When John E. Comes Marching Home

The two King Georges |
One can only imagine the torment that John E. "Jeb" Bush feels deep down in the recesses of his soul. His father's reign as chief executive was not a term that historians will be drinking toasts to a century from now. The fact that he was defeated for reelection by an obscure governor - from Arkansas of all places - illustrates better than anything what a dud the poor old bastard was. But if dear old Dad was a blight on the legacy of the Bush dynasty, his dim-witted older brother's presidency pretty much sealed the family's place in history. Dubya is in serious competition with James Buchanan for the title of the most incompetent chief-executive in the annals of human mediocrity. Is it any wonder that Jeb should feel compelled to try and tidy-up the "brand" so to speak?
I'm of a mixed opinion regarding the possibility of a third member of that disgusting family entering the White House for the third time in less than thirty years. My biggest fear is this undeniable fact: recent history shows that whenever any of these assholes come anywhere near the Oval Office, a lot of innocent people with brown skin start to die. Look it up. When the Founding Fathers developed the office of the American presidency two-and-a-quarter centuries ago, they each had differing notions of what was required to lead a nation that they all agreed would be the world's beacon for freedom and democracy. It's a fairly safe bet that not one of them would have put a tendency toward extreme, sociopathic behavior on their list. I have no tangible evidence to back up this little theory of mine. Call it an educated guess.
And then there are the working people of America. Going all the way back to Grandpa Prescott eighty years ago, this Klueless, Klutzy Klan have never had much of a soft spot for the poor and middle classes of this country. I don't think (as a lot of my fellow lefties believe) that race has a hell of a lot to do with it - if anything. The simple truth is that the Bushes only care about money - and people with lots 'n' lots of it. They have demonstrated this countless times for generations. They still believe, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that the economy will be just fine 'n' dandy if America's tax burden is shouldered by the people who can least afford to do the shouldering. They still want us to believe that if we only allow America's treasure to trickle down upon us, we will be led into the Candyland of our most twisted fantasies. Has that peculiar economic theory worked at all in thirty years? Well, yeah - but only of you understand that "trickle down" is merely a quaint little euphemism for getting pissed on. In that sense it has worked brilliantly.
But I have my own, very sinister reasons for being interested in the specter of a third Bush uprising. True, my feelings in this regard are quite ambivalent; I love America and only want to see it prosper and thrive - and yet I can't help but come to terms with the sick reality that the possibility of Jeb Bush in the White House would be a boon to people like me who make their names commenting on the utter destruction of this nation's social and economic infrastructure. For those of us who blog, a third Bush White House would be the equivalent of a stocking loaded with candy canes - with every day being Christmas.
Me 'n' Dubya, 10/27/08 |
I know what you're thinking - and I agree. It's beyond despicable to even fantasize about something as horrible as President Jeb Bush in order to live out one's demented, journalistic fantasies. For those eight, excruciating years that his brother was president, as awful a thing as that administration was to watch, it sure as hell was loads of fun to write about! In the final weeks of 2008, as his reign of terror and error was coming to a merciful end, I publicly fantasized that I would miss George W. Bush - and that's exactly what happened (in an odd and demented sort of way). Within months of his exit from that national spotlight I found myself pining for that warped syntax of his. Life was never again the same for me. This is not meant to imply that Barack Obama hasn't provided plenty of ammunition - he has. The main difference between the two men is that when the current president says something outrageously funny, that's usually his intent.
If Jeb Bush ever does call the White House Home (and for the record I don't think that's EVER gonna happen) the incidents of unintentional humor won't be as overflowing as they were during his brother's two terms, but I know that he won't be boring - in the same appalling way that Dubya was never boring. When crazy, unenlightened people wield the ultimate, lethal power, it has this funny way of keeping me on my toes, you know where I'm coming from?
Who knows what the hell will happen between now and Election Day 2016. It's going to be oodles of fun watching Jeb stomp around the country during the GOP primaries - with one foot on a banana peel and the other in his mouth - saying the kind of moronic things that appeal to "the base" of the Republican Party, and then watching him try to ease his way back toward the center during the general election - assuming he get's the nomination. Whatever the outcome, 2016 is going to be a scream.
Such interesting times: I know not whether to giggle or weep.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
House of Bush - House of Saud
by Craig Unger
A riveting and disturbing chronicle of the Bush family's corrupt and destructive relationship with the Saudi royal family.
Never much of a soft spot for the poor? What an understatement.
I quote from Kitty Kelly's book on W:
""Look. People are poor because they are lazy." You could look it up here: http://www.benzworld.org/forums/off-topic/1280817-bush-people-poor-because-they-lazy.html
Where did he learn such an idea? Clearly on Barbara's knee. Which means Jeb must have been taught it there, too.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
Dear NY Crank,
What do you thing the reason is for people being poor?
Well Chuck, let me take a few, umm, wild guesses:
1. A couple of years back, somebody in the family got sick. The insurance company cancelled their health insurance. They put the hospital on a credit card to keep a loved one alive. Now they're financially screwed.
