My Kinda Pope
Jesus of Nazareth
From the Gospel According to Matthew
"How can it be that it is not
news when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the
stock market loses two points”?
Pope Francis
BREAKING NEWS: He's read the memo! At about 9:30 this morning, I tweeted the following message to Pope Francis:
"@Pontifex: Your Holiness, you are driving the right wing in America nuts. Thank you."
It was a wondrous thing to wake up to. In an eighty-four page Apostolic Exhortation. The new pontiff left no doubt about where he stood on the subject of "trickle down" (he used those very words) economics. Francis called this era of conservative economics the "new tyranny" of "unfettered capitalism". Not to anyone's surprise (certainly not to mine) the right wing scream machine broke down with a severe case of spastic apoplexy. Rush Limbaugh referred to the document as "pure Marxism". He elaborated for the amusement of us all: "There's no such unfettered capitalism – that doesn't exist anywhere," he said while turning a lovely shade of purple, "'unfettered capitalism' is a liberal
socialist phrase to describe the United States." On Fox Noise, Stuart Varney went a bit further. As reported this morning on the delightfully subversive website, AlterNet:
“Capitalism, in my opinion, is a liberator,” he lectured Pope Francis from his television pulpit. “The free choice of millions of people is the essence of freedom. In my opinion, society benefits most when people are free to pursue their own self-interest. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it is not.”
He's trying to make some sort of point there. Let's give the poor old bugger an A for effort. What the pope has done here is held up a mirror, and the plutocracy - worldwide - is recoiling at the hideous reflection. They stand before us stark-raving-naked. It must be an unsettling thing to be exposed like that for all the world to see. Oh, who shall rid them of this meddlesome pope?
Conservative Catholics should be grateful. All Catholics should be grateful. This pope - and a whole lot of pesky nuns riding around on buses - are the ones who will save Catholicism. The last twenty years have been the darkest ones in centuries for the Church of Rome (I'll spare you the details - you know what I'm talking about). Francis is resuscitating it. Who was the last pope to take his vow of poverty as seriously as this one? I like this dude!
Why are many conservative Christians so single-minded in their concentration on the Old Testament? Why do they not, instead, pay more attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ? The answer to that question is obvious: The lessons that the Prince of Peace was trying to impart to us in the Beatitudes are completely at odds with the agenda of the right wing. Think about it!
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Can you see what I'm talking about? That's not a very conservative message, is it? In fact (just between you and me) the Son of God sounds like some kind of KNEE-GROW SOCIALIST in that message. You can't blame the extreme right wing for feeling a tad awkward and uncomfortable when a religious leader takes us all to task for not living up to the fundamental meaning of Christianity. I feel a bit awkward myself, come to think about it. Dick Gregory once remarked that if Christ were to come back today, the right-wingers would tie him to a giant peace sign and roll him off a cliff. The dirty secret is that there a conflict between conservatism and Christianity - a serious one.
I'm speaking as somewhat of a lapsed Catholic. I'm the last person on the planet who should be lecturing anyone on their theological sensibilities, believe me. It's just that it seems to me that this one should be a no-brainer. What is a "Christian" but one feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and ministers to the sick? That's what it's all about! What part of that message do they not understand?
For those who are waiting for Pope Francis to open the doors to gay marriage in the Catholic Church - or even the ordination of women as priests - don't hold your breath. And a pro abortion-rights pope? That's never gonna happen. But at least he's making an attempt at inclusion. He seems to want us to accept gays and lesbians as members of the Catholic community. He seems to want to expand the roll of women in the church. That's at least a beginning. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step as they say.
More than anything, he needs to address the question of celibacy for priests and nuns. We had a priest in our parish a few years back named Father Trevor Nicholls. He was an Anglican convert with a wife and four wonderful children. They were an asset to the community, not an embarrassment. Doing away with the doctrine of mandatory celibacy would mark a rebirth for the Catholic religion. Just a suggestion, Frankie.
Fifty years ago, Pope John the XXIII initiated the task of modernizing Catholicism by bringing it out into the open light of day. I'm just barely old enough to remember a time when the mass was said in Latin - a language that had been dead for hundreds of years. His Second Vatican Council changed the church forever - and for the better I think. The Catholic Church is a half century overdue for a serious shot of adrenaline. Pope Francis is providing his flock with a mega-dose. Let's hope Catholics all over the world line up for their medications. It'll only pinch for a second.
