Sarah's Fifteen Minutes

-Sarah Palin
I'm going to do something here that I've never done before (and will probably never do again - I promise). I'm going to defend Sarah Palin. Bear with me....
I don't think Sarah knew the implications of the term she used in her idiotic speech last week following the massacre in Tuscon. As a matter of fact I am certain of this. When I heard her use the the words, "blood libel", I wasn't sure what it meant either. I had heard the term before but had to look it up to refresh myself on its meaning: An excuse Christians used at one time for murdering Jews. Wow!
I know the failed governor didn't write that speech. My evidence? As idiotic as it obviously was, it was also somewhat articulate. Let's be honest; our gal Sarah does not really have that much of a way with words. It was more-than-likely written by one (or more) of her hyped-up, right wing advisers. I'm sure you have noticed by now that she tends to surround herself with these people. Casa de Palin is crawling with these twits.
She didn't have a clue as to what she was saying. Now let's move on to more substantive topics....On second thought....

But other th

But the half-wits and crazy people who had long-before hijacked the "party of Abraham Lincoln" had other ideas. McCain was seen by these assholes as too much of a "maverick". He could not always be counted on to march in lock step to the extreme right wing's spastic drummers. And Lieberman??? Forget about it. He was a one-time Democrat - and he was still a Jew - not a winning combination for these hideous dingbats.
No, they needed a candidate who was going to excite and inspire THE BASE. Sarah Palin was their (ill)logical choice. The gravity of their mistake became immediately apparent (to me at least) from the moment she opened her mouth at her first campaign stop in Dayton, Ohio. As I remarked at the time, she had all the political gravitas of Sally Field as Gidget.
Ms. Palin is symptomatic of America's intellectual dysfunction. As I wrote on this site a year ago Wednesday:
"When someone like Sarah Palin can make it as far as she has, it can mean only one thing and it's not a particularly good sign: we are living in a culture that has been custom-tailored for idiots. When a person who can barely put two coherent sentences together without the aid of a teleprompter becomes one of the best-selling non-fiction authors of the decade, that's usually a pretty good indicator that society is spiraling downward at a fairly decent clip. Fasten your seat belts, kiddies!"
The fact that a major political party would have thought it beneficial to place this silly person "a seventy-two year old heartbeat" away from the Oval Office should give every thinking American pause - regardless of party affiliation. There are oodles of pundits out there who are now predicting that Fascist Barbie's latest PR fiasco will be the cause of her downfall; that her chances at the Republican nomination next year have been smashed on the rocks of her insensitivity. The consensus of opinion seems to be that she should have at least waited until the funerals of the Tuscon shooting victims were over before she made her moronic "blood libel" remarks. Their verdict? Sarah Palin's fifteen minutes of fame are over. I hope this is not the case.
I have a confession to make: I'd miss Sarah Palin if she went away.
Let's face some serious facts here. For people like me who make their names commenting on the train wreck of American politics, Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps giving and giving - and giving and giving and giving. Also there is the undeniable fact that she has a real shot....excuse me, I meant "chance" the GOP nomination in 2012. Chris Matthews laid out the scenario back in July on his MSNBC program Hardball:
1. Palin wins the Iowa caucus due to a heavy evangelical turnout.
2. She takes a respectable second place to Mitt Romney in his backyard of New Hampshire, causing his campaign to implode overnight.
3. Next stop, South Carolina. Due to the average IQ of Republican voters in that state, her victory in the primaries is almost a foregone conclusion.
By that time she will have all the momentum she needs to glide handily to the convention and nomination. Think about it.
To be brutally frank with you, the prospect of a Palin candidacy makes me drool with longing and anticipation. Can you even imagine a campaign that utterly twisted? I wouldn't have to touch my computer for the entire run. These things would write themselves! And let's not forget that her nomination would virtually guarantee Barack Obama's victory on Election Day. As disappointed as I am in his performance thus far, he's a damned sight better than anything the Republicans have to offer. In fact, the only one who could give the president a run for his money is Mitt Romney, and the Republicans (in their present incarnation anyway) will never - EVER - nominate a Mormon. Rahm Emanuel will be made chairman of the American Nazi party before that ever happens. Let's be honest with ourselves.
