Bring on the Clowns

Tomorrow marks the start of the One-hundred and Twelfth Congress. For a person who makes his or her name and livelihood by commenting on the ineptitude and corruption of American politicians, this is indeed wonderful news. We are beside ourselves with giddy anticipation. For regular working people, however - particularly those hardest hit by the economic catastrophe we currently find ourselves in - this bit of news is as nasty as can be. PREDICTION: You thought the One-hundred and Eleventh Congress was beyond awful? OH, BROTHER! This one will be remembered as the worst in history. Anyone care to make a little wager on this point? I'm taking on all comers.
From Bob Herbert's column in this morning's New York Times:
"In any event, the G.O.P. has taken its place once again as the House majority and is vowing to do what it does best, which is make somebody miserable — in this case, President Obama. Representative Darrell Issa, the California Republican who is now chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said recently on the Rush Limbaugh program that Mr. Obama was 'one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times.' He backed off a little on Sunday, saying that what he really thinks is that Mr. Obama is presiding over 'one of the most corrupt administrations.'”
Just what the hell, you may well ask, is Darrell Issa up to? Folks, this is as easy to explain as anything I've encountered in the five years I've been writing this blog. These people are as transparent as glass. Here's the deal:
When Congressman Issa describes Barack Obama as "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times", this question comes immediately to mind: "Was this asshole living in a vacuum between the years 2001 and 2009?" Does he really believe such nonsense? Although it's difficult - if not impossible - to figure out what these people really believe, the answer is, in all likelihood, no. Then why would he say such a moronic thing? Here's why:
In 1998 t
he cabal of right wing freaks that had hijacked the "party of Abraham Lincoln" came very close to removing Bill Clinton from office for lying about an affair with a half-witted intern (Whatever happened to her?) Had they done so four years earlier they might very well have weakened Clinton enough politically that he never would have been reelected in 1996 - or even nominated for that matter. Their big mistake was waiting until Bubbah's second term to make their move. They don't plan on making that same mistake this time. What Issa is doing is - in effect - poisoning the atmosphere. What he is doing is laying the groundwork for the impeachment of President Obama. The wheels are already in motion, and this time they plan on striking before the president is up for reelection. Watch them in the next few months as they set up their "investigative" committees and begin the process of gathering "evidence". Again, would anyone care to make a little wager?
And Obama (The man's naivete never fails to astound) is in the process of making the same mistake President Clinton made all those years ago. By "reaching out to" and "working with" the crazy people on the other side of the aisle, he seems to believe that they'll cut him some slack in return. He is within months (Weeks? Days? Hours?) of learning the futility of this strategy. He is about to learn the lesson Clinton learned in 1998 - which, by the way, is the same one Neville Chamberlain learned in Munich in 1938: Extremists cannot be appeased. That particular truism has been proven throughout history too many times to count. I have to believe that Obama realizes this.
The political shit storm is within months of darkening the American sky. I am as certain of this as I am my own name (Tom Degan. Nice to meet'cha!)
The only reason the impeachment of Bill Clinton didn't go through in 1998 was because, as the clock was ticking down in the House of Representatives to remove the president from office, it became obvious to these knuckleheads that the American people were not on board with what was obviously a political persecution. Old Bill, for all his mortal faults, was still pretty popular with his constituents. Also, he wasn't a black guy - a fact that you can bet the farm has been taken into consideration by these racist clowns. It'll be a lot easier, I'm sure they figure, if their victim this time is a COMM'NIST KNEE-GROW. This is going to get interesting.
I have a feeling that a lot of the people who voted Republican in November will have buyer's remorse very soon. And I know damned well that every idiotic Liberal who stayed home on Election Day will soon regret their collective hissy fit. We've got the House of Representatives we deserve. Life is funny that way, you know?
When are we going to face the ugly truth about the Republicans? How long will it take before the people finally wake up? The Democrats are impotent cowards - no doubt about it - but the GOP is beyond redemption. They don't care about the poor and middle classes. They don't even give a shit about the moderately well-to-do. You say you have a million dollars in your bank account? You think that because (technically at least) you're a "millionaire" that you matter to these people? You're not even a blip on their radar. You don't matter. You don't even exist. You're worthless. You're living in a plutocracy. Know your place. Race means not a damned thing. We're all niggers now. Get used to it. Wake the fuck up.
