What They Are Doing to America

This is why we need to (but probably never will) do away with the electoral college. It's very existence in our "democracy" virtually assures that every few years, we're going to wind up with imbeciles like Trump and George W. Bush as chiefs-executive. Neither men won the popular vote when first elected to the job, and Bush was re-elected only because his campaign managed to instill so much fear into the public regarding prospect of a second 9/11 if John Kerry was sent to the White House. I went to bed election night fourteen years ago believing that Kerry had it in the bag. Can you believe that? The next day a British tabloid asked on its front page headline how fifty-nine million people could be that jolly stupid. How indeed. One would think that they might have learned a very hard lesson by now, wouldn't one?
I'm so completely and utterly depressed for the future of the United States at this moment, that I'm unable to even finish this. Keep voting for the Republican Party. You'll deserve everything that happens to you.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"This is why we need to (but probably never will) do away with the electoral college. It's very existence in our "democracy" virtually assures that every few years, we're going to wind up with imbeciles like Trump and George W. Bush as chiefs-executive."
Typical left wing whining, they do it after every loss. It's the system that caused them to lose. The other side cheated. Voter intimidation. Only imbeciles would have voted the way they did.
It's as bad as claiming 9-11 was an inside job, that women never lie about sexual abuse,
that Senator Warren is an Native American, HRC and her daughter had to dodge sniper fire, that it's not a human but lump of cells.
Pure ignorance pandered to make themselves feel superior. What has the left have to offer in the Midterms except remove Trump? Nothing. Oh and to undo the programs that have allowed our economy to rebound like never before. Yea, now that's stupid. That's the dream of the left, to return to Carter economy, where suffering is equally shared by all. WOOHOO.
Possibly not an Idiot Nation, yet, Tom, but we certainly are witness to a Republican Party filled to the brim with morons and imbeciles. As a united nation, We're well on our way toward fractured division and another civil war -- "soft", or otherwise.
The dips**ts who voted for this sociopathic immoral narcissistic fool, and more importantly continue to support him, have placed us in a very dangerous time and place in our country's history.
We'll ultimately all suffer due to their inattention and stupidity.
The minority now rule the majority. We're living, at the very least, through apartheid-America. The worst is yet to be.
Americans don't know a lot about their government or history. They can barely follow the news, as journalism and the free press is attacked by the Trump Regime. No wonder Putin and the Saudis now kill reporters with impunity. Trump is one of their fellow authoritarians.
With the Electoral College, gerrymandering and the Senate all rigged in favor of Republicans and small rural states, what remains of democracy is easily defeated by a party with their own propaganda network of FOX(R), hate radio. The final nail in democracy's coffin was abetted by corporate media selling "bothsiderism" to the public.
Gimme Some Truth, as the man sang. Nobody's listened to him. Instead the Party of Trump understands Orwell's totalitarian state is based on "Ignorance is strength".
They are well-funded masters of deception and manipulating ignorance, so the defeat of a
seriously flawed democracy was inevitable.
We have arrived. America's greatness depends on a healthy democracy. Democrats cannot fix it. Too many don't even want to fix it.
Bush/Cheney got away with lies, war and torture. Trump will get away with his crimes too.
The Great Experiment is finished, folks. The slave states planted too many poison pills for it to survive as a functional democratic republic.
Meanwhile Canada is becoming more compassionate and free...
Mencken: Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
P.T. Barnum: There's a sucker born every minute.
Donald J. Trump: Only I can....whatever.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
"Americans don't know a lot about their government or history. They can barely follow the news." Speaking for yourself Dave?
It is sad how the left has got their panties in a knot over an non American citizen killed in Turkey by fellow Muslims but want to move on from 3 Americans killed in Benghazi under the great Obama and his Secy of State HRC. Sad. I'm sure their reactions have nothing to do with who was in the White House at the time of each event.
"Pure ignorance pandered to make themselves feel superior. What has the right have to offer in the Midterms except remove Obamacare? Nothing. Oh and to undo the programs that have allowed our economy to rebound like never before. Yea, now that's stupid. That's the dream of the right, to return to Bush economy, where suffering is equally shared by all. WOOHOO."
