POST #528: Random Observations
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That Old Gang of Mine ` |
1. The Demented Duck

2. Electoral Freebasing
As they never tire of reminding us, two years is a lifetime in politics. That may be the case, but it's hard not to imagine Rand Paul as the GOP nominee in 2016. Something that weird would be the final nail in the coffin of a party hellbent on suicide. There are no more moderates. They've all been driven away by the mindless extremism of a relatively small group of people who have lost their marbles. Between now and then we can expect an exodus of voters disassociating themselves from the Republicans. This is too good to be true.
3. Sid Caesar 1922-2014
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Sid |
I was sitting in front of the computer yesterday when Josh Mills announced on his Facebook page that that Sid Caesar had died. Josh's mom was Edie Adams, widow of the great Ernie Kovacs. She starred with Sid in the 1963 movie, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World - probably the only epic comedy ever filmed. I know I should be (and I am) thankful that, despite some very significant odds, he managed to live a long and fruitful life. It's just that a world without Sid Caesar is going to take some getting adjusted to. I'm working on it.
I remember my father telling me that, back in the Fabulous Fifties, your Saturday night did not begin until his program, Your Show of Shows, was over. Dear old Dad was just wild about Sid. So was I. And when one considers the writers he had on that program: Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Neil Simon, Larry Gelbart - to name merely a handful - is extraordinary in itself. More-than-one of these guys have said that the words they wrote for him never looked so funny in the printed script. It was only when Sid performed the material that the magic would happen.
He was the last of the great comedians of the twentieth century. They're all gone now - all of them. And the tragedy is that too many people born after his heyday have no idea who he was. Even my generation, now in our mid-fifties, remember him primarily as the coach in the film, Grease. Pity. If you're unaware of the phenomenon that was Sid Caesar, I suggest you look him up on YouTube. The guy was a brilliant.
And to think that he would leave this world on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Dad's passing. Life may be funny, but the Great Beyond is even funnier tonight.
It's over. Strike the tents; pack up the bus; pay the piper, and lock the doors. The fat lady has sung. The cows have come home. Any chance the Man from Jersey had to be the 2016 standard-bearer (and it was never a good one) has been obliterated by the reckless stupidity of his staff - and possibly even the governor himself. Like the old song says: "The party's over. It's all over, my friends."
5. Desperately Missing Teddy
The Lion of the Senate sleeps tonight. He's gone and he's not coming back. It's almost five years now since Ted Kennedy shuffled off this mortal coil. That the United States Senate is a drearier place without him is beyond argument. Thank God for people like Sherrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren. But for those two I would have tossed to the wind all hope for the Democratic party years ago. Harry Reid is a very nice man, but he is no leader; in fact, he's an embarrassment. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Dems to wake up and remember that theirs is (or was) "the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt". Teddy Kennedy stood for something. I miss him terribly.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is Sid Caesar on the mountaintop - doing what Sid Caesar did better than anyone:
I envy anyone who was fortunate enough to have lived in that time.
A. The photograph at the top of this piece is was taken a couple of years ago with with three cherished friends from Goshen High School's Class of 1977. They are (left-to-right): Debbie Dewitt, Lori Baldwin Kuroski, Yours Truly, and Patricia Mueller Seaman.
B. I apologize for the two week lag between the last posting and this one. I recently required a hospital stay following a little brush with death. They're always oodles of fun. I can't even remember the last time I was hospitalized. Eisenhower was president. I'm fine now, I promise.
I remember my father telling me that, back in the Fabulous Fifties, your Saturday night did not begin until his program, Your Show of Shows, was over. Dear old Dad was just wild about Sid. So was I. And when one considers the writers he had on that program: Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Neil Simon, Larry Gelbart - to name merely a handful - is extraordinary in itself. More-than-one of these guys have said that the words they wrote for him never looked so funny in the printed script. It was only when Sid performed the material that the magic would happen.
He was the last of the great comedians of the twentieth century. They're all gone now - all of them. And the tragedy is that too many people born after his heyday have no idea who he was. Even my generation, now in our mid-fifties, remember him primarily as the coach in the film, Grease. Pity. If you're unaware of the phenomenon that was Sid Caesar, I suggest you look him up on YouTube. The guy was a brilliant.
And to think that he would leave this world on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Dad's passing. Life may be funny, but the Great Beyond is even funnier tonight.
It's over. Strike the tents; pack up the bus; pay the piper, and lock the doors. The fat lady has sung. The cows have come home. Any chance the Man from Jersey had to be the 2016 standard-bearer (and it was never a good one) has been obliterated by the reckless stupidity of his staff - and possibly even the governor himself. Like the old song says: "The party's over. It's all over, my friends."