Tom Degan
From Bob Herbert's column in this morning's New York Times:
"In any event, the G.O.P. has taken its place once again as the House majority and is vowing to do what it does best, which is make somebody miserable — in this case, President Obama. Representative Darrell Issa, the California Republican who is now chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said recently on the Rush Limbaugh program that Mr. Obama was 'one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times.' He backed off a little on Sunday, saying that what he really thinks is that Mr. Obama is presiding over 'one of the most corrupt administrations.'”
Just what the hell, you may well ask, is Darrell Issa up to? Folks, this is as easy to explain as anything I've encountered in the five years I've been writing this blog. These people are as transparent as glass. Here's the deal:
When Congressman Issa describes Barack Obama as "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times", this question comes immediately to mind: "Was this asshole living in a vacuum between the years 2001 and 2009?" Does he really believe such nonsense? Although it's difficult - if not impossible - to figure out what these people really believe, the answer is, in all likelihood, no. Then why would he say such a moronic thing? Here's why:
In 1998 t

And Obama (The man's naivete never fails to astound) is in the process of making the same mistake President Clinton made all those years ago. By "reaching out to" and "working with" the crazy people on the other side of the aisle, he seems to believe that they'll cut him some slack in return. He is within months (Weeks? Days? Hours?) of learning the futility of this strategy. He is about to learn the lesson Clinton learned in 1998 - which, by the way, is the same one Neville Chamberlain learned in Munich in 1938: Extremists cannot be appeased. That particular truism has been proven throughout history too many times to count. I have to believe that Obama realizes this.
The political shit storm is within months of darkening the American sky. I am as certain of this as I am my own name (Tom Degan. Nice to meet'cha!)
The only reason the impeachment of Bill Clinton didn't go through in 1998 was because, as the clock was ticking down in the House of Representatives to remove the president from office, it became obvious to these knuckleheads that the American people were not on board with what was obviously a political persecution. Old Bill, for all his mortal faults, was still pretty popular with his constituents. Also, he wasn't a black guy - a fact that you can bet the farm has been taken into consideration by these racist clowns. It'll be a lot easier, I'm sure they figure, if their victim this time is a COMM'NIST KNEE-GROW. This is going to get interesting.
I have a feeling that a lot of the people who voted Republican in November will have buyer's remorse very soon. And I know damned well that every idiotic Liberal who stayed home on Election Day will soon regret their collective hissy fit. We've got the House of Representatives we deserve. Life is funny that way, you know?
When are we going to face the ugly truth about the Republicans? How long will it take before the people finally wake up? The Democrats are impotent cowards - no doubt about it - but the GOP is beyond redemption. They don't care about the poor and middle classes. They don't even give a shit about the moderately well-to-do. You say you have a million dollars in your bank account? You think that because (technically at least) you're a "millionaire" that you matter to these people? You're not even a blip on their radar. You don't matter. You don't even exist. You're worthless. You're living in a plutocracy. Know your place. Race means not a damned thing. We're all niggers now. Get used to it. Wake the fuck up.
Tom Degan
never Bob Herbert comes to bat - so to speak - he usually knocks it right out of the park. This morning's piece was no exception. Here is a link to the excellent column quoted above:
Git 'em, Bobby!
I agree Tom, the absolutely worst congress on history.
I'm not sure which bunch that picture reminds me of more, Hitler and the boys getting ready to grab the world or Stalin and the boys getting ready tp do the bout Mao or Pol Pot? It's definately going to be the "We don't care about the people or constution of the USA congress"
Absolutely this will go down as one of the worst in history. With the massive problems facing this country and someone like Mitch McConnell saying that his sole priority is to be sure that Obama is a one term president, you know that the Republicans have absolutely no interest in the welfare of the American people.
It is actually going to be rather fun to watch John Boehner try to hold his motley crew of good ol' boys and Tea Partiers together, especially with Cantor is standing in the wings ready to stick a shiv in his ribs.
Shall we place bets as to how soon buyers remorse sets in with those who voted these clowns into office?
Hi Tom:
I just hope we survive this huge mistake on the part of the American public. I firmly believe that most of the problems facing the world today are caused by lack of a truthful education. What puzzles me most is that so many people "forget" so soon and vote the same party people back into office. Maybe it is just the stupidity of the voting public that permits this to happen time after time.
