamacare for all those "death panels"?
Say, why don't you tell us the GOP's sane and compassionate health care plan?
Chuckie really hates and fears good faith discussion.
Run, Chuckie, run. Run from the truth. Run, run run, Chicken Chuckie.
She wanted to win an election. Not hard to see why she said it. But she would not have served as Secretary of State if she hadn't trusted him. Bush didn't get bin Laden as you well know. Benghazi is a bad joke by Republicans who hope for another stalemated president like when they went after Clinton on a blow job while they let bin Laden be ignored and anytime Clinton tried to get him, they said it was wag the dog.
Anybody who pays attention to the details of Benghazi, the death of our ambassador basically in a safe room where smoke killed him in almost a fluke and three Americans who were hired to protect him and basically warriors, who always know their jobs are dangerous. The number of deaths in Iraq, where we got into it on a lie, makes this a bad joke.
\Worse is now how the House will waste the next year hoping they can get enough ignorant Americans to support them while they do all they can do damage this country and hope that wins them elections.
Seriously it's a waste of time trying to talk to the extreme right (and if you have been supporting Bundy, you are extreme right). I keep telling myself don't bother because they never listen. They argue over points like patients losing their doctors, with only a few examples, but even if it happened, the reality is that has happened all along. try getting a doctor if you don't have insurance. And as for changing insurance regulations, anybody older than twenty ought to have had plenty of examples in their own life but it's all about blocking Obama from doing anything and if that hurts Americans, well it's collateral damage.
I think about the right wingers who said someone without insurance should just die and yet Benghazi is a huge deal for three mercenaries and one ambassador. Americans dying of illnesses, who cares. It is only important if it somehow hurts Dems and Obama.
I know there are reasonable Republicans. I know there are real conservatives, but it's sure not what is dominating that party today. Sad because we need reasonable conservative viewpoints to debate what to do with the liberal perspective. We don't have that.
Dave Dubya said...
"Obviously Chuckie hasn’t a clue to what we think, no matter what we put in words."
What's obvious Dave is you have never said what of my list, you ever believe in or still believe yet today.
Instead you do as you always have done in the past and answer questions with questions or claim my questions are loaded.
I'll make it real simply for you.
Did you believe the murders of four Americans was caused by a video tape?
Clearly you are beyond all hope.
Chuckiy, if you were hoping to convince me that you were anything but a desparate hack, you would be correct.I think ofr myself, and base my thinking on FACTS, not Fox news propaganda, and the paranoia of desparate conservatives.
I did notice you didn't even attempt to refute anything I said. Go figure...
You mean FACTS like the murder of four Americans was caused by a movie on You Tube?
The Americans were killed in a firefight which means war. They were not executed; so watch the wording of murder. Since three of them were trained warriors probably some got killed on the other side too.
Next, it was a very confusing time and for awhile the CIA wasn't sure exactly what was behind that specific attack. There are Libyans who tried to save our ambassador. He died from smoke inhalation, wasn't shot.
The problem with such a moment is (as we've seen with the missing airliner) the media demands instant answers. Americans expect it to be like a movie where the climax tells you what it was all about; so the government sent out spokesmen to give the facts that weren't really ready.
Here's what I think-- the confusion over all the other riots led to uncertainty that night as to exactly what was happening. Most think now that it was organized, taking advantage of the chaos other places to get farther than they might've otherwise. Was it al Qaeda? Most think so now, but there are a lot of Muslim terrorist organizations like the ones in Nigeria, throughout Africa, and the Middle East.
There is a question righties should ask themselves regarding this new probe that will go into the old probes, attempt to embarrass, take up time, and likely get a lot of right wing publicity. Like the huge thing they made out of a blow job once upon a time, this is intended to take up time until November when they come to a partisan conclusion, not based on facts but rhetoric, that Hillary and Obama did it with a wrench in the library!
Remember when under Reagan our barracks in Lebanon were blown up. Who blamed him? Who figured he would have wanted that? But it was a time of using logic. We don't see any of that today from the right wing. They will manipulate and twist anything to get what they want. If you like their newest use of your tax money, quit griping about too much government. It sounds like you're just fine with what this show will cost.
It sounds like you're just fine with what this show will cost.
Of course he's fine with that waste of taxpayer dollars.
The show trial for #Benghazi(TM) is pure political partisanship and distraction. And don't remind him of the Reagan and Bush catastrophic failures, for his cult forbids recognizing those facts.
The cult is brainwashed to believe #Benghazi (TM) is the greatest foreign policy catastrophe ever. Really, they are that nuts.
Yes their Inquisition chairman is calling it a "trial", in his zeal to frame Obama.
Dana Milbank, Published: May 7
Rep. Trey Gowdy, the tea party Republican tapped to lead the new committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, made a telling slip Wednesday morning in describing his mission.
Asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about the possibility that his panel’s work would continue into the 2016 election campaign, Gowdy replied that “if an administration is slow-walking document production, I can’t end a trial simply because the defense won’t cooperate.”
The Already Asked-And-Answered Questions Fox Wants To Know From The Benghazi Select Committee
It speaks volumes that Chuckie must think we believe that the incident was all over a video, even though there were riots over that same video at the same time that would warrant consideration.
Note how he ignores that fact too; just like he ignores all the facts indicating Obama is a corporatist president.
Meanwhile he goes on believing in death panels and commie liberals everywhere.
They are true believers, exactly like Republican cult leader Sun Myung Moon's cult.
For they are indeed the RRBC, the Radical Right Bubble Cult.
As I've said, the RRBC is completely in service to the greediest of the rich. Most of the rich understand the inequality of our rigged system.
Not so the RRBC.
The CNBC Millionaire Survey polled 514 Americans with investable assets of $1 million or more, which is representative of the top 8% of American households. Respondents represented Democrats, Republicans and Independents.
A range of views were expressed, some of them largely in keeping with traditional views. However the headline statistic was that a massive 64% of America millionaires openly say that they should be taxed at a higher rate to help reduce inequality. Almost the same number, 63%, support a higher minimum wage."
Chuckie's cult still believes in the magic "trickle down" deception, or they just don't care. Either way, they are out of touch with not only most Americans, but most millionaires as well.
According to Middle East expert Juan Cole:
The GOP figures keep saying that it was obvious that there was no demonstration at the Benghazi consulate against the so-called “film,” the ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that attacked the Prophet Muhammad. But in fact Libyan security officials repeatedly told wire services on September 12 that there was such a demonstration, and that the attack issued from those quarters. An American resident in Benghazi at that time confirmed to me that there were such demonstrations that day. Likewise, Reuters correspondent Hadeel Shalchi, who was on the scene in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, wrote:
"The ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and the other Americans were killed after Islamist gunmen attacked the U.S. consulate and a safe house refuge in Benghazi on Tuesday night. The attackers were part of a mob blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad."
Perhaps Chuckie would prefer to ignore the entire sordid story of the Right Wing hate video, "Innocence of Muslims".
Of course he'd be happy to ignore anything relevant. Those facts are ignored by the RRBC.
