The Madison Revolution

"'Fascism' should more appropriately be called 'Corporatism' because it is the merging of corporate and state power."
Benito Mussolini
Father of the fascist state
Like it or not, the Madison Revolution is here.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the people woke up from their thirty year slumber. Better late than never as they say. When they finally opened their eyes, they found themselves face to face with a reality too horrible to ignore: The Republican party has been waging a covert war against the working class of this country for almost a century and-a-half - going all the way back to the administration of Ulysses S Grant. It used to drive me to drink (and other choice narcotics) that so huge a segment of the population refused to understand what was being done to them. "What the hell is the matter with these idiotic people???" I've shouted aloud too many times to count.
Everything cha
nged this week however. This will be remembered as the week that "the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt" (two men that they don't even mention in their campaign literature anymore) declared open war on the working people of the United States of America. They're no longer hiding behind the phony facade of patriotism. And that's probably a wise move on their part. Very few of us are still buying that act. It would seem to me that they've cast away that stupid, ill-fitting mask of righteousness they've donned for all these years and have revealed for all to behold what they truly are: Corporatism's handmaidens. How many of you are surprised by this? Let's see a show of hands!
This is a war they have every intention of winning. But that's not going to happen. By the time this is all over - I promise you - the "Grand Old Party" will be deader than Abe and Teddy combined. The sleeping giants of the American working and middle classes have awoken. And it's about freakin' time, too. Did you have a nice nap, kids?
When the Hall of Fame of Useful Idiots is eventually constructed, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will have a wing all to himself:
"THE WALKER WING" - I can see it now....
It will b
e recorded that no other single human being was more responsible than he for inspiring the people to finally rise up and revolt against the economic injustices they had been suffering under for over three decades. When Walker and the GOP legislators in the Wisconsin State House illegally signed away the collective bargaining rights of union workers, did they really believe that that would be the end of it? I would suggest that they have their umbrellas handy. The shit storm is about to begin. Have a nice day!
The so-called, blue collar "Reagan Democrats" have finally realized that the sleep-inducing "family values" mantra that inspired them to rally behind The Gipper thirty-one years ago was nothing more than a cynical scam, a right wing lullaby whose only purpose was to lull them into unconsciousness while the plutocracy looted the social and economic infrastructure of a country that used to be a beautiful, wondrous place in which to live. In essence, they are finally waking up to the undeniable fact that they got royally screwed, not only by Reagan, but every one of his ideological heirs. We were told that the benefits would "trickle down" on the rest of us - and that is precisely what happened. We got pissed on, baby!
The corporatist cabal that runs this country long ago succeeded in turning the southern United States into an economic cesspool. (Have you been to Mississippi or Alabama lately?) They are now turning their attention to the north.
Why are they so hell-bent on destroying the unions? Because it is the unions that are the main contributors to Liberal political campaigns. At this very moment Republican legislators throughout the country are writing laws that will make it difficult (and in a few cases impossible) for certain groups to cast their ballots for the candidates of their choice - the young, the African Americans, the college students. Why? Because these are the people who tend to vote for Democrats. It should be noted that the only unions Walker has not gone after are the relatively few that supported his candidacy during the last election. Are you putting two and two together? Good for you! I knew you could.
A little guidance from history:
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
No, that is not a paragraph from Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. Those are the words of Thomas Jefferson from our very own Declaration of Independence. It's a point of pride within my family that one of the signers of that document (Charles Carroll) is an ancestor of ours. Hey, Charlie! Whassup???
This week the good people of Wisconsin have loudly and forcibly declared their independence from a government that favors corporate profit over workers rights. They realize the necessity to "throw off" that government. They have the absolute right and "duty" to do so - and they're doing it.
We know you're in the process of spending billions to try and stop this. Don't waste your easy-earned money. This rapidly growing movement is as natural as a blue ring around a winter moon. Don't even think about trying to stop it. Don't even dream about it. You'll have an easier time trying to keep the sun from setting in the west this evening. The Madison Revolution has been brewing for a very long time. The people are taking back what is rightfully theirs and you'd be wise not to stand in their way. It is a movement that is spreading faster than you might think - not only throughout the north - but eventually maybe even the south as well. Face reality: The plutocracy's party is about to end forever.
"I have no doubt but that the misery of the lower classes will be found to abate whenever the Government assumes a freer aspect and the laws favor a subdivision of Property."
-James Madison
Like it or not, the Madison Revolution is here.
Get the fuck out of the way.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Declaration of Independence
A special shout out to Amy Clements, the very youngest of all of my many cousins. She and her friends are there in Madison in the thick of things, giving Governor Walker indigestion. That's her in the photograph at the top of this piece. YOU GO, GIRL!
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Never mind
Everything cha

This is a war they have every intention of winning. But that's not going to happen. By the time this is all over - I promise you - the "Grand Old Party" will be deader than Abe and Teddy combined. The sleeping giants of the American working and middle classes have awoken. And it's about freakin' time, too. Did you have a nice nap, kids?
When the Hall of Fame of Useful Idiots is eventually constructed, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will have a wing all to himself:
"THE WALKER WING" - I can see it now....
It will b

The so-called, blue collar "Reagan Democrats" have finally realized that the sleep-inducing "family values" mantra that inspired them to rally behind The Gipper thirty-one years ago was nothing more than a cynical scam, a right wing lullaby whose only purpose was to lull them into unconsciousness while the plutocracy looted the social and economic infrastructure of a country that used to be a beautiful, wondrous place in which to live. In essence, they are finally waking up to the undeniable fact that they got royally screwed, not only by Reagan, but every one of his ideological heirs. We were told that the benefits would "trickle down" on the rest of us - and that is precisely what happened. We got pissed on, baby!
The corporatist cabal that runs this country long ago succeeded in turning the southern United States into an economic cesspool. (Have you been to Mississippi or Alabama lately?) They are now turning their attention to the north.
Why are they so hell-bent on destroying the unions? Because it is the unions that are the main contributors to Liberal political campaigns. At this very moment Republican legislators throughout the country are writing laws that will make it difficult (and in a few cases impossible) for certain groups to cast their ballots for the candidates of their choice - the young, the African Americans, the college students. Why? Because these are the people who tend to vote for Democrats. It should be noted that the only unions Walker has not gone after are the relatively few that supported his candidacy during the last election. Are you putting two and two together? Good for you! I knew you could.
A little guidance from history:
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
No, that is not a paragraph from Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. Those are the words of Thomas Jefferson from our very own Declaration of Independence. It's a point of pride within my family that one of the signers of that document (Charles Carroll) is an ancestor of ours. Hey, Charlie! Whassup???
This week the good people of Wisconsin have loudly and forcibly declared their independence from a government that favors corporate profit over workers rights. They realize the necessity to "throw off" that government. They have the absolute right and "duty" to do so - and they're doing it.
We know you're in the process of spending billions to try and stop this. Don't waste your easy-earned money. This rapidly growing movement is as natural as a blue ring around a winter moon. Don't even think about trying to stop it. Don't even dream about it. You'll have an easier time trying to keep the sun from setting in the west this evening. The Madison Revolution has been brewing for a very long time. The people are taking back what is rightfully theirs and you'd be wise not to stand in their way. It is a movement that is spreading faster than you might think - not only throughout the north - but eventually maybe even the south as well. Face reality: The plutocracy's party is about to end forever.
"I have no doubt but that the misery of the lower classes will be found to abate whenever the Government assumes a freer aspect and the laws favor a subdivision of Property."
-James Madison
Like it or not, the Madison Revolution is here.
Get the fuck out of the way.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Declaration of Independence

A special shout out to Amy Clements, the very youngest of all of my many cousins. She and her friends are there in Madison in the thick of things, giving Governor Walker indigestion. That's her in the photograph at the top of this piece. YOU GO, GIRL!
For more r
ecent postings on this positively reprehensible, French-loving, lefty-leaning, latte-swirling, cheese-eating, commie-kissing site, please do go to the following link:

"The Rant" by Tom Degan
I tell you, THERE OUGHTTA BE A LAW!!!! Oh, wait a minute....There is.
Never mind
The Madison Revolution is over!
The democratically elected legislature and governor did their jobs.
The rent a mob will be packed on to the UHauls they came in on and move to Indiana and Ohio where they we will lay around, scream occasionally and get high waiting for those states to clean house. Then they will create comotion for a couple days.
In my humble opinion, this is still a by product of Jerry Garcia's death. These idiots don't have a traveling band to follow (and thus a reason to inebriate themselves away from their pathetic realities).
All the while they can watch Illinois enact one stupid measure after another on its way to bankruptcy.
These fools should just be happy the cops didn't lock them all up. But what police officer would want to waste time booking and housing these pigs.
Hi Tom,
Great post!
A few Rants ago, you were feeling like it was all-over-red-rover for the U.S. It sounds like the Madison Revolution has restored your faith in your fellow Americans. I wish everyone had taken to the streets like this during the Bush Administration. We might not have such a long row to hoe at this point to get back what we have lost in the last 10 years. Sigh... hopefully we don't fall back into our stupor.
FYI - I work in Human Resources at my company. I am receiving weekly emails for upcoming webinars - the subject? How to prevent Unions from forming in your workplace.
I watch how our corporation abuses the employees (salary and hiring freezes, working overtime to cover staff shortages,etc.) in order to improve their bottom line. Our company is making record profits but every employee is working two jobs. I secretly hope our employees will rise up and make demands!
My friends and colleagues tell similar stories about their companies so even if our employees change jobs, their working conditions won't.
Keep up the good work, Tom. You speak for many of us.
Well now! If that last posting doesn't make my day I don't know what will! Thank you for the kind words! They are much appreciated.
And to commenter #1:
If you think the Madison Revolution is over...."Don't know much about history", do you?
Tom Degan
boltok.....YOU are the most pathetic thing in my reality. It seems YOUR brain died long ago IF you ever had one !! The revolution in WI is not over....this is just the beginning of the evil establishments' impending downfall. They might have all the money but we have the resolve and the motivation to stop the plutocracy from achieving its fascist goals. You think the politicians in Amerika are elected democratically ?? Dirty corporate money buys these elections.....granted dumbed down stupid people like you do the " voting " but seriously..... democratically elected ?? Give me a break !!
Raised and succored by the radiant afterglow of the New Deal and the unprecedented use of Keynesian economics the American people attained a standard of living that was, then, unprecedented in human history. This rapid elevation though amazing was never consolidated, which left exposed our rather large and soft underbelly. Never missing an opportunity the minions of mayhem soon attacked the weak spots and pledged to end this rampant prosperity. The ensuing battles have taken decades, resulting in a slow but unmistakable slide towards perdition. The Arsenal of Greed is unflinching in its desire to destroy the middle class using any and all means possible. The endless repetition and defilement of our political system has left us inured to viscous, dehumanizing acts. Thus we invade and kill thousands of innocent people claiming it is for freedom and democracy while idiots like boltok carry this oppressive banner far and wide. If only the minions of mayhem contained a few misguided, misanthropic, miscreants, like boltok then their power might be easily mitigated. Alas, awash in ever increasing amounts of money the propaganda machine has fully converted a third of this country's population into mindless imbecilic trolls AKA (boltok). Who in an unquenchable desire to do their masters bidding have committed economic suicide by rendering their financial security moot, in exchange for tax cuts for the obscenely rich and the inhumanely managed corporations. When the simple minded vote the simple minded will suffer. The minions of mayhem on the behalf of the Arsenal of Greed would like to thank it's army of simple minded, easily duped, near sighted, Christian conservative soldiers, all of these converts for their devout belief in American apple pie. Too bad you won't get a slice! You anonymous fools!
They are revolting against the taxpayers of Wisconsin – not a corporation. You should not be allowed to collectively bargain with the taxpayers – particularly when your compensation is in line with theirs. Calling on the students to walk out? – Moore is a boob. That’s why it is falling on deaf ears in the state. The left has used this as a false premise to forwarding its Marxist bent that Americans generally do not want to hear (except ignorant 19 year olds that have not a clue). The Mideast is in turmoil, a tragic earthquake has devastated a part of Japan. There are real issues in this world to be concerned about. Once Wisconsin runs out of pie and Moore leaves, and the media tires of it, it’ll be over. Tom, you obviously don’t know much about the present…
You guys crack me up.
Ellis, please keep me updated on WI. In weeks, if not days, this story will only be a footnote. It will be similar to the stories of Giuliani as mayor of NYC. When he was cleaning up, there was lots of noise, but none of it lasted. In the end the populace was pleased and he was reelected in the most liberal of places.