If we survive the next two years (thank heaven the Dems still have control of the Senate and a supposed Democrat for President!), maybe we can get the point across that the republicans have an interest only in the rich guys and the big corporations. The little guys won't get anything but misery from them.
We won, you lost, get over it.
the biggest clown is our skinny big eared president named obama.
anybody who thinks health care costs will be reduced by adding layers of Bureaucracy implemented by Bureauc-Rats has shit for brains.
"The little guys won't get anything" typical liberal rant. Forgetting of course that America, is the only place left on the plant where the "little guy" (love to see what the definition for that is) had a chance to make it for themselves. Until laws pasted by the Federal Govt choked started to regulate our future into average for everybody.
why are anonymous posters always clowns pandering the same ignorant shtick? do they post anonymously because of shame? are they paid shills? why do these trolls inhabit blogs that espouse truths they can not comprehend? are they truly as ignorant as their postings seem or are they just roiling the waters? why do conservative blogs always moderate comments are they afraid that their readers may be exposed to reality? yes they really are clowns and I look forward to every post "the rant" makes about this sorry ass circus! go get em Tom
I think something kind of snapped in me at midnight on January 1st. I just gave up. I'm just gonna be over here, minding my own business, while the rest of the country pretends it's still in its glory days, and I'll just keep my head down and workworkwork. Sure, I'll be working for less. Sure it'll be tight going. But I give up on trying to save a country that doesn't want to be saved. You can't save folks from themselves, and when the poorest, most haggard Americans insist on voting for the people who will do them the least good, what's the point in arguing wiht them. It's like trying to change an addict. America is addicted to doing what's bad for them. There is not enough intervention in the world that can fix what's going down now.
Me? I'm going to put together my workshops and try and get my CV padded as much as possible, then go and teach somewhere out of the US. I'm thinking... the International School in Brussels. Or maybe somewhere in the UK. We'll see.
Someone recently asked me why I never just delete the trolls.
"Are you kidding me???" said I. "Their silliness is the best advertisement for our side!"
I've been thinking of changing the name of this site to TROLLS WELCOME.
Define what/who is the "little guy".
I'll ask it for anonymous.
Look, when it comes to American politics, trying to unravel the knotted twine and figure out what anyone’s motives are (beyond the obvious one of maintaining their post and enriching themselves) is a fool’s errand. Also, going so far as to compare people to Hitler or Stalin isn’t helpful (and I think is disrespectful to the millions of people who truly endured brutality under these men). While maybe misguided, I don’t think anyone in Washington is going to propose we “collect” grain from the Ukrainian peasants and starve them to death or set up troikas to root out political dissenters anytime soon. There are no revolutionaries in Washington – only bloated politicians, many of which really aren’t qualified to be there. They are a jumble of populists trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing, promising bread and circuses to keep their jobs – and trying to negotiate a bureaucracy that is out of control. We need to take responsibility for ourselves – AND for our neighbor. Quit looking to Washington to save you – they aren’t going to. It is only when the American public began more and more depending on them that we lost our compass. It would be political suicide for any politician to propose measures today that would really help this country. It would be like asking your child if they wanted a shot of antibiotic to prevent the infection. They are ignoble, in part, because WE are ignoble.
If a Presidential candidate spoke like Teddy Roosevelt, he’d never be elected today. Though I wouldn’t agree on all points with TR, I liked the way he thought…
“I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life.”
“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.”
“Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.”
Finefroghair and Tom,
I am reading a great book of newspaper columns by the extremely irreverent writer Mark Morford of the SFGate. He comments that the trolls are his most faithful readers, more so than those who agree with him and they just can't wait for his next column to come out so they can make their silly and hysterical little comments. Google him: Mark Morford, delightful writing. If you like what you see, check out his book The Daring Spectacle.
An interesting point is that while it is fine to disagree, the trolls never have anything constructive to add to the debate but simply post smarmy little sarcastic bits that say nothing.
As for posting anonymously, most of them don't have the balls (or tits) to use their real names.
Anonymous, would you like to translate this into intelligible English: "Until laws pasted by the Federal Govt choked started to regulate our future into average for everybody."
Tom, let's just say Joseph Goebbels taught his
children well.
