A System Rigged

The system has also been stuffed even deeper into the seemingly bottomless pockets of the plutocrats. No one bothering to pay attention was surprised by the results. The Reagan/Bush/Bush appointees made it clear where their hearts are. The corruption of the American political process means not a thing to these assholes. The non-existent "plague" of voter fraud is a different story. Any judgement that will aid the traditional progressive constituency in having their voice counted needs to be "remedied". America just ain't as white as it once was - and it's getting non-whiter by the hour. Rich people tend to be very white indeed, and they have this unsettling habit of filling the coffers of candidates who aren't happy with the prospect of sharing America's treasure. Have you ever noticed that?

This is the same Supreme Court that last year gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Gotta keep them darkies in line, you know? One wonders how Clarence Thomas is able to get a wink of sleep on any given night.

First, unless some kind of coup is planned between now and January 20, 2017, the next president (and he or she won't be a Republican - count on it) is sure to appoint judges to that court who are at least relatively moderate in their judicial temperament.
Secondly, some of the older, more conservative members of that body are looking a bit worst for the wear these days. Having recently had my own brush with death, I'm not in the position to wish anyone (not even Antonin Scalia) an appointment with the grim reaper. I'm just being realistic. As George Harrison once chimed, "All things must pass. All things must pass away."
As was said a long time ago by an obscure Republican:
"....that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Now doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
"A new birth of freedom". We're decades overdue, don'cha think? It's coming. Once again - and very soon - we will "gaze upon the chimes of freedom flashing".
Cha! Cha! Cha!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

In A Lucid Moment
by Michael Holmes
Bing Crosby is the greatest singer who ever walked this earth. Michael Holmes is a close second. I never knew der Bingle. Mike has been a friend of mine for over twenty years. For a long time his friends (myself included) have been bugging him to record an album. I'm happy to report that he has finally capitulated. He is not only a great singer/songwriter; his guitar work leaves this aspiring guitarist envious and in shame. Here is a link to order his CD off of amazon.com:
In a Lucid Moment by Michael Holmes
It's a beautiful thing to experience in all moments - lucid or otherwise.

Death of a President
by William Manchester
This book, detailing the weekend of President Kennedy's assassination fifty years ago, was on my father's shelf from the time it was published in 1967. After he died twenty-five years ago it was one of the three-or-four volumes I scarfed for my own collection. Inexcusably, I only got around to reading the damned thing this week. I couldn't put it down - a mesmerizing read if ever there was one. Although long out of print, it was such a massive best-seller in its day obtaining a copy shouldn't prove too difficult or expensive. Highly recommended.
Incredibly, although written at her instigation, Jacqueline Kennedy tried to sue the publisher, Harper and Row, to prevent the book's release. Heaven knows the reason for this. Of the hundreds of books written on this grimy topic it is the most tasteful and, I imagine, the most historically accurate.
Obama whinefest to follow...
91% of the time the better-financed candidate wins. Don’t act surprised.
From this moment on, any anonymous postings that are not relevant to the articled being commented upon shall be deleted.
So there!
The Management
I'm not sure why the big surprise by this decision first off. The other point is does it truly change the game either way? I mean the Republicans have their Koch Brothers and the Democrats have their George Soros. What really strikes me kind of funny is that the Democrats claim to be the party of the "little guy", "the poor", " the downtrodden", but yet when you look at the financial well beings of the loons we have running around Congress there are more millionaires on the left than on the right. Gotta give the Republicans this much, at least they admit they are for themselves, aka the rich.
Hope this finds you doing well,
Tom V.
Thanks for taking out the trash.
We won't miss Anonymous Chuckie and Harry Chuckie, and his other troll names.
I hope you will include the "Identity Thief" Chuckie as well. If regular Chuckie stays sober and chooses to be appropriate and post on topic, that's fine with me.
Anonymous trolls are exactly like out-of-town obnoxious and belligerent drunks showing up at a neighborhood party.
"Free speech" doesn't apply to rude distracting jerks. They are assholes, and we won't miss them.
Kevin Spacey recently wrote some scathing commentary hitting the government of Venezuela for their cruel treatment of the people of Venezuela.
"These students were standing for basic human freedoms and engaging in the right to protest, which is a sacred right whether in Boston, Belarus, or Venezuela. The government of Venezuela responded with heavy-handed repression…
More than 1,400 students were arrested, there are more than 40 confirmed cases of torture and Leopoldo Lopez still sits in a Venezuelan military prison...
Human Rights Watch says “the Venezuelan government has openly embraced the classic tactics of an authoritarian regime: jailing its opponents, muzzling the media and intimidating civil society.”
I support all of the Venezuelans who peacefully and non-violently claim their right to self-determination and protest…
We who are fortunate enough to live in freedom must stand up to oppression and injustice and remind the Venezuelan people that they are on the right side of history…"
Socialism cannot survive a fervent dissent.
Hence the left/socialist being upset with the SCOUSA decision which allows for greater expression of dissent in opposition or even disagreement with govt.
I do not believe for one second if this ruling had favored the contributors who support the views of the left/socialist, there would be a thread complaining of same. Why?
For all the chest beating by the left/socialist of how they support and fear for our democracy, and the Constitution under which it operates, they turn a blind eye toward A/E Holder's claim that the Federal Govt has a vast amount of discretion in enforcing federal laws. Under Holder the law is no longer blind? The eyes of the left/socialist are closed when a Federal Court overturns the vote of an entire State, as in the case of Prop 8 in CA.
Is the left/socialist as upset over the spending and the resulting influence it has when the source of the money is George Soros or Tom Steyer? No where that I can find.
The simplest answer to the question of "why" is, the left/socialist fears dissent.
(well said Tom V)
Tom, Congratulations on deleting anonymous postings that are not relevant to the article, but why not take it a step further and delete ALL postings that are not relevant to the article?
Yea Tom, do like Venezuela. If you don't agree with a post regardless if it's anonymous or not, shut them up!
Just like the fake named Mozart, Dave Dubya and Tom Mix want you to. But start with them.
Freedom of speech only if you say so!
Phillip Morris, what is there about "not relevant to the article being commented upon" that you do not understand? And are we supposed to assume that Phillip Morris is your real name?