And each time I leave
Pope Francis is
Tugging my sleeve
Pope Francis is....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Sermon on the Mount
by some guy named Jesus
Special thanks to nephew Peter Dermigny for the "POPE" poster. He sent it to me from England where he is studying - Lucky duck!
For this and other more recent postings on this miserable nest of commie propaganda, please go to the link below:
The "Rant" by Tom Degan

“Capitalism, in my opinion, is a liberator,” he lectured Pope Francis from his television pulpit. “The free choice of millions of people is the essence of freedom. In my opinion, society benefits most when people are free to pursue their own self-interest. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it is not.”
He's trying to make some sort of point there. Let's give the poor old bugger an A for effort. What the pope has done here is held up a mirror, and the plutocracy - worldwide - is recoiling at the hideous reflection. They stand before us stark-raving-naked. It must be an unsettling thing to be exposed like that for all the world to see. Oh, who shall rid them of this meddlesome pope?
Conservative Catholics should be grateful. All Catholics should be grateful. This pope - and a whole lot of pesky nuns riding around on buses - are the ones who will save Catholicism. The last twenty years have been the darkest ones in centuries for the Church of Rome (I'll spare you the details - you know what I'm talking about). Francis is resuscitating it. Who was the last pope to take his vow of poverty as seriously as this one? I like this dude!
Why are many conservative Christians so single-minded in their concentration on the Old Testament? Why do they not, instead, pay more attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ? The answer to that question is obvious: The lessons that the Prince of Peace was trying to impart to us in the Beatitudes are completely at odds with the agenda of the right wing. Think about it!
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
![]() |
Dick Gregory |
I'm speaking as somewhat of a lapsed Catholic. I'm the last person on the planet who should be lecturing anyone on their theological sensibilities, believe me. It's just that it seems to me that this one should be a no-brainer. What is a "Christian" but one feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and ministers to the sick? That's what it's all about! What part of that message do they not understand?
For those who are waiting for Pope Francis to open the doors to gay marriage in the Catholic Church - or even the ordination of women as priests - don't hold your breath. And a pro abortion-rights pope? That's never gonna happen. But at least he's making an attempt at inclusion. He seems to want us to accept gays and lesbians as members of the Catholic community. He seems to want to expand the roll of women in the church. That's at least a beginning. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step as they say.
More than anything, he needs to address the question of celibacy for priests and nuns. We had a priest in our parish a few years back named Father Trevor Nicholls. He was an Anglican convert with a wife and four wonderful children. They were an asset to the community, not an embarrassment. Doing away with the doctrine of mandatory celibacy would mark a rebirth for the Catholic religion. Just a suggestion, Frankie.

And each time I leave
Pope Francis is
Tugging my sleeve
Pope Francis is....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Sermon on the Mount
by some guy named Jesus
Special thanks to nephew Peter Dermigny for the "POPE" poster. He sent it to me from England where he is studying - Lucky duck!
For this and other more recent postings on this miserable nest of commie propaganda, please go to the link below:
The "Rant" by Tom Degan
I'm looking forward to the "Pope is a commie" rants from the troll.
Funny how smart, compassionate conservatives along with liberals see the truth.
Sarah Palin has pretty much already said it.
Yeah. Will the trolls be strangely silent on this one? They'll find some talking point, I'm sure.
Yes, they'll regurgitate something, but can they do so without mentioning the "evil Marxist" Obama?
Hey, Chuckie.
What's up? haven't they told you what to say about this yet?
That's OK. Your Bubble Cult will soon give you something to copy and paste.
Fellow Progressive leaning forward comrades,
Now that we see what is in the bill, all I can say is pheeeeeeeew! It really is a smelly pig no matter how much lipstick we try to put on it!
Lets let Obama change the bill, without congressional approval, so that the Employer and Individual Mandates occur after next years election. Otherwise we will get a shellacking in next years election!
Thanks for fulfilling my prediction, Chuckie. Lets let Obama change the bill,
Tell us, what does Obama have to do with the Pope, Chuckie?
Cult got your tongue?
A Vatican official has come out in support of denying communion to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for her support of abortion rights.
Raymond Cardinal Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome — the Vatican's Supreme Court — slammed the California Democrat for "obstinately" persisting in grave sin by supporting the policy, even "after repeated admonitions."