The people who actually work in WI realize that they are paying taxes so govt empoloyees have a better life than they do. That is like overpaying you gardener so he can have a larger house that you do.
Wild post,
I think with the right mustache and uniform you sound a lot like Hitler spouting hateful rhetoric. You sound one step away from making conservatives where special markings and then sending the Republicans to death camps. Really. The only positive thing is that you will never have any power over anyone and most Americans consider themselves conservative and also own firearms.
boltok.....if government employees earn a higher wage than private sector employees that merely shows how UNDERPAID the private sector is. GREEDY employers pocket the majority of the profits CREATED by the blood and sweat of the workers because in their warped minds they believe that they are somehow better or more deserving than the " low life " workers they hire in lieu of slaves. I see the figures these government workers make and I got news for a capitalist society where everything costs more than it should these wages barely get the bills paid, let alone allow for savings or recreation. Oh wait recreation is only for the rich folks....let the peasants watch American Idol for entertainment and relaxation !! Just make sure they pay a ridiculously high cable bill for that privilege !!!
This is an excellent history lesson if somebody will record and frame it correctly. I used to wonder how the Germans got themselves in the position of having a psychotic like Hitler for leader. How could they support the death camps and the persecutions? Now I know. They were just like our fellow Americans. To all you goose-stepping fools trolling about waiting for the chance to dispose of your talking points and childish insults: A group of people working together to negotiate working conditions, living conditions and relative authorities is a description of both a union and a democratic republic(the United States). It would seem to most to be a bizarre twist of thinking for a Republican to be against republican rights and responsibilities. Our Congress is a perfect example of a union collectively bargaining. Are you jerks actually going to say you are against your own form of government? Because your so-called leaders are setting up a fascist government with zero civil liberties. Your great leaders are playing you against yourselves! You actually want to be forced to work in unsafe conditions, for piss poor wages, abused, insulted and (possible) assaulted by your bosses? You like that? You can't all be top dog, try to imagine working in America with no unions, no right to organize, to protest, to object to government interference! That's what you are fighting for when you oppose the unions and support the fascists. Try to think, try to read actual history books! Come on, it's for the country, for your children. Or maybe you actually want to be the ones responsible for the destruction of this nation. Maybe you actually like fascism, I don't know why, but maybe you think Hitler was cool.
Who is going to pay for the $7.5 million in damages done to the Wisconsin Capital by the Saul Alinsky Mob? The Taxpayers or the Wisconsin Public Union?
Ellis, am I correct to assume that you are an attorney? Are you upset because there are more lawyers than bacteria, and absent finding the right ambulance to follow, you deem yourself under compensated for your academic achievements?
Or are you selflessly concerned that some are relatively more successful that others and that you can't get paid cradle to grave for just showing up (sometimes for doing less) unless you are in a union?
boltok...I've said many times that this isn't about me. I do fine in spite of the funky system. My concern is for all the folks unable to pull themselves up by their bootstraps because they have no boots. I don't get jealous of others because I live an ego-less existence. You folks all trying to one up each other are making a real mess of society. Pool resources and share wealth...that's what INTELLIGENT people learn to do. Try it sometime !!!
America........could be great once again....if we can wake everyone up!
Love your work Tom...we need more like you.
Thank you.
Boltok if you hate the comments and the philosophies espoused her why do you keep returning? Perhaps you should start a blog yourself to to and convert the others here to your way of thinking. Or is that too much like hard work?
Den from Oz
Tom Degan said about Reagan "at a time when he should have been in an assisted care facility being spoon fed oatmeal",
Let's not forget Degan and every other leftist liberal here are the bigots.
Good post, the protests in Wisconsin had teamsters bussed in, you don't see that at the Tea Party rally because that is real grass roots, even Atlantic can't call it astro turfing but maybe we should take "Source Watch" website, snicker.
Great day in America,
Oh, actions are being taken to take away the right to vote of students? Huh? Oh well, if there was any truth to these statements, perhaps it'll make up for where they have fraudulently voted and been successfully prosecuted. This is probably just some measure that would require voter's registration and voting in your area. Blacks and the others??? Plain libel and slander but what do you expect from the bigots here.
If Keynesian economics is answer, how come there was 20% unemployment during the New Deal when it was used so much?
If government spending is all that is need to correct economic ills, why after 80 years of government spending do we still have unemployment?
@ anonymous "Blacks and the others??? Plain libel and slander but what do you expect from the bigots here."
Please explain to me how this is defamation.
and which one is it anonymous? libel or slander?
"Please explain to me how this is defamation."
Devil said Republicans were trying to take away the rights of some people to vote. This is libel if there is no basis in truth. But who knows how the daily KOS warped view of things go.
WHO VOTED YOU IN, not a minority of unions, bussing people in. Leaving the capital as a pigsty.
I was reading something a couple days ago that said we spent 250k per job saved or created with the deficits and stimulus. Why not just give 5 times as many people 50k and let them do something with it. Or 10 times as many people 25K. Oh, I remember, that's similar to a tax cut. No fun for government if they can't be the ones spending (i.ef., wasting) your money.
@ Anonymous, Fail. Libel does not equal Lie. Libel only exists when there is a lie that would damage someone or some group's reputation within the community. Who's reputation does this damage? Republicans? Which Republicans? How? Can you prove damage? What is the damage? Does this prevent them from getting a job in the future? Does this cause mental anguish? Poor babies. Wait! Let's get legal. Aren't they in the public eye? People who are in the public eye have a whole different set of standards applied to them when it comes to libel. They must prove there was actual malice. Truth is an absolute defense to libel.
It's people's first amendment to publish information freely. Haven't you seen "The People vs. Larry Flynt"
Thank you for an excellent piece.
You are so right! Don't pay attention to those who disagree, they are still asleep, and filled with the Faux propaganda.
Republicans are working it just like Hitler did, using propaganda and fear.
The sad part is so many just don't understand Regan was a loon, he may have been a nice man but he didn't have a clue as to how it all works.
The reason we are in this crisis is because only a few have all the money.
If the masses have no money to purchase goods, there will be no jobs, to create those goods. The wealthy have cut off their noses to spite their face.
"When the Hall of Fame of Useful Idiots is eventually constructed, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will have a wing all to himself:"
Elected Last NOvember, Democrat Governor thrown out, Walker in, the PEOPLE HAVE TRIUMPHED,
That is not the present day Unions or what the Unions are and have been a long time, CORRUPTED.
18 Wisconsin Senators sent death threats
SHEBOYGAN — State Sens. Joe Leibham and Glenn Grothman said they are among as many as 18 Republican senators who received a death threat following their votes to eliminate most collective bargaining powers for public workers.
The threat was sent in an e-mail late Wednesday with the subject, "Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!" according to a copy of the letter released by Grothman's office. The e-mail also was addressed to Sen. Pam Galloway, R-Wausau.
boltok your math skills seem to be at a par with your reading skills unfortunately you lack the most important requisite skill comprehension! I suggest a period of meditation and reflection while you ruminate on that ludicrous data you so righteously supplied.
When distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the United States that hurries into help... Managua Nicaragua is one of the most recent examples. So far this spring, 59 American communities have been flattened by tornadoes. Nobody has helped.
The Marshall Plan .. the Truman Policy .. all pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now, newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent war-mongering Americans.
Anonymous, go back and read about the offers of help from all over the world after 9/11. But our cowboy president Dubya turned everyone down. He wanted to go it alone.
“GTF out of the way.”
Or what? Violence?
@ Harley......Get over yourself...think about it. The "outer party and the proles" are tired of being pawns. If only 1% of Americans control all of the wealth, what would happen if the other 99% decided not to produce for them anymore? If even 50% decided not to play the game anymore, what would happen? Think about it... "If there is any hope . . . it lies in the proles." --G.O.
There is absolutely no need for violence. I love how you guys are calling us bigots, referring to us as Hitler, accusing us of plotting violence, and accusing us of defamation though, it just shows the gross desperation of the scrambling GOP.
Time magazines math is similar to mine. BTW, I am a math genius.
Here's the link. I picked Time because I deem it to be a publication the left holds in high regard.
Another story:
Union Power!
Wonder if the ARAB/ISLAMIC Nations are going to send Japan any thing?
Mary Mayhem "Think about it... 'If there is any hope . . . it lies in the proles.' --G.O."
Um, you did read finish that book, right?
When you earn your GED diploma, the barriers in your life fall....
maybe you have will have a big liberal blog or maybe you will become a mediocre teacher in the public school system.
I am not math genius, so please correct this if I am in error.
Michael Moore claims the US is not broke. That there are 400 billionaires whose assets belongs to the rest of us. So if I take 400 billionaires money it equals $1.3 trillion!! But my math tells me that is still $300 billion short of just this years deficit alone. That still leaves the US with the $14trillion currently in the hole.
So what if we take the assets of Gates, Buffet and Ellison? That equals the total in debt of 45 states. But the 490,00 people employed by these 3 might be upset when they lose their jobs.
What is wrong with my math?
@ Modus O, of course I finished the book! What kind of question is that? The proles could have changed the world if they had revolted. That is one of the recurring themes. If we want things to change we must decide to revolt, and that is what is starting to happen right now. The corporatists will be largely outnumbered when and if their misguided tea patriot army wakes up. Just like the proles and the outer party would have eliminated the inner party in 1984 by sheer population suppression alone. The difference is that the inner party did not mess with the proles as much in 1984, they left them alone, and so they were content to there proletariat ways, but you can either consider this, what is happening now in the US, pre-1984, or you can consider this to be an example of the corporatists over reaching, because the working class is pissed. We have to either act now, or fall into a dystopian future.
@ anonymous, I know they aren't Arabic, but they are Islamic, and they are sending aid...
Iran sends aid to Japan
"if Japan makes a request the aid will be sent as soon as possible.”
This ought to be good to watch
9/11, Of course we accepted the help of other countries.
"It is thanks to our Belgian specialized dog teams, that the life of several Americans was saved after the 9/11 attacks. Belgium sent (together with other support), specialized dog teams to the US. Those dogs are trained in smelling humans. Belgian teams were flown to Ground Zero and THANKS TO THEM, American lives where saved. This is only one example of how we supported the US."
"I agree wholeheartedly. It is extremely offensive when certain Americans become so self- centered and arrogant that they can't even recognize what the world did for them after 9/11(Im not saying this is all Americans, but it is obvious there are some.) Countries all across the globe stepped in to help out after 9/11, including here in Canada."
@ Anonymous, several middle eastern and muslim nations are sending aid, look it up, but I'd like to point out that it shows an awful lot about you character that when a huge tragedy strikes another country, you turn it into a nationalist competition on who is, and who isn't sending aid.
Mary Mayhem, like the video implies I'm proud it is always Americans that are first to pitch in and help a nation.
Certainly, there is no pride in letting these brave freedom fighters in Libya down but thank goodness, the French and others are helping them and apparently President Obama is coming around as well.
NEA (National Education Association) General Counsel Bob Chapin July 2009:
"Despite what some among us would like to believe, it is not because of our creative ideas. It is not because of the merit of our positions. It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year because they believe that we are the unions that can most effectively represent them, the unions that can protect their rights and advance their interests as education employees."
The Underside of the "Madison Revolution."
Unions are pulling a Tony Soprano on business in WI. Unions are sending letters to business owners in WI threatening them with a "serious" boycott if they do not come out and publicly support them.
I hope a RICO investigation is made into the actions of the Unions and their supporters.
Hey Anonymous, I think the $7.5 million bill is on it's way to your inbox as we speak. Pay up, chump.
Or better yet, get your story straight. The $7.5 million was an outrageous overestimate. But why don't you pay for it anyway.
Browns44 "What is wrong with my math?"
While the USA does need to have a serious conversation about spending (one that cannot happen while one side insists on poisioning the well), your math ignores that the citizenry consists of more than people citizens, and that as one group's taxes have dropped, revenues have leaned more and more on the payroll and income taxes of the citizen citizens.
Mary Mayhem "@ Modus O, of course I finished the book! What kind of question is that? The proles could have changed the world if they had revolted."
But they did revolt, after their Big Brother lost the election to Slightly Friendlier Version of Big Brother. Interestingly, the revolters then insisted that they'd been mad as heck at the previous Big Brother the whole time. So mad that they did nothing at all, for eight long years!