5. Desperately Missing Teddy
The Lion of the Senate sleeps tonight. He's gone and he's not coming back. It's almost five years now since Ted Kennedy shuffled off this mortal coil. That the United States Senate is a drearier place without him is beyond argument. Thank God for people like Sherrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren. But for those two I would have tossed to the wind all hope for the Democratic party years ago. Harry Reid is a very nice man, but he is no leader; in fact, he's an embarrassment. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Dems to wake up and remember that theirs is (or was) "the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt". Teddy Kennedy stood for something. I miss him terribly.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is Sid Caesar on the mountaintop - doing what Sid Caesar did better than anyone:
I envy anyone who was fortunate enough to have lived in that time.
A. The photograph at the top of this piece is was taken a couple of years ago with with three cherished friends from Goshen High School's Class of 1977. They are (left-to-right): Debbie Dewitt, Lori Baldwin Kuroski, Yours Truly, and Patricia Mueller Seaman.
B. I apologize for the two week lag between the last posting and this one. I recently required a hospital stay following a little brush with death. They're always oodles of fun. I can't even remember the last time I was hospitalized. Eisenhower was president. I'm fine now, I promise.
Hope you weren't TOO close to death, and I for one, am glad you are back. As for Ceasar he shall be missed that's for certain. We have only Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner left of the old masters.
Hey Tom,
With ObamaCare you can now pursue your dreams.
How about a modern day version of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto?
Its right up your alley.
Well, now you've gone and made me all misty-eyed missing Teddy, as I hadn't realized that five years have gone by since we lost him. Yesterday, while waiting for someone in a clinic, I read an article about young Jack Schlossberg, Carolyn Kennedy's son, who, apparently, we might shine a glimmer of hope upon. His writing is featured in the Yale blog here (perfect for those with some extra time on their hands).
Take such good care of yourself, Tom
Oh Boy Tom, you are the best at skirting around the pressing issues of the day.
Jeez Anonymous, give it a REST already. Tom, you need to ban this guy.
Jeez Anonymous, give it a REST already. Tom, you need to ban this guy.
Anyway, there are no rules here. If you feel like saying "Tom Degan is the biggest jackass on the planet earth", go for it. You will not be deleted. Just try to be kind to each other, okay?
Look at Mozart profile. He is as anonymous as any poster here
Ah, Sid Caesar and Your Show of Shows. When I was a wee lass, we waited all week for the next episode. My father, who was a depressed guy who rarely laughed, would fall out of his chair w/ tears of laughter running down his cheeks. Laughter is the wine of life and Sid Caesar was the very best vintner!
Anon, you quoted Tom as saying: Anyway, there are no rules here. If you feel like saying "Tom Degan is the biggest jackass on the planet earth", go for it. You will not be deleted. Just try to be kind to each other, okay?"
What part of being kind to each other do you not understand? Spending all day thinking up insults doesn't fit my sdescription of being kind.
Could it be that those three women put you in the hospital?
Susie Q -
To be fair, Tom does set that tone a bit on occasion, does he not? But, I agree, it would be nice if we could keep it collegial. Attack ideas - not people...
Seems that a lot of right wingers confuse Keynesian economics with Communism and Marxism.
Stay well, dude.
Radical Right wingers confuse everyone who disagrees with them, (that would be most Americans) with commies. They are frightened souls living in the black and white world of indoctrination.
They've been programmed for fear and hate for so long, they cannot comprehend what liberals even say.
In their sick view, liberals are what the Jews were to Nazis; scapegoats for everything bad in the entire world. I'm not exaggerating. Anonymous Chuckie has been showing us that brand of "compassionate conservative" for quite some time.
His comments reflect a shell of a man filled with anger, ignorance and hate. He shuns discussion of issues, never contributes constructive ideas, and is utterly partisan.
They'll declare they never listen to FOX(R) and Limbaugh as the regurgitate every lie and talking point from their propagandists.
While most liberals have valid disagreements with democrats, the Chuckies of the world can never question their authoritarian leaders. Like a cult they only believe their leaders, and regard everyone else as an evil threat to their narrow idea of what America should be.
The only criticism of the GOP from the radial Right is they are not "conservative" enough.
This is what their party has become:
"Hillary Clinton is the Antichrist." Republican State Senator Ryan Zinke now running for Congress in Montana
"I felt my freedom starting to go away in 2008 when a communist got elected." Victoria Jackson, Huntsville Tea Party rally.
Constituent: I want to ask you about Obama, he's not President as far as I'm concerned, he should be executed...
Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-OK): Don't hold back now.
