Twit from the North Country

I will say the only words I know that you understand, my Michele: You're a dunce.
"We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil, and it was a scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly - men like John Quincy Adams - who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country."
-Michele Bachmann
What the....DID SHE JUST SAY THAT???
So, the Foundin
g Fathers ended slavery, huh? She is off by years. Roughly four score and seven years - give or take a few. She also pegged John Quincy Adams as one of "the very founders that wrote those documents." He must have been quite the child prodigy. When the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, John Quincy Adams was one week past his eleventh birthday. Should it surprise any of us that she got him confused with his father - John Adams? For the record: On January 31, 1865, when the House of Representatives passed the Thirteenth Amendment that outlawed slavery forever, John Quincy Adams - the guy who "would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country" - was resting quite comfortably indeed. He had been dead for nearly eighteen years.
American history is lots of fun - and relatively easy. The fact that slavery did not end during the Federalist period but immediately following the Civil War is kind of a no-brainer; the sort of thing that most kids understand by the third grade. It's quite revealing that Michele Bachmann can't even get this History 101 subject right. It's also quite funny. She is one of the reasons that my life today is such a joy. All of that unintentional comedy! I hope she never goes away.
What is i
t with the people of her district? How could they be proud of the fact that this quarter-witted fool is their representative in the hallowed halls of congress? Minnesota, after all, is the state that gave us Bob Dylan, Jessica Lange, Walter Mondale, Judy Garland, Eugene McCarthy, Hubert Humphrey, Sinclair Lewis - not to mention Patty, Laverne and Maxine - the lovely Andrews Sisters. That's a pretty impressive list any way you slice it or dice it.
Minnesota is also the home of my beloved kin - the fabulous Tuma family of St. Paul. For that reason alone it rates high in my book. Hi, cousins!
Maybe we should cut the place some slack, Michele Marie Amble Bachmann was, in fact, born in Waterloo, Iowa on April 6, 1956. While I was doing a little research, trying to figure out how anyone can get this stupid in less than fifty-five years, I came upon a revealing clue: She received her law degree from Oral Roberts University. That would explain volumes, wouldn't it. I've noticed that many alumnus of that Christian school have a somewhat warped view of reality. And yet a lot of them manage to graduate without retaining so much as a remedial understanding of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - Michele Bachmann for instance. If that weren't the case she wouldn't possess such a mean and spiteful view of the country she claims to love so well. Oral Roberts University must be an interesting place. I'd like to party on that campus one of these days.
"We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil, and it was a scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly - men like John Quincy Adams - who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country."
-Michele Bachmann
What the....DID SHE JUST SAY THAT???
So, the Foundin

American history is lots of fun - and relatively easy. The fact that slavery did not end during the Federalist period but immediately following the Civil War is kind of a no-brainer; the sort of thing that most kids understand by the third grade. It's quite revealing that Michele Bachmann can't even get this History 101 subject right. It's also quite funny. She is one of the reasons that my life today is such a joy. All of that unintentional comedy! I hope she never goes away.
What is i

Minnesota is also the home of my beloved kin - the fabulous Tuma family of St. Paul. For that reason alone it rates high in my book. Hi, cousins!
Maybe we should cut the place some slack, Michele Marie Amble Bachmann was, in fact, born in Waterloo, Iowa on April 6, 1956. While I was doing a little research, trying to figure out how anyone can get this stupid in less than fifty-five years, I came upon a revealing clue: She received her law degree from Oral Roberts University. That would explain volumes, wouldn't it. I've noticed that many alumnus of that Christian school have a somewhat warped view of reality. And yet a lot of them manage to graduate without retaining so much as a remedial understanding of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - Michele Bachmann for instance. If that weren't the case she wouldn't possess such a mean and spiteful view of the country she claims to love so well. Oral Roberts University must be an interesting place. I'd like to party on that campus one of these days.
Much of the blame for the "scourge" of Michele Bachmann must be laid at the door of Chris Matthews. I love the man. He is just about the smartest son-of-a-bitch commenting on politics today. But I really have to chide him for "discovering" her. Ms. Bachmann was a deservedly unknown congresswoman in October 2009 when he invited her on his program "Hardball" for an interview. It was there that she called for an investigation of all the Democrats in congress for their "un-Americanism". Under normal circumstances such an idiotic statement would have hurled her right back into obscurity. Instead, the GOP made her a star. Life is funny that way, you know?
