All we are saying is....Never mind

A few minutes ago on MSNBC's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough posed the musical question (and I am slightly paraphrasing here): "Where is the anti-war Left now that this Democratic president has gotten this country involved in yet another military conflict?" Come to think about it, it was a pretty good question.
THE MUSICAL ANSWER (sung to the tune of Hello Dolly):
Hello, JOEY!
We're right here, JOEY
And we're gonna tell you now right where we stand
Yeah we've been had, JOEY
This is bad, JOEY
And we're screamin'!
You ain't dreamin'!
We're just screamin' mad!
I hear the bombs fallin'
And the band callin'
One of them old John Lennon songs from way back when - SO....
Hear our pleas, fellas
Singin' on bended knees, fellas:
Joey, we won't get pushed around!
Joey, we won't get BUSHED around!
Joey, we won't get pushed around agaaaaaiiiiin!!!
Remember that Nobel Peace Prize you received around the time you moved into the White House? Give it back. Seriously.
Here is one of the many reasons why I love Dennis Kucinich: At least the guy is consistent - "Consistent Kucinich" - Try saying that three times fast. The Ohio congressman has suggested that President Obama is guilty of an impeachable offense. I agree. More than a few Republicans are saying the same thing. That's fine 'n' dandy. My only question is this: Where the hell were these assholes when George W. Bush illegally invaded the (like it or not) sovereign nation of Iraq? And it makes me wonder.
I sympathize with the people who are in revolt against Moammar Gaddafi - or Gadhafi, or Khadaffy, or el-Quaddafi, or however the hell it's spelled (the papers have never been in agreement on this) - but this could have been handled in a more intelligent way. Sanctions might very well have been launched against the regime. An economic blockade might have been enforced. There were many options. But we have a massive, out-of-control military industrial complex that demands it be fed - the same one Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about fifty years ago, in his last speech as president:
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties and democratic processes."
We should have been smart enough to listen to Ike - the last Republican president worth a damn. Today he stands out as a prophet.
The consensus of opinion on the purpose of this mission (depending on which White House spokesperson you talk to) seems to be "to protect Libyan civilians". Here's the bad news: This incursion is only going to result in the deaths of still more innocents. That is what always happens. Why should things be any different this time around? They call it "collateral damage". Expect more American kids to come home in body bags very soon. Let's stop kidding ourselves here.
And while we're at it, let's face this reality: African despots are a dime a dozen these days. In case you haven't noticed, Libya is not the only country whose citizens have been hammered by the iron hand of totalitarianism lately.
Why this fixation on Libya?
That was a sarcastic, rhetorical question in case you were wondering. The answer is hilariously obvious. Libya, unlike the aforementioned countries, sits smack dab on top of a ocean of oil. We have wasted decades relying on the internal combustion engine - a technology that was invented a century-and-a-quarter ago. That's eight-hundred-and-seventy-five in dog years just in case you were wondering. I figured it out all by myself.
If we had heeded President Jimmy Carter's call to get moving on solar energy over thirty years ago, we would have cured our addiction to foreign oil by this time. The oil companies that own your government weren't about to let that happen. In 1979 Carter had a few solar panels installed on the roof of the White House. When Ronald Reagan stumbled into town on January 20, 1981, the panels were immediately removed. Reagan was kowtowing to his corporate masters. I can't emphasize this enough: The man was a complete imbecile.
This latest foray into "international diplomacy" is costing the United States one-hundred million dollars per day. At a time when our social and economic infrastructure is literally disintegrating before our very eyes, it is unconscionable that we would be further pissing away what's left of our national treasure on the extremely expensive enterprise of making war. We can't afford it anymore, folks. I had this silly idea in my head when I voted for this president two-and-a-half years ago that he understood this. So I was wrong. So sue me.
Tom Degan
Inside Job
a film by Charles Ferguson
BREAKING NEWS: Elizabeth Taylor has died.
I'll cut to the chase and keep it simple, I'm no supporter of President Obama but I think the USA got snookered into aiding this effort. Not 100% wise but maybe 75% or more. USA is there I speculatet because of France who probably as one commentator said went it alone last Saturday when all this began.
France colonized vast portions of Northern Africa but not from what I know Libya. France is full of Tunisians, Algerians, in fact, North Africans. So, though I don't always endorse this administration, I think the USA got snookered into this. I think it is highly likely the Libyan government was/is committing atrocities against its citizens without making them a "bogey man" as we always make the enemy.
Not positive of this, but I think even in the Autumn of 2009, American politicians including McCain visited Libya. You know, Gaddaffi may have been "rehabilitated" but I don't think that was needed.
Now, after a few days, people are out criticizing this. I won't make political hay out of it. We will see. Not sure if I would have wanted someone I voted for doing this. It seems some people are saying Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and I forget the third woman, may have helped to get this thing going.
Of course, this is all speculation. As of now, I don't fault our administration.
It's a good question, but it is a most obvious question.
Why aren't the Obama Ghraib pictures on every media outlet 24/7?
The press is propping up their empty suit creation. The US media is garbage.
I hate to admit this but I am enjoying the Demos and Neo-Libs go after each other over this.
But after that... while I have mixed feelings regarding the legitimacy of why and how we became involved, my largest concern is our lack of clear direction and leadership.
It is my belief that we should have not jumped in, the reasons for doing so given are paper thin. Further, I feel by default the Allies are looking for the USA to be the leader. I do not want us to lead or support a group of nations who are not pro America in their trade, political discourse and economic policy. I beleive if Germany can pull out, so can we and should do so now. Like in Bosnia, I see no end game or resolution to Libya and don't want American lives or treasury spent on something that is not our fight, but is Europe's.
The only thing I can say positive about this is it would have been worse with McCain, bomb bomb bomb Iran as president. Obama has said no ground troops and a short involvement. Now if he turns out to stay longer, decide he has to do regime change to satisfy the righties, sends in ground troops, I'll have to rethink if it'd have been better. No, with Palin as veep, it is still better how it is. I think no matter what Obama had done-- let Gaddafi massacre to his heart's content or do what he did-- there was no winning on this one. He just had to do what he felt was right and know damnation was falling either way.
Yes, Obama is handling this much better than Sarah would, hopefully, we will never see the day when Liberal Women can't criticize because they are wearing Birkas and don't even have the right to drive cars.
Rain and TSVDP, hypocrits both. Is that the best you can do, name drop Republicans who you deem would have been worse, while Obama proves himself to be most imcompetent?
Everyone should stop and absorb what is happening. You are watching the most vacant, incompetent and anti American president in our history. It is something to behold.