Constituent: The Muslims that he is shipping into our country through pilots in commercial jets. What's this, I can't tell you since we are in a public place, this guy is a criminal, nobody's stopping him, the other thing is the congress is doing nothing that legally allows this moron to make decisions. He has no authority none, and he's just we are just saying he shouldn't do this he shouldn't do that, but nobody's doing anything that accomplishing anything.
Bridenstine: Look everybody knows the lawlessness of this President.
And that's what their idea of "conservative" means. No wonder they have no clue what liberals are.
"that would be most Americans"
Provide evidence and sources to support this claim.
"that would be most Americans"
Provide evidence and sources to support this claim.
Obama is president.
Most Americans are not like you Chuckie.
25% identify with the Republican Party.
Thank God for small miracles.
That would be the quarter of any given population with authoritarian personalities.
The tragedy is the minority has a greater influence than the majority, who voted for Democratic representation last election.
The Right is winning their war on democracy.
National US House of Representatives vote numbers:
Democratic – 59,967,096
Republican – 58,523,501,_2012
This is but a snapshot of the radical Right’s multiple front War on Democracy. Some “representative republic” eh?
As Orwell wrote, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", in a “Republic” of Republicans.
Vice President Joe Biden told fellow Democrats they should be optimistic about the state of the nation, “in spite of who’s president.”
"authoritarian personalities"
Like the central planners in Washington who want to control 1/6 of the economy? You know the ones who rammed ObamaCare down our throats by buying votes with kickbacks to the states to get it to pass? The ones who exempted themselves and their staff from this pile of dogshit called ObamaCare?
"authoritarian personalities"
Like the central planners in Washington
No. Here’s the thing.
If you can’t see past DC, with its posing and grandstanding Republicans and Democrats, then you can’t see the root of the problem. Look beyond DC. Who's buying the "representation" and holding our economy hostage? We’re not talking about all wealthy Americans, but the powerful super wealthy authoritarian types. This is not resentment of successful people or class envy.
The authoritarian economic elites enjoy more representation in DC than the vast majority of Americans. What else can we expect when secret corporate cash becomes political "free speech"?
One thing the Right loves to ignore is the fact of who's really raking it in.
Hint, it aint the poor on food stamps, or the shrinking middle class. Outrageous unprecedented income inequality has become toxic to our freedom and democracy; as we slip into something resembling neo-feudalism.
The "Too Big To Fail" Wall Street banksters and other multi-national banking and corporate interests pull the strings of both parties, as they rape the American economy and suppress the American working class.
Their primary party is even doing its best to make voting more difficult for millions of Americans. I have shown you the success they’ve had in suppressing democracy by taking the House of Representatives over the wishes of most American voters.
"Trickle up wealth" for the elites, and austerity for the rest, is basically the agenda of the economic elite masters of the GOP and corpo-dems.
Those are the authoritarian leaders. They have the power of immense wealth to saturate corporate media with authoritarian propagandists promoting their agenda, to lobby and bribe politicians, and to buy elections.
The remainder of authoritarian personalities are the followers of the elite authoritarian leaders and propagandists. They are manipulated by right wing corporate media to attack any and all opposition to the agenda of the economic elite minority. They often, and even MUST, falsely frame all dissent for their narrow agenda as being Communism. Fear of the Red Menace has been their tool for decades. The Big Lie that corporate media is liberal and not to be trusted has been established. Journalism, the arts, education, unions and liberals have been scapegoated and demonized by the Orwellian propagandists. The authoritarian propaganda machine must be accepted and believed. If you dare question the propaganda or agenda of the authoritarian elite minority, you will be accused of being an America hating commie. That is demonstrated abundantly everywhere by radial Right wingers.
There are your real authoritarian personalities.
So, what else can we expect when the secret corporate cash of economic elite authoritarians becomes political "free speech"?
I can't put it any plainer.
"Liberals don't care what you do so long as it's mandatory."
"Liberals don't care what you do so long as it's mandatory."
An authoritarian personality on display again.
"authoritarian personalities"
Like the Liberal Fascists who want to outlaw softdrinks larger than 32 ounces?
Even Hitler did not do that.
"Liberal Fascists"
Another authoritarian tactic.
Comparing soft drink regulations to the Holocaust is yet another spin of the wheel of the Right wing hate machine. Authoritarians want Americans to think liberals are evil commies worse than Hitler... as they ironically copy his tactics of hate mongering and scapegoating.
As I noted, "In their sick view, liberals are what the Jews were to Nazis; scapegoats for everything bad in the entire world. I'm not exaggerating."
This kind of hateful demonization is exactly how fascism insinuates itself into a nation.
Thanks Anonymous Chuckie. You always prove me being so "Right"...radically far Right.