More insight from Cole:
Republicans keep posturing that their questions about Benghazi are intended to bolster US security. In fact, they are harming it. Republican hearings in the House of Representative have disgracefully revealed the names of Libyans talking to the US consulate, thus endangering their lives and harming US efforts to understand the situation in the country, since who would risk talking to the embassy if they know about Darrell Issa’s big mouth?
But its OK if Republicans undermine safety and security for their political agenda, right?
Of course it is.
From the progressive site Common Dreams:
In a new policy directive from the Obama administrative, national security and other government officials will no longer be allowed to publicly discuss or even reference news reporting that is based on "unauthorized leaks."
President Obama once promised the American people that his administration would be the most transparent in history, but after years of fights with civil libertarians trying to obtain legal memos used to justify the president's overseas assassination program, an unprecedented pattern of prosecuting government whistleblowers, the targeting of journalists, and all the secrecy and obfuscation related to the NSA's mass surviellance programs made public by Edward Snowden, that claim is now met with near universal laughter, if not scorn, by critics.
More proof Obama is no progressive, but a bought and paid for company man.
Gee, does anyone have an similar example of Chuckie, or any Right Wing site that slammed their infallible "Decider" and his big Dick?
Crickets. The cult is forbidden to say anything negative about Republicans. That is what they call "freedom". Free to shut up about the GOP.
Chucky, I guess to you "facts" are Iraq being involved in 9-11, or having WMD.
Or better yet "Facts" are Bush sat doing nothing for 7 minutes while the nation was under attack because "he didn't want to scare the chldren".
"facts" are Iraq being involved in 9-11, or having WMD.
Those were the facts the Clinton administration left him. Those were the facts that made the democrats request a second vote in order to show their support for the war.
Republican lies repeated by democrats don't become truth any more than democrats' lies repeated by Republicans become truth.
The dead are still dead. We are still paying for the war in Iraq, and shall continue until the last veteran is dead.
And those are the facts, no matter what RRBC beliefs say.
Clinton said Iraq was involved in 9-11?
Truth means nothing to the RRBC.
"facts" are Iraq being involved in 9-11, or having WMD." Mozart
Fact is that's what Clinton's Intel lead Bush who was in office for less then 9 months when Muslims attacked us on 9-11 murdering over 3000 Americans in an act of unprovoked terror.
Historical fact is the House and Senate democrats first voted against the war on terrorism, when Bush asked for their support, then after testing the political winds and realizing they were on the wrong side of things, brought the vote up again and that time they voted for the war on terror.
It's there for you to read, if you can get you head clear of this weeks talking points from the regime's fearless leader.
Think Boko Haram is shaking in their boots after seeing the first lady's twitter about them a and now plans to give a speech condemning them. Peeing in their pant's I'd say as another Obama draws another meaningless line in the sand.
Has Obama capture and brought to justice as he promised the killers of the four Americans in Benghazi? Nah, but he put in jail the producer of the You Tube video lickity split. Anything to prevent the peace loving Muslims from hating and killing Americans. After all it's America's fault
As I said…
Clinton said Iraq was involved in 9-11?
Truth means nothing to the RRBC.
And Chuckie repeats the lie! Amazing, folks. Well, not really, his cult encourages the lies.
Fact is that's what Clinton's Intel lead Bush who was in office for less then 9 months when Muslims attacked us on 9-11 murdering over 3000 Americans in an act of unprovoked terror.
Note how Chuckie identifies the terrorists as “Muslims”, instead of al-Qaeda. “Fact is” LOL!! No, the fact REALLY is when Chuckie starts a sentence with “fact is” it will be a lie.
Neither “Clinton's Intel” nor any other intel claimed Iraq was involved in 9-11. That didn’t stop the war criminals from constantly telling lies linking Saddam with al-Qaeda.
And Chuckie absolutely must deflect the intel to Clinton because the truth is Bush was warned al-Qaeda was planning to attack the US in an August 2001 Daily Brief. And NONE of this has anything to do with Iraq, of course.
Say, Chuckie, have you ever wondered why you lie so much? We can help deprogram you from your cult, but you wouldn’t like that, would you?
I see, so Bush caused the problems that Obama is trying to fix, but Bush had ZERO problems left over from Clinton? Wonder if Obama had intel in the August before the Sept murder of four Americans in Benghazi by mobs made crazy over a You Tube video?
Did you read how those Christian terrorist kidnapped over 200 Muslim young girls? Did you see where Christians have been fire bombing Muslim mosques, with their membership locked in side so they burn to death?
Did you hear that Christian countries are condemning to death gays?
Did you know that Christian are not allowing women to drive in countries where they control the govt?
Did you hear of the al-Qaeda cell made 100% of Christians?
Did I hear correctly that the current Christian Pope has said it's ok to kill non Christians?
Is it true that Christians are paying poor family's to have one of their member's become a suicide bomber?
Did you read where moderate Christians are protesting in large numbers, the actions of Christian terrorists?
Did you know that a women's body is not consider her own in Muslim countries?
Can you list all the countries that are a Muslim theocracy and then all the Christian theocracy countries?
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD & the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
Bill Clinton 2/14/1998
"He (Hussein) will use those WMD again as he has 10 times since 1983
Sandy Berger Clinton National Security Adviser 2/18/1998
"Hussein has been engaged in the development of WMD tech which is threat to the countries in the region & he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Nancy Pelosi 12/16/1998
"We know that he (Hussein) has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Al"Man Bear Pig"Gore 9/23 2002
"we have known for several years that Hussein has been seeking and developing WMD."
Ted Kennedy 9/27/2002
"In the 4 years since the inspectors left, intel reports show that Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical & biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capacity and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorist, including al Quada members.
Hillary Clinton 10/10/2002
Yeah, she's more Margaret Thatcher than Elizabeth Warren which is why I am not thrilled at the idea of her being a candidate for the presidency. Listen to her on anything and she sounds warlike. But at the time Bush invaded there had been inspectors and they'd found nothing. Cheney and Rumsfeld did lie. Whether Powell did or just trusted the wrong people, I don't know. Bush wanted an excuse to invade from taking office in 2001. He would have done it one way or another but he used a lot of false info to build his case and the chicken hawks who never found a war they were willing to fight rushed to do this one as a macho thing for once again-- some other man or woman to fight. False intel earlier did not justify what we did with Iraq and all the years of that war which the right would still have us there. Afghanistan is Obama's mistake for staying because they are dead ends for invaders and we are seen as invaders.
Hate, and the religious self-righteous ignorance that nurtures it, go both ways:
Man pleads guilty to 3 counts in Islamic Center mosque fire
Christians have a long history of brutality with crusades, inquisitions, witch trials, etc.
It’s just the radical Muslims who are active now.
Did you know that a women's body is not consider her own in Muslim countries?
Imagine that.
The same is true with fundamentalist Christians who want the government to monitor and control women’s reproduction rights. Whatever happened to “small government” there? In fact a zygote has more rights than the woman to many of these theocrats.
And when a Christian kills Muslims, it’s OK, right? God’s will and all.