The next president, whether elected in 2012 or in 2016, and whether it's Newt or any of the other corporatist impostors craving the limelight of presidential posterity, will only bring us "Bush IV". The standard has been set.
We'll never again see a president of the people; only a continuing succession of installed heads-of-state who take their marching orders from the wealthy, the international banking syndicate, and the powerful brokers of the multinational corporate elite. The whole of government's been taken over, and not one shot ever had to be fired. An evolutionary coup d'état happened right under our noses, while our diverted eyes and ears were open, and the succession only appeared constitutionally orderly and correct. This has been taking place, gradually, for a long, long, time. Generations, actually. But the final nails are being driven into the coffin of the middle and working classes, and the poor (who have been so marginalized and not even considered for decades), now.
What middle-and working class conservatives and liberals don't fully comprehend is that it's over. The corporate state has won. The norm is permanent war. The trend has been like this for a long time, and it's not going to change. The two wings of the "corporatist party" will make sure of this. Why? Because it's very profitable. Very!
It "ain't" going to get any better, folks, only worse. Unless...and this is a big "unless"...We the People, of all political persuasions and beliefs, stand up together to fight the corporate state together. Otherwise, we've seen our best days...all of us.
Whether you believe this country is a:
Richard Potatoship
Repub lick
Social networkship
March madness will become April insanity and our Precedent is out of his mind!
Define corporate state
Who are they by name
what do they do that is wrong
what do they do that is right
if removed who would they be replaced with
Browns44 "I hate to admit this but I am enjoying the Demos and Neo-Libs go after each other over this."
Obviously. Watching the mushy Center and the "Invisible Hand" wing of the Right go at it never gets old.
Anonymous "Everyone should stop and absorb what is happening. You are watching the most vacant…"
{citation needed}
{citation needed}
"...and anti American…"
{citation needed}. Also, {definition needed}
"...president in our history. It is something to behold."
Yes. Yes. I know. In future, you can crop your posts considerably by just copy/pasting "EVERYTHING OBAMA DOES IS WRONG (even if he does the opposite, or does nothing at all)". EODIW.
Clarence Thomas "I am looking forward to when the Constitutionality of Obamacare is tried in the SCOTUS!"
Worst case scenario: You go back to the old status quo. Good luck.
Middling scenario: The Individual Mandate (Spoiler Alert: a Republican idea from the 90s) fails. The Dems fail to fight (because that's what they do) for the remainder, leading to the rest failing. Then the GOP and Dems make a "bipartisan" version of all the things in it that the people liked (but, when combined into "Obamacare", hated)…and the GOP beats the Dems over the heads with it (as well as the failed version that was only starting to kick in) during the next election. SNAFU, as per SOP. They then go back to bickering about the deficit, with the GOP figuring out badly they can screw the poor and the elderly, and the Dems fighting as hard as they can't to meet them halfway.
Best scenario: Individual Mandate fails. In a shocking twist, Public Option makes a surprise appearance and succeeds. Also, unicorns.
Anonymous "Define corporate state…"
Of UnitedHealth Group, By Monsanto, For Wall Street.
I know, right?
@ MO...Clarence Thomas is just the name Anonymous uses when he feels like calling Obama a "negro"....
"Anonymous "Define corporate state…"
Of UnitedHealth Group, By Monsanto, For Wall Street."
Hey MO, Hey Larry, are there any Canadian corporate states?
MO ron
The free use of the fascist? Fascist seems to fit the Obama regime well. Obama fits everthing in the following definition well except the part about strong leadership.
The definition from wiki:
Fascism (play /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.[3] They advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation and the creation of an ideal "new man" to form a governing elite through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics.[4] Fascists believe that a nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[5] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the state.
Shirley, like TD, you are the bigots. I dont even recall the last time I heard the following words which seem active in your delta 9 impaired thought. (i.e., They hate the idea of their boss, commander in chief, is a neegrow, a spear chucker, a jigaboo.)
I do however recall that Clarence Thomas is a house n on this blog and hear very little about the black eugenics of sanger/planned parenthood.
I dislike Obama because among many other things he is: bankrupting America, a hypocrite on foreign wars, an apologist for the USA, and in bed with union scum. His race has nothing to do with my view of him.
As a matter of fact, I thought about voting for him because he was black. I do however believe that if you look at someones close associates, you know the person. And, as such, JWright, ACORN, weather underground, Chicago machine were too much to ignore and I did not vote for him.
"(NY Times) — General Electric, the nation’s largest corporation, had a very good year in 2010.
The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.
Its American tax bill? None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
That may be hard to fathom for the millions of American business owners and households now preparing their own returns, but low taxes are nothing new for G.E. The company has been cutting the percentage of its American profits paid to the Internal Revenue Service for years, resulting in a far lower rate than at most multinational companies.
Its extraordinary success is based on an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore. G.E.’s giant tax department, led by a bow-tied former Treasury official named John Samuels, is often referred to as the world’s best tax law firm. Indeed, the company’s slogan “Imagination at Work” fits this department well. The team includes former officials not just from the Treasury, but also from the I.R.S. and virtually all the tax-writing committees in Congress.
A review of company filings and Congressional records shows that one of the most striking advantages of General Electric is its ability to lobby for, win and take advantage of tax breaks."
How's this for mainstream media reporting?
GE most likely deducted the interest on the secret loans from the federal reserve that kept them from going bankrupt because of asset liability mismanagement at GEMoney.
(JG, Our corporatist Supreme Court has ordered the release of such names from the Fed. Admit that's a good thing.)
But with the GE broadcasting networks CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, and History Channel pushing the progressive, green agendas, and dumping the Kennedy mini series, why focus on their tax contribution? I think we need a MSM Fairness Doctrine.
Will Shirley = Union Hack
Play the race card, pretend to be a black man. He/She ain't, just another left wing sharia law lovin' godless liberal.
Beware, No one can trust the Left at least race card baiting ones, the Union and Acorn even try to rig elections.
Heya Tom!
You know, people seem to believe, that by voting for Obama, we belived that everything the man did we would agree with; sorry, I guess I'm not a "company man" nor am I a sucker to the political right's bigotry or selective alzheimer's regarding their two Presidents with intelligence deficeits.
Gee, does that make us "intelligent" voters who realize that the "sausage making" of governance in neither easy, quick or agreed upon by all? I'll take my recipe over "Bush's Baked X" or any Republican Recipe. Theirs all seem to require ingredients, purchase by the rich, that are "substitures" for the real thing and then? Then they feed it to those in the soup line claiming they are "helping" make a difference to the poor, unemployed, undereducated and underemployed. Sweet. Aren't they just cloyingly sweet. . .