If the government cannot successfully run Medicare, Social Security, cannot organize and coordinate relief efforts in Katrina and the Gulf, cannot maintain a competitive educational system after spending more on it then any other nation, why should I assume they can run 1/6th of the economy comprising health care?
Say, Mr. CharlieMoore, how do we know that is your real name any more than this is mine?
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let me express my extreme happiness with the change in the control of Congress. I am super, very, very happy!
This little bit of news is what I hope is just the start of things that will make me happy and open the minds of liberals in the USA.
"Harry Reid deigned to inform Speaker-designate John Boehner that he should not bother to pass a repeal of Obamacare in the House, because it would not succeed in the Senate. Left unexplained was why Senator Reid thought that he had any business telling the People’s House what they can or cannot do, mostly because such a question implies that Harry Reid actually had any motivation beyond the resentment of a petulant man-child.
This was John Boehner’s response.
Senators Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Murray and Stabenow:
Thank you for reminding us – and the American people – of the backroom deal that you struck behind closed doors with ‘Big Pharma,’ resulting in bigger profits for the drug companies, and higher prescription drug costs for 33 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D, at a cost to the taxpayers of $42.6 billion.
The House is going to pass legislation to repeal that now. You’re welcome."
This makes action makes me VERY HAPPY partially because it exposes the payoffs the Demos had to make to get their health care "reform" bill passed.
I have some really bad news for you, it was the GOP that made the back room deals that got the MMA (Medicare Modernization Act) passed in 2003, AKA the 'Big Pharma' bill.
Doesn't Bob Herbert look like Frankenstein. He has the same IQ.
Another geius, Wapo's Ezra. You should quote that idiot. He can understand Alinsky, Marx and Engels and 30,000 pages of health care legislation but can't comprehend the constitution.
The drum circle of the stupid liberals telling each other how smart they are continues in the bowels of the blogosphere.
Thank god you fools only represent 20% of the population.
Bill in De, I'll call your bluff, prove your claim and while your at it, explain the need for Reid to buy the vote of the DEMO Senators from NEBRASKA and LOUISIANA if this was such a great plan?
You see Bill, how could the minority party make deals in the back room without the approval of the super majority party?
Explain this bit of news while your at it: "When Rep. Nancy Pelosi lost 19 Democrats on Wednesday's vote to be House speaker, it marked the worst showing for a party's nominee in more than 80 years."
Wake up, America is NOT as far left as the current DEMO party's leadership, Nov. 2nd proves that if nothing else.
[Bruce Samet said . . . ] Interesting reality check on the current state of affairs, including the "it's only 20% of you/us who support this liberal stuff" silliness, at [Have to post as "Anonymous" because I don't subscribe to any "accounts."]
Oh Happy Days!
The big gavel has been removed from House Speaker Nancy Belogosi Pelosi!
Maybe from now on the House members will take the time to read their bills before voting on them so they don't pass another shitty bill that the majority of americans don't want.
I can speak for my old friend Charles Moore. That is his real name.
Cheerio! Pip! Pip!
Thanks Tom.
Browns44 said...
"Bill in De, I'll call your bluff, prove your claim"
It was no "bluff", you conflated the Big Pharma bill passed by Bush and the GOP in 2003 with the Health Care bill passed by the Obama administration and the Democrats. Try to keep up.
[Bruce Samet said . . . ]To Mr. Browns44: In re: "while your at it . . ." Just a personal bugbear, maybe, but it's something that's really starting to get to me: There's a difference between "your" and "you're," obvious to anyone who will think for a second.* [*Try it, it doesn't hurt.]
If we can't knock off the name-calling and the snotty trumpeting of misinformation as if it's Word From On High, could we at least try to move in the direction of literacy in making our arguments.
I cannot see how informed Liberals can support Obama after he flip flopped on about 90 percent of his campaign promises. Instead of closing Gitmo, he signs into law indefinite detention without trial.
He formed the Deficit Commission to cut SS and Medicare and than cut the amount of money paid into SS so there will be 120 billion deficit by 2012,fuel for the Conservatives "Entitlement" mania.
I could type all night on Obama's Conservative agendas but the BIG BIG problem is during Obama's term is we are going to lose our position of owning the worlds reserve currency. When we do all hell will break loose.
