Plutocracy Rules

Hunter Thompson
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
When Hunter Thompson killed himself in the late winter of 2005, I could never bring myself to write about it. Although his greatest work was years behind him, I had a difficult time dealing with the fact that he was gone forever. It is said that he was so depressed about the reelection of George W. Bush three months earlier that he had convinced himself - rightly - that the America he loved so much was gone forever; that its promise had been rendered ashes to the wind. At the time I had not yet reached the state of such utter despair. Although I remarked on Election Day 2004 that America had figuratively put a loaded pistol to its head and pulled the trigger, in my heart I lulled myself into thinking that the wound would not prove to be fatal. I was as wrong as I've ever been in my life. On February 20, 2005, Doctor Gonzo pointed a pistol at his head and pulled the trigger. There was nothing figurative about it.
When Hunter Thompson committed suicide I couldn't understand it. I understand now.
The fallout of the Supreme Court's hideous Citizens United vs FEC decision from January of last year was on display last night in Wisconsin for all the world to behold. In spite of the public outrage toward Governor Walker's attack on the rights of public workers, Karl Rove and company were able to pump at least forty million dollars into the effort to defeat the recall. The result was predictable. There are enough fools in that state who were attracted to the pretty bells and sweet-sounding whistles. This morning the Wisconsin statehouse remains in the hands of plutocracy's whores. Thanks to the Supremes most of the people/corporations who donated to that campaign will forever remain anonymous.
Six seats were being contested by the people of Wisconsin. The Democrats needed three in order to regain control from the stooges of Corporate America. In the end they were only able to take back two. The Citizens United ruling has done its damage.
I'm thinking

"Please O Please O Please let tonight be the beginning of the demise of Scott Walker's regime".
What can I tell you, cousin? At least you folks in Madison put up a good fight. Corporate dominance of America is instilled too deeply in its collective nervous system. It's going to take time - possibly even decades - for the American people to wake up and get their civic shit together. Scotty Walker is facing a recall of his own come January but now I'm not too optimistic about that happening. This doesn't mean that the forces of darkness should be deceived into thinking that the Madison Revolution is dead. Far from it. Like little Theo, the movement is only in its infancy. Get the hell out of the way.
"Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous 'trickle-down' theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow 'trickle down' to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote."
Hunter Thompson
You haven't read about America until you've read Hunter Thompson. He believed in this country's promise to his very core. In all that I've read of his work, I don't recall him ever quoting the Gettysburg Address. And yet I have to believe that when Lincoln spoke of "government of the people, by the people, for the people", it marked his soul. In the end, confronted by the stark reality that America's promise had been destroyed forever, he ended his life.
This country has been sold down the river to the highest corporate bidder. What used to be seen as a beacon of hope and enlightenment to the rest of the world has devolved into a fucking ideological cesspool so disturbing it's next-to impossible to put it into words - and the American people jumped headfirst into the muck smiling with both eyes wide-open. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
What the people need to understand - and what is hardly mentioned - is that we are no longer living in a democracy. This is a plutocratic dictatorship. Think I'm exaggerating? Munch on this juicy delight:
They have looted the national treasure at taxpayer expense in order to bail out corrupt financial institutions that have spent decades raping this economy. At the same time they are trying to do away with Social Security, Medicare, and public education. And all the while the witless American people are too distracted by their Reality TV shows and their neat, high tech toys to give a damn or even notice.
Are you pissed yet?
In the meantime our downward spiral will only continue. This is as it should be. A people moronic enough to squander the treasure of their once-great nation as they have been doing for the past thirty-one years deserves everything that happens to them. There is an indescribable joy - call it "schadenfreude" if you must - in watching people who are losing their homes and pensions while simultaneously complaining about "those goddamned liberals". It's quite a funny thing to witness. As America continues to slide into the depths of destruction and despair, I can console myself with the knowledge that there will be no shortage of entertainment value in its decline - for me at least. Life will still be beautiful, thank you very much.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fear and Lo

by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Although Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is the book everyone remembers, this collection of articles he wrote for Rolling Stone as an observer of the Nixon/McGovern campaign of 1972 is his greatest work. It is the finest book ever written on the American electoral process. I cannot recommend it enough. Here's a link to order it off
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
Happy reading, kids!
