Mr. Paul's Nasty Faux Pas
“We have got this tailspin of culture — in our inner cities in
particular — of men not working and just generations of men not even
thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work."
So said Paul Ryan on Wednesday
“After reading the transcript of yesterday morning's interview, it is
clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make [YA THINK???]....I was not implicating the culture of one community — but of
society as a whole. We have allowed our society to isolate or quarantine
the poor rather than integrate people in our communities.”
So said Paul Ryan on Thursday
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Janis |
The strangest thing about these far-right-wingers is that, even when they're talking in front of an open microphone for the benefit of untold millions of listeners - not to mention cyberspace beyond - they oft-times seem to be under the impression that they're speaking from within the confines of a soundproof bubble that only the very dumb are able to infiltrate. The possibilities of the consequences of their words coming back to haunt them seems not to temper their insanity in the least. This is not a rare occurrence. In fact this is something that happens several times a week with these assholes. And consider the fact that Ryan is considered by many to be the intellectual pillar of the Republican party. Isn't that a scream?
There goes Degan playing the race card again!
I don't claim to know what lies deep within the souls of Paul Ryan and Bill Bennett. It would be reckless and unwise for me to accuse either man of being a racist. But here is something I can state beyond any shadow of a malnourished doubt: They aren't particularly crazy about the idea of black people voting. Both of them are on the record supporting those unconstitutional "Voter ID" laws, the sole purpose of which is to deny the traditional progressive constituency (READ: ALL THOSE NASTY BROWN-SKINNED PEOPLE) the right cast their precious ballots. I just needed to clear that up.

LOOK OUT! They're comin' to git'cha! They're gonna steal yer jobs 'n' take yer money 'n' marry yer daughters! Ya give them KNEE-GROWS an inch 'n' the bastards'll take a freakin' mile! SOMEONE FETCH ME MAH AMMO BOX!!!
But back to reality....
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Georgie Boy |
Paul Ryan won't be going anywhere anytime soon. His district has been gerrymandered firmly into place thanks to the Republicans' tampering with the electoral process in states they control legislatively. That suits my purposes just fine. I plan on being around a while as well.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
That Old-Time Dog Whistle
by Paul Krugman
Mr. Paul nailed it in this morning's New York Times. He's good at that sort of thing, you know?
Angel Eyes
by Frank Sinatra
Pardon me but I got to run
The facts uncommonly clear
I got to find who's now the number one
And why my angel eyes ain't here
Excuse me while I disappear....
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Frank on the mountaintop |
Sometimes I get in such a mood. I was feeling that way last night. I usually get in that condition after the sun goes down. Yesterday evening my blues were particularly acute. I used to self-mediate with booze. I no longer have that option. On these lonely nights Frank is my drug.
posted by Tom Degan @ 2:06 PM
"They aren't particularly crazy about the idea of black people voting."
Prove your statement.
Give sources.
Give quotes where members of or the GOP leadership saying they are not crazy about black people voting.
Remember what Malcolm X said about black people who kept on voting for the same party based on the promises made to them, that sadly after 50 years haven't fixed problems in exchange for their vote.
Malcolm said they were CHUMPS.
Nice song from Mr. Sinatra, but I like his version of 'Moonlight in Vermont" better.
Chuck, what do you think the Voter ID Laws are all about? Do you seriously believe that there is a plague of voter fraud? Wake up and smell the elephant shit, pal.
On the topic of self medicating, the newest research is saying that you will be healthier smoking pot than not smoking.
It might not be your preference but like they say, any port in a storm.
I call the conservatives racist for you. Hey if the hood fits--wear it! If not, conservatives have have forgotten their voices and truly are sheeple.
There is only one reason why our President is called "Barack Hussein Obama," with the 'Hussein' emphasized. It isn't because "It's his name..." as conservatives coyly state. It's to emphasize a different heritage, to draw a line to a fake Muslim religion, and point out the 'funny' name. That my friends, IS racist!
You won't hear conservatives denouncing Ann Coulter and her "browning of America" comments. You certainly didn't hear any questions about Trayvon Martin or the group of black kids getting shut up by some old fart over "thug music."
Hell, even during this last CPAC convention, conservatives disinvited their own minorities: Log Cabin (Gay) Republicans and atheist Republicans. These dip-shits can't even embrace the people who WANT to vote for them. Are we really to expect that the GOP leadership is trying to embrace "blackies." ...and NO--Allan West doesn't count.
They've even gone so far as to accuse Colin Powell of voting on "colored lines."
So conservatives...when your aghast at being called a "racist," be mindful that your silence in response to what your leadership is saying, is YOUR problem. You're obviously "ok" with this shit. Maybe you think it's "plain speech-a-fyin' or 'keeping it real,'" but in reality it's racist.
Conservatives--you've allowed your party to be hijacked by a generation of no-nothing, idiot cock-suckers--a glorious collection of misogynists, bigots, and full on racists. You've sent money to them, kept quiet, and voted for them. By default and too are a racist.
Now that we're in March and over the "scary" Black History month of which so many racists have complained about, I'd like to clear up something up for the racist conservatives. There IS a reason why Blacks have their own history month and whites do not. It's the same reason why you don't get the blue turtle shell in Mario Cart: YOU'RE ALREADY IN FIRST PLACE. (For fuck's sake you people are stupid!)
If you're not white, straight, and Christian, there isn't much room for you in the GOP--even if you're a Republican. And yes conservatives, YOU created that. Keep electing these dimwits. Keep embracing fear. This is your legacy.
As I said, if hood fits--wear it, if not--speak up.
Why are voter ID laws racist? (and I really couldn't care less whether we have them or not)
...white folks won't be in the majority any longer ... The white plutocracy knows this and they're beside themselves to do something...
I doubt the white plutocracy gives a wit, other than delight that this issue continues to divide the rest of us so well. The plutocrats are the ultra minority in number - yet the super majority in terms of wielding power. In fact, if you look at the history of racism in this country, there is strong evidence that the powers of the day nurtured racism. This is nothing new - they probably picked it up in Bible camp.
I don't think that Chuck is dumb - just misguided as heck.
Tom Degan said
"The Communist Party USA has endorsed Barack Obama for re-election as President of the United States, according to an article at World Net Daily.
According to whom?"
Anonymous said...
This good enough for you? According the the CPUSA themselves, that's who. I'm disappointed/surprised that you didn't have already know of the Communist Party USA's endorsement of Obama in both his elections.
"Obama has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). It’s true that the Communist Party USA supports Obama. It claims to have about 2,000 members."
Marxist John Case, who writes for various CPUSA publications, has written a piece, “The danger of a Romney election,” for the party publication People’s World, which warns that “Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama is absolutely essential. Now is not the time for hand washing the complexities and tactics away—or failing to triage the most critical questions from those that are less critical. We cannot win everything at once!”
In reality, the CPUSA’s endorsement of Obama for a second term is not surprising. Various CPUSA officials, including Jarvis Tyner and Joelle Fishman, have openly expressed support for the U.S. President and his agenda.
Since 1988, the CPUSA has not run its own candidates for president and vice-president, preferring instead to work through the Democratic Party. Its support for Obama in 2008 and again this year(2012) has been open and outspoken.
From CPUSA website in article titled "Why Vote?
The huge voter surge in 2008 elected Barack Obama, the first African American president. In the face of non-stop opposition, he pushed through:
Affordable Health Care Act extends coverage to 35 million uninsured people, outlaws denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions and extends until age 26 coverage of children under their parents [sic] plans.
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for equal pay for women.
Stabilized the economy with $789 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that saved or created 3 million jobs. Invested billions in clean energy jobs, saved the auto industry.
Unemployment benefits for millions of workers despite Republican threats to shut down the government. Obama was forced to yield on Bush-era tax cuts for the rich that he wanted to terminate.
Appointed two women to the U.S. Supreme Court, including the first Latina woman, who support the rights of working people.
Established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and used a recess-appointment to name the director over Republican opposition.
Created a new food safety agency to protect people from food-borne illness.
Ended profit-grab by private banks on students [sic] loans, reestablishing Federal control on these loans and used the savings to extend loans to more students.
Doubled the funding for Pell Grants to $32 billion, increasing size of the grant $819 to a maximum of $5,500.
Ended the war in Iraq and moved toward ending the war in Afghanistan."
Didn't knpw if you missed the answer to your question or just chose to change the subject.
Tom: Do you seriously believe that there is a plague of voter fraud?
You could go to Bloomingburg* (NY) to find out. The village election is tomorrow.
* Regional comment. If you live around here, you totally know what I'm talking about. For everyone else, the FBI raided the 'homes' of some 180 newly registered voters last week who had all moved into town some 31 days ago. This is in a village that is normally not likely to have 180 votes total. Tom's right about the elephant shit - but in this case, it is probably rat shit. There is a developer engineering a hostile takeover of the village, town & surrounding region.
Voter ID's are one front in the Right's goal to discourage the turnout of voters likely to vote against the GOP. Statistics have told them that the greater the voter turnout, the more likely they lose. Tightening Id requirements affect certain groups more than others. Certain groups of certain color happen to be most affected. More vote suppression tactics are restricting and cutting early voting, and imposing new rules that strongly deter organizations like the League of Women Voters from registration efforts.
You could say the laws aren't technically racially motivated, but politically. But we know such political targeting results in racially defined results.
The GOP is decidedly NOT pro-democracy I'm sure you can imagine why. And you can bet they understand their motives, if not outright proclaiming them.
“The law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt. If it hurts a bunch of college kids [that are] too lazy to get up off their bohonkas and go get a photo ID, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of whites, so be it...if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.” - Former Buncombe County North Carolina GOP precinct chair Don Yelton
This is far from the only such admission.
Not that most Americans care...
Poor Chuckie is regurgitating his own vomit about chumps and commies again.
What can we expect, reasoned and fair discussion? LOL!!
Hey Chuckie! Warning! Facts ahead! Don't read what I'm saying next. I forbid it! You won't recognize them anyway.
The Malcolm "Chump" speech was delivered BEFORE the Civil Rights Act was signed by a president he mistook for a racist Dixiecrat.
OK, Chuckie, you can go on and pretend the facts don't exist.
Well only in your Radical Right Bubble Cult (RRBC).
And we are STILL waiting for one good reason for the working class American to vote GOP.
Why is that so tough, Chuckie?
Tom, thanks for coming to my defense and your kind words.
I believe there is more voter fraud than people who can legally vote being prevented from doing same.
Your Pal,
"And we are STILL waiting for one good reason for the working class American to vote GOP."
Here's two good reasons.
Because they want have job to go to and they want more left over from taxes.
BTW, why should 98% of blacks votes be for the same party for the past 50 years and who have given them nothing in exchange for their votes?
Is black unemployment still high?