This blog was seeing posts dissappear since it is basically LEFT WING HATE SPEECH and the owners of these blogs are looking at it and the potty mouthed warped minded leftists.
Of course, the Hate Speakers are surely, just the ones speaking from the left.
Anti War really has just been an excuse for the Hate USA Demo Beggars and Union Hacks,
Obama stabs Mubarak and USA in the back, no big deal. Goes and bombs Libya with no congressional approval, no big deal.
sharia law lovin' godless liberal
Anyone else see the incongruity ?
I did, Mary! Some people are just so irony-challenged!
By the way, see the film Inside Job. I cannot recommend it enough. I just looked at it for the second time in 24 hours. It's incredible.
Incongruity?? We are dealing with Liberals??
I mean we know Clinton can bomb Kosovo or Sudan, no problem, more civilians can be killed in Afghanistan under Obama, no problem.
The liberals didn't care about war, just trying to oppress America.
Incongruity? More like Congruity.
Will Shirley:
neegrow, a spear chucker, a jigaboo. Can't say those words, though, not without taking off your hoods and revealing your face to the world.
Another liberal racist lets the mask slip. You never hear this sort of language from conservatives. Only from liberals trying to project their own racism onto conservatives.
It isn't that conservatives "can't" say those words. It simply doesn't occur to them because it isn't part of their belief structure. Liberals seem to have this sort of vicious racism about a sixteenth of an inch under their skin, and given the opportunity to put their own words in conservative mouths, it all comes pouring out smoothly and easily. Like it's been practiced a million times before in the shameful secrecy of their own self-hating minds.
The way that bitch Hillary Clinton got rid of Vince Foster scares the hell out of me!
Browns44, you asked: "How's this for mainstream media reporting?"
Pretty piss-poor, actually! What took 'em so long? The article you cited (without date) was published yesterday (March 25th)!
The Institute for Policy Studies discussed General Electric's gross tax evasion (or, as we say in polite company, "tax avoidance"), along with other Fortune 500 companies, back on February 23rd. Additionally, I touched upon this same topic, regarding GE and others, on February 12th (Fed's Backdoor Giveaway) and March 6th (Corporate America -- Causing Austerity Cuts by Evading Taxes) and I'm no more than an amateur blogger hobbyist who's interested in finding out how Corporate America is stealing We the People, blind.
So, did I, along with what you'd call other liberal blogs, shame the New York Times into publishing the truth about one of the real causes behind this country's all-of-a-sudden rush to impose strict austerity programs to discretionary spending programs? It would seem so (and I'm being modest).
Yeah, they were really on top of it, weren't they? ;-)
boltok "...ACORN..."
Name Game "...ACORN..."
jms "Another liberal racist lets the mask slip. You never hear this sort of language from conservatives. Only from liberals trying to project their own racism onto conservatives.
It isn't that conservatives 'can't' say those words. It simply doesn't occur to them because it isn't part of their belief structure. Liberals seem to have this sort of vicious racism about a sixteenth of an inch under their skin, and given the opportunity to put their own words in conservative mouths, it all comes pouring out smoothly and easily. Like it's been practiced a million times before in the shameful secrecy of their own self-hating minds."
Boltok, you said:
"JG, Our corporatist Supreme Court has ordered the release of such names from the Fed. Admit that's a good thing."
Well, you're partially right, but wrong nonetheless. The Supreme Court rejected an appeal that aimed to shield the records from public view. The High Court left intact a previous lower court order that gave the Fed five days to release the records.
As mentioned in my comment above, I addressed this whole topic in a post on my own blog on February 12th (Fed's Backdoor Giveaway). As usual, the Left was all over this. Equally as usual (except for Bloomberg News, of course) the Right pretty much ignored it (or, more likely, unless it's announced by a cadre of Fox News talking-heads as a slight against the Left, it doesn't see the light of day).
Yes, it's a great thing. But, it's really meaningless, though. This means they're just going to have to comply with the new Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. It's really a moot point, since this legislation had a five day disclosure period, anyway. But, important, nonetheless.
Partially right??? but still wrong??? I even did some GE bailout bashing; thought you would be proud. No pleasing some people.
Anyway I am always right.
You are a madman.
Boltok, you said...
"Anyway I am always right"
Agreed...even when the Left proves to you that your Right posturing is undeniably wrong.
MO is a mad man
No argument there. Only I'm thinking mad as in angry, not as in my favorite book of all time Alice in Wonderland mad. We are all angry. This blog is called "The Rant," mind you. Maybe mad as in slang for "mad smart," but I think the kids tend to use "wicked" and "way" these days, as in "wicked smart" and "way cool." I can't keep track of these things. Never have, never will.
Ya'll make sure you drink out of the colored water fountain
If Cain could grow up in the South through the Civil rights era and he's a Conservative and he's said Tea Partiers are not racist.... whose word are we gonna take, he says he's called an Uncle Tom, Oreo, etc.
But he says it's because people, liberals don't have really any issue they can use, so they've got to use race, pretty weak.
There are racists in EVERY PARTY, EVERY RACE, EVERY COUNTRY, EVERY RELIGION! Just don't be one!
Get over it!
I do wonder about this though? What if the Tea Party was Black?
Just noticed the Vince Foster comment. I watched all the conspiracy stuff about the Clintons on youtube one afternoon. There were two things I found very interesting. First, a documentary called the Clinton Chronicles about their origins in in AR, worth a look.
The other item was the FBI report on the investigation of Vince Foster death. The FBI had dug up the whole park where he was shot. They found hundreds of projectiles including musket balls going back to the American revoultion. But they did not find the bullet that went through Foster's head. They have an exhibit in their report giving a description of every projectile found.
The bullet that shot Vince Foster is with Obama's long term birth certificate, Trig Palin's Birth certificate, the magic bullet that killed JFK, the set that they filmed the Moon landing on, Deep Throat, the body of the Roswell Aliens, Hoffa's body, Amelia Earhart's body, The Lindbergh Baby's body and the keys to the evacuation Arcs for the final days...they are all in Al Gore's lock box, which is guarded by a purple Unicorn and a blue Pegasus ridden by none other than Elvis and TuPac Shakur. You can find it all on Atlantis which is guarded by Sirens, Banshees and La Llrona...
I find it interesting that it is often repeated that Iraq was an illegal war.
The war resolution passed both houses of Congress. And please don't respond by telling me how Bush lied about the reasons when it's been well documented that was the information he and the international coalition were provided.