Oh, you mean those proles. Real Proles™ are on the side of Big Brother ("Dissent is Treason"). Unless Big Brother is a Democrat ("Dissent is Patriotism").
"The corporatists will be largely outnumbered when and if their misguided tea patriot army wakes up."
Pah! Why would their army "wake up"? They're looking forward to good, solid employment as Pinkertons, crackin' the dirty hippie skulls of kindergarten teachers. But only if those teachers are in range of their lawn chairs. And only when Beck isn't on. And not on Social Security check day. Or while they're filling out Medicare papers. Other than that, watch out, hippies!
Anonymous "Unions are pulling a Tony Soprano on business in WI. Unions are sending letters to business owners in WI threatening them with a 'serious' boycott if they do not come out and publicly support them. I hope a RICO investigation is made into the actions of the Unions and their supporters."
Boycotting companies that supported Walker's run and continue to support him (even if by silence) ≠ Tony Soprano
@ M. O.'s sarcasm "good, solid employment as Pinkertons", security guards, good match up, and minimum wage too. I wonder if the job supplies a segway and spurs...(sarcasm)...
I am still optimistic because it looks like some are actually starting to realize what's going on, or at least the ones up north are. They are supposedly a lot of working class republicans in those protesting crowds and Walker and his cohorts' approval numbers continue to go down. At least that's what they were attempting to show on the news for the past two days. I don't know which news, I was flipping through Al Jazeera, BBC, PBS, CNN, CSPAN and a few others randomly trying to find out info on this bill and the earthquake.
Scott Walker doesn't even have a college degree.
Scott Walker represents the working class.
Scott Walker's numbers are great, Iowa is now going to implement a similar bill.
Sorry, these Unionists and Teachers want the Taxpayer to fund them.
Most of us would be lucky to be sucking at the Public trough with the big bucks these people are getting.
The Unions are there own worse enemeies, they are corrupt, they asked for more and more until they drove the industries they represent into the ground.
You are correct.
For magnitude of the problem, the US Debt Clock is great for putting it all on one page.
A couple years ago, I was asked, informally, to explain why capitalism works over redistribution.
For anyone who likes to problem solve, work on this. Suppose you could implement a pure wealth sharing system. Take a country will significant current physical assets and not much else (e.g., Saudi Arabia). Calculate the current amount of wealth and distribute it to everyone. How wealth does that make everyone today. How much wealth per year does that give each person divided by the time until all resources run out.
Clearly you will see, even in a country with resource and not many people, that redistribution does not provide significan wealth in the short term or much of anything over the long term.
The system of indiviuals pursuing wealth creation, and doing what it takes to be successful is the method that creates real wealth.
The only place where this has been allowed to happen for a prolonged period is the USA. And where does the USA stand relative to others? The problem is that the discontents will find it easier to vote themselves other peoples assets, and this weakens the systems of value creation.
Liberals cannot see this.
Read de Touqueville.
Commenter # 2: Yeh, that Capitalist Nightmare you wrote is real believable.
We can believe all Union talk, per the Mob themselves, they control them. Maybe not government Unions but surely, corporate ones.
The protesters in Wisconsin trashed the Capital buildings, you don't see the "baggers" do that ever.
Death Threats have been issued against Public Servants.
Protesters for the Unions bussed in.
Anonymous "Scott Walker represents the working class."
I guess that explains the tax cuts he gave out right before this. How much did you save? Nothing? Oh. You should've planned better and been a corporate citizen.
"Most of us would be lucky to be sucking at the Public trough with the big bucks these people are getting."
Obviously. Because they're overpaid. Except when they aren't.
Anonymous "The protesters in Wisconsin trashed the Capital buildings, you don't see the 'baggers' do that ever."
Yeah. Taping things to walls! Attica! Attica! Plus, I saw some of them sitting down. Playing drums! Damn dirty hippies!
"Death Threats have been issued against Public Servants."
Yes. They've been up 400% since the presidential election. Oh. That's not the public servant you meant.
"Protesters for the Unions bussed in."
I know, right?! Oh. Those aren't the protesters you meant.
WTF business is it of yours, your not a citizen of the USA?
Gee boltok, are you saying that Mr. Michael Moore is wrong? That his policy's are wrong, that the redistribution of wealth by government as explained to Joe the Plumber is wrong, will not work?
Are you saying in the history of civilized mankind, socialism doesn't work, as most recently exampled by the failure of Keynesian economics in Cuba?
So the concept of the neo-liberal that "taxpayers get your hands off YOUR money" is wrong? That the chant at SEIU protest of:
What do we want?
When do we want it?
really explains the intent of the neo-liberal?
Wow, where did you learn all this and where can others learn this too?
"MO WTF business is it of yours, your not a citizen of the USA?"
At least MO knows how to write the English language properly. We could use a lot more just like him.
And don't tell me that was a typo. Two errors of spelling and three errors of punctuation in one short sentence? Please.
No wonder you post anonymously. I'd be embarrassed, too.
Jerry Garcia while living at Haight-Ashbury circa 1968:
"We would all like to be able to live an uncluttered life, a simple life, a good life and think about moving the whole human race ahead a step."
Sure Jerry, the cultural utopia you helped try to create sure moved the human race forward LOL. Too bad you didn't OD on heroin early in the 60s.
Ellis D, when did your commune get internet access?
Shine on, Tom! You rock.
Republican congressman Mike Rogers of Michigan has been flipping through those 1000+ waivers granted to ObamaCare, and noticed they all apply to labor unions, large corporations, and one entire state. So far, individuals and small businesses have been unable to get one of those wonderful waivers, but Rogers plans to address this injustice with his Health Care Waiver Fairness Act.
"If the SEIU gets a waiver and McDonald's gets a waiver…shouldn't the average person who's impacted by this get a waiver too?" Rogers asked in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. His Act would allow all businesses to apply for waivers to the mandate to offer government-approved health insurance, just like the special privilege enjoyed by the Teamsters and Waffle House.
Rogers also wants to allow individuals to apply for waivers from the notorious “individual mandate” to purchase health insurance, but U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson is way ahead of him there, having already granted 350 million such waivers.
The Act has picked up a Democrat co-sponsor, Dan Boren of Oklahoma. If it were to pass, it would spell the end of ObamaCare as surely as the Supreme Court upholding Judge Vinson’s ruling, for like all socialist schemes, it relies entirely on the compulsive force of law – no one in their right minds would willingly participate in ObamaCare unless (almost) everyone else is forced to do so, any more than the liberal millionaires who complain about low tax rates would voluntarily pay more in taxes. Force is the objective, not voluntary co-operation.
You are once again correct.
I have a couple friends that are extremely liberal. What makes me endure them, or even respect them, you might ask. It is because they put their money where their mouth is. They give away much of their money and their time. You wont see them running around like idiots in WI. They don't send death threats to politicians, nor endorse that practice. While I disagree in political principle, these people practice what they preach.
I would have an ounce of respect for Michael Moore if he did something like: give away all his money except, lets say, $5 million, to help others substantially. He could keep enough money to keep his options open in the future. He should also dedicate a significant amount of time to something other than developing themes for his movies. If you are going to preach, you should practice.
He may need more than $5million given the amount of food stuffs he consumes.
Rogers has said that “every American and employer deserves the opportunity to receive a waiver from the new health care law if it’s driving up costs and limiting services, not just the politically connected.” Every central planning scheme drives up costs and limits services. The government cannot distribute anything without making it more expensive.
Among other things, the cost of forcing compliance with a government mandate will always cause a product or service to end up with a higher price than it would have commanded in a competitive free market. To this must be added the indirect cost of avoidance behaviors, which companies and individuals follow to escape from these enforcement efforts. Since avoidance behavior is always less economically beneficial than the preferred behavior of free citizens, it destroys a great deal of wealth. For example, consider the avoidance behaviors used to escape high levels of taxation, which invariably result in reduced economic activity.
Of course, the name of the game for statists is to hide that increased cost, so the chosen beneficiaries of their policies think they’re getting something for “free.” Allowing everyone to apply for a straightforward waiver from ObamaCare would greatly reduce the cost of compliance and avoidance… and, of course, it would destroy ObamaCare, because the confused people left milling around in the bloated corpse of the system would no longer be under any illusions that it was making anything cheaper, or more accessible.
I really hope that Walker and the repugs in his Senate get recalled, and he and Koch are charged with some kind of collusion. What they've done is criminal!
The Socialists were recalled last Nov 2. Remember Obama's quote after he was elected, "We won, You lost, get over it"?
What do you think of the meltdown at NPR? LOL on that undercover video of the dingbat Ron Schiller. This was better than the phoney Koch Walker phone call.
"We won, You lost, get over it".
Obama never said that. Who the heck is your fact checker?
It's not "We won" but "I won."
"Don't Penalize Our Working Class", Yeh, the people who pay taxes, paying for the pensions of people who make twice as much money as they do, work 9 months a year, a fair number of Holidays.
In truth, as long as Unions are corrupt extensively, as long as Planned Parenthood is a racket that makes money and plugs it and Dems notoriously have pushed it because of that. PPH shouldn't be funded at all by the Federal Government.
Op Rescue at a minimum, no funds for PPH, a good number of abortion providers aren't event qualified that's why Grossnel was killing live babies. But part of the outdated '70s/'60s feminist radical thought.
Government waste, no need for that....
Bring it on!!!!
Anonymous "Republican congressman Mike Rogers of Michigan has been flipping through those 1000+ waivers granted to ObamaCare, and noticed they all apply to labor unions, large corporations, and one entire state."
As for the SEIU (the "large labor union"), the answer is the same as for McDonald's
And "large corporations" (besides McDonald's), like the healthcare companies that got exemptions, got them so that they can avoid having to "phase out their caps on annual health-care benefits between now and 2014 when they must offer limitless annual benefits".
And that state? Maine. The waiver? The part of the law that "…requires plans in the individual market to meet an 80 percent medical loss ratio threshold or offer rebates to enrollees for the difference." Congratulations, Maine, you got a waiver to let 15% more of your premiums go to not-healthcare.
"'If the SEIU gets a waiver and McDonald's gets a waiver…'"
McDonald's waiver? Their shitty coverage, the limited benefits plans called "mini-meds", had standards that were too low. While it met the 80% med-loss ratio, "...most restaurant workers select a plan with a $2,000 annual benefit payout limit—a policy that will cost workers $710 a year in 2011".
I mean really, Anonymous, these things are trivially easy to research.
Anonymous "Among other things, the cost of forcing compliance with a government mandate will always cause a product or service to end up with a higher price than it would have commanded in a competitive free market."
1. There's no such thing as the "free market". It's a myth; a Platonic Ideal. Everybody with any money or power is trying to tip the advantage to their side of the field. For examples, Rent Seeking is quite popular, and subsidies (which "distort the market") are just fine when they're the ones getting the subsidies (like Exxon, which can make $11,000,000,000 in a single quarter or $45,200,000,000 in 2009, and yet can still line up, head held high, for $3,600,000,000 in sweet taxpayer milk).
2. How does putting the 20somethings in the pool, who are as a group healthy and as a group tend not to have health insurance raise the cost of health insurance? A bigger pool, where the additional members in the pool tend to be healthy, dilutes costs.
3. Single Payer. No reason. I'm just putting that out there. It avoids the aggregious terriblitude of forcing the private market to have "standards". And it's cheaper to boot. It's odd that while "government can't do anything right" it nonetheless gets some things right.
Koch Brothers, Boogey man for the Left
Democrats are the Forrest Gump of American politics. They’ve taken to heart the advice Jenny gave him right before he deployed to war: “Just, if you’re ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, you just run, OK? Just run away.”
And run they have. Like frightened French soldiers.
There’s hardly a politician in the world who hasn’t promised they’d fight for you but the basic fight-or-flight response has unmasked today’s Democrats’ indefensible defense of big government.
Wisconsin state Senate Democrats cowering under their beds in an Illinois no-tell motel put 1,500 state workers at risk of layoffs and only delayed the inevitable and necessary budget cuts that Wisconsin, like the rest of America, must face.
But these cut-and-run Badgers weren’t alone. Indiana Democrats also turned Hoosier tail and ran to Illinois as well.
In 2003, Texas Democrats went yellow and scurried across the Red River to Oklahoma.
For Democrats, political courage is like most vintage French World War II era MAS-36 rifles: never fired and only dropped once.
Our frightened Democrats are simply on the wrong side of history.