This past week was a high point in Representative Bachmann's twisted career. Not content to let her party's hierarchy respond to President Obama's State of the Union speech, her demented illusion of self-importance concluded that the entire country was beside itself anticipating what she had to say. Although the networks ignored her babbling comments (with the curious exception of CNN) the following morning it was all everyone could talk about. It was as if the GOP's official response (delivered by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin) had been wiped from living memory.
Once again a headline hunting extremist from the fringe of the "party of Lincoln" had stolen the spotlight and diverted the message. Life is beautiful.
She claimed in her little speech that the deficit "exploded under President Obama's direction." Apparently this nitwit was asleep between the years 2001 and 2009. Indeed it seems the entire tea party movement was in a coma during those years. By the time they woke up from their long and clueless slumber, instead of facing reality head on, they decided to take the historically tried and true path of blaming the black guy for their woes. It's a lot easier that way, you know.
I have this dreaded fear - that one day in the not-too-distant future, historians will record that the United States of America began - and ended - with a tea party.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
And speaking of my cousins the fabulous Tuma family of St. Paul, Minnesota:
If you happen to find yourself wandering near the campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey this evening at 6:30, Nicole Tuma will be giving a flute recital. She's the daughter of my cousin Katie Clements, and her husband Randy Tuma. I have heard Nicole play. The gal is brilliant!
For more recent postings on this site, please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Naughty, left wing propaganda. Enjoy!
This past week was a high point in Representative Bachmann's twisted career. Not content to let her party's hierarchy respond to President Obama's State of the Union speech, her demented illusion of self-importance concluded that the entire country was beside itself anticipating what she had to say. Although the networks ignored her babbling comments (with the curious exception of CNN) the following morning it was all everyone could talk about. It was as if the GOP's official response (delivered by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin) had been wiped from living memory.
Once again a headline hunting extremist from the fringe of the "party of Lincoln" had stolen the spotlight and diverted the message. Life is beautiful.
She claimed in her little speech that the deficit "exploded under President Obama's direction." Apparently this nitwit was asleep between the years 2001 and 2009. Indeed it seems the entire tea party movement was in a coma during those years. By the time they woke up from their long and clueless slumber, instead of facing reality head on, they decided to take the historically tried and true path of blaming the black guy for their woes. It's a lot easier that way, you know.
I have this dreaded fear - that one day in the not-too-distant future, historians will record that the United States of America began - and ended - with a tea party.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

And speaking of my cousins the fabulous Tuma family of St. Paul, Minnesota:
If you happen to find yourself wandering near the campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey this evening at 6:30, Nicole Tuma will be giving a flute recital. She's the daughter of my cousin Katie Clements, and her husband Randy Tuma. I have heard Nicole play. The gal is brilliant!
For more recent postings on this site, please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Naughty, left wing propaganda. Enjoy!
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010
"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009
"Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008
"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008
"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
Thank you for those, Mark! If any of you have your own examples of Michele Bachmann's unintentional humor, please feel free to add it!
Tom Degan
Oral Roberts offers a law degree? I'm not going to be able to leave that bit of news alone!
Yes, Nance they do. So does Pat Robertson's Regent U. Its based more on biblical law than anythinig else. And gues what? Taht means Mosiac law which is really really relly close to sharia law? We are sooo screwed!
(sits back on her veranda, and sips margeritas..join me anyone?)
Mix one up for me, Marlena! I could use a good, stiff drink at this moment.
Well as usual, you nailed it. What is wrong with us as a people as this doesn't happen in a vacuum.
Technically, she called Adams one of our “forebears” and did not say he was one of the writers of the Declaration. That is inference on your part. Nor did she imply that she believes Adams was around for the Emancipation or the 13th Amendment. She said he worked for the abolition of slavery, which he indeed did.
Poorly framed statement, perhaps. Hyperbole regarding the founding fathers’ stance on slavery, perhaps. But, historically inaccurate nonsense deserving of the term “twit” not so much, in my opinion.