DD -
I think that may be accurate. But, my main purpose in asking is that the answer to the question might come very close to the kind of statement that Ryan was making. If his statement could be taken (or mistaken) for a racially slanted one, I could just as easily infer from the kind of argument you (and others) make that you feel black people are feeble-minded or lazy and don't have as much ability to obtain a voter ID card as a white person. It certainly SEEMS to be the underlying premise for the concern. I don't think you're saying that, but it could just as easily be inferred as what Ryan said. That's all.
And, to be worried about Ryan's non-political correctness while Obama is acting the bully and advocating American hegemony in the Ukraine against an area that has historically been Russian and is made up of ethnic Russians is odd.
He has ZERO business doing what he is doing and Kerry makes the US look silly. And, they are seriously destabilizing the world. One hopes that it is not because the economy is about to tank, but I can't help thinking that's what is driving it.
And, we're worried about Paul Ryan? Are you observing the same world I am?
My second was aimed at Tom, by the way, not DD... Just to be clear. Not that anyone really cares...
"I have received all that criticism for believing this welfare state impedes economic growth and minimizes opportunity, and that it does not lift people out of poverty, but instead condemns them to it.
I have received all that hate from people who share my pigmentation, because I believe our rights come from God and not from government, and I exercise that belief with my vote. I have received all that hate because I believe that our federal, state, and local governments should be as fiscally responsible with other people’s money as they expect individuals and businesses to be with their own—and I exercise that belief with my vote. I have received all that name-calling, because I vote my values.
Nevertheless, although names hurt, they don’t define me. I am black because God said it is so, and so it is—and I love my blackness.
Yet, apparently, for some, blackness has more to do with the DNC than it does with DNA!
All this, despite overwhelming documented proof of Democratic racism, past and present, and an outright disrespect and disregard for the dignity of the black man.
So, I cannot let group think, peer pressure, persecution, or bullying inform my personal decisions and inclinations.
My blackness does not depend upon my political preferences. I am black because God said it is so, and so it is."
Providence Crowder
Fri, Mar 14, 2014
Here's two good reasons.
Because they want have job to go to and they want more left over from taxes.
Thanks for the response. A rare answer to a question.
"Wants" are certainly a factor with many, but not a valid reason to vote GOP. What if minimum pay is woefully inadequate for one's family's needs? They want a raise, don't they? The GOP is suppressing their income by opposing minimum wage increases. Almost everyone wants a good, well paying job. If those wants were fulfilled by the GOP that would be another matter. But those wants have been negatively impacted.
Bush left us financial collapse, skyrocketing unemployment, off-shoring of jobs and tax cuts that primarily benefited the rich. and yes, many Democrats aided and abetted this.
None of that did the average worker any good.
Not that there are that many reasons to vote for Democrats either. Thanks to Big Money's power of "free speech", both parties serve the interests of the elites more than the average person.
The "best reason" for voting for either party seems to be "they are not the other". The system is locked up, rigged, and corrupted.
Americans failure to realize this will only make it worse, and power will be determined by "divine right of wealth".
This is where we are headed. Average Americans will see even more austerity as the entire nation's wealth trickles up.
This is catastrophic for not only democracy, but for our entire economic, and ultimately physical, well being. If only the elites can gain wealth at exponential rates, with the resulting power to dominate government and public policy, we have a dictatorship.
Now, to return your courtesy, I'll answer your question.
why should 98% of blacks votes be for the same party for the past 50 years and who have given them nothing in exchange for their votes?
Because the other party has given them even less than nothing, perhaps? Civil Rights legislation was initiated and signed into law by non-Dixiecrat Democrats.
Righties always claim blacks vote for Dems for "free stuff" aka safety nets, right? The rich vote GOP for the same reason. Maybe you've never heard the term, "corporate welfare".
Tax cuts, subsidies, favorable legislation, no-bid contracts, loose environmental regulation, and wars of choice all favor the rich more than most Americans. Turns out the rich get a lot more green "free stuff" than anyone else.
why do you think workers should vote for DEMs?
Why do you think blacks should continue to vote for DEMS?
why do you think workers should vote for DEMs?
Why do you think blacks should continue to vote for DEMS?
Like I said, the best reason sadly amounts to "they're not the other guys" unfortunately. This is the main reason we're stuck with the two Tweedledee/Tweedledum choices.
Neither party represents the American people over the influence of Big Money. The next big Pacific Trade agreement is secretly in the works now. These corporate written treaties override our nation's laws. This is no longer a democratic republic.
Mark Twain saw it long ago, but it's truer now more than ever, "We have the best congress money can buy". We can include all branches of government under that, of course.
Explain what you mean they are the better of the two choices? And if it were in your power, what would a third choice look like?
Harley A
"Are you observing the same world I am?"
Some observations.
Foreign policy is not what activates the base of the DNC.
Claiming the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives and Libertarians are racists is one thing that will activate the DNC base.
Why, because they are a party of minorities that, if for whom they are unable to create a need for the DNC polices, can not be sure of the groups vote.
Proof, just look at the reaction to the very thought that has been expressed that the black voters are CHUMPS for casting their votes for the DNC so cheaply.
Pure outrage that anyone would suggest that, be it X or
Providence Crowder, "Yet, apparently, for some, blackness has more to do with the DNC than it does with DNA!"
Look at this
"Conservatives--you've allowed your party to be hijacked by a generation of no-nothing, idiot cock-suckers--a glorious collection of misogynists, bigots, and full on racists. You've sent money to them, kept quiet, and voted for them. By default and too are a racist." Race Race Race, it is the largest thing they have got.
The claim that the "other party has given them even less than nothing". Ignoring the higher levels of black unemployment under Carter and Obama that Reagan or Bush or Clinton with a GOP controlled House.
Harley, Tom cant talk about the wonderful dream of Obama Care or the possible glory of Single Payer health care because both are proven with evidence to be failures.
The workers paradise of Venezuela can not be pointed as a goal that America should strive for, hell, the Government there can't keep enough toilet paper in stock for the glorious workers to wipe their butts with!
In short, the only thing that will give the DNC what it desperately needs for this year's election is the RACE CARD. So much so that the votes of the GOP in the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is diminished out of fear that those who were impacted by the act, may vote for the GOP. Blacks vote for the DNC in the highest percentage of any group doing so..With what to show for doing so?
There are more votes for the DNC in talking tough and doing nothing because it will not damage that part of their base who feels the worlds problems have at their center, the USA. Ignoring the murder committed by Muslims in the name of their religion, while labeling anyone who express concern of these acts as racist.
I have found if I want to know what the next really big thing from the DNC is going to be, I simply hold my nose and watch Rev Sharpeton's tv show. He is the King of uncovering racism around every corner. And the race card is the ONLY thing the DNC has in its hand. The hand they dealt them selves.
The worst part of losing my Grandparents is they now vote Democrat!
Maryland’s voter registration rolls are bloated with names of dead people – an estimated 20,000 as revealed by a 2013 study from the state Republican party — and lawmakers are seeking a way to streamline the process of purging those names.
Please give name(s) of pro-life democrats in positions of power with in the DNC.
I'd like to invite them to the GOP of they don't support the POS Amanda Marcotte.
"Amanda Marcotte really hates pro-lifers. In a two-part rant posted March 14 and 17 on Raw Story, the morally challenged feminist writer attacked pro-lifers as “consummate liars,” “anti-choice kooks” with “boring,” “half-baked nonsense” and “shit arguments.”
But Marcotte’s hate doesn’t stop at pro-lifers. It extends to the babies they want to protect.
“Either way, what she [the woman] wants trumps the non-existent desires of a mindless pre-person that is so small it can be removed in about two minutes during an outpatient procedure. Your cavities fight harder to stay in place.” Did she just compare an unborn child to a cavity?
Marcotte then goes on a seriously mature rant about the reasons she does not want a child: “I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding. No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness.”
On the topic of adoption, Marcotte sums up her feelings simply: “Adoption? Fuck you, seriously.” That’s a heck of an argument."
Misguided maybe but to each there own right? What if there were widespread voter fraud? Would it be the first to do it in the world? But what, it can't be here? You say smell the elephant shit, but you seem a sure about things you have no clue about. Like voting security. Do some research and you may have a different opinion. It actually happened.
And yes conservatives have allowed their party to be hijacked by religious loonies. 1% rules the party.
Curious, define "religious loony".
Gee Pam Ryan, it sounds like you either know Amanda Marcotte or work for Planned Parenthood.
Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration.
The expected rate hikes will be announced in the coming months amid an intense election year, when control of the Senate is up for grabs.
“The increases are far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act,” the secretary said in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee.
Her comment baffled insurance officials, who said it runs counter to the industry’s consensus about next year.
“It’s pretty shortsighted because I think everybody knows that the way the exchange has rolled out … is going to lead to higher costs,” said one senior insurance executive who requested anonymity.
The insurance official, who hails from a populous swing state, said his company expects to triple its rates next year on the ObamaCare exchange.
Obama Continues To Focus On Ukraine Crisis, Fixing Obamacare . . . No, Not Really, Spends Day Filling Out March Madness Bracket On ESPN…
Fifty-seven percent of Hispanics in the state of Colorado disapprove of Obamacare, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling.
Hispanic disapproval of President Obama’s health care reform law topped white disapproval by five points. Only 36 percent of Hispanics in the state approve of Obamacare.
Obama took 75 percent of the Hispanic vote in Colorado in the 2012 election, prior to the Obamacare rollout, according to exit polls.
As reported in Foreign Policy Initiative, “Even as Washington focuses on the crisis in Ukraine this week, our top general for the Middle East warned Congress about growing threats in his area of responsibility.” General Austin told the committee the region has reached a “strategic inflection point,” with looming dangers emanating from Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and al-Qaida affiliates.
CENTCOM Commander, General Austin had four key warnings about the region:
(1) Iran’s regional security threat continues to grow. Iran’s growing counter-maritime, missile, and cyber capabilities together pose “a very real and significant threat to U.S. and our partners’ interests
(2) Syria, which lies at the center of a worsening regional conflict, is now a strategic threat and humanitarian catastrophe. While the United States estimated that only 800-to-1,000 jihadists were in Syria a year ago, there could be as many 7,000 or more violent extremists there today.
(3) Complete U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan would be catastrophic.
(4) The terror threat posed by al-Qaida and its affiliates persists. Core organization may have been weakened, but the jihadist movement itself is active in more locations, both in the CENTCOM region and globally.
The founder of Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps, notorious for leading hateful protests against gay rights, is actually a Democrat with long history of endorsing Democratic candidates.
On Tuesday, Politico provided some background on Phelps’ political history, most of which saw him endorsing Democrat candidates and running for office a number of times as a Democrat. In the 1990′s, Phelps ran in three Kansas Democratic primaries for Governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving only 15% of the vote. He also ran for Senator in 1992, receiving 31% of the vote, and for mayor of Topeka in 1993 and 1997.
