Clash of the Half Wits

The campaign of 2012 kicks off tonight with the first GOP debate in New Hampshire. For those of you who are insatiable fans of unintentional comedy (as I am) the festivities will be carried live by CNN at 8:00 EST. This ought to be good!
The title of this piece, "Clash of the Half Wits", is somewhat of a misnomer. It must be conceded that Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are fairly astute guys. The problem is the fact that Paul is a tad dotty, and Gingrich is as corrupt as they come. That leaves us with Romney.
I'll be hone

Mitt Romney's problem is that his "moderateness" is perceived by the Republican base as left wing extremism. Add this to the fact that he is a Mormon and you can come to no other conclusion than that he has four strikes against him. If the religious bigots who have hijacked "the party of Lincoln" end up giving him the nomination, it will only be out of sheer desperation; but I just can't see that happening. Casey Anthony will be named Mother of the Year before that ever happens. Don't hold your breath.
There is also the inconvenient reality of the health care plan he offered the people of Massachusetts when he was governor. It actually inspired the Big Black Bolshevik Boogieman who currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tim Pawlenty is now referring to it as "Obomney Care". No, I think we can write off poor old Mitt.

Then there is the "Palin factor". As I've fantasized before, my dream would be for her to get the nomination. Not only would the candidacy of Sarah Palin guarantee the reelection of Barack Obama, it would be a months-long holiday for political satirists everywhere. Just think how mind-fuckingly twisted her campaign might be? I wouldn't even have to touch my keyboard from convention to election. These things would literally write themselves!
When you wish upon a star , makes no difference who you are....
Although she hasn't officially announced yet (C'mon, Sarah!) she is making all the moves that would anticipate her throwing the proverbial hat into the ring. Her idiotic sycophants have even produced a movie (I'm hard-pressed to refer to it as a "documentary") that praises her as the best thing to happen to American politics since the invention of the hanging chad. The title of the film? GET THIS: "The Undefeated". No, I'm not making this up. I'm just not that clever.
Recent da

Like a bolt out of the view, fate steps in to see you through.
Last week saw the utter implosion of the campaign of Newt "The Hoot" Gingrich. It really was something to behold: His entire staff quit on him. It doesn't get much better than this, does it? But our man Newt is gonna keep on keepin' on. He told the Los Angeles Republican Jewish Coalition the other day that he has no intention of giving up - and I believe him. Hang in there, Newt! Of course he'll never get the nomination. Casey Anthony will be named Mother of the Year before that ever happens. Don't forget that Newt is on his third wife - not a particularly appealing thing for the "family values" mob. The only person who doesn't understand that the Newt Gingrich campaign is finished is Newt Gingrich himself. Pathetic.
I cannot wait for this debate tonight. Not in my lifetime has a more colorful assortment of reactionary freaks and fools gathered in one place to debate "affairs of state". The comic possibilities are endless. Hopefully enough people will tune in to take a good look at what has happened to that party. This is too good to describe.
As of this hour, Texas governor Rick Perry is contemplating getting into the race: RICK PERRY??? Oh, please, fate.
When you wish upon a star your dreams come true.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Republican Presidential Debates
Tonight at 8;00 EST on CNN
Classic comedy in the making!
In case you missed last night's debate (and it shouldn't be held against you if you did) Romney was the clear winner. He is the man who could give Obama a serious run for the money. Of course the people who tend to vote in Republican primaries are so heart-breakingly dumb it's a foregone conclusion that he won't win the nomination.
Also, Michele Bachmann did surprisingly well - which doesn't say a hell-of-a-lot for the others. The two with the most to lose, Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty, might as well pack it in. If you can't hold your own against the twit from the north country it's time to go home.
Dave Dubya is a frequent contributor to the comments section of this site. Here is a link to his blog:
Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants
Happy reading!
Help me out. The theme of a few of your frequent blogs focused on a gaggle of Republican's and two women in particular. You refer to them as half wits, lunatics.
Please provide with five or so names of prominent members of the democrat party that you deem to be intelligent. It would be very helpful to know whom you deem to be intelligent. That baseline will provide a reference point in determining whether the Republicans you mention are half wits, at least in relation to those you deem to be full witted.
Classic comedy in the making:
I'm not a Democrat. My job is not to defend them, I assure you.
Let me ask you this: Can you name for me one Democrat dumber than the two Republicans you allude to?
Anthony Weiner.
Joe Biden.
Ed Shultz.
Harry Reid.
Richard Trumpka.
Maxin Waters. (probably the dumbest politician of any party in any office)
Barack Hussein Obama. (if you dispute this, point me to his college transcripts)
Barbara Boxer.
Patrick Kennedy.
Joy Behar (and her day time cohorts)
Ezra Klein, Imogen Weber and the nepotistic idiots.