Three last quotations from the good Doctor:
"The main problem in any democracy is that the crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage and whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy - then go back to the office and sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece. Probably the rarest form of life in American politics is the man who can turn on a crowd and still keep his head straight - assuming it was straight in the first place."
"So much for Objective Journalism. Don’t bother to look for it here -- not under any byline of mine; or anyone else I can think of. With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms."
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
Here's to you, Doc!
Nah. America pointed a gun at its stomach and pulled the trigger. Now it's just taking the long and agonizing way out as it bleeds to death, drop by long-suffering drop.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Welcome to the United States of America, Inc.
Now that Wisconsin had a recall vote and the Republicans have held power, its too bad we can't have a recall vote for the joke we have in the White House.
Tom, While your points are well taken, the right faction of the SCOTUS reared its ugly corporate head and attempted to sell the US to the highest bidder, as Anne Frank wrote "It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery, and death. I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that this cruelty too shall end, and that peace & tranquility will return once again. " and Mary Jaco believes that light always overtakes dark, a candle in a dark room illuminates. amituofo, Dear Tom Degan, never give up the struggle, your voice is so important. mj
Cudos, Tom! Another excellent piece that hits the nail on the head.
I understand all too well the feeling that you just want to give up, but I also know that we can't and we won't. My Dutch ancestors were here since they settled "New Amsterdam", and fought in the first American Revolution. We'll be an integral part of the second.
Besides, you know you're effective and a threat to the disinfo machine when all these paid wingnut trolls haunt your site!
Please provide sources for you claim that Karl Rove pumped at least $40 million into the WI recall elections
i have a theory about the polarized public in this country. it revolves around spiritual development. (or lack of) most people in this country would agree on the face of the issue that Jesus Christ was spiritually advanced, would they not? all people that i meet and share my political and cultural beliefs are working on spiritual development and believe that our culture should make sure that we all "make it" in life. however, all people i have met that believe in the power of the rich and corporations to save us all seem that they are mostly incapable of these feelings of compassion for other human beings and that Christ's real lessons are largely unavailable to their minds and they don't understand us and we can't figure out their seeming willful ignorance. anyone care to comment on this? thanks, Tom.
@ anonymous - Please provide sources for you claim that Karl Rove pumped at least $40 million into the WI recall elections And herein lies the problematic incongruency with the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision...
Just the facts said:
"Please provide sources for you claim that Karl Rove pumped at least $40 million into the WI recall elections"
CBS News Radio
The Wall Street Journal
The Thom Hartmann Program
NBC News
The New York Daily News
The Washington Post
Eugene Robinson
The Huffington Post
The New York Times
If you'd watch something other than FOX Noise and listened to something other that Rush Limbaugh you might desperately learn a thing or two.
Tom Degan
How much money did these sources report was given to the democrats and their supporters in WI?
But to be sure I understand your list of sources, none of them were from the WI election commission?
Our President with Flappy Paddle Ears is raising $1 billion and utilizing SONY pictures to spike the OBL football. Is this a product of Citizens United.
$ is only a problem when it goes to the Republicans.
BTW, the unions have spent a fortune in WI.
Go Gov Walker!!!
I was listening to The National Lampoon Radio Hours "California." (A 1970's parody of Hunter Thompson's search for the true meaning of the California experience in the 70's) So prophetic and profound reflecting both the innocence and gravity of those changing times. It's no wonder the de-evolution of the good old USA prompted Thompson to check out. Monster America thrives and gorges itself on its innocents.
California Show link:
“Here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.” – Oliver Hardy
The juvenile bickering, squabbling, self serving spin, half truths and tunnel vision of our elected Representatives regarding our current economic crisis is appalling. We The People no longer trust or believe in their ability to compromise and act in our best interest.