Phelp’s endorsed Al Gore for the 1988 Presidential candidacy due to his opposition to a “gay bill of rights” and comments that homosexuality wasn’t something “society should affirm.” Phelps and his congregation later picketed the 1997 inaugural ceremony after he switched his opinions on gay rights. He also endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992.
Since he’s on a copy and paste binge of distraction, let’s pretend for a moment there’s no racism, just for Chuckie.
For the fun or it, let’s look at how his propaganda is loaded with falsehoods, mischaracterizations and direct lies.
But first, let me address his question, “Explain what you mean they are the better of the two choices?”
Not really a question. “Not the other guys” was the way I put it. We could explain the “lesser of evils” concept to him, but that would be futile, as he reveres and serves the GOP as a mindless automaton.
Let the games begin:
Foreign policy is not what activates the base of the DNC.
This is as wrong-headed and false as anything Chuckie has spewed. Obviously he must ignore the 2006 election, reflecting the Democratic voters’ and the public’s awakening and rejection of Bush’s disastrous and criminal war of choice for crony profit and political capital.
Claiming the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives and Libertarians are racists
If the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives and Libertarians don’t want to be called racist, then they should stop saying things that racists agree with.
Proof, just look at the reaction to the very thought that has been expressed that the black voters are CHUMPS for casting their votes for the DNC... Pure outrage...
Shall we have look at what Chuckie calls “pure outrage”?
Hey Chuckie! Warning! Facts ahead! Don't read what I'm saying next. I forbid it! You won't recognize them anyway.
The Malcolm "Chump" speech was delivered BEFORE the Civil Rights Act was signed by a president he mistook for a racist Dixiecrat.
OK, Chuckie, you can go on and pretend the facts don't exist.
Nice to see he followed my instructions to the letter.
Here’s a good example of RRBC cult think:
Ignoring the higher levels of black unemployment under Carter and Obama that Reagan or Bush or Clinton with a GOP controlled House.
Never mind we’ve shown the fact that black unemployment is now better than what Bush left for Obama. Note the “GOP controlled House” gets credit under Clinton, but the Democrat controlled House under Reagan is ignored. This desperate tactic offers more proof of the authoritarian RRBC’s famous double standards and dishonesty. That would be REAL proof, not just mindless assertions like Chuckie loves to present.
Tom cant talk about the wonderful dream of Obama Care or the possible glory of Single Payer health care because both are proven with evidence to be failures.
Once again, “proven with evidence” means only that Chuckie has said so. He utterly ignored the infant mortality rates and life expectancy under socialized health care in western democracies. He could only babble on about the conditions of a dismal failed state, or pretend liberals want the US to be Venezuela. Once again highly dishonest, aka Pure Chuckie.
And finally we see Chuckie gloating about the disgusting and repugnant Phelps being a Democrat in the previous century. Was any information presented about his Democratic leanings in THIS century? No.
And speaking of political partisanship of the previous century, Chuckie’s beloved Rick Perry also supported Gore in 1988. Go Figure.
We see Phelps and Chuckie both share an immense hatred for gay rights, Gore and Clinton. I guess Chuckie’s a “Democrat” in the same way as Phelps too.
"If the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatives and Libertarians don’t want to be called racist, then they should stop saying things that racists agree with."
If liberals/progressives, Democrats and Dave Dubya don't want to be called Commies, then they should stop saying things that commies agree with. That they do so has already been proven, Dave is just in denial.
"He utterly ignored the infant mortality rates and life expectancy under socialized health care in western democracies."
Please read the post on this subject and make up your own mind.
"He could only babble on about the conditions of a dismal failed state, or pretend liberals want the US to be Venezuela"
Please provide quotes from REAL liberals who have spoken out against the failure of socialism and Venezuela.
Support your claim that "Chuckie both share an immense hatred for gay rights," and proof that GOV Perry is beloved by "Chuckie" or do we just have to accept these as truth because Dave has said so?
BTW, Dave, have you stopped beating your significant other?
BTW, Dave, have you stopped beating your significant other?
LOL!! Doesn’t that nicely sum up Chuckie's arguments?
they should stop saying things that commies agree with... That they do so has already been proven,
Once again, “proven” means “Chuckie says so”. Has anyone here advocated banning private property or demanded government run means of production?
Poor witto Chicken Chuckie can only make up lies and call liberals commies, just like a “Good fascist”. What a hateful, authoritarian, arrogant asshole.
We see countless “Dog whistle” racial statements from Republicans.
IF Chuckie read Tom’s post he’d see Ryan’s dog whistle.
Then there’s this GOP gem:
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can't say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” – Lee Atwater (R) Interview with Alexander P. Lamis (8 July 1981), as quoted in The Two-Party South (1984) by Alexander P. Lamis
So is GOV Perry beloved by Chuckie? Let’s ask. Where has he criticized, or found any fault with Perry or his party. Blind obedience and loyalty are all we see. We’re open to any statements to the contrary.
"He utterly ignored the infant mortality rates and life expectancy under socialized health care in western democracies."
Yes, please read the post on this subject and make up your own mind.
Now for some facts that are ignored by the RRBC:
Life Expectancy:
Iceland: 80.8
Finland: 79.1
Sweden: 81
Norway: 80.1
Italy: 80.3
Greece: 79.8
Denmark: 78.5
France: 81.1
Germany: 79.4
Belgium: 79.4
Netherlands: 79.6
Spain: 81.1
Switzerland: 81
Cuba: 77.6
Canada: 81.3
USA: 78.2
Infant Mortality Rate Per Thousand, 2010:
Iceland: 1.6
Finland: 2.4
Sweden: 2.3
Norway: 2.8
Italy: 3.1
Greece: 3.2
Denmark: 3.3
France: 3.4
Germany: 3.4
Belgium: 3.5
Netherlands: 3.8
Spain: 3.9
Switzerland: 4.1
Cuba: 4.6
Canada: 5.2
USA: 6.5
Socialized medicine in the West is a success compared to the greed based system in the US. All the RRBC cares about is it's worse in Russia and Venezuela.
And just for you, Chuckie:
US Secretary of State John Kerry says Venezuela's government must end its "terror campaign against its own citizens".
YOU really are a chump, blindly goose-stepping behind your dear “Party of the elites and suppression of democracy”.
The RRBC is so wacked out they believe most Americans are commies for disagreeing with their anti-democracy party of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.
If they don't like being compared to fascists, they should stop acting like fascists.
Was Black unemployment higher under Carter or Reagan?
Is black unemployment higher since Obama undid the welfare reforms instituted under Clinton or lower?
Are more blacks unemployed today after 5 years of Obama then there were in the 5th year of Bush?
ahh, have you forgotten Kennedy in 1960 and Cook County IL?
Or precincts in PA where 100% or the votes were cast for Obama?
Could it be that those precincts were totally made up of what Malcolm X called CHUMPS?
Don't be a chump.
Malcolm X
Quoting from DR. Yuri N. Maltsev from the former USSR Communist Socialist failure.
"To improve the statistics concerning the numbers of people dying within the system, patients were routinely shoved out the door before taking their last breath.
At the end of the socialist experiment, the official infant-mortality rate in Russia was more than 2.5 times as high as in the United States and more than 5 times that of Japan. The rate of 24.5 deaths per 1,000 live births was questioned recently by several deputies to the Russian Parliament, who claim that it is 7 times higher than in the United States. This would make the Russian death rate 55 compared to the US rate of 8.1 per 1,000 live births.
Having said that, I should make it clear that the United States has one of the highest rates of the industrialized world ONLY because it counts all dead infants, including premature babies, which is where most of the fatalities occur.
Most countries do not count premature-infant deaths. Some don't count any deaths that occur in the first 72 hours. Some countries don't even count any deaths from the first two weeks of life. (PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SENTENCE OUT LOUD) In Cuba, which boasts a very low infant-mortality rate, infants are only registered when they are several months old, thereby leaving out of the official statistics all infant deaths that take place within the first several months of life.
Even today, according to the State Statistics Committee, the average life expectancy for Russian men is less than 59 years — 58 years and 11 months — while that for Russian women is 72 years. The combined figure is 65 years and three months. By comparison, the average life span for men in the United States is 73 years and for women 79 years. In the United States, life expectancy at birth for the total population has reached an all-time American high of 77.5 years, up from 49.2 years just a century ago. The Russian life expectancy at birth is 12 years lower
In the rural regions of Karakalpakia, Sakha, Chechnya, Kalmykia, and Ingushetia, the infant mortality rate is close to 100 per 1,000 births, putting these regions in the same category as Angola, Chad, and Bangladesh."
Wow, as recent as 1984! golly gee wiz, where was Robert Byrd (d) of WV when the KKK needed him?
Oh, yeah Kerry, bet the socialist in Venezuela are quaking in their boots after those stern words, from "I voted for the War in Iraq before I voted against it" Kerry. You know the liberal tax dodger rich democrat whose claim to fame is he knows how to marry rich and pass the ketchup? You mean that Kerry? Do you really think that any country takes a word from this administration seriously?
Our friends dont trust and our enemies dont fear us. But hey man, can we all sing Kum ba Yah?
STILL regurgitating you Russia claptrap? It’s all ya got, isn’t it?
You lost long, long ago on the issue. Amazing how you can ignore all the evidence against you. Like I said, you are in a cult. You really come across as a hateful babbling idiot.
precincts in PA where 100% or the votes were cast for Obama
As you love to demand from others, prove it, or you are liar. Well, you’re a liar anyway, and you can’t prove your lie, so we expect nothing from you.
This is your cult indoctrination again. It is false. As Willard “Haircut” Mittens said, “bet you $10,000 bucks”. Or are ya Chicken? Bwaack, buck, buck.
Socialized medicine in the West is a success compared to the greed based system in the US. All the RRBC can cling to is the thought that it is worse in Russia and Venezuela.
Poor Chuckie, helplessly lost in the lies of his cult, as usual.
You mean that Kerry?
We see again, your demand for answers only results in more spewing of your hate. What an asshole.
If you don't like being compared to a fascist, stop acting like a fascist.
More black power to you Providence Chowder!
You ain't the only black man who doesn't want to be part of the slavery placed on our people by the big liberal plantation who "cares" for us!
All they care about is our votes and staying in power.
LOL Chuck on the "workers paradise of Venezuela" that can't keep enough toilet paper in stock for the glorious workers to wipe their butts with! Ain't no surprise that place has gone to hell in a hen basket thanks to the Marxists in control down there.
Chuckie's desperately donning his old "Tyrone" disguise again. He used to be "Tyrone Witherspoon" before he added the "s" at the end. LOL!
This always happens when he's helplessly backed into a corner by his wrong-headed hate and lies.
Watch how "Tyrone" Chuckie won't answer questions either.