2. Got laid off from his job at the age of 55 when the company moved his position to the Third World. At the age of 55, nobody will offer him a job that will keep him out of poverty. Or even in it. When he applies for loe wage jobs, they tell him he's "overqualified."
3. Grew up in a poor family, which couldn't afford to send him to private school. Went to a neighborhood school where all the teacher did was keep the kids quiet. Barely got through high school. Couldn't get through college. Employment prospects are highly limited.
4. Worked three jobs just to keep food on the table. Then he had a heart attack. Now he can't work. And Congress is cutting back his food stamps.
5. Inherited some of your genes.
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are?
Do you believe it is impossible for Americans to move up and down the economic scale in the USA?
Were you and Davey born perfect
rectums or did you get training?
Chuck, the only "taking" 90% of the working public wants is a decent living wage for their labor. You cons whine and cry about food stmps, but it was YOUR boy Dubya that put many of them on the program. MILITARY FAMILIES are on food stamps. People working TWO JOBS still need help feeding their kids. There USED to be upward mobility, but as time goes by, the uber rich rewrite all the rules in their favor making it harder and harder to get out of the financial basement. 20 years ago I could get as much as $20 an hour for janitorial work, but NOW I'm lucky to get $8 an hour doing the same work. It's what happens when too much of the waealth is controlled by too few people, and the last time it got this bad it created the Great Depression. Obama saved us from another one, but just barely.
Couple of nice posts in a row.
However I have to argue one point, the Bush/Cheney admin was one of the most effective in history. They got a huge amount of stuff enacted - nearly all of it bad. I guess you kind of said this - everybody got pissed on. Keep your shower cap on...
>>> Do you believe it is impossible for Americans to move up and down the economic scale in the USA?
Of course not - upward mobility must happen just enough to keep the myth alive. That said, over the last couple of decades, the likelihood is that you will loose rather than gain. Money is just another rigged game.
I doubt you'll be joining the plutocracy any time soon. You have a better chance of winning the lottery - and you still would not be rich enough...
Unless what Mozart,Crank and John are saying is just an April Fool's Joke, the American Dream of economic mobility is dead. The dream of your kids doing better than you did is over.
Pick 4 of the below as reasons for this.
1. not enough govt spending
2. not enough govt regulations
3. taxes on the middle class and upwards not high enough
4. not not enough funding of food stamps
5. unemployment benefit not provided long enough
6. the war on drugs
7. Koch Brothers
8. Tom Steyer
9. NRA
10. Fox News
11. Preventing illegal aliens from voting
12. Voter ID laws
13. Federal Deficit
14. Climate change
15. Taxes not high enough on profits of business
16. Too much free market economics
17. Not enough socialism
Chuck, you left out the #1 reason, Republican politicians and all their corporate lobbyist.
I vote for
18. Federal Reserve (private banking) controls and manipulates our currency.
Control the capital - you control the capitalism... today's markets are by no means free.
Thank you for your insight.
Capitalism, government and our economy have been hijacked by corrupted agents of massive wealth. Look how the GOP presidential wannabes are flocking to kiss the ring of Sheldon Adelson.
The system is rigged. Did anyone see the 60 Minutes piece on the cyber rigging of the market?
NYCrank provided points that poor Chuckie cannot even look at. His indoctrination tells him the poor are all poor because they are lazy "takers", and the rich are morally superior to everyone else. Rule by Divine Right of Wealth is his guiding principle.
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are?
Why doesn't Chuckie stop with the loaded questions? Why hasn't he stopped being an asshole? (One of these is a loaded question, like Chuckie loves to pose.)
Why can't Chuckie question Harley's assertion that out of control, "too big to fail" capitalists are a problem?
Could it be that he can't question the mythical "free market" false god of his Bubble Cult?
Rules are for the little people, right, Chuckie?
“I was once asked if I had any ideas for a really scary reality TV show. I have one reality show that would really make your hair stand on end: "C-Students from Yale."
George W. Bush has gathered around him upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka Christians, and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or PPs, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences.
To say somebody is a PP is to make a perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete's foot . . .
PPs are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. They cannot care because they are nuts. They have a screw loose! . . .
So many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. They have taken charge of communications and the schools, so we might as well be Poland under occupation.
They might have felt that taking our country into an endless war was simply something decisive to do. What has allowed so many PPs to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. They are going to do something every fuckin' day and they are not afraid. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reasons that they don't give a fuck what happens next. Simply can't. Do this! Do that! Mobilize the reserves! Privatize the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody's telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion-dollar missile shield! Fuck habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!
There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
You know Davey, you are a mean spirited, hateful, left wing nut job.
I could post that liberalism is the greatest thing since sliced bread and you would still be an Ass towards me.
"Why doesn't Chuckie stop with the loaded questions? Why hasn't he stopped being an asshole?"