“Commencing on 9 January 1837, when he presented an antislavery petition in behalf of 150 women from his district, Adams persisted in his one-man campaign in behalf of thousands of subsequent petitioners, year after year defying votes to table, insults, censure resolutions, and even death threats until finally, on 3 December 1844, the House passed a resolution rescinding the gag rule. Although he had for a while been decried by abolitionists because of his opposition to what he felt was the impractical goal of an immediate, uncompensated end to slavery, Adams ultimately won the respect of almost all persons who believed as did he that slavery was "a sin before the sight of God." He died dramatically after he suffered a stroke almost immediately after voting on 21 January 1848 to oppose a resolution thanking military officers for their services during what he regarded as the proslavery Mexican War. He lapsed into a coma and died on 23 February 1848.”
- excerpt from one of many articles that can be found on John Q. Adams
hate to tell you tom but those quotes are from president obama. mark pulled one over on you.
speaking of bachmann's new american history, you should look into glenn becks rage against chris matthews for calling bachmann a 'bubblehead' for that statement. i think it's 8 or 13 minutes of beck going off and explaining that the founding fathers did end slavery.... and that the 3/5ths rule was an effort to end slavery.
OBAMA SAID THOSE MORONIC THINGS??? You got me good, Mark. Thanks for setting me straight, John!
All the best,
Tom Degan
The Republicans know one thing. The first rule of politics is that if you repeat a thing long enough, in spite of how ridiculous that thing might be, it becomes cemented fact in the minds of enough of the population to swing an election or whatever other manipulation you might be after. Hence, Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (still does apparently), Obama wants to kill granny, and he is an Arab foreigner, The United States was founded on the Christian religion in spite of most of the founding fathers' heretical views, and now...those deitized same founding fathers opposed slavery. History happens, but people write it.
"We have three branches of government, the House, the Senate and the White House."
This came from Senator Schumer (D-NY), who sits on the committee that oversees the missing branch of our Government, the Judiciary Branch in a interview on CNN's program "The State of the Union."
Then there is the question from Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee (D-TX) to a NASA scientist if the Mars Pathfinder had gone by the flag left by Neil Armstrong.
And who could forget Congressman Hank Jackson's (D-GA)concern that too many troops there would cause the island of Guam to tip over.
Well, no one ever accused Bachmann of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. I can't wait to see her and Palin get into a debate and toss around their skewed version of facts and history.. Or would that be a hair pulling contest?
Charlie, my lad, your sexism is showing with your hair pulling
I'm not going to knock Al-Obama's epic failured - from his failed foreign policy, to his disaster of an economic record, to his unconstitutional Obamacare, he has still accomplished some epic things. Give the man his due!
After all, in one evening, Al-Obama was able to gain employment for 63 new Republican Congressman, 6 new Republican Senators, and approximately 700 new Republican state seats - now that is rousing success no matter how one measures it.
The man is a rousing success, and I wish him continued success for the next twenty-two months.
'Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas'- Michelle Bachmann
Playing gotcha is the pot calling the kettle black. How high level a democrat should I choose for examples?
When liberals have no logical basis to debate someone (i.e., most the time) they spend their underutilized lives in search of the soundbites of their adversaries. Once a misspoken word has been found, they feel like scholars.
57 with 1 left to go
The Organization of the Islamic Conference has 57 member states. Coincidence???
Come on MO, this one's for you.
How about Chuck Schumer (spelling?), 3 Branches of the Government, "President, House and Senate"? Why don't we hear what an idiotic twit he is? Or is it that Liberals just bully women?? Because like Blacks, they just see them as being pawns?? As BrownsT44 says.
And Chris Matthews saying the Panama Canal Zone was near Egypt.
Makes me think Liberals must be candidates for being wife beaters.
Rain, As usual you are a bigot, same for Tom Degan.
Anonymous, And I suppose those of you who disagree with Tom and Rain are not also bigots?
tom degan stalker for the rapists of new mexico, I'm always going to be much better than them because I am not a stalker or a rapist but anyone who aids the stalkers is nothing better than a rapists, too bad you are a predator as this filth is that abuses someone just for coming here, No doubt, HOW DID TOM DEGAN get so stupid in his 52 years, you screwed up bigot.
This can all go to the Police, sorry Tom Degan, all people have a right to life you stalking scumbag. Who are the stalkers??
Tom Degan is a stalker who aids Rapists. I'll take any of that any day over the 55 years baby killing talk on this stalking rapist blog.
Who's stalking? Hindu girl? Francis Starmes? Redhaired Puke Face Hate Speech Master??