Imagine a country run by these hateful sociopaths...
History teaches only those who learn from it.
It can, and is, happening here, folks. These thugs are winning their war on democracy. How well can that possibly work out for our freedom and prosperity?
So 2010 midterm elections were a rejection of the GOP?
Haven't you made the claim that Obama is not a liberal many times? That he was in fact a corporatist. How do that fit into your claim that most Americans reject right wing positions?
Rasmussen polling shows a record high percentage of Americans identify themselves as Republicans — record high, meaning since 2002. The percentage is 37.6%. How many Americans call themselves Democrats? 33.3% (9/2012)
Democratic party–31%–didn’t change from the past four years but is below its 36% recording when Americans first elected President Obama in 2008. MSNBC (1/2014)
What you really need to face Davey is
"Americans continue to be more likely to identify as conservatives (38%) than as liberals (23%). (1/2014) Gallup
Tie that into the Washington Post-ABC News Poll: 63 Percent Have 'No Confidence' in Obama and I can understand how twisted it must be to be you.
Either Obama is a liberal and his being elected twice is a good trend or he's not a liberal and things really look sucky for you.
You cant have it both ways. And before you say "blame the black guy" it was you Davey, who brought up Obama, not me.
I find it interesting how dismissive you are of positions that you disagree with by using your latest catch all talking points throw away line of "authoritarian personality" and "authoritarian tactic". Do you not find it
authoritarian to mandate and use executive orders to by pass the Constitutional requirements of self governance? Call me crazy, but it does to me. Based on the percentage of Americans who call themselves Conservative I'm not alone. Face it Davey, you and your liberal policies are not the majority the USA.
So Chuckie, despite the massive propaganda campaign to smear and demonize liberals, conservatives are still in the minority, and more Americans voted for Democrats than Republicans in 2012. Yet the House is seized by the GOP. And the GOP is seized by the radical Right.
I was correct. Most Americans are not like you, Thank God.
Turns out "liberal" and "conservative" are only words. Most Americans support social safety nets and disagree with corporate personhood.
Turns out I'm conservative too. I don't want to see democracy undermined. I want to conserve and promote democracy. The radicals of the far Right are doing their best to transform America away from democracy.
Ever wonder why many liberals have no confidence in Obama?
Here's another recent poll for you.
Democrats hold a sizable advantage on Republicans on several key perceptions of the United States's two major political parties, according to a new poll.
The Pew Research Center poll show Americans perceive Democrats as more willing to work with the other party than Republicans, by a margin of 52 percent to 27 percent.
Democrats also hold a 20-point advantage when it comes to which party "is more concerned with the needs of people like me" and a 10-point edge when it comes to governing in a more ethical and honest way.
The GOP, meanwhile, is viewed as much more "extreme" in its issue positions (54-35) and more influenced by lobbyists (47-30).
In other words, all five measures favor Democrats by a significant margin.
Your extremist party is still doing it best to dupe and lie to the public to get elected in order to serve the exclusive interests of the economic elites as they undermine democracy.
Bet you don't want to tell us what shape the GOP left us in back in '09.
Vote GOP for a return to the bad old days and economic collapse. Spineless corpo-dems will help.
We see you have nothing to say about my "look past DC" comment.
Why is that?
Good story about Democrat Eva Moskowitz battling Amerikas biggest monopoly, the public school system (where no matter how much money is spent, the results don't improve)!
Nice try, but predictably a total fail, again.
As for Tom having "issues" with the comic strip Mallard Fillmore, I need only remind you of the recent comment made by "Saturday Night Live" creator Lorne Michaels who said his NBC show pokes fun at the GOP more often because "Democrats tend to take it personally; Republicans think it's funny."
Explains it all.
Tom, I'm glad you are on the road to recovery. Hope you and Nurse Mildred Ratched got along ok during your stay.
And once more Anonymous has turned this into a "I hate Obama" whinefest.
"Your extremist party"
1) The Party of Infanticide: Iowa Democratic State Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell advocated aborting children to avoid “sleepless nights” and avoid “disciplinary challenges.” More than 28 million female babies have been snuffed out since Roe v. Wade.
2) Excusing Horrible Liberal Behavior Toward Women: Ted Kennedy left a woman to slowly die in a tidal pool while he went home to sober up and plan to get away with his crime. Bill Clinton has not only cheated on his wife over and over, he was credibly accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick. Roman Polanski is a liberal filmmaker who was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl and yet liberals defend him. What was it Whoopi Goldberg said? “I know it wasn’t rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don’t believe it was rape-rape.”