They’re trying to defend the indefensible and the cadre of anti-free-market, big-government, central-control holdouts is dwindling down to Hugo Chavez, the ailing Kim Jong-il, the Castro brothers and the American Democrats - and the Castro brothers are one broken hip away from splintering the coalition.
In the 1990s, the oldest political party in the world was reduced to claiming that oral sex isn’t sex. Now their claim is even more laughable - that free enterprise doesn’t create prosperity.
"And run they have. Like frightened French soldiers."
Tea Party Tim, you really ought to read up on the bravery of the French in both world wars. Had you done so, you would not have made such an appallingly ignorant comment.
Tom Degan
Anonymous "What do you think of the meltdown at NPR? LOL on that undercover video of the dingbat Ron Schiller."
Colour me surprised. The "Village liberals" almost pre-emptively surrender. And Beck's site, The Blaze, analyzed the video, and came off…rational. I know! I was surprised too!
Anonymous "It's not 'We won' but 'I won.'"
That monster! Imagine his gall, thinking that just because he won an election it in any way means that he gets to have his agenda move forward! When the Dems win, they have to be bi-partisan. "Bi-partisan" meaning, in GOPese, "Adopt the GOP agenda". (Spoiler Alert: in a lot of ways, from Dubya stretching of Executive Privilege to GOP policies from the 90s, he has)
Tan Shoes with Pink Shoelaces "'Don't Penalize Our Working Class', Yeh, the people who pay taxes, paying for the pensions of people who make twice as much money as they do, work 9 months a year, a fair number of Holidays."
I know, right?! It's disgusting, the way that some of them make more than their private counterparts. And some of them make less. And the ones who make more are the friggin' janitors. Congratulations, you've just argued against big-wig teachers (who make less) and janitors.
And teachers' summers are exactly the same as those of their students. Man, that must be sweet. Why, I remember my summer vacation when I was a kid; coursework, getting my teacher's certificate recertified, working off student loans built up from the multi-year commitment to learning how to teach, and teaching summer school.
Why don't you go punch out and punch a blind man, while you're at it? Lazy blind people...they can walk just fine, and yet they use a cane! Probably a government cane, too!
" long as Planned Parenthood is a racket that makes money and plugs it and Dems notoriously have pushed it because of that."
I know, right? I mean, abortion is a whole 3% of their services!
"Op Rescue at a minimum..."
Until they're born. Then they're on their own. That's how important they are.
And, if you join Operation Save America (formerly Op Rescue), you get the bonus package, with hating fags and Muslims! Act now and get the whole Christian Right agenda!
"...a good number of abortion providers aren't event qualified..."
{citation needed}
"...that's why Grossnel was killing live babies."
What Logical Fallacy is that? Poisoning the Well?
"But part of the outdated '70s/'60s feminist radical thought."
I know, right?! That's why 61% of abortions involve a mother who already has one or more children. Damn those radical feminists, already having families!
Lets be real and drop any political correctness. Most, not all, of the French had no balls in WWII. The Germans took over all of France in a matter of weeks. That is a fact and is pretty pathetic for a state as large as France.
As French military history shows, there is not a necessary correlation between bravery and capability.
MO:"I guess that explains the tax cuts he gave out right before this. How much did you save? Nothing?"
I guess Scott Walker keeping his promises EXPLAINS it!
"Walker, the Milwaukee County Executive since 2002, campaigned on turning around the state's economy. He says lower taxes are step one."
That means some Taxpayers might put that money back into the economy, provide jobs, invest.
MO: "Oh. You should've planned better and been a corporate citizen."
Sorry, I guess I got it wrong, I thought it was an election voted on by the citizens, not corporations.
Tom Degan said:
"And run they have. Like frightened French soldiers."
Tea Party Tim, you really ought to read up on the bravery of the French in both world wars. Had you done so, you would not have made such an appallingly ignorant comment.
Tom Degan
Tom, I said Germany took over all of France in a matter of weeks. Do you dispute this? Who is ignorant?
If MO's Canada invaded the US, Tom Degan and Bernie Sanders would be the first to surrender!
Tea Party Tim: Would you say the Nazi army was one of the most powerful armies in the history of the world until World War II happened as well as being among the most ruthless?
Do you single out all of the other countries, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic and good parts of Russia as well as not being good fighters as well because of World War II??
If I said the USA save Wisconsin and Massachussets factually, has seen virtually every other state hang a black man and many of those are in fact, racist acts, would you judge the US to be a racist place and talk about even today still? Or would that not be fair?
France no longer has Chirac who may have been the one to not allow the USA to use French airspace, Chirac additionally is facing criminal charges I assume, he's been brought to trial.
Anonymous 5:06PM
Blah blah blah blah blah!
Any large country that gives up within weeks to a foreign power has no balls.
Thank God in the US there is only a small percent of you "better red than dead" socialist types who would surrender in a heartbeat.
@TeaParty Tim are you forgetting the French helping us in our own revolution to gain independence from Great Britain as well as their contribution to the war of 1812?
Would you prefer to be drinking tea instead of coffee right now? (I actually DO prefer tea, but iced so maybe you do) Is that what this Tea Party thing is about? Have I finally unlocked the mystery?
TeaPartyTim "Our frightened Democrats are simply on the wrong side of history."
Your side marks the road to neo-feudalism. My side marks the road to Michelle Obama telling you your kids are too fat.
"They’re trying to defend the indefensible and the cadre of anti-free-market, big-government, central-control holdouts..."
Tea Partiers are for a government every bit as big as the biggest Big Government liberal. Do you have any idea how many people it would take to regulate and monitor (and try, sentence and punish) every uterus in the country? And don't try to pass us the myth that the Tea Party is only about spending issues. If that were true they'd have gathered around Paul long before they stood up and pushed him off the proverbial stage. If that were true this would not be happening. Or this. If that were true their war on the budget would include progams, subsidies, pork and tax cuts that benefit the rich, instead of just the poor-to-middle-class. If that were true they wouldn't consistently poll as social conservatives.
TeaPartyTim "Wisconsin state Senate Democrats cowering under their beds in an Illinois no-tell motel put 1,500 state workers at risk of layoffs..."
Walker told a Madison radio station that the layoff was merely a ploy to gain some political leverage: “I needed to get their attention to show how serious we were about having a balanced budget,” Walker said on the “Sly in the Morning” show on WTDY radio.
Post got deleted,
France accounted for 25% of all Military fatalities in World War I for Allied side, they were fighting Poison Gas and all that in World War I, England may have even inflamed the Germans. So, World War I really was hard on France and fought on it's ground. Check it out, many died from Italy fighting for the Allies. Completely different war than WWII.
TeaPartyTim "...and only delayed the inevitable and necessary budget cuts that Wisconsin, like the rest of America, must face."
"If Walker were truly serious about balancing the budget, he would not be proposing a $36 million cut in the state’s capital gains tax or a $46 million corporate tax cut, on top of the millions of dollars in tax cuts he and the Republican legislature have already approved. Walker could balance his current budget by ending a variety of special interest tax dodging that is occurring in his state." (fm the above link, and much, much more)
And I'll add that they're avoiding half the equation. Revenues. Walker cut that route off, though, bringing in legislation to make Wisconsin the Midwest's California. And that <a href=">Wisconsin is not broke</a>. And that the revenue shortfall is because of the tanked economy, not the other way around.
to be cont'd...
And that, most importantly, it's not about the deficit. It never is. That's why Scott in Florida can cut $5B from the budget (including $1.75B in education cuts) to fix the $3.6B deficit while at the same time proposing $4B in tax cuts, and Snyder in Michigan can tax pensioners to raise $900M fix the $1.8B deficit while at the same time giving out twice that in business tax cuts.
to be con't (again)...
It's not about the deficit. It never is. There is a Class War going on, and it's not the one you've been sold. It's not public unions vs Real Americans. It's something else. Something remarkable. Something ugly. You've willingly enlisted as a foot soldier under the very people who are taking your future.
Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.
Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying the joy “is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank.”
The shocking attack occurred around 1 am as the terrorist entered the family home and murdered three children aged 11, 3, and a baby girl along with their parents. The victims were apparently sleeping as the killer came in.
The Hamas movement accused the Palestinian Authority’s security apparatus of arresting three of its activists near Qalqilya and Jenin.
“The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone,” said Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri, adding, “However; we in Hamas completely support the resistance against settlers who murder and use crime and terror against the Palestinian people under the auspices of the Israeli occupation soldiers.”
According to an unverified report, Fatah’s military wing — the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades — claimed responsibility for the attack. A group spokesman told a Palestinian news agency that a terror cell infiltrated the settlement of Itamar and committed the attack.
The spokesperson stressed that the attack “came as a response to Israel’s continues hostile policy toward the Palestinian people.”
Where is our president today? “The report of five murdered Israelis is not enough to punish someone." And we want to make nice nice with these animals?
Will Police Union be happy with more Liberal social justice?
The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.
It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.
“It becomes a safety issue for the people of our community,” said Dayton Fraternal Order of Police President, Randy Beane. “It becomes a safety issue to have an incompetent officer next to you in a life and death situation.”
“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
The D.O.J. and Civil Service Board declined Dayton’s News Source’s repeat requests for interviews. The lower standards mean 258 more people passed the test. The city won’t say how many were minorities.
“If you lower the score for any group of people, you’re not getting the best qualified people for the job,” Foward said
I'm not a big Al Franken fan as a comedian but on Air America, did anyone ever hear when he use to play the theme from "2001, Space Odyssey" but it was a bunch of horns out of tune or else performed by a bunch of amatuers and it was absolutely hilarious. Did anyone hear ever hear that?? Ring a bell? He also played a lot of Grateful Dead, good choice.
@ Anonymous, When you call a group of people animals? Who are you referring to? Palestinians or Hammas? You are so correct. The Israeli people are so COMPLETELY innocent (and not using our financial aid at all either) in all of this and far superior to anyone else. I mean they are God's chosen ones, and a lot of them are white, and well, we all know that Jesus was a white Jewish person from Israel. We shouldn't try to make peace at all with those brown non-alcohol drinking cockroaches. I mean who the hell do they think they are? Trying to live where they've been living for thousands of years all uninterrupted and stuff? The nerve of some people. The US needs more 9/11 style attacks! Trying to initiate peace between the two, or act friendlier to those dirty brown Palestinians might severely cut those back.
I'm more tolerant than Palestinians than my Egyptian friend but he's from over there and calls them "snakes" because of the kinds of things they do. Sure, most of 'em, many of 'em are okay. He doesn't like Jordanians either.
Movie I got at redbox "Language of the enemy", . About the Middle East, I think it is good.
The radical places are Iran, Pakistan, the Palestinians. You don't hear about suicide bombers in Egypt and I pray we don't. Egypt is the center of the Arabic world, 80 million, a population that dwarfs the # of Palestinians who I guess extremists took over Lebanon too, see Brigitte Gabriel, Maronite Christian Arab who lost her homeland, big crusader against Islam, . I know a Tunisian, first lived in France, came to America to start his own business and said it was not easy to do that in France.
What is the French word for welcome?
Let's try it this way, a group sneaks into a house at night and while the residents are a sleep, murders the family of 5. Including 3 kids, the youngest under the age of 3.
Now MM, tell me who are the victims, the murders or the sleeping family? Who are the animals?
Is that easy enough for you?
Let's try it this way, a group sneaks into a house at night and while the residents are a sleep, murders the family of 5. Including 3 kids, the youngest under the age of 3.
Now MM, tell me who are the victims, the murders or the sleeping family? Who are the animals?
Is that easy enough for you?
No religion has as large a subset bent on mass murder and terror as the mooselems.
Out of all the moioselem lands, why do we lose sleep over a patch which is 10 square miles. Many of the residents of Gaza are remnants of the Egyptian war with Israel. Why don't they just move to Eqypt if its is so bad. That is the equivalent of me moving to the next town.
The reason they don't is because the mooselems will lose their key complaint against the jews. If you go back far enough, palestine was jewish land before it was mooselem land. But moving to Eqypt does nothing for their movement. The mooselems also turned Lebanon into a fine place. They really beautify everything they touch.
The fact that the "peace loving" mooselems don't decry the barbaric nature of the many in their midst makes them complicit.
The big joke is that they got the US liberal population to condone and defend their behavior.
I think being a liberal is being part of a stupid contest, with no boundary.
"No religion has as large a subset bent on mass murder and terror as the mooselems."
The Crusades?
The Spanish Inquisition?
Or more recently....
The holocaust of the 1940s?