From the Journal of the American Medical Association:
The State of US Health, 1990-2010
The United States spends the most per capita on health care across all countries, lacks universal health coverage, and lags behind other high-income countries for life expectancy3 and many other health outcome measures. High costs with mediocre population health outcomes at the national level are compounded by marked disparities across communities, socioeconomic groups, and race and ethnicity groups.
Would "Tyrone" Chuckie please expound on this for our enlightenment? It could convert us all to the GOP. It’s his big chance.
US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds
Oh, since "Tyrone" Chuckie won’t really look at the article, let’s tell him it’s at FOX(R) of all places.
Tyrone Chuckie loves the fact Providence Crowder regurgitates the same tired old characterizations from the previous two centuries, none of which is applicable today.
But, after I realized that I preferred a Republican and Conservative form of government, and began voting as a Republican (denouncing my allegiance to the Democratic Party, the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and segregation), my blackness came under attack.
Does Providence believe Obama is pro-KKK, Jim Crow and segregation? LOL!!
Yes, “the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and segregation” is directly from FOX(R) and radical Right hate radio.
More black power to you Providence Chowder!
You ain't the only black man who doesn't want to be part of the slavery placed on our people by the big liberal plantation who "cares" for us!
So who’s Providence “Chowder” anyway? Sounds like a creamy New England clam chowder to me. Chuckie has no respect for people’s names, especially blacks and liberals.
By the way, has anyone else noticed “Tyrone” Chuckie is unaware that Providence Crowder is a woman? LOL!!
“Tyrone” Chuckie’s whiteness is shining through, just like his ignorance, hate and racism.
I have to admit that I am impressed with the Conservatives ability to never EVER say anything that would even hint of any blame on their part.
In 15 years of reading political blogs there has never a single instance of them breaking ranks. It is always the Liberals fault for every problem that exists.
They are masters of arguing arcane trivia but never bring up the big picture, the decline of the U.S. these last 15 years. Conservative politics and policies have had an huge impact on this country, and just about all of detrimental.
I do believe they know this, that is why you can never get a straight answer out of them.
If you want to no longer called a commie, stop supporting things that commies support.
"Obama has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). It’s true that the Communist Party USA supports Obama. It claims to have about 2,000 members."
Marxist John Case, who writes for various CPUSA publications, has written a piece, “The danger of a Romney election,” for the party publication People’s World, which warns that “Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama is absolutely essential. Now is not the time for hand washing the complexities and tactics away—or failing to triage the most critical questions from those that are less critical. We cannot win everything at once!”
In reality, the CPUSA’s endorsement of Obama for a second term is not surprising. Various CPUSA officials, including Jarvis Tyner and Joelle Fishman, have openly expressed support for the U.S. President and his agenda.
Since 1988, the CPUSA has not run its own candidates for president and vice-president, preferring instead to work through the Democratic Party. Its support for Obama in 2008 and again this year(2012) has been open and outspoken.
From CPUSA website in article titled "Why Vote?
The huge voter surge in 2008 elected Barack Obama, the first African American president. In the face of non-stop opposition, he pushed through:
Affordable Health Care Act extends coverage to 35 million uninsured people, outlaws denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions and extends until age 26 coverage of children under their parents [sic] plans.
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for equal pay for women.
Stabilized the economy with $789 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that saved or created 3 million jobs. Invested billions in clean energy jobs, saved the auto industry.
Unemployment benefits for millions of workers despite Republican threats to shut down the government. Obama was forced to yield on Bush-era tax cuts for the rich that he wanted to terminate.
Appointed two women to the U.S. Supreme Court, including the first Latina woman, who support the rights of working people.
Established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and used a recess-appointment to name the director over Republican opposition.
Created a new food safety agency to protect people from food-borne illness.
Ended profit-grab by private banks on students [sic] loans, reestablishing Federal control on these loans and used the savings to extend loans to more students.
Doubled the funding for Pell Grants to $32 billion, increasing size of the grant $819 to a maximum of $5,500.
Ended the war in Iraq and moved toward ending the war in Afghanistan.
If you want to no longer called a commie, stop supporting things that commies support.
What if commies support clean air and water? Chicken Chuckie is laughably idiotic.
He thinks everyone voting for the same person that 2000 commies voted for makes them all commies? Really. That’s how the paranoid authoritarian cult brain works.
Well it seems Chuckie supported Willard “Haircut” Mittens Romney, along with every white racist in America.
By Chuckie’s very own logic, that forces us to conclude he is a white racist. Looks like he’s gonna need that patented Radical Right Double Standard to clear this up for us.
Too bad he has a lot of fellow neo-fascist goose-stepping comrades.
Don Black, a 55 year-old former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, claimed more than 2,000 people joined his website on the day after Obama's election, up from 80 on an ordinary day. Started in 1995, Black's website is one of the oldest and largest hate group sites, now claiming 110,000 members.
That’s a lot of Chuckies.
Chuckie’s been humiliated again, but lucky for him, racist authoritarians have no shame.
Now watch him come back for more. He’s blind from his rage and a slave to his hate.
We’ve known all along they are of the Dark Side.
Internet Trolls Are Often Machiavellian Sadists
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called "Dark Tetrad": Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
It is hard to underplay the results: The study found correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
And they wonder why they are compared to racists, fascists and sociopaths...
What if commies support clean air and water?
What if Conservatives support clear air and water?
What if Nazis support clean air and water?
What if racists support clear air and water?
What if Republicans support clean air and water?
If you want to no longer want to be called a commie, stop supporting things that commies support.
Affordable Health Care Act extends coverage to 35 million uninsured people, outlaws denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions and extends until age 26 coverage of children under their parents [sic] plans.
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for equal pay for women.
Stabilized the economy with $789 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that saved or created 3 million jobs. Invested billions in clean energy jobs, saved the auto industry.
Unemployment benefits for millions of workers despite Republican threats to shut down the government. Obama was forced to yield on Bush-era tax cuts for the rich that he wanted to terminate.
Appointed two women to the U.S. Supreme Court, including the first Latina woman, who support the rights of working people.
Established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and used a recess-appointment to name the director over Republican opposition.
Created a new food safety agency to protect people from food-borne illness.
Ended profit-grab by private banks on students [sic] loans, reestablishing Federal control on these loans and used the savings to extend loans to more students.
Doubled the funding for Pell Grants to $32 billion, increasing size of the grant $819 to a maximum of $5,500.
Ended the war in Iraq and moved toward ending the war in Afghanistan.
for starters.
I've been waiting patiently for an answer to my question:
What is a Communist?
You don't even know.
Sure he "knows". A Communist is a liberal, and a liberal is a communist.
And so is the US Constitution a communist manifesto, with that "promote and provide for the general welfare" Marxism.
What? The Constitution was written before Marx?
Marxism/communism is what they say it is, nothing more, nothing less.
Tom, Dave,
My answer to your question "What is a Communist?"
was posted in the previous thread at 11:01a.m. as I am AGAIN providing you.
Maybe if you started to read what is posted on your own blog you wouldn't take the appearance of being a closed minded liberal, left wing nut job, like DD.
Anonymous said...
1. advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community
2. any social, economic, or political movement or doctrine aimed at achieving such a society
3. see also socialism a political movement based upon the writings of Marx that considers history in terms of CLASS conflict and revolutionary struggle, resulting eventually in the victory of the proletariat and the establishment of a SOCIALIST order based on public ownership of the means of production
"any leftist political activity or thought, esp when considered to be subversive"
World English Dictionary
socialist realism:
a Marxist-inspired artistic and literary theory or doctrine that calls on art and literature to promote the socialist cause and sees the artist, writer, etc. as a servant of the state or, in the words of Stalin, “the engineer of human souls.”
The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.
Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”
“The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications,” the online encyclopedia explains.
Vladimir Lenin founded the publication “Vpered” (the Russian word for “forward”) in 1905. Soviet propaganda film-maker Dziga Vertov made a documentary whose title is sometimes translated as “Forward, Soviet”.
11:01 AM
Dave saw it and read is as he responded to my answer with another one of his classic, brain washed stock, commie answers. Here, I'll provide his answer for you, as I hate to burden you with having to read through all the crap DD posts to find it.
"Dave Dubya said...
And there we have it.
To these simplistic Schmucks, "Forward" is an operative commie word. I guess that would mean "backwards" is their operative word.
They won't be happy until we have a return to feudalism.
So has anyone here advocated banning private property or demanded government run means of production? Didn't think so.
These delusional fanatic authoritarians are a threat to democracy.
11:44 AM"
Tom, do you recall my answer to your question "The Communist Party USA has endorsed Barack Obama for re-election as President of the United States, according to an article at World Net Daily.
According to whom?"
I have provided that answer to you twice. Most recently at the top of this thread.
And I have been waiting patiently to the answer of my question,
"Has the unemployment rate higher for blacks been higher under Obama than it was under Bush or Reagan?"
Not holding my breath for an answer or acknowledgment of this, anymore than I will be surprised to read another commie style post from DD.
If you no longer want to be called a commie, stop supporting the same things that commies support.
If you no longer want to be called a commie, stop saying the same things that commies say.
"Why is Chuckie so worried about past black unemployment, while ignoring the FACT that it is better now under Obama than what Bush left?"
You still dont get it do you DD? The question that's been asked is why are black voters such CHUMPS that at least 90% keep voting for the Democrats? Especially in light of their current economic condition under Obama vs what it was under Bush or Reagen.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average black unemployment at 58 months under GW Bush was 10.1% under Obama, 14.8%
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate AT 58 months for blacks under GW Bush was 10.6%, under Obama was 12.5%.
So the reason as you claim that blacks vote at least 90% for the Democrats because,
to quote you "Because the other party has given them even less than nothing". The Bureau of Labor Statistics report does not support your claim.
Is this where you go into a rant about bubble cult, racism, mindless automaton, goose-stepping and "Bwaack"?
The question that's been asked is why are black voters such CHUMPS that at least 90% keep voting for the Democrats?
Chicken Chuckie the racist is both stupid and arrogant, to expect an answer to his dishonest loaded question. LOL!
A better question is why anyone votes against their interests for the party of, by and for the elites.
That would make Chicken Chuckie one of the real CHUMPS. I’d guess the “Party of Southern Strategy Racists” just appeals to his hate and racism. Never mind financial collapse, the destruction of our economy, growing poverty, and erosion of the middle class. Everything is secondary to his fascistic hatred of fellow Americans.
"Because the other party has given them even less than nothing". Poor Chuckie’s narrow little mind can’t grasp a simple truth.
The Civil Rights Act was promoted and signed by a Democrat president over the objections of Dixiecrats and Southern Republicans. Chuckie’s kind of folk are doing their best to throw registration and voting restrictions in order to suppress black and democratic leaning voter turnout. That must send a tingle up his leg. His extremist Party is openly hostile to democracy itself.