I've got a lovely girl here and have done all.... so buzz off Tom Degan the stalker for rapists.l
I have been told that politically I am just to the right of John Birch, but for the life of me, I do not get what the string of posts by Anonymous are trying to accomplish.
Having said that, let me be the first to, by this post, disassociate myself from those posts and ask the poster please chill with the personal attacks on the host of this blog.
Delete you?
Your shrillness and total lack of understanding of basic grammar are a perfect advertisement for your brand of right-wing lunacy.
Delete you? Keep 'em coming, pal!
Tom Degan
This blog's audience continues to grow. Now you have Jared Loughner amoung your followers.
This past week was a high point in Representative Bachmann's twisted career. Not content to let her party's hierarchy respond to President Obama's State of the Union speech, her demented illusion of self-importance concluded that the entire country was beside itself anticipating what she had to say. Although (with the curious exception of CNN) the networks ignored her babbling comments, the following morning everyone was talking about it. Once again a babbling extremist from the fringe of the 'party of Lincoln' had stolen the spotlight and diverted the message. Life is beautiful.
She is there to make the "normal" Republicans, with their "normal" ideas, seem sane and rational. "Screwing the poor and tickling the balls of the rich" looks normal when it's placed beside "screwing the poor and setting them on fire and tickling the balls of the rich and keeping them warm with flaming homeless".
"Although (with the curious exception of CNN) the networks ignored her babbling comments…"
Even FoxNews didn't show it. This means that the astroturfers have, for the most part, [temporarily] abandoned the astroturfees.
"She claimed in her little speech that the deficit 'exploded under President Obama's direction.' Apparently this nitwit was asleep between the years 2001 and 2009. Indeed it seems the entire tea party movement was in a coma during those years."
She also forgot that part of it, the too-small Stimulus, was to keep the economy from completely collapsing, and that a bunch of the deficit under Obama's watch isn't his; TARP, two wars, Dubya's "temporary" (now effectively permanent) tax cuts, and the economic downturn.
She also forgot that she's terribly worried about the deficit, except for the part of it that's due to tax cuts, playing in to the GOP meme that it's always a spending problem, not also a revenue problem (Note: Until January the 20th 2009 it wasn't a spending problem).
Mark "The Middle East is obviously…"
Out of a million words from a thousand speeches you get that. Out of a hundred thousand words from a hundred speeches, you get far more from Bachmann.
Harley A. "Hyperbole regarding the founding fathers’ stance on slavery, perhaps."
You (and Bachmann) are assuming that the FFs were homogeneous in their "stance on slavery". There wouldn't have been a 3/5ths compromise if they were. It wouldn't have been necessary.
Browns44 "We have three branches of government, the House, the Senate and the White House…"
Democrats don't celebrate moronity. The GOP (since it pushed out most of the Mods) is built on Kruger-Dunning.
Tex Taylor "I'm not going to knock Al-Obama's…"
"...epic failured - from his failed foreign policy…"
{citation needed}
" his disaster of an economic record…"
{citation needed}
" his unconstitutional Obamacare…"
That's still to be determined. The still in progress case decided only that the Individual Mandate (originally from that damn Democrat Orrin Hatch!).
Also, should the whole thing be collapsed, you go back to the old status quo. If (and it's a big if) the GOP decides to actually attempt reform after that (and I don't see why they would, as they didn't when they ran the place), most of the reforms will be things that are already in this Healthcare Reform (things that people are for, as long as it's mentioned without mentioning "Obamamcare", which shows just how thoroughly and effectively the Right's Smear Machine poisoned the well).
"After all, in one evening, Al-Obama…"
Still classy.
"...was able to gain employment for 63 new Republican Congressman, 6 new Republican Senators, and approximately 700 new Republican state seats - now that is rousing success no matter how one measures it."
So Obama loses seats because, in the face of a wildly obstructionist GOP, he couldn't fix a massive economic collapse that's been building since at least the repeal of Glass-Steagall, and that's his fault? Is the sky red in RightwingPartisanWorld?
"The man is a rousing success, and I wish him continued success for the next twenty-two months."
You're a fool. You're wrapped in glee, happy with the idea of screwing yourself if it means that the other Tribe loses. You're cutting off your own nose to spite someone else's face.
boltok "When liberals have no logical basis to debate someone (i.e., most the time) they spend their underutilized lives in search of the soundbites of their adversaries. Once a misspoken word has been found, they feel like scholars."
