Nary a Clue

Gather 'round, children, while I'm wailin'
About the midnight snooze of Sarah Palin
It is an interesting phenomenon to be sure, to witness the freaks who now control the "party of Abraham Lincoln" giving their little history lessons. Back in January there was the spectacle of uber twit Michele Bachmann, mangling the story of this nation's founding to such a delightful degree, one was tempted to nominate her to the Comedy Hall of Fame:
"We kn
ow there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil, and it was a scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly - men like John Quincy Adams - who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country."
As Oscar Hammerstein once wrote, "I must have done something good" to deserve Michele Bachmann.
For the historical record:
John Quincy Adams was not one of the Founding Fathers.
For the historical record:
By the time slavery was legally and forever ended in this country, John Quincy Adams had been in the grave for eighteen years.
For the historical record:
Michele Bachmann is a nitwit.
Yes sir, I must have done something awfully good indeed.
And now here comes Sarah Palin rewriting the story of the midnight ride of Paul Revere:
"He warned the British that they weren't going be taking away our arms, by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
You see? It was all about the Second Amendment! When it was pointed out to her by Chris Wallace on FOX Noise Sunday that she had gotten it wrong, she shot back at the amused reporter that she hadn't gotten it wrong at all. She then complained about the "got'cha" question that had prompted her idiotic response. And what was the question you may well ask?
"What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"
Leave it to that evil lame stream media. They love tripping up good Americans like Sarah Palin with trick questions like that. That and "What do you read?" There oughtta be a law, I tell you! Come to think about it, if these Nazi wannabe assholes have their way, there will be.
The manipulation of historical facts in order to suit their ideological bias is just one of the more ludicrous goals of the extreme right wing in recent years. Just last year, the Texas Board of Education approved a series of revised school books that threatened to put satirists out of work permanently. As reported on this very site by your trusty correspondent on May 29, 2010:
"The Board of E
d in Texas has taken it upon themselves to rewrite history. You see, the problem with the story of America, they argue, is that it has always been written with a nasty left wing bias. I have to concede their point. Have you ever noticed the way those Liberal historians always tend to focus on the attributes of Abraham Lincoln? They totally ignore all that was good and decent in the character of Jefferson Davis! The Texas Board of Education is going to remedy this awful injustice. From this day forward (if these idiots have their way) Davis will be presented to America's schoolchildren as the moral equivalent of Lincoln. Look away, Dixieland!"
Message to my beloved cousins, the Barras family of Port Arthur:
Of course, they can't permanently rewrite the historical record. What I mean is, they can't etch their particular viewpoint into stone. There will always be legitimate historians to set the record straight. There will never be a serious book written that will place Lincoln and Davis on the same moral playing field. The goal of the extremists who now dictate America's political conversation is to merely muddy the historical waters until the next election cycle. After they are firmly intrenched in Washington or wherever, who gives a damn what the masses believe?
Is it true (as t
hey love to complain) that history has always been written with a Liberal/Progressive bias? Well, yeah! Of course it's true! After all, what is history if not the story of human progress? And here's something that should never be forgotten. Had the conservatives had their way two-hundred and thirty-five years ago (back then they were called "Tories") we would still be a colony of England. Then again, I would not have minded that as much as you might think. I've grown quite fond of the her majesty. I think she's a knockout. I really do. She's a pretty nice girl but she doesn't have a lot to say. I can live with it.
A further history lesson from the half-termed, former Governor Palin on the midnight ride of Paul Revere:
"But remember that the British had already been there, many soldiers for seven years in that area. And part of Paul Revere's ride – and it wasn't just one ride – he was a courier, he was a messenger. Part of his ride was to warn the British that we're already there. That, hey, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to take American arms. You are not going to beat our own well-armed persons, individual, private militia that we have. He did warn the British."
If ignorance is ever made into a human virtue, Sarah Palin, you may be sure, will receive the Nobel Prize. Who can say for sure if she is really planning on running for the GOP nomination next year. It has been speculated that she may be touring the key primary states for no other reason than to pump up her "brand" among the halfwits who constitute her constituency. If this is the case, it really shouldn't surprise anyone who has bothered to pay even scant attention in the last three years to the way this cynical, half-witted bitch operates.
As has been said (and I wish I knew who said it first) Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That would more-than explain the current makeup of the one-hundred-and twelfth congress, wouldn't it?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I just received this message on the comments section from one of my favorite readers, Darlene Costner, regarding the unattributed quote I referred to above:
"The Spaniard, George Santayana wrote the quote that 'those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it' (source Wikipedia) and it is often repeated as "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".
Also, for those flag waving tea partiers, the quote 'give me liberty or give me death' originated with a 'gasp' Socialist."
PATRICK HENRY WAS A COMMIE??? SAY IT AIN'T SO, DARLENE!!! And thank you so much for keeping me on my toes.
Here is a link to her blog. It's called, Darlene's Hodgepodge. Have a look at it, folks. The gal may have a sweet face but - tread lightly - she takes no prisoners:
Pray for peace.
"We kn

As Oscar Hammerstein once wrote, "I must have done something good" to deserve Michele Bachmann.
For the historical record:
John Quincy Adams was not one of the Founding Fathers.
For the historical record:
By the time slavery was legally and forever ended in this country, John Quincy Adams had been in the grave for eighteen years.
For the historical record:
Michele Bachmann is a nitwit.
Yes sir, I must have done something awfully good indeed.
And now here comes Sarah Palin rewriting the story of the midnight ride of Paul Revere:
"He warned the British that they weren't going be taking away our arms, by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
You see? It was all about the Second Amendment! When it was pointed out to her by Chris Wallace on FOX Noise Sunday that she had gotten it wrong, she shot back at the amused reporter that she hadn't gotten it wrong at all. She then complained about the "got'cha" question that had prompted her idiotic response. And what was the question you may well ask?
"What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"
Leave it to that evil lame stream media. They love tripping up good Americans like Sarah Palin with trick questions like that. That and "What do you read?" There oughtta be a law, I tell you! Come to think about it, if these Nazi wannabe assholes have their way, there will be.
The manipulation of historical facts in order to suit their ideological bias is just one of the more ludicrous goals of the extreme right wing in recent years. Just last year, the Texas Board of Education approved a series of revised school books that threatened to put satirists out of work permanently. As reported on this very site by your trusty correspondent on May 29, 2010:
"The Board of E

Message to my beloved cousins, the Barras family of Port Arthur:
Of course, they can't permanently rewrite the historical record. What I mean is, they can't etch their particular viewpoint into stone. There will always be legitimate historians to set the record straight. There will never be a serious book written that will place Lincoln and Davis on the same moral playing field. The goal of the extremists who now dictate America's political conversation is to merely muddy the historical waters until the next election cycle. After they are firmly intrenched in Washington or wherever, who gives a damn what the masses believe?
Is it true (as t

A further history lesson from the half-termed, former Governor Palin on the midnight ride of Paul Revere:
"But remember that the British had already been there, many soldiers for seven years in that area. And part of Paul Revere's ride – and it wasn't just one ride – he was a courier, he was a messenger. Part of his ride was to warn the British that we're already there. That, hey, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to take American arms. You are not going to beat our own well-armed persons, individual, private militia that we have. He did warn the British."
If ignorance is ever made into a human virtue, Sarah Palin, you may be sure, will receive the Nobel Prize. Who can say for sure if she is really planning on running for the GOP nomination next year. It has been speculated that she may be touring the key primary states for no other reason than to pump up her "brand" among the halfwits who constitute her constituency. If this is the case, it really shouldn't surprise anyone who has bothered to pay even scant attention in the last three years to the way this cynical, half-witted bitch operates.
As has been said (and I wish I knew who said it first) Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That would more-than explain the current makeup of the one-hundred-and twelfth congress, wouldn't it?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I just received this message on the comments section from one of my favorite readers, Darlene Costner, regarding the unattributed quote I referred to above:
"The Spaniard, George Santayana wrote the quote that 'those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it' (source Wikipedia) and it is often repeated as "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".
Also, for those flag waving tea partiers, the quote 'give me liberty or give me death' originated with a 'gasp' Socialist."
PATRICK HENRY WAS A COMMIE??? SAY IT AIN'T SO, DARLENE!!! And thank you so much for keeping me on my toes.
Here is a link to her blog. It's called, Darlene's Hodgepodge. Have a look at it, folks. The gal may have a sweet face but - tread lightly - she takes no prisoners:
Pray for peace.
Ignorance is the fuel of the republican engine.
Amerika runs on STUPIDITY !! Buy one cup, get one free at Dumbkin Numbnuts !!!