Will Jones said...
"Phillip Morris, what is there about "not relevant to the article being commented upon."
Read the post.
Another call for more censorship from the left/socialist.
Like Will Jones is your real name, LOL.
So now they are whining that they are no longer allowed to whine. As for the subject, George Soros is not NEARLY the political player the Koch Bros are. He's mainly just a name conservatives came up with to have an argument when someone brings up the Koch Bros.
Good morning Mozart,
You are correct I was just using the two newsworthy names to make the comparison or statement that there is plenty of money on both sides of the various campaigns. For anyone to think either side is "underfunded" and that this latest U.S. Supreme Court decision is going to impact an outcome of any election is simply setting up a future excuse as to why their side lost a given election. I was not trying to say one has more money than the other or that one has given more money to a campaign than the other as I don't have those facts at my disposal.
Tom V.
The GOP whines and cries about "voter fruad" and yrt their heroes support the unlimited and anonymous funding of their candidates by people who have no business influencing our elections. Trying to justify this by saying "both sides are well funded" is just plain wrong.
Since you brought up the subject of voter fraud, do you think Tom would allow the posting of examples of voter fraud? Or would that not be "relevant to the articled being commented upon"?
Good morning Mozart,
I think you either misunderstood my point or are misstating it to try an make a different point 1.e. "voter fraud". I simply stated that in the article it was made to seem that the decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court made favored one side or the other when in fact that's simply untrue. In addition I'm not sure what basis you can make the statement that " people who have no business influencing our elections". Last time i looked this was still a free country and every legally registered voter has a right to be a player in this game. Granted some have more money than others to play this game but until the U. S. Supreme Court rules that no candidate can receive, say for instance, fifty dollars from any one citizen no matters the means whether it be direct contributions, fundraisers, PAC, etc. you are going to have this issue where the rich can and will give more than you and I but lets be honest with one another and admit both sides of the aisle benefit from the current situation including this most recent court decision.
All the best,
Tom V.
2012 Presidential Race:
Candidates Raised: Obama-$715MM; Romney-$446MM
Candidate Spent: Obama-$683MM; Romney-$433MM
Large Individual Contributor Funding: Obama-$490MM; Romney-$366MM
PAC Contributions: Obama-$0; Romney-$1.1MM
Top 5 Contributors: Obama-$4.2MM; Romney-$4.5MM
Total Party Spending: Democrats-$1.1BIL; Republicans-$1.24BIL
Source for above...
Center for Responsive Politics
Too many Americans seem oblivious to the fact that both major parties are corrupted. Defining a corporation as a person was a great victory in the Right's war on democracy. Defining money as "free speech", instead of a corrupting influence, was the other great victory in the Right's war on democracy.
BTW in our corporate media under our corporatocracy, liberal voices are outnumbered by the those on the Right, even assuming corporatist Democrats are liberal.
A report counted appearances in 2013 by political figures on “Meet the Press” (NBC), “Fox News Sunday,” “Face the Nation” (CBS), “This Week” (ABC), and “State of the Union" (CNN), and found that thirteen made 10 or more appearances, including three democrats and 10 Republicans.
Some "liberal media", huh?
Yeah, this is the mythical "liberal media" lie so successfully promoted by the propaganda of the Right that millions of Americans are brainwashed by that lie.
Liberals and socialists ARE the voices of dissent. Those voices are what we need under free speech. And they are the voices being marginalized.
Most Americans want our socialized Social Security and Medicare. We don't hear from them, do we?
Big Money is drowning out those voices.
The simplest answer to the question of "why" is, the left/socialist fears dissent.
Yes, this is the simplest answer for the simple minded.
Reality shows something less simple and more true.
I've shown that most Americans, liberals, and socialists ARE the voices of dissent marginalized in corporate media.
The vast powers of the radical Right and corporatocracy truly fear actual dissent. THEY have the power of writing legislation for their bought and paid for politicians. ALEC has been granted the power to write public policy.
THEY have the most to lose. THEY have the power over democracy and want to keep it that way.
OWS's right to free speech and assembly was forcibly crushed, as the Koch funded Tea Party parties on.
That tells us who actually dissents and who suppresses dissent. As long as you're pro-corporate power, you have "free speech". If you dissent, no free speech for you.
"Too many Americans seem oblivious to the fact that both major parties are corrupted."
Back up your claim with attacks on the democrat party to the same degree and scope as you do with the GOP.
So the ONLY voices of dissent are those of the Liberals and socialists?
Pure bubble cult, closed minded talking point of the Socialist Party of the USA.
"Chuckie" Phillip Morris, the radical Right authoritarian is making demands again.
He gets angry when the facts shoot his propaganda down in flames.
Who is this "democrat party" anyway? Never heard of them.
Prove your position to be one you really believe and not just posturing. Not an attack, unless you don't like having to support you claims with facts.
"Too many Americans seem oblivious to the fact that both major parties are corrupted."
Back up your claim with attacks on the democrat party to the same degree and scope as you do with the GOP.
Tom V, the Citizens United ruliing states that ANYONE, even Vladamir Putin, could contributs to a political party and NO ONE could find out he did it. The recdent ruliong just made those contributions unlimited. You agree with this and don't thnk it helps the conservatives (who can't win a fair election) more htna the Liberals, who fight AGAINST big money special interests?
Mozart, your assertion that Democrats (which I'm assuming you must mean by "liberals" - since only the two major parties are in question here) are fighting against "big money" is not borne out by the facts. Other than that clarification, I agree with you that the ruling is a bad thing in general for our country's political process...
See my earlier post @ 10:06AM
Also, interesting to note, is that the party who spent the most...lost. Though, the figures are pretty close to each other.
The danger is not that special interest picks the party that wins. It's that they begin to set the agenda and pick the individuals who will represent said parties...
And that's the reason conservatives want to end voter fraud, because they "can't win a fair election"?
Pure pretzel logic.
As for for any one being able to spend money on an election, have your forgotten the foreign money from the Buddhist temple that ended up in Gore's war chest?
Why are liberal/socialists against every form of big, be it oil, money, pharmaceutical or insurance but are not against big government?
Liberals don't want voter fraud either. We just know that it is the excuse used as cover for voter purges, tighter registration requirements, limits on poll access, and selective suppression of certain demographics.