I realize that this is wishful thinking on my part, and that I'm probably kidding myself, but I want this to happen so badly I can almost taste it! Maybe this whole "blood libel" controversy is merely a detour on her road to the nomination. I surely hope so. John Cleese has said that he no longer thinks that his fellow Monty Python alumni Michael Palin is the funniest person in the world who bares that name. I agree. Some of my favorite comedians are the unintentional ones - and Sarah Palin delivers the goods. Just think what a scream the campaign of 2012 would be with her as the grand old party's standard bearer!
Oh, please, fate! Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!
Happy Dr. King Day, everybody!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is an example of some delicious Palinisms, courtesy of the nice folks over at You Tube:
The gal is a hoot-and-a-half!
Couple of things.
First of all thank you for allowing those who have different political view points than yours post their opinions on your blog. Not all blogs who follow a political bent are as liberally opened minded as you are in this regard.
Sarah Palin, I read yours and others statements about her political future and one thing becomes apparent as a common thread.
That is the fear that she will become elected or help someone get elected that is not capable of doing the job. The sense I get, and do correct me if I am wrong, is that you fear that an under qualified candidate would win due not to their abilities or positions, but due to their ability to stir up emotions with their speeches and promises and win without any substance.
I share that fear with you and would point to our current President as the most recent example of this happening with the results being as feared.
Please say it isn't so, Tom. I don't think I can stand one more year of Palinmania. If she looked like Eleanor Roosevelt do you think she would have made it past her first speech? It just shows how shallow and mixed up our priorities are in this country now. The endearing term for her is 'hottie'. I guess Marilyn Monroe could be elected president in this twisted climate.
Our gal Sarah has such a thin skin that she must give a self-serving speech every time she is criticized. That is not a quality that endears her to the electorate.
As the old saying goes, "She can dish it out, but she can't take it."
(I thought I would beat the trolls so I don't have to wade through their nonsense before commenting.)
Tom, I must say that I agree with 99% of what you say The only point where I disagree is that I will NOT miss her when she goes away.
Browns44, while I do not always agree with everything you say, let us hope that we can have a respectful discussion here and not descend into name calling, hysterical mud slinging and rock throwing. I think we can all agree that Palin is simply not qualified to be president and has so far shown absolutely no inclination to prepare herself for higher office.
To both of you I raise a question that has bothered me with her use of the blood libel remark. First I also think she had no idea of it's original meaning, and I agree that her speech was written by someone other than herself. I wonder if someone in her entourage is trying to under mind her political ambitions by providing her with inflammatory remarks that they know will cause a backlash and outrage.
Move over illogical thinkers, what a bloody rant, can we say this?!
"I don't think Sarah new the implications of the term she used in her idiotic last week. As a matter of fact I am certain of this. When I heard her use the the words, "blood libel", I wasn't sure what it meant either. I had heard the term before but had to look it up to refresh myself on its meaning: An excuse Christians used at one time for murdering Jews."
Alan Dershowitz said Palin's use was proper.
Why don't we talk about those people who have called the Jews Nazis in the Holy Land, this blog needs to be seen as the mudslinging INCENDIARY HATEFUL rhetoric it's blog owner and some followers do, PUKE, Barf alert. Hey, did ja see the smiley button with Adolf Hitler??
" That was the day that my maternal grandmother, Loretta Doran Clements, died unexpectedly in South Bend, Indiana at age sixty-eight. That is a photograph of her on the left, taken in 1897 on the day she was baptized a Catholic. Wasn't she cute as a button?"
Touching, Sarah didn't even abort her mentally challenged child. Blasphemy to Liberals and Leftists.
No, instead Cecil Richards, daughter of Democrat and Former Texas Governor Ann Richards runs the Planned Parenthood money racket. These are truly people who profit on other people's blood.