Here is a republican freak for you?
I had to find out who this Breitbart was.
Why don't you dedicate some time to Weiner and Edwards this week instead of bashing someone with fiscal sensibilities and likely your next president?
Thank you, boltok, for proving my point.
The Spaniard, George Santayana wrote the quote that "those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it" (source Wikipedia) and it is often repeated as "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".
Also, for those flag waving tea partiers, the part of our Pledge of Allegiance quote "give me liberty or give me death" originated with a 'gasp' Socialist.
boltok "Here is a republican freak for you?"
I don't see what the problem is. He's just exercising his Second Amendment rights.
I just caught Weiner's press conference. Apparently he's replacing Ashton Kutcher (who replace Charlie Sheen) on 2 and a Half Men. True story.
Darlene "Also, for those flag waving tea partiers, the part of our Pledge of Allegiance quote 'give me liberty or give me death' originated with a 'gasp' Socialist."
Patrick Henry was obviously a liberal. "Give me this or give me that". Did he earn either? Heck no!
You know Boltok, Tom's article under discussion today is about Palin, Bachmann and education or the lack thereof. If you want an article about Weiner and Edwards why don't you write one? Or is that too much work for you?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anybody want a sexy picture from a hunk?
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias - Stephen Colbert."
As you note, at least the GOP provides plenty of fodder for commentary. Unfortunately, they are spewing their nonsense at a public that is becoming increasingly incapable of recognizing the manufactured "history." Is it any wonder the GOP persists in its goal to underfund and undermine education? The Tea Party even wants to eliminate the Department of Education, thereby guaranteeing idiots to vote for them into the future.
Am I saying the pledge wrong?
Wikpedia wars, now, over their Paul Revere page. Talk about re-writing!
@ Nance, to be fair to Mrs. Palin (as much as those words hurt to come out of my mouth)...I log on to Wikipedia frequently when repubs and celebs say/do stupid things and edit their pages to say snarky things (why? I don't know? for the kicks?) fact I tried to do so with the Paul Revere page a few nights ago, documented on the last rant...but the page's change log said it had been locked for editing since 2010 do to excessive it had nothing to with Palin's gaffe-i-ness.
The interesting thing is that most reasonable people caught in this situation would be big enough to say something like "You know, I made a mistake and messed up the facts". But Palin is simply not capable of that. If she screws up, she has to rewrite history to agree with her.
6:46 PM
@ Nance - Just looked @ Wiki and see what you are talking about now! Crazy...
I'm with Harvey A.
The pledge I learned has "liberty" in it, but not "death".
Oops, my face is bright red. Thank you Modusoperandi for making me aware of my big gaffe. I guess this is the day for apologies. First Sarah Palin apologized (sort of) to Mitt Romney for stepping on his big announcement, followed by the apology from Anthony Weiner to just about everybody for his lie, and now I have been caught with my old brain malfunction on confusing the Pledge of Allegiance with Patrick Henry's famous quote.
I have said the Pledge for 70 years and said it before "under God' was inserted in it. I DO know it and should have said it to myself before the word liberty made me confuse the two quotes. Of course, what I should have said was "With liberty and justice for all." was borrowed from the quote of a Socialist.
I also know that it was Patrick Henry that said "Give me liberty or give me death."
I seem to make more errors now as I age. Maybe I need a keeper.
Sorry, Tom, that I made a stupid error in my haste. No excuse; just careless writing.
What was it Bill Maher said recently? Something like "Michelle Bachman is for those who find Sarah Palin too intellectual."
And I didn't think it was possible to use "too intelectual", and "Michelle Bachman" and "Sarah Palin" in the same sentence. Silly me.
If we WERE still a colony of England, we'd have health care.
And I knew I liked Patrick Henry.
Thanks for the call!
Was that quote for Queen Liz or Sarahy?
I know you've got a crush on the rattlers of real jewelry.
I think she's a knockout. I really do. She's a pretty nice girl but she doesn't have a lot to say. I can live with it.
I love how the right-wing is jumping to defend her, whether rewriting Wikipedia or piecing together a several different historical accounts to give her verbal throw-up some truth. As that one historian said, Palin got lucky. I think Palin heard the stories of Paul Revere on her visit but she is just too stupid to get it right and mixed it all up...
RE: Department of Education
Show me one person who was educated by the Department of Education
Explain how it is the more money the Department of Education spends the poorer our education system ranks in world?
Is there a possible connection to the rising cost of teachers pay, and the increase in the amount of money the Department of Education demands each year?
If a govt plan or dept. doesn't work, is the solution to always throw more money at it? Why not close the Department of Education down if it is not meeting it's self appointed goals?
Stupid is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
I've said this before...the solution to our education problem in a capitalist society is to pay children for successfully completing their schooling. Start in grade school and end with graduation from high school. The money goes into a trust fund and is distributed when the child reaches 18 yrs. old. I never bought the argument that the education is in lieu of monetary pay. After all children are not slaves and their time spent in the socialization/brainwashing process should be compensated. This would also go a long way toward lessening the wealth disparity in society so when the children go out in the real world they'll start out with more than zero wealth. If we want the future generations to be money hungry capitalists start the process in first grade and give them an even playing field. If the children are properly taught to worship money as you capitalists seem to want, well there is your solution !! Anything else is just more bullshit !!! Watch the grades and test scores go up as the students see their trust fund account increase as they go through school !!
When you are right I will always be more than willing to admit it and you are totally correct in your current assessment of the Republican Party. There is no doubt in my mind, absent any unforeseen events, that OBama will be a two term President and if anyone does not like that they need to blame the lack of talent within the National Republican Party.
All the best,
Tom V
Sarah Palin is qualified for the Missionary position in the Dept of Sex Education. The long Alaskan nights did provide her with that useful long as she keeps her mouth shut... wait...
Ellis D., Esq. "I've said this before...the solution to our education problem in a capitalist society is to pay children for successfully completing their schooling."
Pah! My father rewarded success with "being allowed to eat". "Mow the lawn and you can have breakfast" he said. "Do well on your science project and you can have dinner".
Unfortunately, I was successful. Too successful. By the age of eight I was getting mostly A's, and was up to almost 200 pounds. By thirteen I passed both my grade and 300.
Sure, some people would say "That's not true", but I'm assuming that the apparently "liberal media" will work their facts in to a lather to make my statement somehow match, with severe contortions, the historical record, while my legion of fans edits the Wikipedia page on me to make it so.
I wouldn’t be so quick to blame the educational “system” for its performance. Typically, the value the child gets out of his/her education is largely based on the value that the parents place on it, not to mention the stability of the child’s family. The problem with public education is related to the core problem that drives our society’s downgrade – the collapse of the family. And, it is sad. Teachers deal with some of the most heartbreaking stuff day to day – I don’t know how they do it. That’s why private schools do so much better – the families are stable and the parents care about the education of their child almost to a person. Money has nothing to do with it. I am part of a start up private school – we educate kids wonderfully with much less money than the public schools do. But, we don’t have to deal with the social decay that they do, so it’s not a fair comparison. I feel for public education, it is in real trouble because our culture is – it is a good barometer. If I thought more money would solve it, I’d call for throwing more money at it. I’m just not sure it will – I’m pretty sure it won’t.
Tom Degan,
When are you going to Rant about me? The lude picture I sent to the 21 year old was only "a joke."
Mary Mayhem makes me horny!
Gather 'round children and hear the tale
The one the Twit of the Tundra tells
Ride like the wind o'er hill and dale
And warn the British with shots and bells
Ding dong, pow, pow, listen to our song
Everything you thought you knew is wrong
Nary a clue? Tom must mean Darleen, typical liberal hack!
(USA Today) – The federal government’s financial condition deteriorated rapidly last year, far beyond the $1.5 trillion in new debt taken on to finance the budget deficit, a USA TODAY analysis shows.
The government added $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. That brings to a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for.
Let's see, I think that comes out to
$527,000 per household. So let's raise taxes on the rich because it is Bush's fault that we have this large debt.
And you left wing nut jobs want to expand the federal government spending!!
@ Anon - You betch-a! [Wink]
What's your idea? Tying bells to senior's feet as you take their medicare away, so they can run through town screaming "the republican's are coming, the republicans are coming! They're coming to swap out our medicare with depreciating coupons!" so that they will all cyclically run through towns warning each other, creating a chain of seniors dropping dead due to exhaustion one by one; eliminating the problem?
"If a govt plan or dept. doesn't work, is the solution to always throw more money at it? Why not close the Department of Education down if it is not meeting it's self appointed goals?"