In comments to The Wanderer, the American cardinal chided the long-serving congresswoman, who professes to be a devout Catholic, for divorcing her faith from her public life.
"I fear for Congresswoman Pelosi if she does not come to understand how gravely in error she is," said Burke, who was appointed to the Church's judicial body in 2008.
Anonymous, Pelosi understands the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which prohibits religion from being a part of the lawmaking process. Since the Supreme Court of the United States has more than once confirmed that abortion is legal within the United States, and Pelosi has sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution (as opposed to a private citizen who controls her campaign finances like her GOP counterparts)) it wouldn't matter what she FEELS about abortion, she has to defend it as a legality.
“...the realization of the homosexual agenda ought to awaken all of us and frighten us with regard to the future of our nation. ... It is a diabolical situation which is aimed at destroying individuals, families, and eventually our nation.” Raymond Cardinal Leo Burke
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Not only are liberals evil commies out to destroy America, the dreaded homosexual agenda for equality is also destroying everything. Good thing this frightened little man is not the Pope.
It’s interesting that only Pelosi is selected for clearly partisan reasons. What, no words for Republicans supporting capital punishment, another violation of the Church’s morals? The Cardinal sounds like a Republican spokesman.
Meanwhile the Pope wisely and truthfully said:
While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. Consequently, they reject the right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control. A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual, which unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules... To all this we can add widespread corruption and self-serving tax evasion, which have taken on worldwide dimensions.
Isn’t this what the post is about, Chuckie?
Quick! Better blame the Black Guy for something.
I consider myself Libertarian. I'm protestant. But I am LOVING this pope!
Is it too late to have Pelosi's mother get an extremely late term abortion? Like say at 876 months or so? I would support THAT abortion.
"Anonymous, Pelosi understands the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which prohibits religion from being a part of the lawmaking process. Since the Supreme Court of the United States has more than once confirmed that abortion is legal within the United States, and Pelosi has sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution (as opposed to a private citizen who controls her campaign finances like her GOP counterparts)) it wouldn't matter what she FEELS about abortion, she has to defend it as a legality."
Mozart, this statement has issues.
the 1st amendment does not say that abortion cannot be banned.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
This does not say a law can not have a religious origin.
Its not necessarily a religious belief that prenatal human beings have the same moral status as postnatal human beings. Its perfectly reasonable for a secular or atheist person to believe this. a lot of people only understand pro life beliefs as some arcane law from ancient religious texts but its actually involves a lot of contemporary philosophical arguments.
Pelosi isn't off the Hook for not supporting a ban on abortion. if she felt abortion were wrong she could support the passage of a constitutional amendment to repeal Roe V Wade. Since she's not doing this its reasonable for the Vatican to not like her.
Is this Pope pro-choice?
Maxi, the separation of church and state prohibits laws with religious origine because that would mean the government is supporting a particular religious view. Get it? I know so called "Christians" have been trying to dance around this for decades but it just can't be done. Abortion is primarily a religious issue, and besides, you don';t seem to give a shit about the child once it's born. The same people that are "pro life" are against welfare programs or preschool education because "I don't want to pay for deadbeats" or other such excuses. They are also ironiscally against contraception and REAL sex education which would PREVENT ABORTIONS. Like the ACA Roe V Wade is LAW and conservatives need to stop being such sore losers. Besides, fertility clinics destroy embryoes daily and NO ONE CARES. When you start voulanterring to have the unwanted embryo inserted in YOUR body, and taking responsibility for the child once it's born,(not to mentin opposing the death penalty and war) I'll start taking you seriously about being "pro life)
. Abortion is primarily a religious issue, and besides, you don';t seem to give a shit about the child once it's born. The same people that are "pro life" are against welfare programs or preschool education because "I don't want to pay for deadbeats" or other such excuses.
Wrong abortion is a moral issue, period!
And your answer to welfare issues is to murder the unborn child in the mother's womb.
Got it!
Okay Mozart, You clearly didn't read into my comment. I argued that the issue of abortion is not necessarily a religious one and that it is a philosophical issue.
The question at hand is at what time does human life gain the moral status of a person (Having the moral status of a person means it would be immoral to exterminate this life)
People who are pro choice mostly believe this moral status happens after birth. While people who are pro life believe this status happens at conception or sometime soon after that. Mary Anne Warren believed it began months after birth and that it was acceptable to terminate an infant. Im sure you believe this moral status begins at some point because I assume you don't believe its fine to kill eight year olds. And if you're going to say something like "If someone's pro life then they just shouldn't have abortions" You need to understand that pro life people believe it is murder on the same level of killing a newborn baby or anyone for that matter.