Did you know a “Christian” president lied to us and invaded a Muslim country that didn’t attack us, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people? Ironically that Muslim country treated Christians far better before than now. Now that country is closer to Iran. Mission accomplished, right?
From the Independent:
He told Bob Woodward - whose 2004 book, Plan of Attack, is the definitive account of the administration's road to war in Iraq - that after giving the order to invade in March 2003, he walked in the White House garden, praying "that our troops be safe, be protected by the Almighty". As he went into this critical period, he told Mr Woodward, "I was praying for strength to do the Lord's will.
"I'm surely not going to justify war based upon God. Understand that. Nevertheless, in my case, I pray that I will be as good a messenger of His will as possible. And then of course, I pray for forgiveness."
Another telling sign of Mr Bush's religion was his answer to Mr Woodward's question on whether he had asked his father - the former president who refused to launch a full-scale invasion of Iraq after driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991 - for advice on what to do.
The current President replied that his earthly father was "the wrong father to appeal to for advice ... there is a higher father that I appeal to".
Sounds like a Christian Jihad. Not to mention the fact they lied to take us to war is treason. And we Americans will be paying for that “crusade” for decades. Yes he called it a crusade, until his fellow thugs informed him that that label would only arouse more hate for us throughout the world.
Mission accomplished. They don’t “hate us for our freedom” after all, do they? Another famous LIE.
"In the 4 years since the inspectors left, intel reports show that Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical & biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capacity and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorist, including al Quada members.
Hillary Clinton 10/10/2002
Intel Reports from where? The Clinton administration? From Mars? Per Hillary, the first lady for the previous 8 years and in 2002 a Senator, for a time period covering 4 years prior to 2002. Bush based his actions on those intel reports and you say he lied? Hillary said those reports showed al Quada was in Iraq, and now DD claims there was no intel to support attacking Iraq based on al Quada being there. That is simply not what the record shows to be true, based on the very words of the leaders of the DNC then and who are the DNC leaders of today. Quotes of from that time vdo not support the anti GWB he's a war criminal position held by liberals in their talking points today.
"Bush wanted an excuse to invade from taking office in 2001." And the evidence, the facts you have to support that assumption are where? Where are the quotes from GWB, not hearsay or speculations but the quotes?
"But at the time Bush invaded there had been inspectors and they'd found nothing."
That's not what Ms. Pelosi said.
"Hussein has been engaged in the development of WMD tech which is threat to the countries in the region & he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Nancy Pelosi 12/16/1998
"used a lot of false info to build his case." False Info Bush got from the Clinton administration and that the leaders of the DNC believed was true. So did they also lie?
How can one after reading the quotes given leading up to and after 9/11 believe anything but what is being said?
If one believed they could keep their DR and health insurance if they wanted to under Obamcare, if they believe that the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi was due to a You Tube video, then I can understand how one would also believe that 9/11 was an inside job, that Islam is a religion of peace, that the OBAMA WH had nothing to do with the IRS misuse of power, that most American's support Obamacare, that Obamacare is working, that African Americans are better off today than 8 years ago, that man causing 100% of Climate Change is a proven scientific fact, and that Al (Man Bear Pig) Gore was behind the invention of the internet.
It is very clear that the longer a lie or lies are repeated, the stronger chance it has to become believed as the truth.
Imagine that DAVE, is defending the people who would slit his throat, circumcise the women in his family, castrate his sons, crucify those who would not convert to Islam, if given the opportunity.
No surprise here.
But he find it wrong for GWB to pray for the protection of the troops he is sending into combat. I guess he should have done the Michelle Obama twitter thing.
Time for Chuckie to resort to lies and false accusations...Coming up, the famous Radial Right Commie Card.
Chuckie ignores the fact of "Stovepipe" intel and rejection of anything contrary to their propaganda.
October 3, 2004
How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence
And his own words:
“One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade…, if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency.” – George W. Bush 1999
"There won't be any weapons of mass destruction left in Iraq if I'm the Commander-in-Chief." George W. Bush February 2000
So why do you still insist on telling lies?
The quotes that Bush came into office came from one who was there and heard him say it-- "According to counterterror czar Richard Clarke, "[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this.'" Told evidence against Al Qaeda overwhelming, Bush asks for "any shred" Saddam was involved. [Date the public knew: 3/22/04]"
You expected there to be a written memo to that effect? Only if someone was naive or actually innocent might such a thing exist. But for those who get all their info from Fox and WND, they don't care about facts anyway. Try this timeline-- if you want to look at a source from the other side-- Lead up to Iraq war. But if facts aren't of interest, just justifying an action, then who cares about what really happened. Reminds me of the Spanish-American war when jingoism got us into something and began a sense of 'responsibility' to invade other countries-- to defend our business interests. Kid yourself not, that's usually what it is.
"counterterror czar Richard Clarke said
"[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this."
This is AFTER the attack of 9-11 not before the attack or for that matter, GWB being sworn into office. It has been claimed on this blog that Bush planned to attack Hessian BEFORE he was elected, remember? Do yu think that GWB's order was based on the intel from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, as well as the comments made by democrats from 1998 onwards?
You know what amazes me? It is amazing that I can provide the haters of GWB quotes made by democrats FOUR years before 9-11, warning of what Hussein was doing and quotes from democrats after 9-11 about what needed to be done based on the intel from democrat President Clinton, and I am accused of having FOX News and WND as my news sources. Do these haters of GWB ever wonder why the democrats did nothing to eliminate the threat that they said was Iraq?
Here's a classic example of New Speak.
"There won't be any weapons of mass destruction left in Iraq if I'm the Commander-in-Chief." George W. Bush February 2000
How is that statement any different from the ones made by democrats from 1998 till after 9-11? More importantly, who had been saying since 1998 that there were WMD in Iraq? Who said there need to be regime change in Iraq? THE DEMOCRATS THAT"S WHO!!! THE PARTY IN THE WH AT THAT TIME, THAT"S WHO.
You know what, GWB largest failure may have been he believed what the democrats said about WMD being in Iraq. Kind of like you believing that under Obamacare you could keep your DR and health insurance if you like them, that the murder of four Americans was caused by a You Tube video, that the actions of the IRS were caused by 4 rouge agents.
What lies Dave? Like claiming I'm going to call you a commie? Why would I do that when it's a lot more appropriate and justifiable and provable to simply call you stupid?
Spanish-American war reminds you of the war on terror? How many Americans did the Spanish kill with the sinking of the MAINE? ZERO, we now know that the MAINE blew up because of it's coal dust exploding, not a Spanish mine. Was that war justified, hell no it wasn't.
How many Americans were murdered and who murdered them on 9-11?
Over 3000 were murdered by Islamic terrorists. We know that to be the truth. We have H. Clinton saying that Iraq was a haven for al Quada. So how can you compare the two events is beyond me. Except that's what you want to believe.