As noted, and dutifully ignored by Chicken Chuckie, the “chumps speech” was made BEFORE the passage of the Civil Rights Act. That would make it no longer an operative term for anyone but racists like Chuckie, desperately grasping at any reason to call blacks chumps.
Black unemployment is better under Obama than what Bush left it. As a racist radical extremist Chuckie HATES that fact, and must do his best to ignore it. So he whines and stomps his feet as he demands answers to his irrelevant questions.
Now then, why won’t Chuckie tell us why he and his fellow CHUMPS want to vote for the party that brought us the Great BUSH RECESSION?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Unemployment rate left by Clinton in 2000: - 4%
Unemployment rate left by Bush 2009 – 9.3%
So Chuckie wants some answers? Right.
Actually, the black unemployment rate is lower now than when Obama took office, and the gap between the races is below the historical average.
Under Obama, black unemployment reached a high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 and dropped to a low of 12.5 percent in November — lower than the 12.7 percent rate when Obama took office. That wasn’t the case for two of his recent predecessors, Reagan and Bush.
Under Reagan, the black unemployment rate went up a full percentage point from 14.6 percent in January 1981 to 15.6 percent in November 1985 — even as the white unemployment rate fell from 6.7 percent to 5.9 percent.
Under Bush, the rates went up for both blacks and whites. But it went up faster for blacks, from 8.2 percent in January 2001 to 10.6 percent in November 2005 — the biggest increase in the black unemployment rate of any of the four presidents at that point in their second terms.
Looks like it time again for racist Chicken Chuckie, the hateful authoritarian troll, to play his commie card. It’s all he’s got.
Hey commie Dave Dubya, from were did you get your faux statistics, Ed Schultz?
"Chicken Chuckie the racist is both stupid and arrogant, to expect an answer to his dishonest loaded question. LOL!"
So asking a question a leftwing nut doesn't want to answer is "loaded", like when did you stop beating your wife. Right on Dave.
Topical commie ploy, attacked the person asking the question, discredited the question, ignore the facts, replace the facts with lies, cry out the other person never answers his question and then calls the other person racist.
Nothing new here folks, it's just commie Dave being commie Dave.
Thanks to Chuckie for reacting exactly as predicted, full of blind rage and denial of reality. Not a single fact to offer, and of course, more "commie, commie, commie"
What else can a poor little authoritarian cult member say?
It's all he's got.
I think what really snaps his garter it the FACT that black, and white, unemployment has reversed from the mess left by the Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession.
"Vote GOP for a repeat of the Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession", right, Chuckie?
BTW, what kind of idiot can't understand "Why are black voters such chumps" is a racist and loaded question?
Why, RRBC idiots, of course.
Have you read my answer to your question yet, or do I need to post it again for you?
"I think what really snaps his garter it the FACT that black, and white, unemployment has reversed from the mess left by the Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession."
More "facts' from Ed Schultz, MSNBC, DNC, CPUSA? Thanks for sharing Commie Dave.
Post anything to prevent having to answer why blacks should keep voting Democrat.
North Carolina Democrat Verla Insko got some chuckles from some of her colleagues in the state Senate during legislative hearings onObamacare after she asked about the percentage of prostate cancer patients that were women.
“What percent of the prostate cancer patients are women?” Insko, a state representative from Chapel Hill, asked Duke University research scholar Chris Conover during the hearing in Raleigh on Tuesday.
“I have no idea,” Conover replied, as people in the room began laughing.
Trust the Democrats with my health care? No thanks!!
“I would guess zero,” he added. “But I don’t know that for sure.”
"I think what really snaps his garter it the FACT that black, and white, unemployment has reversed from the mess left by the Bush Financial collapse and Great Bush Recession."
Nailed it again.
The RRBC and the truth mix like oil and water.
Better play the commie card and ignore facts again, Chuckie.
More "facts' from Ed Schultz, MSNBC, DNC, CPUSA? Thanks for sharing Commie Dave.
I called it again! Never mind, the Bubble Cult has its own "facts", right, Chuckie?
What financial collapse, eh, Chuckie? What Great Recession? If those happened, it's got to be the black guy's fault, obviously. So who's this Bush guy, anyway, right, Chuckie? This stuff is all made up at MSNBC and CPUSA, right, Chuckie?
Tell us how "promote and provide for the general welfare" are commie words, Chuckie.
Too Chicken?
BTW, what kind of idiot can't understand "Why are black voters such chumps" is a racist and loaded question?
Why, RRBC idiots, of course.
Never mind he's already been given the answer as to why blacks vote for Democrats.
So we are to obey the authoritarian bigot troll, vote GOP! Let's have another round of the "mythical" Bush financial collapse and Bush Great Recession.
Chuckie is the classic example of how fascism and hate are produced, nurtured and grown by the Radical Right Bubble Cult.
After all, Chuckie agrees with every racist who voted for Romney, and that makes him a racist according to his own twisted thinking.
Hoisted on his own petard, and too stupid to know it.
That's our Chicken Chuckie.
Darn those corporate media fact-checks! Why does corporate media have to agree with MSNBC and the CPUSA?
Ted Cruz’s “biggest lie in politics”: Is it actually the truth?
Let me tell you now about the single biggest lie in politics: It is that Republicans are the party of the rich.
Well, that settles it. This is enough for the true believers of the RRBC. They must also believe the same.
...decades of economic data show the poor do better under Democrats, that the rich tend to vote Republican and that most Americans believe Republican policies favor the rich.
So Ted Cruz disagrees with reality too. Big Surprise.
Unless Chicken Chuckie cares to explain how the GOP looks out for the poor and middle class.
.I say we bring the conversation to a different area.
Before Cheney became Vise-President he was the CEO of Halliburton with 440,000 shares of stock. But he made a big mistake, he acquired a company with huge liabilities, due to lawsuits against it's Asbestos division.
Halliburton would eventually go bankrupt paying out all these claims unless something was done.
This mistake offended Chaney's colossal ego and when he became VP, he saw a way to redeem himself.
9/11 was an incredible stroke of luck for the Neocons and Chaney, Iraq would be the road paved with gold for them. But they needed a reason, they settled on WMD.
To that end Chaney made 11 trips visiting CIA head George Tenet to cajole or intimidate him to change the NIE. The CIA knew exactly what was going on in Iraq, they had Scott Ridder with a 2500 man contingent running around the country for 10 years.
But Tenet capitulated, changed the NIE to be a"Slam Dunk" that there were WMD in Iraq. Cheney was then able to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars to Halliburton in no bid contracts and save his old company and his ego.
DD man are you good are dodging. You feel you can call others who disagree with you names, but blow a gasket when some does that to you, commie Dave.
But here's your problem, I'm not going to rise to your bait until you tell me why blacks should keep voting the DNC ticket? Maybe you can explain how an unemployment level higher for blacks on average under Obama vs Bush is a reason to continue to support his party?
Maybe you can tell us which of Obama's policy's that have been endorsed by the CPUSA that you disagree with?
What is the most amazing thing is while you continue to claim those who disagree with you live an in bubble world, you are blind to your own dogma.
You really fear that the truth about the current state of blacks in America under Obama might become known. But I can tell you without any doubt, that if the President were a Republican, you would be screaming about it from the rooftops and in your interviews on your local radio station in eastern MI. You've done it in the past, I don't see any indication you wouldn't do it again. Ignoring their current stare because a Democrat is in the White House.
And James Hansen, since you want to go back in history, let's start with how the Kennedy clan created their wealth and work our way up to this century. Sounds to me like your trying to dodge current events cause playing the liberal race card isn't getting it for you any longer.
I'm not here to be liked or win new friends.
I don't care what name (s) I'm called on this blog.
I'm here to ensure the truth is told, to have the other side of the argument told.
I'm here to win.
Pleas allow me to finish Chuckie’s RRBC mission statement:
I'm not here to be liked or win new friends....because I’m better than everyone here, and I love calling liberals commies without showing they support banning private property and advocating govt. ownership of production.
I don't care what name (s) I'm called on this long as I get to call liberals commies without showing they support banning private property and advocating govt. ownership of production.
I'm here to ensure the truth is told, to have the other side of the argument told... because nobody here has access to hate radio and FOX(R), and I love calling liberals commies without showing they support banning private property and advocating govt. ownership of production.
I'm here to win....the “Asshole of the Year, Liar Division” prize because I love calling liberals commies without showing they support banning private property and advocating govt. ownership of production.
If you no longer want to be called a commie, stop supporting the same things that commies support.
If you no longer want to be called a commie, stop saying the same things that commies say.
If you dont want to be treated like a commie, stop treating those who disagree with you as a commie would.
If you no longer want to be considered the weak link in the DNA of liberalism, well... in your case DD, I dont know what you can do.
Maybe you can tell us which of Obama's policy's that have been endorsed by the CPUSA that you disagree with?
Chuckie thinks liberals are commies no matter what they say, or don't say. We can say we don't agree with banning private property. We can say we oppose government run means of production. We oppose one party dictatorships. (Something the RRBC are all for.) Nothing matters to the brainwashed cult. It's the indoctrination.
If you no longer want to be called a commie...
Who cares?
Nothing would make you stop anyway. You have no choice in the matter as a true believer of your RRBC. Liberals have been called commies by you wacked out authoritarian cultists for a long time.
They even accused Eisenhower for God's sake! Oh, yeah. THAT is how NUTS your ilk really are. We expect nothing but more of the same name calling, lies, and delusions from your extremist hate cult.
Better keep playing your commie card like a "good fascist".
After all, it's all you got, isn't it, Chuckie? That is the only thing you have proven repeatedly; it's
I can provide a list of policy's that liberals and the CPUSA agree on. I would like liberals to provide me a list of the policy's they and the CPUSA disagree on.
Lets review some quotes:
The goal of socialism is communism.
Lenin was not the first to describe socialism as a transitional society, but through his followers, he turned out to be the most influential.
“What is usually called socialism was termed by Marx the 'first', or lower, phase of communist society. Insofar as the means of production become common property, the word 'communism' is also applicable here, providing we do not forget that this is not complete communism”
Would socialized medicine lead to socialization of other phases of life? Lenin thought so. He declared socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.
Obama was endorsed in 2008 and 2012 by the CPUSA. Why would they do that if they know Obama was a "corporatist"? Is it possible that their support was based more Obama's increasing the power of the State over the people? Starting with their health care?
Now DD, you have waxed elegantly for western Europe style socialism here in the USA, correct? Do you know if the CPUSA waxes for the same thing? Especially in light of 'the goal of socialism is communism" and "socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state". (both quotes of V. Lenin)
DD, you can foam at you keyboard till you cause an electrical short. I don't care. But these are your beliefs, you haven't denied one of them. Yet none of this causes you to pause for a second and give a minutes thought to where your positions, if in acted as law in America, would lead? You attack, as a means of defense, those who ask you to think or even study your beliefs. It doesn't work any more.
