Who did it?

In fact they h
ave inspired my brand new project! It is a fantasy revival of a scene from the Broadway classic, My Fair Lady: It takes place in Henry Higgins' study. It is late at night and they have just returned from the grand ball where he and Colonel Pickering introduced London society to a "Lady" named Eliza Doolittle. In truth, Eliza is nothing more than a common, cockney flower girl. The two men are congratulating themselves, gloating over the fraud they have managed to pull off. In the corner of the room stands a heartbroken Eliza, stunned that these two won't give her an ounce of credit for all of the hard work she has put into the venture. Professor Higgins is played by George W. Bush. Pickering is played by Dick Cheney. The roll of Eliza is touchingly portrayed by the lovely ingenue, Barack Obama:

Tonight, old man, you did it!
You did it! You did it!
You said that you would do it and indeed you did!
It thought that you would rue it, I doubted you'd to it.
But now I must admit it that succeed you did!
You should get a medal or be even made a knight!
You did it! You did it!
You said that you would do it and indeed you did!
It thought that you would rue it, I doubted you'd to it.
But now I must admit it that succeed you did!
You should get a medal or be even made a knight!
Oh, it was nothing. Really nothing!
All at once you hurdled every obstacle in sight!
Now wait! Now wait! Give credit where it's due!
A lot of the glory goes to you!
But you're the one who did it!
Who did it! Who did it!
As firmly as Gibraltar, not a second did you falter....
And they never knew that yoooooou DID IT!
There's a damned good reason why they never knew that he "did it". HE DIDN'T.
The fact of the matter is that these jackasses deserve no more credit for what went down last week than I do for the murder of Rasputin in 1916. As I pointed out on this site on May 5, Dubya and Sickie Dick dropped the ball not very long after September 11. In order to save face after letting him slip away at Tora Bora, they put out the spin that bin Laden really wasn't all that important. That's right, campers: The guy responsible for the worst mass murder on American soil since Pearl Harbor wasn't "important". Bush even told the press that he didn't "Spend much time thinking about the guy". To emphasize the point, they shut down the unit of the military (put up by Clinton) whose sole purpose was "getting" Osama. When Obama became president in 2008, he restarted the unit.
It was all a sick and pathetic attempt to deflect attention from the obvious fact that the Bush administration will be remembered as the worst in American history. Somewhere out there, the descendants of James Buchanan are saying, "YES!"
There are those - on the right and the left - who are now claiming that by going into Pakistan and putting bin Laden out of the world's misery, the Obama administration was in violation of international law. There is a case to be made for this argument I believe. This may very well set a very nasty precedent. We'll have to wait and see. But don't think for a minute that President Obama will be put on trial at the Hague any time soon. The Obama administration's "crimes" (if you insist on referring to them as such) are small change compared to the things that Bush and Company used to do in their sleep, and as a matter of policy.
If I had had my way, bin Laden would have been taken alive, tried (and if found guilty) placed into solitary confinement for the rest of his miserable life.
Noam Chomsky made an interesting point the other day (Noam Chomsky has a habit of making interesting points; did you ever notice that?) When asked if the American military was justified in going into Osama's compound, killing him and burying his body at sea, he replied that they were just as justified as the Iraqi military would have been had they entered George W. Bush's compound, killed him and buried his body at sea.
Of course, if I had had my way, Bush would be taken alive, tried (and if found guilty) placed into solitary confinement for the rest of his miserable life.
I'm just sayin'.
I guess none of the right wing reaction to the president's successes should surprise us all that much. They have one goal: to see that this administration fails - completely. And if it doesn't actually fail, make damned sure Obama's successes are perceived as failures - or better still, frauds. This is the new reality that Karl Rove has bequeathed to American politics. Attack the opposition at their strongest points. That is how they were able to defeat the genuine war hero John Kerry - by attacking his military record.
The swift boats are coming, hooray! Hooray!
Since the campaign of 2004, not one of them has suggested that Senator Kerry's record of service is anything but authentic. They don't need to, Their lies long-ago served their purpose. The most incompetent president in the history of this once-great nation was reelected to a second term on Election Day 2004. Aren't the American people a scream?