Krugman (don't let that nobel fool you, blood for oil obama has a peace prize on the come)
Pelosi (not technically stupid, but the most disingenuous human being to ever hold office).
If I would type my full list, I surely would suffer carpal tunnel.
Again, give some examples of who you deem sets the standard for brilliance in public life.
Yeah, you're right, boltok. Sarah and Michele are smarter than a Pulitzer Prize winning economist - or any of them. Have another sip.
boltok you're insanely stupid
And it's Democratic party you moron!
Boltok, you just had to bring up Weiner, didn't you? Can you say Vitter, Craig, Ensign (and his bagboy Coburn), Sanford, Gingrich, Mark Foley?
I sure would like to have some of whatever you have been drinking.
I drink about 10 glasses of water a day. A few cups of coffee per day. 2-3 beers per week. Given your recommendations, I am beginning to think that caffeinated sobriety affects brain function in a negative way. Maybe someone here can recommend beverages that will help me see the brilliance of the Democrats. Would drinking vodka, scotch, or Old English till I pass out work? Do Democratic policies make more sense when you have a head splitting hang over and can't work. Should I inhale anything?
Thanks for the link.
Republican "Debates" are a hoot. Kinda like a drunken Klan square dance where everybody tries to goose-step further to the Right than everybody else.
Shots-and-Bells Sarah will not run. She prefers sucking in the money from FOX(R) and her drooling fans over losing another election. And she cannot stand losing. After all, she's "undefeated".
She will, however, blather on non-stop for our entertainment.
Teach us more about the "Real America", oh half-wit Twit of the Tundra.
I am still waiting for JG to answer my question "what country today, best fits what you would like the USA to be like?"
I've also asked who he and others would like to see win in 2012 if not Obama?
So far no answer to either. I believe that the majority of posters on Tom's blog are not liberals, or democrats or even progressives (what ever that is)but anarchists, the type that tore up Seattle a few years ago. No real party just a lot of anger.
By: Jeff Cox Staff Writer
When adding in all of the money owed to cover future liabilities in entitlement programs the US is actually in worse financial shape than Greece and other debt-laden European countries, Pimco's Bill Gross told CNBC Monday.
Much of the public focus is on the nation's public debt, which is $14.3 trillion. But that doesn't include money guaranteed for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which comes to close to $50 trillion, according to government figures.
Guess we need to be more like Greece, or Ireland, right? Increase taxes on the rich and spend more, that's the solution!
Tom Degan,
I am in rehab and would like to thank you for not Ranting about what a half wit I am! I am worse than all the Republicans put together!
Thanks for being such a Democratic Donkey ass kisser!
Make that soon to be Former Representative Andrew Weiner said...
@ Anonyass - Well...which one is it? Are we Marxist, communist, socialist, fascists who enjoy a HUGE OVERZEALOUS government, looking in on EVERY aspect of our lives, creating jobs, controlling our every move? Pro-Big Brother per se....
are we Anarchists?
I mean...Who is the one who comes here daily to babble about deregulation, and piss on government intervention and the like? Get your muck straight!
You can't have it both ways dipshit!
Anonymous said to Boltok: I believe that the majority of posters on Tom's blog are not liberals, or democrats or even progressives (what ever that is)but anarchists, the type that tore up Seattle a few years ago. No real party just a lot of anger.
Do you mean they are like the Tea Party people?
"what country today, best fits what you would like the USA to be like?"
There are macro and micro questions here:
1. As you mention, what country, subjectively, do these libs like most?
2. Which countries have employed the policies that they endorse, and what were the social and economic outcomes?
3. If a socialist/marxist/control state nirvana exists, why haven't they gone there?
The most you will get is half baked analogies like, "I stubbed my toe in Canada/UK, went crying to the free medical clinic, they put a band aid on it, they told me it be ok, gave me a piece of candy and I received all that essential medical care for free. That's why America sucks."
Are you trying to rehab from liberalism/socialism? In any case, I applaud your effort.
Thanks boltok, it's starting to make more sense now. After reading MM"S vomit, anarchists might be too mild of a description.
Maybe just a small group of mentally underdeveloped unhappy people who are angry at any one who has done better than they have.
Got to love the throw back to the tea party, like man did they ever tear up Seattle!
I'd still like to see what country JG and Mary best represents what they think the USA should be like.
I don't think the voters really want a moderate today. I think the voters are seeking a candidate, a president, who is firm in his or her beliefs. The voters will decide if those beliefs are good or bad for the country. Much is being said about the Republican Party having moved (maybe too much) to the Right while little is said about the Democratic Party's similar move to the Left. That's a pity. Both parties are getting more and more radicalized.
“If the religious bigots who have hijacked "the party of Lincoln" end up giving him the nomination, it will only be out of sheer desperation; but I just can't see that happening. Casey Anthony will be named Mother of the Year before that ever happens.” Priceless observation, Mr. Degan.