3) Demeaning Stay-At-Home Moms: Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said, "These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. That’s bull****. I mean, what the f*** are we really talking about here?" Recently, liberal blogger Amy Glass at Thought Catalog wrote a whole article mocking stay-at-home moms called, "I look down on young women with husbands and kids and I’m not sorry."
4) Savage Attacks On Conservative Women: Just listen to the comments they make about strong, conservative women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin. They've attacked Sarah Palin's children and Bachmann's husband, called Coulter a transvestite and used racial slurs against Malkin. They've done hate **** lists, demeaning articles on who Christine O'Donnell may have made out with at a Halloween party, Malkin had to move because she had so many threats, well known liberal writers spent YEARS claiming Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with her son Trig -- it's just a bottomless well of outright hatred and misogyny.
5) Helping criminals By Disarming Women: Liberals believe that a woman trapped in a dark alley by some Ted Bundy wannabe carrying a scalpel, handcuffs, and a noose should be stripped of her ability to defend herself. Colorado Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar actually suggested that women can't be trusted with guns "because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody." The University of Colorado even went so far as to suggest to women that "vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone."
And our problem is a comic strip?
BTW Mozart, not one mention of our beloved, fearless leader, President for life, (if he want's to issue an executive order) Obama.
And Chuckie’s off to the races, shilling for his authoritarian leaders again. Don’t you love it when radical authoritarians call Obama a dictator for issuing executive orders? Of course it’s OK if Republicans do it.
Radical authoritarians don’t care much for facts.
According to the Federal Register, of the 14 most recent U.S. Presidents, Obama was second to last, narrowly beating out President George H.W. Bush, by one executive order.
It’s as if Chuckie enjoys proving me correct:
One thing the Right loves to ignore is the fact of who's really raking it in.
We see you have nothing to say about my "look past DC" comment.
Why is that?
He shuns discussion of issues, never contributes constructive ideas, and is utterly partisan.
Chuckie is emulating the fascist tactic of dehumanizing and demonizing folks who love killing babies and drowning women.
When a radical authoritarian begins a statement with “Liberals believe that..” you can be sure lies, hate and ignorance will follow.
Thanks for again proving me correct, Chuckie..
What are on earth are you talking about?
Just another example of your total failure to communicate effectively, again.
What are on earth are you talking about?
Just another example of your total failure to communicate effectively, again.
As I said above, "They've been programmed for fear and hate for so long, they cannot comprehend what liberals even say."
Thanks again, Chuckie.
Hate, you mean like the five examples liberal hate for women that I shared with you?
Examples you "shared"?
Ah, we see you dishonestly, and very much the authoritarian follower, copy and pasted some propaganda from the "free republic", who also has displayed similar Right wing arrogance as you do.
From Wiki:
Free Republic's members made a practice of posting and archiving the full text of copyrighted news articles on its website, despite the objection of the copyright holders.
So Chuckie, are we to assume you and Rush share the same hateful attitude for Michelle Obama and Sandra Fluke?
That's a real gentleman you have for your authoritarian mouthpiece.
"Savage attacks" at Republican women for their stupid hateful words? LOL! Boo, hoo.
Hardly savage, seeing what these women have called others. But calling a woman a slut on national radio is fine with you authoritarians though, right Chuckie?
How about that Republican jerk calling Hillary the anti-Christ?
Not a word from you, sport. You must approve of that hate too.
You're such a hypocrite. No surprise.
Say, Chuckie, you forgot to respond to these:
One thing the Right loves to ignore is the fact of who's really raking it in.
We see you have nothing to say about my "look past DC" comment.
Why is that?
He shuns discussion of issues, never contributes constructive ideas, and is utterly partisan.
Better go back to your fascist inspired scapegoating. Sounds like you've been reading "Mein Kampf" again.
Kansas's <a href="”>Radical Attack</a> on Gays and Lesbians
<i>Not only does the state's proposed law allow private businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples; it permits state employees to deny them basic services.</i>
What was the name of that German Party of the 1930’s that “legalized” discrimination against those they demonized?
Looks like the GOP is following their example.
OK, Chuckie, you can go back to reading "Mein Kampf" again.
Another example of the war on women being waged by the Democrats, the party of Teddy "I left her to drown" Kennedy.
CBS reports that food prices soar as incomes stand still. Writer Jen Singer, said "I'd like the government to stop by my house, come food shopping with me and see where the real costs are".
While the government says prices are up 6.4 percent since 2011, chicken is up 18.4 percent, ground beef is up 16.8 percent and bacon has skyrocketed up 22.8 percent, making it a holiday when it's on sale.
ConvergEx market strategist, Nick Colas, said that mothers could tell the government a lot about inflation.
"Food inflation is far greater than the government thinks it is," he said.