Clarke has been on a lot of talk shows discussing how he tried to get the Bush administration to pay attention to al Qaeda but all he wanted was to get Hussein. But talking to you is wasting my time and I am quite sure you pay no attention to anything that doesn't suit your agenda already-- Richard Clarke. For someone who is so interested in what Obama didn't do regarding Benghazi, it's amazing how little interest you all have with what Bush didn't do before 9/11. I'd hazard a guess you didn't bother to look at the timeline that saw us in a war only intended to secure oil. Now the fact that it didn't work is rather like the sugar barons wanting the Spanish American war. It seems all these invasions end up backfiring but who believes that on the right wing fringe!
I am quite sure you pay no attention to anything that doesn't suit your agenda...
You are correct, and Chuckie proves it all the time.
Did GWB attack Afghanistan because that's where Hussein was? Or was it because that is where al Queada has some of it's bases?
Did Hillary say that her husband's intel proved al Quada was in Iraq?
Did Hillary say that Hussein was allowing al Quada to base in Iraq?
Can you deal with the above? Didn't think so.
The only thing I'm ignoring is you Dave, simply put, you have allowed your dogma to get in the way of reality. My advise would be for you to stop whining, it doesn't behoove some one in your position to be perceived as a weakling. Correct?
Let me know when you come up with something new to say or when clarity of thought returns.
Have a great week end.
you have allowed your dogma to get in the way of reality.
Projection. The opposite is true. YOU bought the dogma and the lies, and ignored the reality.
I did not.
However, I DID show your lies, though. And I DID show Bush's lies. You can quote any dem lies you want, but it doesn't change your lies and the Republicans' lies.
And you FAILED to show us anyone claiming the video "caused" deaths in Benghazi. That means you lied about that as well as your other lies.
Until you do show us, stop whining about #Benghazi(TM). You are boring us. And Reagan sent unarmed Marines to their deaths in Lebanon. But what difference does it make now, right?
Have a nice weekend.
Bush acted on the intel Clinton left him after the attacks of 9-11.
ANonymous, everytime Clinton said or did anything involving Bin Laden, every Republican from Limbaugh to Nedwt Gingrick said "He's obsessed with bin laden, when HUssein is the true enemy". When Clinton was leaving office, Bush was given several National security Memos outlining how bin laden was planning to use commercial planes as "guided missiles". They did not know where or when, but the plan was certainly known. Bush ignored them, and worked from DAY ONE to attack Iraq because Hussein had THREATENED to kill Daddy WarBush. 9 months is a helluva long time to investigate those memos. Of course, when the atack DID come, Cheney is in the Pentagon overseeing a "war game" which had our planes out to sea, and Bush is in FLORIDA (go figure) reading "My Pet Goat". When told the nation was under attack, he sat for SEVEN MINUTES doing NOTHING. You'd have thought he'd at least quietly excuse himself to make a phone call.
Bush acted on the intel Clinton left him after the attacks of 9-11.
Don’t you just love this kind of stupid dishonesty?
Bush had new intel. He didn't just have Clinton. He had warnings that he ignored by his own staff. He had nine months. He didn't do a thing and he told the one intelligence officer who gave him a warning briefing-- well you covered your ass. After 9/11, he then ignored the inspectors on the ground as they went through Iraq looking for where the WMDs were supposed to be and found nothing.
Far righties ignore reality to suit their own agenda. I will be amazed if I ever hear a far rightie say something logical. I hear it from lots of Republicans but no logical person would try to say Bush did just what Clinton told him to do. That's someone in a bubble.
If you say so.
If you say so.
Actually the facts say so.
The FACT is the Bush Administration cherry-picked any false WMD intel they could dream up.
“Saddam chose to deny inspectors”
Bush repeated this bald-faced lie.
Inspectors were there, and then removed because war was intended from the get-go. Bush rejected the most recent and best intel on the ground because he wanted war.
What did the inspectors say?
Press Release February 14, 2003
The heads of the weapons inspections regime in Iraq reported to the Security Council today that procedural cooperation in the disarmament process in Iraq continued to improve in recent weeks, and to date they had found no weapons of mass destruction
So Bush had to LIE about that. Just another lie to add to the long list of lies.
Here are 10 of the “vast stockpiles” of lies:
LIE #1: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.
LIE #2: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.
LIE #3: "We believe [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." -- Vice President Cheney on March 16, 2003 on "Meet the Press."
LIE #4: "[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.
LIE #5: "We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases ... Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #6: "We have also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We are concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] for missions targeting the United States."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #7: "We have seen intelligence over many months that they have chemical and biological weapons, and that they have dispersed them and that they're weaponized and that, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established." -- President Bush, Feb. 8, 2003, in a national radio address.
LIE #8: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets."-- Secretary of State Colin Powell, Feb. 5 2003, in remarks to the UN Security Council.
LIE #9: "We know where [Iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003, in statements to the press.
LIE #10: "Yes, we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited." -- President Bush in remarks in Poland, published internationally June 1, 2003.
What every you say, it's all white, Conservative, racists, tea party, Bush loving, Muslim haters, climate change deniers, Christian, greedy rich people's fault.
Sigh. Oh what a better world this would be if only we saw it thru the glasses worn by Dave and agreed with every thing he believes and says. Starting with this.
"You can quote any dem lies you want, but it doesn't change your lies and the Republicans' lies."
Or if all the white, Conservative, racists, tea party, Bush loving, Muslim haters, climate change deniers, Christian, greedy rich people were put into re-education camps while hope and change went into effect.
Liars need to keep spewing BS to distract from the proven LIES.
Yup, there are evil Muslims and evil Christians.
Did you know that a women's body is not consider her own in Muslim countries?
Imagine that.
The same is true with fundamentalist Christians who want the government to monitor and control women’s reproduction rights. Whatever happened to “small government” there? In fact a zygote has more rights than the woman to many of these theocrats.
And when a Christian kills Muslims, it’s OK, right? God’s will and all.
Did you know a “Christian” president lied to us and invaded a Muslim country that didn’t attack us, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people? Ironically that Muslim country treated Christians far better before than now. Now that country is closer to Iran. Mission accomplished, right?
Do tell us Chuckie, why do you need to lie all the time?
We all know why. You need lies to support all your hate and ignorance.
We’d be happy to deprogram you, but you wouldn’t like that, would you?
Wow...Chucky and Anonymous have left the building...
koo koo...koo koo...
No Mozart, I've had to face the truth, that being, in the case of you and Dave, I can't fix stupid.
Imagine, I give a link to You Tube video of Bill Maher, having civil discussion with people who disagree (something the both of you could take some lessons in) and DD still reacts like he caught me taking a dump on FDR's grave stone.
Is it any wonder that when Americans are polled, they find DD's behavior, shall we say, petulant and one of a bully. (LOL watch his head gasket explode on that one!)
I have noticed that for every post that you and he disagree with, you post a least 3 to counter and in each post raise and expand the debate way past it's original point. So much so that it is forgotten what was the disagreeable post and, which if not dealt with in an un-authoritarian manner, might have allowed the discussion to stay on topic.
That is not an accident I'm sure, as it strikes me that there is a high level of fear in you and DD that if a non liberal point is expressed, it might damage the liberal position, as since DD and you can not remove the post, you simply bury it.