What is it with certain folks trying to get rid of the Department of Education? Is it that without this regulatory body around, conservatives can be free to set up their own indoctrination centers....*ahem*..."schools" that are free from federal oversight and therefore can teach and do just about anything they please?
Does anyone want to see what a Tea Party-run school would look like? Texas is coming close, with the revisionist textbooks and all.
Another reason why liberalism doesn't work. If no one buys a Volt, cause it's a pile of shit, then fed govt should raise gas taxes to FORCE more people to buy the VOLT. Since the VOLT cost's too much for "hard working middle class " Americans, then the Fed govt should offer rebates to buyers of the VOLT. Since the fed gov spends more money than it takes in., the Fed Govt should increase taxes. You get the picture?
David Shepardson and Christina Rogers/ The Detroit News
Detroit — General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he's confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker.
"I actually think the government will be out this year — within the next 12 months, hopefully within the next six months," Akerson said in a two-hour interview with The Detroit News last w
U.S. cancer drugs shortage has doctors scrambling
By Debra Sherman and Julie Steenhuysen
CHICAGO | Tue Jun 7, 2011 1:41pm EDT
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Cancer medicines desperately needed by sick children and adults are in short supply, undermining the ability of U.S. doctors to administer treatments, top oncologists warned this week.
Many drugs are scarce because there is no incentive for drugmakers to manufacture low-cost generics, which have slim profit margins for pharmaceutical companies. Doctors do not expect that equation to change any time soon, making them scramble to find acceptable alternatives, or to ration or delay treatment when they cannot.
Generic chemotherapy drugs are in particularly tight supply at the nation's hospitals, including mainstay cancer treatments such as cisplatin, doxorubicin, cytarabine and leucovorin.
"When you talk to the drug companies, they say there are manufacturing problems or they are taking plants offline and then it takes a while to get them back up," he said.
"They point the finger at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), saying the FDA is under-resourced and they can't get plants inspected to allow resumption of drug production. The drug suppliers are in the middle of this as well," he said.
But underlying all of this, he said, is a dearth of financial incentive to make the lower-cost cancer drugs, especially when new cancer drugs command huge premium prices.
"The return on investment of manufacturing generic drugs is pretty low. If something goes wrong, it may be that some manufacturers decide to pull out rather than fix the problem."
More BIG govt problems effecting our daily lives, libtards would say profits are bad, yet fail to see that profits drive the development of the RX that may one save their lives.
Anonymous "U.S. cancer drugs shortage has doctors scrambling…More BIG govt problems effecting our daily lives, libtards would say profits are bad…"
What are you actually advocating?
Increase the length of time for drug patents? (Is Pfizer's $2B a quarter in profit "hurting"?
Cut the FDA? (Then what happens when bad/contaminated/unsafe make it through? Will that prove that "government is the problem", leading to another round of cuts?)
"...yet fail to see that profits drive the development of the RX that may one save their lives."
That's why Pfizer is cutting R&D. Cutting R&D, while some of their current batch of drugs is going off patent, and they're making a couple billion a quarter (and while they're getting tax cuts for R&D).
For the future.
MOE of course they are cutting R&D, why should they increase to produce new products when as stated in the article "The return on investment of manufacturing generic drugs is pretty low" And why is the ROI so low?
Amazing, liberal solution to every thing is more big government involvement, more regulation and don't forget more spending.
I am convinced one of the reasons liberals want more big government is big government hires more people. To cut any Dept's spending, would mean putting thousands of people out of work. The problem is there is not enough real work for these employees to do so Big Government comes up with another problem that only they can fix.
Like the Volt example given earlier, got a problem, raise taxes, spend more money, that will fix it.
The fact that the RANT want's to focus on Palin instead of the report from USA TODAY speaks volumes on where the average. liberals head is.
USA Today reported that we Americans
have "a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for." "That the $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, (is) largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security."
It is not the DOD spending causing this, it is not the GOP or Teaparty causing this. It is only the fault of those who run for office on the promise that if elected they will increase the benefits for S.S and Medicare.
What is happening in Greece, Portugal, and Ireland, will happen here if liberals do not stop promising that through them the "playing field can be leveled" and they will spead the wealth around.
Anonymous "MOE of course they are cutting R&D, why should they increase to produce new products when as stated in the article 'The return on investment of manufacturing generic drugs is pretty low'"
Because there's no reason to research new drugs if seventeen year old drugs aren't as profitable. Or something.
"And why is the ROI so low?"
Because once the patent expires anybody can make it? You do know how patents work, right? "In return for telling us how it works, the state grants the inventor a monopoly for a limited amount of time"
Again, what are you advocating? Should drug patents be longer than 17 years (with up to a 5 year extension)? Should the NIH, at a quarter of the total currently, do more research so that Mom & Pop pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer don't have to?
"Amazing, liberal solution to every thing is more big government involvement, more regulation and don't forget more spending."
Ah, so that's why Medicare's costs are rising slower than the private sector. Because government simply doesn't work.
" a problem, raise taxes, spend more money, that will fix it."
I know, right? When the economy is booming, we need to cut taxes and deregulation. When the economy is bust, we need to cut taxes and deregulate.
Query: If Supply Side economics is such a success, how come the closer you get to it the worse off you are?
"What is happening in Greece, Portugal, and Ireland…"
Greece cooked the books to get in to the Eurozone, Ireland stopped making stuff and jumped with both feet in to a real estate bubble. I'm not familiar with Portugal's issues.
"USA Today reported that we Americans have 'a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for.' 'That the $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, (is) largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.'"
Query: How badly should we screw over the elderly poor to avoid raising taxes? If half of all seniors are getting by on $20,000 or less a year, how much less can they get by on? I mean, expired food is still food, right?
Query: Will the Ryan Budget screw them badly enough?
"...will happen here if liberals do not stop promising that through them the playing field can be leveled'…"
Among the implications in this statement is that the opposite action is true. Explain.
"...and they will spead the wealth around."
…the richest 10 percent of Americans received an unconscionable 100 percent of the average income growth in the years 2000 to 2007, the most recent extended period of economic expansion.
Since Reagan the bottom 80% of the population have been losing ground and people in the US are less economically mobile that the rest. That's the best of the Right. That's Reaganomics. That's "Deficits only matter when the president's a Democrat". That's Trickle Down.
Don't blame liberals for that. Aside from some social/civil rights victories, liberals have spent the past few decades losing ground.
The current state isn't liberalism's failure, it's conservatism's victory.
BOB SCHIEFFER and NANCY PELOSI on the Face the Nation Show on CBS (Communist Broadcasting Station)
BOB SCHIEFFER: You were talking in a kind of a different way when unemployment went to
five percent under George Bush. What you said then was that Americans are struggling with
skyrocketing energy prices, gas is only three dollars a gallon then.
And you said this on January 4, 2008, “This morning’s jobs report confirms what most Americans already knew--President Bush’s economic policies have failed our country’s middle class.”
I mean, aren’t Republicans entitled to say, you know, if then gas was three dollars and unemployment was five percent, don’t they have a right to say that this President has failed the American people?
REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: Well, if you want to go into the past, we can talk about
the past all you want. The public wants to know about the future. What are you going to do to
create jobs, good-paying jobs in our country?
Thank you BOB SCHIEFFER for showing what an ASSHOLE Nancy Pelosi is.
I don't know if you as a Canadian can understand this, but here goes.
If the government wants to redistribute wealth via health care, while at the same time, pick and choose who they will give waivers from that requirement, then this is no longer the free country I was born into.
Being forced to buy health care is not the same as a state forcing me to buy car insurance. I don't have to drive, I may not even own a car, being the "green person" that I am.
If I do own and drive a car and am required by state law to buy insurance, I always have the freedom to move to another state that does not have that requirement.
That is the freedom the liberals are taking from us with their laws and programs and taxes.
Your questions: "Among the implications in this statement is that the opposite action is true. Explain." If liberals were to stop promising something for free if you vote for me they would not get elected (sorry Temptations). If the continue to promise same, they will run out of money.
Greece cooking books? Like we are now regarding S.S. and Medicare and the amount of unsecured debt these two programshave? Whose idea's where these, Ronald Reagan's?
Who made more election promises to expand the benefits of these programs, Ronald Reagan?
So did Greece have a unfair low tax rate on their wealthiest citizens and that's why they are broke?
"So that's why Medicare's costs are rising slower than the private sector?" Medicare costs are rising slower because they are paying DR.s less for their services, results, few Dr.s take Medicare patients, Medicare patients are forced out of hospitals sooner because Medicare has reduced their payments.
Results the care for Medicare patients is in decline.