In other words, election tampering. We don't like that either.
So you're concerned about secret foreign money infecting our elections? Good. Think about that for a while when you defend your multi-national corporate PACs and their "free speech" bribery money.
If you could only apply some nuance your other question. Just for a minute, think about what "too big to fail" means.
It's that they begin to set the agenda and pick the individuals who will represent said parties...
In November, 2011 Florida state Rep. Rachel Burgin (R) introduced a resolution that would officially call on the federal government to reduce corporate taxes, but she apparently forgot to remove ALEC’s mission statement from the top of the bill, which she seems to have copied word-for-word from ALEC’s model bill.
And for another epitome of corporatocracy we have NC sides with Duke in appeal of coal ash ruling
RALEIGH, N.C. North Carolina regulators are joining with Duke Energy in appealing a judge's ruling on cleaning up groundwater pollution leeching from the company's coal ash dumps.
Republican “regulators” at work. Gee, you’d think their governor worked for Duke Energy…Oh he did….and still does.
I just want everyone to know on Tom's blog, that even though I have blueberry all over my face for drug dealing large quantities of cocaine and have snitched on the Gambino crime family, I am not sleeping with the fishes like Luca Brasi!
Phillip. Conservatives do not want to "end votor fraud". They just want to CLAIM that fraud exists where it doesn't which serves TWO purposes.
ONE, it makes them LOOK like they are for fair elections while they work to disenfranchise Demoratic voters, and TWO it takes people's mind away from the fact that they themselves comitted the two biggest acts of election fraud in history with the 2000 and 2004 electins.
It goes back to the old saying "If you want to know what a Conservative is up to, check out what he's accusing others pof doing".
"Conservatives do not want to "end votor fraud". They just want to CLAIM that fraud exists where it doesn't which serves TWO purposes."
So there is no voter fraud, yet the conservatives cheat to win elections by spending their money to get their views out to the voters. Does this mean conservatives are for voter fraud? But wait you just said conservatives dont want to end voter fraud, right?
Do you realize you are saying there really is voter fraud? Then what are the liberal/socialist doing to end it? Curtail spending on elections of those who they dont agree with?
Mozart, you are totally crazy. Did you pass liberal/socialist Indoctrination class 101?
When liberals claim the Koch brothers dont really want to help the poor even when they give the $100 million of their own money to charity. How very delusional of you to be think you know the real intentions of someone because you dont agree with their political views on big government. Yet you have said the rich aren't paying enough in taxes to enable the govt to take care of the poor. But when the rich do give freely of their money, are you claiming they dont really mean it?
Why are liberal/socialists against every form of BIG, be it BIG oil, BIG money, BIG pharmaceutical or BIG insurance but are not against BIG government?
Why are liberal/socialists against every form of BIG, be it BIG oil, BIG money, BIG pharmaceutical or BIG insurance but are not against BIG government?
If by big government we mean intrusive intelligence and over-reaching law enforcement agencies, loss of privacy, abuses of our rights by the drug war and war on terror, and an unsustainable military empire, liberals are very much against that. Cons just resent social programs for the sick, poor and unemployed. They hate the rich paying progressive tax rates and government regulation of polluters. They want to believe a corporation is a person with rights superior to individual rights, and no obligation to pay taxes for its protections under civil law, and for use of public services and infrastructure.
Stupid loaded question deserve more stupid questions.
Why are conservative all in favor of, and support for, "too big to fail" banks? Why are cons all in favor of monopolies running our economy and lowering incomes? Why do cons love walmart and hate mom and pop businesses?
Why is Chuckie chicken to post under one identity?
Give me one example of voter fraud in this country - a specific example - time and place. Give me the name of the person committing the fraud. I want just one specific.
Dave, that post was your best ever, you covered a lot of ground with very few words, that's good writing!
Wendy Rosen dropped from her race against Republican Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) today after it was discovered she had been voting in two states in recent elections – Maryland and Florida. Rosen said she was saddened to leave the race in Maryland. 2013
A NAACP official is headed to jail for 5 years over voter fraud.
While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme. In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots. Sowers is
identified on an NAACP website as a member of the Tunica County NAACP Executive Committee. Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts, but Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster permitted Sowers to serve those terms concurrently... ...Sowers was found guilty of voting in the names of Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis. She was also convicted of voting in the names of four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross. ….The NAACP has had other problems with voter fraud. The NAACP National Voter Fund registered a dead man to vote in Lake County, Ohio, in 2004. That same year, out of 325 voter registration cards filed by the NAACP in Cleveland, 48 were flagged as fraudulent.
MSNBC host Al Sharpton attended a “voting rights” rally in Ohio last week where he hugged a former Ohio poll worker who has been convicted of voter fraud, earning scorn from both Republicans and Democrats.
Melowese Richardson, whom Sharpton embraced at Thursday’s rally in support of a “voters’ bill of rights,” has also been convicted of threatening to kill a witness, assault, theft, and drunk driving, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.
Richardson, a Democrat, was convicted of voter fraud after using her position as poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. She got a five year prison term, but was released earlier this month after local Democratic activists pressed for a fairer term.
MSNBC host Al Sharpton attended a “voting rights” rally in Ohio last week where he hugged a former Ohio poll worker who has been convicted of voter fraud, earning scorn from both Republicans and Democrats.
Melowese Richardson, whom Sharpton embraced at Thursday’s rally in support of a “voters’ bill of rights,” has also been convicted of threatening to kill a witness, assault, theft, and drunk driving, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.
Richardson, a Democrat, was convicted of voter fraud after using her position as poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. She got a five year prison term, but was released earlier this month after local Democratic activists pressed for a fairer term.
The Obama Administration refuses to deport a Muslim illegal alien who was convicted of voter fraud, EVEN AFTER a Federal Court of Appeals (and every court before that) has ordered that he should be deported.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are rightfully angry that, despite their hard work in investigating Asif Gulzar Pasha, a Pakistani national who voted illegally in North Carolina in 2004 and falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen, he remains on U.S. soil
A Los Angeles jury convicted state Sen. Roderick D. Wright on all eight counts in his perjury and voter fraud trial.Jan 28 2014
State Year Details
AR 1998 A contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was arrested for falsifying about 400 voter registration cards.