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.... This reference to sistah sarah had me really laughing, Tom, outstanding. Yes the jokes would write themselves, absolutely.
The title of the film? GET THIS: "The Undefeated". No, I'm not making this up. I'm just not that clever. (ignoring the possibilites of the quitter, the media whore, all the Alaska possibilites limitless).
I'm positively giddy with anticipation at the very thought of watching the two of them trying to take each other down. (re: Palin v Bachman, I believe that cat fight on PPV would earn record profits, for sistah sarah’s clan and the bachman fam unless it’s winner take all)
To the confused Righties:
We are not Communists and we are not anarchists. These are Right Wing propaganda points intended to instill animosity and divide the public.
Since Reagan, the foxes took control of the henhouse. Expanding corporatism has allowed Big Money to have almost complete control of government policy and regulations. And since Citizens United v. FEC was decided by corporatist justices, our elections are now, more than ever, for sale to wealthy interests.
The wealthy are now paying their lowest tax rates we’ve seen. The economic elite are reaping huge new fortunes. Banking and corporate entities have more political power than ever.
Jobs are sent overseas. Poverty and unemployment numbers are increasing. The Middle class is decimated. Infrastructure is collapsing. These will only continue to worsen within the present political structure. Both parties are to blame.
Corporations are not people, money is not free speech and public elections need public financing. America must make a Constitutional shift in that direction if it is to survive as a free country.
It is the forgotten concept called Democracy that the left wants in the US. This includes public programs by our government. Democracy does not include a Right Wing Patriot Act, Right Wing warrantless surveillance, a Right Wing permanent War on Drugs and Right Wing endless military adventurism. Again, both parties are to blame because they are both bought by the same Big Money.
Slashing public programs to pay for war and more comforts for the economic elite are values of the Right, not the Left. Unlike some simplistic accusations we hear, we don’t actually want crippling debt. You act as if Bush was never president and Republicans are the holy saviors of our nation. Tax cuts for the rich and unending wars are bankrupting our country more than Social Security and Medicare. Those can be solvent by raising caps and other minor adjustments.
Democracy with regulated law-abiding business, not corporatism, not fascism, not communism. Get it?
Good one, Dave! If I were wearing a hat it would be off to you!
"We are not Communists and we are not anarchists." Dave Duyba.
Then what are you? What current country would you like to see the USA become today?
Who would you want as President in 2012 that best reflects your beliefs and views on what the USA should be?
You are doing a lot of sniping against conservatives, Republicans and in some cases, even the President and Democrats. But I have yet to read your answer to the above questions.
Why do people need a label anyway, if not for purely divisive reasons?
I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Fascist, Atheist, or any other “ist”.
I’m an American. I'm a sentient being. I'm a firearm-owning, freedom-loving, and yes, tax-paying, liberal. I am also a Constitutional conservative because I want to conserve democracy and the Bill of Rights.
I do not attack conservatives. Amish are conservative. I have conservative friends and family. I do attack Right Wing ideologues and neo-cons. I attack those who oppose and undermine democracy. They are not conservative. They want to impose changes upon our country that are not in the best interests of the vast majority. All they want to “conserve” is exclusive wealth and power for the economic elites. I oppose the golden rule where those with the gold make the rules.
I want the USA to be the free Constitutional Democratic Republic it is capable of being. I don’t want to be another country. I am a patriot.
Here is my answer again. Corporations are not people, money is not free speech and public elections need public financing. America must make a Constitutional shift in that direction if it is to survive as a free country.
Any politician espousing these principles is the one I’d like to be president. I see no such politician in the public arena at this time.
Why is this so complicated?
Here here, Dave Dubya!
No one is going to take your troll bait...Anony--So, {Raid-Troll Spray™ Poof} Be Gone!
We believe in America!
You know boltok, you were right. Mary,and Dave and JG and TD really get pissed off when you ask them the questions I have. Instead of answering them, they attack the person who asked the question.
So what really is their "beef" about America, that they find other nations being so much better in ruling over their citizens? Look, the simple question of who you feel would be best to run the USA, they cant answer, but they have no problem attacking those that are running for the job.
They are the group of no answers, just critical of all other than themselves.
I really believe that at heart they do not really want any government, which could make them anarchists.
They have no answers.
Troll bait = questions Mary doesn't want to answer.
Romney's about the least bad candidate. He's like a white Obama. Or a robot Obama.
Annie Mouse Too "Do you mean they are like the Tea Party people?"
Now you're just being ridiculous. Threatening "Second Amendment solutions" because they want to "take their country back" is one thing, but actual action would require that they get up out of their lawn chairs. Plus there might be stairs, and their Rascals have trouble with those.