Bill in DE,
I said back it up, not just repeat what you think happened and expect me to believe it.
If as you claim in 2003 the GOP passed a bad bill then why didn't the MAJORITY party of both Houses repair the two years they had control?
Or even as far back as 2006?
Gosh, Tom
It seems I upset at least one person with my comparison of the picture of the incoming "leadership" of the US congress to some pretty horrid people from the past. Since this sint my blog, I'll not answer, that's on my blog..
Marlena13 –
First, I’m not upset – I’m actually having a very nice week and hope you are, too. I read your response on your blog, and am still not satisfied with the comparison. They are two wholly different situations. By the time Hitler had attained power, Stalin had already slaughtered hundreds of thousands and been directly responsible for the deaths of millions of Ukrainian peasants. It was Stalin that catalyzed Hitler’s rise to power. It was a misguided feeling that nationalism was the other “side” to be on to fight against Marxism – a false dichotomy of belief in Europe at the time. Had the modern media existed in Stalin’s day, he could have never pulled off the deception and cover-up he did. The rest of the world couldn’t have pleaded ignorance and pretended like Stalin wasn’t a monster as they did. These men were driven by misguided philosophies – not money. I’m not saying DC isn’t misguided – but it is FAR more benign. The American people would have to wake up and unplug before they could generate 1/10th the ideological frenzy of early 20th century Europe. If you can’t see that, I’m afraid I can’t help you and we’ll agree to disagree.
These people are extremists, Marlena. It don’t think for a minute that your comparisons were out of line. Given the opportunity, who the heck knows what these treacherous jackasses are capable of?
Keep ‘em coming!
All the best,
Tom Degan
Anonymous Browns44 said...
Bill in DE,
I said back it up, not just repeat what you think happened and expect me to believe it."
Gee whiz corky, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had never heard of that thing called 'Google'. You should give it a try, all the other kids are doing it.
I'm not your research assistant, but here it is:,_Improvement,_and_Modernization_Act
Unlike the recent Affordable Healthcare bill, which was scored by the CBO as deficit neutral, MMA was passed without any attempt at providing funding or offsetting its costs.
As for the reason no one 'fixed' it? Because the Democrats knew it wasn't a fight worth having, any changes they tried to make would have just been vetoed, even if they did get a majority within their own party, since they mostly like to think for themselves, and not vote in lockstep like the marching morons in the GOP.
Which is the same thing that's going to happen with their laughable attempt at 'repeal' of 'Obamacare'. They know they're not going to pass that, but it makes for a good fund raising tool with the dopes in the Tea Party.
To get back to the original issue I had with your first post. The Obama Affordable Health Care Bill is NOT the 'Big Pharma' bill.
Bill in DE,
Really would like you to go to goggle and enter as the search "true cost of health care reform".
What happens?
The first result of the search is an AD paid for the link to It's show as an AD, an AD on Google, paid for by the American taxpayers.
Now do a new search but look for "cost of health care reform"
First on the list is link to Gee a paid for by the American taxpayers to a government website.
Try health care reform or just health care, or Obama care, or US healthcare.
Guess what the first result listed for each search? An AD to An AD paid for by?
An you want me to treat the results of a search on this subject on Google as reliable?
I would be more interested in finding how much this AD cost the American taxpayers and from which Federal department's budget it came from.
"As for the reason no one 'fixed' it? Because the Democrats knew it wasn't a fight worth having, any changes they tried to make would have just been vetoed, even if they did get a majority within their own party, since they mostly like to think for themselves, and not vote in lockstep like the marching morons in the GOP." Vetoed by Mr. Obama?
How did Mr. Obama vote for the bill when he was a Senator?
Ah yes, time for the liberal position of last resort, name calling.
Rasmussen December 27, 2010
Support for Health Care Repeal At 60%
For the second time this month, 60% of Likely Voters at least somewhat favor repeal of the national health care law, while the number who expect health care costs to increase is at its highest level since August.
Nancy Belogosi Pelosi, take your health care bill/law and stick it up your ASS!
Browns44, how about if you first acknowledge the fact you don't know there's a difference between the Big Pharma Bill and the Affordable Healthcare Act, then we can start sorting out your elbow and the other part of your anatomy you seem to have conflated.