Tell me what's loaded about my questions and the choices offered? Maybe as Harley and James have proven, incomplete, but loaded, noway. It's just your personal hatred towards me and anything I say that drives you. And nothing else. Since you are unable to survive in the free market place of ideas, you attempt to belittle and defame those who disagree with you. Even if by doing so, it means you destroy that free market place. You live in fear of an opposing view to your socialistic liberalism being expressed so much that you have requested Tom ban those who disagree with you from posting on HIS blog.
You are a very little person.
James, what would you change about the Republican politicians and all their corporate lobbyist that would restore the American Dream and allow for economic mobility? What policy's would you replace theirs with?
Don't take Chuckie's condemnation to heart.
Poor Chuckie has gone completely schizo. We can’t say we didn’t see it coming.
His delusions now include “personal hatred towards me”, “unable to survive in the free market place of ideas”, ”live in fear of an opposing view”, and the most grandiose and delusional paranoid notion that ,” it means you destroy that free market place”.
Good Heavens!
This is beyond his cult indoctrination. We’re seeing some serious mental impairment.
You know Davey, you are a mean spirited, hateful, left wing nut job. You are a very little person
Yes, that’s how the poor frightened soul sees me. Yet…
After I gave him a lesson on Scripture and being Christian, he said this only 15 minutes later:
You have proved me wrong. I love you and bless you.
No wonder nobody can believe a word out of his confused and hateful mind.
Not only is he a very ill-informed and ignorant “Christian”, he has yet to understand the concept of a loaded question.
What a shame. That alone would invalidate any attempt at thoughtful dialogue from him.
Chuckie needs to relax. We will forgive him, and as I have taught him, our Christian teaching will guide us to do our best to love him as a fellow child of God.
We have to forgive his ignorance on so many levels.
But unfortunately, we still can’t believe a word he says, can we?
Dave, I just shake my head and laugh at people like Chuck. He posts all the talking points he heard on Limbaugh, but clearly has no thoughts of his own. Sad really. heck, I'm an Atheist and I clearly care more about the poor than he does. How can one be a Christian and a conservative at the same time, given that the Jesus in the bible would be, by today's standards, a card carrying egg sucking dog LIBERAL.
Harley A
You voted:
18. Federal Reserve (private banking) controls and manipulates our currency.
What changes to the Federal Reserve would you make that would bring back the American Dream and allow allow for economic mobility?
I think it's the main problem, but that doesn't mean I have a workable solution...
Go back in time and stop our government from establishing a central bank backed by private banking interests would be the only real solution.
It is going to unwind itself as fiat currencies always have historically. The 50 year currency bubble will have to burst sooner or later.
By the way, it was not meant as a slam - it was my honest assessment...
If I understand you correctly, then if what you say is preventing the return of the American Dream is impossible to undo, then would I be right that the bursting of currency bubble is the only way for the American Dream to return?
Don't know if I agree with that or not, but if you are correct, what would bring back the American Dream, govt intervention or govt keeping hands off when the currency bubble burst?
What I do find interesting is the formation of the Federal Reserve has given gave federal government control to regulate inflation, even though the government control over such powers would eventually lead to decisions that were politically popular and economically devastation.
The Federal Reserve Act was created under Wilson (The record shows that there were no Democrats voting "nay" in the Senate and only two in the House) and strengthen in 1935 by FDR. If what you say is correct, that it is the reason for the death of the American Dream, then blaming Bush, Reagan, the Kochs, the Tea Party, Conservatives, GOP Policy's overlooks the historical fact that the ACT was created by a liberal Dem President.
Would you care to respond?
Chuck Morre said...
You know Davey, you are a mean spirited, hateful, left wing nut job.
Chuck Morre said...
Mozart, You are a mental midget and also a very small person.
And you, Chuckie, my boy, are nothing more than a flaming asshole. And an ignorant one at that. Given the number of idiotic postings that you make here you must be unemployed and living in your parent's basement.
Chuck,anyone who compares Democrats and Republicans NOW to what they were before 1964 is eeither stupid or trying to decieve. LIncoln was a Republican but he'd be considered a liberal Democrat today. The KKK was mainly Democrats, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 all the bigots went Republican. Even REAGAN, the GOP messiah would be too "liberal for today's GOP. The Depression was caused mainly by ONE thing. TOO MUCH OF THE NATIONS WEALTH CONTROLLED BY TOO FEW PEOPLE.
Well, so much for open political discourse.
This is what I posted that has caused liberals posters to call me:
ignorant “Christian”
flaming asshole
"Unless what Mozart,Crank and John are saying is just an April Fool's Joke, the American Dream of economic mobility is dead. The dream of your kids doing better than you did is over.
Pick 4 of the below as reasons for this.
1. not enough govt spending
2. not enough govt regulations
3. taxes on the middle class and upwards not high enough
4. not not enough funding of food stamps
5. unemployment benefit not provided long enough
6. the war on drugs
7. Koch Brothers
8. Tom Steyer
9. NRA
10. Fox News
11. Preventing illegal aliens from voting
12. Voter ID laws
13. Federal Deficit
14. Climate change
15. Taxes not high enough on profits of business
16. Too much free market economics
17. Not enough socialism"
The question I asked was a simple one, the answers from which they could select up to 4. The claim is my question is loaded? Yet they take the same position, IE the American Dream is dead.