Can you see this is not a religious issue such as "Should "under god" be in the pledge of allegiance."?
Here's a philosophical argument by two legal experts that doesn't involve any religious references
You don't have to agree with them but they do argue in strict philosophical terms.
"The same people that are "pro life" are against welfare programs or preschool education because "I don't want to pay for deadbeats" or other such excuses. They are also ironiscally against contraception and REAL sex education which would PREVENT ABORTIONS. Like the ACA Roe V Wade is LAW and conservatives need to stop being such sore losers."
These are completely irrelevant generalizations. Im in favor of public education, welfare and a single payer healthcare system. In fact, I wasn't even arguing for or against the merits of abortion I was simply trying to correct your misunderstanding of the issue and the first amendment. You just changed the subject to another issue for some reason.
One more thing...
"[The First Amendment]prohibits religion from being a part of the lawmaking process"
If this were true in the nature you argue would it be legal for people in office to have religious beliefs? Or for clergy members to vote? Could religious groups make campaign contributions?
This post is not about abortion and it is not about Nancy Pelosi.
It is about what the Pope said of the economic tyranny of our time.
Here are his words again:
While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. Consequently, they reject the right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control. A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual, which unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules... To all this we can add widespread corruption and self-serving tax evasion, which have taken on worldwide dimensions.
The question remains, can the trolls comment on this, or do they need to distract and attack democrats?
LOL! Yeah, we can read them like a book.
I'm not a troll I pretty much liked what the Pope said
Not calling you out. "Just my two cents" aka "Anonymous" and his multiple other posting identities, (Chuckie to those familiar with his appropriation of Charles Moore's name as "Chuck Morre"), has been doing this kind of distraction for a long time.
He can't face the truth, so he needs to attack democrats all the time. His "Bubble Cult" views are entertaining, though very hateful.
I'll buy into the what the Pope said when he gives 99% of the entire Roman Catholic Church's wealth including real estate, art, stocks bonds to the government. And when he drops the Church's tax except status and his Church starts to pay taxes to help govt run to provide for the 99% of us.
Until then is he just another voice of socialism telling me what I should do with my earnings to end "the economic tyranny of our time" while protecting his own wealth and the wealth of the Church that he leads. Typical of the 1%.
Until then is he just another voice of socialism telling me what I should do with my earnings
Oh, really? What did he say you should do with your earnings?
Taxing churches is a good idea, though. But wouldn't that be "telling the Pope what he should do with his earnings"?
Yes taxation is telling me what i shoyld do with my money and I think the Pope and his church should be told what to with their money, and pay taxes at least at a 99% rate.
Isn't socialism telling me what i should do with my money? If Socialism wants higher taxes? What else could it be but a restriction of my freedom to do what i want to with what I earn.
since all money belongs to government, why shouldn't the POPE put his and his church's money where his mouth is, give it to the govt to spend.
Yes taxation is telling me what i shoyld do with my money and I think the Pope and his church should be told what to with their money, and pay taxes at least at a 99% rate.
Isn't socialism telling me what i should do with my money? If Socialism wants higher taxes? What else could it be but a restriction of my freedom to do what i want to with what I earn.
since all money belongs to government, why shouldn't the POPE put his and his church's money where his mouth is, give it to the govt to spend.
You didn't say what the Pope told you to do with your earnings. I call you a liar until you do so.
Yes taxation is telling me what i shoyld do with my money
No it isn’t. You knew you’d pay taxes before you earned a dime. You knew it would not all be yours. The tax share was NEVER yours. Sorry. The same is true for me. We do with our net pay as we please and as is necessary. Socialism is not telling you where to live, where to work, where to eat, or where to do anything. You are more free than most people in the world.
But you cry like baby.
You’re a just a greedy brainwashed crybaby.
Some wealth belongs to the public good as mandated by the Constitution. Leave America if you hate what is the American way. Go. Now.
We don’t need your bitching and moaning. We don’t need your resentment and hate for the less fortunate. We don’t need your anger, your red-baiting and falsehoods. We don’t need you shilling for the billionaires’ tax cuts as food stamps are cut. We don’t need you. GO.
Isn't socialism telling me what i should do with my money?