That being said, while I'm not necessarily supporting our approach to Libya, there have been wars upon wars that were never declared as such. Research Vietnam and the Korean wars. Both were declared "military conflicts". It's just a stupid word game both sides use. Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, Grenada. I'm sure there are a lot more.
I believed Obama might be different too, until he began to campaign and I didn't like his ideas. That there are still people claiming that anyone against him is a rasict just want to throw a bomb into the room. That's utter bull.
Stop with the racists rants already (commenters). We on the right do not want a bloated, bought and paid for government. We'll toss our Republicans too if they won't listen. I could care less if Obama was green, it's his policies I don't like. Give it a rest.
Yet many Neo Libs still beleive that G H Bush flew in a Blackbird to Paris for meetings to get the Amercians being held in Iran released.
And many Neo-Libs believe that 911 was an inside job.
And many Neo-Libs believe as does Michael Moore that America has plenty of cash.
Anonydumbassmous and all the other names you post under when you want to be misogynist or incendiary,
YOU are a Neo-Lib, not me. Get it? Last it.. There, I did it for you. No excuses.
I support regulation, the greater good of the community, higher taxes on corporations, taxation to pay for social services and all the beautiful things you consider "Godless" and frown upon.
Rita said, "Stop with the racists rants already (commenters). We on the right do not want a bloated, bought and paid for government. We'll toss our Republicans too if they won't listen. I could care less if Obama was green, it's his policies I don't like. Give it a rest."
What?! Why didn't YOU do something about the bloated and ever increasing size of the Federal government under the Republican administration?
Oh. Wait. I see. It really *IS* about the black man in the White House.
"I support regulation, the greater good of the community, higher taxes on corporations, taxation to pay for social services and all the beautiful things you consider "Godless" and frown upon."
Interested in some beach front property in Cuba, would be cheap and located in a country that shares all the things you support?
PS in my prior post when I say "THe Army" I am talking about the Mexican Army, just wanted to make that clear. I'm talking totally about the forces in Mexico itself.
And here I was under the impression that Boltok's real name was Richard Cranium. Seems there are many many more of his relatives are finding there way here. Tom you have found some real winners. The short sightedness being displayed here by people with conservative ideals gives me a good laugh everyday. Keep it up everyone in the world needs a good laugh.
Prairie: You even included my quote that we'd toss "Republicans too...." I don't know why I'm surprised that when people cannot find the intellect to disagree with someone that believes differently they call the other side Nazi's or Racists. After all that certainly has worked well for both sides. You seemed to have not read where I thought Obama was the real deal early on and when I found out more about his policies they didn't agree with my beliefs.
Would it have made a different TO YOU, if he had been a caucasian? I personally couldn't care. I was proud that America finally voted a person of color into the highest office, I'm just not happy with the one they chose.
Did you miss the last election where several Republicans were voted out of office along with the Democrats? There are millions of us that are sick of the two party system entirely and politicians that get to Washington and get all caught up in payoff. Both sides.
Go ahead, repeat your name calling again, that's all ya got.
"If we had heeded President Jimmy Carter's call to get moving on solar energy over thirty years ago, we would have cured our addiction to foreign oil by this time."
lol Tom on that one. Jimmy Carter, the big energy conservator, used to crank up the air conditioning to cool the White House in order to burn a fire in the fireplace.
Jimmy's Department of Energy is a big sinkhole of taxpayer money and has not produced anything.
Former KKK member John Paul Rodgers is now a mayoral candidate in Lakes Wales, FL.
Rodgers who like the late Senator Byrd(d),West Va, is a Democrat.
Anathema to the Democrats is the true grass roots movement, the 'baggers' to them, Tea Party.
Let's see, the Koch brothers they'd have us believe are largely involved in recruiting it,
But we Americans know, that the popularity of talk radio with the better names,
Rush and Hannity alone, okay, along with Beck, Levin, Savage along with Fox's prime time lineup with O'Reilly too, alone constitutes a large number of people unhappy with the workings of Washington.
All the Unionists should tune in to Maddow or as before Olbermann, if people assemble around these shows, more power to them. They have the right.
@Rita I don't know why I'm surprised that when people cannot find the intellect to disagree with someone that believes differently they call the other side Nazi's or Racists Liberals are certainly not the only ones guilty of reductio ad hitlerum as seen here.
I was proud that America finally voted a person of color into the highest office, I'm just not happy with the one they chose.
Wow, in one sentence you managed to separate yourself from America and refer to the POTUS as an object. I'm sure the President "of Color" of the United States would be disappointed to know that he wasn't "the one" that you were hoping the rest of America would choose.
@ Browns, OMG, You found an example!! Are you Proud? FORMER KKK Member. Until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and even beyond that, it was perfectly ACCEPTABLE to be a douche bag racist in America. How old is your example? 66? Congratulations! Let's at least wait until he makes a race motivated political move before we castigate him. He's already had 66 hate filled years from which he is apparently trying to separate himself.
Now, how about you find an example that isn't so fallaciously analogous? Liberals and Progressives, either or, it doesn't matter, protesting and chanting racist remarks while holding signs (that show disdain for policy decisions, but with brazen personal attacks against the policy maker's race, nationality, orientation, religion, etc. which have nothing to with the policy itself) outside of a African American, Muslim, LGBT, Indian, etc. Governor/Congressman's office. This would be more equivalent to what many on the left are fuming about.
Democrats are the Forrest Gump of American politics. They've taken to heart the advice Jenny gave him right before he deployed to war: "Just, if you're ever in
trouble, don't try to be brave, you just run, OK? Just run away."
And run they have. Like frightened French soldiers.
There's hardly a politician in the world who hasn't promised they'd fight for you but the basic fight-or-flight response has unmasked today's Democrats'indefensible defense of big government.
Wisconsin state Senate Democrats cowering under their beds in an Illinois no-tell motel put 1,500 state workers at risk of layoffs and only delayed the inevitable and necessary budget cuts that Wisconsin, like the rest of America, must face. But
these cut-and-run Badgers weren't alone. Indiana Democrats also turned Hoosier tail and ran to Illinois as well. In 2003, Texas Democrats went yellow and scurried
across the Red River to Oklahoma. For Democrats, political courage is like most vintage French World War II era MAS-36 rifles: never fired and only dropped
Wow Anonyshit - You're a thief too! You can't even give credit to Dr. Milton Wolf for his article that you just plagiarized by copying and pasting; so I will.
Stupid Article from the Washington Times (ahem) that has absolutely nothing to do with what we are fucking talking about
And Dr. Wolf's credential's: He's a board certified Radiologist which undoubtedly makes him an expert on the free market economy and an excellent reference to consult for information.