Clucky, you are very good at cherry picking only he things that SEEM to support your batshit claims.
What the left wants is to return to the OBAMA economy, and to have universal healthcare like all the other civilized nations (not to mention congress). Trump didn't rebound anything, Obama got us out of BUSH's failed economy, Like FDR got us out of Hoover's, and Clinton got us out of Reagans. Senator Warren has native American heritage, and if the "one drop" rule applies to Blacks according to White racists, you can suck up HER claims.
You want to talk about important programs being "undone"? Try public education, social security. medicare, the EPA, FDA, Labor unions (which actually DID allow the economy to rebound more than once) The FBI, police departments, and the FREE PRESS.
All the GOP does is cut taxes for the rich, and there has never been a time in American history when cutting taxes helped the economy.
Hillary's claims are not nearly as offensive to vets as Trump getting 5 deferments due to "bone spurs" and then claiming that avoiding STD's in college was his "Vietnam" and not as offensive as him attacking and insulting decorated veterans ad their families. WAY less offensive than a draft dodging Putin lover expecting a "missile parade" in his honor.
The right did their share of whining when Clinton and Obama ACTUALLY won elections.
There are plenty of "conservative" nut bags claiming 9-11 was an inside job,or even caused by Clinton (and actually it was just the GOP lying to us about who did it and why because they worship the Saudis who WERE responsible)
Thanks for sharing your drivel.
"Liberals live in a bizarre world of contradictions, intolerance,
violence, and a narrow-minded world of strict conformity. They are
intellectually dishonest, without principle, continually in search of
the perfect road to utopia where none exists. It is a creed that feeds
on emotion, their only approach to debate. They advocate and promote a
strong centralization of all political power, massive in size. What is
good for New York and Los Angeles is good for Omaha, Nebraska and Cody,
Ray DiLorenzo
"All the GOP does is cut taxes for the rich" Duh, the rich pay most of the taxes, hard to cut taxes for people who don't pay federal income taxes. That dog will not fight. Try again.
"there has never been a time in American history when cutting taxes helped the economy."
So for the best economy in our history we should raise taxes on everyone to where they have zero income in any form. The govt gets every red cent you make.
You'd vote for that I'm sure.
This is what Mozart approves of.
He can't deny it even if he has the guts to view it.
Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. He said that he “enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history” (actually they are the eighth-largest) and that “our economy is the strongest it’s ever been in the history of our country” (which may one day be true, but not yet). In part, it’s a New York thing — everything is the biggest and the best.
But when it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises — Trump is a paragon of honesty. For better or worse, since taking office, Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.
Trump kept his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something his three immediate predecessors also promised yet failed to do. He promised to “crush and destroy ISIS,” and two years later he is on the verge of eliminating Islamic State’s physical caliphate. He promised to impose a travel ban on countries that he saw as posing a terrorist threat, and after several false starts the final version of his ban was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Trump pledged to nominate Supreme Court justices “in the mold of Justice (Antonin) Scalia,” and now Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh sit on the high court. Trump also pledged to fill the federal appellate courts with young, conservative judges, and so far the Senate has confirmed 29 — more than any recent president at this point in his administration.
Trump promised to cancel President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, withdraw from the Paris climate accord, approve the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to exploration. He fulfilled all of those pledges.
On trade, he kept his promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and impose tariffs on steel and aluminum. He also committed to renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement — and recently signed new deals with Mexico, Canada and South Korea. He committed to imposing tariffs on China to force it to open its markets and stop its theft of intellectual property — and is following through on that pledge. Whatever one thinks of Trump’s trade policies, he is doing exactly what he said.
"move on from 3 Americans killed in Benghazi" -- MM
It was 4 Americans. If you're going to indulge in it, can you at least be accurate in your Whataboutism?
But when it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises — Trump is a paragon of honesty.
By that barometer of truthfulness, Hitler was a "paragon of honesty" and the most honest fuhrer in history.