The ethnic cleansing of Muslims in eastern Europe in the 1990s?
My goodness! You're in need of a little history lesson there, pal!
Cheerio! Pip! Pip!
Racial divisions have surfaced in the town of Cleveland, 40 miles north of Houston, ever since last Thanksgiving’s alleged gang rape of an 11-year old Hispanic girl.
Most of the 17 suspects accused of sexually assaulting the preteen girl are black. And on Thursday night, community activist Quanell X hosted a rally there.
With some of the defendants’ parents standing next to him on stage, the activist took up a collection for their legal expenses from the largely African-American crowd.
While a few of those accused have admitted their guilt, he says others are probably innocent.
“She lives in another community,” Quanell X told the gathering. “You mean to tell me the only men that had sex with that girl were black men, locked up in that jail?”
The activist cast blame on the parents of the alleged victim, whom some describe as a willing participant in the sexual activity, at least initially.
He also took to task the elders in Cleveland’s black community for failing to guide the younger generation.
SO Mary, is the 11 year old girl is the one to blame using your logic?
For those about to correct me, I meant approx 100 sq miles which 10 miles by 10 miles.
Hey Anonymous, We all can read Drudge Report.
What do you mean by "barbaric population"?
I know a lot of Muslims. Most of them are wonderful, decent people. How many people were killed in Iraq because of the insanity of a "Christian" named George W. Bush? At least a million. We'll never know the precise number. But we do know this: A lot more Muslims were killed by Bush than died on September 11, 2001. Everything is relative, isn't it.
Holocaust by Christians? What a bigot Degan is again.
World War II saw John Paul II brave the Nazis, let alone the Nazis killed more Russians and Polish, the latter being Catholic than they killed Jews.
But hey, those people were white.
Degan stabs the Church in the back again, Nazis killed many priests and pastors and imprisoned many Christians.
"When Hitler attacked the Jews I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and industrialists, I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then, Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church -- and there was nobody left to be concerned."
Let alone the Left hate Christianity, it is okay to lie and to say anything, just pimp the Catholic Worker to "appear" Catholic.
TD, go to the bottom of this link.
I didn't support Iraq but to call out Bush is foolish. Bush had full democratic support from Clinton, Kerry, and virutually the whole lot of dems for each war. Save me the time of finding reminders. In a time when terror was an issue, I recall that Sadam had a history of gassing his own people. If the Iraqis didnt place IED's every fifteen feet we would have been out of there long ago.
The Crusades were probably justified, the Spanish Inquisition was not but hey, let's not let something that happened SIX HUNDRED YEARS ago get in the way.
And besides Terrorist attacks, sheesh, what is this, Islamic countries bury a woman up to her neck and then stone her?? Sharia law?? That is horrid and I don't know how widespread that is.
Men are buried waste down and then stoned.
Islamic Fundamentalism, if a woman is raped, she needs four male witnesses to press charges, think that ever happens??
Anonymous, we all can read Drudge Report.
The Crusades were probably justified, the Spanish Inquisition was not but hey, let's not let something that happened SIX HUNDRED YEARS ago get in the way.
And besides Terrorist attacks, sheesh, what is this, Islamic countries bury a woman up to her neck and then stone her?? Sharia law?? That is horrid and I don't know how widespread that is.
Men are buried waste down and then stoned.
Islamic Fundamentalism, if a woman is raped, she needs four male witnesses to press charges, think that ever happens??
Anonymous, we all can read Drudge Report.
The Crusades were probably justified, the Spanish Inquisition was not but hey, let's not let something that happened SIX HUNDRED YEARS ago get in the way.
And besides Terrorist attacks, sheesh, what is this, Islamic countries bury a woman up to her neck and then stone her?? Sharia law?? That is horrid and I don't know how widespread that is.
Men are buried waste down and then stoned.
Islamic Fundamentalism, if a woman is raped, she needs four male witnesses to press charges, think that ever happens??
Anonymous, we all can read Drudge Report.
Anonymous you said...
I know, facts always inconveniently get in the way of your opinions and innuendo.
Don't they? ;-)
The Government Bureaucrats in Madison are striking and protesting to require that the State of Wisconsin Government forcibly take more money from the wealth producing taxpaying businessmen, taxpaying non-government workers, and property owners and then give that money to the Government Union Workers as wage and benefit increases.
In Cairo, Egypt, Lybia, and Saudia Arabia the taxpaying workers are protesting to reduce the amount of money that the Tax Supported Politically Connected Elite Government Bureaucrats are taking from the taxpaying workers!
The US economy has to be protected from bankruptcy, and the cost of the Government Bureaucrats in the government at all levels must be reduced.
If you are into sick sh!t, just go to youtube and seach muslim:
I'd rather be hit by a Japanese tsunami while standing next to a nuclear reactor than be female muslim.
If the elected politicians do not give the Government Bureaucrats as much tax money as their unions ask for, then the Government Bureaucrat's Unions will donate that union money to other politicians in the next elections who will be more sympathetic to the union compensation and benefit demands.
The politician is not forfeiting any of his money to pay for increased pay and benefits, the politician is giving away the taxpayer's money to help him collect political contributions for his personal political reelection expenses.
Other union and nonunion employees negotiate with the business owner to get more of the business owner's money into the union members pockets.
How many of the Government Bureaucrats can the taxpayers afford to support?
See Pictures of the Victims.
Shameful, that Leftists would be ho hum about this, see pictures where the Criminal surely a Palestinian murdered a baby.
boltok's post:
TD, name the religion that has a larger barbaric population today.
Maybe you should do a little more reading on the mooselem role in the crusades.
630 – Muhammad conquers Mecca from his base in Medina.
632 – Muhammad dies in Medina. Islam controls the Hijaz.
636 – Muslims conquest of Syria, and the surrounding lands, all Christian – including Palestine and Iraq.
637 – Muslim Crusaders conquer Iraq (some date it in 635 or 636)
638 – Muslim Crusaders conquer and annex Jerusalem, taking it from the Byzantines.
638 – 650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Iran, except along Caspian Sea.
639 – 642 Muslim Crusaders conquer Egypt.
641 – Muslim Crusaders control Syria and Palestine.
643 – 707 Muslim Crusaders conquer North Africa.
644 – 650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Cyprus, Tripoli in North Africa, and establish Islamic rule in Iran, Afghanistan, and Sind.
673 – 678 Arabs besiege Constantinople, capital of Byzantine Empire
691 – Dome of the Rock is completed in Jerusalem, only six decades after Muhammad’s death.
710 – 713 Muslim Crusaders conquer the lower Indus Valley.
711 – 713 Muslim Crusaders conquer Spain and impose the kingdom of Andalus. The Muslim conquest moves into Europe.
718 – Conquest of Spain complete.
732 – Muslim invasion of France is stopped at the Battle of Poitiers / Battle of Tours. The Franks, under their leader
Charles Martel (the grandfather of Charlemagne), defeat the Muslims and turn them back out of France.
762 – Foundation of Baghdad
785 – Foundation of the Great Mosque of Cordova
789 – Rise of Idrisid amirs (Muslim Crusaders) in Morocco; Christoforos, a Muslim who converted to Christianity, is executed.
800 – Autonomous Aghlabid dynasty (Muslim Crusaders) in Tunisia
807 – Caliph Harun al—Rashid orders the destruction of non-Muslim prayer houses &
of the church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem
809 – Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sardinia, Italy
813 – Christians in Palestine are attacked; many flee the country
831 – Muslim Crusaders capture Palermo, Italy; raids in Southern Italy
837 – 901 Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sicily, raid Corsica, Italy, France
869 – 883 Revolt of black slaves in Iraq
909 – Rise of the Fatimid Caliphate in Tunisia; these Muslim Crusaders occupy Sicily, Sardinia
928 – 969 Byzantine military revival, they retake old territories, such as Cyprus (964) and Tarsus (969)
937 – The Church of the Resurrection (aka Church of Holy Sepulcher) is burned down by Muslims;
more churches in Jerusalem are attacked
960 – Conversion of Qarakhanid Turks to Islam
969 – Fatimids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Egypt and found Cairo
973 – Israel and southern Syria are again conquered by the Fatimids
1003 – First persecutions by al—Hakim; the Church of St. Mark in Fustat, Egypt, is destroyed
1009 – Destruction of the Church of the Resurrection by al—Hakim (see 937)
1012 – Beginning of al—Hakim’s oppressive decrees against Jews and Christians
1050 – Creation of Almoravid (Muslim Crusaders) movement in Mauretania; Almoravids (aka Murabitun)
are coalition of western Saharan Berbers; followers of Islam, focusing on the Quran, the hadith, and Maliki law.
1071 – Battle of Manzikert, Seljuk Turks (Muslim Crusaders) defeat Byzantines and occupy much of Anatolia
1071 – Turks (Muslim Crusaders) invade Palestine
1073 – Conquest of Jerusalem by Turks (Muslim Crusaders)
1075 – Seljuks (Muslim Crusaders) capture Nicea (Iznik) and make it their capital in Anatolia
1076 – Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) conquer western Ghana
1086 – Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) send help to Andalus, Battle of Zallaca
1090 – 1091 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) occupy all of Andalus except Saragossa and Balearic Islands
Was worth repeating.
I just had another thought on unions. Anytime I see unions, except for SEIU, they are all white people. The protests in WI are all white. So if the tea partiers are bigots because the liberals say they are all white, the unions must be biggoted also.
JG, nice to see you found a friend in MO. I'm sure he needs one.
There are some people doing a lot of cutting and pasting from the Drudge Report today. May we please have an original thought?
The protesters in Wisconsin are not "all white".
As Ernie Kovacs might have said, "Take a good look".
I just looked again. I can't find any non whites protesting in WI. Those WI unions must be biggots.
Hold on, wait a second, I just saw a person of color. He looks just like Jesse Jackson.
I hate it when I am wrong.
Original Thought:
Neo Liberalism supports:
How is that for original? None of the above is cut from Drudge, but "gleaned" from the posts on this blog.
BTW, the news about the rape in TX and the murder of a family of 5 WAS NOT found on DRUDGE, but from on ABC and AP. Got a problem with that?
Typical Neo Liberal response to news that is uncomfortable, blame the messenger, but don't address the message. That fact is also gleaned from the posts on this and other Neo-Liberal blogs.
boltok, you're such a delightful idiot! Keep 'em coming, pal!
How about this quote for a new idea, at least for this blog at least.
May 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. secretary of the treasury under FDR said this before the Democrats who ran the House Ways and Means Committee.(side note: April 1939 unemployment had again passed 20%)
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong....somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises...I say after 8 years of this Administration we has just as much unemployment as when we started....And an enormous debt to boot!"Morgenthau Diary, May 9th,1939
FDR Presidential Library
On this very blog well respected and held in high regard by Tom, Modusoperandi said that WWII ended the Great Depression, not the New Deal.
The League of Nations World Economic Survey: Eight Year 1938/39 stated on page 128 "Most nations of Europe weathered the Great Depression better than the U.S. did."
What Neo-Libs want today does not work, did not work, will not work, and has been failing since at least 1917. Most recent reports of economic failure in Cuba can not ignored but is by the Neo Libs in their drive to redistribute the wealth. The collapse of of the USSR is another example ignored.
I could go on but why bother, the hall mark of Neo-Lib is a closed mind to history.
TeaPartyTim said...
"Our frightened Democrats are simply on the wrong side of history.
They’re trying to defend the indefensible and the cadre of anti-free-market, big-government, central-control holdouts is dwindling down to Hugo Chavez, the ailing Kim Jong-il, the Castro brothers and the American Democrats - and the Castro brothers are one broken hip away from splintering the coalition."
LOL on that one Tim!
Browns44, nice quote from FDR's boy Henry Morgenthau!
I was looking for an appropriate charity to send a couple bucks for the Japanese relief effort. Seen a number of christian and jewish organizations on the case. I haven't been able to find an organization related to another large world religion (other than one under investigation for funding terrorism).
Anonymous "...I was looking for an appropriate charity to send a couple bucks for the Japanese relief effort. Seen a number of christian and jewish organizations on the case. I haven't been able to find an organization related to another large world religion..."
Like this Muslim charity? First page on a Google search.
You ignored the post about FDR that had your name in it, that's not like you. Something wrong?
Jefferson's Guardian
The Charity listed is in English Pounds, England, France, Sweden, all of those countries are recognizing they have erred in allowing so many radicals in.