At worst that's a tu quoque.
"Come on MO, this one's for you."
I believe that this has been covered here before. Since you can't be bothered to argue in good faith I can't be bothered to search for it.
Given the volume of writing that you do, I want to help you search for it MO. Go to the Annenberg page You can get all of your answers regarding an undocumented worker in the White House and the number of states in our union. Shouldn't be to hard to find. At worst, that a tu quoque.
Boltok, the combination of your obstinence and ignorance astounds. Separately they also astound.
You're paranoid and Tribal, anti-intellectual, reality-denying, wildly authoritarian (to the point that you'll accept or reject things based not on veracity, but on source), and viciously, stupidly Partisan (to the point that you're willing to get hurt yourself if it means that your "Other" fails).
Congratulations, you are the modern Republican "Base".
“You (and Bachmann) are assuming that the FFs were homogeneous in their "stance on slavery".”
No, actually, what I was doing is trying to agree with the shred of legitimate critique of her speech that exists (regarding her slavery reference anyway). Quite the opposite of assuming a homogenous stance on the FF’s parts, I was saying her depiction of such was hyperbole (overblown, not accurate). ‘Hyperbole’ is not a term of agreement with someone’s thesis. John Adams, the unique and solitary character that he was, was a bit of a fly in their ointment. I had no problem with her reference to him fighting against slavery – that was a very accurate portrayal of the man. To critique the whole of her reference as harshly as it has been is to try to make it “walk on all fours”. My point was that, while it may not have been poignant or well crafted, it does not reek of an ignorant “twit”.
The whole Obama/deficit thing is typical politics – twisting and using some statistical zinger that a staffer makes up to rally the troops. Twisting statistics, engaging in semantics, coloring ‘facts’ – that’s what they ALL do. Of course Obama isn’t wholly to blame (Americans don’t want to accept who’s truly to blame). Tea Party is about over – the assimilation into the mainstream Rep party will be complete by year’s end. You cannot get off the reservation for too long in American politics and survive.
So, she’s engaged in rhetorical hyperbole and, arguably, semantic statistic manipulation. That puts her in the 99% percentile of the norm of folks in DC.
I will tell you who I am. Born of extremely moderate means, never took a penny of govt money, worked and paid as I have made my way. I would rather die a long, painful, cancerous death than receive Obamacare, because I dont want to pay for it with my rights. I believe in personal responsiblity and self reliance. Not sitting around, looking at someone elses possessions and coming up with philosophies to usurp the belongings of others to make them mine. If I want something, I dont look to the govt tit. Losers like you do that.
Whenever I feel like blaming somebody for something not right in my life, I try to remind myself to look in the mirror. Usually that is where the answer lies.
It sure is cold down here in Texas. There is not much insulation in my trailer and using the outhouse needs to be brief!
Could someone please tell Al Gore maybe we need to start worrying about Global Cooling! I bet the Polar Bears are happy!
You said "I would rather die a long, painful, cancerous death than receive Obamacare, because I dont want to pay for it with my rights."
Let us hope your dream comes true.
boltok "...never took a penny of govt money..."
Unless you've been living a Unibomberish existence since birth, that statement can't be true. Just because it isn't cash doesn't mean it's not "govt money".
"I would rather die a long, painful, cancerous death than receive Obamacare, because I dont want to pay for it with my rights."
That's idiotic(*1). Even Ayn Rand accepted government aid when she got cancer. It's "Of the People, By the People and For the People". As such, it's your right to try to undo it. Not having the State acquiesce to your every wish isn't tyranny, it's democracy.
As a foreigner, I find it fascinating that there are people willing to fight for the right to be tossed to the curb. It's bizarre.
And where was your outrage when Habeas Corpus died? Or cruel/unusual punishment (not to mention treaty obligations)? Was it muted to the point of silence because you only care about the Constitution when it applies to you, but don't care that parts of it that protect "them" too?
"I believe in personal responsibility…"
I assume you have no insurance, then.
"...and self reliance."
No Man is an Island. Pretending so is to deny the very essence of society.
"Not sitting around, looking at someone elses possessions and coming up with philosophies to usurp the belongings of others to make them mine."
Odd. The status quo is having those above you steal your future to fill their pockets. But fighting for those below you is "class warfare". Remarkable.
"If I want something, I dont look to the govt tit."