I recent have had personal experience with Medicare doing both to 2 of my family members. One my, aunt lost her her life, Medicare stopped payments to the hospital. She rrecieved lesser care because of that! Then my mother had her DR of 20 years quit his practice and became a teaching Dr. at U of Texas, Austin. Why? Because he specialized in the care of senior citizens, and Medicare had reduce his payment to where he could no longer afford to pay his staff much less his bills, like rent malpractice insurance, taxes, you know the normal stuff small business has to take care of.
Net result, Mom lost her Dr, 8 people lost their medical jobs that they had trained for, and you've got the balls (I'm guessing there) to say the problem is there is too much wealth in too few peoples
Ireland stopped making stuff!!! WHY, what happened to the companies that were making stuff? Did they find it impossible to operate in Ireland and ,make a profit and there fore stay in business and emaployee people? Why did they quit, were did they go, what can be learned from this?
More govt, is that the solution?
So who gives a rats' ass what Palin says or how much Wiener is a turd, I mean a real stinky one end pointy TURD?
How is the liberal agenda working for us, or is it? Is government making life better or worse for those of us who do not work in some form for the government?
"How is the liberal agenda working for us"
It is the conservative agenda that has put us where we are and it is the conservative agenda that is preventing us from getting out. It is time to get your facts straight.
@ AnonyHow is the liberal agenda working for us? Would be kind of nice to find out...but the damn repubicons (aka Corporate cock-holsters) keep blocking every attempt we make to get one going...
Anonymous "If the government wants to redistribute wealth via health care, while at the same time, pick and choose who they will give waivers from that requirement, then this is no longer the free country I was born into."
*Sigh*. See temporary waivers for "mini-meds".
"Greece cooking books? Like we are now regarding S.S. and Medicare and the amount of unsecured debt these two programshave? Whose idea's where these, Ronald Reagan's?"
*Sigh*. SS requires a minor correction. Just like, yes, Reagan did.
And the issues with Medicare are not issues with Medicare. They're issues with healthcare in general.
"So did Greece have a unfair low tax rate on their wealthiest citizens and that's why they are broke?"
Read the article. I'm trying to help you. You're just trying to waste my time.
"I recent have had personal experience with Medicare doing both to 2 of my family members. One my, aunt lost her her life, Medicare stopped payments to the hospital."
I'm sorry. No system is perfect.
But what would have happened if she didn't have Medicare? Would being uninsured be better? Would being a victim of private insurance's "recission" be better?
"and you've got the balls (I'm guessing there) to say the problem is there is too much wealth in too few peoples hands?"
Damn right I do. The US has about the same inequity now that it had in the 1930s.
"Ireland stopped making stuff!!! WHY, what happened to the companies that were making stuff? Did they find it impossible to operate in Ireland and ,make a profit and there fore stay in business and emaployee people? Why did they quit, were did they go, what can be learned from this?"
No. For the same reason Wall Street when mad for mortgage-backed securities, Ireland went made for real estate. More profit. Little risk. At least until the bubble popped.
"More govt, is that the solution?"
Are you better off without Glass–Steagall than you were with it?
Bad regulation is bad. Good regulation is better than no regulation.
Hey Larry
Hey Mary
Hey Moe,
Gee that just about says it all doesn't it?
So this isn't liberalism, must be progressive.
I love it! This is very entertaining!
Modusoperandi, every time you stump Anonymous, he's clueless. He's like a deer in headlights -- he freezes.
Modusoperandi, I salute you.
p.s. I know...I know, it's like arguing with a five year old.
Weiner should be getting paid for providing this much comedy and for sucking the air out of the Dem propoganda balloon for a week.
In case you missed the headlines:
A little Weiner in the oven.
Erections have consequences.
Weiner’s head hangs low.
Weiner shrivels.
Pelosi wants a Weiner probe.
Weiner gets grilled.
Liar, liar, underpants on fire.
Weiner bawls.
Battle of the Bulge.
Weiner’s junk defence.
Weiner comes clean.
Weiner presents his own stimulus package to voters
I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would miss Harry from Mass.
Is "Harry from Mass" Anthony Weiner's nom de plume on this blog. If so, I am glad one cannot post pictures in the comments.
temporary waivers for "mini-meds".
Does that mean the federal government is making me buy something I may not want?
"And the issues with Medicare are not issues with Medicare. They're issues with healthcare in general."
Man does this answer have me stumped just like Tony Wiener and a lie detector.
"Damn right I do. The US has about the same inequity now that it had in the 1930."
Let's see, 1930, that was BEFORE the Great Depression and BEFORE the NEW DEAL, so do you mean all the federal government attempts to spread the wealth through taxation has failed? Be still my beating heart!
No answer for Ireland on why they quite building stuff, they went mad for real estate? Why would they do that if they were making money on building stuff?
What's Canadian's version of the Glass-Steagall Act?
BTW wonder if you knew that one of the writers of the GSA later felt is was too harsh and "himself moved to repeal the GSA shortly after it was passed, claiming it was an overreaction to the crisis"?
Forgot to add, GSA was replaced while President Clinton was in office.
Disgusting: Unregulated Private School Offers HS Diploma in Eight Days for $399
Last week, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) — buoyed by legislators who received hundreds of thousands of dollars of special interest cash — signed into law legislation that would dramatically expand access to school vouchers, which funnel taxpayer dollars into private schools. Scott is doing this despite proposing nearly $3 billion in cuts to public education, meaning that he is essentially transfering money from public education to private education.
On the same day that Scott signed into law his latest attack on public education, Gus Garcia-Roberts of the Miami New Times published a story looking at the case of InterAmerican Christian Academy, a private school located in Doral, Florida. Garcia-Roberts amazingly enrolled at the school and earned a diploma after only eight days of schoolwork and $399:
It began with a poster on a streetlight in downtown Miami: “High School Diploma. (305) 716-0909.” I dialed, and a chipper female voice answered, “Hello. High school.” Eight days and $399 in cash later, at the school’s Doral “campus” — a cramped third-floor office next door to US Lubricant LLC and across the hall from a hair extensions company — I was grinning widely, accepting a framed diploma and an official transcript sporting a 3.41 GPA.
The diplomas that the school is offering are actually getting students admitted to local colleges. The paper found that at “least 88 graduates have used its diplomas and bogus transcripts to gain admittance to Miami Dade College, according to that institution’s registrar.” Remarkably, the state’s Departmenf of Education (DOE), when asked about the school, said that it is powerless to stop it from rewarding diplomas. “If a school like that exists,” said Cherry Etters of the Florida Doe, “we might know about it, but we can’t really do anything.”
As Garcia-Roberts concludes, “There’s no telling how many of Florida’s 1,713 private schools — which educate a third of a million students — are run like InterAmerican. Even as Gov. Rick Scott leads a charge to privatize education on a historic scale, our state’s private schools are among the least regulated in the nation.” Indeed, Florida currently leads the country in “school choice” programs that include tax credits for private schools, voucher programs, and privately managed charter schools. The case of InterAmerican Christian Academy provides a cautionary tale about some of the pitfalls of the proliferation of lightly-regulated or unregulated private schools.
By Zaid Jilani | Sourced from ThinkProgress
Suck on that.
Tom, you said...
"I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would miss Harry from Mass."
Me too.
Although, I'm convinced "one" of the cowards hiding behind Anonymous is Archie Bunker. I'm also wondering whether Harry from Mass is possibly lurking in the shadows as yet another. Seems there may be about three in play here.
Not surprisingly, all are limited in the grasp of what's really happening to their country. Like O.J., they continue to search in vain for the perpetrator; all the while he's staring back at them every morning when they shave.
They all need to take a lesson from Pogo.
Liberal Anonymous said...
"buoyed by legislators who received hundreds of thousands of dollars of special interest cash"
Support this statement by providing source for this and how much $ was given to democrat's by unions @same time.
"Like O.J., they continue to search in vain for the perpetrator; all the while he's staring back at them every morning when they shave."
So I'm the problem because I do not go along with liberalism? That I see liberalism/progressivism/socialism takes away it's citizens freedoms, lowers all citizens to a middle ground, rewards average performance, and punishes those who excel. If that is the case, then I am the problem along with the vast majority of USA Citizens.
Liberal Anonymous, don't trivialize 8 day GEDs. GED requirements form the corpus of many people's education. 8 days of formal training may exceed what many others can boast. These recipients may be smarter than their quickly attained qualifications suggest. For one, the graduates are wise to have sought a degree tailored to their ability and intellectual curiosity. Second, they are not bankrupting a state with massive infrastructure, salary, health and pension bills to achieve no incremental benefit.