I asked why, and for that, today's liberalism shows how it treats and reacts to anything that might make them think outside the box.
Really is sad coming from a group of people who claim to have all the answers.
people who claim to have all the answers make stupid lists of their pre-determined answers.
This is projection. Obviously Chuckie thinks he already has all the answers.
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are?
Loaded Question.
Pick 4 of the below as reasons
NOT even a question, but a demand for a response framed by an authoritarian personality's list of "all his answers".
THAT is what ignorant assholes do.
CHuck, I called you that name bacuse only an ASSHOLE would put 1,11, 15, 16, 17, on the list.The rest are valid issues though climate change, while real and imminent does not effect "upward mobility". If yu are going to act like a child, don't get all upset and act like you are the victim.
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are?
Well, why do you?
Why does who believe what?
Still demanding answers, like good little authoritarians.
I don't recall anyone stating such a belief. This loaded question is nothing but an example of indoctrination, and a brainwashed bubble cult assumption, of course.
Are these idiots complete dolts, unable to comprehend what a loaded question is? Or are they just evil?
We know their Bubble Cult tells them, "People are poor because they are lazy", corporate media is "liberal media" and "liberals are commies". This fits perfectly with their doctrine of rule by divine right of wealth.
They are programmed to see Democrats as commies too. And they are willfully blind to the fact that many Democrats also dance to the tunes of their banking and corporate masters.
Our country is being led to ruin by the cult that hates half of all Americans and insists only the servants of mammon are morally fit to lead our nation.
They can't even see that they are hateful chumps, thoughtlessly bleating like the sheep they are.
These are the post's that brought about my question is economic mobility dead as is the American Dream.
"People working TWO JOBS still need help feeding their kids. There USED to be upward mobility, but as time goes by, the uber rich rewrite all the rules in their favor making it harder and harder to get out of the financial basement.
Mozart @7;32 a.m.
John said...
>>> Do you believe it is impossible for Americans to move up and down the economic scale in the USA?
Of course not - upward mobility must happen just enough to keep the myth alive. That said, over the last couple of decades, the likelihood is that you will loose rather than gain. Money is just another rigged game.
Note this question was not asked of you Dave but of "Chuck Morre said...
Unless what Mozart,Crank and John are saying is just an April Fool's Joke, the American Dream of economic mobility is dead."
Followed by polite, adult interaction between Harley, John and me.
Dave, you were not even mentioned in my question. It was not even direct towards you. Do you understand that?
I said earlier, your immense hatred of me causes you to react in the most predictable knee jerk way. You have prove me right.
Dave, you really are a very little person.
A local TV station in Florida did an investigative piece on voter fraud and exposed huge amounts of ineligible voters who have been voting for years, so the state of Florida is now purging the rolls of ineligible voters.
This is bad news, because Democrats cannot win elections without voter fraud.
Oh, thank goodness! The Obama Department of Justice is suing the state of Florida for trying to stop voter fraud.
Phew! That was close! It’s important that our country be run not by who we the people want, but by who the people running the country want.
"exposed huge amounts of ineligible voters who have been voting for years"
Unless "huge amounts" can be added with his fingers.
Dave, you were not even mentioned in my question.
Did Chuckie mean THIS loaded question...?
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are?
I guess it's just a coincidence he mentioned my name just below his question, in his same comment, in conjunction with "perfect rectums".
Or did Chuckie mean THIS loaded pair of questions, that he asked as "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Why do you believe that there is no way to escape being poor other than to give them money taken from those more wealthy than they are? Well, why do you?
"Anonymous" Chuckie forgot to say who was addressed in his loaded question. His loaded question that coincidentally looked a lot like Chuckie's loaded question.
Now regular Chuckie says, "It was not even direct towards you. Do you understand that?"
We wonder which loaded question he means now. Would that be regular Chuckie's loaded question? Or would it be Anonymous Chuckie's loaded question?
Which brings us back to, "Why does who believe what?" in his loaded question.
Neither Chuckie nor "Anonymous" Chuckie seem to be making any sense.
However, both are equally demanding and rude though, aren't they?
Maybe "Tyrone" Chuckie can some and clear all this up for us?
Let's ask Chuckie and "Anonymous" Chuckie, (just to be clear about who's being asked the question here.)
What do you say, Chuckie?
And what do YOU say, "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Which brings us back to, "Why does who believe what?" in both Chuckie's loaded question, and in "Anonymous" Chuckie's loaded question.
Help us, Chuckie. We need your brilliant insight more than ever. Without you, we'd never have known what we believe.
Since only YOU have dictated that someone here has that belief, only YOU can tell us why who believes what.
Right, Chuckie?
Right, "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Gawd DD, you are hate filled little man.