Now conservative terrorists are emboldened to send bombs to CNN, Soros, Hillary, and Obama.
Kill those you hate. Con-servative "values" are just like Hitlers.
American fascism is here, thanks to Republicans and other "very fine people" who support Trump.
SO 4 dead Americans is nothing more than Whataboutism?
"Trump promised"..."Trump pledged"..."Trump kept his promise...blah, blah, blah" ~~ Majormajor (whose real name is Timothy "Vern" Trueblood)
You still don't get it, do you Timmy? No matter how much you think he has accomplished, how many promises you believe he's kept, or how much you say he's pledged...it doesn't matter.
Do you know why? I'll tell you. It's because Trump's a hateful, bigoted, dividing racist who only represents the apparent 30% of Americans whom are as hateful, as bigoted, and as racist as he is.
As I've made very clear to you on several occasions, as long as you support him, you're a racist too.
Hey Timmy, did Trump pledge or promise another civil war?
He's going to get one.
"Why would someone send pipe bombs with no triggering devices to obvious high-profile Democrats just days before a crucial election, one where the Republicans are extremely competitive? After weeks of videos of crazed mobs publicly harassing conservatives, do we have a progressive non-exploding 'we're bomb victims' hoax.
We have all watched as time and time again CNN talking heads have gone out of their way to excuse leftwing violence. Fredo Cuomo has asserted that not all punches were equal, Antifa punches were better than conservative punches. Don Lemon celebrated the restaurant mobbing of Republicans while bubble head Brooke Baldwin argued passionately that Democrat mobs were not mobs, and to say an angry, intimidating mob was a mob was a "Republican talking point."
But now, oh how things will change. We will have many hours of moral instruction from our Ruling Caste about how now it's time to start tone-policing, and that tone-policing will begin, and end, with telling Republicans they have to stop making political arguments or else People Will Die. They again will be executing the Sarah Palin Playbook, completely ignoring the fact that Democrats have frequently called for confrontation and incivility, and that CNN in particular has been a strident advocate for mob intimidation and even mob violence."
diogenes middle finger
"It was 4 Americans." ~~ TB3
TB3, as you're undoubtedly aware from your ventures visiting T. Paine's now defunct blog, Timmy Trueblood has reading comprehension challenges.
It's odd that conservatives - more precisely, white nationalists like Timmy - enjoy riding the dead horse of Benghazi into the ground. Well, perhaps not odd, in retrospect. They think it's a dig at our previous president...and his Secretary of State.
It's, of course, not, but rather another failed attempt to deflect from the avalanche of lies, miscues and total ineptness of Donald Trump.
It must be exhausting to keep all his lies straight.
Truly, Donald Trump's legacy will best be portrayed by the image of his climbing the stairway into Air Force 1 with toilet paper on the bottom of his shoe.
Priceless! LOL
Note how the angry, hateful, radical Rightists cannot even denounce the MAGA Bomber terrorist.
A white nationalist like MM, quoting another white nationalist, would instead choose to blame the targets of a Right wing terrorist bomber. This exposes the darkness of their soul. The evil within that cannot see itself.
He and Trump are fueling hate and abetting domestic terrorism, like the fascists they emulate. They are the real angry mob and enemies of the people.
These "very fine people" are evil. Period.
An NBC reporter who interviewed one of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers, and who admitted to sitting on evidence that two of his accusers were not credible, is now trying to defend herself and her network.
It’s not working.
Don Jr. Tells Young Black Conservatives They ‘Have The Most Guts Of Anyone In America’
Free thinkers escaping the plantation of dependency.
"Why would someone send pipe bombs with no triggering devices to obvious high-profile Democrats just days before a crucial election...?" ~~ Majormajor (whose real name is Timothy L. Trueblood, sometimes uses "Vern" as a middle name, and lives in Fort Worth, TX)
Timmy, I see you're still plagerizing at will, and refusing to credit the authors, publications and dates of publication. That's par for the course for you, however, and it doesn't surprise me.