No. What “socialism” is telling us is we need equality under the law, jobs and a living wage, and when your God the “free market” fails to do so, government has a duty to the people. Social safety nets are all we have left to feed the hungry and jobless.
Your “free market” gods buy politicians, sway elections, and write trade agreements and legislation for their benefit, they get tax breaks and “incentives”, all while the American people lose good jobs. Your masters are pushing for neo-feudalism with no minimum pay. Wall-Mart employees make so little that the company put our food donation bins for their wage slaves.
What to do? Better cut food stamps so the Waltons keep hoarding the wealth equal to 40% of all Americans. Your neo-feudalism is here. Congratulations. The radical Right is succeeding in driving the US into a third world country, run by their economic royalists.
since all money belongs to government...
More BS from the radical Right. Tax money belongs to the government and it is used for defense and the general welfare. Nobody is happy with all government spending. I don’t want to pay for Iraq. You don’t want hungry Americans to have food stamps. Deal with it. Be a man and stop acting like a whining brat.
The Pope is not in the US, where churches are tax exempt. And that’s probably how you want it.
Until you and the Pope and the Pope's church give all of your income to the govt in an effort to end "the economic tyranny of our time", I call bull shit.
Let him put his money where his mouth is.
I love it when GREEDY conservatives WHINE AND CRY about "government telling them how to spend their money" when it comes to feeding the hungry or providing health care to poor families, but they are strangely silent about needless wars and subsidies to billion dollar corporations like EXXON/Mobile or Pfizer. You want the Catholic Church taxed at 99% (I'd settle for ALL churches taxed at normal rates) but you don't mention churches here like the MORMONS who have practiced racial bigotry and are now the #1 landowners in Florida.
“refused to throw in the towel and do nothing. We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt. We bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way.” B.H Obama 10/13/12
USA Today:
The city of Detroit officially became the largest municipality in U.S. history Tuesday to enter Chapter 9 bankruptcy after a judge declared it met the specific legal criteria required to receive protection from its creditors.
The landmark ruling ends more than four months of uncertainty over the fate of the case and sets the stage for a fierce clash over how to slash an estimated $18 billion in debt and long-term liabilities that have hampered Detroit from attacking pervasive blight and violent crime.
So Obama did everyting in his power to help. What's the problem? No president is a magician with a magic wand. NFL referees are doing THEIR part to help the Lions at least make the playoffs, maybe that will help the city.
So what is everyone doing with their extra $2500 in savings from health care insurance next year that the slick salesman BaCrock Obama promised?
I'm gonna get a unicorn and a rainbow and then give the rest to the poor.
With my savings I'm gonna get a picture of the most honest, smartest, transparent president in our history.
At least he tried (LOL), even though he lied!
It's the thought that counts.
"At least he tried" "What's the problem?"
"Obama administration officials admitted Monday that roughly 126,000 Americans who successfully navigated the Obamacare website and enrolled in a new health insurance plan might not have officially signed up for their plans, ABC News reports."
The Obama administration suggests individuals who were told by the website that they had successfully signed up should contact their insurance to ensure their coverage actually exists. If it does not, individuals would have to start the process over again.
Imagine being told by this administration to use the private sector to be sure you are signed up with the public sector. Only in OBAMAVILLE not to be confused with Margarita.
Liberals and their failed policy's, a laugh a minute.
Did you see the latest lie, our Liar in Chief just got caught telling?
President Obama’s uncle said at a deportation hearing Tuesday that Obama stayed with him while he was a student at Harvard Law School in the 1980s — DESPITE THE WHITE HOUSE SAYING HE NEVER MET HIS UNCLE.
Onyango “Omar” Obama, 69, was arrested for drunk driving in 2011 and faced deportation after living in the United States for five decades. The judge decided to let the Kenyan national remain in the United States.
According to the Boston Globe, Omar Obama also made the following claim:
"He testified that president stayed w/ him in Cambridge when he came to attend Harvard Law."
And this from landlord Alfred Ouma, who served as a witness at the hearing:
Ouma confirms in aside that POTUS lived with Uncle Omar. No response yet from @WhiteHouse cc @Maley44
The White House said following Omar Obama’s arrest that he and the president had never met. The president was not close to his father’s side of the family given his father’s absence in his life.
How can anyone with n IQ over 50 believe a word this guy says is beyond me.