@Mary "@ Browns, "OMG, You found an example!! Are you Proud? FORMER KKK Member. How old is your example? 66."
Actually Mary I gave you two examples, Senator Byrd being the other one.
Mr.Rodgers is 70 years old, and was a the former Grand Dragon of the KKK, who resigned about "30 years ago". Are you saying that it is ok to be a democrat today IF when you were a member of the KKK was X number of years ago? Does that statute of limitations apply to Republicans as well?
Look up how by party the votes for and against the Civil Rights act of 1964 fell out.
Your claim of this fact being "fallaciously analogous", explain why you think that it is and why it should be swept under the Democrat Party's carpet?
@ Browns44 - In no way do I advocate for any "sweeping under the carpet" per se, I simply stated Politicians should be only be deemed racist by their current actions (considering the sensitivity and stigma associated the label "racist" carries with it). Racism does exist everywhere, and when you cast a big enough net, of course you are sure to catch a bad fish or two, or three or four, but that's not the argument the left makes.
That leads us to the second matter.
As far as the second matter is concerned:
I am not responsible for educating you on what a fallacious analogy is. If you didn't learn that somewhere in your educational process you probably weren't paying attention or maybe even attended a private school. I hear they are notorious for not teaching pupils proper questioning and critical thinking skills.
Nonetheless, I will make it explicitly clear. You, my friend and fellow American, are trying to compare apples and oranges.
@ Browns Just to add...The vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was divided not by party at all, looking at the votes you will see a clear vote down geographic lines. Sorry. It was all about the North and South babe (former abolitionists v. former rich plantation owners). Many of those racist ass southern democrats have since become racist ass republicans. Trust me. Most of them are in my family tree, sans my immediate family, and a few other enlightened ones. People in my family sometimes allow their racism to enable them to forget about their Cajun-ness and that we never owned any plantations; we were just peaux sharecroppers on them...
"And Dr. Wolf's credential's: He's a board certified Radiologist which undoubtedly makes him an expert on the free market economy and an excellent reference to consult for information."
Mary Mayhem, I don't think Dr. Wolf had a 4.0 like you so his posts can't be as good as yours lol lol lol.
At least Mary Mayhem your last couple of posts were cohorent. Are you bipolar?
mary pardon my typo above. i did not have a 4.0 in college, but my major wasn't basket weaving!
@ Anonymous ...and perhaps if you strove for that perfect GPA you would be able to spell...and you wouldn't have to attack and steal....Oh my! How Godless you are...
@ Anonymous ...and perhaps if you strove for that perfect GPA you would be able to spell...and you wouldn't have to attack and steal....Oh my! How Godless you are...
You even had to go and "steal" information from my profile just to formulate a response.
at least i have a job and pay a lot of taxes which are then redistributed to the government teet sucking addicts who don't want to work!
KKK has been covered in the past on this blog. The left will have you think that the right and the KKK are aligned. The KKK historically has been and anti Republican Democrat organization. Being a Democrat was a prerequisite to membership. And yes, the now departed senior senator from WV was a KKK membership recruiter.
The democrats play a game of enticing the blacks to vote their way while perpetuating hatred and policies that extinguish them.
Hypocrisy of Michael Moore thickens
Jerry Zandstra / The Detroit News
What would you say to someone who made $50 million in an industry in which 90 percent of his fellow union members made less than $5,000 per year?
How about someone whose last project grossed over $220 million but who hired nonunion workers to save money? Unions should be up in arms. People across the country should be protesting outside this guy's house. Commentators like Rachel Maddow should be raining condemnation on his head in disgust over the growing gap between the wealthy and the poor in America.
He should be the left's poster boy for all that is wrong with our country. But what if the person who does such things is Michigan's own Michael Moore?
Moore has made himself infamous by making outrageous documentaries and ridiculous statements. In his latest tirades, he told GritTV that the wealthy's income should be nationalized. All property, income and wealth should be thought of as belonging to "the people," he said, rather than any one person.
I hope it is ok with you that if I use your quote "Politicians should be only be deemed racist by their current actions (considering the sensitivity and stigma associated the label "racist" carries with it)" to answer those who toss the term racist around freely?
Thanks in advance.
Vote by party the Civil Rights Act of 1964
House of Representatives:
Democrats for: 152
Democrats against: 96
Republicans for: 138
Republicans against: 34
Democrats for: 46
Democrats against: 21
Republicans for: 27
Republicans against: 6
Without the "racist" Republicans voting for this bill, it would not have passed.
Mary Mayhem....
You have shown a spotlight on why so many of these knuckleheads remain anonymous.
And as to the assertion that the KKK historically was allied with the Dems - you are absolutely correct. For a century these assholes just couldn't bring themselves to vote for the party of Abraham Lincoln - "That nigger lovin' bastard what freed the slaves".
Their animosity for the GOP ended when President Johnson (Lyndon - not Andrew) signed the Voting and Civil Rights Acts into law in 1964 and 1965 respectively. The moment that happened, every single one of those Dixiecrats, with the exception of Robert Byrd, became Republicans.
This is a historical fact. Spin it to your heart's content.
Tom Degan
Where in the following sentence did I refer to just liberals?
"I don't know why I'm surprised that when people cannot find the intellect to disagree with someone that believes differently they call the other side Nazi's or Racists."
It says PEOPLE, do you not believe Conservatives are people too?
And there was nothing in my post where I referred to the POTUS as an "object". You highlight my referring to him as a "person of color".
Try googling the term, dear. Even Wikipedia refers to that term as indicating anyone who is non-white AND says "People of color was introduced as a preferable replacement to both non-white and minority, which are also inclusive, because it frames the subject positively;"
So if Colonel Adam West or Mark Rubio run and win the next election for POTUS, you cannot say you disagree with their policies, can you? Otherwise, according to your standards that would make you....WHAT?
I read several political blogs on both sides of the aisle. I was thinking this might be one where someone can discuss their differing opinions without resorting to personal attacks.
Obviously I was mistaken. I'll find one that actually does.
Bye Bye.
This comment has been removed by the author.
No Rita. You missed my point entirely. You made the POTUS an object by referring to him as the wrong "one."
Wrong what, Rita? Person of color? American? Man? Human?
Spoons are "ones." People are men and women, children etc.
What I'm concerned with really, is okay, we have just entered into another conflict.
But there probably are few places as dangerous right now as parts of Mexico especially just south of our contiguous border with them.