America is on to the liberal socialist path they want us to take. This path will be rejected this NOV. Regardless of claims of voter suppression, Koch Brothers money, etc that will be the results. Why?
Because at the very core of all of us is the hunger for liberty, not more govt control of our lives, but freedom from govt regulations and its destruction of the wealth we earn by our labor.
BTW, why should Blacks continue to vote for Democrats when the avg unemployment through 58 months under Obama is higher that it was under Bush for the same period of time? Are they like you, CHUMPS per Malcolm X?
Again, when you focus on the sescondary "isms" you will talk past each other - as you are. You need to move to foundational premises to have meaningful dialogue - or at least to provide a context for it. Admittedly, not an easy thing to do in a blog, which is why we need the more Public House and less Internet... I am convinced each one of you are arguing quite logically from your accepted foundational premises.
It would be nice to maybe ask each other "hey, WHY do you believe such a thing?" Why be so angry at a person for seeing the world the way they do? Then let's hold each other accountable for our premises... that's where we begin to debate and discuss and quit sniping.
You want me to be nice? Have you looked at the photo's on this post?
KKK, Geo Wallace and CSA flags, all tied to a conservative, while being told that if one doesn't want to be called a racist or Fascist one needs to stop acting like one. That is the stating point of the argument and your telling me to make nice because when I bring to light the shared points of views of the CPUSA and the DNC/liberals that upsets them?
Do you realize the worst name they are being called is commie, and that's based on their shared policy agreements with the CPUSA, which when asked to do so, they do not deny or distant themselves from! Start with the 5th post and count the names conservatives are called dip-shits, old fart, racist, stupid in just that post. Yet liberals have a major melt down when reminded of what Malcolm X said!
Give me examples where making nice with liberals, socialist or commies has ever changed one thing about their position, has brought about reason in their argument, or has resulted in their word being kept. Don't forget where the ideas of one step forward, two steps back, came from. Don't forget that the current attack on Christianity beliefs now and here, reflect the thinking that Lenin held towards religion. Have you forgeten their inability to name one leader of the DNC, one socialist, one commie, who is Pro-Life?
Have you been in a cave while the powers of the President have been expanded way past their Constitutional provisions by Obama. Example, the on going modification of ACA without being voted on by the House. For all the wringing of their hands over our democracy being under attack by conservatives, they turn a blind eye towards the continued violation of our Constitution, instead focusing on non existing voter suppression, while ignoring voter fraud.
You asked why the focus on racism when world events are being ignored by the readers of this blog. When it is explained that the only reason is because race is the sure fired method to bring out their base in NOV, they go craze. Have your forgotten that?
And you want me to be nice? Why? Why should a conservative be told they must not anger the liberal? Why should the history of the socialist/communist movement and the failures of the DNC not be brought to their attention? Is not the value of the conservatives argument just as worth while as the one of the liberal? Do they argue by the same rules they would attempt to impose on their opponents? Is Harry Reid "nicde"? The answer is NO.
And you want ME to be nice?
Good points. Besides the one-sided disdain for good faith discussion, one man’s idea of an “ism” can be very different from another’s, or even be far from the generally accepted definitions.
This is why Chuckie’s idea of communism is no different from socialism, which is no different from liberalism. Therefore all liberals are commies. Obama is a Marxist, and the insurance company’s sweetheart deal called the ACA is “socialism” and by extension “communism”.
We can show Obama has offered cuts to safety net in the hope of compromise with the GOP. We can point out Obama’s embrace of secretly drafted, corporate written trade agreements, but all he see’s is Obama the Marxist. Why? Beliefs.
It’s interesting to see these beliefs stand along with a lack of recognition of rising corporate profits, the influence of corporate “free speech cash”, and exponential expansion of wealth at the top as anything but communism. Inverted totalitarianism has been the best term I’ve found for this.
This is what forms Chuckie’s premise. We can point to documented sourced facts, but they are dismissed. Beliefs are superior to reality in extreme ideology.
Such beliefs are not only a barrier to reasonable discourse, but open the door to vicious accusations and hate. All that’s left is sniping, and that’s really all Chuckie’s here to do. Why else would he harp on calling blacks chumps based on a speech given BEFORE the Civil Rights Act, and his magical “58 months” in office as more important than the present facts?
Chuckie wants to believe that agreeing with the CPUSA’s choice of lesser evils makes one a communist. He totally missed my point that commies like fresh air and clean water like everyone else too, as he disregards the more significant disagreement on issues of private property and government run production.
Why is that? Beliefs trump fact. Hate suppresses understanding. Slogans replace reason, as exhibited by 'the goal of socialism is communism".
Actually the goal of socialism is to “promote and provide for the general welfare”, but Chuckie runs away from those words.
Why is that? Beliefs. One such belief is the Right’s ideological branding of “liberal media”.
Never mind the pervasiveness of FOX(R) and Right Wing talk radio constantly reinforcing their beliefs.
In case no one’s noticed, the “liberal media” or more accurately, corporate media, is beholden to corporate advertisers and is flooded with voices from the Right
The general impression is rooted in fact: the Sunday shows love Republicans. “Meet the Press,” “Face the Nation,” “This Week,” “State of the Union,” and “Fox News Sunday,” hoping to reflect and help shape the conventional wisdom for the political world, collectively favor GOP guests over Democratic guests every year, but who were the big winners in 2013?
The above chart shows every political figure who made 10 or more Sunday show appearances this year, with red columns representing Republicans and blue columns representing Democrats. For 2013, the race wasn’t especially close – House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) easily came out on top, making 27 appearances this year. That works out to an average of one appearance every 1.9 weeks (or 2.25 Sunday show appearances a month, every month for a year).
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who led the race for much of the year, ended up in second place with 24 appearances over 52 weeks. As a consolation prize, it’s worth noting that McCain made 21 Sunday show appearances in 2012, so while he couldn’t match Rogers’ 2013 tally, at least the Arizona Republican saw a significant increase.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R), who hasn’t served in public office since resigning in disgrace 15 years ago, was tied for third place with Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), one of only a few Democrats to make the cut.
In all, 10 of the top 13 are Republicans, as are six of the top seven.
Chuckie will dismiss these facts because they do not support his beliefs.
So let’s take the “bastion of Socialism” at MSNBC for another example:
Our Boss Is Great! How MSNBC Covered Comcast Merger
The news that cable giant Comcast would swallow up Time Warner Cable, its largest competitor, was big news almost everywhere. But not on Comcast-owned MSNBC.
According to a search of the Nexis news database–which captures much, but not all, of the channel's programming–the big news was only mentioned once in passing, a February 13 CNBC Market Wrap newsbreak on the Ed Show.
But it wasn't completely ignored. The February 13 broadcast of Morning Joe featured both sides–meaning the CEO of Comcast and the CEO of Time Warner Cable.
You have said Obama is a Corporatist. I agree with you.
"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini
Explain how socialism is not fascism/corporatism?
Explain why you cant answer the simplest of questions but instead launch into attacks the person who dares to ask them?
Tell us where the CPUSA and liberals disagree with the policies of Obama and the DNC.
Give me the name of one leader of the DNC, or leading liberal or socialist who is Pro-Life.
The rest of your post is just more frothing at the keyboard
If you don't want to be called a commie, stop agreeing with the CPUSA on Obama's policies.
If you don't want to be called a socialism, stop demanding socialism.\
Explain why black Americans should continue to be what Malcolm X called "chumps"?
Dave, in the interest of sportsmanship I think you should refrain from replying to Anon. It takes more than two people to make up a political blog. I am impressed with you endurance and tenacity but your battle to the death with Anon is dissuading other people from commenting.
Ok, James,
Just one more to show my good faith, and we’ll let Chuckie go back to his hate and dishonesty.
“Explain how socialism is not fascism/corporatism?”
Look them up. Since you are now asserting Fascism = Communism = Socialism = Liberalism = Corporatism, YOU are the one with the explaining to do, sport.
“Explain why you cant answer the simplest of questions but instead launch into attacks the person who dares to ask them?”
Another loaded question. It is an insult you know.
“Tell us where the CPUSA and liberals disagree with the policies of Obama and the DNC.”
Since YOU spend more time at the CPUSA site, YOU should be able to tell us.
“Give me the name of one leader of the DNC, or leading liberal or socialist who is Pro-Life.”
Or, to put it more accurately, which liberal wants to expand government control over every woman’s uterus?
“The rest of your post is just more frothing at the keyboard.
If you don't want to be called a commie, stop agreeing with the CPUSA on Obama's policies.
If you don't want to be called a socialism, stop demanding socialism.”
When providing source-backed information is called “frothing at the keyboard”, you show the scorn, disregard, and lack of good faith I’ve characterized in you.
I told you I don’t care what you call me. You will do so no matter what is said, or not said, anyway.
Explain why black Americans should continue to be what Malcolm X called "chumps"?
Another loaded question. You show you are either ignorant of the concept, or incapable of good faith discussion.
Now please tell us if “promote and provide for the general welfare” is, or is not, socialism. This is a very simple question with two simple choices for an answer. Is, or is not?
Or “Explain why you cant answer the simplest of questions but instead launch into attacks the person who dares to ask them”.
Is that asking too much, after all your demands, loaded questions, and insults?
Yeah lets close this debate with the words to DD's favorite song, after all he cant answer a single one of the questions he has been asked. He can only mock them or call them "loaded" questions.
Stand up, damned of the Earth
Stand up, prisoners of starvation
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end.
Of the past let us make a clean slate
Enslaved masses, stand up, stand up.
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all.
|This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race
There are no supreme saviours
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Producers, let us save ourselves,
Decree the common salvation.
So that the thief expires,
So that the spirit be pulled from its prison,
Let us fan our forge ourselves
Strike the iron while it is hot.
The State oppresses and the law cheats.
Tax bleeds the unfortunate.
No duty is imposed on the rich;
The rights of the poor is an empty phrase.
Enough languishing in custody!
Equality wants other laws:
No rights without duties, she says,
Equally, no duties without rights.
Hideous in their apotheosis
The kings of the mine and of the rail.
Have they ever done anything other
Than steal work?
Inside the safeboxes of the gang,
What work had created melted.
By ordering that they give it back,
The people want only their due.
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race.
Have at it James Hansen but first maybe you should answer this
Since the avg black unemployment through 58 months under GWB was 10.6%, under Obama was 12.5%, why should blacks continue to vote for the DNC?
Now lets talk about where/how the Kennedy's got their wealth.
Say James, would you like to talk about this?
Union representatives from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are now accompanying federal government safety inspectors on site visits to review labor complaints at nonunion private businesses.
SEIU and other labor unions can accompany the government inspectors on site visits due to a quiet and contested Obama administration rule clarification issued last year in response to a request from a union representative.
SEIU agents recently accompanied an inspector from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a division of the Department of Labor, on three visits to nonunion work sites under contract with the Houston-based janitorial company Professional Janitorial Services (PJS).