Bill in De,
Why don't you tell me how Senator Obama voted on the bill, Google it for us. Then tell me if the Majority party (his party by the way) had voted to repeal it when he was President why you think he would have vetoed it?
Facts Bill, facts. Please.
The House has been controlled by the DEMO's for the past four years Bill, Google that while you're at it if you don't believe me.
Personally, I'm looking forward to these new honest Republicans keeping their Pledge to America. Sure they got off to a rough start with two House members failing to get sworn in, but voting anyway (unconstitutional). But at least they read the Constitution in the House (although leaving out the parts they don't think read well). We know these new members of the House majority adore the Constitution (except for the 1st, 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments, which totally blow) And, we have their honesty about the 100 billion in government cuts. Although now we know that wasn't a real figure, just a hypothetical one. I like that they pledged to let the other side make amendments to bills - except to the job killing health care repeal bill of course. And budget cuts are coming. What specifically will be cut? Well, Rep. Cantor tells us to "stay tuned". I'm staying tuned.
While there is a small minority of people who will miss 111, the vast majority of Americans are looking forward to 112. It is sad that since 2008 the current administration has not listened to the American people and just stumbled along blindly doing whatever they felt like doing. One failed idea after anther came out of the White House, the only thing that has saved America is that the President spends more time away from the White House the actually there working. America got an up close look at the type of country we would be if we continued to allowd progressives control DC, we are lucky that America has said no to their agenda loud and clearly.
Anonymous Browns44 said...
Bill in De,
Why don't you tell me how Senator Obama voted on the bill, Google it for us."
Honestly? You are actually incapable of using google to find out that President Obama wasn't in the Senate when the Big Pharma Bill was passed in 2003?
I'm sorry, it's not possible to have a conversation with someone as factually challenged as you obviously are.
Bill in De,
For some one who is smart enough to "sort out your elbow and the other part of your anatomy you seem to have conflated", it sure took you a while to figure out the answer to my first question.
Now please give me your answer to the other question I asked: "explain the need for Reid to buy the vote of the DEMO Senators from NEBRASKA and LOUISIANA if this was such a great plan?"
Try to keep up.
Wowie... Tom, where did you find such stoopid trolls? Listen up you idiots, Georgie-poo signed the big pharmaceutical bill in '03 that screwed the elderly and disabled. Perhaps you might try conversing with actual recipients like me! Since Obama has been in office Medicare HAS IMPROVED... no shit, for real.
Now I have a question for you...
What did the Republican majority of the 8 years prior to this do for us that makes you want more? Did they reduce the deficit? No, they created one. Did they create smaller government? No, it grew bigger with the addition of homeland security and a huge outsourcing innitiative. Did they do anything at all to fix the healthcare or social security/medicare crisis? Did they create jobs? Did they abolish abortion? Did they stop illegal immigration?
Aren't these important political issues of your party? You got squat and still you believe these megalomaniacs? What the hell is wrong with you?
Fools, not one good thing for the majority will occur these next 2 years. The Republicans only goal is to make Dems the sole perpitrators of a deadlocked government in hope of regaining the majority in '12 - maybe then they will do your bidding. Until then, why don't you hold your breath.
Wendy B.
"You got squat and still you believe these megalomaniacs? What the hell is wrong with you?"
Amen, sister! I'm certainly not a "liberal" or a democrat, but can't disagree with you. Best post so far...
Browns44 "We won, you lost, get over it."
Actually, both sides lost. While the economy limps along, one party is obsessed with a witch hunt (and also tax cuts and deregulation).
"This was John Boehner’s response…'Thank you for reminding us – and the American people – of the backroom deal that you struck behind closed doors with ‘Big Pharma,’ resulting in bigger profits for the drug companies, and higher prescription drug costs for 33 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D, at a cost to the taxpayers of $42.6 billion.'"
Boener voted for Medicare part D, voted against price negotiation, voted against drug importation, and spoke of the savings it provided. But now he's terribly concerned about costs.
He's only against "Obamacare" because of the "Obama". Heck, a bunch of it used to be Republican ideas. You know, things they were for, but not enough to do anything about, up until the president changed from an R to a D (the hated "individual mandate" came from that Democratic party stallwart…Orrin Hatch), when they switched to being against what they were for.