Here's something to remember: On August 6, 2001 - thirty-six days before the attacks that changed America forever - George W. Bush was presented with a presidential daily briefing which stated: "OSAMA BIN LADEN DETERMINE TO STRIKE INSIDE USA". He smugly told the person who provided the report, "Okay, you've covered your ass." And what did he do when confronted with this information? He did nothing.
I said this a few years ago but I have to say it again: Fifty years from now, the president of the United States, whomever he or she may be - who in all likelihood has not even been born yet - will still, on a daily basis, be dealing with the damage that this corrupt, half-witted little frat boy did to this country so many years before.
Tonight, old man, you didn't.
You didn't. You didn't.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
GREAT NEWS! I heard about this on the Rachel Maddow early this morning: The National Archives has just launched a website called, "The National Jukebox". Go there and browse to your heart's content. Hear archival recordings - going back more than a century - from our nation's history! You want to hear Roosevelt, Wilson and Taft from the campaign of 1912? You want to hear George M. Cohan sing Over There? It's all here! I can't begin to tell you how valuable I think this site is! Here's a link:

Twelve years later he was killed in an airplane accident. We could use that sort of candor today. Please come back, Will. Please?
Friday, May 13, 2011
The nic
e folks over at blogger.com experienced a MAJOR system breakdown the other night. As a result, this piece disappeared for almost a whole day. Now you see it, now you don't. I hate when that happens.
Fortunately now we see it again. Unfortunately the comments that many of you were so kind (and in a couple of cases "so mean") to post have been lost forever. I'll try to retrieve as many as I am able to - even the naughty ones (I believe a few were saved in my inbox). In the meantime, feel free to re-post! June 2 will mark the fifth anniversary of "The Rant". In all of that time, this is the only problem I've ever had with this service. I'm sticking with 'em!
The nic

Fortunately now we see it again. Unfortunately the comments that many of you were so kind (and in a couple of cases "so mean") to post have been lost forever. I'll try to retrieve as many as I am able to - even the naughty ones (I believe a few were saved in my inbox). In the meantime, feel free to re-post! June 2 will mark the fifth anniversary of "The Rant". In all of that time, this is the only problem I've ever had with this service. I'm sticking with 'em!
Tom, the fact is that the Bush administration not only dropped the ball after 9/11 but also ignored warnings before it happened. It is both funny and sad to see the Bush supporters twist and spin the facts, trying to blame Clinton for letting it happen while defending Bush for doing nothing and giving up on finding bin Laden. It is pathetic that they can not face up to the failure of his administration in this catastrophe.
The Chomsky quote reflects the reality that our media will never recognize. Bush/Cheney terrorized and killed more than bin-Laden ever dreamed of killing.
They must be charged with treason and war crimes if the US is ever going to be a nation of laws.
The nice folks over at blogger.com experienced a MAJOR system breakdown the other night. As a result, this piece disappeared for almost a whole day. Now you see it, now you don't. I hate when that happens.
Fortunately now we see it again. Unfortunately the comments that many of you were so kind (and in a couple of cases "so mean") to post have been lost forever. I'll try to retrieve as many as I am able to - even the naughty ones (I believe a few were saved in my inbox). In the meantime, feel free to re-post! June 2 will mark the fifth anniversary of "The Rant". In all of that time, this is the only problem I've ever had with this service. I'm sticking with 'em!
Five years; congratulations! As for the bin Laden killing, it will be interesting to see how the Bush supporters try to spin the facts to make Bush, Cheney and Rice the heroes. Thanks for pointing out the Aug 6 briefing; that is going to be difficult to explain away as will be his saying that he didn't spend much time thinking about bin Laden.
Tom, cheers to you on the approaching of your fifth anniversary! You mentioned Bush being "reelected to a second term on Election Day 2004." Not to start anything here but doesn't one have to be elected first in order to be reelected?
Charles, your comment regarding the 08/06/01 briefing is going to be difficult for the Bush Clan to explain. I think they can get away with saying that Bush didn't think much about anything.