CNN White House correspondent Brianna Keilar reported Tuesday that the Obamacare website did not handle 50,000 simultaneous users Monday as the Obama administration had claimed.
“Turns out it really topped out somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000,” she said. “Some of those problems still being acknowledged by the White House.”
The White House has promoted the improvements of the flailing site as “an important milestone,” but many still find themselves stuck in online waiting queues when they try to buy health insurance.
Jeez, more nitpicking and whining from the right about the ACA.
And what that has to do with the Pope is anyone's guess.
As I said way back, “They'll regurgitate something, but can they do so without mentioning the "evil Marxist" Obama?”
Meanwhile the Pope wisely and truthfully said:
While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. Consequently, they reject the right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control. A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual, which unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules... To all this we can add widespread corruption and self-serving tax evasion, which have taken on worldwide dimensions.
Isn’t this what the post is about, Chuckie?
Thanks for fulfilling my prediction, Chuckie.
Tell us, what does Obama have to do with the Pope, Chuckie?
Why can’t you disagree with the Pope? Only YOU can sow us where he’s wrong, Chuckie.
Don’t you want to save the world from the evil commie Pope? Only YOU can save us, Chuckie.
Squawking about Obama, and cackling a racist’s delight over Detroit doesn’t save the world from the Pope, Chuckie.
Help us, Chuckie. Show us where the Pope is wrong, or we may have to believe him, Chuckie.
Is the Pope correct? Is he telling the truth, and your cult bubble can’t see the truth?
Cult got your tongue?
Quick! Time to distract us from the truth. Better blame the Black Guy for something.
Better show us how a racist takes gleeful delight in the problems of Detroit instead.
BTW, Did you know your war hero, the great Chickenhawk “Decider”, ran up more deficit and debt than Obama and Detroit combined?
Quick, Chuckie run away from the topic.
Run, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
For the first time in nearly 40 years, a majority of Americans believe the United States is less important around the world and that it should mind its own business, a stunning rejection of President Obama’s foreign policy just four years after he received the Nobel Prize.
A new Pew Research Center poll found that 53 percent of people believe that the U.S. is playing a less important role as a world leader than a decade ago, the highest figure since 1974.
Worse: 70 percent said that the U.S. is respected less than in the past, almost matching the high reached under former President George W. Bush, whose foreign policy Obama pledged to reverse.
Other key highlights from Pew’s release:
— By a 56 percent to 34 percent margin, more disapprove than approve of Obama’s handling of foreign policy. The public also disapproves of his handling of Syria, Iran, China and Afghanistan by wide margins.
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— For the first time, 52 percent believe the U.S. should “mind its own business internationally.”
— Some 51 percent said the U.S. does too much in helping solve world problems.
— Most say the U.S. should engage internationally on economic issues. Fully 77 percent say that growing trade and business ties between the U.S. and other countries is good.
— Just 31 percent of the public say the war in Afghanistan has made the country safer from terrorism.
Harry Reid, finally reads the ACA and hearing his staffers whine about be forced to sign up for it, exempts them.
Washington (CNN) -- Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, one of Obamacare's architects and staunchest supporters, is also the only top congressional leader to exempt some of his staff from having to buy insurance through the law's new exchanges.
Reid is the exception among the other top congressional leaders. GOP House Speaker John Boehner, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have all directed their staffs to join the exchange, their aides said.
In September, Reid told reporters, "Let's stop these really juvenile political games -- the one dealing with health care for senators and House members and our staff. We are going to be part of exchanges, that's what the law says and we'll be part of that."
Harry is following his leaders footsteps and lying.
Quick, Chuckie run away from the topic.
Run, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
One would think that after 5 years of Hope and Change the defeat of the "economic tyranny of our time" would have started.
The percentage of the civilian non-institutionalized population over 16 that was employed is 58.6 percent. When President Obama took office in January 2009, the employment-population ratio was 60.
Americans are participating in the workforce at the lowest level in 35 years, according to government data. Government data showed that only 63.2 percent of working-age Americans have a job or are looking for one, the lowest proportion since 1978. Nearly 90 million people are now considered out of the labor force, up 1.7 million from August. (latest figures available)
More than 47 million -- 1 in 7 Americans -- are on SNAP. Middle class America continues to shrink despite the efforts and policy's of the past 5 years.
The President's defenders continue to blame his failures on prior administrations. They support the position that the President first expressed when he told us "you didn't build that". Who could have guessed five years later, that would be the excuse for his policy's not ended the "economic tyranny of our time".