Referencing the first sentence you lifted, I'll respond why!...indeed! I'll answer: Hate.
But you copied-and-pasted way too soon, didn't you? Since, it was confirmed by the Department of Justice that the devices were armed and capable of harming their intended recipients.
As usual, you're off base and totally irrelevant. Your hatefulness, evilness and wickedness will follow you to your deathbed. As I've said, hope springs eternal.
Can the angry hate filled leftist denounce the Nation of Islam? Can they denounce the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up a ball practice?
So far a white extreme leftist like Dave can not, but instead blames Conservative for causing the hate he so supports. This is the domestic terror that the left so supports in word and action.
Not a very find person indeed.
The EPA report showed “overall decreases across sectors and that total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions reported decreased by 2.7 percent from 2016 to 2017.”
“Thanks to President Trump’s regulatory reform agenda, the economy is booming, energy production is surging, and we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions from major industrial sources,” said EPA acting administrator Andrew Wheeler. “These achievements flow largely from technological breakthroughs in the private sector, not the heavy hand of government. The Trump Administration has proven that federal regulations are not necessary to drive CO2 reductions. While many around the world are talking about reducing greenhouse gases, the U.S. continues to deliver, and today’s report is further evidence of our action-oriented approach.”
Question: In what way does the progressive left’s attack on white males differ in essence from what the Nazis said about the Jews in the 1930s? (Asking for a friend. . .)
"Can the angry hate filled leftist denounce the Nation of Islam? Can they denounce the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up a ball practice?"
Is the Kool aid grape flavored or orange flavored? I ask 'cause you must be spending all your time drinking it to actively avoid easily finding answers to your deflecting questions.
"So far a white extreme leftist like Dave can not [blame the Nation of Islam], but instead blames Conservative [sic] for causing the hate he so supports." ~~ Majormajor (whose real name is Timothy L. Trueblood)
Timmy, you're lying as often as your mobster-in-chief.
As you're well aware, Dave Dubya has spoken out against all hate speech and actions originating from all political spectrums and religious groups.
You're the one who hasn't. As pointed out too many times to recall, your projecting is as obvious and sickening as your hateful racism, deflection and distraction.
Deflection by patented White Nationalist “Victim Card”, Exhibit A:
Question: In what way does the progressive left’s attack on white males differ in essence from what the Nazis said about the Jews in the 1930s? (Asking for a friend. . .)
Yes, why can’t all you snowflakes, libs and colored people stop attacking the real victims? (Apparently there are no white male liberals.)
And never mind the racist Trump nut who massacred Jews because he thought they were helping the dreaded “Brown Invaders Caravan”.
"As you're well aware, Dave Dubya has spoken out against all hate speech and actions originating from all political spectrums and religious groups."
Well you know how it works, JG. You have to be very specific in your condemnation of things, not broad or all encompassing. So you have to specifically condemn each thing for it to count. It's not enough to say 'I condemn all violence'. They demand 'I condemn Nation of Islam, specifically. BLM, specifically. Antifa, specifically.'
It's interesting, because it's the inverse of the "conservative" declaration of support. Whereas someone can support a specific thing, say the aforementioned Black Lives Matter. "I support BLM!" One can declare, but to the "conservative" you can broadly support something. Thus "All Lives Matter" or "I support the troops" or "I support Israel".
It's easier to deflect and pick apart your ideological opponents when you nitpick in this manner and easier to hide under umbrella statements without having to critically analyze pesky details.
Oh, also MM thinks by hammering that point he's scoring some sort of points on a magical, imaginary scoreboard.
Jefferson's Guardian, you are still coward.
TB3 the question was directed to your hero Dave Dubya..
Question: In what way does the progressive left’s attack on white males differ in essence from what the Nazis said about the Jews in the 1930s? (Asking for a friend. . .)
What would have to happen for Democrats to give up on trying to bully and shame the right half of the country into silence, and to return instead to trying to persuade through argument?
MM thinks by hammering that point he's scoring some sort of points on a magical, imaginary scoreboard.