To the point that DD is now on record saying the problem was
"I FAILED to show us anyone claiming the video "caused" deaths in Benghazi." So now DD is asking I cut and paste examples to disprove what he says didn't happen?
Do you recall this "loaded question" that I asked DD?
Who do you think, if elected President in 2016, could end our being the Corporate States of America, dedicated to permanent war and police state?
Very snarky of me, very whining of me, right?
When a post was made claiming Limbaugh's rating are down, a fact filled, supported response was provided by anonymous, showing that not to be the truth.
Mozart, Do you remember what you said to that post? You claimed that the numbers were
"ALLEGED ratings to quality and integrity" The claim had nothing to do with to quality and integrity, but that the ratings were down. This is a great example of what I meant by you and DD attacking any thing that is not in line with current liberal theology as if it were going to derail progressivism.
How many Americans were murdered and who murdered them on 9-11?
Over 3000 were murdered by Islamic terrorists. We know that to be the truth. We have H. Clinton saying that Iraq was a haven for al Quada.
Whine about these quotes that you would like for forget, quotes that DD calls lies.
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD & the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
Bill Clinton 2/14/1998
"He (Hussein) will use those WMD again as he has 10 times since 1983
Sandy Berger Clinton National Security Adviser 2/18/1998
"Hussein has been engaged in the development of WMD tech which is threat to the countries in the region & he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Nancy Pelosi 12/16/1998
"We know that he (Hussein) has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Al"Man Bear Pig"Gore 9/23 2002
"we have known for several years that Hussein has been seeking and developing WMD."
Ted Kennedy 9/27/2002
"In the 4 years since the inspectors left, intel reports show that Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical & biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capacity and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorist, including al Quada members.
Hillary Clinton 10/10/20
ANd yet, when it was obvious that the inspectors were NOT going to find WMD in IRaq, Bush pulled them out and He, along with Cheney and Rumsfeld started their campaign to tie Iraq to 9-11, which they had NOTHING to do with. (In fact we should ahve attacked Saudi Arabia but the Bush family is in bed with the Saudi royal family and the bin Ladens) Limbaugh ONLY has ANY ratings at ll because conservatoives own literally ALL the AM stations now. NO wonder AIr AMerica couldn't be heard. (we got it here three hours after it was live so no one could call in, and even then it got pre empted by local sports) HUssein NEVER attacked the USA and was NO THREAT to us. He was actually keeping Al Quida OUT of Iraq (Ironically his desire to NOT share power helped us)
Iraq MIGHT have had the ABILITY to make chem weapons, but no evidence was ever founfd that they DID after BUsh I ordered him to "get rid of them" after the first (intelligent and successful) Gulf war.
AGain, your conservative rewrite and spin of history falls well short of the truth. But what can one expect from someone who lets FOx news do their thinking for them as they doze comfortably in their "Bubble" ?
One more time, war criminals lied and hundreds of thousands died. It was the Republican liars who demanded war. It was Bush who condemned those people to death.
That is the terrorism Chuckie defends.
Want to those lies again?
LIE #1: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.
LIE #2: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.
LIE #3: "We believe [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." -- Vice President Cheney on March 16, 2003 on "Meet the Press."
LIE #4: "[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.
LIE #5: "We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases ... Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #6: "We have also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We are concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] for missions targeting the United States."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.
LIE #7: "We have seen intelligence over many months that they have chemical and biological weapons, and that they have dispersed them and that they're weaponized and that, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established." -- President Bush, Feb. 8, 2003, in a national radio address.
LIE #8: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets."-- Secretary of State Colin Powell, Feb. 5 2003, in remarks to the UN Security Council.
LIE #9: "We know where [Iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003, in statements to the press.
LIE #10: "Yes, we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited." -- President Bush in remarks in Poland, published internationally June 1, 2003.
But “what difference does it make now” right?
After all Benghazi ™ is the worst foreign policy disaster ever, right? And somehow Chuckie still can’t find ONE person claiming the attack was “caused by the video”. In fact he refuses to acknowledge any demonstrations at all. Everyone but Chuckie’s cult knows the demonstrations was used as cover by the attackers.
But Chuckie clings to the dogma that someone said the video “caused the attack”. But he can’t show ONE person saying that.
Only Chuckie and his very stupid fellow RRBC cult members believe that BS.
Just like I said,
3 posts to respond to mine.
"And somehow Chuckie still can’t find ONE person claiming the attack was “caused by the video”.
This good enough for you Dave?
Letterman asked Obama specifically about the Benghazi attack, and the president responded by bringing up the video. Here’s the exchange:
LETTERMAN: Now, I don’t understand, um, the ambassador to Libya killed in an attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Is this an act of war? Are we at war now? What happens here?
OBAMA: Here's what happened. ... You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who -- who made an extremely offensive video directed at -- at Mohammed and Islam --
LETTERMAN: Making fun of the Prophet Mohammed.
OBAMA: Making fun of the Prophet Mohammed. And so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world. But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya.
A bit later in his answer, Obama referenced the video again as the proximate cause for the attack in Benghazi. “As offensive as this video was -- and obviously, we denounced it, the United States government had nothing to do with it -- that’s never an excuse for violence,” he said.
September 20, at a forum hosted by the Spanish-language channel Univision, Obama again used the anti-Mohammed video to conflate the issue of protests in parts of the Arab world (where it was a driving factor) and the attack in Libya (where it wasn’t)
SALINAS: We have reports that the White House said today that the attacks in Libya were a terrorist attack. Do you have information indicating that it was Iran, or al-Qaeda was behind organizing the protests?
OBAMA: Well, we’re still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests --
SALINAS: Al-Qaeda?
OBAMA: Well, we don’t know yet. And so we’re going to continue to investigate this. We’ve insisted on and have received so far full cooperation from countries like Egypt and Libya and Tunisia in not only protecting our diplomatic posts, but also to make sure that we discover who, in fact, is trying to take advantage of this.
"The View" on Tuesday, September 25:
BEHAR: OK, I want to talk about Libya for a second because on 9/11 of this past year our embassy was attacked there and we lost four people, including the ambassador, and it was reported that people just went crazy and wild because of this anti-Muslim movie, or anti-Mohammed, I guess, movie. But then I heard Hillary Clinton say it was an act of terrorism. Is it? What do you say?
OBAMA: Well, we’re still doing an investigation. There’s no doubt the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action. Now, we don’t have all the information yet, and so we’re still gathering it. But what’s clear is that around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there.
You still want to debate the murder of four Americans or do you want to change the subject again?
1. The State Department was repeatedly warned about the chaos in Benghazi and the increasing aggressiveness of the Islamist militias and terror networks in the area after the US-prompted NATO mission decapitated the Qaddafi regime — including escalating demands for security from the US mission in Libya. Why did State ignore these demands?
2. Other Western nations bailed out of Benghazi because of increasing terrorism. Why did the US stay put when even the UK pulled out? Especially without increasing security?
3. The attack took place on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 in an area with active al-Qaeda affiliates, as well as terrorist networks with murkier alliances. Why wasn’t the US prepared to respond to an attack on its most vulnerable diplomatic outpost?