What is the Pope doing to end the "economic tyranny of our time"? At least Obama is doing something, he's trying, he's spending a lot of tax dollars, he is increasing the regulation of business, he's making a bunch of great speeches, but remember, he doesn't have a magic wand he can wave to fix everything. After all he is just a Black Man, so you can't blame him for his failures.
Obama is a corporatist. - Ron Paul
Better attack Obama.
What is the Pope doing to end the "economic tyranny of our time"?
He's telling the world the truth about your false god the "free market".
Quick, Chuckie run away from the topic.
Run, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
They support the position that the President first expressed when he told us "you didn't build that".
I just can't resist.
What position? Build what, Chuckie?
Yeah, we know. You don't/can't answer questions.
Better run, Chicken Chuckie, run!
After all he is just a Black Man, so you can't blame him for his failures.
he is just a Black Man
Better attack Obama.
Run, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
Dave Dubya
Do you have any idea how much of an embarrassment you are to the Progressive/Liberal movement?
"Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww" INDEED.
Embarrassment? LOL!
How would YOU know, Chuckie Kwame?
Dave D,
D@mn funny retorts to Chuckie/Anonymous/Kwame/Trollie the Troll!
Man, You can make a well-reasoned argument, then switch to the simpler, but fun "Run Chuckie, run! Buck buck buckaaaaww!" As he perpetuates his false fascist trollin' propaganda campaign ... Made me wheeze as you kept it up when, true to form, he didn't answer the initial post!
More power to you, to Tom, and aw what the heck, the Pope too, I guess!
What would the Pope say about this
"economic tyranny of our time"?
2012 pay Employer Hourly Equivalent
Mike Fishman $332,572 SEIU $159.89
Mary Kay Henry $288,303 SEIU $138.61
Gerry Hudson $222,069 SEIU $106.76
Bet it wouldn't be "Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww". "You can make a well-reasoned argument", MAYBE when pigs fly.
Excellent article, Tom.
What would the Pope say about this
Your denial of reality and resentment for others is pathological?
Your moral cowardice is showing along with your bad faith arguments.
Still chicken to tell us where the Pope is wrong?
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
I once thought I saw a pig fly, but it was just dave dubya jumping through hoops trying to avoid facing the failure of liberalism
If Liberalism is such a failure, why to conservatives have to cheat to win elections? (2000 and 2004 POTUS elections, gerrymandering of house districts, passing laws taking away voting rights from the poor and minorities)
"The dirty secret is that there a conflict between conservatism and Christianity - a serious one."
I see this as a half-truth. There is a conflict between fallen man and God, Tom. It has NOTHING to do with politics. The humanistic prgoressivism that drives modern democratic socialism is just as godless as the materialistic and self-centered Rand-think that drives much of the right-wing thought. We can argue which "isms" deliver better practical economic results, but the heart of man will twist any man-made system - and does regularly.
The beatitudes aren't meant to encourage you to "hitch up he bootstraps" - they are to teach every man that he is incapable of attaining the righteousness that God demands. Do you really think you are meek or pure in heart? The righteousness that we may obtain is one "not of our own" - that Jesus, in fact, possessed and came to offer freely to those who would follow Him. Sorry, enough preaching.
The beatitudes are wonderful to read - thanks for posting them. But, Jesus had even more wonderful and radical teachings and claims to make.
Have a blessed Christmas. May the glory of Jesus be revealed to you in a way you've maybe never experienced.
"My kingdom is not of this world." - Jesus
Suggested reading - John's gospel
Eagerly anticipating Tom's blog about the great Nelson Mandela, and just to save Ananymous the trouble...
"Obama lied! WHaaaa Whaaa! Socialism! WHaaa whaaa!"
AS for Christmas, it really has NOTHING to do wut the borth of Jesus, and Sarah Palin has said she LOVES the commercialization of it. How about we try to be good to each other without the threat of erternal damnation and see how it goes?
Lets face it folks,
Our young President has blueberry all over his face with his lies to the American People, just like Bush had blueberry all over his face with "Read My Lips":
"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period."
"If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period."
Here he is caught on film lying about saving families $2500 a year with ObamaCare:
It would not surprise me if he is the first President to get hit in the face with a blueberry pie!