Yes you do. There are any number of perks you use daily that you're denying you use. Go in to your kitchen. Turn the tap. That, my friend, is subsidized liquid manna from the purest government teat. And when you're done with it and flush the toilet, it's connected to the labyrinth of State. That labyrinth runs under the roads of State, which themselves are crossed by the Thin Blue Line of State. True story. You're using the State's help, while at the same time you decry the very idea of them doing so.(*2)
"Whenever I feel like blaming somebody for something not right in my life, I try to remind myself to look in the mirror. Usually that is where the answer lies."
Ah, so when the corporation that employs you lays you off because Market Populism says that less workers equals higher share price, is that your fault? And when your medical insurer drops you because you had the audacity to submit a claim? And when you can't get new insurance because it's now a "pre-existing condition"? And when you have to get a second mortgage to pay for your treatment because you can't get insurance?
(*1) "I recall that one recurring trope at the Tea Parties was the threat to take up arms to preserve our right to be without adequate health care." ~ Chiroptera
(*2) “Having followed the Tea Party around on and off for a few months now it’s been hard not to notice some of the contradictory messages emanating from the movement. You’ll hear the same people who want to abolish the EPA complaining about the slow federal response to the Gulf oil spill, or the same people who are stocking up on guns to ward off the inevitable government assault on their property cheering for beefed-up drug enforcement laws and the no-knock search warrant.” Matt Taibbi
Harley A. "No, actually, what I was doing is trying to agree with the shred of legitimate critique of her speech that exists (regarding her slavery reference anyway). Quite the opposite of assuming a homogenous stance on the FF’s parts, I was saying her depiction of such was hyperbole (overblown, not accurate). ‘Hyperbole’ is not a term of agreement with someone’s thesis."
Oh. My apologies. In my defense I doubt that Bachmann meant the statement as such.
RedStateFred "It sure is cold down here in Texas. There is not much insulation in my trailer and using the outhouse needs to be brief!"
Weather ≠ Climate
Miss Anne Thrope, my, can we feel your love;.
MO. "Democrats don't celebrate moronity"(did you mean to use moronic?) Are you sitting down?
I AGREE WITH YOU, they don't celebrate it, they elect it!
One name should cover this claim.
One of his lesser know quotes,
"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong." --Joe Biden, speaking to members of the House Democratic caucus who were gathered in Williamsburg, Va., for their annual retreat, Feb. 6, 2009
And to think he is just a heart beat away for the Oval Office, another reason to pray daily for the Presidents good health.
Tom, I love your blog. The comments, not so much. I think I will skip reading them in the future because most of them make absolutely no sense.
in 1805, “Is the present state of the national republic enough? Is virtue the principle of our government? Is honor? Or is ambition and avarice, adulation, baseness, covetousness, the thirst for riches, indifference concerning the means of rising and enriching, the contempt of principle, the spirit of party and faction the motive and principle that governs?” Good questions John!
Good riddance Olbermann, and may Beck be close behind.
"The president and I were talking about something yesterday in the Oval Office — which, to the press here, I’ll not suggest what it was — but the response was to the folks that were in the office with us — was, you know, if we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, we stand up there and we make really tough decisions, there’s still a 30-percent chance we’re going to get it wrong."
Browns44, I get it. You've never done everything right and (generally due to forces outside your control) failed anyway? It's along the same lines as Rumsfeld's "unknown unknowns" (another one that seemed to baffle people).
Of course there are basic services that are needed, but there are limited in number. You can have private garbage collection for instance. I pay a mountain of taxes, and I am sure that I over pay for every amount of utility I receive. The items that cannot be handled well individually are the reasonable role of government. Roads, water, sewer, schools, air traffic control, police, defence (preferably all without unions). I dont question the need for these. I do think they should be privatized to the extent possible.
Beyond the industrious immigrants which stengthen out country, the USA also provides fools from all over the planet like you with opportunity. That opportunity exists in the first place because our system of government was constructed to guarantee the right and freedom of individuals to pursue opportunity but out system does not provide a guarantee to outcome. That is why the USA is the richest country and that is why you came here, whether you acknowledge it or not.
I have been laid off from significant jobs twice in my life. Each time I had prepared for the contingency. Each time I learned something new or adapted to make myself and my services marketable.