Douglas "Much is being said about the Republican Party having moved (maybe too much) to the Right while little is said about the Democratic Party's similar move to the Left."
Little is said about the Dem's move to the Left because that's not what's happening. The Dems are where the GOP was twenty years ago. There's a reason why their "new" legislation (Cap & Trade, the Affordable Care Act's Individual Mandate) looks like old Republican ideas. That's at least one thing, and it's not to the Left.
It looks like I was being too complicated for the Righties after all.
“they attack the person who asked the question.”
Well, no, I did not attack anyone. And, yes, I did answer the question. I gave my answers...twice to one question in fact, and still they fail to recognize them. And isn’t it so childishly defensive of them to say we are pissed? “Wah!” cries the frustrated and confused Rightie who can always dish it out, but can never take it.
Nobody answered my questions though. Why do people need a label anyway, if not for purely divisive reasons? And, why is this so complicated?
These are, of course, classic examples of the defense mechanism called projection, where they accuse others of the faults they possess.
Paranoia is also the typical reaction of a cult member facing de-programming. How different is it with Right Wing ideologues? I see no difference. This is why I call the radical Right a cult.
Perhaps the answer lies here. “But I have yet to read your answer to the above questions.”
I would have to surmise this is a bit of truth-telling. Maybe they really don’t actually read what we write; they only react to what their indoctrination has already told them we say.
Like I said, a cult. Just like Bush family friend, Washington Times owner, and fellow Republican Rev. Sun Myung Moon founded.
I’d feel pity for them if they were not so arrogant and hateful.
Dave, name the country name the leader. You haven't done it yet.
Must be someone, some place out there that you can throw your support behind.
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I answered your question. If you cannot comprehend what I said, then too bad. I will not accede to your demand for an answer that you want to hear. I will support someone when he represents my interests and the country's best interests, even if he were a Republican. There is zero chance of that and slim to none in the Democratic Party. Gary Johnson is a reasonable man, but as you see, he is not welcome to the GOP “debate”.
Would you be happy if I said Nader? Or how about Bernie Sanders? He’s the real liberal of the Senate, unlike the fake “most liberal senator” the Right called Obama. You didn't seem to get the bit on Nixon.
Here you go. As far as I’m concerned, I am the person who would be the best “leader”, to use your term, for the interests of most Americans. Unlike many, I choose to not follow “leaders”. I think for myself. Is this un-American?
Why don’t you get it that we want to live in our country, not some hypothetical other? We want democracy and the rule of law for the powerful. How un-American, again, I suppose, eh?
You still want a label for me? How about, “Smartass”?
I’ll ask again. Why do want to label people?
@ Anon - Any person we name - You will just google and post article upon article of plagiarized info from right wing moon bat sites or sites that find any minute little fault with this person and exploit it...
Any country we name - same as above - or - Will end up in some scenario where we end up being referred to as "un-american"
Sorry. No one is taking the troll bait. Do your own research.
America is the ideal country for me. The person I want representing us is someone who cares not only about America's future, but where America fits into the larger picture: the future of the earth and civilization (huge emphasis on human rights). We have much bigger fish to fry.
Haha! My captcha says "stopaskingthesamestupidquestionoverandoveragaindumbshit!"
Who would be your choice for President to prevent this kind of crap from happening?
WASHINGTON — The Social Security Administration made $6.5 billion in overpayments to people not entitled to receive them in 2009, including $4 billion under a supplemental income program for the very poor, a government investigator said Tuesday.
In all, about 10 percent of the payments made under the agency's Supplemental Security Income program were improper, said Patrick P. O'Carroll Jr., the Social Security inspector general.
DD would support:
Gary Johnson
Thank you Dave, for having the guts to answer a simple question.
But you have large balls to ask me why I label people, if you will take the time and re read the things I have been called and labeled on this blog.
Like MM's next post about me for example.
All I did was ask you and others what your idea of a perfect leader and perfect country would be.
Anonymous "Who would be your choice for President to prevent this kind of crap from happening?"
Of the choices at hand? Obama. Between someone who "...has directed agencies to reduce improper payments" [increasing oversight] and any member of the party which has consistently tried to break it* [torching it for the insurance money], the former is better than the latter.
And does "About 99.5 percent of all retirement and disability payments were accurate in 2009" really count as "crap"? $8B sounds like a lot, but that's only about a year's worth of "direct income" farm subsidies (3/4 of which goes to not mom 'n' pop farms), or two weeks of Iraq/Afganistan.
* I should note, however, that the bipartisan "payroll tax holiday" was daft, and there's rumblings of a similar plan for the employer side of contributions. Esacerbating SS's minor issues (that aren't all that tough to repair) with a real shortfall is idiotic, particularly with the deficit hawks crowing about "entitlements".
Wups, that should be "but that's only about a half a year's worth of 'direct income' farm subsidies".
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