That having been said I’ll offer the following and will KEEP IT SIMPLE!
In order for the economy to grow and prosper consumers must spend. (Somewhere around 70% of GNP is based on consumer willingness to buy goods and services) The focus of any Recovery Plan must be to secure sustainable disposable income for the lower and middle classes; aka well paying, safe Jobs.
Our Leaders want to cut spending on critical programs that will increase the burden on The People to pay for the difference with money they already do not have. In what world does that make any sense?
Any onetime stimulus payment or tax refund will not be used to buy goods and services but will either be saved or most likely be used to pay off some existing obligations. The pittance will be devoured by the entrenched Debt Monster. Our leaders have encouraged us to dig our own financial graves and are now expecting us to bury ourselves.
Just a few thoughts and questions, if I may.
Really have no issue with closing corporate loop holes as long as we start with GE.
Define "wealthy" for us.
How much of the wealthy's income should be taken from them through taxes?
Are the 48% to 52 % of Americans who pay no federal income paying "their fair share"?
Just the Facts:
1)Define "wealthy" for us. - (voluntarily setting foot in trap) Those that purchase a 250K Mercedes and the cost is .5% of their net income.
2)How much of the wealthy's income should be taken from them through taxes? - A sliding scale capping out at 50%.
3) Are the 48% to 52 % of Americans who pay no federal income paying "their fair share"? - Case dependent.
4) What is the difference between "THE WEALTHY TO PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE" and "FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY AND TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEED"? - (Another trap) Interpretive semantics.
Hey, Gypsy Bob, I kinda like that:
That to me sounds perfectly just and fair. Now explain to me why that is bad.
- The Blogger's Brother
PS: "Marx said it" is not an acceptable answer.
Anonymous said...
"Hey, Gypsy Bob, I kinda like that:
That to me sounds perfectly just and fair. Now explain to me why that is bad."
I didn't state an opinion either way. It sounds like it could be a Utopian Creed placed atop some evolutionary ladder requiring a vision of humanity we have yet to understand.
Why do you like it?
Anonymous (aka Just the Facts!), you asked about a Christian philosophy that was borrowed, but not for the first time, by Karl Marx ("From each according to his ability, to each according to his need [or needs]"), in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.
In Acts, the Apostles' lifestyle is described as communal (without individual possession), and the term is used in the phrase, "distribution was made unto every man according as he had need." (Acts 4:35)
So, it's a Christian tradition based upon charity and improving the life, and reducing the hardships, of your fellow human beings.
It's a pretty good tradition, wouldn't you say?
Wonderful post, Tom.
I find it sad that Hunter Thompson became so depressed that he committed suicide. It is tempting to think that the efforts of Progressives seem to be one step forward and two steps back, but we must not quit fighting. It's too important.
Hey Pussy Bob...
Never mind.
"How much of the wealthy's income should be taken from them through taxes? - A sliding scale capping out at 50%."
So how much money would that raise, and what would you want it to done with?
And in the passage in Acts, was the money taken from the people or did they give it voluntarily?
Big difference.
"For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Still think we should take from each according to his ability and give to each according to their need?
In closing, how do you get taking from one person by the govt through taxes and giving to someone else is charity is as Gypsy Bob would say,
"Interpretive semantics", another trap.
Just the Facts! said...
"How much of the wealthy's income should be taken from them through taxes? - A sliding scale capping out at 50%."
So how much money would that raise, and what would you want it to done with?
1) So how much money would that raise - Whodafuknose ... every drop in the bucket helps.
2) what would you want it to done with? - First, get you some Grammar Lessons then put the rest in the General Fund to be used as seen fit by the newly enlightened powers that be.
I will put Thompson back on my reading list; I have been reading Greil Marcus lately. His thoughts about the American promise and it's betrayal through the writings of John Winthrop, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King has brought me, Tom, to a view close to yours.