The depth of violence and cruelty is almost inconceivable though I guess it's not as bad as Colombia was when Escobar was there. It is horrid. If I were down there, I'd want to get out. Problem is about last August, even one of the cartels killed a bunch of immigrants, mostly South and Central American trying to make their way to America. So, the cartels deal in human trafficking.
There are 2 main causes that the violence has skyrocketed.
First, the President Calderon declared war on the Cartels.
Second, the Juarez cartel near El Paso Texas is where the Juarez corridor is, the best place to transport drugs to the USA. They would charge other "cartels" a toll fee to use the corridor. The Sinaloa cartel, a Western State, decided to stop paying the fee and to try and take over the "corridor".
I would in fact, accept a degree of legalization or decriminalization of drugs.
Okay, I post here but in this case, I will use a 2ndary name. But this is an issue that interests me and I'd like to see the situation resolved for the safety of the Mexican people.
Now, I've tried to say this a few times, and Now I think I know why it did not take, "cut and pasting", so this is totally spontaneous, however, I will try to put in a 2nd post with links. Links as well may not stay up in these forums.
@ Browns,
I hope it is ok with you that if I use your quote "Politicians should be only be deemed racist by their current actions (considering the sensitivity and stigma associated the label "racist" carries with it)" to answer those who toss the term racist around freely?
No, but feel free to use it to answer politicians who throw the term around freely, because that is what I said. Thank-you.
@ Stop the Drug Wars - I saw your post from a few days ago before it disappeared and I cannot agree more. I went to high school in South Texas and I used to go across the border to party and shop quite frequently. It is a total warzone now. I won't go back to Reynosa or Progresso because of the kidnappings and shootings. There have been frequent bloody shootings in Progresso and one even crossed the international bridge into Nuevo Progresso. There have been many reported kidnappings for ransom in Reynosa. Quite recently, there was a field somewhere near Brownsville, TX (Rio Grande Valley) where they discovered evidence of a massacre and a bunch of bodies which were suspected to be a result of the Juarez Cartel trying to intimidate people, or something to that account. Illegal immigration is definitely not the problem, these are people that are in high places and are able to come and go across the border as they please. They issue is the USA's love for drugs and Mexican's need of guns and money; vicious cycle. There are many more cultural, historical, and socio-economic issues involved also. We really need to look into our policies, as Americans, because the violence is in our backyard and it is real. It is brutal. It is ugly. I think it's just as bad as Escobar because of the deep corruption, and it's only going to get worse. Hey policy makers, why can't we spend a little time on this front?
Thank You for your post Mary Mayhem,
Now, some of these sources are "Left wing" or possibly an alternative point of view, but informative sources on this issue. I'm not sure if links are being rejected or what. But I'll try it again and one can cut and paste. <--- Don't agree with some of the conclusions but useful all the same.
* Belay my last, the Brownsville area of Texas is under the Zetas Cartel control...the 72 massacred bodies found there were suspected to be migrant workers from the Central America area, killed by Zetas Coyotes for non-payment of extortion fees, and the bodies were found on the Matamoros (Mexico) side in a remote ranch, which lead to a full on shoot out (even more casualties) with the Mexican Marines.
Hope you are sitting down, but I agree 100% with you and StopTheDrugWars said...
How to do might be where we part.
For me it starts with a serious complete and enforcement of our borders. Included would be drugs moving north, guns moving south (I CAN NOT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND THE SMARTEST PRESIDENT EVER, DID NOT KNOW THAT WAS GOING ON), and aliens IE; undocumented workers moving north across out border.
Take all political consideration out of the enforcement of our laws, including the return of all those found in the US illegally. I don't care if by doing so we hurt the DNC or the GOP, I don't care if doing so upsets conservatives or liberals, the UN, NOW, PETA, Teamsters, KKK, ACORN, SEIU, UCLA or BOB JONES University. A nation that can not or will not protect it's own border is not a nation for long.
@ Stop the drug War : This site is really good for non-classified message traffic, documents, notifications etc. you just have to search... Public Intelligence
I love the the FOIA !
Yes, the immigrants and people here might not know the only way they found out about the massacre was that an Ecuadoran 'played dead', he was shot and shot through the neck but not fatally and then later was able to escape.
Right and there is also a group, something like the Mata Zetas I believe, maybe Anti Zetas to in turn fight the Zetas.
Now, I just said the part about Escobar in that I do listen to what the so-called experts say and so far, they seem to say it is not as bad.
But I know what is going on down there and personally, I would think that Mexico is as bad or Colombia must have really been bad.
Figures vary but since all this began with the big upsurge, they say 30,000-35,000 people have been killed.
Right, and I'm all for stopping the weapons to Mexico, not only that but ah, I've never used guns, I'm not against them but in the USA obviously, some people as well should not have guns like hearing when youths have guns, etc.
I think some progress has been made against the cartels but on the other hand, some would say the Mexican government favors some of the cartels and due to government corruption, this is not ending. It would not be so bad if there was just the corruption and nothing else. But these sides are indeed warring.
Browns44 "Take all political consideration out of the enforcement of our laws, including the return of all those found in the US illegally."
They already tried that. Op Wetback was a mess. On the plus side, it did eventually inspire Illegal Aliens from Outer Space!. Yes, that's me tooting my own horn.
To paraphrase Gwynne Dyer (via his CBC podcast for Climate Wars:
"The USA have a secure border with Mexico. For that, all you need is a three meter high, three meter deep fence of razor wire running the length of the border. North of that put a three meter deep, three meter wide trench, lined with motion sensors and landmines. North of that you need a ten meter high wall topped with cameras and remote controlled machine guns. In short, the security of the border depends mostly on how many people you're willing to shoot."
And real, organized attempts at deportation will never happen as long as strawberries need pickin', chickens need pluckin', bushes need trimmin' and babies need raisin'. Well-off white people can't afford to spend time at home (and are unwilling to pay real wages), and Tyson Foods needs its margin. Those are two powerful blocks.
Illegal Mexicans are mostly just a target when the economy tanks, an easy enemy to point at and keep the heat off of (in this case) Wall Street, anyway.
You know, in other revolutions, it's the people on the top who get the pitchforks aimed at them. They pick on their Czars and Kings. The US picks on nannies and, bizarrely, teachers.
OMG, MO - I think I just peed my pants a little.
"The USA have a secure border with Mexico. For that, all you need is a three meter high, three meter deep fence of razor wire running the length of the border. North of that put a three meter deep, three meter wide trench, lined with motion sensors and landmines. North of that you need a ten meter high wall topped with cameras and remote controlled machine guns. In short, the security of the border depends mostly on how many people you're willing to shoot."