And for the other crap you wrote, if I have a need, I will pay for it. If I have to get a mortgage so be it. Worse case scenario, bankruptcy will allow me to start over. I always find the blank page exciting anyway.
Personal responsibility and ramifications are like kryptonite to the liberal. Hand over all rights to the progressive government, tax away everyone's assets, borrow money till bankruptcy, and let govt dish the money out with anonymity. You can be sure they will take care of you. Detroit, Camden, Gary, Baltimore, etc. etc. are all run by liberals. They are all great places to live.
I still wonder why your here. Hop on the next flight to Cairo, Egypt is a fantastic country and they are making more promises to the population this week. I am sure the getting is good over there, certainly far better that living in the USA. Perhaps Iran, even better. They will see value in a man like you and will be very interested in your governmental philosophy.
********** AL GORE ***************
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For those of you wondering why you are up to your eyeballs in snow:
Well put Mo.
Sorry, meant Boltok.
Hey Tom, another good article.
Congress Lady Twit and the rest of the clowns are about to get a truly humbling lesson in history that will include both the founders of the USA and the founders of the religions the founders openly opposed. Weren't the founders creating a Christian nation as Ms. Twit would have us believe?
Well, they actually expected this situation and left surprising evidence that proves exactly they thought. Read this recent press release for some very stunning insights and enlightenment about what they really thought and planned for the future of the USA.
33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help Awaken World from Long Nightmare
Alas, certain lies having a troubling habit of eventually returning to haunt you...
"Of course there are basic services that are needed, but there are limited in number. You can have private garbage collection for instance."
It depends what it is. If it's not done carefully it simply results in higher rates. Garbage collection looks okay, Electricity not so much.
"I pay a mountain of taxes, and I am sure that I over pay for every amount of utility I receive."
{citation needed}. Also, {citation needed} that privatization would be cheaper with the same or better service.
"The items that cannot be handled well individually are the reasonable role of government."
And things that the Invisible Free Hand of the Market tends to ignore because they're unprofitable.
"...the USA also provides fools from all over the planet like you with opportunity."
Well, I never! You do realize that you're talking to a guy who, while working full-time, also went to school full-time just to exploit opportunity and better myself? (amusing side note: the job I was working up to turned out not to exists. Still, if anyone needs a metal welded to another metal, I'm your man)
"That opportunity exists in the first place because our system of government was constructed to guarantee the right and freedom of individuals to pursue opportunity but out system does not provide a guarantee to outcome."
Okay. And? I'm not advocating State-mandated leveling. I'm just trying to point out that abandoning the least of us is greedy and dumb. I'm just trying to point out that the State works for your embetterment (with a simple things like like the FDA trying to keep *blech* out of your food and lead out of your kid's toys, for example). I'm just trying to point out that the Social Safety net, as tattered as it is, is also there for you in case you fall. I'm just trying to point out that the Social Safety net, as tattered as it is, came about for a reason (those people weren't lazy or just looking for a hand out. They were looking not to starve. And before the New Deal, there was little other than personal charity to help them. Personal charity is fine for filling in the gaps, but it doesn't work when the problems are system wide).
"I have been laid off from significant jobs twice in my life. Each time I had prepared for the contingency. Each time I learned something new or adapted to make myself and my services marketable."
Okay. Are you fifty-five years old, with two kids in college, a house that's worth less than what's owed on its mortgage, a 401k that just turned into a 201k, and ten percent (twenty, really) unemployment? It's much harder to keep your head above water in that situation when starting over. (And there are a bunch like that); close enough to retirement to be more expensive to employ than someone younger (and more of a weight on insurance) but too far away from retirement (either in age or savings) to retire. And they are looking, but statistically they spend more time unemployed than the younger.
"If I have to get a mortgage so be it."
What if you've already got one? What if you already got a second one to pay for the wife to go to school? What if the mortgage is underwater?
"Worse case scenario, bankruptcy will allow me to start over. I always find the blank page exciting anyway."
Flanders: "Looks like we're going to have an imagination Christmas this year."
Rodd & Todd: "Yaaaayyy! Imagination Christmas!"
Rodd: "I got a pogo stick!"
Todd: "I got a hula hoop!"
"Personal responsibility and ramifications are like kryptonite to the liberal."
Really? I worked for what I got. I didn't do it alone. Again, No Man is an Island. Also, I've heard that It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.