I knew a Muslim once and he needed help desperately, he was about to be evicted. He didn't know the language well but I took it upon myself to help him. You know who he asked to see?? A Priest. Thank goodness, the fellow did not end up getting evicted and we did go to the church but in the end, he was not evicted because in our running around I met a cop and the cop said that the landlady had to give him some sort of notice. So he stayed in the end. The church would have helped and suggested some other charitable agency nearby and we went there too.
Gerald4 "The Government Bureaucrats in Madison are striking and protesting to require that the State of Wisconsin Government forcibly take more money from the wealth producing taxpaying businessmen, taxpaying non-government workers, and property owners and then give that money to the Government Union Workers as wage and benefit increases."
Yeah! People who work for the State should work for free! It's not like they add anything to society! Teaching our children? Putting out fires? Policing our cities? Keeping our streets safe? Pah! Oh. Wait. Those last three are exempt in the legislation.
"In Cairo, Egypt, Lybia, and Saudia Arabia the taxpaying workers are protesting to reduce the amount of money that the Tax Supported Politically Connected Elite Government Bureaucrats are taking from the taxpaying workers!"
That's an interesting spin on "people trying to shrug off despots". Also, it's surprising to hear that they're rising up in Cairo and Egypt. And I'm trying to not be snarky about “Lybia" and “Saudia Arabia". Except for that. That was snark.
"The US economy has to be protected from bankruptcy…"
No it doesn't. It has to be protected from the gluttony of public schoolteachers, who have the audacity to feast at the Public Teat to the tune of somewhat less than their private sector counterparts. I mean, they eat 8.5% of the state budget!
"...and the cost of the Government Bureaucrats in the government at all levels must be reduced."
[Exempt police, State troopers & firefighters] and how many days unpaid furlough is Walker taking to save the People some of his $137,000/year salary (plus benefits)? The teachers, even before this, voluntarily took 16 per year.
"If the elected politicians do not give the Government Bureaucrats as much tax money as their unions ask for, then the Government Bureaucrat's Unions will donate that union money to other politicians in the next elections who will be more sympathetic to the union compensation and benefit demands. The politician is not forfeiting any of his money to pay for increased pay and benefits, the politician is giving away the taxpayer's money to help him collect political contributions for his personal political reelection expenses."
Now apply that logic to corporate donations.
Browns44 "Original Thought: Neo Liberalism supports:"
* Both sides support "BIG GOVERNMENT", just two different kinds. One side tries to use the State to protect the "general "welfare" of "the People" (which costs money) and the other only cares about "the People" for the first nine months and the last eighteen (which also costs money) while ignoring them in the time in between (which, ironically, also ends up costing money).
* "DIVERSITY"? Monsters! The Melting Pot is supposed to end up crème colored and bland! Real Americans know that American culture is white, Protestant and male! The best privilege is unexamined privilege! And what the hell is "couscous", anyway?
*"ANTI ISRAEL MOVEMENTS" is exactly the same as not supporting the worst of Israel’s Hawks, and having some empathy for those pushed aside in the wake of "settlers".
* "HIGHER TAXES". *cough*
* "THE REDISTRIBUTION OF OTHERS WEALTH". Yeah! Real Americans know that shifting money down is Tyranny and SOCIALISM!!!, but shifting it up is just fine. So fine, in fact, that it’s the GOP’s SOP. And income tax for our betters going up 3% will destroy everything, but soaking grandma’s pension to pay for tax cuts for them is just fine. Just fine!
As a Canadian, how can you speak with any authority on what Real Americans want or think?
Browns44 "On this very blog well respected and held in high regard by Tom, Modusoperandi said that WWII ended the Great Depression, not the New Deal."
Context, Browns44, context. The sentence that immediately followed that statement was that WWII "...was the biggest Stimulus of all (then, post war, the US was left as one of the few countries that hadn't been flattened by the products of that Stimulus)".
"The League of Nations World Economic Survey: Eight Year 1938/39 stated on page 128 ‘Most nations of Europe weathered the Great Depression better than the U.S. did.’"
And? You’re saying "The other houses around the one that burned down weren’t damaged as badly".
"What Neo-Libs want today does not work, did not work, will not work, and has been failing since at least 1917. Most recent reports of economic failure in Cuba can not ignored but is by the Neo Libs in their drive to redistribute the wealth. The collapse of of the USSR is another example ignored."
Cool. I fail to see what any of that is except for a remarkably bad strawman. Anybody here looking for a Cuban-style system? How about Communism? Nope.
I can’t speak for everybody, but all I’m advocating for is a system that doesn’t fellate the rich and step on the poor. I know. I’m a monster. Don’t look at me!
"I could go on but why bother, the hall mark of Neo-Lib is a closed mind to history."
You’ve had thirty years of Supply Side Economics. Are you better off? If so, kudos, but the GOP is coming for your money next (unless you’re in the top few percent). Don’t worry, with America’s strong and vibrant unions, you’ll have a voice stronger than your own in Washington, fighting for the middle class against the approaching total corporate hegemony.
Mo what do you want us in the USA to use for economics, since your such an expert on all things American?
It least the didn't touch Mary's ovaries.
(ANI) — The Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan has protested the use of padded and colorful bras by Muslim women, and recommended that Pakistani Muslim researchers should try to invent an inner wear that makes female assets unnoticeable.
The council held a meeting late February in light of the protests held last month by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) and other religious parties against the increasing import and eventual use of padded and colorful bras, Roznama Jawani reports.
The council also invited shop owners who were in the business of importing and selling female underwear, advising them to bring lingerie samples, so that the council could see about what the protesters were angry.
After the meeting was over, the council released a recommendation to the media that said: “Padded bras are Devil’s cushions and he likes to rest of them. The Council of Islamic Ideology is recommending that Pakistani Muslim researchers should try to invent a bra that makes the female chest area unnoticeable.”
ModusOperandi is beneath contempt, he/she posts some 2 bit charity for Muslims that hasn't raised even a thousand dollars, he/she uses the word settlers, I mean is that all one can derive from events in the middle east and a family and baby being killed? Tea Party is real popular in the US, many people would identify with it or would even call themselves this, but no, this idiot has some weird conspiracy theories about corporations. Comes up with some weird math to try to prove a point and doesn't because this stuff is just gotten off the most obscure places, does not have any convincing argument. Go get some fresh air. Modus Operandi is absolutely loathesome but liberals leftists often have to rubber stamp the ill views of the left without any substance.
This comment board is an absolute pleasure to read for a change.
MO, it looks like your charity has now raised enough to cover postage.
Liberty Man,
Modusoperandi isn't from the USA, they are Canadians.
Since Tom has requested we post original thoughts I'd like to pose this original question.
Do Hamas news releases that are published in English and Arabic say the same thing?
@ Boltok and "Liberty" Man I suggest you look further into "Muslim Charity". They are a rather large charity. When I was diverted to Indonesia in 2004/2005 to help clean up the aftermath of the Tsunami, there were many of those folks right along side us, the US Navy, helping, they also have helped with many other disasters such as the Haiti earthquake, Katrina, and The Pakistani Floods. They have a large website other than the one MO posted. His point was that the first page of a simple google search of "muslim charity helping japan" brought up a legit charity.
@ anonymous - ?? Once you can establish a coherent thought pattern or sentence, then by all means, attempt the personal attacks again.
Liberty Man, you said that Modusoperandi:
"...has some weird conspiracy theories about corporations."
"...leftists often have to rubber stamp the ill views of the left without any substance."
Gee, as I see it, Modusoperandi is the only one substantiating what he says with citations and references, while you and your rightie friends are throwing up opinions only.
Please, if you can, explain that.
"Do Hamas news releases that are published in English and Arabic say the same thing?"
What the hell are you talking about? What are you implying? Who gives a flying fuck about Hamas News releases? Where did this subject come up? You have way too much time on your hands.
Still living with mom and pop?
JG, "Gee, as I see it, Modusoperandi is the only one substantiating what he says with citations and references, while you and your rightie friends are throwing up opinions only."
You better get with the program, here's what Tom posted.
"There are some people doing a lot of cutting and pasting from the Drudge Report today. May we please have an original thought?"
Ok, so here is the best of worlds for you, historical statements with references. Deal with it.
May 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. secretary of the treasury under FDR said this before the Democrats who ran the House Ways and Means Committee.(side note: April 1939 unemployment had again passed 20%)
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong....somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises...I say after 8 years of this Administration we has just as much unemployment as when we started....And an enormous debt to boot!"Morgenthau Diary, May 9th,1939
FDR Presidential Library
Original thought: What you want and what FDR tried doesn't work!
Jefferson's Guardian, Gee, as I see it you lack common sense just like Modus Operandi.
If Canada invades the US, I know Bernie Sanders and Tom Degan will be the first to surrender.
Mary Mayhem, with your 4.0 GPA and vast combat experience, will you surrender without a fight like a lot of the french men in WWII?
Tea Party Tim: Would their be a US without Lafayette? MM did bring up a good question.
I didn't think of that. Lafayette was one of the American Revolution's best generals.
Lafayette, the exception that proves the rule. I read a comment on a news story this morning stating that France's response to the Japan problems was to tell its citizens to leave Japan.
Looking at an article about no looting in Japan. Some people are inherently more civilized.
Could you imagine the behavior if a 9.0 his Los Angeles. The Marines would be needed for other than humanitarian reasons.
For all of you anti military types, many people will remain alive because of US boats, palnes, helicopters, and personnel. I wish Jug Ears could take a weekend off from golf to make sure we were sending everything to Japan that we could.
A week end with out golf makes a very unhappy President Obama.
Browns44, I stand corrected. You, but only you, cite and reference your sources. The rest of your rightie friends only waste time with their foolish opinions and incessant chatter.
I'm guessing, and I've voiced this before, that they (and possibly, you?) are paid trolls. Otherwise, it's inconceivable that they'd (you'd?) have the free time to spend such an inordinate amount of time on a progressive blog.
Tom, I think you're correct. I do believe they live with mommy and daddy. Their grammatical and spelling skills (or lack of, should I say?) seem to be that of a fourteen to sixteen year old. Certainly not someone who's ever stepped through the doorway of a college or university, that's for sure.
Liberty Man or LiberTea Man, or whatever you go by today...
So, kind sir, just what do you interpret as "common sense"?
Also, you never answered my previous question. Or can you...?
Tom, I think it's time for some "New Rules"
Don't you?
p.s. I call 'em "House Rules".
"Walker: Public employees are more richly compensated than their public sector counterparts.
The truth: According to the Economic Policy Institute, wages and salaries of state and local employees are lower than those for private sector employees with comparable earnings determinants such as education and work experience. State workers typically are under-compensated by 8.2% in Wisconsin."
The Truth, We have high unemployment rates right now. Not when the Economic Policy Institute did their research and we are talking about Wisconsin.
"Walker: state employees pay next to nothing for their pensions and that it is all a big taxpayer give-away
The truth: Forbes — yes, the conservative Forbes! — says Walker is lying:
If the Wisconsin governor and state legislature were to be honest, they would correctly frame this issue. They are not, in fact, asking state employees to make a larger contribution to their pension and benefits programs as that would not be possible — the employees are already paying 100% of the contributions.
What they are actually asking is that the employees take a pay cut.
Pulitzer Prize winning tax reporter, David Cay Johnston, said so, too, at"
Smoke and Mirrors, the comments AT FORBES get it correct, the Taxpayers pay for their wages.
The FORBES readers don't buy what this guy asserts at all.
"Walker: “The alternative” to higher state worker pension and health care payments “is to look at 1,500 layoffs of state employees or close to 200,000 children who would be bumped off Medicaid-related programs.”
The truth: Federal law prevents Walker from taking away the health care coverage of 200,000 low-income and disabled children. Later, Walker told a Madison radio station that the layoff was merely a ploy to gain some political leverage: “I needed to get their attention to show how serious we were about having a balanced budget,” Walker said on the “Sly in the Morning” show on WTDY radio."
The writer is not persuasive that this is a ploy, Walker did not take away the healthcare of the children. Sounds good to me.
This article is nothing but doubletalk.
"" long as Planned Parenthood is a racket that makes money and plugs it and Dems notoriously have pushed it because of that."
I know, right? I mean, abortion is a whole 3% of their services!
Oh yeh, only comes down to, let's see, Only 300,000 abortions a year? Gee .
Even if one does not believe in abortions, it is wrong for the Federal government to fund it with tax payer monies and all kinds of abortion mills have been closed down, they are so unsafe, 7 live babies left to die in Philadelphia, clinics in trouble all the time, unqualified workers, etc.