CO 2005 Two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in Denver of perjury for submitting false voter registrations.
2004 An ACORN employee admitted to forging signatures and registering three of her friends to vote 40 times.
CT 2008 The New York Post reported that ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old Bridgeport girl. Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud.
FL 2009 In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney’s office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person.
2008 Election officials in Brevard County have given prosecutors more than 23 suspect registrations from ACORN. The state's Division of Elections is also investigating complaints in Orange and Broward Counties.
2004 A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokesman said ACORN was “singled out” among suspected voter registration groups for a 2004 wage initiative because it was “the common thread” in the agency’s fraud investigations.
IN 2008 Election officials in Indiana have thrown out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many deceased Indianans, and even the name of a fast food restaurant.
MI 2008 Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN. Those applications have been turned over to the U.S. Attorney's office for investigation.
2004 The Detroit Free Press reported that “overzealous or unscrupulous campaign workers in several Michigan counties are under investigation for voter-registration fraud, suspected of attempting to register nonexistent people or forging applications for already-registered voters.” ACORN-affiliate Project Vote was one of two groups suspected of turning in the documents.
MO 2008 Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been rejected due to duplication or fake information.
2007 Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election.
2006 Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges. Each of the eight faces up to five years in prison for forging signatures and submitting false information.
2003 Of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegal
Page III
MN 2004 During a traffic stop, police found more than 300 voter registration cards in the trunk of a former ACORN employee, who had violated a legal requirements that registration cards be submitted to the Secretary of State within 10 days of being filled out and signed.
NC 2008 County elections officials have sent suspicious voter registration applications to the state Board of Elections. Many of the applications had similar or identical names, but with different addresses or dates of birth.
2004 North Carolina officials investigated ACORN for submitting fake voter registration cards.
NM 2008 Prosecutors are investigating more than 1,100 ACORN-submitted voter registration cards after a county clerk found them to be fraudulent. Many of the cards included duplicate names and slightly altered personal information.
2005 Four ACORN employees submitted as many as 3,000 potentially fraudulent signatures on the group’s Albuquerque ballot initiative. A local sheriff added: “It’s safe to say the forgery was widespread.”
2004 An ACORN employee registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. Citing this and other examples, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.
NV 2009 Nevada authorities indicted ACORN on 26 counts of voter registration fraud and 13 counts of illegally compensating canvassers. ACORN provided a bonus compensation program called “Blackjack” or “21+” for any canvasser who registered more than 20 voters per shift, which is illegal under Nevada law.
2008 Nevada state authorities raided ACORN's Las Vegas headquarters as part of a task force investigation of election fraud. Fraudulent registrations included players from the Dallas Cowboys.
OH 2008 ACORN activists gave Ohio residents cash and cigarettes in exchange for filling out voter registration card, according to the New York Post. Some voters claim to have registered dozens of times, and one man says he signed up on 72 cards.
2007 A man in Reynoldsburg was indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties.
2004 A grand jury indicted a Columbus ACORN worker for submitting a false signature and false voter registration form. In Franklin County, two ACORN workers submitted what the director of the board of election supervisors called “blatantly false” forms. In Cuyahoga County, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group.
Page IV
PA 2009 Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms. Six of the seven were also indicted for registering voters under an illegal quota system.
2008 State election officials have thrown out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud.
2008 An ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.
2004 Reading’s Director of Elections received calls from numerous individuals complaining that ACORN employees deliberately put inaccurate information on their voter registration forms. The Berks County director of elections said voter fraud was “absolutely out of hand,” and added: “Not only do we have unintentional duplication of voter registration but we have blatant duplicate voter registrations.” The Berks County deputy director of elections added that ACORN was under investigation by the Department of Justice.
TX 2008 In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.
2008 ACORN turned in the voter registration form of David Young, who told reporters “The signature is not my signature. It’s not even close.” His social security number and date of birth were also incorrect.
VA 2005 In 2005, the Virginia State Board of Elections admonished Project Vote and ACORN for turning in a significant number of faulty voter registrations. An audit revealed that 83% of sampled registrations that were rejected for carrying false or questionable information were submitted by Project Vote. Many of these registrations carried social security numbers that exist for other people, listed non-existent or commercial addresses, or were for convicted felons in violation of state and federal election law.
In a letter to ACORN, the State Board of Elections reported that 56% of the voter registration applications ACORN turned in were ineligible. Further, a full 35% were not submitted in a timely manner, as required by law. The State Board of Elections also commented on what appeared to be evidence of intentional voter fraud. "Additionally,” they wrote, “information appears to have been altered on some applications where information given by the applicant in one color ink has been scratched through and re-entered in another color ink. Any alteration of a voter registration application is a Class 5 Felony in accordance with § 24.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia."
WA 2007 Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history. More than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted by the group during a voter registration drive.
WI 2008 At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organizations had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.
2004 The district attorney’s office investigated seven voter registration applications Project Vote employees filed in the names of people who said the group never contacted them. Former Project Vote employee Robert Marquise Blakely told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he had not met with any of the people whose voter registration applications he signed, “an apparent violation of state law,” according to the paper.
Page V
A total of four Democratic officials and political operatives have now pleaded guilty to voter fraud-related felony charges in an alleged scheme to steal a New York election.
The latest guilty pleas expose the ease with which political insiders can apparently manipulate the electoral system and throw an election their way, by the forging of signatures of unsuspecting voters that are then cast as real votes.
"The phrase they use is: 'making sure they vote the right way,'" said a source close to the case, which is unfolding in Troy, N.Y. "It is not a Democratic or Republican thing. ... It is criminal."
Former Troy Democratic City Clerk William McInerney, Democratic Councilman John Brown, and Democratic political operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio have entered guilty pleas in the case, in which numerous signatures were allegedly forged on absentee ballots in the 2009 Working Families Party primary, the political party that was associated with the now-defunct community group, ACORN.
The four have pleaded guilty to one count of various charges, ranging from forgery to falsifying business records, and criminal possession of a forged instrument.
"Getting at the truth has always been the primary goal of this investigation," Special Prosecutor Trey Smith said in a statement, while also thanking New York State Police efforts to "bring those responsible for the voting fraud to justice."