But the big problem for families: Wages are not budging.
"If my income isn't going up, how am I going to keep up with inflation?" Singer asked.
Median income is up only 1 percent a year.
The current policy for income equality is a failure. Welfare spending under Obama is up 32%. Not a problem since Davey is convinced that Obama is not a liberal. None of the war on women is his fault. But the President is a Democrat.
Hurry up Nov. 2014
Gee Davey, I see you are bringing out the old liberal race/discrimination Nazi card! Desperate times call for desperate actions.
Fun to watch Davey flailing around in your sad talking points. Kind like Davey's blog which is still talking about pot, since 1/25/2014. Boring!!
Anyone, ask yourself this, was American better off in 2008 than today? Did wages, not welfare, go up more that 1% a year from 2001-2008? What are the growth rates since 2008? How many Americans were working in 2008 vs 2013? Not on the unemployment roles, but in the work force.
Lets talk about a comic strip and pot laws, cause to talk about the results of the past years would be too depressing.
Hurry up Nov. 2014
war on women being waged by the Democrats
Look at how the authoritarian Bubble Cult is playing the projection game. The Party of "Less Rights and Less Pay for Women" is really only good at one thing. Propaganda.
As I stated above in the post that Chuckie has been afraid to acknowledge and even more chicken to address:
"Trickle up wealth" for the elites, and austerity for the rest, is basically the agenda of the economic elite masters of the GOP and corpo-dems.
Those are the authoritarian leaders. They have the power of immense wealth to saturate corporate media with authoritarian propagandists promoting their agenda, to lobby and bribe politicians, and to buy elections.
The remainder of authoritarian personalities are the followers of the elite authoritarian leaders and propagandists.
And this is why Chuckie is now babbling about a war on women by democrats.
Is Chuckie so brainwashed and gullible that he thinks people buy into these preposterous lies of his cult bubble?
The only other possible explanations would be his profoundly stupid arrogance...or outright evil.
I would hope for the former, but would add the caution that it could only lead to the latter anyway.
And poor Chuckie won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying again.
But that is to be expected. I will thank him again when he continues to proves me correct.
And then he'll get even more angry. And that is also to be expected. Anger and resentment ooze from all his posts. He can't help it. Anger and resentment are necessary fuels for the authoritarian personality.
Isn't that Right, Chuckie?
How about spewing some anger and resentment for Obama not fixing the Great Bush Recession, over GOP obstruction.
Good little authoritarian. You win the "Loyal Authoritarian Junior Propaganda Prize".
Now go back to your cult bubble. It's time for your "Two Minute Hate".
Vote GOP! Let them finish what they started with their "Crash of '08".
Chuck, you can't REALLY believe all the nonsense you posted can you?
1.Wessel never said "crying" was a REASON for abortion. She said women deal with children's issues more than men and thus know more about them. Typical conservative spin.
2. Ted Kennedy has been dead for sevseal years and Chappiquidic happend nearly 50 years ago. Hardly a credible argument. If we can't hold Bush resonsible fgor what he did less than a decade ago, you can let go of Kennedy.
3. She was not talking about ALL stay at homer mom's. Just a select few. more conservative spin on an innocent statement.
4. The women you mentioned were not being attacked for being WOMEN, they were being called out for being MORONS. Palin used her children for political sympathy so they are open game, and Bachmanns husband is in every campaign photo op, so he's fair game as well.
5. If you REALLY think Obama is "disarming women" can you mention ONE wonman who has been denied the right to carry a gun? Can yopu mention ONE that defended herself against an attacker who grabbed her from behind in an ally? No?
Every president uses EO's, and Obama has used less of them to date than Bush did. Stop WHINING.
I have to apologise, but when I heard Sid Caesar had died, I had one of those I-thought-he-had-been-dead-for-years moments.
There was a very nice piece in the NYTimes by Billy Crystal on the passing of Sid.
"The Party of "Less Rights and Less Pay for Women" is really only good at one thing. Propaganda."
Women who work at the White House continue to make less money than their male counter-parts. According to the D.C. based American Enterprise Institute, female White House staffers are paid less than 87 cents for every dollar paid to men who work at the White House.
Who wants to tell Davey or Mozart that there is no statute of limitations for the crime of murder? Even for a Kennedy.
The hubris to claim calling a woman a moron because of their political views isn't an attack on her, it is the height of the war of on "wonman". Further, it provides a glimpse into the closed mindset of today's American liberal who measures everyone as a part of voting block and not free thinking individuals. There is no freedom under liberalism to become the best one can become. To think differently. There are just mandates and Executive Orders used to extend and grow the power of government to determine the individuals future.