Planned Parenthood has largely been defunded this year, it's a racket like selling insurance, everyone knows that, you have pro-abortion candidates that benefit paying for it.
"Planned Parenthood has become a criminal enterprise, participating in a criminal conspiracy - namely, "accessory after the fact" - by covering up statutory rape, pedophilia, child-prostitution, and more. They are hiding the sexual crimes committed against hundreds of thousands of female minors in America."
JG –
Here’s the problem with citing references per se… While it may sometimes be helpful, references must be valid and credible, references often cite other references, etc, etc., and references are, in fact, an original thought at some point. The real issue is this. Somewhere along the line, we have to agree on an epistemological basis or we’ll get nowhere. Typically, I can find a reference to refute your reference and vice-versa and we can play reference ping-pong all day. In reality, ALL of these arguments come down to fundamental principles rather than simply the surface issues – worldviews and philosophies. More often than not, blogs like this are firing over the top of core issues. Given a person’s core values and beliefs, often you’ll find that their position makes sense, though you may disagree with their premise (which we rarely ever get to). And, it goes both ways. It’s like shouting at a foreigner thinking maybe they’ll understand you if you speak louder. It doesn’t work – the problem is they don’t understand your language – not that you haven’t spoken clearly enough. What I’m finding is that blogs are really not a good medium for real discourse – or they are cumbersome at best.
As for the tone and decorum, the author does not do a great job setting the example sometimes, in my opinion. You can’t spray Coleman fuel on a pile of smoldering embers and not expect it to blaze at some point.
LiberTea Man,
When you chuckleheads start including the condemned prisoner in your right-to-life rants, I'll start taking you seriously. Until that time....
By the way, why are you so proud to be associated with a "grass roots organization" that is funded by the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch? You're a stooge.
TD will maintain silence on life if you bring up Margaret Sanger and the Negro Project.
Tom, You are right, I'm expecting a big pay check from the Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch today so I know I better earn my pay.
They have a great network, in 50 states, in small towns and cities across the land.
You're a non-payed stooge. That's a lot worse. Do you have any idea how utterly foolish you look?
I wonder how may of these pro abortion liberals maintain their views out of self loathing. How many of these anti life liberals desire to call their mother and tell her that she, and likely the world, would have been better off if they had not gone full term.
Harley, I agree with you. You hit the nail on the proverbial head! Obviously, and you'll probably agree with me on this, it's the search for facts (i.e., elements of reality, something leading to the truth) that underlies -- or should anyway -- everything that's posted and commented on a blog.
Regrettably, most of what's published is based upon belief (i.e. impressions, feeling, notions, opinions), which are certainly derived from one's life experiences and education.
Most of the time, these two worlds collide and create a lot of confusion, distress, and anger. That's why I ask for references and citations. At least it digs deeper into where these thoughts and feelings come from; at the very allows other readers to see where others derive their own particular worldviews and perspectives. Otherwise, it's no more meaningful than idle chatter or gossip.
Well, thanks for the kind words!
If there was a source that would pay me for posting on Tom's site, I sure wish it as listed, I could use the extra money with the cost of gas going up. If you or Tom or anyone else knows where and how I can get paid for posting my views on a neo-lib/progressive blog please by all means share that here!
Do you know of any place that will pay me to post on a conservative site?
Tom, "including the condemned prisoner in your right-to-life rants, I'll start taking you seriously. Until that time...."
Well take me seriously, because if the exchange could be made tomorrow for an end to the death penalty in exchange for an end to legalized abortions for any reason, I'd make it. I'll go one step further, my wife and I have been legally approved by the state we live in to be foster parents specifically for unwanted new borne. Our purpose is to allow the mother of the unwanted child to go to term and we foster the baby until adoptive parents are found. Some of the kids are with us a few weeks, others months. Some are healthy, others are born with drug addictions they got from their mother. But we believe that we need to put our money where our money where our mouth is since we are pro life and this is an action we can take.
Now I would challenge you who are opposed to the death sentience do the same thing with a convect from death row, knowing that my challenge will not be accepted. Take one into your house for a short time until it is safe to release them into the general population. Killers, rapist, child molesters, etc. One they are deemed safe, bring another one in.
Final note house rules, in watching other neo-lib logs it is interesting when those who do not agree with progressives start to post, how the neo-lib respond. They want to set up house rules and restrictions. Very strange for a group who think of themselves as being liberal and opened minded to close off a free exchange of ideas.
Very strange indeed.
It is the most IGNORANT and RIDICULOUS thing in the world to say that anyone is PRO-abortion or ANTI-life.
You are either PRO-Choice or ANTI-choice, and that's it.
It's a miserable decision for someone to have to make.
@ TeaParty Tim: Are you actually trying to use my perfect GPA and my military experience to somehow initiate a personal attack? You might want to speak with a Neurologist about an MRI to make sure there's nothing wrong with your left (maybe right) frontal lobe, because there is seriously something wrong with your thought process.
If it is a choice, what effects does the choice one makes have on the baby?
The good news is that the Wisconsin Senate passed the bill, the capital has been cleaned up and things are returning to normal. The Union thugs will slowly lose their power as states begin to pass right to work laws.
@ Browns, A) What baby? B) Oh, you mean the embryo or fetus. C) The answer to your question is: NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS! ROE V WADE established that a woman has a right to privacy in this matter via the 14th amendment. Our medical advancements have allowed a fetus to achieve independent viability at around 22 or 23 weeks of gestation; therefore, the SCOTUS opined to uphold President Bush's Partial Birth Abortion Ban (of 2003) in 2007 when it was challenged. Still, there is no legal answer to when a fetus becomes a child, with legal rights, except by being born.
I am very very very PRO-LIFE! I would NEVER have an abortion, for any reason, but I would NEVER take that choice away from someone. It's none of my allahdamned business.
WTF are we talking about this anyway?
Browns44, you said...
"Final note house rules, in watching other neo-lib logs it is interesting when those who do not agree with progressives start to post, how the neo-lib respond. They want to set up house rules and restrictions. Very strange for a group who think of themselves as being liberal and opened minded to close off a free exchange of ideas.
Very strange indeed."
If you're honest with yourself, you know that it's not the "free exchange of ideas" that prompts house rules and restrictions. It's the personal attacks. Unfortunately, your buddies on this site have a difficult time differentiating the two.
Also, you're using the term "neo-libs" (neoliberals) incorrectly. Neoliberals was the term initially used to describe present-day neocons (neoconservatives). It's very tied to the classical school of economic thought, and more recently, "Friedmanism". So, when you're castigating "neo-libs", you're telling on yourself.
By the way, have you finished Hartmann's book? If you haven't, you're passing on one of the most important books written in the last thirty years. All the answers are there. need to read it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damn. This blog's been hit hard by the paid-for conservative astroturfers. These people wouldn't spend as much time as they do on blogs like these if they weren't being paid to post "cut-and-paste" factoids, GOP talking points, and general idiocy and bigotry.
BTW gerald4, one of the great things about living in a right-to-work state is the relative lack of job security and lowered wages that come with it. Having your hourly wages cut and being fired on the flimsiest of pretexts isn't any fun.
Mark Lyons
I extend the same statement to you as I did Tom,
"If there was a source that would pay me for posting on Tom's site, I sure wish it as listed, I could use the extra money with the cost of gas going up. If you or Tom or anyone else knows where and how I can get paid for posting my views on a neo-lib/progressive blog please by all means share that here!
Do you know of any place that will pay me to post on a conservative site?"
Mark Lyons, show me how I can get paid for posting on a blog, anyone's blog, I could use the $$$
@ Boltok, FYI a 9.0 earthquake is not possible in LA unless an asteroid, large enough to trigger a 9.0, smashes into the Earth near LA; however, it is possible up north at the Cascadia subduction zone in the Cascades, or in Alaska, both less populated don't worry. The fault simply can't produce a 9.0, unless it happened to perfectly synch up with the subsequent surrounding faults, and the chances of that happening are nil. If it did, we would get the mega-quake, and I'm sure all the nice, pyroclastic composite cone volcanoes, that we have on our west coast (also part of the Ring of Fire, like Japan), would erupt, and the massive magma flow under Yellowstone would be triggered and simultaneously erupt, and we would all die. Personally, I think it would be an amazing way to go.
Anonymous ”TD will maintain silence on life if you bring up Margaret Sanger and the Negro Project.”
Poisoning the Well. Sanger could’ve been the most obnoxiously virulent white supremacist (Spoiler Alert: she was a product of her time) and that would have no effect on the normative social status of PP. Also, 91% of PP clinics are not in black neighborhoods.
Browns44 ”I'll go one step further, my wife and I have been legally approved by the state we live in to be foster parents specifically for unwanted new borne.”
Kudos. Seriously, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.
”Now I would challenge you who are opposed to the death sentience do the same thing with a convect from death row, knowing that my challenge will not be accepted.”
The only choices are “death penalty” and “release”? What happened to “life sentences”?
”Final note house rules, in watching other neo-lib logs it is interesting when those who do not agree with progressives start to post, how the neo-lib respond. They want to set up house rules and restrictions. Very strange for a group who think of themselves as being liberal and opened minded to close off a free exchange of ideas.
Very strange indeed.”
Balderpucky. We (and by “we” I mean “me and hopefully others”) only want arguments backed by facts. I see lots of assertions, lots of in-bad-faith arguments and lots of bold declarations, but precious few facts.
gerald4 ”The good news is that the Wisconsin Senate passed the bill, the capital has been cleaned up and things are returning to normal.”
Obviously. Gaze in to the dead eyes of a bemuscled and swarthily terrifying Union Thug, and quake in fear! Fear!
LiberTea Man ”Planned Parenthood has largely been defunded this year, it's a racket like selling insurance…”
No. It’s the primary healthcare provider for a lot of people. (And if you believe that the GOP will simply shunt their funding over to a non-abortion providing but otherwise full-featured group, I’ve got a bridge for sale that you might like)
”…everyone knows that…”
First, {citation needed}. Second, the Argument from Popularity is a logical fallacy.
”…you have pro-abortion candidates that benefit paying for it.”
I know, right? Every time I hear a politician, they’re always going on “Blah blah, blah” about how pro-abortion they are.
”’Planned Parenthood has become a criminal enterprise…’”
Planned Parenthood videos are shocking if you dramatically oversell them.
One of your anonymous posters claimed that it would cost Wisconsin $7 million to clean up the Madison Capital building. Actually it cost about $350,000. It cost so much because a large crew worked 48 hours through the weekend and was paid mainly overtime and their weekend and night hours bonuses.
The only reason I didn't bring up life sentences is many who do not agree with no death penalty will claim that the cost is too great. Others who want a continuance of current abortion laws will say it is less costly to abort an unwanted child.
What I am trying to do is point out the insanity of using the cost of a life as the basis for their argument.
It has seemed to me for years a paradox that if we do not trust the "state" to be perfect in the administration of the death penalty, why do we feel ok with an individual being given the sole power over the life or death of an unborn child? A child, or baby or lump of cells or fetus that has not been convicted of any crime worthy of the death penalty is not allowed a life sentence. At the same time we allow a person who has been found guilty by a court made up of imperfect humans, a life sentence for their crime(s).
MO, you are a lump of cells, why do you have rights?
Being in Wisconsin and not an outside agitator like so many pro union people are I can tell you this is not an assault on the union it is an assault on the middle class taxpayers who are forced to support those unions. This is all about unions starting to pay their fair share and stop expecting the middle class to support their outlandish lifestyles. The only revolution going on is the middle class saying NO MORE to union greed.
Planned Parenthood is going to be heavily defunded, we don't need our tax dollars to go to an organization that commits over 300,000 abortions a year, you can spin that however you want.
Take this well known story:
"– In 2008, Live Action released audio of Planned Parenthood workers in several states accepting donations for the abortion of “black babies only” from an actor posing as a racist.
So, those who are trying to push Planned Parenthood as not providing abortions with tax payer monies in fact, are saying they receive revenue for abortions performed. So, if it is over 300,000 abortions a year and each abortion costs we will say $500 that is $150,000,000 or one hundred fifty million dollars a year. PPH is the largest provider of abortions in the country.
Is that what the defenders of PPH are saying? That PPH then does not provide tax payer monies to pay for abortions but will charge and make this kind of money thus being a money making enterprise and in fact, will 'hawk' abortion then like any other industry.