"... Forget about it. He was a one-time Democrat - and he was still a Jew - not a winning combination for these bigoted dingbats."
Liberals/Leftists play the race card one more time.
I'm no Sarah fan but she must be great when the Left despises her so much.
Bob Beckel and DEMOCRATS STARTED putting Bullseyes on Maps, but I think Sarah has miscalculated being so NRA and all that, honestly, if that is her constituency, I don't think that is enough to elect her. Still, we will see.
Lastly, to use your lingo, if "a--holes" as the Left and Liberals in this country were not out attacking Palin constantly, maybe she would have stayed Alaskan governor BUT the Tea Party won heavily, and that is Sarah Palin's WIN, that is SUCCESS. I don't understand the Left/Liberals infatuation with her, Letterman, MSLSD's, etc. etc.
Good one!
Tom Degan said:
"The "Socialism" of Hitler and the Nazis and that of the British Socialist Party (for example) were two entirely different things."
The common thing the above had were a group of leaders so arrogant and naive to believe that they could centrally plan their economies.
I agree that a Palin nomination would probably be the best thing that could happen for the Democrats in 2012, and share your literary desire for such an abundant source of material.
On the other hand, I do not share your faith that a decisive majority of people would balk at the idea of Palin in the White House. Remember, they voted for George Bush, twice (well once, but that was with the benefit of hindsight). The remote possibility of that unbalanced Wingnut in the White House, catastrophic as it would be, makes me hope she will quickly become a comical footnote.
I love when those who accomplish little criticize those who do. If Sarah is so unintelligent, please provide information about the current presidents sat, lsat, college or graduate school transcript or any other standard measure of intellect.
Jug ears cannot communicate to an elementary school classroom without being fed from a teleprompter.
I think the author should post his academic credentials, so we can understand the altitude from which he judges this woman.
Good ol' Boltok. You just can not pass up an opportunity to display your ignorance, can you?
Justin Bieber has over 6 million Twitter followers. I see Sarah Palin as Justin's equal in terms of her ability to lead the American people.
I agree with you...she didn't know what that meant. I'll cut her some slack on that one. What was truly bad about that speech was that it showed just how narcissistic she is. After a brief mention of the victims, it was all about her persecution by the media.
I had the same experience as you when McCain chose her. "Who the hell is that?" and I googled her immediately. Then I was like, "No, really. Who the hell is that?" It also told me that McCain cared very little about the country he claims to love so much; he couldn't, not by choosing her to be the possible VP.
I also want her to run, and I think she is narcissistic enough, and surrounds herself with enough sycophants, that she will do so. Can you imagine the debates? I don't think she'll get the nomination, though. Iowans may be highly religious, but they're not stupid. Too bad, because the debates between her and Obama would be epic. Not to mention that he would defeat her easily and soundly.
Should be an interesting couple of years!
charles moore,
I think we can all agree that obama was simply not qualified to be president and has so far shown to be absolutely a wonderful campaigner and a lousy leader.
Hi Tom,
While for some reason I cannot cite, I sort of enjoy watching Palin's Alaska. I suppose it's because I like Alaska. I have to agree with you, she shouldn't be anywhere near the White House. I remember speaking to my Dad the day after McCain announced her as running mate. His words, "what the fuck was he thinking?" I believe Dad wound up voting for Nader, again.
I hate to disappoint you, but I predict Romney will be the next Republican candidate.
Hope all is well.
We here in the red states are tired of hearing about the failed policies of the bankrupt blue states like the one you live in!
Oh, I suppose the Republicans will bypass Palin and defer to the great wisdom of Jeb Bush who is almost as smart as his brother George W.
Browns44 "I share that fear with you and would point to our current President as the most recent example of this happening with the results being as feared."
I think he's done okay, considering what he got stuck with (from a collapsing bubble to a massive recession to a too-small, too-compromised Stimulus, to the the structural deficit factors left by a decade of mismanagement to a wildly obstructionist opposition to the general inability of Democrats to agree even on things they agree with).
Beth "I agree with you...she didn't know what that meant."