This explains in part, why a conservative member of the liberal block, IE Black, women, Hispanic, Gay, are subject to the relentless attack from the left. All must think alike or the greater good as defined by the government is threatened.
Anyone, ask yourself this, was American better off in 2008 than today? Did wages, not welfare, go up more that 1% a year from 2001-2008? What are the growth rates since 2008? How many Americans were working in 2008 vs 2013? Not on the unemployment roles, but in the work force. Are there more Americans today receiving food stamps and welfare than in 2008? If you are not a govt employee, have your wages gone up as much as govt spending has on welfare?
Have your food costs gone down since 2008? Is the value of your home the same now as it was in 2008? Does you health insurance cost more or less now than it did in 2008? Is your employer talking about or already has dropped the health insurance plan they provided you in 2008?
Are race relations better now than in 2008? Is America loved and respected (as was promised) now vs. 2008? Do our enemies still fear us and our allies still trust us? Has the promise that legislation would be available to read on line before it was voted on, been kept?
This isn't a defense of GWB or an attack on BHO. It is an attempt to take off the dogma blinders of today's liberal, forcing them to see clearly the real state of our nation vs. what has been promised. Forget the party and the label. ARE WE A BETTER AMERICA TODAY THAN WE WERE IN 2008?
If my past efforts are any indicator, this will be a fail on my part. sigh.
We still wonder why Chuckie ignores Limbaugh’s attack on women. It’s OK for Republicans, right, Chuckie? Still the hypocrite.
We wonder why Chicken Chuckie’s still running from the point I made about who’s raking it in more than ever.
We still wonder why Chicken Chuckie’s still running from the point I made about looking past DC.
Look, look, look, See Chuckie run. See Chicken Chuckie run from the post showing his Party of Discrimination and hate passing pro-discrimination laws in Kansas.
If they don’t like being compared to fascists, then they should stop acting like fascists. Chuckie’s still acting like a junior fascist and obedient Cult Bubble authoritarian follower.
Keep up the hate and scapegoating, just your fascist mentors, Chuckie.
In fact Chuckie’s chicken to even engage in dialogue. All he does is ignore what we say and continues to post propaganda reflecting his hate, anger and resentment.
Kennedy didn’t commit murder. And Chuckie is a proven liar. And how does the statute of limitations apply to a dead man anyway?
From Politifact:
First, the Obama White House has more equitable pay rates than the economy as a whole. And second, when you look at employees who have the same titles, only a small fraction of women are out-earned by men, a difference that might be explainable by differences in experience and longevity rather than discrimination.
So Chicken Chuckie’s question amounts to this. Would we rather be beginning the Great Bush Recession, with skyrocketing unemployment, lost pensions, and crushed dreams, or working slowly out of it with no help from the authoritarian “Party of NO”?
Vote GOP and let them finish what they started with the Great Bush Recession and Crash of ’08.
They’ll fix everything, just like the last time they were in charge. And then scapegoat the Black guy and liberals for not repairing what they destroy.
Right, chicken Chuckie?
Just say, "Bwaaack, buck, buck, buckaaw!"
New Study:
Internet Trolls Are Often Machiavellian Sadists
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called "Dark Tetrad": Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
It is hard to underplay the results: The study found correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
And they wonder why they are compared to fascists...
We ALL wonder why you Davey, don't address the double standard of the White House not paying women staff the same as men. "only a small number" How very male of you to say that.
We ALL wonder when you Davey, will show a glimmer of intelligence and originality in one of your posts.
We ALL wonder why Davey, you can not see your hatred for women in your comments about the female victim of Teddy and the limitation statutes.
Rather heartless of you.
Oh I forgot, I knew that Davey could not over come his hatred of me personally and would ignore the tone of my post and it's questions.
Seems that thinking outside the liberal box he has put himself in is impossible.
Anyone, ask yourself this, was American better off in 2008 than today? Did wages, not welfare, go up more that 1% a year from 2001-2008? What are the growth rates since 2008? How many Americans were working in 2008 vs 2013? Not on the unemployment roles, but in the work force. Are there more Americans today receiving food stamps and welfare than in 2008? If you are not a govt employee, have your wages gone up as much as govt spending has on welfare?
Have your food costs gone down since 2008? Is the value of your home the same now as it was in 2008? Does you health insurance cost more or less now than it did in 2008? Is your employer talking about or already has dropped the health insurance plan they provided you in 2008?
Are race relations better now than in 2008? Is America loved and respected (as was promised) now vs. 2008? Do our enemies still fear us and our allies still trust us? Has the promise that legislation would be available to read on line before it was voted on, been kept?