LiberTea Man said...
""– In 2008, Live Action released audio of Planned Parenthood workers in several states accepting donations for the abortion of “black babies only” from an actor posing as a racist."
So, let me see if I got this right: if I post a link to an audio clip of someone volunteering to donate money to buy computers for kids with Down syndrome so they can post on blogs as rightwingnuts, that would somehow prove all right leaning posts are from mentally challenged people?
Bill_in_DE: Whatever rings your chimes, sorry if you can't address the issue. Too bad, you have to resort to bigotry 2 times on your own, one putting down the opposition, okay, I accept that but "mentally challenged", now once again, Liberals show themselves to discriminate against our basic rights against discrimination, "per handicap, skin color, national origin, creed," but what else do we expect!!
By the way, if one likes reading comments, let's see how popular the Unions are per Time Magazine article:,8599,2058601,00.html
O Canada is a nice song...
Reagan's original draft of the Tear Down That Wall speech: Mr. Khrushchev take off your other shoe...
Dubya's leadership philosophy - "Someone tell me what to do."
New National Anthem - "Jose can you see..."
How come lobbyists aren't on the ballot?
Which God blesses America?
Have a nice day!
We see the Left is making death threats against Americans. One is caught in Wisconsin.
Do not cower from these bullies. We can not and must not and will not be intimidated.
"Mike Hintz, the Wisconsin coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, was sitting at his Brookfield home Saturday when his cell phone rang.
"There was a male caller on the phone and he said 'I hope your wearing a bullet prof vest and hung up,'" Hintz said. "I took it to mean this person was threatening my life by shooting me."
If I am ever threatened by union thugs, this is what they are going to get.
@ Anonymous "There was a male caller on the phone and he said 'I hope your wearing a bullet prof vest and hung up,'" Hintz said. "I took it to mean this person was threatening my life by shooting me."
While that's a shitty thing to does not legally qualify as a death threat, nor do you have any idea who placed the call. It could have been someone from his own party warning him or trying to make it look like a death threat coming from liberals. I mean the Gov. himself said he was going to send his goons out into the crowd of protesters to shake things up a bit.
And are you completely deaf and blind to the radical right ignoramuses being arrested for the alleged MLK parade bombing attempt and the plot against Alaska State Troopers and a Federal Judge?
There are pieces of shit in every political party, race, religion, country, ethnic group...etc. It is not limited to just one. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. What did Jesus say about the stones? He who is without sin, cast the first stone or some shit like that? that.
I like the cut of your jib, Mary Mayhem!
@ boltok How typical...violence is ALWAYS the answer...take justice into your OWN hands...don't let the law do it's job...The law doesn't apply to YOU...
until YOU need it that is...
What are your talking about???
The left is read to murder the governor, senate and assembly in WI because public employees need to contribute 5% to their health care. SEIU beat downs. Black panthers at polling places.
The difference between right wing and left wing thugs is the right wing thugs go to jail.
Another example of left wing violence
Under reported and under prosecuted. How different if this fine man was a conservative.
@ Boltok because public employees need to contribute 5% to their health care.
HELLO!!!??? ARE you PAYING ATTENTION????!!! IT's not about the money ???? It's about bargaining rights!!! It always was!!!
@ Boltok Let me quote myself from a few comments back...
There are pieces of shit in every political party, race, religion, country, ethnic group...etc. It is not limited to just one. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. What did Jesus say about the stones? He who is without sin, cast the first stone or some shit like that? that.
For the sake of truth, there are a number of these stories:
"Just months after Jared Loughner opened fire on Gabrielle Giffords' community event, one prominent Wisconsin state legislator told a Republican "You're f****ng dead," and death threats have been pouring in from protesters against Republicans..."
Maybe that is not a threat but the language does not help the discourse, Walker can be recalled. There are laws for the checks and balances of government.
@ Anonymous....Wanh! :(....
Death threats get sent all the time. It's not party specific. You keep raising this argument and you don't have a leg to stand on. Do you wanna tally them up? All of them? You can't. Quit bringing it up.
Why do the ignorant fascists here like to pick on Jerry Garcia? Oh, I guess I just answered my question.
Mack Lyons said:
"Damn. This blog's been hit hard by the paid-for conservative astroturfers. These people wouldn't spend as much time as they do on blogs like these if they weren't being paid to post "cut-and-paste" factoids, GOP talking points, and general idiocy and bigotry.
BTW gerald4, one of the great things about living in a right-to-work state is the relative lack of job security and lowered wages that come with it. Having your hourly wages cut and being fired on the flimsiest of pretexts isn't any fun."
Why then Mack has their been a great migration of workers from the Blue states where business and individual taxes are higher to the Red states where they are lower? People are doing this for a lower standard of living? It makes no sense Mack!
Thats right Mack, I am being paid by Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch to post here. Do you really think average middle class people who are fed up with watching their tax money being tossed in the toilet by central planners need the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch to get themselves organized? And Don't we need an equal amount of opinions according to the fairness doctrine? By the way, I also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
No problem w J Garcia. On the contrary, I miss him. He kept a significant portion of our listless feeble minded population contained, like a nuclear reactor containment vessel. We need another 60s drug addict to pick up the baton, fast.
Berry Jerry is my favorite ice cream.
Why then Mack has their been a great migration of workers from the Blue states where business and individual taxes are higher to the Red states where they are lower? People are doing this for a lower standard of living? What proof do you have that this is for tax purposes? I can think of one MAJOR phenomenon right off the top of my head that could also contribute to this, if there is a migration at all, and there are probably many more reasons.
Think...demographics and a certain generation plus right to work states' typical geography and climate, ....hmmmm......
Boltok's remark on Garcia, as most topics, is very hateful and ignorant. "He kept a significant portion of our listless feeble minded population contained."
I bet he has no clue Ann Coulter is a big fan.
The truth is the Grateful Dead were non-political in their music. But that's no reason for fascists to not hate them and their fans, though.
Hey, when you find out how to get paid to post on a blog/website let me know. I need the money to offset the rising gas prices. Sure wish we could drill for our own oil and could build a few more refinery's. Maybe that would stop the rise in gas costs?
The Dead are real American, steal your face emblem is red white and blue though you wouldn't want to exaggerate the significance.
Charity, I got lucky and found it in a thrift shop but they, the band in these basketball days did fund raising for the Lithuanian basketball team whereas it is a small nation, they are a 'tall race' and have won the Championship of Europe 2 or more times, once in recent times and a long time ago before World War II, in the '20s or something.
And seeing how St. Patrick's day is coming also with about my favorite song by them, US Blues,
Ties in because James Joyce was a famous Irish writer:
Lyrics at website.
"Love your Grateful Dead Annotated site -- love it to death. Thought your readers might be interested in a possible literary allusion in "U.S. Blues." A character named "Skin-the-Goat" figures in James Joyce's Ulysses. He was a member of the Invincibles, a 19th century group of militant Irish radicals intent on assassinating key members of the British government in Ireland. "Skin-the-Goat," a.k.a. James Fitzharris, was involved in the infamous 1882 Pheonix Park murders. According to Don Gifford's "Ulysses Annotated," contrary to what the blowhards sitting around the offices of the Freeman's Journal discussing the incident say, Fitzharris was not the getaway driver, rather he drove a decoy cab. He was caught and later sentenced to life imprisonment, but was paroled in 1902. "He was nicknamed 'Skin-the-Goat'," writes Gifford, "because he was said to have skinned his pet goat and sold its hide to pay his drinking debts."
For what it's worth --
Patrick Klinck
Aurora, NY
Tucker Carlson that guy also likes the Grateful Dead and I think Carlson leans towards conservatism but I'm not positive. Harry Reid listens to them.
I use to have a wake of the flood decal in the car window, my tiny little gas using tin can of car.
"Eyes of the world" is great, they'd sing Merle Haggard songs or Johnny Cash's "Big River". "It must have been the roses"....a lot of good songs, of course, "St. Stephen" and "Dark Star" are probably more conventional choices for favorite song.
Things get heated here... but.... as the Dead always would sing and they kept on touring too sans Garcia.
"Lay down my dear brothers, lay down and take your rest. Oh won't you lay your head upon your saviour's breast...." I lived in a place and that music ruled and other bands like Hot Tuna, Quicksilver,
and of course, Jefferson Airplane. Never knew their music that well. But pretty good what I do, Marty Balin was excellent.
Union Protesters in Wisconsin Destroy Democrat Recall Petitions and Police Do Nothing
Bet they were just looking for the Union Label
Merrill, Wisconsin - Leader Kim Simac and volunteers for the Recall Jim Holperin Committee will hold a press conference tomorrow at 12:00 pm at the Lincoln County Courthouse
This is the location of the conflict between Recall Petition Signers and Union Protesters last Thursday, March 10, 2011.
The petition rally was originally scheduled at a local Merrill restaurant but was relocated after the proprietors received many phone calls and felt they needed to back out. The committee then set up in front of the Lincoln County Courthouse to offer citizens an opportunity to sign their names to the petition. Over 1,000 calls had been sent out the previous day notifying area residents of the petition rally.
Upon arrival, members of the recall committee were encircled by union protesters carrying signs and a leader with a mega phone who began chanting and ranting loudly. They packed in tightly around the petition collection table so as to prevent those attempting to sign from doing so. At one point, a pro union protester, pretending to be interested in signing the petition, wrote profanity across a partially collected petition form, than began ripping up the completed petitions that were in close proximity.
The policemen who were there, and who were standing in close proximity to these events as they unfolded, did nothing to assist those collecting the petitions as they were being destroyed, despite such an action being a Felony under Wisconsin law. Police also did nothing to clear the walk way for citizens that wanted to sign the petitions. Recall Committee members received many phone calls the following day from Merill area citizens who stated that they showed up to sign the petition, but were too afraid to get out of their vehicles and approach the recall table.
Kim Simac, leader of the recall effort, who has also received numerous personal threats, has now declared that enough is enough. “Tomorrow we begin taking the necessary steps to put a stop to this kind of behavior.” Simac stated. She went on to say: “The people of the 12th District of Wisconsin can not and will not allow this thuggery and bullying to continue. As honorable citizens, I believe we all have an obligation to stand up for the rule of law, which is why I am taking this action."
Fun fact: the Wisconsin state fund (for public worker benefits) is heavily invested in US companies that don’t employ unionized labor, in foreign companies that compete directly with US companies, and in large investment bank (capitalists).
The ideology means nothing. Contrary to Mary’s thoughts, it is precisely about the money. What on earth do you think they are interested in bargaining for?
And, I don’t intend on providing my reference – it’s easy to look up if you’re interested.
They don’t pay me enough to provide references.
Hey, Boltok, Browns44, we need to organize. We need to ask for MO’s deal – I think he’s getting paid by the word…
Republicans, conservatives, and teabaggers = miserable, pathetic, SOBs and losers!
"There's no real logic behind any of the Republicans' fiscal policies. It's all blind ideology and blinder hatred of Obama and determination to destroy anything accomplished by a Democratic congress and president. They are not deficit hawks and they don't give a damn about jobs, other than their own. We've had ample opportunity to learn that they really don't care how much destruction they cause—our financial markets, our military, food safety, disaster preparedness, entire other countries, American lives—in their quest to just stay in power."
"Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming , Co-Chair of Obama's deficit commission, calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security" to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. August, 2010.
Here's a response in a letter from an unknown fellow in Montana ...
I think he is a little ticked off! .... He also tells it like it is!
"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight...
1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole for FIFTY YEARS.
2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).
3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud.
4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and your ilk pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age 67. NOW, you and your shill commission is proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.
5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now you morons propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because you idiots mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal money from Medicare to pay the bills.
6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you incompetent bastards spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" on your incompetence. Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU.
1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?
2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?
3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?
4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or, as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?
It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators who are "greedy". It is you and they who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers. And for what? Votes. That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic political careers. You know it, we know it and you know that we know it.
And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch."
PASS IT ON!!!! "
Nice to see you have a sense of humor.
Speaking of the Dead, I see this one '60s/'70s Icon, Owsley Stanley passes away , designed the one Grateful Dead logo with the lightning bolt maybe better known as the "steal your face" logo which by the way, I've seen made into an Obama type symbol. But those guys probably overdid it, I don't know the whole history but one of their early singers, Pigpen died young. Owsley Stanley sounds a bit like he was into the Ellis D. scene, I didn't quite understand that name either at first until I saw someone comment on it.
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