So, if little bit helps, how about taking the 48% to 52% of us who pay no federal income tax a flat 10% of their income, after all every little bit helps.
I think Darlene has made a most excellent post. She said,"tempting to think that the efforts of Progressives seem to be one step forward and two steps back. Almost every progressive effort takes the USA backward. I applaud Darlene for her insightful summation of the results of the progressive effort.
Have any of you folks figured out that charity is nothing more than the sharing of wealth by those who have it with those who don't have it ?? Greed on the other hand is the hording of wealth by folks with an insatiable quest for more wealth than they will ever have the need for. So really what is being discussed here is should the government force the greedy to be charitable through taxation ?? If folks were raised properly they would WANT to be charitable, no coercion would be necessary. Helping your fellow man in need should be an innate human quality. That is what separates us from animals....the ability to reason. I guess conservatives just do not possess such ability, which explains why they act in the same manner as animals, always in a survival mode and never a rational altruistic decision is made. So instead of asking us to define " wealthy " I ask you con-jobs to define " greedy " and " charitable ". You will see then where the problem lies......
Interesting post Ellis, very interesting. Especially in light of talk of removing the tax deduction for giving to a charity by some members of the DNC. If that is done, will your position that conservatives are greedy and not charitable change?
What is also interesting is that charitys report to donors how much of each dollar received is spend on those who are supposed to be helped and how much is spent on administration costs of running the charity. The thought goes like this, the lower the % spent on administrative costs the more goes to charity. I would love to see what that break down would look like for a tax dollar that is taken from me to be redistributed for "charity" by the govt.
Right now with 48% of Americans NOT paying any federal income tax, I would think they would be a great source of more tax dollars for govt charity. But as they are the ones getting the charity from the govt, probably not.
Tom, once again you have so eloquently expressed my feelings. As i watched the election night results and pondered the realistic possibility that Rick Perry will be the next US president, I told my wife it may be time to give up and go before they come for us!
Happy birthday Tom!! They just announced Michele Bachmann won the straw poll in Iowa. This gets funnier by the minute.
Good News! Rick Perry officially anounced he is running for President.
"America is not broken. Washington, D.C. is broken."
Hello Tom,
Another fine posting that rightly nails the "coonskin to the wall" of this crumbling democracy. I would only add that this demise has been aided by the disintegration of what Chris Hedges has called the "liberal class", which previously was able to ram through a reform here and there that kept the (to use a over-ripe cliche') the capitalistic pigs at bay.
FDR "When the wealthy was taxed at 94% . . . '
re: charity vs. taxes
Conservatives prefer charity giving to taxes because that way they can be sure that none of "their" money goes to any cause or person that they feel to be unworthy. This neo-tribalism is at the unspoken heart of all GOP budget cutting. That they have no problem spending everyone else's money for things that the general public objects to doesnt seem to be an issue with them.
As for that 50ish percent who "dont pay taxes", they may not pay income taxes, but they more than make up for it in property taxes, payroll taxes, and the miriad of ever-increasing fees that Republicans use to slip taxes under the door any place that they hold power.
Also, a lot of millionaires dont pay taxes either.
"neo-tribalism"? Is that like neo socialism?
I regularly read your Rants but usually skip the bloviating in the Comments because they are a few gems in a sea of drivel.
Let me deviate from opinions for a few comments on taxes. I have been a CPA for more than 50 years so I have a passing acquaintance with them.
I started my career with a newly minted MBA during the Eisenhower years. The top income tax rate was 91% and somehow we managed very well. For example, we started a massive interstate highway program and supported an aggressive military and SAC program (we are still using the B-52s from that era).
Today the top income tax rate is 35% except for dividends and capital gains, which are taxed at a maximum of 15%.
Those who decry "the 50% of the people who pay no taxes" conveniently forget to mention that for EVERY dollar of earned income up to $106,800, 15.3% goes to the Federal government. And every dollar of income means just that, from the FIRST dollar earned - no personal exemption or standard deduction. Even if the 50%pay no income taxes, they still pay more Federal taxes on their income than the 13% income tax paid by those whose income consist only of dividends and capital gains.