You are so right that future presidents will still be dealing with the damage that Bush did to this great nation. The most lingering and insidious was his selection of the Supreme Court Justices. They are giving away the store to the moneyed of the world. And when Roe vs Wade is challenged on their watch we know they will overturn it. Talk about an activist judiciary. Suddenly I fail to hear any complaints from the Republicans on that issue.
There are a couple stories out there today that social security is falling apart faster than anyone thought. As a Texan one said, that "anyone" sure has a corner on stupid. As everyone on this blog knows, social security is the combination of a taxation program where contributors have no real rights to their retirement deposits and a separate welfare system. Like a Madoff ponzi, all the money is spent on ss payments AND elsewhere, worthless bonds are piling up by the truckload somewhere in the bowels of the Treasury. I, like most, will get screwed when my retirement comes date arives. Social security could have been addressed and structured differently. But it wasn't. The ponzi scheme is becoming increasingly apparent.
Has anyone here read the book, Forgotten Man by Amity Shales? It's a book on the Great Depression. In it, she discusses that FDR had mathematical evidence that his social security program would go bust. He pushed it for political benefit.
BTW, if Obama is so adamant about CIA intelligence whey is prosecuting intelligence officers. Do you really think Obama had anything to do with catching Osama other that signing the required paperwork. Seriously.
Boltok,I have followed your incoherent babblings for quite a while and have to say you would stand a better chance of being taken seriously if you could manage to stay on topic. Nowhere In Tom's article does he mention Social Security. So other than a last brief paragraph, what does your posting have to do with Bush, Obama and bin Laden?
And would you care to put this into intelligible English: "BTW, if Obama is so adamant about CIA intelligence whey is prosecuting intelligence officers."?
Tom, congrats on reaching your 5th
year of "The Rant"! Let's hope that you are allowed to keep your blog as long as you like. Let's hope that liberals and conservatives stay focused on the external and now INTERNAL threat to our freedoms as the following CNN news item shows and we continue to be allowed to debate our differences without fear of Sharia Law closing you down.
Miami (CNN) — Two South Florida imams and a third family member were arrested Saturday on charges of providing support to the Pakistani Taliban, the Justice Department said.
In addition, three others in Pakistan were also indicted on the same charges.
FBI agents arrested Hafiz Khan and his son Izhar Khan in South Florida, the department said. They are expected to make their initial court appearance in federal court on Monday.
Another of Hafiz Khan’s sons, Irfan Khan, was arrested in Los Angeles and will appear in court there.
Also charged are three Pakistani residents: Ali Rehman, Alam Zeb, and Amina Khan. Amina Khan is Hafiz Khan’s daughter, and Zeb is his grandson.
The four-count indictment alleges that all six defendants conspired to provide material support to a conspiracy to kill, injure and kidnap people abroad, and that they provided support to the Pakistani Taliban.
Hafiz Khan is the imam at Flagler Mosque in Miami. Izhar Khan, is an imam at the Jamaat Al-Mu’mineen Mosque in Margate, Florida.
“Despite being an imam, or spiritual leader, Hafiz Khan was by no means a man of peace. Instead, as today’s charges show, he acted with others to support terrorists to further acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming,” U.S. Attorney Wilfredo A. Ferrer said. “But for law enforcement intervention, these defendants would have continued to transfer funds to Pakistan to finance the Pakistani Taliban, including its purchase of guns.”
Coming to your state real soon?
London, May 12 (ANI): Incidents of an Islamist group threatening to kill a British-Muslim woman for not wearing a veil, and launching more attacks on gay men and women, have left residents of London’s Tower Hamlets area worried and afraid.
The Daily Mail quoted a recent report as saying that a 31-year-old Asian woman who works in a local chemist’s had received death threats for refusing to wear a veil, although she is not a practicing Muslim. Four weeks ago, the woman’s boss was apparently received death threats from an Asian over similar issues.
“If she keeps working here and continues to dress like that, we will boycott you because this is a Muslim area,” the shop’s owner was told.