Feminist author slams gay marriage: "a man needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"
Thank you, Dave
Yes, James,
You don’t want to talk about why safety inspections are a good thing, and not just some kinda evil communism, do ya? And how it’s just plum stupid for workers to be involved in safety matters in their workplace, right? And whuts even worse is them union thugs bein’ around sharing experience on workplace safety issues, offering input in negotiating safety standards, and comparing their standards of safety to what the local boss says is good enough.
The horror! See how terrible that is? They’re killin freedom, I tells ya.
....Sorry, James, I couldn’t help it.
I gotta go now.
"Arguing with Marxist progs... it's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious."
You can't expect black people to get voter ID.
I mean, white guys? Sure.
Hispanics? No problem.
Asians and Jews? Obviously.
But, have you met any black people in your life? You really think they're capable of going to a government office with the proper paperwork and coming out with identification with their name on it? These guys? Seriously?
You can't expect black people to get voter ID.
I mean, white guys? Sure.
Hispanics? No problem.
Asians and Jews? Obviously.
But, have you met any black people in your life? You really think they're capable of going to a government office with the proper paperwork and coming out with identification with their name on it? These guys? Seriously?
if you haven't progressed enough to figure out how to get Voter ID maybe you should do society a favor and not vote!
"safety inspections are a good thing, and not just some kinda evil communism"
Have you forgotten about Chernobyl?
Your welcome DD, just keep setting them up and I'll knock em out of the park for ya.
See DD, when you get the spine you need to answer the questions you are chicken to answer.
"but your(DD) battle to the death with Anon is dissuading other people from commenting."
Another example of liberal poster suppression.
Thanks James.
In the ’70s, the global freeze gang predicted the Earth was going to freeze.
In the ’90s the global warming stooges and their "established science" warned the Earth was going to scorch.
When they were wrong both ways, they changed the name to climate change.
For the uninformed, climate change is normal and cyclical, it happens naturally and varies in duration.
The Great Lakes have near record ice cover and the Arctic ice cap is increasing, contrary to what that quack Al Gore says and his followers parrot.
People must wake up to the brainwashing and ask, “Is it so?”
If a loved one or friend now suffers from the irrational "climate change" disease, let them know psychiatric help and medication is available.
See DD, when you get the spine you need to answer the questions you are chicken to answer.
You mean your loaded racist questions, like "Why are blacks chumps?"
What about this one: Now please tell us if “promote and provide for the general welfare” is, or is not, socialism. This is a very simple question with two simple choices for an answer. Is, or is not?
Bwaaack! See Chicken Chuckie run.
Yes, as "Smokey" the environmental scientist knows, air pollution is a good thing and has no negative effect on our atmosphere. Corporations should be allowed to dump anything they want in our air and water. It's called "freedom".
Right, "Smokey"?
"Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism" is directly from Chuckie's favorite racist websites.
If they don't want to be called racists, they shouldn't say things racists love to say.
Dave, Anon is posting to himself six times now, we have him on the ropes, LOL
Thanks to Chuckie for sharing the kind of "jokes" that go over big at his Klan meetings.
It really speaks to his character.
Gee, I wonder when Chicken Chuckie will enlighten us with his wisdom on that one easy little matter:
Now please tell us if “promote and provide for the general welfare” is, or is not, socialism. This is a very simple question with two simple choices for an answer. Is, or is not?
I bet that one fries his racist little brain.
Look, look. See Chuckie run.
I just want everyone to know the secret to how I always win arguments with Chuckie here on Tom's blog.
My favorite book that I keep a copy next to the toilet is:
How To Win Arguments On The Internet Without Really Knowing What You Are Talking About by Stephen Potter
Bwaaaaaaaack, Bwaaaaaaaack, Buck, Buck!
What’s wrong with being racist? Some of my best phony identities are racists.
Speaking of Smokey Chuckie and his ilk, we see the kind of folks who share his fondness for his “Socialism v Racism” joke are growing in number.
Since 2008 the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) has experienced ‘a boom in membership.’ In an interview with NBC12, on March 20, 2014, KKK Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona said that KKK membership has tripled over the past 6 years, the time in which Ancona says he’s been leader of the organization.
The right wing continues to push the myth that racism is no longer an issue in America. That idea is contrary to every available fact and statistic.
No wonder “every available fact and statistic” must be denied or ignored by Smokey Chuckie.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution refers to the “general welfare” thus: “The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”
The preamble clearly defines the two major functions of government: (1) ensuring justice, personal freedom, and a free society where individuals are protected from domestic lawbreakers and criminals, and; (2) protecting the people of the United States from foreign aggressors.
When the Founding Fathers said that “WE THE PEOPLE” established the Constitution to “promote the general Welfare,” they did not mean the federal government would have the power to aid education, build roads, and subsidize business. Likewise, Article 1, Section 8 did not give Congress the right to use tax money for whatever social and economic programs Congress might think would be good for the “general welfare.”
James Madison stated that the “general welfare” clause was not intended to give Congress an open hand “to exercise every power which may be alleged to be necessary for the common defense or general welfare.” If by the “general welfare,” the Founding Fathers had meant any and all social, economic, or educational programs Congress wanted to create, there would have been no reason to list specific powers of Congress such as establishing courts and maintaining the armed forces. Those powers would simply have been included in one all-encompassing phrase, to “promote the general welfare.”
It is NOT the government’s business (constitutionally) to “help” individuals in financial difficulty. Once they undertake to provide those kinds of services, they must do so with limited resources, meaning that some discriminating guidelines must be imposed. (so many who need that kind of help- so little resources to provide it.)
The Founding Fathers said in the preamble that one reason for establishing the Constitution was to “promote the general welfare.” What they meant was that the Constitution and powers granted to the federal government were not to favor special interest groups or particular classes of people. There were to be no privileged individuals or groups in society. Neither minorities nor the majority was to be favored. Rather, the Constitution would promote the “general welfare” by ensuring a free society where free, self-responsible individuals - rich and poor, bankers and shopkeepers, employers and employees, farmers and blacksmiths - would enjoy “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
Quoting the Tenth Amendment, Jefferson wrote: “I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.”
Writing about the “general welfare” clause in 1791, Thomas Jefferson saw the danger of misinterpreting the Constitution. The danger in the hands of Senators and Congressmen was “that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.” Unlike public officials during Jefferson’s time, our modern-day legislators have a very loose interpretation of the Constitution. The result is that government has mushroomed into a monolithic bureaucracy.
Once the government opens its arms (and bank accounts), it divides the citizens into two groups: those who receive direct (personal, individual) benefit from the government, and those who do not. That is why the founders designed a FEDERAL system of government that provided only for the “GENERAL” (meaning- non-specific) WELFARE of the people by confining its services to things like “national defense” and “interstate commerce”. It leaves to the states the issues of HOW or WHEN other services are provided to specific sub-groups. HOWEVER (This is critical) the new government must represent the BEST INTERESTS of all the people, which logically means that it MUST be limited in scope, for the MORE a government undertakes, the more oppressive it becomes. Government MUST be ANCHORED in fundamental principles.
If you advocate for federal spending on social welfare programs, you are describing a redistribution of income (MY income) for the benefit of Specific individual citizens INSTEAD of (for example) a strong national defense. Which of those activities is the government LEGALLY REQUIRED to perform? (hint: Art. I, Sec. 8, U.S. Constitution.)
If the Federal government MUST do certain things, and something is NOT EXPRESSLY STATED in the constitution as a duty of Federal Government, then HOW (or WHOM) should any other services be provided? (Hint: Tenth Amendment)
Now let's address your question, does the general welfare statement mean socialism. Based on the words, of the founding fathers, I would say NO. Going further, I would remind you that Lenin said "the goal of socialism is communism". I doubt the founding fathers, based on what they have written, were commies.
BTW I didn't say blacks were chumps, I asked if Blacks were chumps for voting for Democrats based on the unemployment averages through 58 months.
You do not win an argument by lying or calling your opponent names, which seems to be your tactic of last resort in any disagreement.
The meaning of the term "general Welfare." The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that one of its purposes is to promote the “general Welfare.” Article I, Sec. 8. 1. of the Constitution states that Congress shall have power “to lay and collect Taxes [and] Duties, …to…provide for the… general Welfare of the United States….” This raises two questions: What does “general Welfare” mean, and what powers did the Constitution give to Congress to promote the general welfare?
The “general Welfare” refers to the well-being of the nation and its people. General welfare refers to the welfare of all of the people in the nation, not a select few or even a majority at the expense of a minority. Laws passed by Congress that promote the general welfare might include, for example, laws that provide for clean air and water and other elements of a healthy environment, that provide for health care for all people, that provide for public safety and protection against terrorism or foreign powers, that provide for equal educational opportunity, and that provide for safe highways, bridges, and tunnels.
The history of controversy over what powers the Constitution gives to Congress in the “general Welfare” clause. People had disagreed over what powers the Constitution gives to Congress to promote “the general Welfare” even before the Constitution was ratified in 1788, and the topic is still debated today: Does the “general welfare clause” (Sec. 8) give Congress the power to spend taxes on anything it pleases? Or does it refer only to spending on the enumerated powers listed in Article I, Sec. 8. 1.?
The Anti-Federalists were opponents of ratification of the Constitution. Before its ratification, they argued that the “general Welfare” provision of Article I gave Congress unlimited powers to legislate whatever they wished. The central government, they said, would be all-powerful and a dangerous threat to liberty.
Position 1. Congressional powers should be limited to spending on its enumerated powers. James Madison has been called the “Father of the Constitution.” He is one of the authors of the Federalist Papers that supported the ratification of the Constitution. In response to the Anti-Federalist claim that the Constitution gave unlimited powers to Congress, he argued that “the powers delegated by the Constitution to Congress and the rest of the federal government are few and defined.” “Few and defined” means that the Constitution does not give Congress the power to spend taxes on whatever it chooses but limits it to spending on the enumerated powers listed in the Constitution.
Position 2. Congressional powers are not limited to its enumerated powers. Alexander Hamilton was one of the framers of the Constitution and authors of the Federalist papers. He argued that the general welfare clause allowed Congress to tax and spend for the general welfare without being limited by the enumerated powers.
U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the meaning of the general welfare clause. Under our Constitution, the Supreme Court of the United States is given the power to interpret the meaning of the Constitution. The Supreme Court did not rule on the meaning of the general welfare clause unit 1930. Then, in the case of the United States v. Butler (1936), the Court agreed with Hamilton’s position that the clause did not limit Congress to its enumerated powers. But the Court did say that spending must be limited to matters promoting the national, not local, welfare.
The following year, in Helvering v. Davis (1937), the Court declared that the Social Security Act of 1935 was constitutional. In doing so, the Court accepted Hamilton's expansive view of the general welfare clause.