4. Where was Barack Obama and what was he doing after his 5 pm meeting with Leon Panetta at the beginning of the attack?
5. If the YouTube video was such an issue, why didn’t anyone in Benghazi or Tripoli know it, and why did the White House end up retracting that claim after a couple of weeks?
6. Who told the Accountability Review Board to ignore the actions of higher-ranking State Department officials such as Patrick Kennedy, who ignored the pleas for more security, and focus blame on lower-ranking career officials for the unpreparedness of State for the attack?
7. What was the CIA doing in Benghazi, and how did they miss the rise of Ansar al-Shariah? Kirkpatrick notes that no one seemed aware of its danger until after the attack.
Is it a surprise that democrats do not want to investigate the events surround the murder of of four American in Benghazi?
You still want to debate the murder of four Americans or do you want to change the subject again?
There is no debate. It happened. So did Iraq. But "what difference does it make" right?
Senator John McCain said during a visit to Libya February 2012, ““We are very happy to be back here in Libya and to note the enormous progress and changes made in the past few months… We know that many challenges lie ahead… but we are encouraged by what we have seen.”
The Already Asked-And-Answered Questions Fox Wants To Know From The Benghazi Select Committee:
Obama again used the anti-Mohammed video to conflate the issue of protests in parts of the Arab world (where it was a driving factor) and the attack in Libya (where it wasn’t)
Reuters correspondent Hadeel Shalchi, who was on the scene in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, wrote:
The ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and the other Americans were killed after Islamist gunmen attacked the U.S. consulate and a safe house refuge in Benghazi on Tuesday night. The attackers were part of a mob blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad.
Numerous other reports also contradict the “no protest” claim.
Did the Obama Administration initially spin and link the video protests to the attack. Yes. Does anyone claim the video “caused the attack” now? No.
One more time.
Who is currently blaming the Benghazi attack on the video?
Meanwhile the treasonous lies and deceptions used to take us to war in Iraq go un-investigated. Obama chose to “look forward”. Not one person was held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq.
So why is Benghazi a greater crime and tragedy than Iraq?
It isn’t. But when it comes to blaming the black guy, you’d think Benghazi was worse than Iraq.
Isn't that right, Chuckie?
Hey, did you over look your last claim,
"Chuckie still can’t find ONE person claiming the attack was “caused by the video”.
from your first claim, the one that I answered,
"Chuckie FAILED to show us anyone claiming the video "caused" deaths in Benghazi."
Surely you are not that dense to think I would miss your 3rd and modified position,
"Who is currently blaming the Benghazi attack on the video?"
Two different positions, finally however you agree that Obama and his administration were lying to the public when they said the attack was due to a YouTube video.
The next thing you need to admit to is the reason for the Administration sending out the lie that a video causing the murders.
Let's see, murders took place in Sept 2012, right before the NOV elections and while Obama was claiming al Qaeda was almost defeated.
You dont thing it's possible that these facts had anything to to with the official WH talking points that the murders where caused by a You Tube video do you? Nah.
Enlighten me, what did the Benghazi murders have to do with GWB and Iraq? And have you ignored on purpose all the quotes from democrats attaching el Qaeda to Iraq?
And finally, it's good to see you haven't forgotten the race card up your sleeve with your "blaming the black guy" play. Do you realize how stupid you appear when you become enraged on being called a commie (not by me, I might add) and yet you banter around the accusations that I am a racist with out a second thought because you believe I am?
How frigging dare you, call me a racist when you have never met me, don't have a clue what race I am and only do so because you disagree with my positions! You are guilty of stereotyping and are too blind to see it.
It is the pinnacle of desperation, self absorption, and completely removes any creditability you might have had in any of your positions. It is a classic tactic of the left, used to stop all debate by calling the other person a racist. The same as your use of Moral Relativism, is an attempt to end debate and focus on your opponent, not the subject.
As much as I disagree with Bill Maher on almost all issues, he hits the nail on the head in the You Tube link I provided. You might want to view it some time.
This comment has been removed by the author.
The same as your use of Moral Relativism, is an attempt to end debate and focus on your opponent, not the subject.
This is from the hypocritical asshole that said:
DAVE, is defending the people who would slit his throat, circumcise the women in his family, castrate his sons, crucify those who would not convert to Islam, if given the opportunity.
it's a lot more appropriate and justifiable and provable to simply call you stupid?
a poll pulled from Chuckies ass will find DD's behavior, shall we say, petulant and one of a bully.
More projection.
And you STILL cannot show one person claiming the video caused the attack.
Note the present tense I have consistently used, only to be ignored.
Every quote you have is from September 2012.
Obama lied, nobody died. Obama lied, but millions still kept their doctors and insurance.
Bush lied, hundreds of thousands died.
No difference, huh?
Enlighten me, what did the Benghazi murders have to do with GWB and Iraq?
Ask the murderers. I bet they would have lot to say about Bush invading Iraq and how their actions are connected.
Like I said, Obama is the best republican president since Clinton.
Nobody is saying Obama never lies. The difference being the much higher death toll resulting from GOP lies and ensuing aggression.
Say Chuckie, who was held accountable for 9-11? Did anybody get fired? No? Stuff happens, right? Unless of course, there’s a Black Guy to blame, right, Chuckie?
In an effort to beat swords into plowshares, are you and yours ok after the extreme weather that is hitting your part of Iowa?
My son is a grad student in his working for his PHD at U of Iowa, in Iowa City and he sent me photo of tornado he was chasing south of there.
Scary stuff.
You owe me and others who you have played the race card and called them racist, an apology.
Until I get that, enough of your drivel. Go back to your own blog. Where the level of posts are highlight with this most recent intellectual gem.
" wernt youse spellinz dat was wasda freudian aspect of what you spelleding....if wood is dense, you are a forest."
And your mother wears combat boots, so there! WOW.
Its been over a month since you posted a new thread on your blog. I guess you've been too busy responding on Tom's blog and calling people you dont know racists, to come up with a new "thought" for your own.
Chuck, Do you want us Liberals to condemn Obama for Benghazi, would that make you happy?
I would oblige you but there seems to be too many layers of political and military bureaucracy's that had more first hand information and responsibility.
One of Obama's most treasonous dereliction of duty has been his non response to the radioactive fallout coming from Japan. All the monitoring equipment on the west coast was shut down almost three years ago. Through the jet stream we are continually exposed to vast amounts of radiation from the three reactor meltdowns.
One mistake over there could result in a global extinction event and he is not doing a damn thing about it.
This issue is magnitudes more important than Benghazi, do you agree?
James Hansen,
Obama could have and should have done something about Benghazi. He had the power to provide the security needed before 9/11 and when the attack started he had the power to send help. Just as he had the power to tell the truth surrounding the events afterwards. He did none of the above. He did not use the power given to him.