Hey "Just Sayin" Florida has alot of nerve saying Dems can't win without voter fraud after the 2000 "selection". Then there was 2004 where Bush family friends at Diabold built voting machines that only registered Republican votes in Ohio. Those two "elections" are the reason the GOP is all up in arms over "voter fraud". Deflection. Speaking of cheating to win elections why arent you outraged over the GOP gerrymandering House districts, or how they are passing laws to disenfranchise voters that usually vote Democrat?
More voter suppression.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud.
765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
The second point is key, as double voting is election fraud under state and federal statutes. Punishment for double voting in federal elections can include jail time.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A sense of belonging to the middle class occupies a cherished place in America. It conjures images of self-sufficient people with stable jobs and pleasant homes working toward prosperity.
Yet nearly five years after the Great Recession ended, more people are coming to the painful realization that they're no longer part of it.
Thanks Mr. President.
Gawd DD, you are hate filled little man.
Why thank you for your "unbiased" assessment. That should assure almost everyone that I'm actually a kind, friendly, big-hearted guy, who stands over 6'2''.
But you're not alone. I bet your silly opinion is shared by "Anonymous" Chuckie and "Tyrone" Chuckie too.
You are a hate filled, paranoid little man, who thinks I am the source of any post you don't like.
Must be tough having me living in your brain. It's kind of cramped for me however, I wish you'd enlarge it soon.
Just Sayin at 8:33 PM reported that “A local TV station in Florida did an investigative piece on voter fraud and exposed huge amounts of ineligible voters who have been voting for years, so the state of Florida is now purging the rolls of ineligible voters.”
I live in Florida and am not aware of that “local TV station,” but I must award them the Chicken Little “Sky is Falling” medal.
Florida Republican politicians regularly claim that voter purges are needed because of “voter fraud.” Time after time it turns out that the only fraud was the claim that there was voter fraud.
Every time there is an abortive attempt to locate “voter fraud” they come up empty. The County Supervisors of Elections, many of whom are Republicans, openly scoff at the notion of voter fraud.
The last time there was real voter fraud in Florida was in 2000 when Republican Secretary of State Katherine Harris (also the state Co-Chair of the Bush Campaign for President) ordered a stealth match of voter names with names of felons. Her criteria for matching was ridiculously low – 80 percent. So “Smith” is the same person as “Smyth?” Delete them from the voter rolls but do not let them know they were deleted from the voter rolls until after the election.
Tens of thousands of valid voters showed up to vote in November 2000 and were just sent home. No chance to prove they were not felons. No provisional ballots. Just go away. Forget about the hanging chads. Forget about the butterfly ballot that resulted in Pat Buchanan getting 3,000 votes in a highly Jewish area (which even Pat dismissed as impossible). And move along now, nothing to see here concerning conflicts of interest even though JEB Bush was the Florida Governor in November 2000.
Let’s think about demographics. What group comprises the vast majority of felons? Now if a list of felons is the basis for removing voters from the voter rolls, which party would likely lose the most voters?
Even the Republican-controlled Legislature was so embarrassed by that 2000 “voter purge of felons” that they enacted provisions for a provisional ballot.
And yes, we do have a requirement for a state-issued picture ID that is examined before a voter is allowed to vote at early voting sites and at the polls on election day. Absentee ballots do not require a picture ID. Guess which party emphasizes absentee ballots and restricts early voting. As I said, move along, nothing to see here.
Chuck, to answer your question (and I have not read all of the banter in between)...
I believe in free markets and I believe that government has a definite but limited role in a civil society - and that limit I'm not dogmatic about not even certain about. I would most likely lean more towards your ideals than most who post out here.
What I was trying to say is that I feel our problems are more structural than political. I mean, are you ok with Bush's Medicar Part D? That was as expensive as ACA. I don't see any difference. Are you ok with the expensive wars Bush sunk us in for no good reason? I'm not. I'm also not good with Obama. I also am not fan of John McCain. Or Harry Reid. Or most of them... All that said, it is our fiat currency system that has allowed these folks from all political stripes to spend us into oblivion for decades. The "American Dream" has been financed by mountains of debt - public AND private. Municipalities, large cities, states, pensions, and individuals are all begining to collapse under its weight. And, the Fed continues print $75 billion per month to prop up the dollar and equity markets. It's the only solution they have - until the day comes when they auction debt and no one shows up at the counter to buy... it must and will "unwind" and reset - it has to. History shows it.
Anyway, I ramble. Again, was not trying to be a smart aleck. I honestly believe we are in crisis and the political issues that have the most visibility are secondary at the moment. In which case, I'd likely be better off to stay out of the conversations!
Harley A
"I honestly believe we are in crisis and the political issues that have the most visibility are secondary at the moment."
Well your first and only problem is trying to have a civil adult exchange of ideas on a liberal blog.
Other than that, I have no disagreement with your post.
Her "story" was a lie, of course. She was used by the Kochs and the radical Right.
You meant this Julie Boonstra ?
Dexter cancer patient who called health care 'unaffordable' will save more than $1K
“I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said
Of course not, Bubble Cult beliefs trump facts. Relax, nobody’s going to kill your propagandist.