Numerous voters told Fox News that they were stunned that their signatures were faked on absentee ballot applications and ballots, which were cast as real votes in their names in the 2009 primary election.
Brian Suozzo's absentee ballot application claimed that he was "at home recovering from medical procedure," which he told us was not true.
"Someone took my signature and voted with it and I feel extremely violated," Suozzo said when Fox News first broke the story nationally in 2009. "The whole thing seems dirty to me."
Jessica Boomhower's absentee ballot application falsely claimed that she was in Boston.
"I can't believe they thought they would get away with this," she told Fox News. "I didn't get to cast my vote on my own. ... They're corrupt. I am sure this goes on a lot in politics, but it's very rare that they do get caught."
Two of the ballot applications claimed that the voters were unavailable, because they were supposedly on a "bus trip to casino."
Smith, at one point during the two-year long investigation, even obtained court orders to take DNA samples from five of the seven Democratic members of the Troy City Council. The goal was to try and compare the samples to any DNA evidence found on the absentee ballot envelopes.
No Republicans were implicated in the alleged conspiracy, but one political operative claimed that such voter fraud occurs "on both sides of the aisle."
You cut and pasted that off of the ultra right Gateway Pundit blog.
Try again.
Page VI
A 49-year-old Swansea, Illinois man was sentenced Wednesday to more than four years in federal prison following conviction on a litany of charges connected to tax evasion and voter fraud, US Attorney Stephen Wigginton said.
According to court documents, Michael Collins was found guilty of tax evasion for 2003, tax evasion for 2004, tax evasion for 2005, failure to file federal income tax return for 2003, failure to file federal income tax return for 2004, failure to file federal income tax return 2005, election fraud in March 2006, and election fraud in February 2008.
Two convicted of voter fraud get probation Steve Bannister / Staff Reporter Posted on September 25, 2002 MARKSVILLE - Two Marksville men convicted of voter fraud in the mayoral election have been fined and placed on probation.
The sentences for Lincoln Carmouche, 66, and Larry Dauzat, 48, were handed down Tuesday by 12th Judicial District Judge Billy Bennett.
Both defendants supported incumbent Mayor Richard Michel in the election last spring. Michel was re-elected, defeating John Ed Laborde.
Both defendants were convicted in separate bench trials by Bennett. Dauzat was found guilty of offering to buy a vote; Carmouche, of bribing a voter.
Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White -- the man charged with upholding election integrity in Indiana -- was convicted of six felonies on Saturday, including three counts of voter fraud, two counts of perjury and one count of theft
ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Minnesota Majority today released a report on voter fraud convictions to date stemming from Minnesota's 2008 general election. The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, "ineligible voter knowingly votes" under Minnesota Statute 201.014.
The latest voter-fraud convictions in Troy, N.Y., must be very inconvenient to the public-affairs propagandists over at the DNC and the NAACP, as well as liberal media outlets like the New York Times. It just ruins their constant refrain that there is no voter fraud in the United States.
Eric Shawn at FOX News reports that two Troy city officials, the city clerk and a councilman, along with two Democratic political operatives, have pled guilty to forging absentee-ballot signatures and casting fraudulent ballots in the 2009 Working Families Party primary. The WFP is the political party associated with ACORN.
Christopher Baxter/The Star-Ledge
on March 06, 2014 at 2:12 PM, updated March 07, 2014 at 10:25 AM
TRENTON — A Paterson councilman and his wife were indicted today on charges they conspired during the 2010 city council election to churn out fraudulent mail-in ballots from their campaign headquarters, sometimes assuming the identities of constituents and voting without their knowledge.
State authorities said Rigo Rodriguez, 41, of Paterson, a candidate for mayor, and his wife, Lissette, 34, who was the leader of his re-election campaign, had campaign workers illegally act as "messengers" and "bearers" for mail-in ballots despite not being designated by voters.
The pair also allegedly had ballots submitted as votes for people who never received the ballots, completed them or authorized that they be cast. Once the State Police caught on to the scheme, authorities said, the pair instructed campaign workers to lie.
Like I didn't see this coming.
How typical of a liberal when presented with the truth they can't handle, then claim the source of the truth is the problem.
You asked for
"Give me one example of voter fraud in this country - a specific example - time and place. Give me the name of the person committing the fraud. I want just one specific."
You didn't say it couldn't come from certain sources. You wanted any claim to be supported with names and places and dates. I've provided you same. In fact, 7 pages of proven convected voter fraud. Cut and pasted in order to meet your requirements for proof.
Would you like more or would you just delete them as not being relevant to the subject of the string?
Now prove what has been given you to be false based on the FACTS, not the source!
Election fraud exists. Eligible voters were purged from voter rolls. Diebold machines were rigged, voting booths and voting hours were limited in certain precincts, etc. This is Right wing election fraud.
Democrats also committed election fraud, but on a much smaller scale.
Chuckie wants to prove a pandemic of voter IMPERSONATION fraud that voter ID laws are supposed to fix.
BIG FAIL. Even the Bush Justice Department failed to show the need for their war on democracy.
Oh, the trumped up horror in Minnesota!
The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota said its offer to pay a $1,000 bounty to anyone who could show evidence of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a photo ID requirement yielded no such evidence. The ACLU says it shows the ID requirement is not needed, and says it will use the $1,000 to fight the proposed constitutional amendment.
Meanwhile: From http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8634
Photo ID restriction laws do nothing to deter absentee ballot fraud of the kind committed by Sowers. Nothing.
Polling place voter impersonation --- which Sowers was not accused of doing, but which Photo ID restrictions are said by Republicans to be needed to deter --- is extraordinarily rare.
By way of just one example to underscore this point, we'd point you to the George W. Bush Dept. of Justice's own statistics from October 2002 to September 2005. Even after investing unprecedented resources into investigating and prosecuting the crime of voter fraud, the federal government was able to find "scant evidence" of it during that period, successfully convicting just 23 people for casting a vote while ineligible or for voting multiple times. That, out of hundreds of millions of votes cast during the same period. Of those 23 convictions, the numbers are not broken down into how many were convicted of absentee fraud versus how many carried out the dangerous and exceedingly rare practice of showing up in person at the polls and impersonating another voter. But even if all 23 cases were polling place impersonation --- and they almost certainly were not --- the number is exceedingly small.