Build it using the large numbers of out of work construction workers that are now collecting unemployment.Build it using all the Stimulus $ not yet spent that Unions are screaming to be released and spent on rebuilding of our infrastructure. This is infrastructure on the highest level.
Willing to shoot people? Well if Canadians have citizens who club baby seals who have harmed no one, I am sure we Yankees will be able to find citizens willing to protect our border from invaders by shooting them if need be.
Final note, what the hell does a POD cast about Climate Wars got to do with a nation protecting it's own borders? And from a CBC broadcast?
Browns44 "Final note, what the hell does a POD cast about Climate Wars got to do with a nation protecting it's own borders? And from a CBC broadcast?"
Climate Wars: The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats. Long story short, if you think the border is an issue now with the Drug War, your children will get to deal with that plus Global Warming destabilized the already not-all-that-stable Central America (and South America), adding a Food War in to the mix.
You are fairly attractive, go back to your old avatar.
But right now, truly, with the US economy and the Cartels down there, there is not that much illegal immigration going on now.
Though in this matter, I'll try to be what I have read another blogger say, a "conflict avoider"
But look at this, a small town, in fact, the one Pancho Villa raided about 1913, Columbus New Mexico, Columbus' Mayor was busted for transporting weapons, guns across to Mexico.
"City and police officials in New Mexico are behind bars and facing federal charges for smuggling deadly weapons to Mexican drug cartel members. It happened in Columbus; a small town associated with a historic border raid by Pancho Villa."
Discuss what you want but I won't participate much into the Immigration debate.
I'm more concerned about our need to stop weapons. Gerardo reported on this on one of his shows.
Across the Border from Columbus is Palomas, the Mayor was murdered, a whole lot of politicians, especially Mayors have been killed down there. It is unbelievable.
So back to the point, the Violence only grew exponentially again when:
War was declared on the Narco Traffickers.
The Sinaloa Cartel decided to try to take over the Juarez cartel. This is why Juarez has turned so violent, 10 murders a day or something.
But acts of terrorism have happened, I mean senseless violence, some "Maquila" meaning factory workers were on there way to work and some drug thugs gunned the bus up, just to terrorize people, killed a few women workers. This is in the last year.
It's all messed up.
@ Browns -- Omg, you sound like Keynes!!!!
Ok, MM.
Let's keep doing what we are doing now. Share with me what you see the outcome of that will be?
World Peace?
A non violent USA?
Legalization of current illegal drugs?
Freedom to be free do to anything?
Justice for those who claim to have been treated unjustly?
No unemployment?
No rich?
No hunger?
All needs provided cradle to grave by government?
Make private gun ownership illegal in the USA in order to stop the flow south to Mexico of guns?
What do you believe is the answer to our border problem and the drug wars along it? Ignore the border, ignore the problem, ignore the current laws, change the current laws?
Very easy Mary to fall into the trap of calling me a name to deflect the answer to the question, much easier than to provide an answer yourself.
I thought you were better than that.
@ Browns - So now referring to someone's economic outlook as Keynesian, which, btw, I somewhat/mostly lean towards, is "name calling"?
I think the leaders in Mexico and the US need to get together and seriously hash it out. They are smarter and more powerful than me...but here is my way of thinking....
We need a better drug policy here in the US. Mexico needs to fix their end too, but here, Marijuana should be totally legal and taxed, just like alcohol. I'm on stronger medication than this crap, prescribed by my doctor just for seizures, and sleep disorders. Marijuana is legal per se in Colorado already, and Cocaine might as well be.
Other drugs should be regulated in some way, but not criminalized. You should have to register with the state as a drug addict and buy your smack or coke or meth and other derivatives, any drugs that give DTs or are highly addictive, at the pharmacy, which the government could keep tabs on. The pharmacy would have the ability to limit your dosages, through government legislation, and maybe even taper you off the drug (this would be ideal). I'm thinking like methadone clinics or the registered drug addicts in the UK. That kind of system.
Will this happen? ...There is way too much money in the illegal drug trade. For-profit prisons, police precincts, lawyers...they are all making the scrilla. Americans love scrilla.
I agree there is much scrilla in the drug trade. I don't know if I agree that there is too much to stop their illegal use.
What I understand you to be saying is to treat the use of drugs like the Dutch do, is that correct?
What I am baffled by is the willingness to throw in the towel before we have sealed our border. If we cannot or will not stop the flow of "undocumented workers" then it reasons we can not stop the importation of drugs. That question I addressed in my original post on this subject.
The next question I have is, what other laws should we give up enforcing because we can not stop the breaking of the law 100%?
Would you care to start a list of those laws for us?
As for the Keynesian comment, it goes like this. If the government has passed a law, then they should use all of it's resources to enforce the law. Or don't bother passing it.
Cindy Sheehan has a point,
"Three days after the current evil Emperor was installed by the oligarchy, he ordered a drone bombing in Northern Pakistan (a country that we are supposedly not at war with) that killed 36 civilians and since then, he has been absolutely mad about drone bombings, increasing Bush’s total over 300 percent in far fewer years. Even though I never supported Obama who funded wars as a Senator and who is NOT a peace president, I said at the time: “Three days in and already a war criminal.” I was thoroughly attacked by Democrats who once affiliated as “peace” activists for not giving Obama “time.”
Well, Gitmo is still open, military tribunals will resume for men who have been illegally detained for up to a decade now, US Tomahawk missiles are raining down on innocents in Libya (killing people to save them is the NEW PEACE), dictators are still supported, Israel is still occupying and oppressing Palestine, activists are being targeted by Obama’s DOJ while BushCo are being protected, the USA PATRIOT ACT was renewed, the Gulf is dying–and where is the outrage?
Now that Cindy Sheehan is attacking liberals, she couldn't get on the network news if she set her hair on fire
This is where I think the outrage is–the oligarchy of this country is clever, they knew that it would take a person of color with an Islamic name who sold his soul many years ago–to fulfill the neocon agenda of planetary dominance (see: Project for a New American Century). So if one criticizes Obama, then we are attacked by War Loving Democrats for being: “divisive fanatics,” “racist,” “Tea Baggers,” “crazy,” etcetera. Could McCain be getting away with bombing North Africa? Or does that take an African-American to give political cover to the war jackals?The last four paragraphs were for War Loving Democrats, Greens and Socialists–yes I have heard from all three groups denouncing me for being against bombing Libyans to save them (same thing BushCo said about Iraqis, by the way–and the very same rhetoric used for Vietnam, etc).