Anonymous "temporary waivers for 'mini-meds'."
Did you read it? Did you…really?
"Does that mean the federal government is making me buy something I may not want?"
Probably. This is what happens when the rational choices (Single Payer or "a strong Public Option") can't be on the table because they're SOCIALISM!!! (Also, they're cheaper and more effective)
"Let's see, 1930, that was BEFORE the Great Depression and BEFORE the NEW DEAL, so do you mean all the federal government attempts to spread the wealth through taxation has failed? Be still my beating heart!"
Obviously. I mean, the middle of the century never happened, right?
"No answer for Ireland on why they quite building stuff, they went mad for real estate?"
1. It's clear that you still haven't read the article.
2. Stop wasting my time.
"What's Canadian's version of the Glass-Steagall Act?"
It's the Her Majesty's Royal Bank Act of 1920. Actually, the banks are unpopular and untrusted enough here that, in addition to being prevented from merging with each other, they self police in order to avoid further regulation, which is made easier here since the bank that gives you a mortgage is the same bank that holds it. So, unlike the US situation, it's in their own best interest to think long term. Moral hazard and all.
"BTW wonder if you knew that one of the writers of the GSA later felt is was too harsh and 'himself moved to repeal the GSA shortly after it was passed, claiming it was an overreaction to the crisis'?"
Cool. And so?
"Forgot to add, GSA was replaced while President Clinton was in office."
Cool. And so? There's a reason why he's called the best Republican president since Eisenhower (also note that even if Clinton was the rabble rousing Leftwing populist that the Right seems to think he was, rather than the "triangulating" business Democrat that he actually was, the final bill for the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act passed with an unvetoable majority in both House and Senate.
Anonymous "So I'm the problem because I do not go along with liberalism?"
No. The only problem you provide is that you're a willfully ignorant douche.
"That I see liberalism/progressivism/socialism takes away it's citizens freedoms…"
Did you miss the previous administration?
"...lowers all citizens to a middle ground…"
"...rewards average performance…"
"...and punishes those who excel."
I know, right? Why, I remember back when Clinton rejiggered the tax rates, and the top 2% were reduced to begging (begging!) for change.
"If that is the case, then I am the problem along with the vast majority of USA Citizens."
Well, since that's not the case...
boltok "Liberal Anonymous, don't trivialize 8 day GEDs."
Read, then speak.
Anonymous (one of many), you said...
"So I'm the problem because I do not go along with liberalism?"
No, you're the problem because you buy into the lies, deceit, propaganda, and the illusion of freedom and democracy that's been created by the corporacracy, also known as the plutocracy, and you accept our corporate-state's dominance over your family's and your life. You accept the military-industrial-congressional complex, since expanded from Eisenhower's day to include the intrusive security apparatus. You accept never-ending...permanent...war as normal, and don't blink an eye at the cost to maintain an empire around the globe.
"...then I am the problem along with the vast majority of USA Citizens."
You are precisely correct in this statement! Therein lies the problem! You, and millions upon millions of Americans, have chosen the blissful ignorance of illusion because embracing the truth of reality is too painful and uncomfortable. You exclusively blame "big government" to the exclusion of monopolistic private power -- thinking, for some strange reason, that private interests (corporate dominance and the international banking syndicate) somehow have your best interests in mind.
Part II
Your arrogance and self-assurance that if only Obama wasn't in office, everything will be okay, is self-defeating and self-destructive. You somehow are under the mistaken notion that once a Republican assumes power in the White House, and has a cooperative congress to do his (or her) bidding, that happy days will be here again.
Well, I'm here to tell you, "happy days" won't ever be here again under either a Democrat or a Republican. Both parties are essentially the same now; both serve their corporate masters -- and not you! Until you accept this reality, and forgo those illusions that millions of Americans like you desperately cling to, your culture, your way of life, and your family's safety and chance of a fulfilling future, will continue to erode and disintegrate right before your eyes. The systematic dismantling of America is underway right now (just as Naomi Klein foresaw and related in her brilliant The Shock Doctrine).
Until you figure this out, and accept it, you're only fooling yourself.
You know what the problem is with conservatives such as Anonymous ?? Their only motivation in life is GREED. Socialism does not have to lower the bar or promote mediocrity. Try using ego-less PRIDE for your source of motivation instead of ego driven GREED. Take pride in doing the best you can do in all you do WITHOUT the ulterior motive of monetary gain. From my discussions with the conservative capitalists I had the misfortune of meeting in law school, it seemed that unless there was a buck in it for them, they wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. Fulfill your ETHICAL obligation to society and give your best efforts, whether you get compensated monetarily or not !!
The main problem for conservatives are the otherwise capable but indolent, substance and alcohol picked do nothings that stick their noses over other people's fences and decide that those possessions should be theirs. Most conservative believe in helping those that cannot help themselves, do not believe that they should support shiftless idiots. Greek and Wisconsin protesters are perfect examples of shitless idiots.
JG makes an excellent point which is actually related to my previous comment. The " reality " you brainwashed folks buy into is one that pits us against one another in an unnecessary competition for basic human needs. We are not animals folks. We have the ability to reason ( well maybe not you conservatives ) and thereby can work together to maximize resources and utilize wealth to benefit all not just the lucky few. Corporate interests do not include the interests of the majority, quite the contrary. So until you idiots wake up and realize your true enemy is the establishment you all deserve what you get. It just sucks that the enlightened minority has to suffer as a result of your ignorance and gullibility. You were all sold a bills of goods and now are too ashamed, embarrassed or just plain too stupid to realize it or admit it.
1. It's clear that you still haven't read the article.
2. Stop wasting my time.
MOE, don't read my posts, if it's such a waste of your time. Unless of course you are afraid to leave my posts unchallenged.
Jefferson's Guardian "Your arrogance and self-assurance that if only Obama wasn't in office, everything will be okay, is self-defeating and self-destructive."
Balderpucky! It's opponent-defeating and opponent-destructive!
If McCain's tax policies got in instead of Obama's(*1) you'd have jobs, jobs and more jobs!(*2) Just like last time. And the time before that.
And the deficit would be gone. Even the teeny tiny fraction of the structural deficit that happened on GWB's watch. More importantly, with a Republican president, the deficit wouldn't matter!
And not only would there be Freedom Bombs raining down on Libya, there'd be boots on the ground in Syria. And both would be paid for with tax cuts. Just like last time. And the time before.
And Iran would be threatened, poked and ignored to prevent them from getting The Bomb.(*3)
And the money printing and Wall Street out-bailing would be the same. But it would be phrased differently ("McCain Patriotically Supports Further Monetary EnFreedom'ing of Wall Street").
Anonymous "MOE, don't read my posts, if it's such a waste of your time."
I would take your advice, but I'm ever so lonely.
"Unless of course you are afraid to leave my posts unchallenged."
I was challenging your posts. That you ignore them doesn't mean they aren't there. The links are the steak.(*4)
*1. Link to same graph drawn proportionally
*2. And you'd need 'em, too, what with the bankruptcy of GM and all.
*3. Hey, it worked on North Korea.
*4. I'm the sizzle.
Yes I read what posted about the min meds did YOU? "temporary waivers for 'mini-meds" expire in 2014, then everyone will forced to buy health care insurance. What part of being forced to buy something and freedom don't you get?
"the middle of the century never happened, right" Ok lets try this, when has liberal spending and planing and taxes and laws corrected the problems you are such an expert about? 1950? 1960?
JG, surfs up dude!
"the illusion of freedom and democracy that's been created by the corporacracy, also known as the plutocracy, and you accept our corporate-state's dominance over your family's and your life"
So in 2014 when I have to buy health insurance I will be more free than I am now? So the two members of my family who have be adversely effected by the changes in Medicare since Obama care started, they have more freedom now?
Yup, up to 4 wars at the same time now under our Nobel Peace Prize winning President, nice!
"Your arrogance and self-assurance that if only Obama wasn't in office will be ok" How is reporting the failures of his liberal agenda self destructive much less arrogant?
"Both parties are essentially the same now; both serve their corporate masters -- and not you!"
What you don't get is I don't want either party's hand outs, the only hand out I want from government is their hand out of my pocket!
Since nether the Dems or GOP has the answer, what party would you support to, make the changes you feel are badly needed?
Ellis:"Fulfill your ETHICAL obligation to society and give your best efforts, whether you get compensated monetarily or not !!"
To quote MOE, I pay my taxes on time, what more do you want? Have you fulfilled your obligation to society and purchased your Chevy Volt? If not, sounds like you've got some obligations to fulfill.!!!