Obama has zero power to stop the wind from blowing, to stop the ocean currents or the power to have prevented a earthquake, a tsunami, and a reactor from melting down. Just as having monitoring equipment operating would not have prevented any of these from happening. Horse is out of the barn by then. Then there is the little issue of Obama not having any control over how Japan or for that matter any other country, produces it's energy. If he did, I would suggest he start enforcing our EPA rules and regulations on China.
To make the comparison between the two events, Benghazi and the Japanese earthquake and it's after effects, is in my opinion, another example of Moral Relativism. The two events are not comparable. Not being able to prevent the earthquake and the results is not morally the same as doing the right things within his authority and power in Benghazi.
"One mistake over there (Japan) could result in a global extinction event and he (Obama)is not doing a damn thing about it." See the above about not doing anything, but let me remind you that there are groups that believe human extinction would be the best thing that could happen to planet earth. I take you do not belong to those. Neither am I. So we might agree on not wanting global human extinction. (For an interesting read, look into the results of the human race declining birth rate and the causes of the decline. More scary stuff)
I only expect Obama to do what the Constitution allows and requires him to do. Nothing more, nothing less.
Chuck, you are still going on the long since debunked Fox news version of the events. Go find out what ACTUALLY happened and then get back to us. Whilke you are doing that, do some research on the embassy attacks under Bush, (not to mention other past GOP presidents) and then tell us WHY you and your GOP masters are not obsessed with those the way you are benghazi.
Chuck, there has been no "extreme" weather here. Just normal Iowa spring storms. Where I live we barely got thunder and lightning.
But thanks for asking.
Chuck, I see from your response that you, like almost every body else have virtually no knowledge of what is going on in Japan. They are handling this unprecedented crisis in the worst way possible.
In Chernobyl, the Russians evacuated and contained the radiation at a great cost in lives and money. In contrast,the situation in Japan is no better three years later.
Obama needed to assemble a coalition of scientist and nuclear capable companies to assist Japan as they are unwilling and incapable of dealing with this problem on their own. It is a huge national security issue for the U.S. All we have done is ignore it and create a news blackout about it.
By the way, three fully loaded reactors melted down completely and nobody knows were the cores are. Sixty tons of Uranium and Plutonium at 6000 degrees for thousands of years, what can go wrong?
Chuck, this article makes your response and the Republicans to Benghazi look foolish, read it if you dare.
James Hansen
You seem to have missed the answer I gave to your questions, which was what authority does Obama have over events in Japan?
Not questioning the cause and possible effects of the earthquake and the following events. Just facing reality that Obama does not have the power or authority to do anything about Japan's choice in it's energy source. What authority do you think Obama has to cause Japan to handle the radiation problem differently?
Has Obama been able to stop Russia from taking over the Ukraine? How would the group you recommend force Japan to take their advise? Not saying it's not needed, just asking how you expect to force Japan to obey their recommendations? Not disagreeing that the melt down could be a huge problem, I wonder however, why Japan's neighbors China, N and S Korea and Russia being so much closer to the problem, haven't been able to force Japan handle the issue differently?
As for as Reagan, Lebanon and Benghazi, do you think we should include looking into the actions leading up to 12/7/1941 by FDR? Are you saying we should give Obama a pass because of Pearl Harbor and Lebanon? Can you see how Moral Relativism can and does cut both ways?
Here's something to keep in mind. Pearl Harbor was over in less that 2 hours. Lebanon bombing was over in seconds. The Benghazi attack and resulting murders, took over 7(SEVEN)hours during which, Obama, Commander in Chief, did nothing. In fact as much as others like to take issue with GWB reading a book to kids in school during 9-11, we knew where he was, we knew where FDR and Reagan were, but do we know where Obama was and what he was doing during Benghazi?
Moral Relativism says “it’s OK for Republicans to sacrifice hundreds of unarmed Marines, hold nobody accountable for 9-11, and not question the lies that were used to invade Iraq. But it is NOT OK for liberals, Dems and the Black guy.
Moral Relativism is saying it’s OK to torture people we don’t like, but if they do it to our guys it’s a crime. That would be Chuckie. Chuckie, the moral relativist at his finest.
Obama, Commander in Chief, did nothing.
This is a lie Chuckie will cling to until his dying day, it is no matter the facts say otherwise. Unlike Bush, he didn’t sit with a blank stare for the crucial opening minutes. Chuckie the moral relativist gives Bush a pass, of course.
Here are the answers to Chuckie’s questions. He will ignore or deny them, of course.
Obama Was In The Oval Office During Attacks. A photo that has been available for over a year on the White House Flikr page shows President Obama in the Oval Office during the September 2012 attacks
Huffington Post: "The President Told Them To Deploy Forces As Quickly As Possible." The Huffington Post reported that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey were meeting with President Obama when they learned of the attack and the president responded immediately:
Several committee Republicans pressed Panetta and Dempsey about their discussions with President Barack Obama on that fateful day and his level of involvement, suggesting that after the initial conversation the commander in chief was disengaged as Americans died.
Panetta said he and Dempsey were meeting with Obama when they first learned of the Libya assault. He said the president told them to deploy forces as quickly as possible. [The Huffington Post, 2/7/13]
Dempsey: Obama's Staff "Was Engaged With The National Military Command Center Pretty Constantly" Throughout The Attack. Dempsey testified during a February 7 congressional hearing that the president's staff was engaged with the military command center constantly during the attack, "which is the way it would normally work":
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Personnel At Nearby CIA Annex Came To Compound's Aid. The Senate Committee on Intelligence review found that the groups responding to the Benghazi attack were credited with saving lives of the personnel in diplomatic facility:
Although there was no formal written agreement about how security should be handled between the two facilities in Benghazi, there was a common understanding that each group would come to the other's aid if attacked, which is what happened the night of September 11, 2012.102 IC personnel immediately came to the aid of their colleagues at the Temporary Mission Facility, and fought bravely to secure TMF [The Mission Facility] personnel and their own Annex facility. The Committee interviewed U.S. personnel in Benghazi that night, and they credited their lives being saved to the personnel who responded to the attacks. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]
AP: Six-Member Quick Reaction Team And 60 Libyan Militiamen In Benghazi Responded To The Attack. The AP reported that a "six-member quick reaction security team arrived on the scene from its compound across town, the officials said. About 60 Libyan militiamen accompanied the team, and it again tried to secure a perimeter around [Ambassador Chris] Stevens' building, taking turns searching inside." [Associated Press, 10/10/12, via The Denver Post]
AP: Reinforcements From Embassy In Tripoli Arrived The Same Night. The quick-response team returned to its compound across town and the same night, a "team of reinforcements from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrived on a chartered aircraft at the Benghazi airport and reached the security compound," the AP explained. [Associated Press, 10/10/12, via The Denver Post]
Wash. Post's Ignatius: Reinforcements From Tripoli Arrived Before Second Attack In Benghazi. Washington Post foreign affairs columnist David Ignatius described a "detailed CIA timeline" of the events that occurred during the attack in Benghazi, which shows that the reinforcements sent by the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrived on the scene in Benghazi prior to the second attack of the night being launched:
The fact is the GOP is exploiting the deaths of Americans for a show trial used for political propaganda. The chairman even called it a trial.