She wasn't speaking to the rest of us. She never does. She's talking to The Base.
I think she knows exactly what it means, if you accept that she's using her Base's defintions and logic.
"Blood libel" = oppression, criticism = oppression. Ergo, criticism = blood libel.
Anonymous "I think we can all agree that obama was simply not qualified to be president and has so far shown to be absolutely a wonderful campaigner and a lousy leader."
I think he's smart enough to make up for his gaps with people who know what they're talking about. I also think he doesn't have enough experience to know that some the ones he's chosen were a part of the problem in the first place.
I think his "all men to all people-slash-blank slate" tactic, so effective during the presidential run came back to bite him in the ass when he turned out to be far more of a pragmatic centrist (if not center-right) than the Leftwing populist a bunch of the Left took him to be.
He’s better at compromise than he is at fighting, even when verbal fisticuffs are needed (couple that to starting negotiations from the middle position…).
He's smart enough to pause and think before speaking, but lacks the experience (or perhaps the drive) to know that saying it once isn't enough (particularly in the face of the considerable opposition he's faced to even the most tepid action). In other words, he talks like a liberal but needs to learn how to compress it down to a soundbite as a conservative.
We needed an LBJ, but got a Carter.
RedStateFred "We here in the red states are tired of hearing about the failed policies of the bankrupt blue states like the one you live in!"
Yeah! The Blue States should be more like a good Red State like Texas!
TSVDP "Touching, Sarah didn't even abort her mentally challenged child. Blasphemy to Liberals and Leftists."
Hardly. She made a choice.
"No, instead Cecil Richards, daughter of Democrat and Former Texas Governor Ann Richards runs the Planned Parenthood money racket. These are truly people who profit on other people's blood."
"Liberals/Leftists play the race card one more time."
That's not the Race Card. That's the Anti-Semite Card. Obviously.
"I'm no Sarah fan but she must be great when the Left despises her so much."
I don't despise her. I despise her politics. I despise her rhetoric. I despise her zeal in tarring her opponents and perpetual sense of outrage when the spotlight turns back to her. I despise that she views ignorance as strength. I despise that she represents a solid 18% of the population.
"Lastly, to use your lingo, if "a--holes" as the Left and Liberals in this country were not out attacking Palin constantly…"
But it's sooo easy! Some people only rarely put their foot in their mouth. She's made a career out of it.
"...BUT the Tea Party won heavily, and that is Sarah Palin's WIN…"
O'Donnell? Angle? Miller? Buck? The Teabaggiest Tea Baggers tended to lose winnable fights against weak (or even write-in) opposition.
"...that is SUCCESS."
The Democrats, it's been said, would rather be right than win. Palin and Co don't care about being right. For them winning is being right (and losing just means that liberalactivistjudgeselitesetc…).
And the GOP victory was because of the economy (and the in-party tends to lose seats in midterms).
boltok "I love when those who accomplish little criticize those who do. If Sarah is so unintelligent, please provide information about the current presidents sat, lsat, college or graduate school transcript or any other standard measure of intellect."
Obama knows more than most of us will ever forget. This makes his failures all the more disappointing.
Palin is a textbook case of Dunning-Kruger. Palin represents the people that are also cases of same.
"Jug ears cannot communicate to an elementary school classroom without being fed from a teleprompter."
Obviously. That's why he destroyed the GOP's talking points when he walked in to the lion's den and took their questions.
And the irony of you passing the Obama-teleprompter meme on a page with someone who is uses a teleprompter for all but the simplest (and least coherent) speeches has not gone unnoticed.
I didn't think she had written it either. Her stiff body language coupled with being tied to a script with words that were longer than two syllables said it all.
Other than that, I hope this vapid, self-serving know-nothing gets a whopping case of lock jaw.
Nope, Sara will continue to amplify the tone set
already. It works. If I get any further with the"whys"
I'll get sick. Her recent comment is a plus in this country.