Like most liberals (JG &Ellis come to mind) Weiner is not fulfilling his ETHICAL obligation so society, much less the political party he belongs to. Guess he's waiting for some else to pick up his tab!
"By Sean J. Miller - 06/08/11 04:14 PM ET
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) has failed to help his party financially in past election cycles, which is another infraction on the growing list of Democratic grievances with the lawmaker.
Weiner is known as a lone wolf in the Democratic caucus and has a history of failing to pay his dues to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Members are required to contribute based on a scale taking into account factors like time in Congress, whether a member is in leadership and the lawmaker's campaign needs.
Failure to pay greatly annoys the party's leadership, which counts on the funds to help members and candidates in tough races.
Weiner, now a seven-term incumbent, has been assessed $200,000 in dues for at least the last two election cycles, according to DCCC dues sheets provided to The Hill. "
Anonymous "What part of being forced to buy something and freedom don't you get?"
I know. It's terrible. Here in whatevercountryIamin am torn and saddened by being forced to pay less for the same that Americans pay more for (or don't get at all if they can't afford it).
Frankly, I don't see the freedom to get sick and die uninsured as much of a freedom.
"Ok lets try this, when has liberal spending and planing and taxes and laws corrected the problems you are such an expert about? 1950? 1960?"
From roughly the New Deal through Reagan things got better for most Americans (with hiccoughs like the money and man-sink of a steadily expanding commitment in Viet Nam and the severe disruption of two oil shocks). From Reagan on things got better for only the top 20% (and the top 1% got most of that). The bottom 80% either treaded water or lost.
"So the two members of my family who have be adversely effected by the changes in Medicare since Obama care started, they have more freedom now?"
The "$500B Obama took from Medicare"? If so, you should probably see what those changes actually are. And the payment cuts aren't really even Obama's.
"Yup, up to 4 wars at the same time now under our Nobel Peace Prize winning President, nice!"
You do realize that you're preaching to the choir, right?
"How is reporting the failures of his liberal agenda self destructive much less arrogant?"
What liberal agenda? I see repealing DADT, healthcare reform mush, and tepid banking reform with weak oversight.
Anonymous "Like most liberals (JG &Ellis come to mind) Weiner is not fulfilling his ETHICAL obligation so society, much less the political party he belongs to. Guess he's waiting for some else to pick up his tab!"
He can't. His cell phone bill is out of this world.
@ Anonymous - Actually it's about 48%...the budget that you are thinking of includes S.S. and Medicare et al. which, as you are probably well aware of, are funded by payroll taxes, not income taxes...which is misleading...AND (this is big) PAST military spending is just thrown in with NON-Military know all of those Vets, some injured badly, some not so badly, some not injured at all, but still entitled to those benefits all the same; those vets that you guys don't want to pay for now that they have done their service to your USA? Well recrunch all of those numbers, and voila! 48%...
probably more for FY12!
Ellis said, "Socialism does not have to lower the bar or promote mediocrity."
No, but it always does.
Mary, true, SS/Medicare are funded by payroll taxes. That does us little good when they divert the funds to the general budget, spend it, and replace with gov't securities on which WE pay interest.
*payroll taxes et al....
@ Harley - hmmm?? What would solve this?? Why do we keep going in circles over this?? Yes people. Just ignore all of the fundamental rules of accounting, economics, math, science, etc. and let god fix it. God would undoubtedly want us to build a corporate-backed trillion dollar military empire to support our wealthy elites on the backs of everyone else.
Socialism will end when there is no one's left money to spend.
MOE, just as I asked JG, I'll ask
tell us what your idea of the perfect would be? Name a country that has this type of government, I'd like to look into it.
Anonymous "MOE, just as I asked JG, I'll ask tell us what your idea of the perfect would be? Name a country that has this type of government, I'd like to look into it."
Modusland. Obviously.
@ Anonymous~ Type of Government or type of economy? You 'pubs (and by "you 'pubs" I mean dip shit troll) seem to think they are one in the same...
Anonymous, you asked...
"...just as I asked JG, I'll ask
tell us what your idea of the perfect would be?"
You asked me? When?
Nevertheless, I'll answer. There is no perfect world. There can't be. But, if you were to ask me what would be a more just and fair world, it would be where democracy reigns; where corporations are relegated to their originally conceived status as merely a creation of We the People and of the state where they were chartered; where corporations are not allowed to exhibit and maintain the same rights accorded to man -- natural persons -- as opposed to being seen as artificial persons, legally, since at least 1876.
That's the kind of world I'd like to see. Only then would we see democracy return to this country.
New York Post sums up your typical government worker. Paid well beyond what he/she could earn in the private sector. I bet this schmuck couldn't get a 50k per year job.
Weiner can't afford to quit the DC day job
Last Updated: 6:25 AM, June 10, 2011
Even if scandal-stained Rep. Anthony Weiner didn't want to stay in office, he needs to stay in office.
Unlike many of his peers in the House, Weiner doesn't have a business or even a law degree to fall back on.
Weiner, 46, took home $156,117 in 2010, according to his federal tax returns released by his staff.
His humiliated wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, earned $154,000 in 2009, federal records show.
He owes between $10,000 and $15,000 on his American Express card, according to his most recent financial-disclosure forms.
If he steps down, he could grovel to cable TV execs for talking-head "analyst" gigs that hopefully pay more than the $825 he gets for appearing on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher."
But with Weiner's reputation in ruins, other lucrative jobs may be hard to get.
"He would most likely have to go to friends in the business sector, but he doesn't have a financial background," said political consultant Joseph Mercurio.
The reason we keep "going in circles" is that there's a lot of circular illogic out there. There seems to be a bent toward government solutions to the problems. My point was that they ARE the problem. They will not solve anything. All this hand-wringing over corporatism is fine. But, government is no better - arguably worse.
Also, I have NEVER seen any balanced opinion that ever mentions the benefits of many, many corporations to prosperity in our country or in the world (whose standard of living is increasing). It is a very one-sided, misleading and, quite honestly, fanatical approach. And, to add insult to injury, the purveyors condescend and act as if they are our teachers, when they've no ground to do so. is irrelevant. The key is to maximize resources. The same " faith " that allows money to be a medium of exchange is just as valid ( or invalid if you don't have such faith ) in a money-less society. People need faith IN EACH OTHER for society to function properly. Faith that if you act ethically you in turn will be treated ethically. We sure DON'T have that in Amerika today !! There is more than enough wealth and resources to provide all with a decent comfortable standard of living. The problem is that greedy capitalists horde wealth and resources so some folks have way more than they will ever need while others have nothing. That's just NOT COOL !!! Cool is sharing all you have and maximizing the utility of resources. You psychopathic conservatives like conflict and division. Cool people like unity and peace.
Thanks JG for an honest answer to my honest question. I not sure how that would work but I would want to keep our Constitutional system of a democratic republic with States and Federal government in place. Sounds to me the only change you want is the removal of the current corp status in eyes of law? How would you include labor unions in this treatment?
Define that if you will and then go from there.
MOE and MARY, thanks for your answers, they were just as I expected, personal, flippant and nasty.
Thanks JG for an honest answer to my honest question. I not sure how that would work but I would want to keep our Constitutional system of a democratic republic with States and Federal government in place. Sounds to me the only change you want is the removal of the current corp status in eyes of law? How would you include labor unions in this treatment?
Define that if you will and then go from there.
MOE and MARY, thanks for your answers, they were just as I expected, personal, flippant and nasty.
A governmental deviant is in the news 24/7, and no one here talks about it. You can hear a pin drop. What would you idiots be saying if Mrs. Palin was tweeting nudes to high school students and porn stars???
Anonymous "MOE and MARY, thanks for your answers, they were just as I expected, personal, flippant and nasty."
The bit that threw me was your request for "perfect". There's no such thing. Utopia is called that for a reason.
A Venn Diagram of "perfect" and "people", have little, if any, overlap.
boltok "A governmental deviant is in the news 24/7, and no one here talks about it. You can hear a pin drop. What would you idiots be saying if Mrs. Palin was tweeting nudes to high school students and porn stars???"
News Flash: Consenting adult has (what he thought were) private conversations with other consenting adults, ruins career, possibly marriage.
@ Boltok This is how I feel about Tony, ~ It's a fine day to be a human, and he should resign right along with David Vitter. They can hold hands and walk out together. {blatant sarcasm}
Jefferson's Guardian said:
I love it! This is very entertaining!
Modusoperandi, every time you stump Anonymous, he's clueless. He's like a deer in headlights -- he freezes.