Hating me, conservatives, Limbaugh. Kochs, Tea Party, and the GOP shouldn't prevent anyone from thinking about what has been posted.
We ALL wonder ...
You got a frog in your pocket, Chuckie?
your hatred for women...his hatred of me personally and would ignore the tone of my post and it's questions...Hating me, conservatives, Limbaugh. Kochs, Tea Party, and the GOP
Speaking of Limbaugh, I asked you about him, remember? What was your response?
Yeah, the same as all your non-responses; just more hate, anger and resentments for all the "commies" that exist only in your fearful, narrow, indoctrinated mind.
We can see hate is the only thing you can relate to...Not that it surprises anyone.
Listen Chuckie, I don't hate you.
Honest to God.
You cannot comprehend this, of course, because all you understand, all that motivates you, is hate, anger and resentment.
Here's what we hate. We hate your dishonesty and lack of good faith discussion. We hate the lies you tell and the bitter angry resentment you spew. We hate the fact your party is waging war on truth, democracy and working class Americans. We hate the fact that you and far too many other Americans are mindlessly shilling for the worst servants of mammon in memory.
I can no more hate you than I could hate a brainwashed Moonie.
Do you know who I'm talking about?
The cult of Republican Rev. Sun Myung Moon, friend of the Bush family and founder of the Right wing Washington Times. We can be quite certain you've copy and pasted from that rag, as you do from other far Right propaganda outlets.
As exemplified by your behavior, we see what happens to someone when they cannot let go of the irrational and blind hatred that your leaders have indoctrinated into your world view.
Even these authoritarian leaders of yours, while truly deserving of scorn, contempt and revulsion, are not worth hating. Some of us understand hatred blinds us and withers the soul from within.
But sadly, this is what you shall never learn.
You can never admit or recognize it, but your red-baiting, demonization, and scapegoating are historically taken straight from the fascist playbook.
We see I'm your favorite target.
I welcome your hatred, but I shall not return it.
I will oppose your propaganda and dishonesty. I will mock you. I will humiliate you in your foolish and bitter stances. I will shred your lies and expose your hate. I shall use truth as my sword to defend justice, equality and democracy from the vicious attacks by the radical Right.
This I swear.
Now go back to your anger, hate and resentment. It's really all you have, now, isn't it?
Everybody here knows that. Only someone as hopelessly indoctrinated and blinded by hate as you can believe otherwise.
And it is exactly the reason you are here in the first place.
You may even know I speak the truth. But you must run away from it and hide and deny it all.
I pity you more than anything else. But that doesn't mean I shall tolerate lightly your Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
"We see I'm your favorite target."
Has anyone ever told you that you have a Napoleonic persecution complex?
Aww, thanks for the additional idiotic accusation, Chuckie.
Honestly, guys, life is too short to get this worked up over "issues". You see the world differently. I wish we could get some boxing gloves, let you go a couple rounds, then have a beer...
I'll drink to that.
Can't say the same for Chuckie. Chicken Chuckie evades discourse and dialogue. He snipes and runs. He would probably not want to show up. He also knows I have a lot of professional experience in maximum security situations with mindless thugs and physical violence. He would be as helpless against me physically as he is in debate.
Although he loves to insult my profession, he's shown himself to be a coward on so many levels.
I'm pretty sure he would rather not meet me in such a fair and sporting situation.
However, I'd be happy to join you for a civil sharing of beverages.
Krauthammer: FDR left the Hoover Dam, Ike left the interstate, Obama stimulus left us the ruins of Solyndra plant
Barack Obama promised to reverse what he saw as “one of the biggest problems” facing America — the president Bush using his executive power to bypass Congress.
“I taught constitutional law for 10 years. I take the Constitution very seriously,” Obama told the crowd at the rally. “The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all.” BHO made this promise during a campaign stop at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology on March 31, 2008.
"I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative action." BHO 1/14/2014
Given a chance to do it all over again, only 79 percent of those who voted for President Obama would vote for him again and 71 percent of Obama voters now inclined to vote for somebody else “regret” their vote to reelect the president, according to a new poll.
The Economist/ poll found that Obama would lose enough votes in a rematch with Mitt Romney that the Republican would win. “90 percent of people who voted for Romney would do it again, compared to only 79 percent of Obama voters who would,” said the poll.
Former congressman Mel Reynolds has been arrested in Zimbabwe, an immigration official said on Tuesday, after state media reported the convicted sex offender had been found with pornography at a local hotel.
Police and immigration officials were investigating Reynolds for living in the southern African country without a valid visa, Francis Mabika, an assistant regional immigration officer, told Reuters.
Former Congressman Reynolds was replaced by former Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr.
nice piece, glad you're back.
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