It’s called “owning the libs”. They push lies, demands and deflections into a conversation, and declare themselves winners, because we don’t accede to their manipulations and jump through their hoops.
It’s how they get a tingle up their legs and boost their self-righteousness. Facts, reason, and decency don’t matter, of course.
Question: In what way does the progressive left’s attack on white males differ in essence from what the Nazis said about the Jews in the 1930s? (Asking for a friend. . .)
I noted that this tactic is just the patented white conservative victim card. It is also projection from a cult that actually emulates the Nazis, in calling Jews and their opposition commies and enemies of the people.
Deflection by patented White Nationalist “Victim Card”, Exhibit B: ..."trying to bully and shame the right half of the country into silence"
Victimhood and scapegoats are vital to fascists and authoritarians. Blame, accusations, resentments, and hate are to be directed at those not in their ideological bubble.
We've seen it all before. WE pay attention to the lessons of history. They can't even imagine why we understand them, or why they can't understand us.
Mr. Degan, all partisanship aside, I am curious what constitutes "obscene and insulting" comments, as per your directive, that would warrant your comment moderation to kick in, sir?
Jefferson's Guardian knows that Majormajor has cancer and yet seemingly is "hoping" for his death. That seems to be about as hateful as one can get.
"Your hatefulness, evilness and wickedness will follow you to your deathbed. As I've said, hope springs eternal." ~ J.G.
Such vile, disgusting, and abject hate frankly dilute any message that you or your other commenters might make, sir.
You need not feel compelled to post my comment, if you prefer. Or do, if you rather. I realize that the rancor and hate is reciprocated from all sides, but J.G. has shown the moral bankruptcy of his character too many times to count in ways that far exceed the norms of decency and other commenters here. That said, it is your blog to do with as you wish, but I figured I'd give you my two cents worth on the topic.
Cheers to you, Tom.
"It's easier to deflect and pick apart your ideological opponents when you nitpick in this manner and easier to hide under umbrella statements without having to critically analyze pesky details." ~~ TB3
Yes, that's certainly a large part of Timmy Trueblood's modus operandi and "free market exchange of ideas", isn't it?
"What would have to happen for Democrats to give up on trying to bully and shame the right half of the country into silence..." ~~ Timothy L. Trueblood
I can't speak for Democrats, but from my perspective the solution would be for you, your president, and the remaining 30% of his deplorable supporters to stop being racist xenophobic malcontents.
Answer: one happened and the other is a delusional fantasy.
Poor MR. Unknown.
He really had to ignore a lot of what his fellow “victim” has said. I have always denounced all unprovoked violence, yet MM smears me with his racist tinged hate:
And DD loves the racist NOI... Still in love with the NOI Dave?... How's your buddy Louis doing Dave? Celebrating the death of 11 Jews?...Two losers in a pod, still defending the NOI, cause it reflects THEIR true anti-Semitic and racist beliefs. ...Can the angry hate filled leftist denounce the Nation of Islam? Can they denounce the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up a ball practice? So far a white extreme leftist like Dave can not, but instead blames Conservative for causing the hate he so supports. This is the domestic terror that the left so supports in word and action. Not a very find person indeed.
All of this is in deflection from the wave of Right wing TERRORISM afflicting our country. This vile person insinuated my “buddy Louis” and I cheered the deaths of the Jews gunned down by a nut who believed the Far Right and Trump about “invaders”.
He can go to hell. It is interesting that Mr. Unknown sees nothing "obscene and insulting" in that sheer display of evil.
Human decency will be elevated as his ilk fades from our planet. We would all prefer them to become more enlightened but their anger, fear and hate keep them benighted, just as their leaders have intended all along.
Here is the Breitbart headline that fed into the Synagogue killer's Trump-inspired hate:
"Anti-Trump ‘Jewish Rally for Refugees’ Organizer Funded by Obama Government to Resettle Refugees"
Innocent Jews were massacred because of their lies and hate. So far Mr. Unknown is bothered more by the delicate victimhood of MM than the real hate and slaughter we abhor. .