She's not Pres material in my mind. I was never on board with her, although I don't see her as an idiot like she's portrayed here. Not so much unqualified as a bad fit for the job. I feel a bit sorry for her. When I put all the evidence together, I see someone who jumped into something that was out of her league and cannot reel it back in easily. The media wants her out there as do many Americans, so I think she feels some kind of weird obligation to keep getting in front of the camera. I see her being positioned for a lesser but significant role like Hilary if the Republicans win, but she won't be on the ticket for 2012.
Gotta disagree with you here, Tom. I shudder at the thought of her running for President, let alone being her party's nominee. My reason?
"When someone like Sarah Palin can make it as far as she has, it can mean only one thing and it's not a particularly good sign: we are living in a culture that has been custom-tailored for idiots. When a person who can barely put two coherent sentences together without the aid of a teleprompter becomes one of the best-selling non-fiction authors of the decade, that's usually a pretty good indicator that society is spiraling downward at a fairly decent clip. Fasten your seat belts, kiddies!"
The way I see it you all have a lot to worry about. I think the following work in Sarah's favor:
1. Obama was seen as a deity, now most realize he is an undocumented fool.
2. No one really believes the pravda main street media to be anything other than mouthpieces for talking points and gotcha interviews.
3. Jug ears has no team, other than, arguably Dailey.
4. Jug ears policies will send to us to high heating and gas costs, higher insurance costs, higher unemployment, and potential debt and currency crises. On this the republican house is probably his friend.
5. Tell me which early republican primary states Palin cannot win.
She could have an IQ of 70 and i'd still want her. No one in America has the instincts to drain the bureaucratic swamp like she has. And as a bonus, I will be able to listen to y'all scream like crack babies for 8 years. Priceless.
The thing I enjoy about Sarah is that she drives the liberal media and liberals in general crazy.Is it weren't for them she would not be in the news day in and day out. Conservatives love her but we know she will never get elected president, but would make a great secretary of the interior, DRILL BABY DRILL, would be this countries new motto. But you libs keep having your meltdown about her we are all laughing at you.
I want to hear the argument laid out for me. How is it that Obama was so qualified to take on the role, when Palin wasn’t worthy to be 2nd in line for the role? Truth be told, if we look to qualifications, McCain was by far the more qualified – not even close. The qualifications logic isn’t playing. Fact is - it is a bad argument. Just say, “I’m a democrat(liberal) and I don’t vote for republicans(conservatives). Just admit you’d rather have an unqualified Dem in office than a qualified Repub. And, then, realize maybe those on the other side feel the same way as you. And that will be the situation we’ll be faced with – it will be hard for me to say he’s not qualified in 2012. I think technically, he will be for the obvious reason that he’s done it now for 4 years. So, my vote will likely be a vote of ideology over qualifications (assuming the Rep candidate’s ideology is a fit - which isn’t a given) much like the 2008 vote was.
@Harley A
That's what I said in my post and I agree with your position 100%
Tom Degan
boltok "1. Obama was seen as a deity, now most realize he is an undocumented fool."
Damn hope! Damn it to heck! (Note: I saw him as "Not-McCain" and, as a foreigner, I'm probably considerably more Left than the Left represented by your Democratic Party)
"2. No one really believes the pravda main street media to be anything other than mouthpieces for talking points…"
So it's exactly the same as it was during the previous administration. The part of the media that isn't in the White House does little to no research, and the White House Press Corps sells their journalistic soul for access.
"...and gotcha interviews."
"What newspapers do you read?" is not a gotcha question.
"3. Jug ears has no team, other than, arguably Dailey."
His Wall Street links are too Wall Streety. He needs more Elizabeth Warrens and less guys who caused (or oversaw) the mess in the first place. In this, sadly, he's not different than the majority of Washington.
"4. Jug ears policies will send to us to high heating and gas costs…"
Happening anyway. No matter what the US does, China and India are industrializing (setback temporarily by the economic collapse).