Compare that to the more than 20 million legal voters in the nation --- the great majority of them Democratic-leaning --- who, according to the NYU Brennan Center for Justice, the League of Women Voters, and many other non-partisan studies, would be unable to cast their legal vote unless they managed to obtain a state-issued Photo ID under the new GOP laws.
In Wisconsin alone, where last week we detailed the absurd video-taped hoops a voter was forced to jump through hoops at the DMV in order to obtain an ID for voting, some 300,000 previously-legal voters, according to a University of Wisconsin poli-sci professor David Canon, will no longer be able to cast their legal votes next year unless they quickly come up with the free time, money, and resources to obtain an ID deemed acceptable by the state.
(Ironically, but not accidentally, student IDs from the University of Wisconsin will not be acceptable.) The law, according to a 2005 U-W study, will have a vastly disproportionate affect on minorities, students, and the elderly --- in other words, Democratic-leaning voters
Another study by the League of Women voters found that out of more than 9 million votes cast in the state of Ohio in 2002 and 2004, just 4 votes were found to have been cast illegally --- "a rate of 0.00004%" (that's 4 one-hundred-thousandths of a percent.) In Indiana, the first state in the nation to have their Photo ID restrictions approved by the Supreme Court in 2008, the supporters of the bill were unable to identify a single case of polling place impersonation in the state's entire history which might have been stopped by their new law.
"54 individuals employed by or associated with ACORN have been convicted of voter fraud," failing to note that most, if not all, of those employed or associated were actually turned in to officials by ACORN themselves, since it was ACORN that was being ripped off by the voter registration fraud carried out by those scofflaws. It's the equivalent of calling Walmart a criminal organization after they turned a handful of workers into the police for stealing merchandise off of their shelves.
In other words, there were zero acts of "voter fraud" committed by ACORN or their employees or associates, unless you purposely choose to confuse readers about the definition of "voter fraud" by conflating all manner of election-related fraud, such as voter registration fraud, with "voter fraud."
In the case of Nathan Sproul & Associates, the Rightwing operatives have been accused in several states of wholesale shredding of Democratic voter registration forms. In Orange County, CA, alone, for example, 11 workers were arrested in 2006. The group was tied to the shredding of Democratic voter registration forms in 2004 in Nevada, West Virginia, Oregon, and elsewhere. Nonetheless, the McCain/Palin campaign hired them for voter registration work in 2008.
So the question Chicken Chuckie must flee is what is the number of actual cases of voter impersonation that would be prevented by GOP purges, restrictions on registration, limiting poll access, and imposing additional ID requirements.
Run, Chuckie run.
"54 individuals employed by or associated with ACORN have been convicted of voter fraud"
See Tom, even Dave found the voter fraud you were asking for.
Thanks DD!
Tom, oh Tom?
Election fraud exists. Eligible voters were purged from voter rolls. Diebold machines were rigged, voting booths and voting hours were limited in certain precincts, etc. This is Right wing election fraud.
Going to hold you to the standard set by Tom.
Dave, "Give me one example of voter fraud in this country - a specific example - time and place. Give me the name of the person committing the fraud. I want just one specific."
There is a sickness, almost a mental condition, in the Washington political-bureaucratic class that leads it to believe it knows everything.
Twenty-eight-year-old congressional staffers stay up until 3 in the morning writing laws about systems they have never participated in and cannot possibly understand. Fifty-year-old bureaucrats who have spent their entire careers in small cubbyholes in giant Washington office buildings (visit the Humphrey Building, which houses HHS, and you will see what I mean) issue rules and regulations on topics and industries about which they know very little, affecting millions of people they don't know in places they have never visited.
It was this kind of hubris that led to nonfunctional websites and the months of illegal changes to Obamacare.
And it is the same kind of hubris that led Secretary Sebelius and President Obama to travel the country advocating for a law that no one, including them, understood.
Sebelius' final betrayal of the public trust--after her abuses of power and her failures of implementation--was her fundamental dishonesty with the American people.
She had an opportunity to help lead the country in a constructive, open dialogue about health reform. Instead she defended the law, denied facts, dismissed legitimate questions and deceived the public.
Example given:
In the case of Nathan Sproul & Associates, the Rightwing operatives have been accused in several states of wholesale shredding of Democratic voter registration forms. In Orange County, CA, alone, for example, 11 workers were arrested in 2006. The group was tied to the shredding of Democratic voter registration forms in 2004 in Nevada, West Virginia, Oregon, and elsewhere. Nonetheless, the McCain/Palin campaign hired them for voter registration work in 2008.
ACORN didn't commit the fraud, they discovered registration fraud and reported it.
So because they also report fraud and theft, you blame Wal-mart for their employees' behavior, right?
Or is there something different about ACORN that draws the hate and double standards of racists, the radical Right, and fellow Republicans? Even still, after it has been shut down, something about the very word ACORN sends the radical Right into rage and anger. Hmmm. Can't re racism, right? Nah, just ask them.
Election fraud, NOT voter impersonation fraud, is the greater issue in elections. The GOP are masters at election fraud and voter disenfranchisement.
They cannot show significant voter impersonation at the polls, so they lump all election tampering and fraud as the problem their ID laws, registration restrictions, and limiting of poll access would fix.
It is dishonest and deceptive of course. Typical of the Right.
The Bush DOJ failed to show significant voter impersonation, as did Chuckie.
So wrong again Dave, just read through the 7 pages of voter fraud provided and you will find GOP convictions.
Remember now, what Tom's original question was. Had nothing to do with faux racism, as much as you might like it to have been. Tom, unlike you, doesn't seem to be driven by a view that every thing is racism. He may be driven by political radicalism, but not faux racism.
Would you care to be provided with examples of racism against whites, and discrimination against conservatives of any race or gender by liberals/socialists?
Of course not. In fact if your past track record is any indication of your future action, you will go into a rant about bubble cult, blaming the black guy, worshiping the God of wealth. Meanwhile you and sadly Tom as well, will not answer the same question Tom not me but Tom, asked. IE:
"Election fraud exists. Eligible voters were purged from voter rolls. Diebold machines were rigged, voting booths and voting hours were limited in certain precincts, etc. This is Right wing election fraud." Dave Dubya
Going to hold you to the standard set by Tom.