Modusoperandi, I salute you.
p.s. I know...I know, it's like arguing with a five year old.
Jefferson's Guardian, You posted a few weeks ago that the US spends over 50% of its budget on Defense. In reality it is closer to 20%.
p.s. We know...We know, you are a marxist and are full of crap.
MM, 100% agree, Vitter and Weiner should get the boot. These idiots, like Rangel, will continue to get reelected.
MO, Has your superior research rendered the age of girl at U of WA. I bet she's not old enough to drink.
I thought all liberals would be ape shit. First, Weiner is embarassing your supreme leader, William Jefferson, who presided over Weiner's nuptials. This story is preventing the press from focusing on the Ryan plan and spending the US into bankruptcy. In addition, he married a mooselem and has a baby Weiner on the way.
Anonymous, you helpfully reiterated what I previously claimed, and in addition you slandered me, by saying...
"Jefferson's Guardian, You posted a few weeks ago that the US spends over 50% of its budget on Defense. In reality it is closer to 20%.
p.s. We know...We know, you are a marxist and are full of crap."
Yes, I stand by that claim. As Modusoperandi cited in that same thread, when the expenditures that should be counted with the DoD budget are included, it's close to 50% (give or take a few hundred billion). Of course, it's hidden very well under other sub-categories (veterans affairs, veterans pensions, international affairs, and interest on debt incurred in past wars, to name just a few). But, you'll have to have some initiative and dig it out. I'm tired of spoon-feeding you.
If I'm a Marxist, then you're a fascist. So there!
@ Boltok ~ You are obviously too fucking stupid to interpret what I post so I will translate:
Neither one should resign, hence the included "blatant sarcasm" clause.
An honest question: I know we are not face-to-face, but are you suffering from Asperger syndrome which would prevent you from sensing emotions in others, or do you truly only read and interpret what you want to hear?
PS. I highly doubt Bill Clinton is embarrassed.
Harley, you said the following...
"There seems to be a bent toward government solutions to the problems."
Wrong! Why is it that you refuse to see the forest? Are the trees in the way?
Insert the words, We the People, where you just cited the word "government". Maybe that will help.
"All this hand-wringing over corporatism is fine."
It's "fine"? As in, "It's okay, because I don't really think that's the problem?"
"But, government is no better - arguably worse."
Again, insert the words, "We the People" in place of "government". Do you still feel the same way?
"Also, I have NEVER seen any balanced opinion that ever mentions the benefits of many, many corporations to prosperity in our country or in the world (whose standard of living is increasing)."
Isn't that your purpose for trolling on this blog?
So, tell me, am I supposed to overlook the erosion of our democratic rights, the stealing of our elections, the polluting of our environment, the poisoning of our bodies, and the ongoing servitude of our citizenry, and instead give a promotional shout-out to the Fortune 500? Don't you see enough of those PR commercials on TV?
And you concluded by saying...
"And, to add insult to injury, the purveyors condescend and act as if they are our teachers, when they've no ground to do so."
We ARE your teachers! Isn't that obvious? Otherwise, you'd know and realize what the real dangers to our democratic way of life are -- like we do. Stick around. Maybe you'll figure it out some day.
No, I'm at the tat parlor, smearing fake blood on myself, playing with blade, dreaming of dark meat and telling everyone how smart I am. And getting emotional about it. Hope you can sense the sarcasm.
@ Boltok ~ Oh it's OK. Don't get upset. We can't ALL get paid for our good looks, awesome artwork, AND excel academically, but some of us do...Why shouldn't we be proud? Why is that a negative thing? Tsk-tsk...Sexist AND Islamaphobic!
That reminds me:
I made yet ANOTHER 4.0 this semester and received another scholarship for academic merit! For more info, tune into MY blog...
@ JG So, tell me, am I supposed to overlook the erosion of our democratic rights, the stealing of our elections, the polluting of our environment, the poisoning of our bodies, and the ongoing servitude of our citizenry, and instead give a promotional shout-out to the Fortune 500? Don't you see enough of those PR commercials on TV?
JG, good comment.
Wake up corpublicans, for shit's sake! Stop living in this false consciousness.
MM, Sincere congrats on your 4.0. What's your major?
@boltok ~ Investigating the misengineering of financial dreams+AKA Business Accounting (emphasis-we don't have majors, why, don't ask)--concurrent M.S. in forensic/audits AKA not taxation, but I want to work for the ATF or FBI as a professional "money chaser."
Boltok "MO, Has your superior research rendered the age of girl at U of WA. I bet she's not old enough to drink."
Ever hear of Google? Wikipedia? She's 21. The only thing that's shocked me so far is that, and I can't stress this enough, there are actual women on the internet. I know!
"I thought all liberals would be ape shit."
Did he proposition an undercover cop for a blowjob in a public bathroom?
"First, Weiner is embarassing your supreme leader, William Jefferson, who presided over Weiner's nuptials."
Clinton? The Great Triangulator? Supreme leader? About the best he did was ride a bubble with a job boom. His successor (on a much bigger bubble) couldn't even pull that off.
Stimpy, you are an idiot.
"This story is preventing the press from focusing on the Ryan plan and spending the US into bankruptcy."
The Ryan Plan doesn't save America. It balances the budget, eventually, based on imaginary numbers and imaginary outcomes while it screws over the poor, the sick and the elderly in order to finance tax cuts. It's less a blueprint than it is a recipe for revolution.
"In addition, he married a mooselem…"
"...and has a baby Weiner on the way."
Yeah. Anthony's a jerk.
@ MO Yeah. Anthony's a jerk. and I love him...
There is no captcha!
If you have a desire for busines and aptitude for higher level math, study through differential equations, calculus based probability, C++ programming and algorithms. Then get a job at a money manager or a hedge fund as a programmer/analyst. Then you move up from there. The you can learn interesting things like Ito's lemma. Math is a tremendous distinguishing factor. Few can do it, and many of those that can are lazy asses. So skills and work ethic can take you far.
With accounting you're almost guaranteed some kind of a job. Don't get a gov't job, at least not out of the gates. Mind numbing. Again if you can,get a quant type job, become indispensable at a fund and make some real cash. Then you can be a do gooder in any way YOU wish.
@ Boltok ~ It's like you can see into my psyche!
Anonymous, you helpfully reiterated what I previously claimed, and in addition you slandered me, by saying...
"Jefferson's Guardian, You posted a few weeks ago that the US spends over 50% of its budget on Defense. In reality it is closer to 20%.
p.s. We know...We know, you are a marxist and are full of crap."
Yes, I stand by that claim. As Modusoperandi cited in that same thread, when the expenditures that should be counted with the DoD budget are included, it's close to 50% (give or take a few hundred billion). Of course, it's hidden very well under other sub-categories (veterans affairs, veterans pensions, international affairs, and interest on debt incurred in past wars, to name just a few). But, you'll have to have some initiative and dig it out. I'm tired of spoon-feeding you.
If I'm a Marxist, then you're a fascist. So there!
Boltok "MO 17???"
Damn! You got me! I had no idea that the U of WA was in Delaware, or that a preliminary police investigation was the same as a guilty verdict.
Yeah, JG! Take that! Consider your argument refuted!
Modusoperandi, you related what Anonymous claimed about me brimming with excrement...
"Yeah, JG! Take that! Consider your argument refuted!"
Like any proposal or idea uttered by a conservative, just stating it must mean it is true. Gee, I guess I've been out-debated.
I'll have to become a conservative. It seems to make any discussion so much easier. ;-)
Anonymous (one of many of you), said (at 11:48 a.m.) in reply to my comments...
"Sounds to me the only change you want is the removal of the current corp status in eyes of law? How would you include labor unions in this treatment? Define that if you will and then go from there."
Labor organization has always been a response to predatory greed by corporations (or "capital").
Read my own blog article for clarification.
As far as "including labor unions in this treatment", I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Corporations have been granted the legal fiction of personhood by the Supreme Court. Labor unions have not. Unions haven't been given the unfair advantages of corporate personhood, even though they are also, legally, artificial entities, because unions have never fought to get it. Unions have largely avoided the court system, correctly seeing it as the home court of their enemies.
Can you give me some countries that best fit what you would like to see the USA look like?
I really liked this piece of a comment to Paul Krugman's "Rule by Rentiers" recently in the NY Times:
pdxtran in Minneapolis said:
"Your analysis makes sense. Otherwise, why would anyone with a basic knowledge of arithmetic claim that cutting thousands upon thousands of government employees and keeping money out of ordinary people's pockets (by cutting pensions and social benefits) will help restore economic vigor?"