A Bangladeshi-born man who witnessed the scene said subsequently another, younger, Asian man came into the pharmacy and started shouting at the employee, saying: “‘If you keep doing these things, we will kill you.’”
The area is reported to have a Muslim faith school where girls as young as 11 are bound to wear face-covering veils.
Attacks against homosexual men and women are also reported to be on rise, and some people in the country have now started to compare these kind of behaviour to that of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Many believe that the fundamentalist group, which believes in jihad and Islamic sharia law, wants to turn Britain and other European countries into Islamic republics.
@ Anonymous -- Keyword --Fundamentalist...live it, learn it love...
I REALLY like large pieces of dark meat!
charles moore said:
"Five years; congratulations! As for the bin Laden killing, it will be interesting to see how the Bush supporters try to spin the facts to make Bush, Cheney and Rice the heroes. Thanks for pointing out the Aug 6 briefing; that is going to be difficult to explain away as will be his saying that he didn't spend much time thinking about bin Laden."
Charlie, if Dubya was in charge when an unarmed man and woman were shot without their right to a trial you libs would have crapped your pants! But since the biggest bullshit artist president the US has ever had is a Dem, you hypocritical libs don't have a problem with killing unarmed people! LOL Charlie! Are you liberal putzes now for waterboarding now that "The Chosen One" is in charge?
Anonymous, go back to the drawing board. I made no value judgement as to whether killing bin Laden was right or wrong regardless of who did it, with or without a trial. I was simply pointing out that the Bush administration dropped the ball and gave up. Bush himself admitted that he gave up. That is indisputable. Stop imagining things I did not say.
charles moore "I was simply pointing out that the Bush administration dropped the ball and gave up. Bush himself admitted that he gave up."
Oh, come on! Dubya was playing the Long Con. He didn't "give up". He was luring bin Laden in to a false sense of security!
@ anonymous - How very mature of you. In lieu of constructing a logical argument, you attempt to impersonate and defame me in a completely vulgar and sexist way. Everyone here knows I stay away from poultry. You should have spaced out the time a little bit more. It wouldn't have been so blatantly obvious that it was you.
@ MO and CM - Bush needed Osama alive and in the weeds to put the fear of good ole God in the heart of every American to forth his and the GOP's destructive agenda.
*to put forth and feel free to add a sociopathic and selfish and capitalist pig in there too.
"Bush administration dropped the ball and gave up."
Did you know that the Clinton administration was offer bin Laden but turned the offer down, years before 9/11?
Anonymous "Did you know that the Clinton administration was offer bin Laden but turned the offer down, years before 9/11?"
Did you know that firing in cruise missiles in to his training camp qualifies as "turned down the offer" if it turns out that they missed him by mere hours?
@ Anonymous - Since when does a simple report of IMINT of a person who "might or might not" fit the description of Osama Bin Laden, turn into "was offer bin Laden but turned the offer down"? Have you seen Predator footage? If you have you would know good and well why IMINT from a Predator UAV alone is not enough to launch a MJR-Military Op in a foreign country Pre-9/11. Sheesh.
Call of Duty modern warfare II imagery is a million times better than Drone IMINT, even with its Pakistani maps incorrectly depicted in Arabic rather than Urdu or English...
In 1993, the first World Trade Center bombing killed six people.
In 1998, the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa killed 224.
Both were the work of al-Qaida and bin Laden, who in 1998 declared holy war on America, making him arguably the most wanted man in the world.
In 1998, President Clinton announced, “We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible to justice, no matter what or how long it takes.”
A Democratic member of the 9/11 commission says there was a larger issue: The Clinton administration treated bin Laden as a law enforcement problem.
Bob Kerry, a former senator and current 9/11 commission member, said, “The most important thing the Clinton administration could have done would have been for the president, either himself or by going to Congress, asking for a congressional declaration to declare war on al-Qaida, a military-political organization that had declared war on us.”
On Feb. 6, 1996, then-U.S. Ambassador to the Sudan Tim Carney met with Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Osman Mohammed Taha at Taha's home in the capital city of Khartoum. The meeting took place just a half mile from bin Laden's residence at the time.