The 15.3% is that in the form of social security taxes or income taxes? If as income taxes, how many are get that back in the form in earned income taxes refunds?
Help me with my memory, but weren't we in a recession when JFK became president and isn't that why he cut income taxes?
Just the Facts! said...
"neo-tribalism"? Is that like neo socialism?
1) "Neo" anything is just the resurrection or rediscovery of something previously known.
2) A thought on Taxation: A formula needs to be thought out on a taxation trigger based on the basic cost of living necessities as a Percentage of Net Income.
Baldwin said:
Those who decry "the 50% of the people who pay no taxes" conveniently forget to mention that for EVERY dollar of earned income up to $106,800, 15.3% goes to the Federal government.
Liberals often forget, as this tax professional has, that employemt tax is two things: medicare that everyone pays on everything they earn and contributions to your retirement through social security taxes on your income up to a limit. There is a limit on social security because there is a limit on the benefits you will receive back. A limit that I assume has been exaggerated.
Also when a T Partier is concerned about his/her SS payments, it is likely because they have contributed to the program over their entire lives.
Financial professionals should know more about the forms they fill out.
Where to start?
Just the Facts made two points. I’ll take the second first (a recession when Kennedy took office).
There was a humdinger of a recession three years before Kennedy took office in 1961. The 1960 election was my second Presidential election and I remember those years very well. That recession pales by comparison with the current Great Recession but at the time was the first big recession since WW2. There was a small blip in 1962 but it was more of a hiccup then indigestion.
Kennedy cut the top tax rates from 90% to 70% because he believed, correctly as it turned out, that those cuts would generate more tax revenue. What these Grove Norquist drones do not understand today is the economic law of diminishing returns. Kennedy realized an up to 70% take on increased income, and that increase was substantial. Today the top income tax rate is 35% and there is enormous pressure to reduce that. And for dividends and capital gains the top income tax rate is only 15%. So let’s really buy the Grover Norquist kool-aid and reduce all income taxes to a 1% rate. What will that do for revenue?
As to Just the Facts' first point, yes the 15.3% is the tax for Social Security and Medicare. Social Security has always had an annual surplus and has had a huge surplus every year since “fix” by Bob Dole and Company in the early 1980's. And every year (since 1964) the government takes that surplus and spends it on current government operations unrelated to Social Security, and throws an IOU in the desk drawer. Tell me the difference with what they do with income taxes other than write a worthless IOU?
And more rebuttal.
I said, “Those who decry "the 50% of the people who pay no taxes" conveniently forget to mention that for EVERY dollar of earned income up to $106,800, 15.3% goes to the Federal government.”
Boltok tried to make it seem as if my statement is not accurate, starting with the statement, “Liberals often forget, as this tax professional has, that employemt (sic) tax is two things: medicare that everyone pays on everything they earn and contributions to your retirement through social security taxes on your income up to a limit.
Sorry boltok, my statement is 100% accurate.
And remember, my statement addressed the situation of “the 50% of the people who pay no taxes.” When people snidely comment on that 50%, just how many of those people in that 50% do you think earn more than $106,800 annually and thus continue to have 2.9% of every dollar earned in excess of $106,800 go to the Federal government?
Smoke and mirrors cannot wipe out accurate statements. I stand by what I said.
"As to Just the Facts' first point, yes the 15.3% is the tax for Social Security and Medicare", not income tax!
So, what I said is true, 48% of Americans do not pay or owe any income tax on April 15th each year!!!
And as a follow up, of that 48% how many get earned income tax credits?
So since we ALL know this is correct, why should the INCOME taxes on those who already pay 100% of the taxes on income, pay more, while the other 48% pay no INCOME taxes and in some cases receive a income tax REFUND on taxes they did not pay?
I'm all for a group paying their "fair share" but why should some American be excluded from this act of patriotism of paying SOME income tax???
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