As I see it, JG is doing what every Republican is doing. Hoping for the end of terrorists and their sympathizers who refuse to admit to the horror of Right Wing Terrorism.
I join JG in wishing their hate dies with them. Sadly it will not. Racists will continue to defend white privilege, suppress minority voters, tell lies and cast accusations and smears all day long, and make pretensions of “victimhood”.
One of them has been put in the White House. MM is emulating this hateful racist liar.
This is a cult of hate, following their leader who sets all of these low and vile behaviors as their standard.
If Mr. Unknown wants to defend decency, I would suggest he start looking there for the source of the problem.
"Jefferson's Guardian knows that Majormajor has cancer and yet seemingly is 'hoping' for his death." ~~ Unknown (aka T. Paine)
T. Paine, you're "seemingly" becoming as delusional as your buddy. Tell me, is it a prerequisite for membership in the alt-right cult? "Seemingly", it is. ;-)
What I was hoping, is that you'd look up the meaning of "hope springs eternal".
Third time's a charm!
Hey, while you're at it, look up "cry me a river".
"I have always denounced all unprovoked violence" So have I but you seem to forget that. That you find it impossible to denounce the racism of the NOI is what I find strange.
But the real point of you claim is the word "unprovoked". How do you define that word?
With heightened concerns about Anti-Semitism, why aren’t Dems and leftists doing more to condemn Farrakhan hate speech? It's like Obama being afraid to say radical Islam.
Could it be it has something to do with their voter base?
From T. Paine.
Dave, I do not think you support NOI or hate Jews. I think Majormajor is wrong and over the top in saying so. That said, the rhetoric has been ratcheted up so high on both sides that this is the inevitable result.
"Your hatefulness, evilness and wickedness will follow you to your deathbed. As I've said, hope springs eternal." ~ J.G. directed towards M.M.
In context with Majormajor's current health situation, how is a common sense reading of your words to be interpreted any other way, J.G.? Are you not "hoping" for the death of MM so that his "hatefulness and evilness" will die with him?
Frankly, I wonder how vile and disgusting one's words must be before they are moderated on this blog. Mr. Degan has a right to write or publish any comments he sees fit on his own blog, but his caveat states that comments that are "obscene and insulting to other commentators will not be accepted". I can only assume that the threshold for obscenity, let alone insults on all sides of the debate is incredibly high here.
But that really seems to be what you and Mr. Dubya want. You two were never interested in civil debate. I swear, if Majormajor were to walk away and never post another comment, you two would be bored to tears and have to search out someone new on the right to personally demonize.
“YOU’RE SUPPORTING NAZIS!” – Angry leftist pours drink on college Republicans for supporting DeSantis, Scott...is this provoked violence?
Oh snap!
The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.
The calls were made in late December and picked up as part of routine electronic surveillance of Russian officials. They did not reveal any illicit ties between Flynn and Russia, according to the Washington Post.
The review of the calls was part of a wider probe into Russia’s interference in the presidential election and hacking of the Democratic National Committee.
“Godwin’s law is the proposition that the longer an internet argument goes on, the higher the probability becomes that something or someone will be compared to Adolf Hitler.” — Dictionary.com
“Godwin’s law is the proposition that the longer an internet argument
goes on, the higher the probability becomes that something or someone
will be compared to Adolf Hitler.” — Dictionary.com
"Are you not 'hoping' for the death of MM so that his 'hatefulness and evilness' will die with him?" ~~ Unknown (aka T. Paine)
I needn't concern myself with Timothy Trueblood's death, Mr. Paine. It's an inevitability of his life on this earth. Yours, too, and mine.
What isn't determined is what he leaves behind. His negative energy can go either way. Thus, hope springs eternal...
I can tell you didn't care to research the meaning of the idiom. Why not?
Let go of your hate, Mr. Paine, and encourage the same of your little buddy. You'll find your life while in this form to be happier and less judgemental. Truly. You won't have to wait.
I agree with Mr. Paine that we need civil debate.