I've supported Obama but it is past time that he should have cleaned house over this ObamaCare debacle. Sebelius was essentially clueless as most upper level managers are. They aren't down in the trenches and don't listen to their lower subordinates. They feel they are above the fray and don't need to be in touch on a daily basis. Off with their heads I say!
Get the government out of my doctor's office so he can see patients instead of battling bureaucrats. I swear if the Democrats do not stop with the totalitarianism something bad is going to happen. I believe the US can split peacefully. We don't need another civil war, but if the Democrats don't stop what they are doing to this country it will happen. We have an illegitimate government with people like Obama and his clowns running things.
Obama lied, your health insurance plan died. Period.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
I'll tell you. The Dems will lose BIG TIME in the next election. That is the difference.
As predicted the troll can't shut up about Obama and democrats destroying the "peace and prosperity" left by Bush. What a cult.
Meanwhile the Pope wisely and truthfully said:
While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. Consequently, they reject the right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control. A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual, which unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules... To all this we can add widespread corruption and self-serving tax evasion, which have taken on worldwide dimensions.
Isn’t this what the post is about, Chuckie?
Quick! Better blame dems and the Black Guy for something.
Run from the subject, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
Cowards and liars. Obama and Bush are in good company with their trolls.
Mary Landrieu Tanks; Obama And ObamaCare To Blame
Posted November 21, 2013
A New Independent Poll From Southern Media & Opinion Research Finds That Mary Landrieu’s Approval Rating Is Now Underwater By 4 Points, With 46.3 Percent Approving Of Her Job Performance And 50.5 Percent Disapproving.
Landrieu’s Approval Ratings Have Plummeted From Where They Stood In Spring Of 2013, When Her Approval Rating Stood At +15, With 56 Percent Approving Of Her Job Performance To 41 Percent Disapproving.
Now Mary Landrieu does not want to be seen with BaCrock Obama and wants the individual mandate postponed past her election next year.
Run, run, run. See the whore Mary Landrieu run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww! "Fuck BaCrock buck buck buckaww" says Mary
Mary Landrieu may be many things, but she's a corporate whore if that is what you want to call her.
And what does she have to do with the Pope accurately noting the economic tyranny of our time?
One thing for sure, is she's no CHICKEN like Chicken Chuckie.
Run from the subject, Chuckie, run!
Run, run, run. See Chicken Chuckie run.
Bwaawwk, buck, buck, buckaww!
ON Subject.
I'll buy into the what the Pope said when he gives 99% of the entire Roman Catholic Church's wealth including real estate, art, stocks bonds to the government. And when he drops the Church's tax except status and his Church starts to pay taxes to help govt run to provide for the 99% of us.
Until then is he just another voice of socialism telling me what I should do with my earnings to end "the economic tyranny of our time" while protecting his own wealth and the wealth of the Church that he leads. Typical of the 1%.
Anonymous, have you ever seen how THIS Pope lives? This guy dresses in "normal priest" clothes and ministers to the homeless. He walks places. He lives in a humble apartment. I'm an Atheist, and this is the first pope I can actually respect. Stop being such a conservative ass.
Your words include “Pope” “taxes” “socialism” and “telling me what I should do with my earnings”, but nowhere do you tie HIS words with anything YOU say.
Your words can only have meaning if you can show us where the Pope is wrong. Go ahead, it should be easy for you, since only YOU know the truth, right?
Or not.
We’ve already show the falsehood of your claim about the Pope telling you what to do with your earnings.
‘When Popes fly” isn’t rally addressing his words now is it?
Making impossible demands as condition to responding to his words is evasion, sport. Typical Right Wing evasion when the truth is against your cult beliefs.
Is the entire Church’s wealth his private property? No, so we all know he can’t give “99% of the entire Roman Catholic Church's wealth”, can he? Impossible.
“When popes fly” is not addressing his words.
“When he drops the Church's tax except status and his Church starts to pay taxes” is happening in Italy now.
Are you saying the US should tax churches too? Good. We’ll assume you are, as you NEVER answer questions.
So in reality, in the real world, one of your conditions has been met. How about that?
You’re still running from the Pope’s words Chuckie.
You’re still Chicken Chuckie,
Bweaack, buck, buck, buckkaaww.
If the Pope is “telling me what I should do with my earnings”, what about that “Render unto Caesar” line?
You’re not letting that Socialist Jesus tell you what to do with money, are you?
Still Chicken Chuckie.
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