"Hand over all rights to the progressive government, tax away everyone's assets, borrow money till bankruptcy, and let govt dish the money out with anonymity."
Don't even try to lay your bad trip on me, man. It ain't the welfare state that has stalled America's economic mobility over the last few decades.
Patriot Act. Two sets of budget-busting tax cuts. Iraq. TARP. Paul Ryan's economic plan (which I linked to an analysis earlier and am guessing that you still have not read.
The GOP pushed the first four, and they're behind the last but haven't had the opportunity to put it in to action yet. Let me repeat: the GOP plan is to lower taxes on those above you and raise your taxes to pay for it. That is not liberal. That's neo-feudal.
"I still wonder why your here."
I'm not here. I'm here (which to you is there). I've been to the US, but don't live there. For one thing, it would make the commute to work problematic.
"Hop on the next flight to Cairo, Egypt is a fantastic country and they are making more promises to the population this week."
Why do you keep mentioning Egypt? You know they're an ally, right? You know that you've supported their president through five of your own? You've helped pick their policies.
"Perhaps Iran, even better."
That's an even worse example. The US tipped over a democracy and replaced it with a despot (one so hated that it fueled the revolution that replaced him).
"They will see value in a man like you and will be very interested in your governmental philosophy."
"Hey. What is your governmental philosophy."
"One that works in the interests of all of its people, not just the rich ones."
"Yes. Governments that don't ignore their poor tend not to lose their heads in bloody revolutions. Plus, that Jesus fellow said something about the poor and how to treat them."
"Cool. Fresca?"
"Sure. Nothing refreshes like a Fresca." *
* This ad brought to you by Fresca. (Fresca name a trademark of FresCo. FresCo, A Family Company)
MO –
No worries. Perhaps I was a bit over-exuberant in my rebuttal.
I worry about our country. I worry about the future of our ability to debate ideas collegially. We live in a generation whose epistemology is the sound-byte. And, whose ability to critically think is limited, if not missing altogether. A perfect illustration is the vilification of Dan Quayle by people who are not his intellectual equals. In reality he’s an intelligent and well-informed (not to mention upstanding) man whether you agree with his political leanings or not. But, even the mention of his name paints images of the village idiot in peoples’ minds. Not because there’s any valid reason for that – but because that’s what they were told to believe – and they never thought to find out for themselves whether it was true. One minor incident blown far out of proportion – the “potato” spelling gaffe – led to the press/media choreographed downfall of an American political figure. It’s ALL about the image – not mostly – ALL. That’s where we are. That’s why I take American politics lightly – it is a lightweight business when it comes to ideology.
I live in her district have no idea what is in the water but they keep electing her. She graduated from Anoka High School the same school that Garrison Keller and Gretchen Carlson (Fox news) are from...humm must be the water check out developers are crabgrass for more info on her.
I live in her district have no idea what is in the water but they keep electing her. She graduated from Anoka High School the same school that Garrison Keller and Gretchen Carlson (Fox news) are from...humm must be the water check out developers are crabgrass for more info on her.
Harley A. "A perfect illustration is the vilification of Dan Quayle by people who are not his intellectual equals. In reality he’s an intelligent and well-informed (not to mention upstanding) man whether you agree with his political leanings or not."
If he was a genius, he was wasting it as VP. VPs have historically been crooks, layabouts or fools.
Glad to see divergence of opinions here in the comments section. Like on the FrumForum, it looks like all are welcome, without malice, and generally leads to a healthy exchange of ideas.
MO RE: V.P's generally being "VPs have historically been crooks, layabouts or fools."
What was LBJ?
What was Al Gore
Browns44, I'm sorry, that should've been "VPs, in general, have historically been..."
ModusOperandi the Rape Stalker as any Stalker is in this situation, buzz off.
A lot of superheros visit your blog, a Boy Wonder and at lease two Captain Americas. Or maybe they are just left wing loons running around in Zentai outfits.
Al Gore is nuts and my nuts are freezing this winter!
I just want to wish Ronald Reagan a happy 100th birthday this Sunday! The man was a leader not like the spineless charlatan we have in the WH.
Tom Degan,
Did you happen to be at the Code Pink Rally where your kind was calling for the lynching of Clarence Thomas?
You and that group are kindred spirits. We have finally determined your species Tom Degan.
I'm kind of hoping for a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2012. Wouldn't that be fun?
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