Too bad Julie jumped on the radical Right’s Hate Wagon full of liars before getting the facts in the first place.
Better blame Reid and the Black Guy for her ignorance being exploited by her deceivers.
It's the radical "Right" thing to do.
Comments from Chuckie:
Dave, you really are a very little person.
Gawd DD, you are hate filled little man.
You are a hate filled, paranoid little man, who thinks I am the source of any post you don't like.
And you, Chuckie, my man, are just a little shit stain on the Rant.
In late March, President Obama took a week-long trip through Europe which included a stop of less than 24 hours in Brussels, Belgium for meetings with the European Union and NATO. The president stayed at The Hotel, a twenty-seven story hotel in the center of the city. The estimated cost for the president's stay, including about two weeks for an advance team, was $1,522,646.36.
Government Blatantly Wastes $30 Billion This Year
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Brianna Ehley
The Fiscal Times
December 17, 2013
When the sequester cuts slashed $85 billion from the federal budget, crippling federal programs like Head Start and halting crucial research at the National Institutes of Health, the government continued spending tax dollars on things like 3-D pizza printers for NASA, a beachfront property loan program for millionaires, and a $300 million Army surveillance blimp that doesn’t work.
Those are just three of the 100 examples of egregious government waste that cost taxpayers $30 billion in 2013.
The State Department has no idea what happened to $6 billion used to pay its contractors.
In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.
The alert was just the latest example of the federal government’s continued struggle with oversight over its outside contractors.
"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
When it comes to murder, the United States is ranked 3rd in the World.
But, if you remove just 4 cities from the statistics: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, and New Orleans; the United States is then ranked 4th from the bottom in the entire world for Murders.
These 4 cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United States.
Gee, What do these 4 highly murderous cities have in common?
Are these 4 cities run by the Koch brothers? No!
These 4 cities have been run only by Democrats for years and all have the strictest and most unconstitutional gun laws in America.
So, if you really and truly care about gun violence in America, then stop voting for Democrats.
It's that simple!
The head of the Maryland Health Insurance Exchange testified Thursday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that only 60,000 people have signed up for Obamacare through the state’s exchange - 13,000 less than the number of individuals reported to lose their insurance due to Obamacare.
"The central belief and fatal conceit of the current administration is that you are incapable of running your own life, but those in power are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of big government and collectivism."
Obama, Reid and Pelosi are parasites that have never had a real job in their life.
The Koch brothers are successful businessmen who employ 60,000 people.
Thanks Koch brothers!
"The central belief and fatal conceit of the Kochs’ Radical Right Bubble Cult is that you are incapable of participating in the democratic process of self governance, and only the rich are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of corporatist totalitarianism.”
"Instead of encouraging free and open debate, collectivists strive to discredit and intimidate opponents.
They engage in character assassination. (I should know, as the almost daily target of their attacks.)
This is the approach that Arthur Schopenhauer described in the 19th century, that Saul Alinsky famously advocated in the 20th, and that so many despots have infamously practiced. Such tactics are the antithesis of what is required for a free society—and a telltale sign that the collectivists do not have good answers."
Boohoo, the poor witto rich kids are upset. Daddy told them Ike was a commie so they know best.
collectivists strive to discredit and intimidate opponents
More projection. These hypocrites accuse anyone dissenting from their ideology as communists. Yeah, that is exactly what they mean by "collectivists".
Instead of encouraging free and open debate, the Kochs rely on corruption and propaganda through cash as free speech.
Heil, Kochs! Wealth isn't enough, They want power to rule us.
They are the loudest of the wealthiest voices in America, yet still act like spoiled crybabies being ignored.
Their idea of "good answers" is letting them corrupt our government and pollute our air and water with impudence and immunity.
They are the servants of mammon and their shills are their chumps.
Right, Chuckie?
Right, "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Right, "Tyrone" Chuckie?
Dave Dubya, the unions make far more campaign contributions than your bogey men the Koch brothers.
Pull your head out of your ass you marxist prog!
"Anonymous" Chuckie,
How about you name two union workers who contributed a hundredth as much campaign contributions as the Koch brothers. Go ahead, pick any two members.
For the last election, Koch PACs spent $4.9 million in disclosed contributions. But they also spent over $407 million on undisclosed campaign entities
Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam donated nearly $93 million in 2012 alone to conservative super PACs.
You know Adelson, the guy who the GOP candidates flock to kiss up to for his blessing and money. (Divine right of wealth, doncha know)
Show me a union of thousands of members that put more cash into a single election.
"Marxist" prog, huh? "Instead of encouraging free and open debate, collectivists strive to discredit and intimidate opponents."
Looks like we have "Alinsky Chuckie" now.
lol Dave Dubya!
I'm calling you out for bullshit!
The unions make more campaign contributions than the Koch brothers.
But we will only hear crickets from you and your fellow marxists when it comes to how much the unions give in campaign contributions.
Just when is the Hope and Change coming from the Messiah?