Continuing controversy over the general welfare clause. In recent decades, arguments have again arisen about whether congressional powers under the general welfare clause can be used to allow Congress to legislate on whatever it decides furthers the general welfare. One side argues that government under the U.S. Constitution is one of “enumerated powers” limiting congressional powers to those listed in the Constitution. The other side takes the Hamiltonian position and that of the U.S. Supreme Court in the above cases in support of its view that the powers of Congress are not limited to those enumerated in the Constitution.
Whichever of these positions dominates will have a significant impact on American government and the American people. In 2010, when many members of Congress were asked what part of the Constitution justified how they wanted federal money to be spent, they claimed their positions were justified by the general welfare clause. Disagreements over the interpretation of the general welfare clause are likely to continue.
So you see DD, the Hamilton point of view has been in place for only 78 years. It was not an amendment to the Constitution that brought about this change but an act of judicial fiat by the SCOUSA, under FDR by Justices appointed by Wilson
James Madison was opposed to what is now the liberal view meaning of "general welfare".
I side with Madison, liberals side Hamilton. Ironically, since it was under FDR's watch that this change took place it could be said that he was a socialist.
And in case you have forgotten,
Lenin said the goal of socialism is Communism.
Socialism is not my goal.
The question that's been asked is why are black voters such CHUMPS that at least 90% keep voting for the Democrats?
That loaded question most certainly IS calling blacks chumps.
"Lenin said...blah, blah, blah".
I thought you guys didn't believe Lenin?
In fact Lenin's goal was communism. The goal of socialism is to provide for the general welfare. So yes, promoting and providing for the general welfare is socialism. It is government working for the public interests.
Pretty basic.
Very nice copy and pasting on the “general welfare”. And thanks for your opinion, although we already knew your beliefs.
Instead of dictating what the Founders intended, why don’t we let the Founders show us by their actions what they understood to be the general welfare, shall we?
Congress Passes and Mandates Socialized Medicine Health Insurance -In 1798
In July of 1798, Congress passed – and President John Adams signed - “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen.” The law authorized the creation of a government operated marine hospital service and mandated that privately employed sailors be required to purchase health care insurance.
Keep in mind that the 5th Congress did not really need to struggle over the intentions of the drafters of the Constitutions in creating this Act as many of its members were the drafters of the Constitution.
And when the Bill came to the desk of President John Adams for signature, I think it’s safe to assume that the man in that chair had a pretty good grasp on what the framers had in mind.
“Newsflash: Founders favored government run health care ” .
.... history shows that John Adams supported a strong Federal role in health care.
Adams even championed an early measure utilizing the concept behind the individual mandate, which Tea Partiers say is unconstitutional.
I just ran this theory past a professor of history who specializes in the early republic, and he said there's actually something to it. Short version: There's no proof from the historical record that Adams would have backed the idea behind the individual mandate in particular. But it is fair to conclude, the professor says, that the founding generation supported the basic idea of government run health care, and the use of mandatory taxation to pay for it.
I believe the words attributed to Lenin are what he said, I dont believe that his economic theory's are correct. Big difference.
"Instead of dictating what the Founders intended, why don’t we let the Founders show us by their actions what they understood to be the general welfare, shall we"
I just did.
What happened to“An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen.”? Is it still in effect, did it work? If yes to either questions, does the ACA mention it and give seamen an exemption, not that it matters too much as Obama is changing his ACA on the fly every month?
What I'd deduce from that example would be they'd support the VA, not that they'd support socialized healthcare across the board. That's an earned benefit.
In the end, to compare 18th century America to today is difficult to do in general. I'm guessing Jefferson probably wouldn't still be trying to own slaves today... but he did then. So much context and change they did not have in their day.
I dont believe that his economic theory's are correct.
One being "the goal of socialism is communism". The goal of socialism is to to promote and provide for the general welfare. Nothing else. One more time, communism was Lenin's goal. No "ism" can have a goal, any more than it can have blue eyes.
Consequences are another matter, depending on the governing structure's adherence to democracy or dictatorship. As it is unfolding, one could make the Leninist claim "the goal of capitalism is wealth concentration and political power for the elites, and austerity for the masses". But that would be inaccurate too.
Only humans have goals.
Socialism is found in every advanced nation where government provides public service and benefits for the poor. And the people want it. Americans by huge majorities want to keep social security, medicare and unemployment compensation.
Lenin was wrong. You say he was correct. I guess we disagree.
For those too "smart" to read the article on “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen”: "The program eventually became the Public Health Service, a government operated health service that exists to this day under the supervision of the Surgeon General."
The sailors under that act were not military, but private employees.
The fact remains we don't, and cannot claim to, know what the founders would say now. We can bet they would disagree as much as they did back then.
Healthcare is a public matter. Diseases can be contagious. Healthier people contribute to a healthier economy. This much was understood by Adams and his legislators.
Healthcare is an earned benefit in the US, but it is a right elsewhere.
Looks like we're not "number one" in rights after all. And our costs, infant mortality, and life expectancy exceed, and general healthcare outcomes lag behind, those nations with a right to healthcare.
Earned benefits are useless in an outbreak or catastrophe. A Federal Center for Disease Control would not be useless.
Anyone is free to disagree, but those who accuse proponents of a sane and compassionate healthcare system as being commies, are brainwashed haters.
Public healthcare and taxes to support it predates the "red menace" no matter how much howling madness we hear from your fellow conservatives.
"Looks like we're not "number one" in rights after all."
Rights do not come from govt, they are given to man by God, as explained in our Declaration of Independence.
As God is infinite and omnipresent, therefore all man kind have the same Rights given to them. The first being the right to life.
"One more time, communism was Lenin's goal. No "ism" can have a goal, any more than it can have blue eyes."
You forget that Lenin said that the goal of socialism is communism. How can you ignore that? If this makes it easier to understand, replace the word goal with objective.
"The objective of Socialism is Communism", Lenin.
Further I do not believe you can claim that there is proof "The goal of socialism is to to promote and provide for the general welfare. Nothing else" based on the results of the of socialism being put into effect.
Venezuela comes to my mind as the most recent example of a nation that started down the road of socialism and is now heading into Communism. The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany wanted to promote and provide for the general welfare. That makes them Socialist?
Rights are what you either have, or don't have.
Remember when they said God supported the "divine right of kings"?
Now the Right's God of Greed has insured the "divine right of wealth".
Our Rights are in the Bill of Rights, not in the Bible. And other places have more rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness through health care. There can be little freedom in life without health.
And there can be little freedom living under a Govt that believes it has the right to determine who are the winners and losers in life.
Our bill of rights is based on the rights given by God as stated in our founding documents.
I have yet to understand your hatred of wealth and why you believe it is the right of govt, indeed the mission or govt, to take that wealth from one and to give it another. What insight does govt have that ensures their redistribution of the wealth of others is enough or too much?
I do not understand how there is any motivation in the system you ascribe to for man to strive to be the best they can be (sorry Army). Believing that to be fact, I do not see how the govt can have enough money of other to lift all to the same level of income if there is no reason to increase ones wealth only to have it taken from them?
I really don't understand how socialism will provide as you say it will when it runs out of other peoples money to give to others? I find it difficult to understand why you have addressed that problem?
I think you are so blinded by your hatred of those who have wealth that you cant see the natural consequences of your economic policy.
Please explain to me your solutions to the problems above?
And there can be little freedom living under a Govt that believes it has the right to determine who are the winners and losers in life.
Our bill of rights is based on the rights given by God as stated in our founding documents.
I have yet to understand your hatred of wealth and why you believe it is the right of govt, indeed the mission or govt, to take that wealth from one and to give it another. What insight does govt have that ensures their redistribution of the wealth of others is enough or too much?
I do not understand how there is any motivation in the system you ascribe to for man to strive to be the best they can be (sorry Army). Believing that to be fact, I do not see how the govt can have enough money of other to lift all to the same level of income if there is no reason to increase ones wealth only to have it taken from them?
I really don't understand how socialism will provide as you say it will when it runs out of other peoples money to give to others? I find it difficult to understand why you have addressed that problem?
I think you are so blinded by your hatred of those who have wealth that you cant see the natural consequences of your economic policy.
Please explain to me your solutions to the problems above?
DD -
So the Act was more of a mandated employer tax rather than individual mandate. Ok - some application I suppose but a bit of a reach as a pretext to ACA. But, whatever, it is a boring topic at some point...
I am curious as to where you feel rights come from, though.
The mandate was taken from sailors' pay. And it was obviously not considered by actual founders to be counter to the Constitution.
Until God steps down to carve them in stone and enforce our freedoms, our rights are still in the Bill of Rights.
We can expound on the gifts from God, like freedom, our earth, air and water, but powerful men can, and do, take them and corrupt them and pollute them.
This is why it is important to have our rights in a Constitution. This is why we need to have regulation of commerce in our Constitution. The "cash as free speech" super rights of corporate wealth and billionaires undermine both our individual rights and that Constitutional regulation.
One either sees the corrupting influence of wealth in elections and government, or they don't. It seems some deliberately choose to not recognize that fact.
At least "Anonymous" has some insight into his lack of understanding.
Unfortunately his misunderstanding will only deepen as he clings to his beliefs that liberals "hate" wealth or the wealthy. An understanding person would comprehend that simply opposing the power and corrupting influence of politically leveraged wealth is not the same as hating either wealth or the wealthy. It's about the over-representation by and of wealth, over the interests of most Americans. It undermines the functions and purpose of a democratic republic.
But some people have limited ideological frames of understanding. They are even encouraged to frame this as "hate" because they disagree and misunderstand.
Another example is:
Why you believe it is the right of govt, indeed the mission or govt, to take that wealth from one and to give it another.
This is a false frame too, unless you consider food stamps to be "wealth".
He means taxes, of course. It's in the Constitution, along with promoting and providing for the general welfare and regulation of commerce.
Imagine how stupid it would look to say the government has no right to take my money and waste it on wars of choice.
It's no different than saying government has no right to take my money and waste it on feeding the poor.
Yes, the government has the right to tax. We can disagree on where the money goes, but it is taken from us and given to others either way.
If people could think things through, rather than framing every concept in ideological bumper-sticker slogans like "determine who are the winners and losers" and "hate the rich", the human race could become a lot more compatible and compassionate.
But sadly, too many people want to think only in simplistic and slanted ideological slogans.
There's a reason why slogans like "liberal media" and "liberals don't believe in personal responsibly" etc. are so prevalent. This is political indoctrination by slogan.
It fits both the herd instinct, or sense of ideological community if you prefer, and authoritarian follower mindset.
And these aspects of human nature is manipulated by powerful interests. Resentments are fed, and understanding is warped.
Evidence abounds in this thread.
"either sees the corrupting influence of wealth in elections and government, or they don't"
Unless of course the wealth comes from Unions and rich liberals, now that's ok wealth.
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