The Benghazi attack and resulting murders, took over 7(SEVEN)hours during which, Obama, Commander in Chief, did nothing.
Chuckie is loaded with RRBC misinformation, of course.
In fact, the worst was over in three hours.
Approximately 3:40 p.m. Washington DC time, a security agent at the Benghazi compound hears “loud noises” coming from the front gate and “gunfire and an explosion.” A senior State Department official at the Oct. 9 briefing says that “the camera on the main gate reveals a large number of people – a large number of men, armed men, flowing into the compound.”
About 4 p.m.: This is the approximate time of attack that was given to reporters at a Sept. 12 State Department background briefing. An administration official identified only as “senior administration official one” provides an official timeline of events at the consulate, but only from the time of the attack — not prior to the attack. The official says, “The compound where our office is in Benghazi began taking fire from unidentified Libyan extremists.” (Six of the next seven entries in this timeline — through 8:30 p.m. EDT — all come from the Sept. 12 briefing. The exception being the 6:07 p.m. entry, which comes from Reuters.)
About 4:15 p.m.: “The attackers gained access to the compound and began firing into the main building, setting it on fire. The Libyan guard force and our mission security personnel responded. At that time, there were three people inside the building: Ambassador Stevens, one of our regional security officers, and Information Management Officer Sean Smith.”
Between 4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m.: Sean Smith is found dead.
About 4:45 p.m.: “U.S. security personnel assigned to the mission annex tried to regain the main building, but that group also took heavy fire and had to return to the mission annex.”
About 5:20 p.m.: “U.S. and Libyan security personnel … regain the main building and they were able to secure it.”
Around 6 p.m.: “The mission annex then came under fire itself at around 6 o’clock in the evening our time, and that continued for about two hours. It was during that time that two additional U.S. personnel were killed and two more were wounded during that ongoing attack.”
About 8:30 p.m.: Libyan security forces were able to assist in regaining control of the situation.
There you have it. Not "over seven hours" but less than five... for the entire episode.
Well Dave, I think that about covers it.
Don't forget James Hansen that Dave believed if you liked your health care under Obama care, you could keep it.
At this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.
What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:
There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.
Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack — that it was a planned terrorist attack, but administration officials continued for days later to say there was no evidence of a planned attack.
Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” This, too, was on Sept. 16. Yet, Obama and others continued to describe the incident in exactly those terms — including during the president’s Sept. 18 appearance on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”
Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was the first administration official to call it “a terrorist attack” during a Sept. 19 congressional hearing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same on Sept. 20. Even so, Obama declined opportunities to call it a terrorist attack when asked at a town hall meeting on Sept. 20 and during a taping of “The View” on Sept. 24.
September 11-12, 2012 timeline as released by the Pentagon:
September 11: (Events listed in local Benghazi time)
9:42 pm - Armed men begin their assault on the U.S. Consulate.
9:59 pm - A surveillance drone is directed to fly over the U.S. compound, but it is unarmed.
10:32 pm - The Office of the Secretary Defense and the Joint Staff are notified of the attack by the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon. "The information is quickly passed to Secretary Panetta and General Dempsey."
11 pm - Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey meet with President Obama at the White House where they discuss the unfolding situation and how to respond. The meeting had been previously scheduled.
11:10 pm - The surveillance drone arrives over the Benghazi facility.
11:30 pm - All surviving U.S. personnel are evacuated from the consulate. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and State Department computer expert Sean Smith were killed in the initial assault.
September 12:
Midnight to 2 am - Secretary Panetta and other senior leaders discuss possible options for further violence if it were to break out. Panetta gives verbal orders for Marine anti-terrorist teams from Rota, Spain, to prepare to deploy to Tripoli and Benghazi. Panetta also orders a special operations force team training in Croatia and an additional special operations force team in the United States to prepare to deploy to a staging base in southern Italy.(no mention of OBAMA being at this meeting)
1:30 am - A six-man security team from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrives in Benghazi.
2:39 am to 2:53 am - The National Military Command Center gives formal authorization for the deployment of the two special operations force teams from Croatia and the United States.
5:15 am - Attackers launch assault on a SECOND U.S. facility in Benghazi. Two former U.S. Navy SEALs acting as security contractors are killed. They are identified as Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.(TWO MORE AMERICANS MURDERED )
6:05 am - A C-17 aircraft in Germany is told to prepare to deploy to Libya to evacuate the consulate personnel.
7:40 am - The first wave of Americans are evacuated to Tripoli via airplane.
10 am - A second group, including those killed in the attack, are flown to Tripoli.
2:15 pm - The C-17 departs from Germany for the flight to Tripoli.
7:17 pm - The C-17 leaves Tripoli with the American consulate personnel and the bodies of Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty.
7:57 pm - The U.S. special operations force team based in Croatia arrives at a staging base in Italy.
8:56 pm - One of the Marine anti-terrorist teams from Spain arrives in Tripoli.
9:28 pm - The U.S.-based special operations force team arrives at its staging base in Italy.
THE Fact is we have a photo of Obama shooting a shotgun which was fake so we should trust a photo of him in the WH during the attack?
Go back to your miserable blog DD, where you control all input and do not have to face the open free market place of ideas.
Well, Dave that about covers it?
So the worst thing the Obama Administration did was link the attack to the video?
To those on the ground, the circumstances of the attack are hardly a mystery. Most of the attackers made no effort to hide their faces or identities, and during the assault some acknowledged to a Libyan journalist working for The New York Times that they belonged to the group. And their attack drew a crowd, some of whom cheered them on, some of whom just gawked, and some of whom later looted the compound.
The fighters said at the time that they were moved to act because of the video, which had first gained attention across the region after a protest in Egypt that day.
So there you go. There WAS a crowd after all. Since they were cheering the attack, could that mean they were also angry over the video? Hmm?
Would Chuckie care to explain the discrepancies between his "CNN" and the real CNN link below?
How's that Iraq investigation coming along, Chuckie? Moral relativism at work by the radical Right.
There goes Chuckie pulling crap out of his ass again.
"Boehner refuses to address NRCC fundraising off of Benghazi"
How can he sleep? I'll tell you. No conscience whatsoever.
This is how evil so often prevails. Sociopath authoritarians leading sociopath authoritarian followers. It's all in John Dean's book, "Conservatives without Conscience".
More crap from the race huckster DD, AGAIN.
Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina criticized Democrats for raising money in the wake of past tragedies, including the shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School and Hurricane Katrina.
In an e-mail cross-posted on her campaign website, Elizabeth Warren called House Speaker John Boehner’s decision to form the Benghazi committee “shameful,” a Republican distraction and “no-holds-barred political theatre.” Alongside a “donate” button on her website, Warren claimed the House GOP “is on a waste-of-time-and-resources witch hunt and fundraising sideshow, shamefully grasping for any straw to make President Obama, former Secretary Clinton, or Secretary Kerry look bad.”
In 2012, mere hours after the horrific Benghazi terror attack, Obama flew off for a lavish, Beyonce-headlined fundraiser in Las Vegas.
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