"...higher insurance costs…"
Happening anyway. The medical insurance racket was in a profitable death spiral. The status quo was not working. It was getting worse. Single Payer (or at least the Public Option) would've been better, but we can't have that because it's SOCIALISM!!! (unless you're old or military, then it's called Medicare or the VA instead)
"...higher unemployment…"
{citation needed} The Stimulus was too small (partly because it was formulated before we knew just how bad things were), and the even smaller GOP proposed Stimulus was biased towards across the board tax cuts. Further, GOP proposals are contractionary (though it should be noted that I'm not an economer), which would make things worse.
The State helps dig out of downturns by increasing spending, pumping up the economy, not decreasing. The issue is that, for several decades, US spending has exceeded revenues even in booms.
"...and potential debt and currency crises. On this the republican house is probably his friend."
Agreed. They won't default. The GOP is willing to watch the country burn if it hurts Obama, but turning the taps completely off would empty their own trough.
"5. Tell me which early republican primary states Palin cannot win."
I don't know. I doubt she'll run. She makes more money and can (via Facebook and FoxNews) can choose her own narrative without having to defend herself from criticism where she stands. Being president is hard.
"She could have an IQ of 70 and i'd still want her."
Kudos. You're an idiot.
"No one in America has the instincts to drain the bureaucratic swamp like she has."
Really? How so. Is it because she's against wasteful government spending-slash-earmarks, like the Bridge to Nowhere that she was for before she was against?
"And as a bonus, I will be able to listen to y'all scream like crack babies for 8 years. Priceless."
No. Not priceless. You're essentially saying that you're willing to cut off your own nose just to spite liberals' faces.
"If she is just an imbecile, who ran a territory with nothing more that wildlife, and no skill beyond clubbing and halibut over the head, then why does the entire liberal media spend all of its time attacking her?"
It's obvious. She speaks for what's left of the GOP Base.
Harley A., neither Obama nor anybody has enough experience to be PUSA. There's no equivalent job.
Knowledge, positive temperment, willingness to learn, diplomatic bent, ability to orate; all characteristics that Palin lacks (several of which she could have boned up on, but hasn't bothered to. Lazy is not a good characteristic). Character traits that, to a lesser degree, McCain (and to a lesser degree than that, Biden, whose primary fault seems to be a mild talent for verbal gaffery) has issues with as well.
Add in to that Obama consistently appealing to our better angels versus McCain's jingoistic "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" (and Palin's well poisoning, to the point that even McCain ended up defending Obama against that "Traitor!" outburst).
MO -
Agree with your first point. But, I still fail to see that Obama had the other qualities you list more than the average inside-the-looper. Nowhere near the oratory ability of Clinton. Diplomatic? Hmm. Have to think about that one - not sure I see that either.
My biggest problem with Palin is that she resigned the meaningful job she had - I can't get past that.
Harley A. "But, I still fail to see that Obama had the other qualities you list more than the average inside-the-looper."
The average inside-the-looper is a boob. There are some that know stuff, there are some that can speak goodly, but there are precious few that are both.
"Nowhere near the oratory ability of Clinton."
Clinton's talent was speaking to "you", personally. Obama loses that in his over-thought speeches.
"Diplomatic? Hmm. Have to think about that one - not sure I see that either."
Yes, diplomatic (versus McCain running around the world, punching people in the face, or Palin's abhorent "real Americans" comments).
"My biggest problem with Palin is that she resigned the meaningful job she had - I can't get past that."
Governing is easy when nobody's watching. Governing is hard when they are.
Besides, book tours and speaking tours and FoxNews is much, much more profitable.
Harley A, the plan was to bankrupt her while in office with lawsuits. She couldnt defend herself well while in office.
Does experience matter if the worker is undocumented, for POTUS or goundskeeper?
I dont know this webpage, but I like the story.
My question for you, dearest, is this... If Palin does win the nomination, and then out of some momentary madness in the US, takes the White House, where were you thinking you might like to live for the next four-to-eight years?
I hear Belgium is nice, but it's a bit chilly in the winter. Canada rocks, but also cold, and a little tough to relocate to at the moment.