"This makes action makes me VERY HAPPY partially because it exposes the payoffs the Demos had to make to get their health care 'reform' bill passed."
I'm sure there were ugly backroom compromises, handouts and the like. None of which would've been necessary had the GOP pitched in during the long talk leading up to the vote. They were (and are) more concerned with regaining power than they are with governing. As sad as the Dems make me, the cynical manipulism of the GOP is far worse.
"You see Bill, how could the minority party make deals in the back room without the approval of the super majority party?"
Considering that it takes 60 just to break a filibuster, the GOP made sixty votes mandatory for everything and the Dems at the best of times can't even agree with themselves...
Oh, and 57 seats in the Senate isn't a supermajority.
"Wake up, America is NOT as far left as the current DEMO party's leadership, Nov. 2nd proves that if nothing else."
10% unemployment. That's the issue. Two years of the GOP (and their media) poisoning the well didn't help.
And the GOP's plan to fix that is the very same plan that failed so badly to do anything more than give the rich a bigger piece of a shrinking pie over the previous eight years.
anonymous "anybody who thinks health care costs will be reduced by adding layers of Bureaucracy implemented by Bureauc-Rats has shit for brains."
And anybody who thinks the status quo was working obviously hadn't been dropped by his insurance company have starting treatment for cancer.
And that's what the GOP wants. That's why they did nothing when they had the opportunity.
Anonymous "Rasmussen December 27, 2010 Support for Health Care Repeal At 60%..."
Polls asking people about what they think of the parts of Healthcare reform show that they're for them. They're against Obamacare, but for the things in Obamacare. (This, I think is a clear indicator of just how effectively the GOP, FoxNews, et al, poisoned the well)
finefroghair "why are anonymous posters always clowns pandering the same ignorant shtick?"
They aren't anonymous. They're from the Anonymous family. There are a million of 'em. They're like the Baldwins.
Harley A. "It would be political suicide for any politician to propose measures today that would really help this country."
Like when any attempt to cost-control Medicare (via, say, end-of-life counselling, formerly known as "helping you make a living will"/putting down on paper what your wishes are should the unfortunate occur) is "killing seniors"/"Death Panels!", but any attempt to boost its budget is "government waste".
Anonymous "If the government cannot successfully run Medicare, Social Security, cannot organize and coordinate relief efforts in Katrina and the Gulf, cannot maintain a competitive educational system after spending more on it then any other nation, why should I assume they can run 1/6th of the economy comprising health care?"
While Medicare has issues, its issues are shared by private sector healthcare (with one minor difference; the steadily increasing cost isn't increasing as quickly in Medicare).
Social Security works. With minor adjustments, it will continue to. Most of the anti-SS propaganda is wrong.
Katrina was the hundred-year storm than nobody was looking for and, like SS, its myths are practically mythical.
The Gulf was the ideal test of privatization. BP made a mistake, BP said it wasn't bad, BP said it was handling it, and BP took care of it. They did so well, in fact, that the State wasn't needed at all. It's a laissez faire dream come true! (Are you still sure you want the Government not involved?)
As for the criminally mangled public school system, the the US is third in spending. I have no idea why public schools are so terrible. I assume it has something to do with them not being allowed to force students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. And also prayer and bibles were banned! [/snark]
Also, ask seniors how they like Medicare. Or vets on the VA. (Hint: popular)
The problem, as I see it, isn't "SOCIALISM!!!", it's handouts to Big Med (Medicare D, for example, doesn't have negotiation for drugs, which can't be anything but a handout).
boltok "Another geius, Wapo's Ezra. You should quote that idiot. He can understand Alinsky, Marx and Engels and 30,000 pages of health care legislation but can't comprehend the constitution."
Boltok, I've told you 1,017 times to stop exaggerating.
James Hansen "I cannot see how informed Liberals can support Obama…"
Oh, come on! Those are all Right to far-Right things that he did, almost as though he's farther to the Right than I'm told he is! That, clearly, is unpossible, as he's an extremist socialist marxist! It's true!
(Further, I view Obama as "not McCain". It's not much. At least we aren't bombing Iran. Plus Biden, thank God, is not-Palin)
(Further, also, Obama's Gitmo isn't Obama's Gitmo. It's unfortunate when the other party runs on fear; it's worse when your own party lacks the spine to stand up to it)
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