But when I am smeared, I retaliate. The hate from the Right has been ongoing for decades. From Limmbaugh to FOX(R) to Trump, all we get is blame, false accusations and smears. The Right delights in declaring how the "left hates America". There is no room for civil debate with those ideologues in that mentality.
Of course MM goes "over the top". He is emulating his Party Leader. Once again, Mr. Paine could acknowledge the indecency, rudeness and hate comes from the president on down. He pretends FOX, hate radio, and Breitbart don't exist, or are objective news.
Democrats and liberals are blamed for every evil.
Just look at their latest ad smearing "Democrats allowing the cop killer into the country". He was deported under Clinton, returned under Bush and released by Joe Apapaio's department. There is no evidence that any Democrat — or anyone, for that matter — allowed Bracamontes to stay.
And they claim to want civil debate???? Right, as they stab us in the back.
It's only a problem when we fight back, isn't it? We are called traitors and enemies of the people for criticizing the Leader. Who else did that?
Mike (Godwin's Law) Godwin is director of innovation policy and general counsel of R Street Institute.
Sure, call Trump a Nazi. Just make sure you know what you’re talking about.
First, let me get this Donald Trump issue out of the way: If you’re thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician.
Trump was the one who called Nazis "very fine people".
This is how conservatism turned into con-servatism, and has morphed into fascism.
Fascists, authoritarians, and white nationalists do not want civil debate. They want to "own the libs".
Dave when are you going to be honest and give the complete Trump quote?
Here it is in case you have never seen it. From TIME.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that anti-racism protesters who he called the “alt-left” bear some of the blame for the violent rallies in Charlottesville, Va., returning to his original comments that “many sides” were responsible for the deadly clashes in which a man believed to be a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of anti-racism protesters.
“What about the alt-left that came charging at the — as you say — the alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt?” Trump said Tuesday afternoon during a press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower.
“You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent,” he said, adding that “there’s blame on both sides.”
Politicians of all parties criticized Trump’s initial statement on Saturday’s violence, in which he also blamed both sides — white supremacists, including some with Nazi flags, as well as anti-racism protesters. On Monday, Trump condemned the violent attack on a crowd of counter protesters that killed a 32-year-old woman and injured 19 others, saying “racism is evil.” But with his Tuesday press conference, ostensibly about infrastructure, Trump returned to his widely panned “both sides” approach.
“You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides,” Trump said Tuesday. “You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of — to them — a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
Question is when will Dave stop telling half half truths? From hi past history, never.
If the Dems take back control of House, does anyone know what their plan is to improve the Trump economy and solve the border and immigration issues we have?
Or is it back to Godwin's Law?
Thank you. There it is. Trump saying there were very fine people with the Nazis and white supremacists. His "Bothsiderism" was clearly slanted.
“You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides,” Trump said Tuesday. “You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of — to them — a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
Trump was defending the side of the killer, not the ones protesting them. He even showed which side he was on. He justified racist confederate statue lovers but NOT the ones protesting Nazis. Racists will be racists.
And racists will defend other racists, amirite, MM?
"Clearly slanted" LOL.
If the Dems take back control of House, does anyone know what their plan is to improve the Trump economy and solve the border and immigration issues we have?
Obama is saying Dems need to vote so they can stop what Trump is doing.
Then, he takes credit for what Trump is doing.
"If the Dems take back control of House, does anyone know what their plan is to improve the Trump economy and solve the border and immigration issues we have?" ~~ Majormajor (otherwise known to the world as Timothy L. Trueblood)
Do you mean the improving economy that Trump inherited?
By the way, if the ecomomy's so great, why didn't he make it his major policy point during all his campaign rallies? Guess he didn't want to give credit where credit is due, huh?
What border and immigration "issues"?
Oh, and also, in case you didn't understand...the reason for the Trump backlash is his incessant fear-mongering and hate -- which he continued to display through all his rallies. People don't want their leader to be a racist. Well, unless they're racists.
But, you already knew this, huh Timmy?
One more thing...why didn't you meet me in DFW? Was it a "courage thing"?
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