My past-life recall of my English roots has me longing for Shropshire, but it might be too close to be out of President Palin's clutches.
Of course, the world could actually end in 2012, in which case, this whole conversation is moot.
You make some good points, Catharine. I was tempted to go to Russia - until I remembered that Sarah can see it from her house.
England is lovely. Been there a couple of times - and I have a brother (Jeffrey) who lives in France.
After careful thought however, I decided that, should Gidget von Braun be somehow elected, it is in my own best interests to remain in the United States. I don't know if you've noticed this, but the further this country sinks into the depths of societal dysfunction and despair, the higher my stock rises.
Let us face some serious and ironic facts here: For people like me who make their names commenting of the destruction of America, Sarah Palin is a gold mine of material.
Love and Peace,
Tom Degan
Boltok, some good posts, well, if they don't like Sarah, people are being MISOGYNIST, what else do we expect, Hugh Hefner and Playboy had some article on the female politicians they don't like. This is just sexism... another ISM, poor performance from those who criticize her but really, what else do we expect.
Two things: 1. Regarding Tom's rising stock...if I were a capitalist I would invest in him. 2. Are there really any countries out there that will take in Amerikan refugees ?? I mean to stay permanently, not just as money spending tourists.
I think liberals should consider an exodus from the US far more seriously. As I have said before, you have many fantastic options given your beliefs. Why continue the self-flagellation of living in a free, capitalistic country.
Cuba is only 90 miles away. Islamo-Europe and mediteranian europe specialize in the policies you endorse. How about China?
Life is so short, don't waste it being so unhappy. Pursue life and move to a socialistic utopia.
Ellis –
You should immigrate to California. They love to have Americans there. I’ve never even been asked for a passport and most of the population speaks English as a second language – even the leader. It’s very similar to America in a lot of ways…
From The Manitoba Herald
by Clive Runnels
The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified this week after the elections, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The results of the recent election are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, to pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.
Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night. "I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota . "The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields.
"Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through and Rush annoyed the cows so much that they wouldn't give any milk."
Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons and drive them across the border where they are simply left to fend for themselves. "A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of imported drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley Cabernet, though."
When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating in the US about plans to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races.
In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans in powdered wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney, to prove that they were alive in the '50s. An official said, "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age."
Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and are renting all the Michael Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"
California ?? Way too conservative !!
I think we all remember 'The Beverly Hillbillies' don't we. Do any of you remember Jed asking Jethro what he wanted to do as a job? Jethro said, " Well, I got it down to two choices. I either want to be a brain surgeon or a streetcar conductor." We, as a people, almost had Jethro as our vice-president, AND some of us (albeit of questionable intellect) want Jethro to be president! I loved Jethro back in the day, but we are not on T.V. and we have to ask ourselves if our (I want to be a sportscaster or the president!) own version of Jethro in a stolen suit is really the type of person we want in charge of a world-wide crisis. If y'all say," Hell YEAH!!!" Y'all need to stop watching old timey T.V. and read a few more books, preferably history books. We already had 8 years of a man who was barely literate and he managed to bankrupt this country and kill untold thousands of people including a goodly number of our boys and girls in uniform. This voting for personality and not caring if someone has an original thought or an ability to delve into critical thinking is a little bit frightening. Let's put down the popcorn, pick up a book or a newspaper that has not been corrupted (good luck on that one!) and begin the process of exercising our minds again. We'll start with a few quotes by your favorite politicians, they have many on tape. Let's REALLY listen to the words, not admire the grin, the hair-do, or the glasses or the cut of the suit or the funny little quip someone wrote for them. Take the blinders off and the earplugs out and LISTEN to Jethro muck up his/her spoon-fed propaganda. The last time y'all didn't listen y'all got blood on your hands. Lives were lost and are still being lost, now let's stop being entertained and sort out these bums and see if at least we can find one with a hint of intelligence and compassion in him or her. That in itself is going to take some time, so we shouldn't be wasting anymore time on reruns that we thought were exaggerated pictures of people that could not possibly, actually be that stupid.
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