If cutting the amount of government employees is bad, then adding more should be good regardless of whether they produce anything or anything of value! This will help restore economic vigor! Who is with me so far?
And taking it a step further, if they aren't producing anything, why don't we just give them a salary and let them not have to report to work? We can just ask Ben to print some Benjamins for the masses.
We need to have a high ratio of government employees like in my native Greece.
Please tell me what you think of my arithmetic ModusOperandi, Jefferson's Guardian, and Tom Degan.
"Zorba" - I think the rest of PDXTRAN's comment goes nicely with the 1st part:
From what I read in the online comments in my local newspaper, it seems, however, that many people who make closer to $25,000 a year than $25 million have accepted this notion. The right-wing (and let's face it, conservative Democratic) propaganda machine keeps telling ordinary Americans that government workers, especially teachers, are parasites who do nothing but take tax dollars for poor performance in cushy jobs with lavish benefits.
In other words, the conservatives in both parties preach an insidious kind of class warfare in which persons of modest means are encouraged to hate other persons of modest means and envy the fact that they still have the benefits that were considered routine in all sectors through the 1970s.
At the same time, they subtly instill fear in ordinary Americans by saying that raising taxes on high-income individuals is "punishing the job creators" and raising and enforcing taxes on corporations "stifles hiring." (I find that most people do not realize that companies deduct employees' salaries and benefits from their taxable income, so that hiring more people actually reduces a company's tax burden.)
Many Americans today are frightened about their economic futures but ill-informed and lacking in intellectual curiosity. I find that those who are informed, those who read and study instead of just accepting whatever they hear on AM radio are fed up with the Democrats' continual kowtowing to Big Money. This doesn't mean that they are turning Republican, however. Far from it. The only thing that keeps them from voting Green or Socialist is the knowledge that our two-party system is rigged to keep minority parties minor and to select the candidates who will not rock the yachts.
That's what I think...
Krugman is the Mofo Man
Mary Mayhem
Do you agree with my arithmetic that we will restore economic vigor if all the unemployed get hired by the government like in Greece?
Post a comment if you agree.
Mary Mayhem,
Are you one of Tom Degan's sock puppets on here?
Anonymous "And taking it a step further, if they aren't producing anything, why don't we just give them a salary and let them not have to report to work?"
I fail to see what bond holders have to do with this.
"We can just ask Ben to print some Benjamins for the masses."
Are you high? It's all needed for no-interest loans to Wall Street!
"If cutting the amount of government employees is bad, then adding more should be good regardless of whether they produce anything or anything of value! This will help restore economic vigor! Who is with me so far?"
Fallacy of the excluded middle?
"Please tell me what you think of my arithmetic ModusOperandi, Jefferson's Guardian, and Tom Degan."
It's crap. Math generally has numbers.
Mary Mayhem "'In other words, the conservatives in both parties preach an insidious kind of class warfare in which persons of modest means are encouraged to hate other persons of modest means and envy the fact that they still have the benefits that were considered routine in all sectors through the 1970s.'"
Weathly white South pitting poor white against poor brown, redux.
Anonymous, you asked me...
"Can you give me some countries that best fit what you would like to see the USA look like?"
Do you mean concerning the legal status of corporations? If so, sure! The United States from its inception -- right on through until almost the mid-1800s.
Okay, I gave you my answer. Now answer your own question for me.
Wee-nuhh's distrikt::
I meant currently, not in the past.
@ Anonymous - Your Mom's Cuntry
Call me uber-liberal. I believe that this country can spend its way out of debt just like any other American family can. I really don’t care if your grandchildren have to pay for it just so long as I get mine. Screw fixing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I am a liberal/ progressive and I believe in green energy, just because it isn’t economical and costs more that petroleum doesn’t matter to me. I am a liberal/ progressive and I believe in manmade global warming. Just because there isn’t any real proof doesn’t matter to me. I don’t need proof because I have faith in scientists who live on the grants government pays them to find manmade global warming. I am a liberal/ progressive and I want to keep Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid untouched because there is no problem, at least according to Nancy and Harry. Why should I worry if they go bankrupt in 20-25 years, I’ll be dead by then, so what. I will vote for obama because he stands for exactly what I have said. I trust obama to rule thru administrative fiat. So let the EPA, NLRB, etc run wild so what if we become a 3rd world country.
OBAMA 2012!
This is the best, let’s say satire, a cult-indoctrinated mind can produce. This indoctrination is an example of the densest mentality known.
Here is the Uber-Liberal message translated by the Radical Right Cult filter:
Call me uber-liberal. I believe that this country can spend its way out of debt just like any other American family can. (Tax cuts for the Rich and War spending being some of my favorite permanent black holes of non-negotiable debt.)I really don’t care if your grandchildren have to pay for it just so long as I get mine. (Lowest Inheritance Tax and Corporate taxes, for our suffering Billionaires and Millionaires.) Screw fixing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. (Screw Social Security and Medicare. Privatize them and give them to Insurance companies and Wall Street Banksters.) I am a liberal/ progressive and I believe in green energy, just because it isn’t economical and costs more that petroleum doesn’t matter to me. (I believe in poisoning the planet for Big Oil profits.) I am a liberal/ progressive and I believe in manmade global warming. Just because there isn’t any real proof doesn’t matter to me. I don’t need proof because I have faith in scientists who live on the grants government pays them to find manmade global warming. (Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying thermometers?) I am a liberal/ progressive and I want to keep Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid untouched because there is no problem, at least according to Nancy and Harry. (The problem with those programs is they don’t make enough money for Republicans, who hate contributing to the public good.) Why should I worry if they go bankrupt in 20-25 years, I’ll be dead by then, so what. I will vote for obama because he stands for exactly what I have said. (I stand for exactly what Glenn Beck said.) I trust obama to rule thru administrative fiat. (“Administrative fiat” is a fancy phrase what I learned from Rush.) So let the EPA, NLRB, etc run wild so what if we become a 3rd world country. (Corporate off-shoring of our jobs has ended our prosperity at home and regulatory enforcement has never been more lax.)
OBAMA 2012!
(This is the funniest part. As anyone with a minimal sense of political perspective knows, Obama is too far to the right for even moderate liberals to make such an exclamation.)
(Here we find a couple of the Cult’s favorite dog-whistles. You see, “Uber” gives the sense of Aryan superiority the Right shares with certain historical figures, and guides us to their famous twisted and simple-minded equation that Democrats = Socialists = Nazis. )
"As anyone with a minimal sense of political perspective knows, Obama is too far to the right for even moderate liberals to make such an exclamation"
So who would you replace him with?
Someone more Nixon.
Dave Dubya....
You make a good point - one that I have often thought of.
The right wing is incapable of writing satire. The reason is because good satire is based on truth, which is something they don't have on their side. Take the comic strip Mallard Fillmore. It runs in my local paper. Sometimes it is the first thing I'll turn to every morning. I wake up in giddy anticipation wondering what moronic thing this stupid son-of-a-bitch will come up with today. It is so mind-numbinngly bad it's good.
There was only one conservative humorist I ever thought was worth a damn, the late Lewis Grizzard - but he was a cultural conservative - the man wisely stayed away from the subject of politics. He was a scream! How's this for a title of a book:
"Elvis is Dead and I Don't Feel Too Good Myself".
6:09 AM
This is funny!!
(The Australian) — Electric cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found.
An electric car owner would have to drive at least 129,000km before producing a net saving in CO2. Many electric cars will not travel that far in their lifetime because they typically have a range of less than 145km on a single charge and are unsuitable for long trips. Even those driven 160,000km would save only about a tonne of CO2 over their lifetimes.
The British study, which is the first analysis of the full lifetime emissions of electric cars covering manufacturing, driving and disposal, undermines the case for tackling climate change by the rapid introduction of electric cars.
The Committee on Climate Change, the UK government watchdog, has called for the number of electric cars on Britain’s roads to increase from a few hundred now to 1.7 million by 2020.
Britain’s Department for Transport is spending $66 million over the next year giving up to 8,600 buyers of electric cars a grant of $7700 towards the purchase price. Ministers are considering extending the scheme.
The study was commissioned by the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, which is jointly funded by the British government and the car industry. It found that a mid-size electric car would produce 23.1 tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime, compared with 24 tonnes for a similar petrol car. Emissions from manufacturing electric cars are at least 50 per cent higher because batteries are made from materials such as lithium, copper and refined silicon, which require much energy to be processed.
Many electric cars are expected to need a replacement battery after a few years. Once the emissions from producing the second battery are added in, the total CO2 from producing an electric car rises to 12.6 tonnes, compared with 5.6 tonnes for a petrol car.
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