During the meeting, Carney reminded the Sudanese official that Washington was increasingly nervous about the presence of bin Laden in Sudan, reports Miniter.
Foreign Minister Taha countered by saying that Sudan was very concerned about its poor relationship with the U.S.
Then came the bombshell offer:
"If you want bin Laden, we will give you bin Laden," Foreign Minister Taha told Ambassador Carney.
During a February 2002 speech, Clinton explained that he turned down an offer from Sudan for bin Laden's extradition to the U.S., saying, "At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him."
MO and MM, sorry, BIG FAIL for both of your attempts to white wash Clinton.
Just Google Clinton Osama bib Laden.
MO your now using Wikipedia?
"Somewhere out there, the descendants of James Buchanan are saying, 'YES!'"
Again, YES!
Sorry, you don't get to go back after the fact and say the Clinton administration should have treated Bin Laden as an 'enemy combatant' and hunted him down. That was not even an option in the pre-9/11 world. Of course the government treated Bin Laden and Al Queda as law enforcement problems.
The attempt to take him out with a cruise missile was pushing the envelope of what they could legally do at the time.
@ Anonymous - The Sudanese "offer" that you are so adamant about as your "evidence" was debunked long ago. It it a legend; a myth propagated by angry republicans that can't get over the fact that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, and the myth has returned now that Osama has been killed under Obama's watch. Nice plagiarizing from here and here though.
My source.
"That was not even an option in the pre-9/11 world. Of course the government treated Bin Laden and Al Queda as law enforcement problems."
That is pure bull shit!
In 1993, the first World Trade Center bombing killed six people.
In 1998, the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa killed 224.
In 1998, President Clinton announced, “We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible to justice, no matter what or how long it takes.”
During a February 2002 speech, Clinton explained that he turned down an offer from Sudan for bin Laden's extradition to the U.S., saying, "At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him."
Debunk that quote! Clinton admits he was offered bin Laden in 1996 AFTER the Twin Tower bombings in 1993.
MM you have a lot of nerve taking a stand on plagiarizing considering who our V.P is.
Tom D said - "Noam Chomsky made an interesting point the other day (Noam Chomsky has a habit of making interesting points; did you ever notice that?) When asked if the American military was justified in going into Osama's compound, killing him and burying his body at sea, he replied that they were just as justified as the Iraqi military would have been had they entered George W. Bush's compound, killed him and buried his body at sea."
We do what we do as a nation with God on our side, He blesses our actions; we have nothing to hide.
The blood that we shed is shed in his name, We do God's will we are not to blame.
The God's of our enemies are false and their followers lost,
Our God will smite them no matter the cost.
If our enemies God's put Jehovah on trial,The jury would file in and foreperson smile.
We find Jehovah Guilty, Guilty as sin, Americans gasp, why didn't we win?
If you win the battle you can lose the war, Your true God is Profit and Money the Whore.
Way down inside you know that I'm right, Greed is your mantra and power your knight.
He who dies with the most toys wins, Is your rationalization for committing your sins?
Look in the mirror and you'll know that's true, For God is the loser and the Devil is YOU!
That's quite a powerful picture you posted there Tom. Those four people were able to in just 8 years, to eviscerate the most powerful country in the world. Besides the financial destruction of the wars, tax cuts and off shoring a large part of our manufacturing base, they caused us to be known as the nation that tortures. Rumsfeld approved and signed off on 22 different types of torture. How can we ever recover from such a vile stigma?
C. Rice should of received an Academy Award for her "We do not want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud". She showed amazing resolve in delivering those lines with a straight face.
Cheney made 11 trips to Langley to force George Tenet to change the N.I.E. The original one said Iraq had no WMD and they could not invade with out pretense. Tenet totally capitulated, took his Medal Of Freedom and went home.
The other big player that should be in the picture was Colin Powell. His U.N. performance was masterful because he knew everything he read was pure bullshit. His speech was written by The Office of Special Plans, a propaganda unit headed by Douglas Feith. The CIA had no inpute as The OSP had more clout due to Cheney.