Californians are expressing their dissatisfaction with California’s health insurance exchange, CoveredCalifornia.
Covered California’s Executive Director Peter Lee testified before a Congressional committee about the successes of Covered California.
“It takes, in our mind, three things for an exchange to work. It takes having affordable health plans delivering quality care, it takes effective marketing outreach, and it takes effective enrollment,” Lee said.
Sadly though, Californians newly enrolled in Covered California are facing the grim reality that the care they are receiving is neither affordable, nor quality.
Few doctors are accepting the new health insurance plans, Californians say.
One Californian woman told KPIX-CA, “This is not what we were promised.”
Lee admitted, “It’s been rocky, it’s been bumpy. And it will continue to be rocky and bumpy.”
ASHINGTON – The Obama administration often touts that people with pre-existing conditions and countless others can now get covered under ObamaCare. But there’s another group that’s starting to benefit from the law — prison inmates.
Cash-strapped state and local prisons increasingly are using the Affordable Care Act to pay for their inmates’ medical costs, taking advantage of a little-known provision that lets them shift some of those expenses to the federal government.
Ohio, Illinois and Iowa are among the states trying to offload the rising costs of health care – which include mental health programs – by enrolling inmates into a new expanded Medicaid program when they get sick.
But it doesn’t stop there. The states also are working to enroll them even before they’re released from prison, so they have coverage when they get out.
In July of 2013, Illinois became the last state in the union to enact a concealed carry law. In January of this year, the state began accepting applications for permits. This week, Chicago police announced that the city’s first quarter murder rate was the lowest since 1958.
IRS is exempt from accounting and record keeping.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) bought $11.6 million worth of computer software the agency never used, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
TIGTA attributed the error to poor management and a lack of inventory of more than $200 million in software purchased by the IRS, according to an audit released Thursday.
“Software license management at the IRS is not being adequately performed,” the audit said. “Efficient and cost-effective management of the IRS’s software assets is crucial to ensuring that information technology services continue to support the IRS’s business operations and help it to provide services to taxpayers efficiently.
Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the U.S. economy has employed an additional 3,590,000 people, but only 1,386,000 of those people—or 38.6 percent–have been women.
At the same time, women represent 46.8 percent of the national civilian labor force. That means women are getting a smaller share of the jobs being added to the economy (38.6 percent) than their representation in the civilian labor force (46.8 percent).
Here’s more fallout from the health care law: Until now, customers could walk into an insurance office or go online to buy standard health care coverage any time of year. Not anymore.
Many people who didn’t sign up during the government’s open enrollment period that ended Monday will soon find it difficult or impossible to get insured this year, even if they go directly to a private company and money is no object. For some it’s already too late.
With limited exceptions, insurers are refusing to sell to individuals after the enrollment period for HealthCare.gov and the state marketplaces. They will lock out the young and healthy as well as the sick or injured. Those who want to switch plans also are affected. The next wide-open chance to enroll comes in November for coverage in 2015.
I'm calling you out for bullshit!
You wish. Those are facts I put out.
Like this fact:
Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012
You must dishonestly limit your entire argument to "campaign contributions" while ignoring MILLIONS of dollars of KOCH organization money.
Why is that "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Chicken of the truth? Moral cowardice in the extreme.
I gave facts, and in return you call me a commie. Authoritarianism to the extreme.
And that is the pattern of the Radical Right Bubble Cult style of "debate".
Why do you nuts call Obama the "Messiah"? He's a frickin' corporatist pushing for new corporate written trade agreements.
Where did Marx advocate that?
Wall Street and the wealthy have been raking it in since the guy you nuts think is a commie took the oval office. If that's communism, then your masters are loving it.
Better vote for the GOP, the party of, by, and for the rich, to give them a shot at another Great Recession, right, "Anonymous" Chuckie?
Facts just bounce off thick skulls, don't they?
Better play your commie card again, "Anonymous" Chuckie.
You assholes really love being assholes.
This helps explain that behavior:
Internet Trolls Are Often Machiavellian Sadists
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called "Dark Tetrad": Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
It is hard to underplay the results: The study found correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
It may come as a surprise to many U.S. taxpayers, but a slew of federal agencies — some whose responsibilities seem to have little to do with combating crime — carry active law enforcement operations.
Here’s a partial list:
The U.S. Department of Education
The Bureau of Land Management (200 uniformed law enforcement rangers and 70 special agents)
The U.S. Department of the Interior
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service (with an armed uniformed division of 1.000)
The National Park Service (made up of NPS protection park rangers and U.S. Park Police officers that operate independently)
The Environmental Protection Agency (200 special agents)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (224 special agents)
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
That’s right, NOAA — the folks who forecast the weather, monitor the atmosphere and keep tabs on the oceans and waterways — has its own law enforcement division. It has a budget of $65 million and consists of 191 employees, including 96 special agents and 28 enforcement officers who carry weapons.
Earth Day means never having to say “Don’t worry.”