This next part is for war loving Republicans and “Independents,”
What? Are you people morons? First of all, you should be dancing in the streets praising the name of Obama like your comrades in the Democratic Party who hypocritically support his murders. Face it–YOU OVERTLY LOVE WAR–when a Republican is doing it. Admit it, you salivate over killing innocents so those “jihadist” babies won’t crawl over here to cut your throats and make your women wear burkas! How dare you attack me and complain that I don’t protest Obama’s wars, when you should be out supporting him with all of your violent hearts and souls."
Dennis Kucinich, a vegetarian and peaceful man. I love him as well Tom.
I've got to relate, there was this guy in a town nearby and this is like in the last two years, probably '08 and he had a white medium size car that had Kucinich bumperstickers all over it and I mean in a patterned way, up and down, on the trunk, hood, roof, doors, everywhere, one on top of another.
All we have to do is consult with Mexico. If we control our southern border as ruthlessly as they control their southern border, we'll have no problem.
"Now that Cindy Sheehan is attacking liberals, she couldn't get on the network news if she set her hair on fire"
Thats a good one! Liberals are a funny and hypocritical species!
Just like when Newt was picked on for his marital infidelities. Does Tom Degan give equal criticism to JFKs, Slick Willie Clintons, and John Edwards marital infidelities?
@ Harley A - All we have to do is consult with Mexico. If we control our southern border as ruthlessly as they control their southern border, we'll have no problem.
You're joking right? You do know that Mexico has absolutely no control over their southern border right?
It's controlled by the Zetas Cartel, you know, the same cartel responsible for the massacre near Matamoras. You know the same gang of ruthless deserters that the Mexican government deployed against the Zapatistas in Chiapas?
That's what you want here? I hope you are joking.
Mary - Yes, kidding. Not sure what the debate is about. If the protection of our southern border from gangsters and outlaws is a controversial topic, we have fallen off the deep end. The real core issue is Mexican corruption – not a “secure border”. Note that we don’t need a “secure border” with Canada. Had the Spaniards been kicked out and not allowed to subjugate that part of the world 200 years ago, things would look vastly different. Everywhere they set up shop has historically been corrupt. That is the historical legacy we are left to deal with today. But, certainly a hard one to have predicted with certainty...
Thanks, Mack....
I've also tried googling their catchy little phrases to see where else I could find them. They really are amusing, aren't they?
where is the outrage about the war pig Obama? he is just as bad as W.! where is the liberal outrage! what hypocrisy!
Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerers of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Oh lord, yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away.
They only started the war.
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah.
Time will tell on their power minds, making war just for fun.
Treating people just like pawns in chess, wait till their judgement day comes, yeah.
Now in darkness world stops turning, ashes where the bodies burning. No more War Pigs have the power, Hand of God has struck the hour.
Day of judgement, God is calling,
on their knees the war pigs crawling.
Begging mercies for their sins,
Obama, laughing, spreads his wings.
Oh lord, yeah!
--Black Sabbath, War Pigs
hey tom,
looks like obama is the "compassionate war pig"!
So, the Coalition acted and maybe the City, Benghazi?? Is that correct was spared and so, per Bob Beckel, that's 250,000 people saved from slaughter. If this is the truth, Gaddafi is an evil fellow....who should be killed and you know, it's hard to say that for me about anyone, save the likes of we all know who, that Austrian fellow.
And that poor Libyan woman at the hotel, that made me feel so bad for that woman, I hope she is relatively safe...
Bloody Freaking Hell,
Check here, 10:30 EST, Arab Libyan I assume holding a sword up and the as we've been told Black African Mercenaries.... from Ghana or wherever...
if link works Horrid
"where is the outrage about the war pig Obama? he is just as bad as W.! where is the liberal outrage! what hypocrisy!"
Where is the outrage? Nothin' personal, but did you even bother to read what I wrote before you commented?
I was just curious.
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"The most hateful torment for men is to have knowledge of everything but power over nothing."
– Herodotus
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism" is now out!
Stalin’s gulag, impoverished North Korea, collapsing Cuba . . . it’s hard to name a dogma that has failed as spectacularly as socialism. And yet leaders around the world continue to subject millions of people to this dysfunctional, violence-prone ideology.
In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism, Kevin Williamson reveals the fatal flaw of socialism — that efficient, complex economies simply can’t be centrally planned. But even in America, that hasn’t stopped politicians and bureaucrats from planning, to various extents, the most vital sectors of our economy: public education, energy, and the most arrogant central–planning effort of them all, Obama’s healthcare plan.
In this provocative book, Williamson unfolds the grim history of socialism, showing how the ideology has spawned crushing poverty, devastating famines, and horrific wars. Lumbering from one crisis to the next, leaving a trail of economic devastation and environmental catastrophe, socialism has wreaked more havoc, caused more deaths, and impoverished more people than any other ideology in history—especially when you include the victims of fascism, which Williamson notes is simply a variant of socialism.
Fascism is to socialism as north is to west.
Tom, I can only assume that 'Anonymous' suffers from Tourette Syndrome. ;-)
or psychosis
Mary, you said...
"Fascism is to socialism as north is to west."
Or, better yet, oil and water. They definitely don't mix.
Could be both! ;-)
Actually (my take), fascism is to capitalism as Marxism/Leninism is to democratic socialism.
To compare fascism and socialism per se is difficult to do – a bit of a categorical problem.
Here's a link to some media coverage of protesters against the war in Liberia recently in Chicago.
Didn't know if you had seen this.
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Browns: Liberia?? You must mean Libya. Er.... is Liberia a country where blacks who were slaves in the USA returned?? I believe so. It is down near Ivory Coast where I hope all hell is NOT breaking loose as we speak.
fascism and socialism both share the characteristic of central planning of the economy and society by an arrogant group of people who falsely believe they know what is best for the masses they try to rule.
jg, lets hear some more bullshit!
mary, show us some more skin!
"JUST BE KIND TO EACH OTHER" I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVE THAT! Tom: Thanx, it is really nice to be reading again~ I get through more every time
This forum has a big Rock Pop 'n' Roll influence:
The Rita here was here surely for no other reason than "Lovely Rita Meter Maid..."
Yeah, reminds me of the song 'Uncle John's Band", probably the Dead's signature song more than any other song, unless you'd say "Ripple", "Truckin'" is a radio hit, fine song but not as good as those other two.
"Well the first days are the hardest days,
Don't you worry any more, 'Cause when life looks like easy
Street, there is danger at your door.
Think this through with me, let me know your mind.
Woh - oh, what I want to know, is are you kind?"
Those 2 albums were real good.
My error, I let my spell check do all the work for me and ended up with the wrong country.
Sorry for the error
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