Dave, "Give me one example of voter fraud in this country - a specific example - time and place. Give me the name of the person committing the fraud. I want just one specific."
Chuck, Tom, Dave
I am a Progressive who may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but wouldn't having a photo id aid in stopping voter fraud?
I am a Progressive. We must lean forward with our ideas to advance society.
What I don't get is why a fellow Marxist like Dave Dubya claims the GOP is fighting a war against women because the GOP believes women should pay for their own contraception.
Walmart offers contraception for less than 10 dollars a month.
I hate to say it, but Dave Dubya really needs to pull his head out of his butt!
"Election fraud, NOT voter impersonation fraud, is the greater issue in elections."
Uhh Dave, that's not what Tom wanted proof for , he wanted it for voter fraud.
But, since you made that claim, "Give me one example of election fraud in this country - a specific example - time and place. Give me the name of the person committing the fraud. I want just one specific."
Michael Stivic , I agree with you that photo voter ID would be the safest way to stop voter fraud. In fact I would be ok with early voting if photo voter ID was required to vote. (Honestly, I do not think the case has been made for the need for early voting with absentee voting already allowed. It just seems to me one more crack in the concept of one person one vote that has made our democracy what it is)
Our reelection percentage of Congressional incumbents is higher than the reelections in the old Soviet Union Politburo.
Yet, less than 10% believe that Congress is doing a good job.
Marx was wrong, entitlements, pork, and victimhood status are the opiates of the masses, and politicians (mainly the Democrat Plantation Pushers) know how to feed their habits with other people's money.
Former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson on Sunday discussed why she left CBS News last month and said that news outlets have become less interested in investigative reports that challenge government and corporate interests.
“I think that’s part of a broader trend that’s happening, not just at CBS. But there seems to be, the last couple of years, much less interest in what I call original and investigative in-depth reporting,” she said on Fox News’ “Media Buzz.”. “There seems to be a visceral reaction to doing stories that could ruffle feathers, whether it’s certain people in the political spectrum or even corporate interests.”
“The press in general seems to be very shy about challenging the administration,” she continued.
Attkisson said that by the time she left, her decision was easy because she had nothing left to do with few of her stories making it on air. She said that under the Obama administration particularly, she experienced a lot of pushback on stories from the White House.
“Now there’ve always been tensions, there have always been calls from the White House under any administration I assume, when they don’t like a particular story. But it is particularly aggressive under the Obama administration and I think it’s a campaign that’s very well organized, that’s designed to have sort of a chilling effect and to some degree has been somewhat successful in getting broadcast producers who don’t really want to deal with the headache of it — why put on these controversial stories that we”re going to have to fight people on, when we can fill the broadcast with other perfectly decent stories that don’t ruffle the same feathers?”
ACA requires ID cards to receive the "right" to the healthcare. Wonder why?
Because the ACA wants to subvert the access to health care?
Pjillip Morrios, please tell us WHICH specific "charities" got the Koch bros money, and then tell us what percentage of theor fortune that amount was.
In my America people look up information for them selves, not ask someone else to do it for them
But since you are a liberal democrat and used to relying on somebody else to do for you what you wont do for your self, I lend a hand.
"To be sure, the Kochs have given "more than a hundred million dollars to right wing causes" (which is their right, by the way). But in the last decade, it's also worth noting the Kochs have given more than $600 million in pledged or donated money to arts, education, and medical research, including (but not limited to):
New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell: $15 million
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: $25 million
The Hospital for Special Surgery: $26 million
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: $30 million
Prostate Cancer Foundation: $41 million
Deerfield Academy: $68 million
Lincoln Center's NY State Theater: $100 million
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $139 million"
Matt Lewis
Since 2000, David H. Koch Charitable Foundation has pledged or contributed more than $750 million to cancer research, medical centers, educational institutions, arts, cultural institutions, and public policy studies.[4][21] Since 2006, the Chronicle of Philanthropy has listed Koch as one of the world's top 50 philanthropists.[22]
Medical research
In 1992, Koch was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He underwent radiation, surgery, and hormone therapy, but the cancer returned every time. Koch believes his experience with cancer has encouraged him to fund medical research. He says, "once you get that disease and I've had it for 20 years almost, you become a crusader to try to cure the disease not only for yourself but for other people."[16] Koch says that his biggest contributions go toward a "moon shot" campaign to finding the cure for cancer, according to his profile on Forbes.[4] Between 1998 and 2012, Koch contributed at least $395 million to medical research causes and institutions.[23]
Koch sits on the Board of Directors of the Prostate Cancer Foundation and has contributed $41 million to the Foundation, including $5 million to a collaborative project in the field of nanotechnology.[24] Koch is the eponym of the David H. Koch Chair of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, a position currently held by Dr. Jonathan Simons.
In 2007, he contributed $100 million to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to help fund the construction of a new 350,000-square-foot (33,000 m2) research and technology facility to serve as the home of the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research.[25] He has given a total of $185 million to MIT since joining the MIT Corporation in 1988.[23]
$20 million to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. The building he financed was named the David H. Koch Cancer Research Building.[26]
$30 million to the Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center in New York[27]
$25 million to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston to establish the David Koch Center for Applied Research in Genitourinary Cancers[28]
$15 million to New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center[29]
$5 million to the House Ear Institute, in Los Angeles, to create a center for hearing restoration[22]
$25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City[30]
$100 million, the largest philanthropic donation in the history of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, beginning a $2 billion campaign which will conclude in 2019 to create a new ambulatory care center and renovate the infrastructure of all of the hospital's five sites.[31]
In July 2008, Koch pledged $100 million over 10 years to renovate the New York State Theater in the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (now called the David H. Koch Theater),[32] and has pledged $10 million to renovate the outdoor fountains at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.[33]
Koch has been a trustee of the American Ballet Theatre for 25 years[34] and has contributed more than $6 million to the theater.[35]
Koch contributed $7 million to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) show Nova,[36] and is a contributor to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., including a $20 million gift to the American Museum of Natural History, creating the David H. Koch Dinosaur Wing and a contribution of $15 million to the National Museum of Natural History to create the new David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins, which opened on the museum's 100th anniversary of its location on the National Mall on March 17, 2010.[37] In 2012, Koch contributed US $35 million to the Smithsonian to build a new dinosaur exhibition hall at the National Museum of Natural History.[38]
Koch also financed the construction of Deerfield Academy's $68 million Koch Center for mathematics, science and technology,[39] and was named the first and only Lifetime Trustee.[39]
Koch gave $10 million to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory[40] where he was honored with the Double Helix Medal for Corporate Leadership for supporting research that, "improves the health of people everywhere".[41]
As a percent of their income how much have V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpeton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
Don't you feel SMALL?