Great article, I only disagree with one thing. You say, "I wish they (the Bush gang) would never go away." I do wish they'd go away the sooner the better, because I fear they are all gearing up to take over again with Jeb Bush, since Jeb is the most likely Republican Presidential nominee. The mainstream media continues to miss this fact.
Tony S....
For the life of me, I cannot believe that the GOP would be stupid enough to nominate another Bush....oh, wait a minute....Sarah Palin.
Never mind.
@ Anonymous - Are you literate? Did you even read my source?
Nice try at deflection as usual, but Joe Biden's stand on plagiarism is not up for debate here....you are guilty...It is fine and dandy to not to have your own thoughts; thoughts are recycled ALL the time. That's learning, but to cut and paste other's thoughts and words verbatim is crossing the line. You don't even bother to give people proper credit. That's just plain lazy.
"Every thought I have belongs to someone else. I was not born in a vacuum."
-Lenny Bruce
Most of these people need to cut and paste, Mary Mayhem. They cannot think for themselves. And it's not just "crazy" it is lazy as well.
A statement has just been released by Donald Trump:
"After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency,"
Since Buchanan was the only bachelor president and, to the knowledge of history, did not have any children, he has no descendants to say "YES".
I offer the offspring of Richard Nixon as an alternative.
Ouch! I was hoping no one would point that out. Good for you for being on the ball!
Yes, he never married and had no children. He was engaged early on but his fiance committed suicide over what she perceived to be his infidelity. Apparently he never got over her death. There is also speculation that he may have been gay or, at the very least, bisexual. Obviously there is no way to prove this 142 years after the man's passing.
And yet, we must assume that he had close relatives who had offspring. I am not a direct descendant of Roger Brooke Taney - but am related to him nonetheless. That fact alone causes me acute, internal embarrassment - as I assume the familial association with Buchanan causes his "relatives".
Tom Degan
Why DID they execute him though? Wouldn´t it have been better to take him alive. Two feasible reasons have occured to me but they are only theories. Which actually could both be true.
1. It was Pakistan, a country that is known to overly protect Muslim men and which is why Osama chose it as his hideout. 2. We didn´t want to waste precious taxpayers money on the extradition? Especially from a country that will do it´s darndest to protect a Muslim man.
The body was thrown into the water which at first I accepted as just "no reason to keep it for proof, we have the DNA." But now I think perhaps they never intended for us to find out that he was killed execution style.
I don´t dislike Obama and I´m not a huge Bush fan either. But I just think that Bush would have had more command over his military. I don´t necessarily believe that Obama told the Navy Seals to execute Bin Laden but we preach our democracy to the rest of the world and right in their face do something silly like kill a man without a fair trial. On another topic, if Bush were as evil as so many want to make him appear, wouldn´t he have encouraged at least Fox News to show uncensored images of 9/11 and of the Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl being executed? Many Americans would have been blinded by fury at seeing these and most likely supported the invasion of virtually whatever country he chose.
The Donald was never going to run for the simple reason it would open his life to investgation. Can you imagine what would be discovered of his business practices? A giant publicity stunt to further his TV career but i agree the world could be considered a poorer place without his own particular brand of lunacy.
Den from Oz
Sorry Tom, but your trolls are pretty lame. Could you hire some better ones?
But it has been fun to watch the dubya clans' response to the git bin Laden show.
Please get it right. Trolls are not hired by Tom, but by the GOP.
Haven't you been following the DNC party line on this?
Fabianna asked "Why DID they execute him though?"
I saw a cartoon that noted that Osama was unarmed when he was killed.
The next panel showed the Twin Towers with one aflame and an airplane about to hit the second tower. The caption on the Twin Towers was, "So were they."
Go back to 1941. Pearl Harbor is dramatic evidence that this country is infuriated by "sneak attacks" that murder thosands of people.
Go way back to the Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary pirates. Same result.
Then if what Ron is saying is true - no rules in Love and War is how I am understanding it - then we should´t be mad at the guys who did the waterboarding either.
I saw the Daniel Pearl execution uncensored. I won´t describe here but I´ll tell you. Wateboarding is nothing nor is a quick death by gunshot.
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