For the environmental Nazi Left, the Passover seders may be past, but the plagues are eternal: floods, fires, cyclones, drought, extinctions, pestilence, famines, acid rain, ozone holes, cancer-causing power lines, global cooling, global warming, alar, plastics, mercury, depletions, deforestation, falling sperm counts, population bombs, plagues, water wars, nuclear winter, sex-changing fish, cancer-causing cell phones, pandemics.
Dave Dubya,
Will you be participating in any Earth Day events?
I picture you wearing a gas mask with a sign about the Koch Brothers who "pollute our air and water with impudence and immunity".
Here are some predictions, based on science, around the time of the first Earth Day from fellow members of your EnviroNazi cult:
environmentalist Nigel Calder warned, "The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind."
C.C. Wallen of the World Meteorological Organization said, "The cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed."
"Harry" Chuckie,
Still full of hate and ignorance we see.
Say, when did you get out of prison?
Dave Dubya,
Actblue is a political action committee that has spent the most between 1989 and 2013 with over $97 million completely on Democrat candidates.
Second in expenditures was American Federation of State, Country, and Municipal Employees. It is a union that donates almost exclusively to Democrats and they spent over $60 million.
This was followed by the strongly Democrat support from the unions who donated on average 97.8% to the Democrats:
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ($45 million)
- UAW ($41 million)
- Carpenters and Joiners Union ($39 million)
- SEIU ($38 million), Laborers Union ($37 million)
- America Federation of Teachers ($36 million)
- Teamsters Union ($36 million)
- Communication Workers of America ($36 million)
- United Food and Commercial Workers Union ($33 million)
Democrats want rules that claim they can receive all the donations they want from unions and others without any conditions while donations to the Republicans must be restricted and have many layers of rules governing that giving.
When in doubt, create laws that benefit the Democrat party while hurting the Republican party and character assassinate the Koch Brothers using Saul Alinsky's marxist methods.
Hey Harry, NigelCalder is a Sci-fi writer, not a scientist, and CC Wallen was part of a "fringe" group in the 70's who BRIEFLY promoted the idea of "global cooling" which was never really embraced by mainstream science. However, GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE is agreed to by over 98% of the worlds CLIMATEOLOGISTS, so maybe we'll go with what THEY say and not two people with no credibility in the area.
Chuckie has no use for facts, especially those unsanctioned by his Bubble Cult. To cite any other facts means you're a "commie".
As a black man, I long to experience white privilege. Until the National White Privilege Conference came along, I thought I was getting as much privilege as any white man. Apparently not.
I’m told by my white friends that because of white privilege, orange juice is both more orangey and more juicy for white folks. Even when offered a taste of theirs, orange juice still tastes like orange juice to me.
One of my white friends said to me the other day that she wished with all her heart that I could hear music the way she hears music, because she of her“white privilege.” We even put the headphones up to our ears simultaneously, and you could dip me in butter, roll me in flour and call me “Biscuit,” because I swear that white girl was getting FAR more out of that music than I was.
Here I thought guilty white Liberals and ignorant black Liberals were making this up, but who knew God just made white people better!
I still don’t quite get it, but apparently “white privilege” make white people’s senses better, more acute. This may be why white people get more out of life. And this is why recently some guilty white folks paid crazy dollars to attend the National White Privilege Conference in WI.
In one session, the speaker and obvious sufferer of “white guilt” Leonard Zeskind said that people who send their kids to private schools are also racists. He also added that people who disagree with Obama are racists.
Let’s circle back on this logic:
Obama sends his daughters to private school, so he is a racist. All of Obama’s staff send their children to private school and are thereby racists.
Most of America sends their kids to the cesspool schools for the sodomites, thus we are NOT racists, unless we disagree with the racist who sends his kids to private school.
Via The Black Sphere
My opinions
Your right tom republicans will not win national election mostly due to social issues. Ex abortion, supposed war on women, gun control and immigration most of all.
Your right about rush l. His time is up.
Your right about Clive Bundy but did anyone listen to his pro Mexican immigration policies he believes in. The old man is entitled to his opinions .
Your comments about the Bush family though are a disgrace. Yes W. Made bad decision to go into Iraq but to put down the family is wrong. HW was a good man who devoted his life to service. He was not a bad president but not a great one either but he was a good man . He lost due to downturn in economy and he raised taxes after no tax pledge. He also faced a great politician in Clinton. His wife Barbara and HW were honest good people. If you do not agree with them politically so be it but no need for personal comments. The younger Bush made some mistakes mostly listening to Cheney and Rumsfeld. He surrounded himself with poor advisors who allowed him to lose touch with the people and resulted in mistakes like his response to Hurricane Katrina. I do believe he was a good man just not the brightest guy . Making it personal and name calling is not acceptable for people devoted to service to our country. I do believe Jebb bush is a lot smarter and would be a better president than his brother and a good man who you might not agree on all things politically.
Hi Tom! So this is my very first read of your blog. I picked "When John E. Comes Marching Home" from so many others because I'm not into Bush:) And by the way you make me proud to wish I had dropped out of high school too. Joe Colligan
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