Phillip Morris. I'm sure hungry homeless people will be SO HAPPY that the ballet and mathmatical think tanks are safe from going broke. Like Romney giving 10% of his income to his CULT and calling it "Charity"(The Mormon Church spends millions a year on political agendas) these "charities" do more to help people who already have money (PBS is an exception, but I have seen what shows they sponsor. A propaganda doc about the JFK assasination for one). Nice try, but I think Gates building rods in Africa and paying for AIDS Meds there beats them)
PLus, those you mentioned arent fronting the Teabaggers and every batshit backward thinking GREED FIRST candidate in the country.
Yeah, Phillip -
Only rich people get cancer - you know that. C'mon...
Mozart, As a percent of their income how much have these champions of the poor, V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpeton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
Crickets, of course.
Only rich people get cancer - you know that. C'mon...
Only the rich can afford the “best health care” in the world.
ER visits don’t treat, prevent or cure cancer.
If the Kochs had their way, poor people wouldn’t be able to get the health check-ups physical exams that are so important for early diagnosis of cancer. They would be denied Medicare and Medicaid.
But you already know that.
Why is Gates not giving (amount unknown) millions (?) to rebuild roads in America and put Americans to work?
As a percent of their income how much have these champions of the poor, V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpeton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
Crickets, still.
Here’s a fraction of the Gates Foundation recent charity in the US.
The foundation spent $373 million on education in 2009, the latest year for which its tax returns are available, and devoted $78 million to advocacy — quadruple the amount spent on advocacy in 2005. Over the next five or six years, Mr. Golston said, the foundation expects to pour $3.5 billion more into education, up to 15 percent of it on advocacy.
Most recently, the foundation gave a US$12.2 million grant to the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) to assist libraries in Louisiana and Mississippi on the Gulf Coast, many of which were damaged or destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Shame on them for contributing to global health projects for brown people, huh? Too bad they can’t be noble like the Kochs and promote the dismantling of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Using the Dave D and Mozart standard of worthwhile giving, what have the contributions to charity from Bill Gates done for the healthcare of the poor?
As a percent of their income how much have these champions of the poor, V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpeton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
Are you saying "brown "people dont use the charities that the Kochs have given to? PROVE IT!
"If the Kochs had their way, poor people wouldn’t be able to get the health check-ups physical exams that are so important for early diagnosis of cancer. They would be denied Medicare and Medicaid." PROVE IT!
If the money given to charity by the Koch's is so tainted, why do the recipients accept it?
"I hate to say it, but Dave Dubya really needs to pull his head out of his butt!"
Michael Stivic
Chuckie Philip Stivic is an asshole - Every reader here.
Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
• “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
• “We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
• “We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
• “We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
• “We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
• “We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
• “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
• “We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
• “As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
• “We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
• “We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
• “We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
• “We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
• “We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
• “We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
• “We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
• “We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
• “We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
• “We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• “We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
• “We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
• “We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
• “We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
• “We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
• “We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
The Kochs are enemies of our Constitution. Taxes, regulations, and general welfare are at the core of government of, by, and for the people.
The Koch-Republcan-Adelson-Party (KRAP) want to shred the Constitution and establish a dictatorship...and they will probably get it, thanks to ignorant hateful chumps like Chuckie.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Here’s an interesting study that Chuckie will ignore:
Testing Theories of American Politics:
Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts… When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."
So let's just kill all conservatories and all of the wealthy, then wtf will you have to bitch about?
Better still, how will doing that make your miserably life any better?
Check out the above for your self, you baby brained liberal and find out who Michael Stivic really is. Why the hell do you think anyone who disagrees with your limited view of the world is "chuckie"?
I was asked two questions, one by Tom and one by Mozart. I answered both, in length. But neither you or Mozart cant answer one simple unloaded question.
"As a percent of their income how much have these champions of the poor, V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
You instead go into your frigging attack the messenger mode because the fear of their message getting out scares you to death. Good, you should be scared of what your brand of hate filled liberal/socialism is doing to our country! Your attempts to paint those who disagree with you as racists, Fascist, greedy, stupid southerners, Bible thumping, idiots only strengthens the clear observation that you are running scared of the truth of your liberal failures being discovered. After the NOV elections of this year you will claim the tide that swept the DNC out of power was due to the use of money and stupidity of the American voter. Not due to the complete rejection by American's who realize that liberalism/socialism has crushed the AMERICAN DREAM.
I love it when Chuckie Phil Stivic blows a gasket and flings his hate-filled ideological excrement. It happens every time we hit him with truth about the radical Right agenda.
"If the Kochs had their way, poor people wouldn’t be able to get the health check-ups physical exams that are so important for early diagnosis of cancer. They would be denied Medicare and Medicaid." PROVE IT!
We certainly did prove something.
Funny how Chuckie then mentions the "stupidity of the American voter" as he runs from the facts that prove his utter ignorance and closed mind. Yes, Chuckie IS the despised "low information voter" that he wants so much to scorn and hate.
He reacts with anger and hate, as he flees the facts.
Run, Chicken Chuckie, run! Run from the truth. Run back to your Radical Right Bubble Cult (RRBC) that dictates your beliefs and rejects those nasty facts that prove your ignorance.
Such. An. Asshole.
I love when Dave thinks he is the smartest person on the blog.
Wise woman told me a long time ago if you think you're the smartest person on a blog, you're on the wrong blog.
"As a percent of their income how much have these champions of the poor, V.P. Biden, Al Gore, President Obama, any of the Kennedy's, any of the Clinton's, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rev Al Sharpton and Rev Jessie Jackson given to specific "charities"?
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